u 1 Y PAOS TWO Nehawka Department! Prepared ia the Interests of the People of. Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. A. O. Murdock shelled and deliver ed corn last Tuesday to the Nehawka elevator. Warren Munn shelled corn last Tuesday for Henry M. Pollard, which the latter delivered at the Farmers' elevator. Oorge Meisingcr and son. llarley. of I'lattsmouth. were Sunday visitors at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Minnear. Peter Jurgeson was a visitor in Ne hawka last Monday morning, driving over from his home at Avoca to look after some business matters. F. M. Lemon and the good wife were visiting in Auburn last Sun day, they driving"down in their ear for a visit with their friends. Ciiri-i Murray and family of near Weeping Water, were visiting at Xe liawka and also at the Old Settlers reunion at Union last Saturday. A letter from Wayside, from Mrs. T. i:. Fulton, tells of good erops there and every thing prospering. Mrs. Fulton will expect to be home with in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingwerson of Pawnee City, have' been visiting at the brother of Mr. Ingwerson. H. II. Ingwerson and family, here for the past few days. On Tuesday of this week, while pounding iron at the blacksmith shop. Thomas K. Fulton celebrated his Cluli birthday aniversary. he having teen born August 11th, 1S56. Louis Piybon and wife were visit ing with friends and also looking sifter some business matters in PI itts-j mouth last Monday, driving over to the county seat iu their auto. The ball game, which was played last Sunday, between the team of Nehawka and that of Otoe, resulted in a victory for the home team, they winning by the score of 15 to 4. Aia DoJson has been brightening things up at the home by giving the garage and other buildings a coat of v-ry bright red paint which has greatly :idded to their appearances. William Jourgeson and the family ! parted la-t week for the west and will visit for a time at Arriba, Colo., -Grinder infalfed- The mill is ready for your. work. Bring it in. V7e are carrying Bran, Shorts, Tankage in any amount to sti.it, car. ton or less. Our prices are always right. Bring- us your grinding. We grind ear corn as well as shelled corn. C. D. ST. JOHN The Miller Nehawka -:- Nebraska fUgUer Clruber Manufacturers of Concrete Burial Vaults None Better Made and the Automatic Non-Freezing Reinforced Concrete Hog Waterer. No lamps to bother with. Everlasting! " Write or See Us for Prices NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA fin There's Nothing Better for the practical school frock than Gingham 1 Material and colors laundering; -patterns.that are pleasing and I G Where Customers Feel at Home Telephone No. 14 . Nehawka, Nebr. ESTABLISHED 18S$ with friends and relatives and also look over the crops there and on the way. Ray Berger, representing the Plattsmouth Motor company was a visitor in Nehawka looking after some business matters connected with the company which he so ably repre sents. W. O. Troop had a load of hogs for V Haith, and Robert Troop has a load of the same "critters" for A. I). Rhoden, which they were taking to the South Omaha market for the gen telmen. Ed Ingwerson, of Springview, in the norhtern portion of the state, has been visiting here for some days past and had been the guest at the home of Mrs. Ida Lopp and grand daughter. Grover Hopkins, living a few miles north of Nehawka. was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Monday morning, driving over in the morning to look after some business matters for a short time. Miss Julia Troop and-Will Gorder. of Plattsmouth. were visiting last Sunday at Lincoln where they were the guest of Miss Maybelle Troop, who is attending business college in the capitol city. Many of the people of Nehawka and vicinity were in attendance at the celebration of the Old Settlers, who picnicked at the grounds west of Union Saturday. All report having had a most enjoyable time. Leland Hodges arrived iast Sunday from Auburn where he has been working with the telephone company in the capacity of line foreman and was a visitor in Nehawka and at the home of his father for a few days. Joseph Goodman and wife of Lyons were visiting in Nehawka last week, and were guests of John T. Dale and famfty while in Nehawka. The visit ors and guests all were in attendance at the Old Settlers reunion at Union last Saturday.' R. Kettlchout, was a visitor in Omaha last Monday morning, taking with him a load of hogs, and it kept petty busy as he gives every atten tion to the hogs which he hauls. He was busy much of the time last week hauling stock to Omaha. Last week as Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Troop returned from their trip in the west, they stopped at Strattou. where they visited at the hpme of Miss Fern Willis, and ths young lady returned with them and is visiting here for a short time with friends. James W. Magnej and wife and their daughter, Miss Doris, departed in their car for Broadwater, in the western portion of the state, where they are visiting with friends and relatives and looking after some lands which Mr. Mangey has in that portion of the state. Stewart Rough and wife and Miss Ruth Palmer, J. H. Palmer and wife, Leo Switzer and wife, V. P. Sheldon and family, and E. A. Kirpatrick were to the Boy Scout camp last Sun day, where they all enjoyed an excel lent time and gave the boys an el legant dinner as well. I that stand wear and been visiting in the west for some! time and where they were at Grant f and. Imperial, as well as a number of. i other towns, returned home last Sun- ; day, having enjoyed the trip very much. While they were a way Lycur gus McCartney was looking after the things at the Ost home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nitzman and Roy Kratz and family were at the boy scouts camp last Sunday, where they visited for the day with the boys there and also celebrated the birth days of Dean and Billy Nutzman, who were respectively 4 and 5 years, their birthdays coming on August 9th. All enjoyed the day most splendidly. J. B. Mast and family of TaJka wana, Okla., arrived in Nehawka last few days, spending last Sunday eve.- ning at the home of Mrs. Mast, north of Nehawka, and with many others dined with C. D. St. John and wife. lived north r vm,Jt, nn,ii wPii'lcnmvn bv tbe ' older of the citizens here. Me Orville niiin ,ipbhP(i ono .lav lnst. week for the west and will stop at Otis.;""" 'Vfff at 1 ? stock had iL .m nt th en riddled by the robbers and the homes of Messrs. John and Earl Rays. ; hOCK, l. who are uncles of Earl Troop, for a'into the thousands had neen taken JU while. They will also go on to Den-ia'l- t. .. . . n ,. I 'KM ;, , . e . 0 i -L-ii,.. As soon as the disordered condi- ktoj expect ,o be away for about S"si Sill Mrs. Forest Leonard, living north of Xehawka. entertained a number of lici. i-nnncr f t- i Tl (1 at ;i rp'pnl inn ! i V -1 1 : i r:..,.,,,, T.i KtT.i n .tw1 II UOI OI Ul i.0 v . John Perry of Lethbrldje, Ca., and ; at which a most delightful evening t f !r : LV ' -".: beren1arSesfiCh tlfjulty ur of Te yVuy MS radamily of Sum- "tlclc, makes it clear that.several merfield. Kansas, arrived for a visit j ruc1 have LLl at the home of Richard Murray and in th taway of the robbers family north of Xehawka. and with ' T.hf robbery was reported here at dtr.a r,.iS o'clock this morning and at once IIICUt CALtllVAVtA lilt: VMU A Vw 1 ion at Union Mr. Guy Murray said tlint y- -v C in 1l i t nAl"! inn r f Tv' o n ,a ,Zt .X ,V,iV r,f " sas. which was just south of the JNe - ltn c lr i 1 ? n n -wit vc vrrf' i Tl el tfltV WftfO 1 I"' X "I - the visit much and also the trip. They return ed to their home Sunday. Never Missed a Year. Knicholas Klaurens was a visitor at ihe old settlers reunion last bat-1 re;ici,e(i Omaha before the rain of urday and was meeting many of hisiParlv this morning and which would old time friends-and neighbors. Thish interfered with the travel of marks the 37th consecutive meeting which Mr. Klaurens has attended and all of the j-ears in which it has beer, in operation. He attended the first one in 1SSS, and every one since. Farmers. I have a car of tankage here now, a car of bran, and shorts to arrive soon Also a truck load of extra fine motor oil. Call at the mill. C. D. St. John. Xehawka. Injured Knee While Playing Leonard Martin, the six-year-olu son of Mr. and Mr.s. Sam Martin. ' while at play last week, had the mis fortune to fall, piling up in a heap. Leonard's leg was quite severely in jured at the knee and the little fel , low was taken to Omaha and to a i hospital where the injury is being treated. Celebrates 77th Anniversary. Uncle L. II. Young, last Friday, 'August 7th, was 77 years of age, and . had been to town, and when he re- turned home wa3 caught by his grandchildren, who engaged him in j conversation in the yard, and occu pied his attention, until things were jail ready, when he, with them, were j called into the house where a bounti ful supper awaited him, and the house ' was filled with guests. A birthday cake and a most pleasant time was had eating the excellent supper and reviewing the many prosperous years which he has lived in Xebraska. Fol low the supper a joyous evening was spent and all in their departure ex tended a wish for many more happy years. Again on Sunday, a number cf the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Young came bringing with them well filled bashets and made the Young home their's for the time and served a delightful din er in which Mr. and Mrs. Young were the honored guests. There were there C. R. Troop and wife, of Platts-! mouth; W. O. Troop and family, of Nehawka, Mr. and Mrs Sam McFad den of Omaha, and son, Sam, Jr., and wife. Perry Shanklin and wife and their daughter. Miss Xina of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young and the children. Unloading Salt at Nehawka. 1 One could as well call D. C. L.Rue an "Old Salt," not that he is a sailor, but because he sells salt and lots of it. He has just unloaded a car of salt at each of the following places: Murray, Xynard and Xehawka, and has a number of places yet to deliver. Makes Excellent Address. Last Sunday Ilev. Maynard Van Dyke, the minister of the Methodist church was sick when at Beatrice and was not able to be present at the ! church services, and the place was ;most ablyfilled by Mr. B. Wolph, who spoke during the time which would 'have been used for preaching. Many were the expressions of pleasure of those who had the pleasure of hearing this gentleman speak. Burglars new motto: Biggei' and Better Thefts. A piano was s'.olen in New Orleans and a locomotive iu New York. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 'NEHAWKA STORE OFFERS A LOSS FROM Rl Tl T C TTT'T T1-IT crrrtTT TO TTTCTTTT ' (i SOME TIME DURING NICLRT BY GAKG OF ROBBERS. ; n vn n Ttiminaun nm I f n i nop L IU iriL'UOARLS UULLAH liidd Dry fcrCOds btOCk Practically .LOOteu and Every Line Has Articles Taken From It. The little city of Nehawka Monday night suffered an inva- sion from what must have been a well organized gang of store robbers and as the result the F. P. Sheldon "V"nX V f n . r ii to $4 000 worth o goods of all kinds that were taken from the shelves of the store and carried away j 111 f"1-"'5' The robbery was discovered Tues- ua "1U,U1"S ' vlu P'os arrived at the store to open P as usual and then made the start- ' evidently been gained by break- ,8 a la? s, " one 'f dows that had permitted the send- Ing of someone into the store and ; r rear dQor Qf st()re ha(j been opened and the goods carried out to waiting trucks. While there were no disturbance heard by the residents liv the residents florins' the the county authorities became busy on the case and notification was sent 'out to the nearby towns to be, on the ., , . . ...... ... j , lookout for trucks with the goods might be seeking shelter in isome of the larger towns. Omaha. Lincoln and Nebraska City were not ified of the robbery and efforts will be made in these places to secure some trace of the cache of the goods. It is thought that with the start reiurcd that the trucks could have , ,mist iiaVe heen rather heavilv leaded trucks. ' The goods taken consist largely of dry goods, with cigars and cigarettes as vell as shoes and other lines that were looted from the store. This is the second visitation of robbers at Xehawka in a week an" while on the first visit there was nothing of any great value taken in the garage and meat market visited thi3 time the robbers more than cleaned up on the job and the own er of the store, Mr. F. P. Sheldon, Is suffering the loss of several thou sand dollars worth of merchandise. KLAN MEETING IS POSTPONED TO LATER DATE Will Be Held at the Wiles Farm West of This City on Louis ville Road. From Wednesday's Daily The announcement appears else where in the Journal of the change in the date of holding the open air lecture and demonstration by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which had originally been advertised for Thursday evening, but which will now be indefinitely postponed to an other day. The tickets which' were is sued for the Thursday meeting will be good for the next meeting in stead. The change in date is made owing to the rain as it is expected that sev eral hundred of the Klan member ship from this and adjoining coun ties will be present and participate in the meeting and for this reason a later date was selected. Those who are interested are urg ed to note the change in date from Thursday to a later date and the fact that the tickets Issued will be good at that time. A speaker of na tional reputation, it is announced, will be present and special effects add!d to the work of receiving mem bers at the meeting. VISITING IN DAKOTA From Tuesday's Dally Mrs. Hamilton Thorne and two lit- tie daughters, Beverly and Betty Jane, who have been here visiting with Mrs. Thome's father. Attorney D. O. Dwyer, departed yesterday for Foulkton, South Dakota, where they will join Captain Thorne, who Is vis iting his" parents near that place. They will visit in Dakota for a time and later return for short visit with Mr. Dwyer before starting back to their home at Philadelphia. ICE CREAM SOCIAL The aid society of the Mynard U. B. church will hold an ice cream on DOB the lawn of the church. Friday even- w g eteukamp, wife and fam ing. August 14. Everybody invited. ily of are enjoying a visit all-4td, ltw t rjenver and; other points in Colo- ; ' ; rado", and; expect to ba there for the Advertise your wants in the Jour- next two weeks enjoyins the. sights nal for results. of that territory. J ipsg t55) WisSBi SgSSp SSSD tSSl "ZrSss! i5g5sS CgSsT fS; rcg E?? m na&jf mn mMEij Mil mm iCTWTTl wW -a i i M L.r I - c.. , " -T k -J . iJ. iJ - T! -,-' I ..T. wJU U." J L3.T . --- ' rwr -w, j- ? -j- mm Z V B M in VJ A. I S A 7;;V m To All Oar Old Friends and the New Ones this Announcement Will Bring! We have taken advantage of the United Cigar Store AGENCY PLAN which in every essential respect makes our store a UNITED CIGAR STORE. We own the store as before, but our arrangements enables us to pass on to smokers all the advan tages enjoyed by the customers of over 2,000 UNITED CIGAR STORES! 1 m ( j P, j "M ' m m M : ALL THE FAMOUS BRANDS AT THE UNITED CIGAR STORE PRICES. UNITED COUPONS OR CERTIFICATES WITH ALL PURCHASES Our Store Will Open as a United Cigar Store on Saturday, August 15th m ! To Celebrate the Occasion, Choice of the SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ARE 1 Free Double Certificates with all purchases. 2 Free Five Whole Certificates with all purchases amounting to $1 or over 3 Free A 25c tube of Ukemco Shaving Cream with purchases amounting to 25c or over. 4 Free A 35c bottle 5 Free A 40c bottle 526 Main Street LOCAL Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel! Main Bldg., Fhone 527. Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208. i j7-ttd From Monday's Iaily George A Kaffenberger and wife of Lincoln arrived here yesterday to spend a few days here as the guests of relatives and friends John Harkins of Omaha was here yesterday for a few hoars visiting, with his mother, Mrs. M. McCool, for a few hours, returning home last evening. George B Lehnhoff of Omaha, was here today for a few hours visiting with his mother, Mrs. F. D. Lehnhoff, and also with a number of the old friends. It. A. Johnson, of Courtland, Ne braska, who was here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Syde botham and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Stine, departed last evening for his home. David Hawksworth of Buffalo, and Joseph Hawksworth of Denver, are here to spend a short time visiting with their mother, Mrs. D. Hawks worth and their sister, Mrs. Mary Cook. Covert Jean, who has been spend ing several months with his father at Juan, Texas, arrived here Saturday for a visit with the home folks, mak- ing the trip from the south land by the auto route. ,r.. tm ip HEWS ...wo. w " ana iu nonor oi me oaasiuu was spending the week end at the mombers of the family arranged a country home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam'verv pleasant gathering at the home Meisinger and family near Cedar Creek, was here yesterday for a fewj remembered by those in attend hours en route home. She was ac-!ance The big birthday dinner serv companied as far as this city by Mr. ed had as its crowning glory the and Mrs. Meisinger and Mrs. Arthur fine cake aglow with the sixty can Meisinger. - dies and which served to lend a Herman Reichstadt and wife, with J the children, yesterday drove to Wall Lake, Iowa, near where is located Lakewood park, one of the attractive smaller summer resorts of the Iowalers oi ine iaui.. .iu i.. uu, lake country, and where they spent the day visiting', making the round (trip of 300 miles in fine shape and having a real time, 1 From Tuesday's Daily Mrs. Lee Johnson of Stella, Ne- Ibraska, is here enjoying a visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. James B. Higley and family for a short time. Mrs. J. A. .Donelan. Mrs. Edna Shannon and R. W. White of Dallas, Texas, were at Omaha, last evening yhere thev enjoyed the production of "Abie's Irish. Rose" at the Brandise theatre. of Sweet Breath with a purchase of 50c or over. of Bay Rum with a purchase Seles Agency From Wednesday's Daily II. A. Hollberg of near Murray was in the city for a few hours today at tending to some trading with the merchants and visiting w ith friends. John Bergman and sister, Miss Elizabeth, departed this morning for Oaiaha where they will spend the day looking after some matters of business. County Commissioner Fred II. Gor der of Weeping Water was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. William Carroll and wife and Effa, of Oregon, Missouri, are here h-nie Mrs Carroirs slst, Mrs. W. P. Cook and family. Rev-. J. II. Salsbury and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rawls who were in Lin coln attending the Epworth assem bly for a few days, returned home last evening after a very pleasant stay and Rev. Salsbury goes on from this city to his home at Lyons. John A. Libershal, who has been enjoying a visit with his brother, August Libershal and family at Mar quette, Michigan, for a short time, returned home this morning on No. 1 over the Burlington. He reports a most delightful stay in the lake country of the north. CELEBRATES EIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY From Monday's Daily- Yesterday marked the passing the sixtieth birthday anniversary of Kraeger Mrs. Joseph Schiessl, one of the,,. "'s."1 "twmtu M ."uw . . V'liiiPi'i alter the service. ,,n WPKf oak street that will long touch of charm to the atreauy ue-. lightful home gathering. The time was spent in visiting and a general good time among the mem- o the wire ana Tr u.e lurilS Ul CUV uaj u J iwciw.vo and friends. Those enjoying the oc-, casion were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunn, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. James Saylors, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Uls trup and daughter, Ellen, of Ash land, Frank Sedlak, Scdalia. Mis souri, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schiessl, Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery, Albert Janda, Misses Rose, Mary and Wilma Schiessl and Albert Schiessl. HOMES FOR SALE If you are looking for a home in Plattsmouth it will pay you to con sult with C. E. Martin, he can fit you out with the kind you want at right prices. A3-6td-4tw Get youx school supplies at, the Bates Book and Stationery Store THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1925. iS s" 'S?D Following OFFERED of $1.00 or over. Plattsmouth, Nebr. EKJ0YA3LE EIRTHDAY PARTY From Tuesday" Daily The home cf Mr. and Mrs. John Mcisinger, Jr., wes the s'-cne of a very pleasant social gathering yes terday afternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock on the occasion of the pos ing of the eleventh milestone of Miss Roanna Meisingcr, their little daugh ter. The time was spent in games of nil kinds and was one that was mo-t thoroughly appreciated by all of the members of the parly ir. the d"!i.ht ful time and the royal hospitality that was shown in the court-e of the afternoon. The guest of honor received many handsome and attractive gifts from the jolly party of little triends that will be cherished as tokens of love from Hie friends of childhood days. - There was a very dainty and de licious luncheon served at G o'clock that all the members of the party appreciated to the utmost. Those who attended the occasion were: Florence and Margaret Nel son. Catherine and Patricia Fly mi, Marie Nolte, Margaret Puis. Con stance Bay. Betty Harn. Omaha. Petty Mentier. Mary IlighfieM. Percy Meisinger, Morgan Fred Meisingcr. SERVICES AT 8 MILE GROVE There will be services hell at the I-Jight Mile Grove Evangelical church on the Louisville road west of Platts mouth on Sunday. German service at cf'T .... ' ... ".''.,' ( fHniiiiVs are urged to bring their ihnners as a picnic (Tinner will be Come out and meet the new pastor niul enjoy a fine visit. ,iVY Jackrabbits are living high on the mellon crop on the island. They are very numerous. Johnny, get your gun. Moye Produce Co. PAYS CASH FOR PouKry, Eggs, Orsam and Hides! Sells Chic Feeds and Oyster Shell. "Prompt and Courteous Ser vice Our Motto!" Opposite, Tidball Lumber Co PHONE 391 Plattsmouth, NqK i V f