PAfiE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTFBNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 5.. 1825. Nehawka V Department! Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. ELKS HOLD ELEG- ' T10N Of OFFICERS i ACT CUEMIMR M 1 62w a Leslie L. Turnin Elected Exalted T Rulei- and Oilier Chair Offi- George Eopp had a load of hogs to home of Mr. and Mrs. If. G. Kime, George Polland tackled and Wter cer3 A Named. tnVinsr tbon in Mb truck with another i-amttfm their summers wood ready wrestling with it for some time Mr. nnn or nr. fnr a nriirlihor i sn it will he out of the way of the George Poland departed and the Mrs. Eueruene Nutzman, who has farm work which will soon he In father. Henry Pollard, took the mat -From Wednesday's Daily been feeling quite bodly. is reported , full swing. ter and he and Mr. Magney did not i East owning the annual election as hoing much better at this time. Pert Willis has concluded that It allow the problem to get away from ' of the atteera of i'ia I tsmo-ith lodge. William Ost has 'been having a is best to have what he wants to use them until eleven o'clock, when they j No. 729, P. P. Q. E.. wae hejd at spell with the grip, but has licked when he wants it and not to have stopped with one word not gotten, j the club bouse, a very large number the old Dest and is now getting bet-, fo sent! after things wnen necueu i no ionowing nay inc answer in in:oi ma I'lcmnn snip Demg present to ter. and has therefore placed orders tor paper showed it to be Gensang an James M. Palmer was a visitor in ;1 complete line of Ford parts which herb grown in China, also Missouri. Union last Monday where he had he will keep on hand in the future. some business to look after. He made C. W. Fleisi Uman has been waiting! Enjoy Pleasant Evening. the trip in his auto. tor tne completion 01 me m lr and Mrs. Chalmer Kwitrer ei , Soennichsen Simp any THE STORE OF BIG VALUES" the session of the H Ben Martin shelled and delivered the Pollock bridge at Oreapolis. in iertalned a number of their friends at corn to thet Farmer's elevator at order thai he may take two loads 01 tnejj. pleasant home in Nehawka last N hawka and is enjoying tne good :hte cattle, which are ready tor mat sec priday when they entertained at uk price wtucn tnis cereai is omaiuia-. ami waums mr iijuiunauuii. mu SO(.j:, j dance which was most pie&S- Morris Pollard was looking after may be a blessing instead of an in- antiv enjoyed by all who were priv- the affairs at the Mill during the -n vieiu-e as the price of cattle are jeSpii to he present, absence of Mr. C. D. St. John, while appreciating with each week. delivering orders cut of the city last) Orville Rover, who has made his Monday. home at Nebraska City for some time W. S. Steele is making some repairs past, has accepted a position on the to his home in the way of replacing farm of John Behrnes and will work some sidinc and also painting and there this season, he with the family. l.: i .,1.1 l.ilr i f 4 I. ; rt,ia onimlv IJiJtlt llail i mnerwise iumus mm ww iiicfu noiu urc v... . . Fl id :v i-vnint? Ullfjlll I - i I . i i ' l 1 1 T. mwmm - Leland Hodge, who is with the and is now duly installed as one of telephone company is located at Wa- the working forces of the farm, hoo, where he is doing some excellent work in his line and is liking his employment very well. Will Play Basketball Friday. The basketball team of the Ne hawka schools am listed In the P. participate in evening. The chi?f feature of the evening was the election of officers and the following were selected: Exalted Rulei L. 1.. Turpin. Leading Knight A. H. Duxbury. Eoyal Knight P. T. Heine. nan. Eeeturmg Knight Harley Cecil. Secretary B. X Hild. Treasurer Mike Tritseh. Tyler Fred Svdebotham. Trustee R. w. Clamant. 1 BILLI1ENB have arrived the quality shoe fd Misscc and W omen. The new two tones and the popular light tan in straps and oxfords. i mm basketball tournament. They are SPRING MILLINERY Jaunty little hats, Iare hats, hats with high crowns, with peaked or folded crowns. The high colors predominate, reflecting not only the spirit of spring, but of chic. These hats are the last word in style. Priced The evening v.-.-s- turned over to most rr,-ir.rmali1 at ft? Qfi -n Cin the past exalted rulers of tbe odae HH P.ecdy-tO'Wecr Dept. who assisted in iniii-itiiiir a cTnsn nf live raiu !(iai;r. vho vrrr,, ,l,,w nn(. Fv laved in proper form. of this week. The regular tenm be1 ir.c tJt r,-t 11 y Mfirlo-o .T:,riill Fttanfl I Roy Waldo. Chester Plybon. ; l7!f!W cattle South ward on last Friday and for which time, and who. the physicians say he received very good prices. ! will have to have her tonrdls remove C D St. John was looking after ! before she qan expect n lief. It Waa some business matters in Union !a:;t ; arranged ihat on Monday;.: Moiulav morning and also was taking of this week the operation should be a load'of flour and feed to the mcr-,had. and on Monday morning her chants of that hustling city. husband. Mr. Ross, went to Omaha to Mrs. Ivan Markland, who has been be wi'h the wire during tne on. nni'P ill at her home northwest of It is reported sne js Nehawka. for some time, i6 reported i nicely since the operation. as being improved at this Time and isj still making substantial gains. j Dray Line Changes Hands. George Tate is cutting wood and, William Waldo has disposed of hws getting things ready for the sum-1 rt ,n xvhawka. the new drav- , Clyde Duckworth, while tbe subset Has lonsils Kemoved. Itutes.-tre: Carl Praree. Ilerohl DodSo i Stewart Rough was a visitor m I knrf ffifrnS MelMnenrl The bovsiatS tb the intention of Oiaknigl when the time oome for proper kind of baaketto&U work Harry Knabe shipped a car load ofjomaba last Sunday goins to see hisjjJ vif ittle and a car load of hogs to the daughter, Mrs. Martin Ross, who has a wranifti ihth Omaha market, they going tor- been In the hospital there for some ! uojH, --tli'e 8rmiJ m m SATURDAY Fine! It's a Girl. There is a bit of joy at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest TCr.,pp &yet tlm arrival at their home last wc.;1? of a very line girl, who ivrtn the jett ing alcn i mother, is doing njcely. There is nope tor the young U't. -r as no ..- etruagling along some say he Is showing signs o? improvement and mer which he is sure is coming, for man now being Fred G. Williams. t! n ne win nave oiner worn wiucn n hac ,.. rfroTltiv rnmn to Whnw will keep him from the wood yard. ka frnm AUianee and who is taking ' ;:t ' 1 l't: " m L hold of tbe business like he hnew Avoca to Mr. George II. Shrader. who just what to do and we are assur. . moved on the place the first of this that he mmke a success of the wees ine p ace was lormeny o- Vl,nturp Mr Waldo will continue to cupied by Joan T Porter, who is conduct the notti. moving to near Mynard. ' Henry Weasel is still not feeling; v .1 ir . c,-i, wery well, but keeps going, he has; Mrs- T- E- Fulton Very Sick been having a long seige with the' Mrs. Thomas E Fulton has been rheumatism, and also, as he has had kept to her bed by an attack 6t all of hi? teeth extracted, he has been neuritis, which has been extreme ly having some trouble with his atom- painful, and haw kept her in bed for a h. " some time. It was necessary to secure Warren Munn. w ith his new rig, I a nurse to care for Mrs. Fulton. Her has been sawing some wood at the 1 many friends are hoping that mXlJB may soon tie able to be up and aben again and enjoying her usual health. Delightful I O'clock Luncheon andifl 6 O'clock Dinner a Leopold Home Saturday. Two of the pleasant social events B Ot the iiast v.- occurred Saturdiy afternoon and vOning at tho ho: -pita hie f.eopoid home on Ptarl street I ! ft m v f i ri ' .11 u t is 1 HI A .i U w-. t i r - " r i -n i n i DAME FASHION says the hose must blend with the gown or hat. This store is showing all the latest shades in La dies' silk hose. Peach, French Nude, New York Grey, Gun Metal, Beie, Carmels and shades of Brown. Quality hosier' at $1 to $2.85 Hosiery Dept. In the showing of pretty crarments for spring, the men have not been forgotten! We have Just Received a Shipment of u Brummel Shirts JKjOL inducing the popular English Broadcloth in the col lar attached models. Tan and white $1.95 CO warmer in Your Re pair Work Hfinor 111 Ymir KA. "Young People Enjoy Dance mM " vw At the home of earl Wessell, there were a large number of young people on last Friday evening when they enjoyed the occasion very much at a very social dance, and when depart I will give it the most careful ' ins expressed thelr plea uire for the Yiw.r oiw.ntticr tho T lion hooti tri-4n 'ini attention, the best or materials i longed for the time to come for and careful auto repairing. "The Best of Service" is Our Motto Bert Willis GARAGE Nehawka -:- Nebraska anothor pleasant int eting. '"Gensang" Is the Word. If it takes until eleven afoloek to let the crossword puzzle it does not matter, for these must be solved, whatever else has to slip by. Le,sc Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Magney called on their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Polland, and enjoyed a most pleasant visit, and by and by Mr. George Pollard and wife dropped in for a short visit, and the Omaha Bee offered a crossword vat 3 rff vvit'll proper care will iniircJy rewhen Mrs. K. ('. Leopold and V.i fover as soon an the weather gets j S; b. Cliase entertained some tliirty- ?ix iriends n( lunohteon and dinner. In the afternoon the ocvasiou was Vic-' - "Rfc'-'i-pa Uprp maqe ttiar or a I o cloclt !un-bi n ! ilm wjis tn roii-hly enjoyed by - 11 Mr. and Mrs. Cliuord C. TrOtterJof tho nu,mh4,, .. .of tho rtv The of Havehn-k. were visit ng mchaw.-. .,t,fi,.,u.. of the luncheon were in '"vt.-- - -iuefptHK wu" tne approae?'!!!',' sprincrtime season, the delicate red "BILLY" O'BRIEN causes i..:c:tzi.iZUT j tbcir. home at Havelock in their i for a days visit with their son, Frsfak, and other relatives and frb nds h re and njoyed the day most pieasaniiy. Economics Class Fed the Ecys. The home eeonomiv elafls.of tiie' Nehawka school provided a feast in the shape cf a Chilli Con Carne t P all the boys of the school oh b si Tuesday, and the bj.w now are thlnk ing the members of the class ex; - ! lent cooks, and are rnttine; down In the date book where a gO no can be h)oked',for whfl heedetr For Sale. A few Hampshire bred sows, at private sale, must be taken soon. If interested, see Harry M. Knabe. Ne hawka. ft5-tVN GLASS B AT THE BASKETBALL MEET and yellow tulips bing osad in the table decorations whil those cr.lors waTjB also in evidence in the general decorative plan of tbe home, making u brigbt and colorful appearance. la the afternoon a delightful program of music had been arranged by the hostesses. Joseph A. C.'.pwe!!. Mis Josephine Altraan and "Ur-. H. W. Black ea;h favorfag tbf- g'.ies's with one of f nelr pleasing vocal solos. Miss H,cleu Wescptt, with Miss Alt man gave a i y enjoyable vocal duet and 'Miks. Wseott a very lariie tic piano niunlier. At the 6 o'clock dinner the spring time note was also used in the dec ritions and as th the afternoon the program of the dinner was S&usfeal, all of the numbers being very enter taining and enjoyable, numbering among those on the program the tal ented voting peop'e of the city, Clif ford Cecil. J. A. Capwell. Mrs. H. W. Black and Miss Josephine AHm; a. each giving vocal solos while Miss Althman and Miss Wescott favored the party with another charming duet. I S RE-APPOINTE n STATE F!SH CHIEF t-'rern Tuesday's 1uily a;urday afternoon when the pa-1 latial eastbound pajrnper train at 4:30 was due at the local Burling ton station, the modest and retiring ian like incident, the baggage was saicly chocked and placed aboard the train, as was' the lady. NOTICE There will be a meeting of the tmnlnvm t.f I'm Ktiition rpcpivprl a executive committee of Cass Conntv Shock from which they are but t low- ! Chapter, American Red CrosH March ! ly recovering. As the train was!''. H. at 1:50 p. m. at Murdoch, c. n c ri,i.c i nearing the station, a lady arrived i Nebraska. Former Occupant of State Fisheries h.,rrl;.djv an( re'rsti,, h,v. beTl tt V. MeDOKAMl . I tge be checked for her joarney daw. Chairman. ea3tuard. Eari Hoanshell, the youth ful and accommodating baggageman, started to look after the wi?h:s of the iady and nerformed all the nec- CHice Flaced Back Bv Oover- nor McMulien. SMALL HOG LOST lost a spotted poland china weight, 140 pounds,1 'near Springtime is On the Way! And the plans for the wardrobe are nearing completion. We havea judiciously chosen stock of Spring and Summer garments and materials, which will meets your needs. New things are arriving almost daily. P.'an to visit us soon. Elue and White Five Will Play Pen sen High at 7:30 p. m. Friday. From Tuesday's Daily The pairings for the district bas ketball tournaments over the stMe werf announced yesterday by w: O. Brooks, of York, secretary of the state athletic association. These district meetings will n -place to a large extent the extensive state tournament af Lineoln, it hav ing grown to such proportions as to he unwieldy. Under the rulings of the state as sociation, ?11 teams from Chs cw;1' ty have been plaeed in the Becfnd district. adnfpoSed of Washington Burt, Douglas and Cass counties. In the pairing;; announced with the classification of tho f-iniP, PlattSmotfth hih will pla3r Benson high at the Boys" gym at Technical high school at 7:30 p. m. Friday, in j the second game of Class B. In Otass A (!reishton Prep will j nlay South hlghVind Central oppose. , Tech. j The Winners of Friday's games 'will all get to go to the state tour ney at Lincoln in claeses where Uara i arc oniy iour teams participating, as 1 the winners and runncisup will hfi reclassified for the state meet at the p capital city the following week. ) The race in Plaae Ti will be vory j c?ose if the dope hold prood, Plyrft- mouth, Nostb high and the Jjeaf school each having scored a victory and suffered a defeat at each other's hands, while Benson won over the Norsemen last Friday. I With weather conditions favorable, jand the auto bridge back In shape, it is expected that a very larpe nu:n- bt of fans from this city will be in attendance at the games. Seeds Lower. Recleaued. scariiied Sweet Clover. $8.50 to ?!).50 bu. Alfalfa. $12 to 114.50, Timothy M.OO, Red Clover ?15 to $17.50. Tlluo Grass 53.75. Sudan Grass 8c, Rape 15. Samples mailed. Johnson Bras. Neb. City. in5-lsw Vil!L-im J. O Rrien. for manv vears Ule P( rrormee an ine nec- i sunerintehdeht of the state fisheriea ar acts thai would skfeguard the hog at Gretna, haS been praeefl back in transportation or tne Daggago and Mynard. call Trhonc. Piatts. 533 or the office lie hiw.1' :-o :cceptab!s' filled. fhen eaufife txd the lady to produce notify Jan1s Jtalney i irig-tsm after a retii-ement of two years un- ncKet inat it mignt pe punciieu.-. . v dm in is tration cf Governor ccorramce nin rue ruies ana ' regulations that Mr. Rrac"!tcH has der the Bryan. Mr. O'PrLn occupied the ofiice under a lon list of srovernors of both politic; ! faithr until a disagreement C2nJe with Mr. Bryan led to his removal. He made a splendid record of offi .Mrs. J. R. Kelly wa.- i.mong thoae going to Omaha and Council Bluffs tern. Here was where the shock I fives in those cities. While Ear! waited expect-; i ntly for the ticket to be dragged' Mrs. E. II. Brady was amoag thoae forth from tli e nurse of t lie lady, she Eroine to Omaha this mornina to i. t : v and economy and hf well was stamen tne baggageman ny draw- spend a few hours lookihg after some , , .... j- j i - ine" tho ticket from hr "flrKt n.-. - m . r.t i,,,t :. real uuuiifi 101 111c ov (:'.": v.: us . - r. i . o ui uu.-iuct3. the fish breeding in the state, and . nal bank, as it has sometimes his recall to the office v.iP be the source of much pleasure to Nebraska sportsmen. EVERYONE CAN HAVE PAET been called. The incident can: d the Minima t r. f - .. .L. bageageman as well as th? genial agent and Henry Sanders, not to mention the Switchmen and other hangers on who were around the de- CARBON DISAPPEARS! u hen yon use The laying of preliminary plans Pot at tne time-. Despite the Paris-1 EERTSCHY BY-PASS fe.r the financing of the new Leerion 5 money for farm loans. Searl 5. Davis, FlGlrfsmouth. U-av FAEM MACIin.'EEY FOE SALE F. P. SHELDON Where Customers Feel at Home Phone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr. Established 1388 Side delivery rake $25 2 h. p. R. L engine 10 Oqe-row wheat drill 5 Disc gang 10 Uay loader 10 One Minute grain grader with griddles 20 See this machinery at Maple Grove ; farm, 3'& miles west of Murray. Tele phone 3205. LUTHER WOMACK. fiy-4sw. Itch. Itch, Itch! Scratch. Scratch, ;bcrateh! The more you scratch, the J worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 60c a box. Bsrtsctiy Boplex By-Pass The simplicity of the By-Pass is remarkable. There are no springs, levels, balls, or intricate parts to require con stant adjustment. It is fully. guaranteed for one year. Not a single change is made in carburetor or ignition adjustment. The so-rolled "carbon knock'' disappears. The By-Pass can be in stantly shut off and motor operated without it. There is no dash con trol, no guess work, resigned for low test fuel, operates equally well on high test fuel. Cold motors start eas ily. The By-Pass is a mechanical and scien tific mastei piece. IF YOUPv CA2AGE OK SEE VICE STATION CAN NOT SUPPLY YOU, CALL, WISE OB WRITE DCBT PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Fact'y Office 3rd St. at Pearl Telephone 303 community auditorium has brought to light a number of points previous ly unthought oC but when the fi nance committee has finally thresh ed all the questions out it is certain arrangements will be made so that everyone can have a part in the con struction of the building from the richest to the poorest. A number of those who draw only cemmon laborer's wages have evinced i'. much interest in the proposition, and aPlmugh they cannot give mon ey, they are desirious of furthering the cause by contributing liberally of j work. Then there are farmers who Isay they would !o glad to contribute aid with their teams in excavatintr the basement if this work can be done jat a time when they are not rushed with their farm work. This work j alone would cost no small sum if it had to be paid for at regular yard age rates and the promised co-operation of everyone in this line will aid greatly in getting the building, al though the urgent need is for monev I to help finance erection of the struc ture of the building itself. A plan will be devised by the com mittee under which everyone in the community can have a part. DOING VERY NICELY Frim Tuesday's I'riily Mrs. L. H. Puis of Murray, who has been at the lmmauu 1 hospital in Omaha for the past few weeks, recovering from an operation, is now doing very nicely and her early re covery is anticipated by the members of the family. The continued im provement of the patient is most pleasing to the host of friends over Cass county. PLATTSOUTH'S ORIGINAL i3h r, n ri y 1 1: y Garni Grocery 2 doors south P. O. Phone 35 C. H. Martin, Owner Brooms, good quality, each 49c Crackers, fresh salted, 4-ib. box 72c Mustard, pure prepared, quart jar 30c Raisins, seedless, 4-lb. pkg 50c Raisins, seedless, bulk, per lb 12c, Prunes, large Santa Clara, per lb .15c Macaroni, white elbow, per lb 2V2c Pepper, pure ground bulk, black, quart jar 40c Peanut butter, fresh and delicious, per lb 25c Coffee, fancy Peaberry, per lb 45c Supremo coffee, per lb . .39c Coffee, Rio, fancy grade, per lb 40c Pancake flour, 4-lb. pkg 3QC FAEM LOANS I now have some 6 money to loan on farm security. No commis sion. JOHN M. LEYDA. f24- ?tw Guud Building. ATTENTION POULTHY RAI3ERS I have taken a baby chick agency for the Elkliorn Valley Haichery, i one of the largest and most up to I date hatcheries in the state. Guar antee 100 safe arrival of live,' sturdy chicks. Orders for any quan tities of any breed promptly filled, j For prices, etc.. phone 13 3-J. DOROTHY PRINK, fll-tfd Plattsniouth, Neb. -Th Hi est Cars!- Tho Buick and Chevrolet!! When Better Cars Are Made We Will Sell Them! Also a New 1925 Ford Coupe at a Bargain. John Livingston Opposite Court House, Plattsmojuh, Neb. j