The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 02, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared ra the tatermts of
John E. Carmack of Omaha was a
visitor in Union last Monday looking
after some business matters.
Genuine Ford
I Lave stocked Ford parts and am
prepared to furnish whatever is need
ed in this line, also having them on
hand for my own work.
Remember, I am ready for your
car work and will give you only the
best work and materials.
The Best of Service is
Oar Motto
Bert Willis Garage
Chestnut Sorrel
Audane weighs 2,000 pounds and is
an excellent animal with an amiable
disposition. He was awarded Cham
pion and Grand Champion at the
Cass county fair in 1322.
Big Bone Jumbo
Black Jack
Big Eone Jumbo weighs 1,100 lbs.
and is one of the best mule getters.
Black with white pants.
15 each
All care exercised, but we assume no
responsibility in case of accident!
Julius Reuhinan
Dainty Stitches
are a pleasure to take when a capacious
work basket close at hand holds everything
one could possibly need needles with big
eyes and tiny points, sharp scissors, a tape
measure, bias tape Lorraine lingerie tape,
colored braid, buttons, snapper, and a per
fectly fitting thimble thes?. enly begin the
list of things that give the home sewer a
pleasantly professional feeling afcd wonder
fully lighten her labors. Visit our notion
counter and replenish your work basket.
Where Customers
Phoe No. 14
Established 1888
tb Ptwpfcs of Ffehawfaft aos
for the Journal Readers.
S. W. Copenhaver and family were
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snavely. southeast
of town. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frans were visit
ing in Murray last Sunday being
guests at the home of Dr. ana Mrs. were visiting ior a snort time iasr
G. H. Gilmore. Sunday at the home of Mont Robb
Robert Willis was a visitor in and family, where all enjoyed a very
South Omaha last Monday going to nice time.
market a load of hogs which he had Mrs. E. II. Riggs of Brewster, was
shipped that day. a visitor in Union and visinity dur-
Jfsse L. 4ell was a visitor in ing the past week and was a guest'
Plattsmouth last Monday morning at the homes of E. L. Fitch, Earl
where he went to look after some Merritt and wife, and Ray and Rue
matters of business. Frans and families.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keedy were Sherman Austin, who is working in
visiting relatives in Auburn last the Burlington shops at Plattsmouth
Sunday, driving down in their car, took a week off and was assisting
they found the roads very good. his father in getting in the small
Mrs. Joe Banning and son, Lucan, grain as Mr. Eugene Austin has not
and daughter, Onla, were visiting been feeling the best,
with friends in Nebraska City last George Ellis and wife of Weeping
Saturday they driving down in their Water were guests at the home of
car ; Mr. and Mrs. Ellie LaRue for Sunday.
Mrs. C. I. Elliott has been having they enjoyed a most pleasant visit
a seise of the flu which has kept this while here. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are
lady to her bed for the past week but parents of Mrs. LaRue.
she is feeling some better at this ; Charles Iloback and wife enjoyed
ttoxe, i the company of Rev. and Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. L. G. Tood was a Lincoln Taylor at their home last Sunday and
visitor last Monday where she went the dinner which was served by Mrs.
to be the guest of her daughter, Miss Iloback was par excelence and noth
Alice, who is attending the state uniting could have made it better,
versity. The Frans Brothers Lumber Co.,
In the ball game which was played was unloading about as fine a car
in Union last week between the boys load of lumber as the country stations
of Union and Nehawka. the latter ever receive, last Monday, they were
won over the lads of Union by a , also unloading a car load of con
score of 13 to 2. j crete blocks for building purposes.
Mrs. Mary Lunford, of Council Will L. Taylor of Omaha, aecom
Eluffs, mother of Dr. Lundford, of 1 panied by his son, Garrett, were in
Union, accompanied by her son. Union last Sunday having so business
Frank, were visitors of the doctor and matters to attend to as well as visit
his family here Sunday. j with friends, they enjoyed the
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bollman. had ; occasion very nicely, driving down in
t.o T?tv nri Mrs V A. Tavlor as ,
their guests on a trip to Nebraska
City last Thursday, they making the
trip in Mr. Bollman's auto.
Eugene Austin, who has been hav
ing a fight with the grip for some
time past is able to be up and around
and will sow , hi3 alfalfa this week,
nthiking It is not too early.
Many of the members of the
Methodist church of Union are ex
pecting to visit Plattsmouth and at
tend the special meeting there the
latter portion of this week.
Mrs. W. A. Harding and son,
Junior, of Bethany, were visitors at
Union for over last Sunday, coming
down to spend the day with Mr.
Harding and returned home Monday
Theodore Oberman, manager of the
Farmers Mercantile Company, was
called away on. business for the first
part of this week and Mont Robb was
looking after the business during his
R. D. Stine. the rustling merchant,
is alson a rustling farmer as well and
Senior Class Play
al Nehawka Auditorium
Friday Evening", Apr. 3
'Cheer Up, Chad'
A dandy fine play and
one well worth seeing!
20 and 35c
Feel at Home
Nehawka, Nebr.
Vksiuity Eapvendly
when the weather is nice and - the
farm need3 farming he is with the
early birds doing some scratching in
the soil.
James W. Holmes and wife, the
former, postmaster at Plattsmouth,-
tneir car.
Parm Appiegate ana iamny oi
Omaha, and Miss Abbie Austin, who
also makes her home there, were in
Union last Sunday visiting at the
parents of the ladies,. Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Austin, and all enjoyed the
day very pleasantly.
Miss Iva Mougey, who is employed
In the Child Saving Institute at
Omaha was a visitor at the home of
her parents, E. J. Mougey, and wife,
this being the first time she has been
down during the winter and snrely
the parents as well as Miss Iva en-
Joyed the occasion.
Dr. M. V. Beyers of Lincoln, of the
state department accompanied by
County Agent L. R. Snipes, of Weep
ing Water, were looking after some
business matters in Union and were
looking after the campaign which is
being waged against thS diseases of
animals throughout the state.
James W. Simmons, who with the
wife have been at St. Louis where
he has been receiving treatment, at
the Missouri" Pacific hospital arrived
home a few days since, and, on their
return, stopped at the home of the
parents of Mrs. Simmons, at Stella,
and while there Mr. Simmons had a
tuscle with the grippe which left him
not quite so strong, but they are both
getting along nicely.
B. B. Everett, who make3 his home
near Nebraska City was in town last
Monday and was selling a large quan
tity of his potatoes which he had
stored in the cellar of L. G. Todd, to
parites at Nebraska City. Mr. B. A.
Pafe being up and taking a truck
load home with him, and coming
after more, while Bert took a wagon
load home wih him as he returned.
Thesr potatoes', last year yielded 790
bushel from two acres of ground and
very fine tubers at that.
Two young men with something
under their belt last Saturday were
at Union, and, after they had dis
posed of as much as they safely
could, they shared their car with
three women all going to Weep
ing Water, where it is reported the
young men were apprehended, and
placed in the city bastile, while the
young women were sent back home.
When the prisoners were to be fed
on Sunday morning they were not
found. Maybe the "Goblins" got them
but their car was not to been pecn
and so It was presumed they had
made away in it. No scent of the of-
j fending parties could be detected in
the neighborhood.
Eeturning From the South.
Word from people visiting at
Jacksonville from this neighborhood,
tell of them leaving that port and
making their way north. Mrs. Dovie
A3che, who lived near Murray, stop
ped in Kansas City witl her nephew,
Mr. Ralph Baldwin, who was with
the party, for a visit of a short time,
after which she will come on home.
Mr. Baldwin will visit there for a
while. Mr. Robert Hastings, who was
also with the party, departed a short
time since for his old home at Crown
City, Ore., where he will visit for
some time before returning to the
Says Touching Words Over Friend.
In the years that have flown,
George W. Shrader, who was last
week gathered to his fathers, request
ed that his friend, W. A. Taylor, of
ficiate at his funeral. Last week the
call came for Uncle George Shrader,
who had passed his 88 birthday, and
while the Rev. Taylor has just come
from the hospital a short time he
went to preform the last sad rite for
his. life long frieJid. It is said by
those who were at the funeral that
never, had the Rev. Taylor, who has
ministered to many funerals, render
ed tho services so touching and full
of feeling, as In thia, for Rev. Taylor
has just returned from near the
brink of the river . of death himself,
where he could almost pear over the
end of life, and thus was more fully
Drougni m ciose contacLof the real
ities of life.
A Fine Surprise.
April 1 has been, and is still con-
sidered April Fool's day, this can be
substantiated by Mrs. Jessia Lidgett,
of Union. Having no thoughts of
the day except the usual work about
the house, she, looking out of the
window, saw a new Ford 'sedan drive
in the yard, made haste to grea't
the visators, but to her surprise ft
happened to be Arlia Dowler deliver
ing the Eedan with a bill of sale
for the same in full, that her father,
Dan Lynn, had ordered taken to her
home on that morning.
Seed Corn For Sale
I have a load of excellent Rcid
Yellow Dent seed corn for disposal.
See me at the hotel iii Hehawka.
C. W. Hodge. m26-tfw
Great Relief Organization Has Charge
of Work of Caring for Tornado
From Wednesday's Dully
Since the occurrence of the disaster
in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, the
branch office of the American Red
Cross at St. Louis has been and is
filling immediately all requests for
food and clothing received through
the accredited representatives of that
organization now located in every
important community in the stricken
area, according to William M. Baxter,
Jr., assistant to the vice-chairman in
charge of the branch office at St
All relief work in Murphysboro
111., has been officially turned over to
the American Red Cross following a
mass meeting of Murphysboro citi
zens. This action follows that taken
by other local relief committees in
the devastated areas and the relief
work in the entire tri-state disaster
in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. i3
now under the direction of the Red
Cross. Central administrative head
quarters have been established at
Murphysboro, 111., from which relief
operations for the three states will be
directed. Area offices will also be
established immediately In each com
munity struck by the tornado of
March 18.
A large corps of trained Red Cross
disaster workers is being assembled
and the rebuilding and rehabilitation
program of the organization rushed
to completion. The emergercy relief
is well in hand, every injured person
has been cared for, the homeless tem
porarily sheltered and provided v?!th
food. The full force of the disaster
relief organization has been thrown
into the task, of permanently rehabili
fating every sufferer.
Henry M. Baker, Red Cross director
of relief operations, assured the suf
ferers today that the Red Cros3 will
not stop until every sufferer from thi
terrible castastrophe has been'reha
bilitated according to Red Cross
Although full direction and re
sponsibility for relief work have been
placed upon the Red Cross, other
relief agencies including the Salva
tion Army and the volunteers o
America, are on the ground giving
the Re'd Cross valuable help during
the emergency period.
While assuring the sufferers that
every means will be used to complete
the work at the earliest possible
time, Mr. Baker told them it was well
to realize at this time that the ex
On Application of Receiver For
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska
Lincoln division.
In the matter, of Sam Giventer
At 501 Securities huilding, in the
City of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, in said District, before B. H
Dunham. Referee In Bankruptcy
March 31st, 1925.
Nbtice is hereby given that G. P.
Horn, as receiver of the estate of
Sam Giventer, has filed his applica
tion for compensation as such re
ceiver in the sum of $40.00.
Said application will be heard be
fore Hon. Thomas C. Munger, Judge
of said Court, at chambers, in the
Federal building, Lincoln. Nebraska,
on the 11th day of April, 1925, at
the hour of 9:30 o'clock, a. in., or
as soon thereafter as said matter
can be heard, and any creditor op
posing Paid allowance shall file In
writing in the clerk s office or said
court, on or before said date, the
grounds of his objection thereto.
Witness my hand this 31st day of
March, 1925.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
On Petition For Appointment
Of Administrator.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Klaurens, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of J. M. Klaurena and William II.
Klaurens, praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to
Joseph Lidgett as administrator:
Ordered, that April 27th, A. D.
1925, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned,
for hearing said petition, when all ;
persons interested In Said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested In said mat
ter by publishing a -copy of this or
der in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
seml-weeklv newsnaoer printed in
said county, for three successive
i hcchs, prior to &aiu uay ot ueanuK.
Dated March 30th, 1925.
County Judge.
tensive rebuilding program under
taken by the Red Cross would re
quire a long period and that no
human organization could complete
the immense task of building newer
and greater cpmmunities on the ruins
of the devastated cities within less
time than many months.
1 momj for tmrsa
Try Journal Want Ads. It pays.
Notice is hereby given that on the
11th day of April, 1925, at 10 o'clock
a. m., at the Cromwell Land & Cattle
Company Farm, known as the "Mark
White farm," located in the nortn
west quarter of section 27, the south
west quarter of section 22, and the
southeast quarter of section 21; the
northeast quarter of section 28, all
in Township 11. Range 14, Cass
county, Nebraska, I will sell at pub
lic sale to the highest bidder ior
cash, the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
Three hundred pieces of mis
cellaneous dimension hard wood
lumber; also 15 pieces of 6x6
oak timbers, 14 and 16 feet in
length; 150 wagon loads of saw
dust in piles, 1 black Jenny
mule, smooth mouth; 1 brown
Jenny mule, 6mooth mouth,
mouth, each weighing about
1,400 pound3. Also three tem
porary shack houses and two
temporary shack chicken houses
built of natural lumber.
The same having been levied upon
by me and taken as the property of
T. H. Cromwell under an alias exe
cution issued out of the County
Court of the County of Cass, Nebras
ka, to satisfy a Judgment obtained
by Frank E. Vallery in said court
against the said Thomas H. Crom
well for the sum of $500.00 with in
terest at 7 per annum from Octo
ber 2. 1923. and costs, taxed in the
sum of $34.90 and increased costs;
said eale will remain open one hour.
Dated March 31, 1925.
Sheriff of Cass County,
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska,
Omaha division.
In the matter of Maurice J.
Hughes, bankrupt. Case No. 1065
in bankruptcy. Voluntary petition.
A. Room 501 Securities building,
in tae City of Omaha, Douglas coun
ty. Nebraska, in said District, be
fore B. il. Dunham, Referee in Bank
ruptcy, March 26th, 1925.
To the creditors of Maurice J.
Hushes, of Plattsmouth, Cas3 county,
Nebraska, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
4th day of March, 1925, the said
Maurice J. Hughes was duly adjudi
cated a bankrupt; and that the first
meeting of creditors will be held at
Room 501 Securities building in the
City of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, in said District, on the 15th
day of April. 1925, at 9:30 o'clock
in the forenoon; at which time and
place the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trustee,
examine the bankrupt, and transact
such other business as may properly
come before such meeting.
Witness my hand this 26th day of
March, 1925.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Nebraska,
Omaha division.
In the matter of Benjamin F.
Brown, bankdupt. Case No. 3141 in
bankruptcy. Voluntary petition.
At Room 501 Securities building,
in the City of Omaha, Douglas coun
ty, Nebraska, in said District, before
B. H. Dunham, Referee in Bankrupt
cy. March 26th, 1925.
To the creditors of Benjamin F.
Brown, of Plattsmouth, Cass count',
Nebraska, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
18th day of March, 1925, the said
Benjamin F. BrOwn, was duly adju
dicated a bankrupt; and that the
first meeting cf creditors will be held
at Room 501 Securities building in
the City of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, in said District, on the
15th day of April, 1925, at 4:00
o'clock in the afternoon at which
time and, place the said creditors may
attend, prove their claims, appoint a
trustee, examine the bankrupt, and
transact such other business as may
properly come before such meeting
Witness my hand this 26th day of
March, 1925.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
George W. Shrader, deceased
On reading and filing the petition
of Homer H. Shrader praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to Ora Davis, as Adminis
trator; .
Ordered, that Saturday, April 20,
D. 1925, at ten o'clock a. m. is as
signed for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to . all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, for three success-
ve weeks, prior to said day of hear
Dated March 27, 192 S.
(Seal) mS0-3w County Judsre.
With Omaha the world' ( i-"i?t
butter manufacturing city, thpra
will ulwaya be atronc demand for
your cream.
In the District Court of Caw coun
ty, Nebraska.
Bf esie Flockhart. Plaintiff, vs. Har
old Flockhart, Defendant.
To Harold Flockhart, Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the
10th day of December, 1924, Bessie
Flockhart filed a petition against
von in the District Court of Caes
county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a di
vorce from you on the ground of
willful abandonment, and for that
custody of Harold Flockhart, nertjtf5( a1 perS0ns havirg claim or
minor child.
You are required to answer said
petltion on or before the 27th day
of April, 1925.
This notice is given In purimanee
of an Order of the District Court of!
Cass county, Nebraska.
. Her Attorney.
In the County Court of Caan coun
ty. Nebraska.
tato of Nebraska, County Of case, their petition in the District Court
ss. i cf Cass cotrnty, Nebraska, wherein
To all persons interested in the you and earh of you are made de
estate of Kate Barthold. deceased: Ifendants, the object and prayer of
On reading the petition of Harry whirh are to obtain a decree from
S. Barthold praying that the instru- paid Court quieting the title in plain
ment filed in this court, on the 12th tiffs to the following described real
day of March, 1925, and purporting state, to-wit:
to be the last will and testament of The northeast quarter of See
the said deceased, may be proved and tion twenty-four in Township
allowed, and recorded as the last will
and testament of Kate BarthoM, de
ceased; that said Instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
Harry 8. Barthold, as Executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested In said Fi&tter,
may, and do, appear at the county
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 14th day of April, A.
D. 1925, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons Interested in said matter, by
publishing a copy of this Order In
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witneas my hand, and seal of said
court, this 12th day of March, A. D.
(Seal) -County Jud W-
ctll-lw AWerasf.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Case, Nebraska.
J. L. Stewart and Charles Zngel
kemoier, plaintiffs, vs. the heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal representa
tive and all other persons lntereeted
in the estate of John S. Townaend,
daceaeed, et al., defendants.
To the defendant, the heira. de
visees, legatees, perronal re-presanta-tires
and all other persons Interested
in the estates of John 8. Townsead
and Annie E. Townsend, ach de
ceased, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to Lota six (6), seven
(7), and eight (8), in Block three
(3). Duke's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraeka,
real names unknown.
You and each of yon are hereby
notified that J. L. Stewart and i
Charles EngelkemeJer as plaintiffs
filed a petition and commenced an ac
tion In the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 4th day of
Maroh, 1925, against you and each
of you, the object, purpose and pray
er of which is to obtain a decree of
court quieting tho title to Its six
(6), seven (7). and eight (8), in
Block three (S). Duke's addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cbm coun
ty, Nebraska, as against yoa and
each of you and for such othr and
further relief as may be juM and
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 20th day of April. 1S25. or
the allegations of plaintiffs' petition
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered in favor of plain
tiffs and against you and ""ich of
you according to the prayer of said
Dated this 7th day of March, 1925.
Attorney Vor
The State of Nebraska, Cuss coun
ty, 8S.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Rob
ert 13. Windham, Sr., deceased.
io tne creditors or said eiitate:
You are hereby notified, that I
win sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said couuty. on ths
20th day of April. 1925, and on the I
20th day of July, 1926. at 10 o'clock
m. each day. to receive and ex
mine all claims against said estate.
with a view to their adjustment aud
nowance. me time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 20th
Your Creamery Market
Omaha creameriea hare iruula tha pro
duction of milk in thia territory a far more
profitable buaineaa. resulting in an increase
of many milliona of dollara annually in the
income of the farmt. The caah thy pay
on delivery for the cream, furthermore,
sfforde the farmer a aource of ready
monry the year round.
Thry are a big aaaet to tha Omaha
rrrion. Let ua aend you free booklet,
?ibraka'a Crtrnmery Biwineaa." Write
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 20th day of April,
192&. , m
WltneBS my hand and the seal of
aid County Court, thl 18th day of
March, 1525.
(Seal) m23-4w County Judge.
In the District Court of Case coun
ty, Nebraeka.
Oustave F. Jochim et al. Plain-
! claims against the estate of John II.
pOEtf r. deceased, real nameB un-
known, et al. Defendants.
To all persons having any claim
nr ciaimB aerainst the estate of John
it pCEter. deceased, rcal names un-
And all persons having or claim-
jing any lntereet In the northeast
quarter of Section twenty-four in
Township ten North, Range eleven
East of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
in Cass county, Nebraska, real namea
unknown :
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 13th day , of
March A. D. 1925, the plaintiffs in
the foregoing entitled action filed
ten North, Range eleven East of
the Sixth Principal Meridiun in
Cass county, Nebraska
as against you and each of you and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and each of you from all estate, title,
claim or interest therein, and to have
the title to said premises forever
freed from the apparent claims of you
and each of you, and quieted in plain
tiffs, and for equitable relirf
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, the
27th day of April, A. D. 1925, or
your default will be entered in said
cause and a decree granted as pray
' ral6-4w
In the District Court of thu County
of Cass, Nebraska,
PhiMp A. Horn, plaintiff, vs. Paul
Nuckolls et al., defendants.
To the defendants, Paul Nuckolls,
Mre. Paul Nuckolls, real name un
known; Rupert Nuckolls, Urs. Ru
pert Nuckolls, real name unknown;
Bruce Johnson Nuckolls, Mrs. Bruce
Johneon Nuckolls, real name un
known; Joseph T. Griffith, Mrs. Jo
seph T. Griffith, real name unknown;
Joseph IL Brown, Mrs. Joseph H.
Brown, real name unknowa; J. D.
Rankin, real name unknown; Mrs.
J. D. Rankin, real name unknown;
Harvey Holloway, also known as
Harvy Holloway, Mrs. Harvey Hollo
way, real name unknowa; Adas
Osk; the !, leri. i4
I rspx st'itwCaw ami mil
core interested in the eatateii of Paul
Nuckolls, Mrs. Paul Nuckols, real
name unknown; Rupert Nuckolls,
Mre. Rurert Nuckolls, rtl name un
known; Bruce Johnson Nuckolls,
Mrs. Bruce Johnson Nuckolls, real
name unknown; Joseph T. Griffith,
Mrs. Joseph T. Griffith, real name
unknown; Joseph H. Brown, Mrs.
Jo?eph H. Brown, real name un
known; J. D. Rankin, real name un
known; Mrs. J. D. Rsnkin. real name
unknown; Adam Cook; Stephen F.
Nuckolls. Isaiah Tor. Philir- SUtrl.n-
stricker. and Kate Scidenstricker,
each dpceaped, real names unknown,
all persons having or claiming any
interest 'in and to the north half
(N ife ) of Lots one (1). and two (2),
and all of Lot three (3), all in Block
thirteen (13). in the City of Platts
mouth, Cas county, Nebraska, real
namos unknown.
and c'1 of you ar.j hereby
r,Pi,flT? ,that Phi,,P A- Hm as plain
tiff, filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
"" Nebraska, on the 28th
Lfeb,ruarjr' 1925- gainst you
and each of you. the object, purpose
SLPnTr f wh,ch 18 to obtain a
?he nnlTr,l Quieting" the title to
and two rsv .u ..
l ? ulocK thirteen (13). in
SC of vP1ttsuth. Cass coun- -
brn3ka- against you and
iv-LJ Red that Ton are require to an-
-m k. . j . . urcree
! --: J. ea 1 rTO" plain-
cordlnr T th. ch ot you ae"
tion. PrTr lM "U
"WFrwwwgMB Lm.
Dated thi. 7th day of March. 1915.
A. ROBERTSON, Flt intia
Attorney for
ay oi April, a. u. iZ5, and. the