THE PLATTSMOUTH EVENHJG JOURNAL PAGE nvz 'him as life was being finished. Mrs. Ella Wheeler TYileox, giving the other side in her Geshemene. "All those who journey soon or late JIust pa3 -within the garden's gate. Must kneel alone in darkness there And battle with some dark dispair. God pity those, who cannot say. Thy will be done, who only pray. Let this cup pass, who do not see I His purpose in Gethsemene." Murray Department If any of the-readers of tfce JoorcaLkncrr of cy serial ect or ilea, of lm-erest lc thin Ticlnitx. and will mill f ime to this office, it will ap pear under this beading-. v wmv til new iteixu F.ditor rep&rerl in the Interest of the People of Murray nd Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readen THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1925. - .A 1 i' i i Keep Ycur F.'onsy in YourHomeTown Dank? Money deposited elsewhere subtracts from the resources of your home town. On the contrary loyalty to your home bank benefits the community and entitles the loyal man to demand all the services his bank and the co-operation of his associates. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety Get y.iur lunch at Murray Eath ins Eeacb Saturday evening. Elva Pod son. living down towards Nehawka. was business visitor in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Tuts. Sr.. were visitins at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clapp. of Elmwood. visited at the home of Mr. an i Mrs. Thomas J. Drendel Satur day f-.-r.ins. "Wiliiara Obernalte ha- j build ing a chimney at the h je of Mrs. Etta and Lee Xickles and making other repairs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sundav f.r Mrs. r.resdel J. Erendel left Vahurn on busi returning home on Wednesday. W. H. Wehrb'in and the family were visiting in Omaha last Sunday where they were guests with rela tives and friends. The fa has be-n iiy of R-v. W. E. Goings tavins in Murray for the past week, while Rev. Goings has been r-.-r!:ir.c elsewhere. Herman G an.- m r of northwest of tnun was a visitor in Omaha last Tuesday, whre he- was looking over the tattle mark-: for the day. There is s ,m- joy at the home of Mr. 2nd Mrs p.--wey Bo deker on a --ir-i-.r.r of th-.- arrival of a s.n at their h'-me n Ia--t Tuesday aft-rnor ,n. The nother and s-n are doing v ry wdl and it i hoped that with quiet "irroundinsa the father will pull through. Grandfather Addison Pce Iecker is as happy as a lark over the arrival. The 11. itac STAPLE GROCERIES Corn, standard quality, 3 cans for Extra quality corn, per can, 20c and Campbell's pork and beans, 2 cans Kraut, per can, 10c and Navy beans, per lb Pinto beans, 2 lbs. for High grade catsup, per bottle We are receiving twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, fresh Butter Rolls and Sweet Rolls. Cakes 10c, 15c and 25c each Potato bread 15c per loaf SWIMMING POOL We are expecting the pool to be open by the first of the week. The owners are installing an up-to-date filtering sj-stem to keep the pool in sanitary condition. See Us When in Need of Bathing Suits, Etc. The K. M. Soeniiichsen Company Telephone No. 12 - - Murray, Nebraska E. S. Tutt and wife were visiting in Plattsmouth last Sunday, they going via Mynard to avoid the roads : where the gravel has been piled up : on it. i Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel spent Tuesday evening with Miss Ethel Tritsch, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tritsch. of Platts mouth. DIe Torloff and brother. Frank, and Anderson Lloyd were taking in (the Ak-Sar-Ben last Monday even ;ir.s. where they enjoyed the show i immensely. G. M. Minford shipped two cars of ! cattle to the South Omaha market ;ia-t Sunday which he had on the market Monday, they bringing him $12.75 per hundred, j Mrs. J. F. Brendel and son, Rich ard, were visiting in Lincoln for a i number of days during this week. they driving over in their car for a ; visit of a number of days, j Come to the Murray Bathing i Beach Saturday afternoon. July ISth. The ladies of Presbyterian church will hold bake sale and serve lunch at the Beach Pavillion. ' Mis- Ethel Tritsch. of Colorado, 'has been visiting with her friend. Mrs. T. J. Brendel for a number of days and expected to remain here for ;the rest of the coming week. : Earn Carroll and the family, who are making their home near Mynard. ; where th-y are farming, were visit ing in Murray lat Tuesday, guests of the parents of Mr. Carroll. ! Vern Hendricks, who has been at tending summer school at Lincoln for the past few weeks, completed his work m that line and was able to return home one day this week. Charles Rutherford and his two daughters. Misses Agnes and Janes, were ' visitins last Sunday at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dull, thev driv- !inc down from Omaha in their auto, i Dr. Brendel is having some im provements made at the front of his jstore in the shape of a curb and gut tier and additional sidewalk, which will improve his property very much. John L. Chilton, who has been at his old time home in Missouri for some time past, arrived in Murray on last Friday and is visiting with old friends and acquaintances here for a while. Louis Crunk snd wife of near Uni"n wer visiting in Murray and looking after some business matters jhere for a short time last Tuesday j afternoon. j Kemper Fran?, the barber, was a jvi-If.r in Plattsmouth. where he and Mr. Thomas Wood were making some substantial changes in the auto of Mr. Frans and putting it in good ton lition. Mrs. J. W. Deles Dernier and M'ausnter. Miss Riene. have been en joying with Mr. Ray Dele Dernier, a very pleasant visit from Mrs. Mary Hoback. who is the mother of Mrs. Deles Dernier. Mr and Mrs. A. O. Pearslev of jrear Union-were visiting and looking after some bti-iness matters m Mur ray last luwar. tney coming over to consult their family physician re garding their health. A youns man who was out lat Sunday evening and did not get in untii quite late, had the misfortune tr, jr.-e his hat. but thinks he will bo able to locate the same the coming Sunday if the weather is fine. Noah Parker and wife and Miss Geneva Shumaker were visiting in the west for some time, thev beir.g jat where they enjoyed their ?ay with relatives. and returned ! f.ome last Sunday evening, j There was one of the ladies who wanted a particular kind of a hair 'bob. which was not on the sale coun-jf-rs of Murray and had to so to Om- ana. wucre tney are tanned flown in ail styles and excellent ones at that. Soannichsen Company $ .50 .25 .25 .15 .10 .25 .25 Alf Gansemer has been out in the country assisting with the harvest ing, assisted by Mr. L. H. Puis in his harvest, driving the binder and dur ing the time Mrs. Gansemer was looking after the business at the ele vator. Noah Parker and the family moved to Weeping Water last Tuesday, where they will live in the future, they having made purchase of a home there, which they are moving into. Mr. Parker will with his truck do custom trucking. Louis Hallas and the family were guests at the home of the parents of Mrs. Hallas. where they visited with Frank McCarthey and the family, who have been visiting there for the past week from Aurora, and who is an uncle of Mrs. Hallas. Frank Vallery and Lee Jennings, of Plajtsmouth. were visiting in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon, where they were making preparations for a trip to the western portion of the state, where they expect to de part for within a few days. Earl Lancaster and the family were looking after some business matters in Omaha on last Tuesday, thc-y making the trip in their auto, driving up in the morning and re turning home after the evening had cooled the atmosphere a bit. John Farris. who has just com pleted the work on his corn and while exceedingly fine. was busy making some changes in a hay rack which he has been getting in readi ness to do some work in the line of making hay while the sun shines. Among those of the Christian church who visited the county con vention at Louisville last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Rhin. the Rev. W. E. Goings. Mrs. J. E. Hat chet and daughter. Miss Laura. Geo. Parks and family and Mr3. Mary Wuliey. Last Sunday evening a number of the young people of Murray were visiting for a short time in Platts mouth and enjoyed the occasion very much, there being in the crowd Misses Bertha, Lena and Neva Lan caster, Charles Land and Dan Hor schar. Mr. and Mrs. William Sporrer and family and A. C. Long and family were visiting in Omaha last Sunday, where they with other relatives in Omaha were at the Riverside park, where they partook of their dinner, which they had prepared and taken along. Alvin Crais. of Plattsmouth. rep resenting the Ghrist & Ghrist Furni ture company, was a visitor in Mur ray last Tuesday, where he brought a stove to Mr. Noah Parker, who is moving to Weeping Water. He also had some goods for Union, which he was taking along. August Engelkemeier. Sr.. and wife. Philip Hi!d and wife. Otto Lutz and family. Edward Meisinger and wife and Fred Engelkemeier all were visiting at the broadcasting station of Henry Fields in Shenan doah. Iowa. last Sunday, they driv ing over in their car. W. O. Troop and James R. Hill. Everett Spangler and Ivan Deles Dernier were enjoyir.g the hospital ity of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. they driving over to the big town up the river last Monday evening for the show at the den and there was some thing doine and don't you forget it. Phillip Shafer who is a lover of good baseball, with a team which he has selected, played against a team from east of Murray last Sunday, which was an excellent game, but was won by the latter team. The game wa3 a pretty one and very c'.ose. the easterners winning by a smaH margin. Thre were a load of young men from Murray going with the big car of Mr. Bakke to Omaha last Monday evening, where they enjoyed the fes tivities of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. there being in this crowd Mr. Bakke. Wm. Lindner. W. G. Boedeker, P. F. Rhin. W. G. McCracken. Frank Val lery. Joe Mrasek and Louis Hallas. H. F. Gansemer was on the South Omaha market with forty head of choice Herford cattle Monday, which he has fei on his yards. These cat tle averaged 1059 pounds and were choice enough to bring $13.00, the top price paid for that weight cat tle. Mr. Gansemer has the distinc tion of receiving the highest price season for cattle shipped from Mur ray. George Nickles and wife were vis iting in Omaha last Friday, driving over in their auto, where they were looking after some business. They wre accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Long, who remained and are visiting atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrader. and where they could also be handy to the specialist of whom they are taking treatment for their health. The P.c-dskins would call him Knifemaker and the Germans would call him Messersmith. while his real name is E. M. Griffin, and he is working at the Rys blacksmith shop, where he has just completed a but cher's knife on which he has a cedar handle inlaid with metal, which makes an excellent appearing piece cf handiwork as well as being cf a quality that will last. Font T. Wilson find the family, ac companied by Grandfather J. A. Wil son, of Rock Bluffs, were visiting last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson, near Syracuse, where a most splendid time wns had by all. Font reports the oats and wheat eome better than here and crops pretty good with the excep tion of some chintz bugs bothering the corn some. Albert Wilson had to plow up some lour acres of corn and plow the bugs under to g-et rid of the pests. t BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON f i- Sunday, July 19. 1925. - .S. By it S. Brigga They Stoned the Preacher Golden Text: "Bles-ed are they who have been persecuted for right eousness sake for this is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew ' :10. Because of the opposition at Anti och which was being pu-hed by the Jews. Paul and thousrht bestifor the time to ive Antioch and later come again, which they did. Going to Iconium. which was some 75 miles southwe-t cf Antioch and towards Jerusalem. Icraium i situated on a very fertile plain with a beautiful lake adjoining and a rich agricultural country making it a very beautiful place an i import ant trade center. Here 'he ivo mis sionaries entered the Jewish syna gogue and preached and meeting with opposition from tr.e J. -as a r. 1 learning that there was to be an or ganized mob to stem? tht-m. Barna bas and Paul departed and vent on another twenty miles 'o Lystra. where this lesson h Ht-re as they were speaking ther- was a lam man who had been so all his life fcr he had been born in suc-h a condi tion, and seeing this man as he watched and listened. F'aul said tc him in a loud voice. "Stand up right on thy fet." Ti e man K-ap-.i to his feet which nev-r in his !i:' had supported his body. r;t now like a young person Ieap-d ar-d rsn. This was a wonderful v.: r .-.:'.- that this man should thus be ;.-d ohy?;c ally. But not so great a mirurd- as whs the changing of this man from heathen to a Christian, for Chri.-: gave not this power t startle tl people by a physical wrr.dr. but ure the cause of this condition. Thar is. remove the cause, sin. When The people had learned of the ir.cid-r.: they thought m-"n huvir. suh ptw-r must be god-. Therefor1 they sourhc to do sacrifice to th-m and tr-'-uch: an ox for that purp-o?.- and would have done so but for Paul and Barna bas preventing them. Paul addr-ss-d them savins. "Sirs, why do you th-"1 se ttlings? We are men cf like passions with you. and brinrr ys.-u good tid ings that you should tvrn from thee;, vain things unto a living God who made the heavens, and. the earth, and the sea and all that ia them is. who in generations gone by suffered all the nations to walk in thc-ir ov-r: ways. And yet he .ett re: without witness in tha e did good rains" and and save vou from hea. fruitful seasons." Even with all their efforts they were ju--t able to pre vent these people from aceh-imisr them gods. How easily it would have been to have gnatif.rd a c-sire for adultation and praise and have al lowed these heathen people :' pro ceed with their sacrifices? But that was not the purpo-e of the two mis sionaries, thiers was to br:ng t he story of the Chrism to the entire world, how he had come ro rede-rn the world from sin and this incident opened a way fcr the very teaching which they .-ame to bring tbe pecpb . People have ever heea f.k!-a cr.e moment clinging to one thins like a child at play, clinging to cne ny e-nly to cast it away for another the ne: moment. At the Master's triumphal entry in to Jerusalem, the multitude spread their garments in the way and with branches of trees made a carpet for even the beast, on which He rode, to walk, also pinging halalujah in the highest and giory to God: and but a few days later tried cru cify him. Thus the people who were so anxious to do homage to Barnahas and Paul, and to crown thrm gods, calling Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercury, after having beer, stirred up by the jews, who had mme from Ar toich and Iconiurn. they stoned Paul. who was the chi speaker, and thinking: him dead drasced him out of the citv. for Ly-tia wa- a v a'.', d j city, even if it was a heathen I Some year- before had IVu!. ti;-r. Saul, watched the clothe- cf tho.---j who had stoned Stephen, now he wa beins stoned. After bavins draesed the body our of the city, thinkins Paul was drad I they left it and the friends who were ! gathered, probably to sive it a fu neral, were surprised to ?, e him op;n his eyes and later to set up and s into the city. The followins day with Barnabas, departed fi-r Ierbe. N'otwithstandin.s this p.-rseruti n these heroic preachers were able o 'establish a church in both Lystra and Derbe. which in the years to come did much to carry the mcssase of the Master to a people hungry fcr the riches of salvation. Paul could not hope his life would be free from strife, his was a stormy path. He was ushered in to active life a an actor carrying persecution to the members of the new church and he could not expect but to reap the seed he had sown. He did this (both in the suffering which he went 'through and the achievements which he accomplisted in the many work- ing churches he established, for at i the end he exclaimed victoriously in j Timothy, 4: T-S: "I have fought a : good fight. I have finished ray course, 'I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for men a crown of ; righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me in that day. and not to me only but unto all them also that love His ap pearing." 1 Such was hia victory as viewed, by mm m In Honor of Chester Sporrer The friends of Mr. Chester Sporrer under the auspices of the Loyal j Workers Bible school clas of the j Christian c hurch cf Murray met last ; Friday evening at the home of Mr. land Mrs. William Sporrt-r wher- they Lad a most spit nd id evening and ia honor cf Chester. There were a half a hundred there and all me ru lers cf the Bible school class of the Christian church of Murray. The young folks had an txct-nt time with their games and the very fine luncheon which was served by Mrs. Sporre-r added much to the pit-asure of the evening. Delegate to National Convention Mis Ett ?. Nickle-. v. ho i- an ac tive member of the Ro-l Highland ers and an tamest worker for the trd?r. was hfson last sprint tfthe district convention which wns held at N-braska City in May and at which she was elected as delegate from thorp. en candid-:.t'- to the na tional meeting o: the Royal High landers, v. hich convenes at Der.v r from 13th to September ill-: this vet- r si'! will a'.l the t-p-.r.e-f.? pa4d. Miss E'ti. who is r.n ab!- rr.mber r.f tr. order, has been their secretary fr rears. E-ried in TJicn Tuesday Th-- funeral over the remains of M-. Joseph Dukes, who died at N--brr-skr. City ir.-t Sunday from injur ies roceivt-d whvti a rope ;roke an d l-t him fall -om- Z". feet in:o a well v.-hich he was di-in-. was !e;d la.-t Tu-sday at Union and the interm-nt made at the cast Union cemetery. F oeo iflUUfi WEEK OVER THE COUNTRY realms M?k:rs Special Feafavres cf the Great Track Week; SIo-tt-ir.c' t'rre Lrrtest Typis. 1 h:s wee.-: rionai it as n to sign.itt I Truck we.k and ' t -e .-. rr:i n fr :-. cer:.D:ete v.n ... of Ford 1-ui.t TUCK ..Oi.itS. t.:tr,.n. t-r ti.t- t i-r- .iOit . - r -4 - v into the manufacture of cc.;: - riM bodi-s iniicres ., new and i-.ponaHt advancement ia ih.s divi - r;:-u of r.rtor transportation since n ( s'.o--. - that Ford is bringing into de-j iirry and !:-u';n-z services :!. sam .- i Uiw cor it; ; :.- va'ut: n?.s : .- the F rl pass-.-ng r car the worM. .k C. :..--!! tht corrmer. ial ve- h-s pn '. a: i re-en r r.: proximately t-r cent cf th-.- ori--t"i: trucks in u.-o are Ti ho -.- i .i.e. "" I? ir.terc-t'd :n r ccst; will have th; or ror:un:ty this v .-k cf b-crminrr f-l:y ac. with these Fo; I "or. lit trucl: k,,,m,.s; v. hich. I'-.-c-!" of the c. cr..-.r--re cf F?r i trr.r.tity rroduc ion. arc offered at low ; rir ''nr.-T.'H" h? vo been nts le by dealers to r: -f -h"'v rooms cpen , i.-t.Tiv,r .T --'T'rr the we,"V SO .v.'.' t: 'v Ir.v.. A'or.r.orr-.r.'rv of an or.r.ort insp .,f ,l:clr . ?r,l 2, an or.-n- in f'-.if:re. much p throui-hout t;;:- territory .nriTV "dealer? Mre important, howevc viil b.e p-ep-rd to five d-mr.-ma- riens any of"th-e 'urA' a:: 1 those interested are invi-d to cnt-r their n ousts for the demonstration as r!v ? t of? '!' ' JThe'For l'uiit bedv combinations for 'the famous Ford' one-ton truck chassis inelude the open express type. with either screen fX press type silf-s and tanopy or with top akne. an! the stake and platform body.! This latter body a'.so is cf particular interest to the farmer and truck sar- trr.-r fr- ir is r i - , l o r.-. .verv Irr-ricultural haulins 'recuirems nt as mr v .-r cram cr -rile odr.c With -?k" ! r.roviib'-s ,V f ,s!n ; iti r ill v. i -1 .. i ii produce. i .": "l.T. ' Z '. '.z i,... - 1 " i vrrti .r.v oi iL'St ;k::cs. a-:o ; io- . , , . . . , : v!dt! and ha' prown sr.--.-tiy in pop-,acea tf etaer 5"tiir!?- -revi-t-.-n suiu. , "'ariTv since its introiiurtion. It is! or' a'.i-steel construction, roomy, with, j The newest shades and attractive . I r-rricvjb!? panels in the back end af- 'designs in the Dennis en cr?'3 paper ' 'fords comp'ctc protection for th- ' czn te found at the Bates Beck and tdriv.r in in-Iemem weather. with'Gif T fT,nct llVe rc famV. ventilatinc faciiiti. . i- AL ' ,J"1- " , V, ---,.-. I rii.-'. iav5 also win include t':- piper nanuiacttred fcr all purposes. ; I rev- pick-up body, which on nt-i jen the rear of the Ford runabcu. irrovidinr: a lirht delivery cr which , a variety o: requirements ariety of quick delivery :s an important 'tor. ENGLISH IIINE 0WIJESS 0FFEE TO 2TEG0IIATE London. July 14. The Mine Ovm- i ers' association today offered cp-'r. t and direct nesotiarions with i Miners' federation. There is n idicatien. however, that this move wa t intended to sidetrack the govern- merit's inquiry, which is tr open Fri- day and from which a report is ex I pecte-d within a week, i As the mine owners decline to s withdraw their notice, terminating , the agreement with the mine workers lit hardly seems likely that the min ers will accept direct resotiari'ons. This question will be settled by a ,vote at the Scarborough conference of the Miners federation tomorrow. j Get ycur school supplies at the Bates Bock and Stationery Store. And we have all the swimming; r.e'jj-orie that you need, ineludinc." I:atliii:T ?uit for the whole fainily. Come in and see our line. Firmly, excc'Icr.l ntting col ion suite. Size 3 26 to )4. i vie and 3C3C FOR WOMEN Non-sirco'ii celt or. ar.d a'-'.vcol suits. Size 3 6 to -44. S1.39 to S4.50 FOR MEN Firmiv knit cotter, and ail wool bathing suiti. AH s':z?s. SI.39 to S3.25 Turkish towel?, the rijht size and weiglit, cc.cli . .5.-25 Bathing caps, fancy and dying styles 25c to .75 Store is Open Eveninr.3 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Ho M. Soennicbsen Company Telephone No. 12 - - Murray, Nebraska j ' f RlflM Hrj.J VnMTjf.H j LLU I I UvilsM-l ! IU:f 1 1 1 li,Uil'5' t P.; Omaha Needn't Wcrrv About Ec-sh StzS ia October, Adjutant Says or Call Ont Seserres. Omaha. July It. Omaha ne-d h? ve no fa.-.r of riwi'vi-n !u rir.c - ., ... , ....... .... . tne national ton vent! n tr.' .ta- erican Lesion m toner, i.usseli G. Cre vision, n.v.inal adjutant cf the Lesion, said und;v. 'he convention will 1" :t 'i larce orcanization. with perhaps ' more of the carnival spirit tr.t-.r-; ll- irto it because of the youth of. dele sates." Crevirt'-n sail. j The Lesion is anxiou to e thrt the law's art obeyed, and will coop - ViUl VI. LL til.. LUu.U:iu!' i'.l I a ! Y , iJa'i; convention las, year t-u- : - nient whi"h was respot: :-! ' r t: rrusn wor.m was v. ::;;.o-r m--;.y r. ' S.1-. 1")" J -ai,r,-.; ch lo.Ios a 1 coaTtntr-ns. ! I "Anybody v.-no is no: t-. old r; enter into the carnival spirit win ' find EO fault with th A? the need for spe,.-i.4l eii. rt on thoj part of law enf r em :io?s to uI1 out special reserves, that is the heisht of foolishness." c revision. James t . i;artt n. a. y. nt adjutant. Joan 11. Ilakene ; i i u -u u . uirt'cior ol lo:j.i-i;y i;z.c . Dess Wetherhold. national n-o j retary of the Lesion auxittarv. sp, . ,-uu4 s-'om- over p:au i-.r ia- convention. J , 1 . - . 1 . ! They expressed themselv. - a- v.-- ii pleased with prospects for the m- i mention. Pre-conventi-m work is f..r Mot Wealhsr Anything' you need for harvest here at rurht prices. How about an ice box or refrigera tor? The old cook stove is pretty hot these days! See our splendid line of Oil Stoves. Shelf and Heavy Hardware MURRAY .:- 2 ir-C til L CHINESE WELCOME FLILUS day. Three e th-.r mx. bin. wl.i red th icht w-re ur.uf:-- ' 'u-t:. il- 7hf n:nhtri m : r i ; r-f tht Chinese r-a. mm- r. d-!e.v',-i to w.-hme ti x airplanes left Mo- kins on th.- m .rni- r-f Jun the o'-j.t of survtyitis on thru ib-ria and a-'n-s- . t ; Chi if . - - 7 --..- u r -t'ul ir r',ii- l'J ' - - -j-- - .i sociation fur the e--t.1bl:yhm,;.t - permanent mmur;i..: . ,n t tween Europe an-'. Chin . .: n o:-.-VYcks trio the urns frjm a (! .;. h e f:: I- t v. t h e v 2 c : lion wasn't e n . v t ! nt b.-Ii-v-d th- r-i-v h -r :i. r: ; b.- no .-: r:!; -rn , ; i ?;r, .,.- j..--v.. -. d: ' , A ,n:?z.c)i : , ti: ' , : L.. -..1 . t in c -r- - - '- -v '" c."t utt'.mns a v. ord f-.-r the ; u'.k. 'I NEW T.SAY j Triickmn Line like Cisney Prep. All kinds of trucking, to ar.i frcm the Orr.aha ir.arketi. or othcivise. Live S:eck a spec ialty. Call me by phone at my expense We!! Yes: -:- NEBRASKA