The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 13, 1925, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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In the District Court of Cass coun
Che plattsmouth lournal
Etard at Postofflce. Portsmouth. Neb- u aecoad-claaa mall matter
R . A. BATES, Publish
Why beholdest thou the mote that
is in thy brother's eye, but consid
erest not the beam tliat is in thine
own eye? Matthew 7:3.
-: o : -
Some nun are like pills, little and
Also, if golf is played for exorcise,
whv the caddies'
The man who goes "hop wild" sel
dom brines home the bacon.
Too many figure that money saved
by net buying gasoline is wasted.
: o :
That five cents means happiness to
a child as long a? the cone lasts.
The advance showing of Novem
ber weather seem a bit premature.
: o :
Consult your conscience and you
may not have to consult your law
yer. :c:
The trouble seems to be. that we
can't separate the bad from the
All's fair in love and war. "Women
used enough rouge last year to paint
our navy.
Wonder if the stories of unprece
dented prosperity in France are Ger
man propaganda.
Railroads still grumbling for high
er rates and we suppose they will
get what they want.
The world's population is estimat
ed at almost two billion, none of
which is exactly satisfied.
The etiquette book says you
eat chiCken with your fingers,
say you may need a hatchet.
That "Cinderella" blowout in New
York is a fraud of the first water,
and should be so considered.
Things hardly ever begin coming j
our way until we've spent a good : The prospect of a 400-miIlion-dol-deal
of time going after them. lar tax by the next congress almost
:o: .offsets the general regret that con-
The women are talking about . crpsa s, coiner to meet asrain.
painting their knees on the theory
that saving the surface saves all
Experience doesn't amount tOjvio-w- thir past lives, but others -w-on-much
as a teacher if one spends alljder if thejr accident policies are any
his time studying the same lesson. (good.
:o: :0:
We trust Russell Scott is sane A Gorman scientist now claims to
enough to realize that any time he jiaTe antedated the English discoverv
is observed being sane he is to
Speeches at public dinners in Ja
pan are made before the dinner com
mences. Now we know what is meant
bv the wsie men of the East.
Three Missouri towns will be run
entirely by women the coming year,
in which they will not differ in any
way from all other Missouri towns.
A wreath of red roses was placed
In the ' grave of William Jennings
Bryan by Ohio Klansmen, Saturday.
The ceremony was carried out in si
lence. -:o:
We presume that Eig Business, if
ealled upon to enforce the dry laws,
will seek to obtain efficiency dv in
sisting on prohibition for the prohi
bition agent.
The representative of the Forty
first New York district in congress
is attending economic classes at Cor-
nell this summer. Too bad now the
rest of the congressmen won't know
what he's talking about.
: o :
After hammering a man almost to
death New York robbers discovered
they were on the wrong floor, and
their victim was not the man they
were looking for. Such social errors
should be strongly reproved.
When the shipping board sells ves
sels that cost $ 100,000,000 for
70C000. it may be doing the best
thing possible in a bad situation, but
it strikes a blow at romance and
pricks the bubble of a war-time
Judge Gary and his associates are
working against themselves. Their
activities as ardent prohibitionists
arj the chief cause of the crime wave
they are trying to check. The pub
lic will be interested to observe what
form of Gary activity crime promo-
tion or crime prevention will show.ance is proof positive of the "live-
the greater sain.
e r
Another Texas town flooded out of
"Wonder if the prohibition jokes
will ever dry up.
The way to find out if a man is a
prospect is: Tackle him.
They have made the Atlantic ocean
.so dry even a rum ship burned.
Paris styles are being American
ized. They have shot up in price.
Breakfast bacon is good. Eut it
always looks as if it needed ironing.
What has become of the old fash
ioned girl who wanted a church wed
ding? :o:-
The maiden sighs for a man, while
the widow just takes any size she
The smart things we might have
said but didn't, have saved us many
a friend.
If the world really is as old
jthey say, then it certainly is small
Ifor its age.
I -n-
We would like to see this bobbed
'hair craze extended to include the
llong haired men.
Hope fades of avoiding n:iro strike.
By a few words from President Cool
idge it can be averted.
If you packed a million trunks for
a trip your wife would cram some
thing else in your pockets.
The Roosevelt beys have gone to
j Turkestan but young La Toilette
still battles at Armageddon.
In Milwaukee, a woman hit a man
with a bottle, but maybe she will
say he looked like an umpire.
"Ther's to be a shakeup in prohi
bition enforcement circles, but with
'cars half paid fer." Abe Martin.
During the instant a motor car is
turning over, some people may re-
of the cancer germ by two years,
i Seems like the good old day3 cf Ccok
land Peary.
The Anti-Saloon League candidate
for the democratic nomination for
governor of Virginia has been beat-
jen by 40,000. What do you make of
(that, Watson?
Coolidge hopes for settlement of
mine quarrel. 13 that all? If a strike
is detrimental to the country, why
don't he say emphatically that .it
shall not occur.
Let anyone who doubts the value
of advertising consider the movies.
"Nothing else has ever been adver-
;tispd as they have bet,nf and notfcinp
bag eyer hayp paia
If the persons who designed the
extreme Oxford trousers in vog-.-e'
this year were slightly demented, : .s
is so often remarked, what is tie
mental state of those who wear 'ei
Boys believe that if a snake gets a
good look at a boj it can charni hi .:,
and also if a turtle gets hold of a
boy's toe while he is in swimming, t
won't let go until there is thund r.
The Poles are evicting the Ger
mans and the Germans are evicting
the Poles, and the "news interna
tionalism" of the League of Nations
seems to be about what the old was.
The time has arrived when there
should be a curb put on foreign emi
gration. When one corces to this
country', to make his home, he should
become Americanized right away, or
stay out.
Prohibition enforcement will be
successful when prohibition news
ceases to appear on the first page.
After five years scarcely a day passes
when the failure to enforce the dry
law is not reflected by the presence
of first page stories. Such appear-
ncss" of the subject.
We all set older. We do not like,
but, somehow or other, it seems that
we cannot do anything about it. The
clerk of time ticks off the seconds,
minutes, hours, weeks, months and
years with the most stubborn regu
larity. And we all have to toddle
along and make the best of it.
Make the best of it! Yes, that
is all that is left to us. Age creeps
.over us. Our faculties become dim
mer. We cling tenaciously to the
joys and habits of youth as long as
we can. But, gradually, our grasp
becomes feebler.
Why worry about it? Why be un
happy over it? Why make the slight
est fuss over our own personal expe
rience of all the children of men?
Why not be cheerful about it? If
you are sincerely religious, you ought
to be glad to grow old. Because the
sooner you "shuffle off this mortal
soil." the sooner you enter upon eter
nal happiness.
But even if you are not religious,
why worry because you are growing
older or fatter or balder or feebler?
Why not make the best of it?
Which brings up the question:
What is "the best" of it?
Is it not wise to make an effort to
become interested in matters which
are not affected by the flight of
time? As long as you know that
you are growing older and that the
time will come when you will be
quite "elderly," is it not highly in
telligent to reconcile yourself to t he
thought and prepare yourself, as best
you can, to get enjoyment out of ad
vancing age?
There is no kill-joy philosophy in
volved in this thought. It is merely
a matter of ordinary intelligence. Of
course, the average person does not
possess ordinary intelligence. Th
a vera ere person is a hopeless "hick."
This is takinrr it for granted that
you are above the average.
A boy can play baseball and get a
lot of fun cut of it. All he needs, to
show that he is intelligent, is to
realize that he cannot play baseball
all his life. This same test applies
to dancing, to flirting, to traveling,
to athletics, to overeating and te all
other amusements and habits that
are the best object of life to ro many
people. If you cultivate the habit of
thinking you will find that it im
proves with age. If you train your
self interested in good books you
will find your pleasure in them con
stantly increasing. If you become
interested in learning, it may become
a hobby when you're S5.
If one-half the time that is wast
ed gadding about and in the pacer
search for amusement and di.-si:u-tion
and frivolity of our younger
years were devoted to building up a
happy home, to reading decent liter
ature and to storing the mind with
knowledge, old age would not worry
us so much.
In fact, we might even look for
ward to it with a certain amount of
Did not have the right of way.
Exceeding the speed limit.
Failed to signal.
Motorist intoxicated.
Backing and cutting in.
Walking, running or playing in
the street.
Crossing not at intersections.
Crossing at intersections, no siv
Here are listed the principal causes
of motor vehicle accidents. Five are
to be checked up to the motorist r-nd
the others to pedestrians. Ti e list",
with only slight variations, is a com
mon feature of monthly reports to
the National Safety Council. The
list is not long. It indicates that the
causes of accidents like offending
motorists, are comparatively few.
There is nothing impossible in the
task of reducing motor vehicle fatal
ities and traffic accidents of all kinds.
Continued education, the simplifying
of traffic regulations, an increased
use of safety devices, more caution
on the part of pedestrians and espe
cially more teaching of children
witli regard to the use cf streets, will
bring desired results. It is an un
dertaking that demands the atten
tion of every individual. The motor
vehicle can be made safe.
We are justly proud of the fact
that almoFt all of our national he
roes were men who started "at the
bottom;" who attained fame from a
lowly beginning.
This is comforting to the young
man starting out on his own. But
let him remember this: Our great
men did not play around for four or
five years before starting to work.
They began early and kept eternally
at it.
There is no other way.
Moonlit nights are beautiful, but
people passing in other autos can see
who you are.
wlry-h yig&ri
Triple-ply joinfl unite tbr. sectta?)? of i ts aide wail
forming atiu.-ci hoop arorjn J the bin at every joiti.
Bcttom boiu into U-Soitgeof siu wall Square boi
joint anir roof eectiona. fci-m-dy built to last.
In fact the l; J 1 fcin id of the Banie cuan ara
eonstT-uetion &s tne f y trmu Columbian Style 'A,
I: in of which more than oC.iX'O hvr ucon told. All
pttlvacii' ei. i:ttf.uKe bottom t ie Bide vails. i;Lnf
r.wjf. Gaivnmzf d roof is coai d v-itii metal preserva
tive paint, iintcc-on enderintense beat.
Attne djltvf;red price below, yoc pt-tRro. rat and
etUitir proof jrriLin Btorac 25 "v. Iefs thar iaat yenr.
Ki.y now thret h ripht Red 1 &lr. Store
tu: crop ripht it's fcoincr to be wj:tti mere mcney.
500 B'J.
S ft 7 in. s S It. 2 In.
13 11.6 In. xS It 2 in.
Colombian iecl Tank C?cipeny
S40I-11 Vt". iztii St., Ilitusaa CiiMOi
l,e i a j-rtn sac z.y
Cedar Creek, ITebr.
The buying public is in need of
more specific education in the mean
ing and use of credit and in tin
prompt observance ef the terms on
which ere. lit is secured. Especially
is this true of the class of credit rep
resented in charge accounts in retail
establishments. Less than 59 per
cent, settle these accounts in the 30
days allowed, not because they are
dishonest, but b-cause they have not
informed themselves on their obliga
tions in the matter.
The merchants also art' at fault.
In the stress of modern competition
they have become lax in insisting up
on a close observation of the terms
on which charge accounts are open
ed. This tends to lead otherwise
prompt paying customers into bad
habits, expensive to merchants and
customers alike.
Retail credit men are giving this
question serious consideration in the
hope cf arriving at some plan by
which, the public may be brought to
a realization of the seriousness of
the question.
This is a commendable nay. a
necessary move. The proper use of
credit is the backbone of modern bus
iness. A backbone, to be of value,
must be ripid.
Two more attempts to swim the
English channel have- failed, and it
besr'ns to look as if Napoleon's ref
erence to it as a diteb was just an
other of imperial brevities.
Ore more month and school will
take the kids off the streets. Speed
the day. ;
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of t he estate of Hen
ry S. T'rery, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Yen are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on Sep
tember S, 1P25. .nd December 8,
191:5. at 10 o'clock a. m., each day.
to receive and examine all claims
asrainst said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation
of claims against said estate is three
months from the Sth day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1S25, and the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from
said Sth day of September, 192"..
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county court, this 4th day of
August, 12 2o.
County Judge.
j In the District Court of Cass coun
:ty. Nebraska.
' Samuel Gullion. Tlaintiff, vs. Ger
trude Chandler et al. Defendants.
! Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 21st day of February,
lf)2."". and an order of sale entered
by said Court on the 21st day of
February, 1125, the undersigned sole
referee will, on the 5th day of Sep
tember, 1925, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.,
at the north front door of the First
National Bank of the Village of
j Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska,
'sell at public auction to the highest
I bidder for cash, that is to say, ten
per cent on the day of sale and bal
'anee when said sale shall be con
I firmed by the Court, the following
I described real estate, to-wit:
The west ninety (90) acres
of the northeast quarter (NE4 )
of Section thirty-four (34), in
Township twelve (12), North
Range nine (9), east of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebras
ka. Said sale will be held open for one
hour. An abstract showing market
able title will be furnished.
Dated this 24th day of July, A.
D. 1925.
Sole Referee.
j27-6w Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ken
ny Goodman, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ycu are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in" said county, on Au
gust 29th, 1925, and November 30th,
1925, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 29th day of August.
A. D., 1925, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 2 9th day of August, 1925.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 29th day of
July, 1925.
(Seal) j30-4w County Judge.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
" Joseph F. Tubbs, Plaintiff, vs. Un
ion Trust Company of New York, as
Trustee, et al.. Defendants.
To the defendants Union Trust
Comppny of New York, as Trustee,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in and to Lots Twelve
4lh), Thirteen (13), and Fourteen
(14), in Long's First Addition to the
Village of Mynard, and Lot Nino
(9), in Ida A. Long's First Addition
to the Village of Mynard, all in the
County of Cass. Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Joseph F. Tubbs, as
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, cm
tlve 4th day of August. 1925. the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lots Twelve (12),
Thirteen (13). and Fourteen (14),
in Long's First Addition to the Vil
lage of Mynard. and Lot Nine (9),
in Ida A. Long's First Addition to
the Village of Mynard. all in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you; to have de
creed paid and released a mortgage
given to Union Trust Company of
New York as Trustees, December IS.
1S73, and recorded in Book F of the
mortgage records cf said county at
page 241. and for such other and
further relief as may be just and
You and each of you are further
ontified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 21st day of September. 1925.
or the allegations of plaintiff's peti
tion will be taken as true and a de
cree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each of
you according to the prayer of said
Dated this 4th day of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Paul Applgate, Plaintiff, vs. Ida
Applegate. Joy Applegate, James Ap
plegate. Mrs. James Applegate, first
real name unknown. Delia Anderson
and Louis Anderson. Palmer Apple
gate. and Mary Applegate, Eugene
Applegate and Mrs. Eugene Apple
gate, first real name unknown, Jes
sie Potter, and Eugene Potter. Lou
ise Dickson, a minor under the age
of fourteen years, Marion Dickson,
and James Franz. Ruth Applegate,
Isaac Newton Applegate. Edna Lau
rene Applegate, Grace E. Deles Der
nier, Norman C. Deles Dernier, and
Grace E. Deles Dernier, guardian,
Hannah E. Applegate. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the dis
trict court of the County of
Cass. Nebraska, entered in
in the above entitled cause on the
5th day of August. 1925, and an or
der of sale entered by said court on
the Sth day of August, 1925, the un
dersigned sole referee, will on the
14th "day of September, 1925, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the south front door
of the Court House in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
The west half (W) of the
northwest quarter (NWU) and
all of the southwest quarter
(SWU) of Section Twenty
seven (27), and all of the
southwest quarter (SWU) of
Section Twenty-two (22), all in
Township Ten (10). Range
Thirteen (13), -east of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass,
Said land will be offered for sale
either in whole or in part or parcels
and either for 10 cash of the
amount of the bid to be payable at
the time of said sale, and the bal
ance upon confirmation with posses
sion to the purchaser, and purchaser
to receive the rents for said prem
ises, or for 10 cash of the amount
of the bid to be payable at the time
of said sale and balance upon March
1. 192G, with posession to purchaser
March 1, 1926, and with right for
purchaser to go upon said premises
and plant fall crops; said sale will
be held open one hour. Abstracts of
title to said land will be furnished
the purchaser.
Dated this 10th day of August,
Sole Referee.
Attorney For Plaintiff.
A Georgia educator says that bad
teeth and profanity go together, and
that any woman who has a swearing
husband should send him to the den
tist. Maybe so but some of the
best cussing we've ever heard was
done by old codgers with no teeth at
ty, Nebraska.
Grace E. Dei.sDernier, formerly)
Grace K. Applegate. riaintin, vs.
Joy R. Applegate, Defendant.
To Joy R. Applegate. defendant:
You are hereby notified that cm the
4th day of August, A. I). 1925, th
plaintiff in ithe foregoing entitled
action filed her supplemental peti
tion in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, wherein you are
made defendant, for the purpose of
modifying the decree for alimony
heretofore entered on the 1st day of
July, A. D. 1924, in an action pend
ing in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, wherein Grace E.
Applegate was plaintiff and Joy R.
Applegate was defendant, so that all
your right, title and interest in and
to the Southwest Quarter, the West
Half of I he Northwest Quarter of
Section Twenty-seven (27), and the
Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-two
(22) nil in Township Ten
(10) North, Range Thirteen (13).
East of the
ian in Cass
he awarded
Sixth Principal Merid
county. Nebraska, may
to plaintiff as alimony
for the support
children, viz.:
of herself and minor
Ruth Apple gat". Is-
acc Newton Applegate. and Edna
Laurene 'Applegate . or all your in
terest in the proceeds of the sale of
said land, to be sold at reft-ree's sale.
Y"ou are required to answer said
supplemental petition on or before
Monday, the 2 1st day of September,
A. D. 1925, or your default will be
entered in said cause and decree
granted and entered as prayed for in
said supplemental petition.
Formerl v
In the District Court
tv of Cass, Nebraska.
Frank E. Vallery,
Charles Hendrie et al..
of the Coun-
Plaintiff, vs.
To the defendant;
rie, Francis Ewing
Charles Hend
Willie Laing.
Robert D.
Robert D.
Laing, Frankie I). Dailey,
Flood, Lizzie Chambe rlain,
first real name unknown;
:L. Brom.
the heirs, devisees, legatees, person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in th-e estates of
Charles Hendrie. Francis Ewing.
Willie Laing. Robert 1). Laing,
Frankie I). Dailey, Robert D. Flood.
j Lizzie Chambe rlain. L. Broni. first
real name unknown. Robert 1
(Douglas, William D. Merriam, Mrs.
William D. Merriam, first real name
unknown, Seldon N. Merriam. Lydia
Merriam. each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to Lot
Six (C), in Block Fifty -six (;o), in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, real names unknown.
Y'ou and each of you are hereby
notified that Frank E. allery as (
plaintiff, filed a petition and com-
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 4th dav of August. 1925, the cb -
ject. purpose and prayer ri winch is
to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to Lot six ( 6 ) in Block Fifty
six (56), in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, as against
you and each of you; to have decreed,
paid and released, a mortgage given
to Charles Hendrie on said property.
dated June 25. 1S60. and recorded in
Book A of the mortgage records of
said county at page 52 3, and to have
released liens by reason of tax sales
and tax deeds to L. Brom, W. D.
Merriam and S. N. Merriam, and for
such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable.
Y'ou and each of you are further
notified that ybu are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 21st day of September.
1925, or the allegations of plaintiff's
petition will be taken as true and a
decree will be rendered in favor
of plaintiff and against you and each
of you, according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 4th day of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska.
In the matter of the application
of W. G. Boedeker, Administrator of
the estate of William S. Schwab, de
ceased, for license to sell real estate.
To all persons interested:
Notice is hereby given that pur-.
suant to license given by the Dis
trVc ourt c i Cass ount NVba.
to the undersigned administrator of
the estate of William S. Schwab, de -
, . , . ., tt
etciseu, triiieieu ill &aiu e u u i l uh tut:i
18th day of July, 1925, the under
signed will sell at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described real estate belonging
to the estate of William S. Schwab,
deceased, to-wit:
The northwestquarter of Sec
tion 33, Township 11, Range
14. east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county, Nebraska, subject
to the indebtedness thereon;
Also Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, in
Block 2; Lots 1 to 7. inclusive,
and Lot 12 in Block 3; Lots 1
to 12, inclusive, in Block 4. and
Lots 1 to 12. inclusive, in Block
5, all in O'Neill's Audition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, subject to the
mortgages thereon.
Said sale will be held at the south
door of the Cass county court house,
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, in the county in
which said lands are located, at 10
o'clock a. m., on the 25th day of
August, 1925. Said sale will remain
'open one hour.
Dated this 18th day of July, A.
D. 1925.
w n RnEnETCrrt
Administrator of the Estate of
William S. Schwab, Deceased.
Attorney. a2-3w
Phone us the news!
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Joseph D. Cox. plaintiff, vs. the
lunknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
(personal representatives, or other
(persons interested in the c?tate of
Joseph Mof.ett. deceased, and ail oth
1 cr persons having or claimint any
interest in the South Half (S1 of
: t lie Northwest Quarter (NV4 i and
'the Northwest Quarter iNW ) of
'the Northwest Quarter (NV t of
Section Seventeen
(Ten (10). North
( 1 . ). Tow u-hip
Range Fouriceti
Cth p. m., CasH
real names un-
(14), east of the
county. Nehraska,
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 31st d: y of
ljuly, 1925. the plaintiff filed hi.; pe
tition in the District Court of Csi
county. Nebraska, against you as de-;f'-ndants,
the object and pr.i-r of
i whic h is to obtain a de cree of said
'court quieting and confirming in the
; plaintiff his fee simple title in and
i t o the above described re al estate
and eery part thereof and exclud
ing you and e ach of you from having
or claiming any ripht. title t . in
terest in, or lien upon said real
You and each of you are hereby
required to answer or p'ead t said
pititi.ii: e ; ii or before Monday the
14ih day of September. 1925. or the
aiUgitinns of s.iiel petition will be
taken a? true and decree entered ac
cordinglv. JOSEPH D. COX.
Ev Plaint iff.
a3-4w-sv His Attorney.
Sealed bitls will be received at the
office of the County Clerk of Cas
county, in the Court House nt Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on August 14th.
1925. until 11 o'clock a. m.. and at
hat time mihliclv onem-d and rend
ifor gravel surfacing and crushed
jStone surfacing on the Louisville
j Precinct Improveme nt Bond Projec t
tin Louisville precinct, Cass county.
The propose d work consists of con
Istru' ting 11.35 miles of surfac ing on
. i earth roads.
The aprnximate quantities arc-:
!M.ou() square yards gravel
surfacing. 3 inches deep.
52. (toy square yards cru-hed
stone surfacing, 3 inches deep.
Alternate 52,000 square yards
gravel surfacing. 3 inches deep.
Alternate 90,000 square yards
crushed stone surfacing, 3 inches
Certified check for five p r cent
SI ) of the amount of the bid will
j be required
This work must be started previous
to August 25. 1925. and be comple ted
by October 31, 1925.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
j secured at the office of Jlie County
! Clerk, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
j The County reserves the right to
lwaive all technicalities and re ject
any or an nias.
Co. Clerk Cass County,
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cuss, Nebraska.
Celiccia Hiatt, Plaintiff, Ruben
Kearns et al., Defendants.
To the defendants. Ruben Kearns,
Qjrg Ruben
Kearns, first real name
unknown, John Carrol!, the heira,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estates of Ruben Kearns,
Mrs. Ruben Kearns, first rtal name
unknown, John Carroll, tacli de
ceased, real names unknown; and all
persons haing or claiming any in
terest in and to the north half
(XU ) of the northeast quarte r
(N'E'4 ) and the southeast quarter
(SEJi) of the northeast quarter
(NEl4 ) of Section twenty-nine (29),
in Township eleven (11). north.
Range fourteen (14), east of the (ith
P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska, real names unknown.
Y'ou and each of you are hereby
notified that Celiccia Hiatt as plain
tiff filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 4th
clay of August, 1925, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain a decree of court quieting
title to the north half (N'i) of
t he
northeast quarter (Ni: ) and
southeast quarter (SKU ) of
northeast quarter (NE4) of Section
twenty-nine (29), in Township
.eleven (11), north. Range fourteen
! the Cth P. M in t he
, County of ass Ne braska us against
I J" a"d ?h ' tf 'h 'n A rn con
that the deed to Ruben Kearns con-
veying the northwest quarter
(NWJ4) of the northeast quarter
(NE'4) of said Section twenty-nine
(29). and recorded in Book II of
the deed records of said county ut
pages 201 and 202, be corrected to
show Rebecca Kearnes, one of the
plaintiff's grantors, as grantee there
in, and to have decreed, paid and re
leased, a mortgage given to John
Carrell conveying the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of
said section 29. and recorded in
Book G at page 401 of the- deed rec
ords of said county, and for mch
other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
Y'ou and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or be fore Mon
day, the 21st day of September,
1925, or the alegations of plaintiff's
petition will be taken as true, and a
decree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each
of you, according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 4th day of August,
Attorney For Plaintiff.
The man on foot often overtakes
happine.'s, where the man who pur
sues it at Ligli ppeed passes it y.