The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 02, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Spend the 4th in Plattsmouth. Everything Free! A Big Time for Everyone at Plattsmouth the 4th!
uon uepartm
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
For hail insurance see us at Bank
of Urion.
Frank Owings was r.:r.king some
repairs on a pump at the t:.r:a of L.
J. Todd where Mr. Luther M-.-ado
George Everett 1-gan his Ii:r 't
i nir last Monday afierneoii up si has
seme excellent !nat which ho is
Mont Kobb was a visitor in Platts
r.U'iitli last P;it unlay win re ho was
called to look after some business
matters f-.-r n short time.
J. D. Cross and w:;- vi-r.' i". ai
tendan at the rreb itrvm hureh
st riatt.'ne--::n. driving ever to the
cpuittv .-t ;it .!!'! :y morning.
Old Line Kail Inra.ance. Bank of
M:s. Tony Sod rath and Miss Mar
garet -v. re vi-iting la?t Monday
:'!.rnin'i in Pk'.tt-r.e.uth vl'oro t hey
v. : re
t;if'K- t :
G rt
;.- at::o
si: ion ''
a-. I i4 v
u: the 1
( .
. -
pr pari!
liar-' '
seen t -1
C. H.
i Ir. f r s-.
1.:--: urr
-..:.- h : ;;'
frb r.ds nr.
Miss Eh
A: t:-(
..d p-St
.s r-.t
:e shopp
ng has
r.- it of
Wa' :o
'l the Pr
k n . h e
; i n : - s.
Coir mi---;
'.: 'i v
d: s (iVt-rt d
in h ; corn viiK i
l.-in r ne.d which
the corn.
NVh.r.w l a.
:as a?cr i.t-
pst lover
being a no
were accompanied by the daughter
of Mr?. Clniridsre, ;.Lss Margaret
Keeves. v;!:d hr.s hem visiting here
with fii-ii; lor the past three wc?ks.
At the booster matting at the Bap
tist -chunk, v. '..en the Bible
v.hiM and the church were repro-r-ented,
Mr. Hue II. Frans and Mrs. j
Charles Garrison each. made an ex addie.-ei o-i t lie work of the
(hur h and Bibb' sht;ol. they both
iioirsr very e nthusia -tie l'.iblo school
W. I. Foster and wife and Mrs.
Nettie Stanton v. ere i'hwu from
Omaha and rent Sunday and Mon
1 y in Fnior., reluming to their
hoine in Onui!ia where they pareha.3- .
oil r. ho:. ie a sLiort ti;nc- since. Mis I
Mary K. Fo: ter i-s this week at In- j
(iianaolis v-inre sho i-; attending a'
court ' of lectures and will also at
ter.d anoiher course at Chicago the;
cor ii:4 week. ',
A little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh!
Warden had a er- narrow escape a ;
short time since when a high wind j
ot; blew a liarht pole into a tree to
which a lot ties line was aita.-iiei
u!a:.d the little cirl went rut to gat lie
1 a po-.'ir. the wash whith was on the line,
srang ' find ca:i;e very nar being electro
.1 i :an i' '..'lid. l-ut P3 ar-od a;t ti.e wind s'.vay-
h'st Sunday from Union the follow
ing: Melvin Todd, Fulton and Don
aid Harris, Cecil Xickles, Justin and
I?en Anderson, Lucian LaRuc, who
pang two songs at the meeting which
was hi UI and David Meade.
Mourn Loss of Little One i
Lar.t Sunday there -was born to ;
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Kay a little '
daughter who lived but a very short
time when death came to claim the 1
joy which war, riven to the young
couple. The funeral was held last j
Sunday and they have the sympathy
of their many friends in this their j
hour r f grief.
The Stores will Clcse i
The business hoiuvs of Cnion will j
close on Juiy Fourth at 10 o'clock in
the morning, thus allowing those f
who wish to make what purchases ,
they may d -sire and also giving all
v.n opp)i!. unity fo enjoy the Fourth
where They choose.
c o:
1 1-
r,.-r C. F.
the gradii
Harris ,
y -.T,,l ! ?
r My-
: the jravtling which is
! : I t gun.
T.iyliir. who his been at
;?:e time, returned to Union
!,iy ani was (..:iniT auer
;, ;.s ".-ell as visiting with
i r ; itives.
ren.e Dysart was a visitor
in t! i eiclii orl.ood of Murray dur
ing the pr,-c-it we"k and was a
g-i . r -'f ;!i" I'.otp of her aunt and
unc;,. Mr. and Mrs. 15. Cline.
Edith Foster was a visitor in
IMan'oi-.t h. at the home of her
grandmother. Mrs. L. C. Larson, for
the past week, returning home last
Mrs. Cc-.rtr.- Everett and her two
daughters. Misses Miry and Eva.
were vi-ittnc last ?.I-r;day afternoon
at the home of Rev. at.d Mrs. V. A.
itobert T. Pr' st. who ha .1)""M
here for some time with the new
dr;irsit. Mr. Moore. :-i-tin him
','. the pole and broke the contact.
Irs. M )IMo Oanw... and Mrs. .
Still', were vi itit'.g and looking
after soi,:e husimss matters in Xe- ;
hraska City. last Monday af'i rnoon. ; Ju f!C p. evolutional'
rst:'iirant business and furnishes
meals at her hem.;- in the north part
of town, where she serves excellent
meals and is thinking of renting a
place down on Main street.
os-snci: wsr fir
is a ii.tCi:;
lira jfrcauc-
d.own on ?.iain street, but as
vet i3 undecided nv to where site will
or remain in her own ho .ie.
W. A. Hurding, mantgir of the
Farmers' elevator company of Union
was a visitor at his home at Bethany
and with the wife wire at Camp Qui
vcra, rear Louisville where they vis
ited with their two sons. Wendell
is unfortunate from the hHtori-
Inn's point of view that artiVis ar.d I
' w rii its ciH)00.' i lie .-'!vCt::C"i!:ir rattier
jthat tlie iiiiporiant events and inci
dents of a war as the subject.-? for
I their paintings
For it very frei
and Niles. who are camping there
and their writings.
t:enily happens that
the really important evrnta of a great
war, like those of hitman life in gen
eral, lruk that fpectacuiar quality i
whirh inspires the artist and the
pud f-nf-v-d the dav most nleasantlv : writer, ana nen- e. o. in- iieg:e ieu.
Thev accomnanied &!so bv their .gradually from the ken of men. ,
sen. Cirl. Th y were;! at the.
exeell-tit showing of their son. Wen- i
lell. who scored th.o best on all the '
ramp at Quivera as he also did a 1
year ago.
ir get tine th
d-parted hist
at I.u-hton.
Mrs. K'diert
store "-tprteil
Sciturd.iv for
Don't wait too long;. Get your hail
11 ri -'!'. t. insurance at E-iuk of Union.
Shr-Mlrr and her two
chibinn. Ken Snd Dorothy Sh"f!3 Id.
w. re vi-iting for over Sunday at the
home of friends and ivlitiv. s in and
near Union, tluy making thtir homo
in Murray at this time.
It. E. Foster and frmily ami Mrs.
Nettie Stanton were visiting last
Sind?y at Lincoln, where they were
guests at the home of Ed. ward An-
ler.-on and family, driving over
the car of Mrs. Stanton.
' I' Uooster Day at Church
The Faptist church, and Eible
school ;:t Union enjoyed a very nice
i gathering at the church Inst Sunday
: whe re they had an a!! day meeting
with dinner in the basement of the
Ichutch. The Bibie school was one
.which, was most intererting. it being
the three months rvi-jw of the les
sons and was enjoyed by all. Tly
sermon wliich was deiivered lv the
111 1 Rev. W. A. Taylor was well enjoyed
! bv all r
Ofttimes. too, events both important I
and fcpectaiular have bet n overshad
owed by events which might be
termed "super-pocu.cular" and so
have passed from memory.
So it probably is that one of the
laost. important campaign.-? of the war
of American independence, having
-esent. The Rev. Tavlor who
failed hitherto to t tract t!ie cliron
ieleri. lias been well nigli forgotten.
It has remained for David Wark
Griffith, creating 'America." the
ttt-inic romance of the Revolution,
v. hi: h will be shown at the Farmele
theatre Friday and Saturday on
Saturday front M p. m. on to bring
from, oblivion th great struggle to
save the grain fields of the north
country, and to place it where it be
longs among the decisive struggles
ef the history r.f the United Slates.
Fate, aided by artists and models,
ha? made Washington's voyage across
Frank and Anna Ilauer were visit
ing over last Sunday at the home
of .Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols in ar
Greenwood, whre they vent with
their auto Sunday morning and re
turned ht'tue on Sunday evening.
Wayiv Garrett and wife of Omaha j
were vitintr in I nion. guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ealtue.;
her parent-;, ar.d also at the home o!"
her brother. Ellis f.aRue and wife,
for i:Vtr Sunday, driving down in
their car.
Mr. D. I Sloan of Thurman. was
a visitor at th" home of his sister.
Mrs. E' nry W. Banning, south of
town for a few days during the past
weed-:, and also at the home ct
brother. .T. F. Wilson. as well
other relatives.
is so well and favorab v known, wili!ti:e irczt-n iteiawaie one oi me nc si
preach the coming Sunday as v. ell ; known incdents of the Revolution,
as continue to minister to the church j From a historian's angle, however
for the future. The church which j th":-? v'a' ;I nrinor incident indeed
has had no regular minister for some i compared with the battle in the
time, is beginning to take on newiorth country. Two lives wire lost
life and should soon he a strong when Washington' forces crossed
! church. There is a ster on foot to ,!'? nver. ten tiu-usani m-n. wom
: organize a srrong Me i's Bibb class 'n a(l children w ere slaughtered
and such a move would work to the vvxien (apt. waiter miner, i apt.
good of the BibI
school, the church
and the entire community.
He Got Their Goat
A very clever salesman came to
Union week and offered forsale
a suit of clothrs wliich was to be
lis j made by a very responsible . i'.oring
as I firm, the cost of the -ruii wvi to be
?12."i0, made of cloth like a sample
at the
hotel which has been located
foot of Main street in Union
close and the house was left vacant
for a short time but it is understood
that there are a number of parties
af;er the- p'afe- feir the establishment
of a like business there.
Miss Mary Everett, who has been
ir. Lincoln for some time past, wlu r"
she was at a hospital and whe-re she
had some transgrafting of skin em
which e-ove red
wiiu ii ine youug ria.i carried. lie
was abie to interest a very promi
nent business man in his wai r-s who
purchase-el a suit as well as another
of the firm. This business man also
went with the salesman and intro
duced to other business men.
manv of whom made purchases. The
agency was also given to another
j business man and the man left. In
I a lew iiays. le tters containing sam
l Wound I V o ouiii i:oose. Kill
i liiucii eiinerent from the one present-
hor forrhe
which she- ha! in her fore-head. Th
wound is e-ennpb-te ly covered and ;
with but little showing that there
was a wound.
Dr. W. .1. Lnvforel i1en:irtel tnsf
Saturday for Ca'ifejrnia where he ! 3::llosnian. but wit h no success as yet
,-;ie f.v .. t-1 . . ,. , ...... .. n . i -
rete.rn wi'h Mrs. I.uxford and tin-
ed by the agent, asking an O. K. on
the ord-r. Most of the buyers re
pudiated their purchases. They are
now endeavoring to locat the smooth
me. nil. ; s
t u joy ih
Tuesday, with
and r turned
lor a
who ilrove tlere a few
sine-e. t',i"y will all drive back
The folks have been cnjovinsi-' hov
Snend Dav at Camp Quivera
Clifton D. Smith, who is seout
masre!; at Union, and some ten of the
...... . . - ' i ; i JtTiIl 11 .111111 I Ml I I )'I ,
visit tin r.- very ranch and will i last Sundav whrr tliev en'oved the
tri phon e. j occasion ery nut -h. The boys sem
( lairi !-' and wi'e of ('- 1 yrv i.urh rdesisee! wftli visit ona
lumbus eirove -own to Union last : would like to spend aome two w eeks
Saturday end visited over until I there, but the- a rrantromnn to r.nnnt
friend.s and m-ele r.t t!ii into nnfin.i Ti,n,n
there with Sccutmaster Smith
their band of ruthless. I
e ana
painted tories, and Indians, swept
through the North country, bent on
destroying the grain v. Mich alone
could keep Washington's army sup
plied with food.
Confronted with the gigantic task
of bringing the hiah points of the
Revolution within the two and one
hrlf hours' space al'oted. Griffith.
w;:h the advice of historians,
chos" to depict the steiry of the war
in northern New York and western
Pennsylvania, rather than the Letter
known, but comparatively unimport
ant battles rnd ineide-nts v.hiih ar
tists and writ..
have made famous.
a to k H ft e h U i n y H F a S H ri ?3 ?J & a H r b.'i m fj a & S : : s
1 tUi H 3 kJ 15 tl y K M i n U r. & , r; ... h U n. : H -j S f v : j-j t? v
While we never want to
C 3
A ;.-'i-
ci ciie uatnotic sicmiicance
Qt m:s
crtv it
day, yet the joyous remembrance cf the Victory and Llb-
it a
C- - - t r---v
ceieDra ace
hrins, the family and
" m
Plans are all made fcr a grand and glorious eld-fashioned .good time.
M. 'C
) T Y -, -H
1 I
re F.
i a
- y f ir"T. T -3 t5
Picnic Dinner and Noonday Bj.!
Defense Day Parade and Exercises Hon. A. J. Weaver, Falls City, Orator
Music all day by Plattsmouth Eagles Band Stereo open all day except 1:33 lb 3 p. m.
V 4
1 ne re
home em Tuisrlay and: were1
Spend the 4th in Plattsmouth. Everything Free!
While They Last, I will Sell You
Vc.!ct Auto Strop Razor
1 Vtxlet Auto Razor Strop
1 Genuine Hammer brand 3-b!acIe
Pocket Knife
Get a Kitchen Knife Stroper lo Sharpen that
Dull Butcher or Paring Knife fcr 10c.
Screen Wire Oil Stoves Everything Else
Hardware Furniture Undertaking
-:- -:- NEBRASKA
The reports of the earthquake tlis-
1 aster on the Pacific coast that caused
I the loss of twelve lives at Santa Uar
Eatlliqufike Shocks Keen Comirpr ancl.bara as well property loss of sev
eral muiions 01 dollars, as well as
the shocks at Les Angeles and other
of the western coast citie s. has caused
, ! more or less worry here to families
J,'" "-ithat have- relatives in the west,
continued tl keep , T-,,-,. i,,,,,,!,! ew,,.
its carireiuaH'' eye open, to-iay witn
the re'-ciut of
Seven Hurdied T-Ier, at vvork
Clearing Rnilron-l Tracks.
I 0 E Luj I i Mil
m m si
"From a structural vi-. -.vpoint ." t r.
writer of tlie survey e-lai!iic-, ": ite i
Cliadreui uplift is tlie m..-,t Lk-. ... '
'willee.L' lerritory in the rcni-dh.
east e.
t.iri'.-ry -.
e-'i the no
n i ; e
d Si:
1 e
to bo U1M
h -
Pozemnn, Mont,
western Montana
s l.ite last night
tiiat shocks still w -re bing fe't near
the scene of the e!isturhuii"es of Sat
urday night and Suiulav. Tlie Oalla- ;
tin river vailey stirred restlessly all
day yesterdry and distinct shocks
were felt here at 10:0 and 11:3." p.
m. last night.
Last nicht's shoeks drove people"
from their beds and tunny spent the
remainder of the night out of door-.
Dozens of shocks have boon fe'.t
! between Royman and Three Forks,
Jone of the thr-e towns vliich suf
ifered nifist, since Salurday night. Aj
if;hock at 3:20 Sautruay afternoon'
jtoppled over the weakened walls of,
i a scnooi nuuuing at riannaitan
residents of this city located in the
west coast country, but as far as ati
be learned there- are now who reside
at Sania Ilarbara, the larger number
living at Los Angeles, Long Reach,
Orange and Santa Ana. which places
have not suffered seriously from the
The first reports of the disaster
gave great cause- for fear here in the
reports of the damage at Los Angeles
but which fortunately lias not proven
serious and brings relief to those who
had relatives and friends living in
the ccast country.
I which was partially -wrecked Satur
day nigli t.
j Shifting.5? of the earth surface yes
terday were felt at Great Falls, Hel
ena, Billings, Loan, Three Forks,
and Manhattan but no material dam-
'age was done.
j Seven hundred men are at work
rclearing miles of C, M. & St. P.
track in Sixteen Mile canyon near
.Lombard which was buried by ava
lanches result inr; from quakes. Traf
fic over the Milwaukee lines still is
(impossible through that section and
its trains are oeing re-routeel over
Northern Pacific aud Great Western.
Althoi'gh property loss at Manhat
tan, Three Forks and Logan is still
l estimated at T, hundred thousand
dollars, some cf the partially wreck
ed buildings can be ealvagcd, it is
isaid. '
New York, June 30. The world
league against alcoholism in its an
nual report issued on the sixth an
niversary since the hdveT.t of prohi
bition, today asserted a purvey shows
arrests for intoxication in the fiscal
vear 1924 which closed yesterday,
were below those of 1023 and 1922.
Returns for 1924 from 129 cities, in
thirty states, involving an aggregate
population of 23,000,000 show they
were 13.4 per one thousand popula
tion, as against proportionate ratio
of 17.4 in 192H, and 15.3 in 1922.
the report says. The survey includes
JJave yon anything to "cry or
Then tell
11 a'.:
jtlie JcurI Want Ad colusin.
Secured to Sink Well
Chadron Territory: Drilling;
Machinery Ordered.
ml Mi :sisl;,pi
h- drilling dap
a .! . (in a 1. 1 . ! i '
' i 1 1 1 i
ie m
l ; i' t
it r.
Chadron. Xeh.. June 2S. Ade
quate capital for drilling a test well
has been secured and the capabilities
of northwest Nebraska as an e il pro
ducing section will be te ste ! as soeui
as leases in this territory have w -en
secured, according to an ana e.inr. -raciit
made he-re by C. M. Va b n ( i'.e..
who has for several years emdoa veren
to interest capital in the Chadron
In charge of the drilMag will be the
Nebraska Oil eorpe i ati.m. v!ib h was
formed here during the visit of F. L
Duthie of Seattle, well-known Paeifie
coast ship builder and nine owner.
, . i.. e.
who is extensively iv.i-resieu iu no
Wyoming fields. With Duthie were
John 11. Merrill, bis Wyoming man-
ager, and Albert Loumnitz. his pri-l
vate secretary. j
Order Macliinery. j
Drilling macliinery has been or-,
derc-d and it is anticipated that s iit-j
able leases will have been secured by
the time it arrives. No stocK in the
company has-been offered to the pub
lic, and it is understood that the cor
poration has ample financial backing
without seeking outside assistance.
Belief in the existence ofoil in
northwest Nebraska is based em a
thorough survey of the territory rv.ieh
by Moore. Osborne fc Little, geologi
cal engineer.:- of Oklahoma. The ir
surveys place the depth to Ordivician
lormutiors at 3. .15(1 feet and the geo
lcsUts declar that nil tnay n rtruck
at three depth within that figure.
! .
a V.
ri- i.i :
with Pe rnsylvania ;
. nicks within aece.-si!
r.ii oto- of 1 !ie (.".
; i e--! i-. 1 s'-vvi y. .1. v- i ;
;oi" pr.ii'i :i tie-sure, is l!
i'.ig se-eondary foil i!:,
. t.'i-tei'.
: "There would he Ci
i;lv f.i'.i.- ge.od e i.aile es
pt i usy 1 :i ia n a n -i
st ri,s. Tliere is a! mo--,
below in ihe Ore'iv
w iiitli should b - tt-.-ted." j
i The tiirviy was evd. ivd Vain-
tiae. who declares ih.ii a ''. ,: t e j
!:-.- of the eil pes.:,' ili! :.-s ,if 1 e.i j
. Ciiadn :i !'-d 1 !-.'e t- - e. mad'. j
" lie lep:.; t ol the :a"ey. ...I
iiai.i'a. ir.v.-I.s an ovlt-n.-ivo t;n;i
i.v.iry a:el eh-t.Mhd aeiountor the tei
ri : ( : v. x.-'iii !i . ml. race:" t: i h .
Sheridan eou.-iv. .n!iea;e Dav. i
eounty. ami southeast Hiiaunon cot: 11
rty in South Dahot-i. Th.e reoeri re
' als lulrideiim lais -i hi 1 1 1 ies c,i
i era I thousand acres of land :.or;h
,(!; :
-. roi.i
pesi: ;
a :
'1. w
;:- el
i . !
:.; - I
i- h
is tii
rep :
i t :.
CI a.
r. . i
w l
h. IV.
i ih
! ir."
! t
I h.
o t!
l: ev
1 i
As d
-1 thai
ha e'
era -
t . r
r in
a ad
'f t:
lor h.
i; a. i rt i r ;-,
. -iie -,0 ,
. a e i s v
1 ! e; , I t,
i ion
M-.e.l 1
;- The lard eva-i;-Mi,
a n- south
one :'S .-i. I(- tra.
!h a lot of e.eod tin
u i
a ; a
u :or;;:;it ion
.sK anv
I nioa. Nebr.
H. T.wi.o;;. rater.
Spend the 4ih in Pialtsnioulh. Everything Free!
Good gentle work team, 9 and 10 years old
weight 2900 pounds. Good steel thrasher
used three season;.
A f 0
,eci j,r