piaxtsxotjth semi-weeiy JOTrwjAi ESSE Ji ll El 3 HI a. .'9 I: Jr.- I -9 li 'A It ?1 Vi leafs end Snesry Spinalis! We are giving you some special values in this 7-Day August Clearance. In addition to regular list of bargains we will feature one big special each day. Honey, per comb. 3 Minute oats, plq J. M. coffee, lb Good 4-tie broom . . Navy Leans, 3 lbs. . . .15c .10c .45c .45c .25c Coronado peaches, can. . 25c Pure fruit jelly, 1-lb. glass. . .20c Spic and Span cleanser 5c Fruit jar rubbers, 3 doz 25c Eddy baking powder, 10-oz. . .10c ROAST BEEF 15c PLATE BOIL 10c 20c can grape fruit 15c Sardines, 2 cans for 15c Sweet potatoes, can 25c Lima beans, per can 15c Goody Goody pears, 1-lb. can. 20c Lotus apricots, No. 3 can 25c Eddy's mustard, glass 10c 35c spiced pickled onions 25c Portola cardines, oval cans. . .15c Pickled pigs feet, lb 20c Watch our ads during week of sale for big special the succeeding day. They'll all be good ones. S3 The Ferndell Store The Best Place to Trade After All Plattsmouth, Nebr. For Bargain Week In Our Cleaning Dept. Ladies' Plain Silk Dresses $1.75 Rugs, per square foot .04 Special Prices on Gents' Tailor Suits There are certain things you expect to find in all good clothes fine woolens, good style and fit, careful workmanship, long wear, and ordinarily you must pay a high price to get them, but for the seven days of bargains in Plattsmouth you will get all these satisfying features at the two special prices 324.50 and $29.50 It will Pay Yon to Contract for Your Winter or Fall Suit Now -FRSD LUGSCHj The Dry Gloaner , andy Tailor- him m r III I J - " - .--m...- - - . - . tys, i.,-,!,. Z. t4 4 J L 7 e August 15th to 22nd, Inclusive The items in a store of this kind are so numerous that we cannot enumerate all the bargains that we will offer in this sale, and while we know you are coming to Plattsmouth during this big sale, we do not want you to forget the big gift store on the corner, where you always buy at a right price, but a gret deal cheaper during the seven days of this Community Clearance. School Supplies? It will only be a few weeks until you will need school supplies and we would suggest that you take advantage of this opportunity to look over our line and buy your needs for the winter. During this seven day sale we will offer a few hundred reams (500 sheets to ream) of History C Note Paper at, per ream OiJC Lunch Baskets and Dinner Pails for the children. A most complete stock going at popular prices 25c and 35c One lot of Pencil Tablets that are a real bargain. Dur ing this August Clearance we will clean QC them up at, per dozen 00 C Eock Straps, Book Bags. Dictionaries and Atlases. Also Fountain Pens and Pencils. Everything a student needs. 50 boxes of high grade Hy-Tone Stationery at 75c per box 36 sheets of paper, 24 envelopes and cne tablet in each box. A genuine bargain. Fancy Baskets, Work Baskets and Fancy Shoppers at One-Half Price These sold at from 50c to $2.00 Come and take your pick at just 50 per cent off. Japanese Parasols a complete clean-up and close-out at. .One-Half Price Formerly sold at 75c to $2.00 now going during August Clearance for one-half off. Fancy Beaded Hand Bags and Satin Hand Bags at One-Half Price From our regular line that sold from $3.00 to $12.00 each. Come, take your pick. mm VJtra H y V IJOOC Ppff 11111 School Supply Headquarters Corner Fifth and Main Streets -Jy.'Vfsi ,yi w vV--'' a "4,-.,.r -v.Psvw'- 'Tr ar ,Trit ,--,---w. .J T- Am,..: r, l-J . ,..--. - r -d . ,..-T-.--....C. I.' r- -.w-- l-i. V-.L.AIA. .7 -- . 1 ; fei spasiol I K f 39c This is a genuine Clearance Sale of many items in our Dry Goods Department. Summer Dress Goods All silk stripe tissue ginghams, suitable lor ladies aresses and girls school dresses, values to 5c per yard. Clear ance price, per yard Curtain Goods All curtain goods cf less than 7 years to the piece, regular 40, 50 and 75c values, is one lot in this Clearance OQ sale at, per yard OC 27-inch Ginghams All ginghams and cheviots in stock, regu lar price 25c yard. In one 1 let in this Clearance sale, yard XOC Special on Voiles All light colored voile, used for all kinds of lingerie, regular 40 to 50c Qfl quality. Clearance price, yard OUC Taffeta Silk 33-inch best quality taffeta silks. Black, brown and navy. Eegular $2.50 and $2.75 quality. Clearance sale 1 price, per yard V Nemo Corsets Balance of our stock of this popular heavy corset (3 size 23; 1 size 24; 2 size 26; 6 size 27; 2 size 32) values to Aj ?7.00. Sale price, per pair Dry Goods Values 36-inch heavy outing flannel, either lights or darks. All new fall goods. r Special price! per yard )C 36-inch silkaline and cretonne, finest qual ity for drapes and comforts. r New patterns, per yard &DC New Prints and Broadcloths Fine new patterns in the wanted colors r at, per yard OUC Children's Hose Special for school. Child ren's good medium weight fine OP rib. All sizes. Per pair Z)C Ladies' Fibre Hose Good quality. Colors uiain., cn&mpagne, .French, nude and gray. Per pair Fancy Ribbons Plaids and flowered pat terns. 4 to 6 inches wide. i r Good quality silks at, per yard-. 1"C 50c Phones 64-65 Q 25c Counter Here you will find many items of interest to most people. Odd lots from our Dry Goods department, such as underwear, pet ticoats, suspenders, middies, stamped goods, hosiery, fancy half socks and many other items. Each utOC Miscellaneous Staples QUART OLIVES Full quart ARn jars finest quality Queen olives frOC BREAKFAST FOOD Shredded Wheat, Post Toasties or Kellogg's Of- Corn Flakes, 2 for CtDC FRUIT JAR TOPS Mason OKn Boyd caps, porcelain lined, dozen mwC PORK AND BEANS Van Camp Of brand, with tomato sauce, 2 for AOC JERSEY CORN FLAKES A large triple sealed package of fresh corn 1fl flakes: Special price, each 1UC TOILET SOAPS Palm Olive, Creme Oil. Ivory and Hard. Water Castile )Kn soaps, 3 bars for 1 Ld C rxnn nr)n UAil!a 6th and Main Drastic Eeductions during this sale in our Grocery as well as Dry Good stocks. Soap Powder Eoyal Lemon brand in the large 5-lb. packages. This powder cleans everything better than soap kitchen, laundry, bath room without harming the hands. No use having from 2 to 6 kinds of soap and powder on hand when one will do it all and the price is as cheap or cheaper than any of them. Per 5-lb. box, 7Cr during August Clearance sale f tJC Fruit Nectar The original pure food fruit nectar made by Brechet and Eichter of Minneapolis. Makes a delightful summer drink. Also used for flavoring puttings, sauces and ice cream. Flavors wild cherry, logan berry and grape. Price per r 4-oz. bottle Dri-Pak Prunes Del Monte brand. These are the finest quality of Santa Clara prunes. These prunes are not the ordinary kind but are thoroughly cooked and packed dry in the can without syrup. Special price, per 5-lb. tin cJC ay Friday, Aug. 21 Eline's best F cocoa, i-lb. can XOC Saturday, Aug. 22 Skinner's macaroni or spaghetti 3 OC. pkgs. for JC Saturday, Aug. 15 Old Dutch Clean- i j ser, 2 cans X3C Monday, Aug. 17 Iv'y Soap. Flakes jr 3 pkgs. for ZuC Tuesday, Aug. 18 Crisco in 1, li and 3-lb. cans, lb.. uC Wednesday, Aug. 19 Toilet Paper 10c g 7-oz. rolls, each DC Thursday, Aug. 20 Full pound can jr Calumet bak. pwd. DC A