PAGE TWO PLATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1925. Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. C. D. Austin and the family were I John Christianson of near Mur visiting in Murray on last Tuesday, I ray was a visitor at the home of his they went to see their family father, Hans of where physician. John Irwin has been assisting with the work at the lumber yard, and getting the lumber arranged in the proper shape. L. V. Davis, better known as Jack Davis, of Elmwood, with his force men, are sinking a well on one the farms of A. L.. Becker. Mrs. I). V. Sloan, of Thurston, ar rived in Union last week and is visit in? at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wilson for a short time. John Armstrong recently purchas ed a Universal touring car from the dealer, Mr. A. W. Fropst, which he will use for himself and the family. -3A5L to Why send your lousiness some other country? If you want EiASL irJSUHAGE come in and let us writs for you. Bank of Onion Union, Nebraska it Todd's Grocery Union, Neb. Carries only the best in Staple and Fancy Groceries always fresh at Seasonable Prices ! Fresh Meats Cured Meats Choice Fruits Canned Goods An excellent line of Shoes at hss than city stores charge! L. G. Todd &. Co. Union, Nebraska Christianson, on last Monday and was also looking after some business while in town. D. C. La Rue and family and Ellis La Rue and wife were all en joying a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Garrett, where all en joyed last Sunday most pleasantly. J. Alexander Eaton has disposed of his garage and the garage busi- iness to a. vv. rropsi anu Aiei m jlook after the tricking and long ! distance hauling, especially in the future. W. E. Keedy'and family were visit ing in Lincoln last Sunday and were accompanied by Attorney C. II. Tay- ilor. who remained while Mr. and jMrs. Taylor returned home on Mon- . . jday morning. S I Mrs. Lucinda Comer remains about the same at tne norae or oer son, George "VV. Comer, where she is be ing cared for and given the best of medical attention in order to re store her health. Alda Tayloy, who has been down at Sheridan, Mo., where they have some lands and where he was looking after some business matters for a few days, returned home on last Monday afternoon. Bruce Stone, Dave West. Walter Wonderlich, George Switzer, Henry Theile and their families took their dinners and went to Shenandoah on Sunday, where they took in the sights of that noted city. King Clark was a business visitor in Omaha last Monday, where he was called to make purchases for the restaurant and eating house which he maintains on lower Main street, and where he says business is very good. Little Marjorie Hobaek. grand daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor, is making her home with her grandparents and enjoying life in the town very much, and is quite an assistant to her grandmother as well, being a perfect little lady. Dr. W. J. Luxford was called to Decatur, where he has a very dear friend who is very ill and who call ed the Union doctor to comend see him. Dr. Luxford went and found his friend. Jack Walker, in a very . feeble condition with but slight hope of his recovery. A. L. Becker and son, II.' Becker, were looking after some business matters in Omaha last Monday, they making the trip in the car of Mr. II. II. Becker. Mr. A. L. Becker ex pects to depart for the west in a short time to begin on the harvesting of his wheat and oats. , .Joe Canning was out plowing corn a number of days during the present week. He says he can hear the corn -grow, and it looks so nne he cannot resist the opportunity to go out and plow some even if he has to have Summer Soods Speeded! "Diamond Edge a quality pledge" Scythes, Hand Cycles, Pitchforks, &c. See me for prices on Manilla Rope any size. Ve bought before the raise and can sell le3s than wholesale now. Fine line of Oil Stoves and Refrigerators in stock. U JOE BANNING, mon, Nebraska Picture Framing! Bring in those pictures you have been intending to get framed. Have a nice lot of moulding for frame work. Prices reasonable. HOW ABOUT AN OIL STOVE Let us fit you out with that Nesco Perfect, Quick meal or rerrection oil stove, bummer is here and vou enjoy using one. Don't forget SCREEN. will Hardwar 01. UNION Furniture Undertaking -:- -:- NEBRASKA the Missus keep store for him while he works in the field. Mrs. Mahf l E. Roynolds says busi ness is good with me in the store and there is no complaint, which is a good omen for we want all to be satisfied with business, and as the prices are now about right, taking all things into consideration, why should not business be good? W. II. Porter has been busy in the corn field and thinks he has some of the finest corn growing hereabouts. He has some very fine corn, but when he has beaten that of his brother, D. li. Porter, he is doing pretty well. However, he had time to stop and put in a cistern pump at the house. Last Sunday evening while Mrs. Wm. Shomaker was on her way to church, she had the misfortune to have one of her feet injured, being struck by a wagon and a deep cut inflicted in one of her feet which it was necessary for the doctor to dress. She is getting along nicely at this time. J. D. Cross and wife and Mrs. Vesta Clarke were visiting at Belle vue last Saturday, where there was being held the 115th anniversary of the founding of the first white set tlement in Nebraska. A large crowd from all over the state were present and nianw historical exhibits were on display. Edward Grimes and wife, of St. ouis. arrived in Union a short time since aud are visiting with relative? and friends here. They with many friends were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Stine last Sunday, where a most pleasant time was had. While here they will be guests or Mrs. Tabitha Smith aud the Omaht families as well as others. Last Sunday many were guest at the home of A. L. Becker and fam ily. During the morning. W. L. Tay lor and sons. Almond, Wilson and from Omaha were there as Attorney C. II. Taylor, of all for dinner and a most time was had. During the afternoon there were there W. L Pell and family, Joseph Panning, C. F.. Morton and W. H. orter and the family. Walter Munn and his sister. Mrs. A. II. Wolfe took a tour of the coun ty Sunday afternoon, going south of Dunbar to the fine stock farm of the Bros., who train horses. All kinds of pacing, trotting and other horses at any age. one big gray horse, 13 years old, being among the number, and it would stand on its hind feet or lay down at the command from its train er. It is a line sight to see them work with the horses. They do this after they come in from the field. William well as Lincoln, pleasant The Rev. C. L. ELlliott was a, visi tor in Louisville last Sunday, ,where he assisted in conducting the funer al of Miss Edith Knutsou, a young lady of that town, who was a mem ber of the church at the time he was pastor there. The young lady had been in an Omaha hospital for a long time, following a breakdown in her health more than a year ago that prevented her from graduating with the other members of her class from the Louisville high school last year. She was a well beloved young lady and her passing was the occasion of great sorrow in Louisville Business Changes Hands E. W. Keedy, who has been the druggist of Union for some time, and who has ever been accomodating and careful in his work and a man on whom people could rely, has disposed of his business to Mr. W. R. Moore, who with the family have arrived and are now living in the Saxon property east of the Baptist parson age and are looking after the busi ness at the store. Mr. Moore and the family come well recommended and we are certain that they will make excellent citizens for Union. Mr. and Mrs. Keedy will continue to reside here for some time as Mr. Keedy has some business matters to settle, in the way of collections which will require some time to ei feet, but which will be adjusted -as rapidly as possible. F For a very limited time we will sell for cash only Sherwin-Williams Co. Commonwealth Red Paint in 5 Gallon Lots at $1.80 per gallon 10 " 41 " 1.75 44 41 We also have some very good Red Barn Paint, but not Sherwin-Williams for $1.55 in 5 gallon lots. We want to unload some woven wire. Get our prices. We Appreciate Your Patronage. Frans Eros. Lumber" Co. UNION V,- st r;- "NEBRASKA Children's Day at Baptist Church Children s day at the Baptist church was celebrated last Sunday and many of the little ones were out and enjoyed the occasion very much rrT mere was 10 nave been services as well but the program which was put on extended to such a length that . i i - . . nifie remained no time lor tne ser vice following the exercises. I The coming Sunday there will be Bible school and a discourse by the Pev. W. A. Taylor, who Is the regular minister at the church at this time, and he will preach every Sunday morning. Following the preaching services there will be a basket din ner held in the basement of the church and to which all who are in terested in the welfare of the church and Bible school are very cordially invited to attend. The church is indeed very fortun ate in see-urine tbp spi-vIpm f th Rev. W. A. Taylor for their minister at this time as he is a very able min ister as well as being an indefatig able worker and devoted to the cause of the master. Eeart in Eight Place Florence . II. McCa rtlipv. who is n lover of children and ever willing tn show them a kindn last Sunday and took Master Paul Davis and sister, Catherine, Winifred Lhley and brother Donald and hi3 own three children. Plmvnp Trv Ellen and John, Jr., and went with them for a ride to Murray and sure the little ones did enjoy the trip and we are of the opinion that : Flossie enjoyed the trio as much as anvone. Whjr Not a Commercial Club? ' Union, Will b lut tha bMt.tnvn that' the effort' of the eitizem ran make it possible. To most effectively work for the better condition of the town, those who are interested in its welfare should be organized. A com mercial club with all the factors for the betterment of the town working in concert instead of disjointed is bound to efftct good returns for the things they work 'for. Card of Thanks Having' recently disposed of my store to W. E. Moore, of Lushton, Nebraska, I wish to thank the peo ple of Union and vicinity for their patronage during my time in busi ness at Union. My successor, by being a register ed pharmacist, graduate of Creighton College of Pharmacy and having had several years of business experience, will be capable of taking care of all your needs in the druggists' line. E. W. KEEDY. Ship Cattle from Union Among those who were shippiug .attle from the Union station to the stock market at South Omaha on !act Monday were L. G. Todd, Luther Meade, Thomas McQuinn and Hans Christeusen. Restaurant Changes Hands Mrs. Pickins. who has been work ing at the lower hotel and restaurant ,or some time, has purchased the ,)Iace and will continue to conduct the same. Notice ! Having disposed of my drug store to W. E. Moore, will ask all parties owing me to settle accounts at once. E. W. KEEDY. CARNIVAL CLOSES . IN THIS CITY SAT URDAY EVENING American Legion Dram and Bugle Corps Realize Neat Sum from Entertainment of Week. From Mnniluy's laily The Isler Creator Shows gav tlif-ir last performance in this city Saturday evening, to a huge crowd that filled the tourist park, where the rouipauy was exhibiting, to its ut most capacity, and as the result of the: very generous patronage of the public, the American Legion drum :d bugle corps will receive as their share of the entertainment, $550, which will be devoted to the secur ing of uniforms and equipment for this new organization of the Legion, which -will attend the national con vention pf the Legion in Omaha in Oftober. The Isler Shows proved one of the best carnival attractions that has r.ipeared in the city for many years ;;p.l in their shoWt; 'and the persons coimer-ted with the shows gave the people of the city a real week of clvan entertainment and amusement by a company of perfect ladies and gentlemen in every way. There was no complaint as to the shows or any person connected with the company, and from Mr Isler on down the company has left a most pleasant memory with the Platts nioutti people and it is Hoped tnat in the future this company may again have the opportunity of visiting this city. The train got out at 0:30 yester day morning, bound for Villisca, a which place the shows will- exhibit this week, and next week they will be in Shenandoah. Iowa. WHY CHILDREN LIE A scientific inquiry by the wife of a Columbia university professor, "The child s lie is a symptom." And it is That is what Eugenie Andru Leonard says. Mrs. Leonard wanted to be able to tell parents what a lie meant. A lot had been written es pecially for mothers. She gathered more than six hundred fibs told by healthy, average children, and sort cd them. Some were confessions outers were in tne third person; none of them was signed with the name of the liar. The boys and girls in j junior high school gave three hun ureu and seventy-nine Instances; colege students and others gave two hundred and ninety-four more, re membered from childhood. A few mis understood and wrote out fairy tales but the lies that were studied all came from life. Those who gave them kenw they were wanted for a serious study. hympioms or what: Listen again to Mrs. Leonard: "Most of them stand for these two great things: Estrangement between parent and child estrangement neither may realize which creates, none the less. a breach. "tear fear of defeat, of work, of ridicule. or punishment, of having to do without some possession which seems a trine to the parent but is great riches in the eyes of child hood." You yourself must see with the child's eyes get his point of view if you are to tame or slay fear. which is the father of lies. : Nehawka Department! Prepared in the Iuterests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. Frank visiting M. Lemon and wife were! with friends and als at tending a fine movie at Nebraska City Saturday. E. Going of Plattsmouth. the minister of the Christian cuurch at Murray was a visitor in Nehawka on last Monday. Jcobert Troop shipped five car load5 of cattle from the station at Murray last Monday to the stock yards at South Omaha. Mrs. Parr Young was a vi ' ; I.i Weeping Water with relati.-.s for over the week end, and enjoyed the occasion very much. T'ert Willis hits exchange the rec tifier which lie has had for tip rr n larger capacity, as his busine n.i.s grown so as to more than tax the out put of the old one. Tyler hf pardson. who is employe d in the Burlington shops, accompanied by Mrs. Shephardson, were spend last KU KLUX KLAN VISITS CHUilCH. St. John and family were en- Sunday at the home of Mr. am! pleasant visit last Sun-; J. II. Hill. Mr. Hill and Mr. Shep- hcrae of Mr. and ( h4rd.5e.1x being siste r and brother. I Miss Maybelle Troop departed last Saturday for Lincoln where si;'.- en tered a business college for a course in business. Earl Troop her broth' r took Miss M;yh'l'c ovrr t ) t'.u- -ar-i-tc-1 city lust Saturday evening in his car. Fred Nutzmann shipped four ear loads ( cattle Horn the ftution ;, Nt hawka to the South Oinahu f-tiv": ards. where they go to muke e:(l !e:'t beef l'e.r the feeding of the mul titude. William Ost u! cars from Union with ti C. I) joying a very day evening at the Mrs. Hall Pollard. The Nehawka .Gun club .has secur ed a new trap machine for throwing Ulue Rocks, and will, when they have time install it. Stewart Rough and wife were visiting for a short time i:i Platts mouth last Sunday, driving over to the town of the county seat in tuoir car. Bert Willis and II. M. OTiell were visiting at "and near Talmage List Sunday, they driving over to the neighboring village in their auto mobile. 5 Henry Gruber, who was at Murray j last Thursday for an operation by! Dr. Gilmore. when he re-novvd a j large growth from his neck, is get-j ting along very iik-eiy. Albert Alfred was a visitor in j Elmwood and at the home of his ' brother, Robert Alfred 1 st Sunday spending the day there and returning j home on Monda;- morning. j County Commissioner C. V. Harris! of Union was a vkdtor in Nehawka. i looking after some private husir-es:: and also went to Murray last Moudr.y where he. had s-;cme business to look after for the county. Tlior Boyle s of Elmwood, a mast excellent young man, was a visitor in Nehawka hist Sunday, cora-ng u v r, to pay his attention to a c.rtnin young lady of Nehawka, and both en joyed the excellent vi.-it. Thomas Jefferson Brenilel and wi'.Cm.r of Murray, accompanied by .l:ss lie Carlson, were brief visiters i:i Nehawka last Friday and were visit ing at the home of Mrs. Blunders sister, Mrs. Forest R. Cunningham. W. J. Wunderlieh and wife and Rev. and Mrs. Mayavd G. Vantine were looking over Omaha last Mon day, they making the trip in their auto, and were vi.ting friends ir well as attending to some business. Mr. J. A. Seotteu. the contractor! and builder of Murray, who is an c.:-j eellent workman, was at the heme (,i , W. O. Troop for a number of days i this week making some nec.e-essary repairs about tne House lor e. iv. Troop of PluttsnuMith, who owns the prtperty. Jess Smith and Fayette- Pickett, of Murray were in Nehawka and Union Fi( ni Tu-Mlay'H I;iily Last Sunday, during the proceed ing of the se-rviees at the United Urethren ehureh at Nehawka, in walked four white robed rtp;iMi)ta tives of the; Ku KIux Klan and pro ceeding to tlu! front presented tiie minister with a purse containing the sum of $25, together with a copy of the By-Laws e-f the order and a let ter, which were read, and then de parted as they can.e, very r .-!-fully. During thoJr vi-di not one of them said a word. This wa a very gracious v.-t the R-v. H'-wett has had a ino.-t difficult time in meeting I his e i" I l is wlic: j i j : t a a : e I tli .y ! !; sio v 'do v. 1 1 es fill acfOllilt a the hospital. ; )S in i.i'c'f'di:; -1 ; vp-ayed much i th, :rat ir gilts good. of nd lik w i whe re !i :vin ; i:i this .; t uses, dora in it will FOR SALE o shipped the same two leg ation. The ball gam" which was staged betwee'i the team of Nehawka a tie! Elmwood waa eue which was enjoyed every whit by the crewd of enthusias tic fans, but play as hard as they could the Nehawka braves had to siucumb to the inevitable, and be satisfied with tie runs while the visitors knocked out cilit. Ei'-hty acres of uood farm land, 4 miles south of Phittsm.ju! h, Cas.s county, N;b. A t oil 7 room house, good barn, granary and other 01: t bui'.dings, timber, every running wa ter, pasture with hog light wire. A fine stock firm. .Mrs. William A. Ta ylor. T1 lank boos at the Journal office. ! Eettsr Watch Your Step. ' That is what the chicken thieves I had better do for with an abunelance of ammunition and1 the old trusiy otherwise known as the muzzle load ing shot gun. Louis Ross is watching for the prowlers who. the other night, attempted to perloin some of the inicr of his floek ci chickens. With coin and other feeds so high, and much care- bestowed in the raising ut Kee'p 01 ttie can kens, neither no his wire will sianei tor socio one 1 eoming in and helping themselves to! the flock, so be sure, you chicken I stealers, tnose oi you wno visit. t: i.s place that you are keeping dear of a load of shot or two at and rate farm ers carrying guns for he wiil shoot aud means business when he eloes it. s5 r. 1 1, The your We Infallod - mill woi is ready for it in. 1 . Bring- lanka are carrj-ir Bran, Shorts, suit, car, ton c: less. Our prices aie always right. Bring- us your grinding;. DE M0LAYS ELECT OFFICERS From Wednesday's Daily Last evening Cass chapter. Order of De Molay, held their cle-ction of officers for the ensuing three months and the following were named to the leading positions in the chapter: Master Councilor Elmer P. John son. Senior Councilor Roy Olson. Junior Councilor Norris Cum mins. The chapter made no selection in the office of treasurer held by Nor-r lis Cummins and, Thomas Green was continued in the office of scribe. ; Those who have ordered copies of the Deleniatbr and Designer at the Eat63 . Book ttore are reguected to call tor the wme. last Monday carrying a large number I icely ' g s to R end : 9 of large bills for the advertising of the big day which will be had in j Plattsmouth on the Fourth of July, and to which an invitation is extend ed to everybody to come and enjoy. W. C. Steele and wife, with iheir son. Rauzo. of Polk, were vl-lting at the home of the sister of Mrs. Steele 1 in Nehawka last Thursday and Fri day. The came to see Mrs. Hewitt, the' sister of Mrs. Steele, who has not been feeling the best since her return from the hospital several weeks since. A dainty blue eyed baby girl, ar rived last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orin Pollard, coming with the most delightful little smile to make the home happy, the young lady is the first little miss to arrive, the other four children being young men, anel they, as well as the parents are greatly pleased as the arrival. Uncle Peter Opp, who has been visiting for some time in Nehawka with the family of his son, John Opp. went to Nebraska City last week. where he will visit for some time at the home of his daughter. Mrs. W T. Lloyd, and then will return to Omaha where he is making his home but will stop here for a short time on his return trip. Mrs. L. II. Young, who has been at the hospital for tome time writes 1 home that she is getting along nicely at this time and that she hopes be able to return home by the of this week, as she is having skin grafteel on her hand at this time which completed the operations nec essary for the entire cure- of the skin cancer which was afflicting this excellent woman. Ilerold Kimlon, with Tom Mason and his big car went to Omaha last Sunday where they found Mrs. Kim lon much improved following her operation of some weeks ago. She was so far recovered that they brought her home with them. Mrs. Kimlon is feeling much improved but has not as yet had an opportunity to recover her strength as she is at t his i time some forty pounds lighter than j wnen sue went 10 tne nospiiai. ii . with Clyde and.f Alta Duckworth, last Monday after-' H noon departed from NehawSn going, , ia Omaha, to Stockton, California, where tbey will make their home in the future. They have been ; making their home in Nehawka for some time past, and go to join oiner relatives in the west. Miss Alta and Master Clyde Duckworth have their . mother in the west, who im al.-o Mr. Stoll's sister, and they will expect to make their homes at Stockton. i Joseph Wolpert. C. K. Mocken- haupt and FPod Krecklow, all -oi Manley, weie in Nehawka last Mon day morning, driving here that tney might find some tish in the lower courses or the Vepmg waicr cree. but as they were told that the hVn were all loose and pretty wild, they never unharnessed their fishing tackle from the side pf the coupe, but after having enjoyed the scenery and meeting a number of tne excel lent citizens ol Nehawka and viciaity returned to their hepj canter the county! I Entertained Her Friends. Miss Gladys Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hill, north of town, entertained on last Friday evening, seme thirty of her young friends at a lawn party which was given at their farm home. Mh.s i Gladys proved herse lf a most excel !lent entertainer, -and all present en joyed the evening most splendidly, and are now hoping that they may soon have another opportunity ef be ing entertained by this young lady. Very delicious refreshments were served at an appropriate hour, which added very much to the pleasure yf the gathering. ear corn as Enjoying Their Vacation. Misse-s Helen and Lydia Todd, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Todd, who have been teaching school for the pa.t year have completed their years work and are home for their much needed vacation. The Misscss Todds are excellent teachers as well as being very cleaver young women and are making much prog ress with their school work. We grind well as shelled corn. C. D. ST. JOHN The Miller Nehawka -:- Nebraska 3 'Softies Saarago! Battery and Gener- Work atcr Advertise your nal for results. want in the Jour- We have added a department to loci: after Battery and Generator work at cur garage, and are prepared to give these lines the test cf service, as well as Auto Sepairing- in general. All Our Work Has to Please The Customer Bert Willis Nehawka Garage H Shirts Men Want for Coatless Days! They are shirts that unmistakably talk qual ity. You could pick blindfolded and feel highly pleased with your selection. Every shirt is tailored in a thoroughly dependable manner, and made of choice quality material. Pren's Straw Hats the smartest styles from the world's best makers. R3 S P Where Customers Feel at Home lelephoneNo. 14 Nehavka,' Net z.2 1 AKLiSHED 1833 r.