va sa VOL. NO. PLATTGilOUTII, NEEBA5IIA, "ONEAY. ER 1, 1321. NO. THANKSGIVING DAY 18 A QUI PROGRAII IS SUCCESS i ra mm El held ONE IN THIS GUY COJEvIUNITY OESI1ILVANCE AT UNION SERVICE AT I.IETH ODIST CHURCH. KM HOME GATntRiHGS MELD !'r..;n i. 1 v :-- 1 r.iv The program ami box i.upp-.r at the Lcwiston church eaat of ar ray on last Wednesday evening was vt'ry successful both socially and financially and as the r suit of the entertainment thj sIkm1 vil! derive a very peat sum of mom y. The Ua-LeY. Miss Ma hie lb-ward, and the yours: folks of the school arrang ed a very delightful program of reci tations ar.u s-ugs arid which with (vnu-.-'b :-a rcd to add to tht pleasure of the ieml.rrs of the- crowd thr.t filled the h ailding to its utmost capac'ty. Miss Howaid and the kitj-b-;s of h r school are feeling wt 11 phased over the outcome of. the eli te nt and the success that was thrived fr the schocb Younger People Enjoy rootbc Gaines at Nebraska City and Lincoln For the Day. From Fn.!jy' I ai ' y lien lite l)U -! ao- d tht ir doors for the tiif re were very few th. main portion of the greater part of the ciii.nnr the festive gatht Tints The Thanksgiving day in this city was vi rv cuiat and followii. a, trie noon hour v. t of the city c'o rest of the day l'l!V. Ii I u f lly. the sc-vkirg HOWARD LONG BOUND OVER FOB TRIAL TODAY FUNERAL SERVICES of mrs. mi falk f at the Hone in Sr.uth Tark Attended By Laitre Nurai.-er of Neighbors and Friends. fn i:i Friday's lai y The last fad rites in ban-ar of the m"m .ry f Mrs. William F. Fni: .'.(! bald cm '. e--n rs:!;i y : ftei I con at 2 at t'"e ho:a-- in South Purl: i nd t he .----i vic es v re :.!. itded I y t: v. ry large rumb. r of the r-.-L.tivt Irient'.j and n: iahbors to share with the hers t.vfl t amity tin- !": sorrov. !hat has come to them. Th- sirvhej, v.tre conducted hy r.Mer liert Kii.r of Clenvood a ltd v.-i-v.' in ke.-pait: with thj lioline.-s f.:ith of w .!.-a the deceas 'tl vva3 a : u-n h- r. l-:idr Oscar York of thi. ci;v at'i-t-(1 in the s.Tvii'-s 2EC3YERETG IZQU GPEEATIOZi. fjfi From Friday's THdiv The many friend of fpamrlcr t'atrily in xixis 1 he phased io learn tiift p.TU'Ie :'. the dat:;;"her c Mrs. .-pangler, is u v :. nice pi-'aress in ree .veriii ( '( ::.:( :i for ci'pe7:;"-::'iT::-t t ;r:nel on TreOiy : ::anuel hr.-pital in t5:n:t r- i v i I s . t iit-" v SLTFZ?.ILTG FHOII FALL the Fred ":;!;ty will iMiss Nettie if Tr. owinr it: fron v i h ::t the a. I and ,'e!'V j h.-Y i w;! s ; Irn- i (;. o. known ca 1 t !ie ell eo n VfirjjSOnAV'1-- '"' f-w days a?: when kLb fc'LLrKi-sUr. I h-' tU tv.dv feet from the ham on weniM her. the well tor. is i! ffcrin t; from verv s''ei' I;m! that liUYTQ JOE CAUSES GLOOM iN GiTY -Tf-i.-i.-l TTtc n 'lJe-r-z- i pnrp I he tarir c. Tn. Th; hotd; ard f; !I w: ' n: the e rtj... )e i' i:as felt to o. site ; ts- of the -)-: a ii.m . n ; e n t !nii it i on l-ovv th::t her pre.-tnt rat- iu-prov'-n'pnt v. ill 'ou:;uuf ntitil is .ntiiely cot of t.av.ircr and -a hie i.) ret ura to Lc i em-3 lit VTedr.esdav Evcnine'. of : he j n I F' oni i Th m;i h .id 0A!H WEOilflSOAY ! TO GOME EARLY!? .i i i ; ' 1" t;i r. ! .rv h. ! !;I U'. .h ; . i T : n. t Si ill' fail. The ; : t h sure d V ers',:i. near (. ul .- a V( : y se trv re -.1 : ly r -:il ! v-d in : il as v :-- -v i or t h a .-eki. ' t ; :.:!y ;m1 o!' ,! a lid is still ti'.e result ol iiie Tracturrd Knee Cap Sustained in roo'br.ll Came v.iil P.ob H. S. cf It Star. :a e: :: ,r'. : I'e'a lo th" :'r('in -. f ires Prtliminary Pie P.riitfj and Puts Up Cash Bond cf SI. 009 Tor Appearance in Court. mm he FUiject ihe tl a rou n 2 the fnn:i!y board for the Tlr. ukscivins; dinner or mo:"riiiir out of the city fcr the rvpular ii.:Iny tlaj- foe thai! r-iimc. The ommnr.ity Thr.nki-eivins: was c.h.M-rv-. .1 chiefly in the ur-i--n chnrcl: vrvii"? held at thi Firrt :.h-t church on 'Venre' day i '. r.iii ;t o'cock and v.hich was a'tended by a very lurtre limi'.N-r if ti.e citizens. The con.-rrepation with a devout spirit o'.Tered up their Than.iis-rivin x for the rro:-perity and happiness -which had he-.-n th; ir ran in the paft year and th c nera! sucf--s of the nation cf wnich they are a part. The services were pr":d d over Ly From Frktny's This morn ! . v l ! i h n--tailv V .To" I r- ' T i a p-1. d tires r L'.ivi: e 3: ar Daily Ti r t li e i.un:r in .':., y ,. rshni i : ::n-:. vhilc tht- true'-: i::k n from '!'' ei is i he (ii I'.e-'sil D.'-nha. f the strrnon wu text. Psaln.s 1 1 1; : 1 a : m t !;e siant : me bnru :th ,f His Paints." Iron Hare was horn in Nebrak:,. November ig attorney of an c.ptured n; rn in a: hy i.nd li.-j'Uty k :s ct' r wa 1 ... o:: '9. ti n d den I'-?. 1 '.'24.' : '.ntd hy ? 'tiner at th n from the rr.ved her John F. from W(d:T "outh of hi-- ti the Rev. tor of the audience V. autiful Frt'til: Kttiory Pfout church .-: n i in rdri' " n; i ! r- httit: was ope-vd by "J- meric; . ti e dud" to I' the patriotic : The iiivocition P.?v. Walter 11. rvires that fo'.hjwed. wa? r-fn hy the Rohb. the pastor of Christian church., who blessing of the Almighty :cr..hl?d cor ereat ten and the First risked the or h ' a r their purposes. The proclamation of the president was read by Rev. j I'foutr. The mixed q-jartet compo.-ed f Misr-s Joit''::r.e Ahr.rr. and He'.-; rn "Wt scctt, Mc'.hts. Cliford and Har-, p-v Cecil s-inr tl: sfU-fticn. "The Kip- cf Lev. :.!y She-h- rd Is." which refracted tie p-rc.itcst credit on the r embers of the fjoartet. The scrip ture lesson was riven by Rrv. Rohb. Tl:- s'-rrr.on rf tb.e occrvion was triv n ! v tl. Iv. II. CJ. Moflusky. r-.'tt'tr of the Firrt Presbyterian i,Tireh.. and was a very ; hh disconrse on "Th? Art of F.efr?: ThTfcfv.l." point ing f.ttt th n-'-ed of t!ie nation and tl-." p-'ep'f to r -nder up to th" Maker their egressions of appreciation and thankfu!nes. The fTvices c'os , with the s i r. t: i r. r: cf ".'.n-'ria " by the ent'r t:itdi'-nce. anl the ben.-dirti-.n hy r: v. II. C. :.I:f'!'iky. Th-- e:'hT Th;. nksadvinsr day .v:: ve:y pV; . ant until in the late :dt rnoon when a smaii rncw flurry cause 1 a L-i nerous do wr pour of the beautiful that covered the streets for a few momerts and rnve the public a reminder of the fact winter is with its afrain Omaha and ft cured the r cii.Tit on a bond of Sl.OCO. ! Tho your.,' man. Lons. entered a . p'e:; of not truilty befc-t' County Jud" Alien J. Eeescn and waived j the preliminary Leari::" ar. I the tak- IiiiT of t'."tii:tcny nr.d v.-;il. relet. s; d o:i a r;.: h bond of 1 ,000 v. hi.h a-j I rovlvt ri rr.rl pia'ed in the I'itKt?- i n ou:h State Lank an J the bond sien- ! ed hy II. A. Schneider, president of the hank, as security. :he cast v as t et lor ner riti-; uz 'he r - xt it r:.. of ihe distric .o-irt j t-nd the your e; nan rc'-'.-a- d to re-j t.u:n to i;o.: " South Omah.-i j to a:;a'.r and riiswer k i' e hi'rtr ! preferred acainst him in tl-e court at the time he hot-id be notiheJ. i The authorities have failed ,-o far j to find anv trace of ihe mmV-r.-' of i ti.e r-i'Vi!T pittv who vrre with tht trv-h h r--tirert v. n- : at r- nt ! v j-n k- titeir word of their ihitity been) learned alt hnvtrh the otlieis i re still the case atid nope to finite clue to the m n. j a- stoutly denied any j ",h t he t.tktr. of the: .vied t! red twcnty-r'.v OT;.- da.". r. (.)' two wa tpnderty r 'f- d by t i.-siil v.ena.! vas u ;.i"i(d to Willi d Isl-n !. Xehr -; ;i. X, . .) vcm e ye ivs. Im , r- Huret e :vint hs ' iv f i d v.-hen ;,;h at Site ir ma- the r n. th riatt r. a.-r. rr a host a 1 w: vs. ; , 1 VeS nd. -r.-ni? Prank It 'i . m-'nds. to t! a i urn lo. r si: li ci Ct.t-.n of v ie'.ativcs !:e decer'Fi-d , f-:ra of ir ;i ditiifiil ;-ud iovinn falthf-!'. wife and r:,: ! 1:. r 1) -; ! or.-- that will if it hy th.e-'e pii:' th" host i i of n...nv vcars" stau;lin-r. j at. t i. a - her preiitiy i Lmi i .'l'-, It O I v t 5.-1' t r WOT I.;.-.- in :U- i mi 'h I.n;r en w. t he t ime the sto'en ; a!.-.. I and they have i pf r-r Dr?r1nrt Urcihil All Tl.OSi md no S:ndinp; Gifts bv tc Get Cn the Job ft -t ih port m-e a;r. o: yr.y the Cl ri-tn Of the tc ::al o-e: pift- , ft... -;ft liverd a. :e:y A ii i t a or cil ., v 1 T ; -h ttt of r"od or b i.n f'.;'C te tii I :i:t SUPPLY MEASURES ?- i " TQ GOME FIRST;'- . whh at v.t.i ice th" - ;.'ori(. ! er ha . .s t h- ui:..; a.-. r critshed w )uld h' most of t! at t: e t Friday j E-hat t -n ! in t :. 0. a vn far ! ! th- Jay-! of a : tarry- i n:s :s a i:umher of rock were on ve kept the ie winter. . .... u Th" -e-et.; il v-orhu-- r d ' i 'Id "ee :K" t : rv '."' ha- its -:' 3V-:t t hr.-ie,. s tl a.- ; mi lae d-pattt-ent bend '.hat the ;:-..C-k-!COV tr.l r -ii h ' aa.r (l-y. Nt.v.-. s- ranee dmi'dy rura of eir.c (h livered prompt- r to ii r ti ; in. v Chrh- tunnel r.- thod .f cp.iar has ! -: :ri vorue. cool rrar for 'he work- .'JI lO ra l th ! u r. : u:v!-e:l '"a the 1 - e ;id. but Lo-wer Kcnte cf Congress to Con centrate On Appropriation Bills. - r-r.-.u- n bills was Wr shirr. ton. .Nov. tration on appropriation r.srreed '..pon as th basis of the icrh hitivc procrim for the itouse at thi? in of cf r.i,re-'3 at a ct-nferf-n -e :or f - c.-v -tat lie l ; Wl.-. r-nah 'I V-e made ;,c cf-n i is feared th-tt it (i i ine- th" f i;t rry Lou is vi'lo Co-Tier. r-TT t t . -' PP.IEITDS r r-r- :n toeay :w n President Co-did we and hrvse ad-rs. pp'frrr CiH'tt. Rcprs titrtie Loi-cvorth of O-iic the rcpub'ican floor leaders and Chairman ?th 11 of the rules ( airee:! v.ith the p'-e.-ident that attention ahould be tentrr.-il first en the suppdv measures tf. prevent thr-iieccar-ity for an extra st.-sien after ?:ej:t March for this reason alon. Other p-.e-aures v.-hich the lions" deleamtion told Mr. Coed id re would r ortr tip at this session included the rivers and rnrnors rni. xa- r't ''-( 0,;t tiniti i-isrs nroa-ram. tne .vici-a: . -n i hi'l to amend the banking laws, the Ivhlhach retirement bill affecting -rovernmer.t employes and the con stitutional amendment providing for chancs in the time cf mcftinsrs of constrcss, already passed by the sen- The house leaders also expect the for the Howell-Bnrkley bill, providincr for the abolition of the railroad labor board to be renewed. m. FrM.. Mh Svlvta W-mI.ov- Inv ev : f ri- ndr, at l.f t t.orthw-.-t rr;'ti t be e .- r.t t a;- i delt-1 tfully v--. was n rra n tied i dec- r'it le-is at: i fit tine: s- t lins 1 yaun pec pie. numbf r of :ra.r r.t which Ray most succrs-ful a two priaes while Me was hoste'-s ; t- a number of .t.nt lir-.a in th" :'or. of t' e r--tv anj ona 'h- t al will rt-.v-tt 'iff : ihei . Tl e hme in th" TI-.anlvFsrivins; d vhi'h f,trr.:m-d a for the !.;:'! rinr of Iiurinp th" ev . ninw a es were joy-d and La-ahert proved th" d vss awarded th consolation ast at ee tiah-s sao-p.d be in the na il hi-fore Christmas wek at 1 all-jv the usual time fnr '2r ;t tl'.e articif s io, eae conrested i:.ail ctTidition that pre vails at 'his srasan cf th" year. Po?r:a.-t"r J. V. Ihdaies, 1 rdd inr his part to the pen ml eatr.paicn i f ' Id ii It Karly." and will try to s'.-'- th:-:! (very aco-.imodation and fa. cility is rriven th" persons who a,-e '-i-.dy to et their articles in the ma i on. before the Christmas season is -tre your eiftr now. place a "Do O-. n Until Christmas" tatr on : ard send them away and than in ease with the Christmas task .coaplished. pr;7" was received by I-mian Flyr.n. At an appropriate hottr dainty re freshments were served by the host ess and Miss Helen Reean. The of town rue: Cote of Omaha. ts wc3 Miss -Jean OFF rCH KI-Y HEETING From Friday's Daily This morr.injr at an early hour Edward Patterson. Edrar Wescott. Ray Lambert, Willis Hartford. For est Shrader and Irvintr Wiltse. mem bers of the local Ili-Y association, departed for Columbus. Nebraska, 1 1 where they will attend the state con ference, of the association that is ibeirtp hel l Ihere Friday, Saturday Rrnresentative Lor.-rworth ex pressed belief the house would dis- r Vi t-q rf tho cleron annronri- i-oY, hills before the Christmas re-'." Sunday and which it is expect T " f,;,ir oo-to,-T, ait ed will be attended hy a very larrre the supply bills would be passed be- number of the Hi-i boys from va fore March 4 i ious points in the state. The beys VFXBICT F03 DEFENDANT la-ai.a-'s ifjt'y 't'.rv had under ronsidf ra! lor. Th. the cause of William ' h" r.-; 11 it aide Aspuran'. ih" United filiates, in court on Tuesda.v and ret are anticipatiutr a fine time and the m a rtv,M-t PtittQ-nnntii hirh most interesting rneetlns in chool athletic director, was in Oma- ' Fathering of representatives from ha today to enjoy the Tech-Cam- this section of the stafe to discuss bridge football game which is being, the matters of interest that may tki afternoon. reome befor them. '. Fmii'ti vs. e society r f the district Wednesday. riven their instructions V,"fi!n"ii afternoon and retired to their to deliberate on ti e issues of cae and in the early eveninu ri turned a verdict findinir for the plaintiff in the sum of $21713. Th..? verdict, while in favor of the plaintiff wa really one in favor of the defendant as the amount named was the same as that which the F.euifaMo company had offered Mr. i th in settlement of his endow ment policy in the company which had matured at the close of twenty years. The plaintiff had brought action for the sum of $4,000 claiming that this had been the agreement cf the assurance society as the amount thit would be paid on the $2,000 policy at the er.d of the twenty year P"riod. and that the policy had stated this effect. The defense was that the face of the policy was for $2,000 and the accrued dividends and that these were borne out by the rates prescribed in their books and that figures written in the policy had been errors on the part of clerks and could not bind the company. Reg-clar Monthly Sales Day v-ill ts . "Held cn EecerAUr 10th Gr.e T7eck Earlier This Time i A o- a ur f: mahir re v e re sixteen fr .' ) th lurch pre - in, hv- tram ill-- l.tta- It. twenty-one i.-t Water, twenty-' isiht i'r-:n and s.-v-nt y-ej a ht from Elm ..::d vicinity. m.-: of t! "in coni ( m their i,;-n,-. s by cars an 1 '-b il lV l 'A S V tern and which will lay up the pl,o -I Lrbtbrw ! y i U! C I ky ve.uug i: :n for s veral we.k.; and a it n day Th fort h -oTiinr -lay st. aed i y the F halts. iopulary kn W dneaeltiv. will he f ai iier, on the i.v ati' ..--ad ;' the thit-d 'e-f a tie t rstom :i 1-t ' h:v"d ur-rn has 1 ath. The change will :rre a. hie for tin .,iil la- in the full s- m "Tr'nl y it.imuth as Pa ffcld (-Df Wedne.-.di alnesthiy a ne pa; I an been Dec. ia,( r- Wei k y ln s iin 1 the ia''C'- Fre-i: V let (liuoai in iaaei ing ove r 1 he hi 'h partment todny a s.ari'i'is injury ! Kre je i ye--a -.-(! .' aan.e at W r-t , iiad the I'M Cf I" Tl'f' nt.v e ml i.-urche-: is l;at:C e hool at It b t i ; (le as 1 lie result (1 t he sustained 1 y Jne y in Ho- fo .t ball - ka City. wl,. n h--cap of the bit iea; t-ie ili-'anie nts oaiilv L. if 1. w u Ch. nas t ra md thi curia I h.rg. er the bv the- :iic earlier elate - c-f a great a ::rs in hud!- the I f;Ii- T c f the le- VlH jiermit an. ex r-t hie g-r.a.h- rt"1 rs ami al-o a f- t da tti-..:r early ami have it Tore the lai shof-p'.ug 3 is it; up. residents- f.f Tn" Tiat tsr.ioiuh terri'ory shoab". not? the ia ct u very jdeasing caravan of the religious workers of the county. T!;e a;h'rr?5 of the (-v-ttinf fr-im the viewpoint cf th- r.-'ni." er of thf ehuaeli vas oiVe-rerl hy Ih-v. Walter U. Rl h of th - Ph'USitio'iih (hurah. and v. as ve ry thorough in its over- :. r of tie- anaa: ! cf the n- ci f i" t! Th - sul-je, t vas t.. .. of The Church as an Aa-r to th ( oi-.mttnliy" ard in hi-: ahi" dh ( ; th.e soeaker present d his . lev.-s . a the j art the church play., ir. th ..;.'.. :-s of any community, lara o' amaU. Ihe layman's viewpoint was pre sent e. by (te.-rc--' Roarers., also f Pinttsmouih. who spiakc on "A Man's I'la'-e in ih" Church," an.l his ad- L. JlcCarty Will Have Clnnge Station and Tank Lir.e Here of the Oil Company. J maybe lona r. Joe- has been OI I r . t.i t in l 1 ! t Ii one if the ! a c hr; nee shoppin g i. '.'.:'. I thf C hai ;tn:a :t out ot the way final rush wln-n th re haing finally fill Th : ra de . was very ph-asing to me r. ud riirht to the r.iany of t'te v: i .'; the participation Th tl!'. he large point in :.l taets of the the i hurch. cxt service will he held the Atck at Louisville and at " the servirc-s will be under ma ah; "S Ol ; i ';t the Pa-arain dnv vail :h- coming month, and i- on the itithvjlr for the ann it;:; ements that -.ill appear in the of the rorir?gs of the m-".-ha;it;i of the ity. DEATH OF rOILIiEr- HESLDE2TT ei the i hui-. h tl Weeping '..iter Ji'-adiey miking tion Rev. S. 1 . hie f address! cf the evening an art Tov le pivsentiufe the layman of the ehu.reh and its work. From .Saturday s Daily Tin Stan. lard Oil comp'iiy b !! se ctiretl as the manager i f t; rir ioca.I gasoline' station, and tan.-; lim. L. L. Mef'artliy . who i- at eeice enfring on tin duties of his new position. The i!-,- inana--".--r wid talct: over the statiam at once and will b- ahie to give the patrons every -.f-ctannio- company cm that they have a real tli' person of Mr. Mc who wili i:ie the ca-:n- iitibh the vc rv heat ol elation possible and tl rest assured It-.-- wir- in Cart" and or.' p: r.v and the ror.a; itl the tiasketriatl as t n as lootiiall taui iiii't msi e;,r 1:1 t lie slat-- t -urnann-ni enjoyed th (li. titiition of beinu t!o- hide as se and all state ci nter from t!o many teams ompet injr in the state tournarcen t . After the injury to Joe on the foot ball fit hi. h- was taken t the Ne braska City hospital where the in jured leg was examined and se. fol lowing tiie taking of tin X-ray. Tie kr.i'f ap was found to be in had shape and ihe ligaments torn i:ii-t in s- r'ous condition and it fi-'iuiii i ( onsiiierahle wr-rk to c: t the injure, leg back into shape v. h re it con! 1 bo drcsstd ;;nd the leg set. -vice at all times and under I Af er be in it attended at the pital Joe was brouciit on home ho.--aml cit-cumstancf s and his business abil ity .and experience wilt be it very valuable asset in tit" conduct cf the r. flairs of the company. Assi-ting Mr. McOarty on the tank wagon will be Mr. David Ehers-ile who ii one of the steady and reliable younr nien of the community. 'main there for some time until ihe With tit er.e two frcntlemen in ligaments and bones are healed up charge of the afairs of the Standard land this will probably mean that company they should have real ser-1 "Slobbers" will be missed trom the ice and efficiency in the conduct of j lineup of the basketball .squad for , suffered a great deal of pain d irim: ithc nirht from the leg and thi. ; morning as ifll he was still tiehi. a a great de-al of iain from the ji, jureel member. The bag has le n placed in a ea. t and will have to r - the tiffarrs of t!ie oil station. . ji i $ t i S r i ?- -'V '-or;. r-'rid .-. v's r "!a d"-it'.i of M f' re -idr 1 of en W"d:iesdav at ; ail Iduf.s fo!!u-.ving ante doration. The o Ha vf h.ih. where v. e ri- tie h! this :;if;er i s. Marie this city IiuspiLa! ig i.n 4 body . ft1 1 i.e.. Co am. - ! (i ur - BERY l WEST d 'h- ! -ana los'-rili ' 'ar Tl. d( a AP . ; ha r -a. I . ' i"r e .f v. . r i ' . - - .- a- m m n rei lat-r re la :1, F'.r der t ...r 1 r da- id family, -ly v. .ts th ere .f t -f ea a i t Hi PsEsing; of Former Resident of Near This Citv Occurs Yesterday at Oakland. California. SaHi'iaiy s l'.ii!y ha vi ' iu -a la !e-i:l;i:g in the ,e e-v-ri -y a vt I, i: ' . ana ..h 1 1 v -i -. i '--I-' s ( ,f the ( ' 1 y . ir sirt'nv- ti'.e i'a.1 deep sy.apa ' i.y of WOMAN'S CLTJ3 sume ! son. time if not for the entire s.-a- ste-'lnv's Pally Fn.m -Tlw mcmhej-s of Pl.ti'f.nif uth't Woman'a club. v.-Iki attended the meetinr Friday night in spite of ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON the sudden change were well rewarded did report of thair j-lynn. cf the S?at( Convention a C.tand Inland, that was held rc'eatl. She brought ne- messages of eti-cb-avor and encouragement to club m-maers tiint gave eaefi ,j;e an urgf ; for future advancement of the club v.-oik. A good list of new and old books I was the response to the rollcall. All w"re disappointed that Mirs Jones, libraria.n. and Mrs. Burnm were un-ahh-. on account of illness, to give their talks on library needs and the ry ; s a community builder. Vincent, of Kos'lar.rtf. Cal- a welcome ru-r -ind Frutn Pa t-inJ.. v's Pt'ilv Yesterday afternoon and today VIri.- llf.irv stelinf ifl-r rrl Mrs John ,n .. . v-'c'atr.r r. j.. Wolfi' were hostesses at two very V' -1;". '"'""itldis'aiful 1 o'clock bridge luncheon! pros idea'. ... 'S . f attr:tc?fv Schnei'l.r li'itr.e o-i "-'Oak street. The df-orat ions of the j home were in a color scheme of y 1- low and white, the Ixautilul ihry- isanthmums forming the chief feature m v I. a: t evt rinr the announcement t s r-- reived lo-re by relatives and -.ds ed" t!:-- (hath, of :iiss Emma :'... ey-.r- f ir'nerlv well known i li '.nt .'.' this letcaTitv, but v ho ' Mr . s tm ' ears has been re- norma, was a welcome guest and iain on the PacifU- coast. ! expect- to be v.ith the flub Monday Tl;-- d"ath of :.!iis Fihrnbary nrr- d at Oak la ttd v f)f t!ie occiiaion and whieli proved a I mot pleusirg addition to the at tractive home. l jicre w e re nt tables a rra !; red for the two aft-r- I noons and the memlx rs of the party enjoyed to the utmost the delirl.M of the occasion. In serving the li;)'- Mh- s were ass t. i V - a BUT i'i--rv .-here si I ast few years oc- I evenin !:as i. hoped that sh" will work that is bring done net - 5 3 I - .5, living lor th t jihiv.p an illness of some dura- tie-; she has been practically fit invalid for so; i.. yea rr and even be fore ieavng this county for the west. Th" deceased lady was a daugh ter of the late Henry Kike n'n.-iry and wife and who were among the very earliest settlers in this section of Ne braska, and Miss Eikenbary was re- red to womanhood on the home just a few miles southwest of this citv where she made her home until j rthe death of the parents some years ago. Th" anr.Tim ement is made that the body will be brought to Platts-mc-uth to he laid to rest beside those -. l-.r. t - 1.,. i 11,1. n r came' tim oupteu iiiu ui: nuu.i .i. . , General Manager of Eurlington. Lines West Hurt When Steam Hose on Private Car Uncouples Ed Fivnr. general manager ot the Burlington lines west, was slight ly injured in the Burlington yr.rda at Lincoln at fi p. m. Friday. vhfn i steam hose on his private car be lt tell f f the by the Rosehmd Club. All members should be in attend ance Monday evening and hear Miss Ka unman tell of her recent Europ ean trip. You are welcome to shop St. Marv s Guild, Dec. Mrd. A. hall. with -ti. . isted ly the .Murna Woin. Kau teen ir i'ti. erine Schneider and W esses CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the ti't ey fr-hnds for their kii-if -"-s and sympathy during the Mckne-g and death of our bf loved w ife, daughter and sister and for the beau tiful floral offe ring also to those whi gave us the service of their cars. -William Falk and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Skinner; Mrs. Frank Carlson. striking him with such force that he was knocked to the platform at the station and sustained a bruise on the head and cuts on h;s face. Tic w; take n to th" St. Eiizaiv th' arrival cannot be definitely given until ftuher worel is received from the California city. Miss Eikenbary is survived by two sh-:t era-. Mrs. Charles Vallery of St. Joseph, Missouri, and Mrs. Joseph J. Johnson of Omaha. hospital where an X-ray examina tion showed thrt he had r.ot suf fered a fracture or any other ser ious hurt. It was ste.-ed Friday night that Mr. Flynn wo-.Jd probably be out cf the hospital tn two or three days. He was injured juat as he started to enter his private car which was j standing in front of tn? Burlington lunch room. He had been in his r-fTii-e at the Burlington and had stnr-'frt for his car before going to i fluxbury. a sister, has just receiv- dmner. SHOWING IMPROVEI'IENT 'mm Sn ttirda y'p Fnf!v Robert Creamer of San Jose, Cr.I- ! ifornia. who for several days vat in most critical condition as the result of a very severe attack of infiama tion of the kidneys, is now reported as being somewhat better. Mrs. A. word from Mrs. C. L. Creamer. private car was he a connection v-jt!i a l'.cavv hose to an outside steam As Mr. Flvnn ram- no to the better, but Mr. Flynn's ing heated by lng. p:p the mother of the young man. in car ana steps, the i which she states that Bob is now aid" to take nurishmnt and feeling much is still in bed and re- was about to mount the' 'wne ianni'..L train which was to haul i 1Ji'-' cio- reu up ov mt- wn .i m his car, backed up to couple on. The i scnooi menus ana cnurcn assoc iate., who nave matie ine siet-ttess u mite impact disccnnected the hose tram the steam pipe which emmitted a cloud of steam making it difficult, according to bystanders, to tell whether the end of the hose struck Mr. Flynn in the forehead or whether it struck him in the body with such force that he was knocked down and .sustained the injury to his head on the pavement. A physician was called and he less irksome than it otherwise would have been. SUFFERING FROM EYE TROUBLE Beautiful lunch sets consisting of lunch cloth and napkins on sale at th M. W. A. hall, St. Mary's Guild. Joseph F. Hadraba. the druggist, is at his home suffering from a very painful and annoying case of eye trouble that originated some time ago in a sty on his left eye and riTPn first, aid and then taken; which has affected both eyes to a 'to St. Elizabeth's hospital In Castle, greater or less extent and made it I Roper & Matthews' ambulance. i very painful and anEoying to the j patient. It is hopel with a few days Thomas J. Smith, special agent of : of treatment and rest that the eyes the Burlington, departed for Omaha rnaj' be back in shape where they this morning after a few hours spent will not prove so annoying to the herd on business. patient. . C T-c v j r. k ' " " vA "t n i I T NOW! j 4 hi Old obligations must be paid off sometime why not now? The other fellow, perhaps, can afford to wait, but you cannot. Your credit standing depends upon making settlements as promptly as it is within your power to do. Nois is th tinz to pay off the old obligations. When everybody pays, the wheels of business move fester. The First nhoxalBank TTH3 3ANK W HERC YeiU Kf.c AT HoME A A NCBii.KA "JUirji 'Jiil j : "The Pck Where Yon Feel at Home!" ft i -4 M in ;!