1 THURSDAY. AUGUST 13, 1925. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN 3 : j fc-V h r r- i4f7 if ens mentioned below ere of gucrarAsed quality, end ii's a uise men who takes advantage of this fine opportunity to save. Creek over the lists Lelcv. You will find numerous Household Needs, Family Toilet Articles and Stationery at prices gTeatly reduced for this special seven C?.ndy v.r.,:.j,t,;l can:i-?Is . hi .lied f.'un: i'.voy-s SDc T.iik tlnvoiatos IJOo Family Medicines .V-c 3 hir K.r.ie an1 25c m. :; .-l :t..5!,'u iastf. L-th SO 1 1 H'-xail Or;-;i-ri;.-s 7e 1.' "'. Corn S.,!v,nt IOC r.i'c Eyl-j. frr the ey( s CSr r.wc (.:yj-y l'r -nr., for ivy poison 33c .-,0 c liirtnov Pills C9C ," Lilt!- I.ivr Pill? 19C r...r KU-iis-A!l .'-pat reinovtr 2CC .; 2 P r-t(r.H 79c 1' " , ..t IV,v:1t T9C t'allidlic S.;lv 1DO r .- Ar.ti--. Pu-.vihr 39C .--h..vi:-ir Li-n 39C :: A'-lirsiv" lia-ter lc :tv A(:i.-:-;vf p?ar 2o !; Kir.-t Aid (iauze 79C 'e resent the right to discorthitie At t!iete l educed prices, S -i. ri iri it f a iiikaiU ' peciai Prices on New Fall Styles! - ... - , EEL rr;i - " J -I -y' Hour Sale Each day during this sale at this hour we will put out a one hour red hot special. WATCH THIS HOUR The incct sl eeping reduction of f'i with needed apparel, this will l'i on clearance "roods. Childrcn's Gingham Eres?c? -CoiTi- plete va:h bloomers jO tc match. Ajres G to 14 fcf U Gi:ls' Kriit Union Suits crop ECfit. Sies G to 12. August Lale price... -Loose knee, ...24c 7. Prrcale Aj vcns Lights and 79c CCCd cii-. .V:-i-.t sale jnce Children':; Lro:e Half and three f.ua:tcrh in v:.i.o silk, assorted fancy to vs. Ail sizzz. Ajrist 17. 1IC "cr pair 1 1 CLiliren's Hose in black, -white and tord?va:i. Extra re quality. Broken and colors. Acgn-st CIearar.ee price, pair C -1 U:nhreilas Linen tops, all tc iois. v e: s-necial C?0 1 fl 5 j I. rice on these at it; L:-'.Les" Princes: !;?: Warcraft Ei.pce-l. ccicrs vvlite and ilesh. A S2.C0 Acs- CI ACk c.arj.xiv r,:ic Girls' Iviki Euits Sizes 4 ...SI. 79 to A-ugust Ciear- i e price enly The biggest bargain in Nebraska is our Won der Silk Hose for ladies in all colors 71? -and sizes guaranteed at, pair. ...... JJC 1 Phoenix Hosiery A The ffigg&k Store Factory - to - You Money Saving Sale $175 Fever Thermometers $1.29 If.c Gauze Eandages 12C 20c Gauze Bandages 15c CHc Nsil Clippers 29C 50c Sodium Phosphate 39c 2f.o "ino Ointment 15c 3 5c H inkle Pills 23C C5c Twin-Tubs Laxative -19C $1.25 Rubber Household ApronS9C C Leather Brush S9C Toilet Articles Puretest Products 50c Jonteel Talcum 39C 2 5c Aspirin Tablets 19c 65c Witch Hazel 4C 20c Boric Acid 13c 50c Jor.teel Cold Cream 39c 30c Rochelle Salts 19C ;,ur Jonterl Vanishing Cream 39C 25c Soda Bicarbonate 19c 25c Klenzo Dental Cream 19C 25c Zinc Stereate 19C 50c Klenzo Liquid 39C 50c Cascara Sagrada Arom. 39C 25c Tooth Brushes 19C 30c Glycerin 23C .".oc Bay Rum 39C 25c Spirits Camphor 19c 7 5c Harmony Lilac Vegetal 59C 25c Tincture of Iodine 19c 50c Georgia Rose Face Povder39C 25c Infant Gly. Suppositories 19C 25c Georgia Rose Talcum 19C 25c Peroxide 19C $1 Georgia Rose body powder S9c $1 Mineral Oil (Russian type)79c 5"c Theatrical Ccld Cream 37c 25c Epsom Salts 19C 10c Rexolive Soap, dozen 9S 10c Epsom Salts SC these prices as soon as the stool: purchased all articles are sold for cash and no 5. The Rexail Store it. P"lU'- t These include models from Gage, Fisk, Adrian and other well known makes. These prices will be in effect for one week only August 15to to 22nd, inclusive during Community Sale week. $1.95 - $2.95 - $5.00 A Splendid Opportunity to Get Your New Fall Hat MMA PEASE No Script issued at Clearance Prices iijtrV ill lirri No Script issued at Clearance Prices DAILY Bright, Fresh, Seasonable merchandise we have ever attempted. Every department in this store pays afford you a golden opportunity. ladies' Knit Union Suits tight knee bodice tops. Sizes 36 to 40 only -Loose and .29c Ladies' Eiki Knickers values. August sale price only -Extra good $1.69 Chiidreu's Summer Hat Desirable shapes and patterns all ro during this sale at 77c Ladies' Combination Suits Barred dimity material. White QQ only. August sale price IJC Ladies' Satin BeLene Princess Slips the last rord in com- QQ Q7 fortabie undercarments I Children's Black Sateen Bloomers Sizes 4 td 14. August 7r Clearance sale price )l C Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoat Hade of good material. August Clearance price... 98c Children's 34 Richelieu Bib Hose Colors airedale, white, gray, black, tlkslcin and cordovan. Qr All sizes, per pair JC Stetson Gloves We call this out 'Factory-to-Youf sale because that's just what it is. These goods- come direct to us from our own factories. Medicines, Candies, Puretest Products, day August sale. All pure and fresh. fl Toilet Waters . S9C Stationery 75c Wyndmore pound paper 59C 35c Wyndmore envelopes 25c $1 Tradition stationery 69 6 5c Hallcroft stationery 39C 75c Adrienne stationery 59C $1.25 Economy pencil sharpen'rS9C 65c Adrienne cards -19c for this ''Factory to You" sale is and a.. Lrreen btamps wiu e issuec. Drugs, Paints, Oils in 2 -i r ., l Please note, all sales Ladies' Dresses 50 This season's new style dresses in Broadcloths and Wash Silks and other wanted materials sizes 1 6 to 40 at the unprece dented low price of $3.88 One lot Ladies Tissue Ginghams, Voiles and Broadcloths. Sizes 36 to 46. Only $2.49 One small lot Silk Dresses values to $24.75, at. .$10.97 1 Fred P. Busch, Manager ..i. V HJ.-.r and maybe you will find you cannot afford to pay Count lour Money , pianPri for . washing machine Buy a Voss Electric or Power washing machine at this 7 day sale. Cut out the coupon below. It is worth 2.50 on any new Voss washer you select. CSS r FREE Tliis coupon is washer during Washing Machine Headquarters Ycu can buv a Vcss Upright wringer post independent of tub. Puts no strain on tub Eoub!e thickness lid opens towards back leaving extra large opening In tub Cypress tub made from 1 inch Red Louisiana Cypress staves Outlet for draining water from tub Gear mechanism Fully enclosed Perfectly safe Large, smooth running swivel caster Electric motor Flat belt drive Automatic belt tightener This high grade wood tub electric Voss washer only $79.00; copper tub, $89.00 Attend the Voss Demonstration sale 7 Big Days August 15th to 22d, inc. The Winchester Store 1 "" i, -August 15 to 22 final, no refunds, no goods charged at clearance ft Pi 'It 'a.'S ; i V:.'.l-li! --: R. Vl - - i'-i-- 1 i'...,il.liil.l. -. -ir.t.V,Ai.ni . "''' --faf Jit.Jl H fM JlV. COUPON GOOD FOR good for $2.50 as first payment this Demonstration Sale, August Rpcfnr & Swlp!t DCSlOr OWatCK on Easv Pavments. Goodbye to Washday Backaches! j Self locking lever for moving wringer around to four positions Lever for starting and stopping vJ" wringer Plattsmouth, Nebraska tribute to this event, it you have prices, inese exiremeiy low prices Ladies' Handkerchiefs White and colors. Two groups one at 23c and one at 10c Beaded Handbairs Some dandies we are selling at about one-half their value $2.19 Ladies Underarm Bags Leather. A very popular type of (f flfk bags. $2.19 and $IoJ ladies' F.everrible White Aprons Special August Clear $1.98 ance price, each. Spanish Lace Scarfs arc featuring these at a big reduction. Only. AH colors. We ...$1.98 Children's Bichelieu Rib Hose Col ors camel, black, elkskin, tan, pon g: e and gray. Special, 0 1 per pair only fai X i Ladies' Raincoats Light weight in canary, lipstick and rosewood colors. A big value at this f QO low August sale price v ti t O Sleeveless Ensembles Very latest, in all the new shades. 77 August Clearance price.. v Ladies' Creton Sport Coats the latest thing and all the rage. How's this (t T) qp for a right price . . . .060 1$ Palmer Garments C-2.50 FREE on any new Voss 1 5 to 22, inclusive. Washing Machine Headquarters - - , Instantaneous safety release for releasing pres sure on ro!ls Swinging revers ible wringer operates with or wiSiOJi vasher Reversible drain board Folding table top bench for extra tub or basket Tub slightly tffirt- insures corrrplela drain age through faucet without liftinfi tab Nev Arrivals The new Fall Coats and Dresses are here. They are beauties. We are so crowded for room that drastic reductions on Summer merchandise is imperative. waited till now to supply yourseir wm noi permu us 10 issue script Jumper Dresses All nevr shades. Of course you'll v.ant one at this price $4.95 One Ladies' Sprirg Coat Color tan. size 19. Full lined C A in Polo cloth. Onlv ipkrkZfD One Ladies' Coat in tan. Size lBo Lull lined in Polo frll HC cloth. Clearance price One Ladies' Coat in gray, size 38. Full silk lined, in (t T 7C Pclo cloth. Only P I I i D One Ladies' Coat in navy blae. Full fill: lined, size 42. (gj Q "7C in Tricctine matl vIJ.lcJ One Ladies' Coat in poudre blae. Tiimmed in tan. lull silk lined. Size 18. Polo cloth. A great value at $10.75 One Ladies' Ccat in gray. Size 42. Fell lined, material 1 ft 7C in Polo cloth. Only... vIU I D Cne Ladies' Coat in green. Size 38. Full lined, material Cl ft in Pciret Twill O I U. I D Munsingwear 'i El PA 9 ' rl It: r I 1 J at m u t4 r- i ! r 5 r. 1 3 J i -4