7HTESDAT, JULY 2. 1525. Pi&TTSHOUTH SEKMHTEEEIY JOUSNAI PAGE SIYFJ: the 4th in Plattsmouth. Everything Free! A Big Time for Everyone at Plattsmouth the 4th! , f J"X-X::-: ::-:-:-:-!-:-: ; gp j 0E" rJ Li -'7 Copy for this Department rLllLlUlIO Anil rrTC j. vrwv.MN.iva.w P?TV , I ,A -rv furnished by County Agent U3A 1 til OJ.tiiM i TO -is 4 Spend y ? V I f V ! I t i f r f c t .a: po;Siti th-: cir ha ?4 -AA ZJ Charming Dresses for Street end Afternoon, Sports and Business Wear Phcenis Hosiery n- liiii-iii-:i:.-r.- . s-rvice. vt. J iLit i file. CV.I rs uir Mv i. .t-. k r;'-.boit. CU'J. su- ti:;-.f r hvr-, ro.-c taup--. I ark. ru ii iiivtai. biii. u:a- SI. 50 per pair Laci2s' SiHc Pongee Blesses eacL Cusrantesd Slik Hosiery r hosiery trouble. f strictly cr'iar ir it tl.-.y dent a::-I size-. Ml. . a: per pair Ladies' Dresses Tr--- .'-. - or-:- in the fcilowir.g' :...:::-!-: Ti-u. jrir-jrliar1:. voil ! i',; i ! har.-I --vr -i-r-d. All v'a-r..?.t-'.-l .rtri. tly fu-t "'.r. 3.S7 each Princess Slips : ''a "" ! r. e. !:. ' i!.e rn' . ..it i -jI. Ouarante. -! not i.j -"..t.: ; v r 'f'r'" top. . i- ': . I- :. h. c' - ;.::r::ng Wear . . . . .:-. :.;- in '. r .-'ini-,". " i.i'.ri..- i.t -!i'.y a tw ..u;; T-.- ar- i::..d-- ;:. ;h a: ; i -ally very .-;-: a:.; : :. a c: ; at variety of :'a? ; of il r-. -. : lujiity. Iric's at SI and up r ii FhoerAx Hosiery m CSC3Z eoad whoever had the see::- of the evening u Omaha came r-'av-l-.-'s along th-- K. T. highway wrecked car s- tta ot i v r: c r u-t i vcn;i.g re- it on into umaua. p - rted the ,:i t th-i ; t 'urin.g ar was j i :t. c ::i i::e p t ; . a : -uth of the :.!i..?our; PatiMc and' DO I'url.ngton rro--:-ii.g. The ar. whi'h. 1 .r' an Omaha number, hid nppar-; That wind velocity has as great an cuily b-en or.mir.g tr. 21 :"-.e north 'effect on houschtatins as floes tcra and ski ldtd from the roadway to . pe-rature. tum turtle in the dop ciitcli ai m- That, roughly speaking, cue mile of tide the road. At f.rst it was though: additional wind velocity per hour mv of trie c cup-.nts of has the saate d r-r.-:2!h the er teraperitTire. invs:igati:ns proved that' That, the V " X X. f m Another Fortunate Special Purchase Beautiful, Crisp, New 4 for the 4th specially priced! Ladies' Dimity Step-ins All colors and size-. Special at- 75c each Wonea's Bodice Vests Silk, and tilrc. Ali colors and size-. S;. ' ial at $1.50 each , Ladies' Muslin Princess Slips ',.; -ts. white f nly. Sizes 3". n 46. v. ith 2"-irfh shadow proof Lt-m. 3c each Ladies' Crepe Gowns I.iz. full cut. All color in regular sdzes. Special at SOc each .Children's 34 Hose Swi. rib. roll t"p. iK. trin:. Color u'.a' k. white. rdcvan. airda'.e. jack rabbit, f-lkskin. soft gray. All sizes. 50c per pair Children's Cotton Hose White only, f.ne rib. Size Z to l. Very special at ' 15c per pair Lsdies' Umbrellas I.in n over, fast ci.lor? S3.25 each Silk and linen. Guaranteed not to spiit. All cuiors. at $4.50 each "8 O Fred P. Busch, Manager !een in the car had left incurred through w ind con be easily the accident. Later in j prevented by a slight improvement in auto repair outfit from i the house construction. out and removed the! That weather strins on wf nrinvt.-s from the ditch and took ; and doors will prevent due to the necessary these openings. YOU REALIZE: mat construction at in attic spaces can cheaply improved to losses. That not only do uieiiis iu Duiiaing out tney may often the use of a smaller efiect cs on degree low- heat loss from houses additional ccsts cf construction. All Sizes from 16 to 52 are represented in this Splendid Show ing of new Dresses Cbi'aren's Hats Lttt -iyit j. turriait-r straws, a.-.- rt tJ colors, and .-Cujics. Two pric - 7&c and $1.16 Ladiss' Bungalow Aprons Mf-diuci. Ia"-Kt- and snill. A- rtt-i light and dark. Very special 73c each Ladies' Dresses 7." Ladies" Dresses, sizes 16 tu 44. in silk, v dl-s. Iicen-. Knglirb broadcloth., s.ikettc anU IlauU silks a real buy at $5 each Children's Kiki Oating Sciis Made with middy jarkPts and b!o3m ers. Size 6 to 14. $2.35 each Wcmsn's Step-in Chemise Silk and f.bre. dor fltsh aiid peai! in all size, at $2.45 each Kimonas T'ai i a garment every wcnriTi needs. New arrival in tigli vol .red. flowered B. : C. crepes. All sixes. Very ipecial $3.95 eaxh P. N. Practical Front Corsets Thre is a mod 1 for every woman, o. casion and occupation, in a full ranse of cUnrus and with no ut-tail omitted for individuality, style and comfort. I'riced at $5 and p Mansingwear I off ff erv That the house from which the scow on the roof is first melted is not the warmest house, but is instead one from which a large amount of heat is escaping. these losses cracKs around FOE SAir tne eaves and be easily and prevent wind thes improve- Ued piano, excellent condition, call Plattsmouth phoji Xo. 163. z ltw lower iuei Dins. make possible) R. C. Mockett. well known heating plant. 'attorney, who was here in the That smaller fuel bills and smaller j the Kettlehut estate matter, heatin-r plantt- will pay for the slight jtbis mornins for his horn additional ccsts cf construction. capital city. Chinch 5ts I Ah outbreak of chinch L-us v.aj reported on one farm in Ca.-1; canty, u ' but it is believed that ti.ey hare , theia well in iiaad m that arm. but ' lit will take co-ottrat;oa to kotp " - ;them from spreading. 'tLe I'...-"' : 1 a::. Protect the Cows Fita Plies ' vti- varrior v-r: .- i In a larg"e measure fiies are rtapoa- l-uic i::. th :.: -' :- -sibl fcr low- mi'.k yi-ds auric? the th t t summer and thin catti-.- in the fail. y---i; ruay !: -:! r :a : Cows should be protected from them par".-, and tran-:-' -i-: ' jas raueh as possible, advises the ari- ; flu cair.p cf Ar. iy Cr..vi 'cultural college. Lincoln. One of the tr-w- of v, t-ran?. I": ::.::: (best methods of doing this i to k ep r.in; th &a:u- 'the cow stabled during the heat cf J. ! the day in coo! dark.-nd barns. ! V.'hlle th-- a::. w-a.-j Window's can be darkened by nailine ' ount :: the cr . j-unny sack over them. It is also a:cu!? hr.d ti.-ir h : .good plan to hansr guaay sack ovtr ' r ide ti:e 'rt. t .' 'I jthe tlonf in such a manner that the 'Iiv-vi ami V.";, :::: k fiie wiil be brushed from the cows I: V. t r-f tve hit- m; a they enter the- bar. In ease it is hir- of . t ti.r.r :' - . i ; desirable to spray the cows, a trxd ::.orh l:r.-rp. ..-v. ...a:i. jspray can be made from trt follow- 'tin.: b:-. r;si j; 1 !,-.-I ing ir.?rediea:s: 1 '.'0 parts cf fish o'h ' t-r-. :.: : v ith ;.;ir I u parts of oil of tar. and cr.e .itt 'of crude carbolic acid. Eet-air the ihreshin Sips Two bulletins, available t th if..i::!tv i-vtfr.s!(i!i seen? s trii-e cr at the- agricultural colltgo. Linot-in. of- tfe; to the farnur or-erators uf thresh- jiTif. rit soi'ie helpful ; ur. t s i--::s and I directi'.ris fcr the overhaulins. ad- ! jutt in; nd operation of t Ta i s paratdr. Furnu-rs' i ult:i Kircs direction f.'r th ovt r. T ' I ii . djfi.-tir-T of a!' imp. r.r p-.rts 'u'.i -:r. jof the Stpa! or. Fa: rs suaie.-: i or. tnat ke alt ittf litti things rucsir? smooti ! f--r 1 thr -t.::..r. Ti - Ma i outfit with the -x''..rb nce-i separa- j tor man. who grew :'ro: a water j j in The ear::- . lia ve liv- n '. jv to 'th-2 sriil-r ris c M-of-rarivt y or.oi !'-.- farmer-, ma-y :i l.r r,. ir- i t xr.eri- nc-.-d. Th o Ion m.-.st used ri: repjr tin.-' e bulletin a.ii.t hflp. Greying Kog-s Need ilay Hay fr boss is no lon..r Iau2h--d at by tiie practical "ray nn. esp-- . it.. i. . i. . t , . .v. -..-i i lii;) :.t I. iLui iay 1 L;.e inn- tro'vifis: kind known as to? pasture. ; i Av- r a- .-s-nmatee trot.-: ICt-s.tUi j ho- paster.- worth t-.s much as iS t ce r ? c re r- r f-a-.-:: as h;.- feed. Pas- : .: re is nn: on'.v valuable for the m- rnts it contains t-ut a .ft :ie h'g r'Uet take t-i. r::se hef.r -nd d urine ,.r.d nfter -v-ry m-sl. i a ne tEo- are 'io:ns taat they not ;n tue oil o a t a re r lot ?.r.-i dirty v a!i-ws. Tl: t.j t; J- 4. -- t rn r.l -! -' 1 f . is t' e :t . - v'" - - - - - - - brask ho pasture. If not pastured too heavily, it wiil go through tl:.- avcriKt yea r unhurt- Swe -1 lovtr n aitinsr many frh mi : - - an an .: . n i.t tc.jt ran aar.t.y u,- c :-. t. . t -- -:i-d -,vh tie it !a.-t. a- n-ra;;y from , Jon-- i .3 fa., trusts. P.ap makes . ( cord hoc pestur- ; n i i hsndv to : :e in th- small f.'.I 1 where corn is1' 1 1 be l.OgCeU '-OWE. GOLF NOTES t r'r M..n-!:.v' t'ai'y There ht h-en S cai.ie t lay-d off in the lot al tournament. Standing to "::.-- T. With the Trans-Mi--. cut of th? way. all gotfrrs have thIr ye ov. the State Tournament, to he played at Lakoma club, starting auly rtn. Starting July ltjrh. the SfUthert - rn Nebraska tournament will te iield at Auburn. T T - . . . 3 . e ii' p." 10 nae 10 eI2 piaj er i" both meets. All member are eligible. Mrs. W. H. liulsizer cf Omiih:). is visiting at the home of 21 r. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes, thi wetk. HO jr.-ii.i.'S t r-.rti;;x ::;:. :--. -. TV- : vr-- c 1 .m f'r -.---i. - t cy Catarrh. HALL'S CATAKRH WFJiflE rr.n ..ts of an Oirtt-ejat wu-ieh Q aici.Jy r.eiievs the ca'arr1 .;! inJlar-.rrntlor. sr.! -ernal - ' -'-'5 1: nrourr. c.'.- im "--.a cr tee :-i J ? -r-a fcS th roeiur:-!" r.orrral co.ui trf.s. Soi-i bv druggists for I". J. Cher.-y C.. CARD OF THAIJSS We wish to express our 1 during the sickness and death c: on grandmother. motrr-in-Iaw. aunt and sister. Glen T. Thomps-m. I::cz Thompson, Thomas B. Wright. . Mrs. Mario. Knowek and family. Dr. Joe J. Stibal Chiropra ( te r Schraidirnann Bnildisg Telepho-ne lie. 2 J A real home is on? which -J. is crowned with health and J. Lappines. If si-knes is prevalent there is &.mtthing Lincoln v- the eolution to y&ur he-ahh trial of -f- problems and you will have departed a real tome. . in. the 4- -j- j ,-.";,;.";.,;..";..";";..;,";,;..2..";.. 4. r ir.'jcr. ..i;.:r ace t-j tnt- lcc oe- v- :t, .. :,. ' . ft c,d th.it rt -is- t te;i the t wo place s in.-n t lonv -i as 1 ti -t .r--,. t .' N"-. . S.ran- !:-the.-' is hr-tv.o-n th siunij. o: the : ' ' . ".-'J ' " r, 1" ,T r... !i. 'tr. Troo Cc::'.:-3: Here Yc; 3;- ;:r: cJ U to 6 locals Z-Iaa! 3'!!. i .:e . . i. a. to : - - 1 ) oat o -.- to 1 IMlii. l t- . i . - . i'a r n - rc il - t b.tt a r. i r--r e tMC.'i o ; -A 1 -r'.' v,:ii t r .-. - ..! h.t- ;.lOi s M- Ui t" tiv - Pi : ff: ! i.rt in firit of 1 1.. fr.u. th-' t r-t :: "wati-iy ! r ; r. 1..fr r . 1 - . t -.i - -. - : r-.a. A Jiitrsi-n at: sa. o ... r 1 as- and -.vi t-.il'.v-! by J. J.'d..- ti :i j w a iratr- c. i L rt v, ..t a .:- i.y" i.esitat'.l i;i t'a tl. r-.-.v :.. :;.icr. W.ifj-n -c i ; rc i v . :i h.t. A. J.o ,- n 1 .; . i .; : i x or.-l ha?- ;. a ti.r-.v. frt-r. Ii-r'i i:a-;-'chie t" Newman, v. ho f i t a f - - . . . ; Ti . Piatt s.:.outa a m : tc tr 1 .:if c: tr.- s-c.-iii r: ...-..l-. ! on Mr. litrman and ca--d hi Withdrawal ; t;.t fr o; i tb- rair.e bv ura wiri-r .x l.u and a walk that : . .-;.i . -d in a "i a . ' 1 cr' ix f.lii- s beior- the i :.- out Wj. mad, . Mc'arry w as .-tr.;k --it af-t-r juhbir.ir a r i une to irt "that '..-ti .'.-rcreed a xV u I ! ail. :-!rt:n w. I a ci- d to p.t: by H-r.:iar.. v. h i .-i . e.ru .- th-3 Sr.. works a; r-.-w mi.n i -'. . ! and hit a lin-r -i.rvm-h t tdt'her that c ou'.d not ivy :-f :. JJ: t.;,(,n sin-led t lc-ft n-M and Vii- ivi ihi-v. y I.',.- r. t;-d th- ooie - - 1 t. nrt I . - l . .. . : j . - - . . ' T i :;- w i.s liter u.ii-i. a; i:.e i.ie. - , ' , ,-:jt-,ullt.: i it t. c-ntir and ' : ,- ....... .,. v ... -i. rn:(. v. '.: w a it !,v a . r j , r..ai;t;rUi i r.ly r itched bfcil U II1 : wh n H-:rb Klaus .-hi 1 . - dee 1 . x . iievu-1 an orh'-r th. : t , :r i irning on a v a'K c i v. a o Al eve- and a hit by Bressman ti.at in the Plattsm-uth half t i ti ? bird Martin a. s'rr.ck by on-? k r reruns . . , - the i-'inrs cf Andy Grro -. who sue- : V f ' cee de-i Hermcn :n the box. and w he 11 ( i" ";" I-:ot;:is Xewman ni:l:--l At : y f. -r a! 1 I-', two-basser to right garde n. Art ' '. , . r-.i. " 'v-: r i Th- visitor in the cp-ning of ti Th rVV:. ichth started with Dress man. vho .'ah I was out 01 3 r.y to Swanon. but '.-' r1 Wolf on tf.ek kindly to on- of tat .-v s.auts of ""Swanny" f.-r a sine'-:- c-ut ' in the left f.e'.d v. h . re the il -p mu.i . w h inter:--r--d with fast f.-l iir.g. A kit Vy Wt inr -or-, r. v.---.-.n ?-rr :-.i :.- I sa--kr, scored V.'olfon. Aroused by t: e score -f t:.-ir op- j w ronent the Platt:i.r;tth v .. rricrs ct i opened up on At.uv in t::e las of tiie . -: -t w 'sixth arT.l aue-l the grand eld man , ail of th ! to retire in favor of Wclfon. rca "-,.':- d a , n r.r,ened the inning with a at- ' ' r.irc. !";. ingle to right held that w.l- 1 lowed bv Wi'.iiair Petri:!-: 0'I'n: I rt.'ertr in the . .:a- direct! t ; ; was retire i cr. a g'out. h t i r:ves. when b -1 . KiM's.,;:i- doubled, this time 10 left e j scorins" more run; f.. r his t .-S.t d: Svai.son aiid O'lH.: -il bcth v a 1 1 1 Grav..s and givi n ' . . . .,, 1.1:1,.' ...e .-. ! !. .v n,e n n a- ?:r::u : it :..: .i-d: :? i :.: i;,'W'- (tot; it ti.lrti 01: -t;c:- it-niur. "Svanr.:-' oniy "Ue run v.-a: -. .- 1 ' -. fr. .-' 1 r iv--i , outs, 1 In the I as' ' hit hard lex. . ,nred as the n -idin- .f M- tart : 1 Joi;r--cn in the 01: 1- .. cr tuov.-n tie char.Ces ot L.-..-. vu 1 test dar.ge! ous. j Ilatt-smouth j , AB H PO A II1 O lKintieil. lb ; :'. ' ; :U roid. 2b 4 1 S - 1 ! ; Il:cu-chi. . c - T - ' ?-ic;artv. t 4 1 '. Martin, "b - 5 0 N-wman. s 4 4 ?. v ! Jchn--n. r:'. if 4 110 0; Ma-on. If. rf Z 1 0 0 0 ; i Nelson, rf i 0 f 0 b ! Sv.ar.on. p T. :; 1 1 0 ; 'Total 4-2 IS 27 I'i 1 i f Believxe Ir.derndcrt- ' AD H PO A il Ionav;n. e T 7 " 1 Al Grav.?. cf 4 1 il 0 t. Luc"- -. , lb 4 1 h J : P-.-e.-frr.an. rf 4 1111, Woifon. If. P 2 ( A. Jackson, sc 5 112 b J. Jackson. 3b 2 0 111 Ccrtsran. 2b 4 ." 2 2 0 Iltra.an. p 1 0 0 0 0 Andy Graves, p. lf 1$ 1 i 3 ) Totals aT 10 2 4 11 For any itchiness of the skin, for skir. rashes, chap, pimples, t-t-.. try Dears Ointment. 60c at all drug at Czf.zles skir. rashes, chap, pimples, tt-.., try jI-J-Arr Dears Ointment. 60c at all drug ' , stores. di.y z - w:: is i. , ill 11 da; 4th. .Will ::j V. T. Craig Lir:?Lor:r rrcduce S:c:;un b.-.hhbf: A! f S ! v N T MP e V , 4 : wi:!i t: u ft- h :' i bh; . r: t:.- ii : 't - It - : . .?' 'r- j c : u: - ; i ... - . -' - r ' . ' . " T" ' - - " "' ' '''-' Hi' I ?t. : 1 ' m.rriahy . ovr. ' 1- ' , 'AT: r. 1 u; ,-r .c- at: i :t - . - :. .t ,. ; i . 1 : t . v ycui:g iiex's class milts V. :::: v. t. s pi ' M !.. :- i: . : a t g ov. r f : . 1 c th- "-ire" t ' - : d a very !' , ti f r " ' n c c -Mi.-s Alice I. .u:--'.:' fcr r ; . a - .1 " .;;.!.:;: t:t I r th- -;d:-. yed ly i- li-h- ; ijnr. Th.- .. .- .- t t h , P. i- - r t r. - - v . r ! nj-:- . t t: - ? v. b- rs - f fc ph cs:r. ' a- -1 1 u . i 1 . enjoy n::r timz ' - ! II- rm :: K--. -. - - r t a C c . ' . V U - GET YOUR an i f 7 the Bales Book and Stationery Store if? A 1 'A I Li r. i where you v. ill nd one of the most complete lines in the city ire fs.ct mcst every f-tt rrt'-."!' f'r-n "rc- , " . --rt:, cclct-it-Gil in hue ;tle.