The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Alvo Department
Dr. Chas.
Elmwnod, Xt
7; night, 58.
r; a, Veterinarian, '
-'-t. Call day phone,
tf-x i
Ar.-liin Mil', v waa n vliifnr in '
com last iiiursnay driving over 10
the state capital in his car.
Troy Davis was a visitor in Alvo
during the past week and was meet-
ing many of his old time friends.
C. D. Cans and wife were looking
after some business matters in Weep-
ing Water last Wednesday evening.
Geo. Hardnock has been assisting
with the work at the farm of Ilc-r-
man L. Lornemeier for the past week
or so
Mesdames W. II. Martin and C. C.
ye of Lincoln, were visiting at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Foreman last
Monday. !
John Woods sale, which was held j
during the vast week, was well at-j
tended and things brought a very ;
fair price. j
Ilcrt Kitzel and family were visit- j
ing with friends in Lincoln last Sun-
day. driving over to the big city in ;
tboir auto.
While A
B. Stromer was away.
Inst Thursday, K. M. Coatman was
looking after the carrying of the
mail on the rural route
J W Kallmever and familv were '
-itlng for a time Ian Sunav at !
e borne of their friends. Edward
Bade and wife of Dunbar.
John D.
. . i
a new Ford Coupe, which he will
iis.- for himself and Mrs. Foreman, 1
wbo is also an expert driver. !
The Ladies Aid of tli' Methodist i
church held a very profitable and j
exreTbnt supper at the basement of I
the c hurch last friday evening. j
Edward Linch an 1 family and '
Waiter Peterson and family of Lin-
coin were visiting last Sunday at the J
horn" of Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Foreman.
R. L. Coatman an.: family and
Karl Bennett and family were visit- j
iugat Nebraska City last Sunday and
took their dinner in the Morton
State Park. j
A. c. Boyies and wif weiv visiting
with relatives and looking after some j
business matters in the capital city
last Thursday making the trip by 1
automobile. .
C'nrle-? Heartle has purchased "a '
car.' being the one which formerly '
was owned by H. H. Moore and !
which will give good service for this :
vmiTi" -nm i
- 1
II. FT. Moore have just purchased
a new univei jl coupe, which they !
are thinking i? pretty nice, and such
.s wi -.. iu-, .... u-.j -uj.,, riano Solo, Mm lei Vickers.
the new ooat. ) Vocal Soi0 jIrS- john B.ForeraaTi.
Perry Cook had the misfortune to ; Mr Frank Ja-oby of Ilavelock.
get a particle of dirt in one of bis ' aiul si3ter. Mrs. Whitcly of Omaha.
eyes, which has caused hira much , P,,ie,i furthod to the delight of the but is getting, along . piicst3 wiLh thelr rau0. After a
cicely at this time. j t(untiful supper served by the host-
Charles Appleman, who ha been CBWiJj the gUsts departed declaring
so ill at the home of ins brother, ' the affajr to bave been a rousing
L. B. Appleman, for some time is success.
much improved and was able to come j " The re-iar monthly session of the
to town one day last week. 1 parent-teacher association was held
August Johnson has purchased , wednesdav eve'ning at the school
himself an excellent new Essex car, , house with a ROod attendance. Mrs.
which he will use for his going and ; G H Wentz of Lincoln. State presi
coming. and which the family will; d(.nt of th(, Feder;itei association was as this Is an excellent car. j presc.nt aIul pave an instructive ad-
The goods of the late Mrs. Vincent j dress on ..The Iurpo8e of the Parent
w ho passed away some time ago and Toa(.herg Association." Miss Hard! n
wno was me lormer pot-nuisiress w 1
Alvo. wan h id last weeK and the
gor,is brought very fair prices.
John Skinner was a visitor in
Omaha last : :day taking with him
a load of h r Jess Holka, which
came re;,. of tne marJet detail the standard system of grading
f( "1;hey - - 'vere Tery fine j used throughout the school. Explain-
por; ... . , . , i ation was made of the fact that S.-:;o
u. (. Kie, , . cr-.didate for the po- . is thc t5mc sp.ti,ie(1 hy lhil ,joart! U3
ntioii of ,,..",:' attorney, and C L. tjm1 ror tno arriva, of school trucks.
Ileal. can..:uate for clerk of the dis- Hp as() ent(.,j for digcU3cion in
rut court were in Alvo one day ulMjsren.e te3ts and hot lu-lchos UA
last week looking after their pohti- possillle projccts to be v.orked out in
ta fences. detail by the P. T. A. Marie Prouty
Orris and Charles Foremen were at , the queslion o EOcia,
V alparaiso, w-here they went with , affairs f tb community. It wa3
the.r truck la.t Thursday to haul to the unainimHUS opin5ou uiat coop.
Lim oln their share in a crop of po- eration of gcnooL (.hurch and ct
tntoes which they had sold to a Jnunjt u vita, Tq h, end u
Lincoln firm. ,,s,,., , .i
rs. C. S. Boyles was a delegate
to the state convention of Woman'j
clubs representing the Alvo club at
the meeting at ('.rand Island. The
Alvo club being a member of the
state organization.
Earl Uenett. Lafe Mullen and
Archie Miller all have added Radios
to t heir home equipment, they all
having purchased through the agen
cy of A. Dinges. They being of Hie
celebrated Crozl-v pattern.
Wm. Simpson, the barber who has
been in the hospital at Lincoln for
some time past is reported as making
some very important improvements,
it is hoped that he will soon be able
to return to his home here.
John Skinner and Roy Coatman
took a turn at landscape gardening
last week, when they trimmed the
trees in ront cf the Coatman hard
ware store and which added much to
the appearence of the street.
Mrs. II. H. Moore departed last
Thursday evening for Denver, where
she went to visit with her daughter
Mi33 Blancke, who is making her
home there she having a good posi
tion in the mountain town.
Wm. Coakley of near Eagle, was
In Alvo last Thursday, looking after
seme business matters and also took
home with him a load cf sand, which
he is using for the construction cf
OaSI for a Show Down!
See us for Deering and McCorraick Tractors and
Plows the best rnads. Ask us for a demonstration.
We will come and show you how they work.
oatman Hardware Co.
a cave on the place on which he
Mrs. Henry Banning and daughter
Pf:irJf nnrl Rnhprt TS.inninCT a
nepnew, an 01 -Murray, were tisiuuk
1IV.UMV1T, Ul Vl. Ai&UltWJf
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
' Mrs. John W. Canning in Alvo. they
t all going in the afternoon for a ride
' to University Place and also Lincoln,
' friends a short time.
The official board of the Methodist
'church of Alvo met last Thursday
t evening at the church for the pur-j
pose of devising means of working
out the program for the coming years
work, and will be able to announce
the results of this meeting in the
near future, mapping out their work.
Harry Coakley and the good wife
are rejoicing over the advent of a
young man topping the scales at just
exactly eight pounds and. who is
fe ling pretty well thany ycu. He
has nothing on hU father for he
::lso U pretty well pleaded a? is the
fine mother. All concerned are doing
TTrn.-arfl Urnvrn and family OL
. -. , . i . c
a number of days this week, they re-j
maining until Thursday morning ,
i nnnpra. worn i;i xivii
r;nf," i Q "i"r "X".,
in the west. They were accompanied ;
as far as Lincoln by A. 13. Stromer ;
and wife. Mrs. Brown being her sis-j
i . .v.:'..'? --- .,.
iter. While here as guests of the ;
r . :i -i . .mr.M 4it-k i- . i r
very much.
W. A. Davis and daughter
Frank Cook. vho have beer, at Wcep-
ing Water for the past two weeks,
where they have been looking after
the house of Mr. Davi -.' there, and
getting things in order, returned
home last Thursday morning, and are
at homo again. While they were
away the daughters of Mrs. Cook
looked after the work at the farm
and while she is but a poung lady
was euual to the tak and kept
things in excellent condition at the
Tanners' Union Holi Party.
The Alvo Farmers' Union met for
its regular monthly party Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Steele, with Mrs. Steele annd Mrs.
Frank Edwards as hostesses. The
house was mysterious with yellow
pumpkins and tdack cats. About
eighty were present. The following
Program was rendered during the
Piano Solo, Opal Steele.
Reading, "October," Arther Roel-
th mmmTinltv Kinirlnir. Tlu
Alvo association then became affil
iated with the state and National
association by an unamimou3 vote
Ilnrinr tho i-mir.rl t.alil fl krnqtnn
Mr fv, t ..vni,.,-,! in
vie null Liixr tuu.tll ailuuiu CU14
its social calendar to the Supt. and
the curriculum of school social
affairs be adjusted accordingly. A
commit tee composed of Miss Harden,
Miss Prouty, Mrs. W. Coatman, Mrs.
Nickle, and Mr. Coatman was ap
pointed to soisult with Rev. Norlin
in the assistance with the music of
the church services. A question box
has been provided and all patrons
are requested to bring their ques
tions. Are you a member of the
T'aivnt-Tcachers' Association? If rot
give your quarter to Mr. Bornemeier,
Mrs. Brobst, or Mrs. Stroemier and
ask to be enrolled at once.
Are Euilding New Bant
Under the direction of Albert
Wichel. and with Cr. P. Cook as the
superintendent these two gentlemen
with the assistance of Harry Wichel
and L. W. elites are constructing a
barn on tho place which is occupied
by Mr. Clirtes. which is 4S by 5G ft.
in dimensions.
Discusses the Banker's Wife
S. C. Boyles and wife and C. D.
Ganz and wife were in attendance
at the meeting of the bankers in
Elrawood last Monday afternoon, and
all benefited by the meeting. Mrs.
Ganz was one en tlie program of
discussions, the subject being "The
Ranker's Wife, Is She an Asset or a i
. - . . . . J, 1 I.
L.iaDiiuy. :urs. uanz nauuit-u iuk
subject to the best and when she had ;
completed her discussion there re- L.
mained no doubt but the banker's j
wife is an added advantage to any
bank, and more than pays to have !
them associated with the institution, j
The Alvo Speedster.
We are furnished the name and
tuning ami rmiuu i,uutmau u.c
gentlemen, who are constructing tlie
machine. They have a light one,
that is, it Is a one lunger, but built
, on lines for speed, and were It chang-
ed slightly it might also compete
. with some of the flying macmnes.
j Young Folks Enjoy Evening.
TJ young ladies of the Metho-
dist school on last Thursday evening
be,j a very delightful
; tne hojne of jjr ail(i j
evening at
in which the feature of the evening
was the entertainment -of the young
mens Bible class by the members of
tne voung ladies clas5, and the!ront. 1.200 ladies and rentlemen of
young ladies surely demonstrated the
fact that pe rati von tore 01 a uouni
they were real entertainers.
Give Farewell to Their XTiendS.
i T .1 r nitcniiiiiu nf
the Mother
i nuuci ..
and Daughters clul) of Alvo the
veople -o ;
! o ;.r.o.;rkrndiv fa7; s which
of the most , kindly farewells w
was in the way of a surprise
this estimable couple, ihia cr
, t fl n,,,vt in icnn.n:.
is to tie part or a poi m
n; n n in t ii in- w ill ni:i k i' iiii'ii Mini i i
the future and will long rememb?r
the kindly reception that this city's
excellent people gave them.
W. G. Kieck
Candidate for county attorney on
the republican ticket. Born in Ne
braska: graduate of University of
Nc-braslca and Creightou university.
Ex-service man. fourteen months iu
France. Member Nebsiska constitu
tions convention, l'JU-1920. Law
yer, practicing at Plattsmouth. Your
support appreciated.
Joseph A. Capwell
Present county attorney and dot:i- 1
ocratic candidate for re-election to
fill vacancy. Has practiced law fer
tho past twelve years. A graduate of
Nebraska university. Served two
years fn army in world war. His
tried to enforce law fairly and im
partially and with justice to all.
Will appreciate your vote at the elec
tion, November 4th.
Earl Towle
Democratic candidate for state
representative. Born and reared in
Cass county, practical business mini
and farmer and alive to the needs of
the great masses of people. Will fa
vor progressive legislation for the
relief of the taxpayers. Your sup-
port will be appreciated at the flee-
lion on iNovemufcr 4tn.
W. B. Banning
I announce myself as a candidate
for re-election for the position of
state senator on the democratic tick
et for the second senatorial district,
which embraces Otoe, Cass and Sar
py counties. I served in this po:-i-tion
the last bienniur.i and you til
know my record. I am in a position
to do you the best work and you can
know just what I have done and
there is no guessing as to policies.
I shall appreciate jour support and ;
rn.nnorflltA.1 fnr vnn 1 i , 1 o c 'i in r- 1
.w j j nciv, uo ix twill,
a portion in tills state and country's
E. P. Stewart For Sheriff
At the present time serving a3
Sheriff of Cass County, I announce
myself as the nominee of the Repub
lican party for election at the coming
election on November 4th. You can
watch my record and should it meet
with your approval we would be
pleased with your co-operation.
Nominee for SheriZf.
Clarence L. Beal
I am candidate for the office of
clerk of the district court on the
republican ticket at tho comin
election and will appreciate the sup
port and votes of my friends over
Cass county. If elected I will servo
the interests of the taxpayers regard
less of pohtice.
Charles D. pangler
My name will appear on the bal
lot as a candidate for the office of
county commissioner, as the nominee
of the democratic party and I will
be appreciative of the support of my
friends over the county regardless of
political affliation. If elected I will
strive to give the taxpayers a busi
ness administration of the office and
devote my best interests to the wel
fare of Cass county.
D. C. Morgan.
Being a candidate for office of the
clerk of the district court I respect
fully solicit your support at the
election on November 4th. I offer
my record for efficiency in the past
as one of the reasons for asking your
support and will strive to give the
same consideration to the office I
am seeking that I have in the past to
other duties I have performed for the
v Black Twig, P.endaves and Gayno,
well sprayed.. Six miles northwest
of Plattsmouth. W. II. Meisinger,
phone 3720. oll-d&wtfd
1 r m n r a ? b P C H
ipicture Shows the Colorful Bance
; of 1572 Comes to Parmeie
'Romance magnified, glormei
and entrancing.
The words are
those of the dramatic critic of a New
. York newspaper in reviewing "Ashes
!of Vengeance," a Joseph M. Sehenck
production starring Norma Talmadge
which is to be presented at the Tar-
j niele theatre Wednesday and Thurs-
j day.
i The colorful atmosphere of France .
Irs. Timlon,t0f ir72. Interior and exterior sciujs
;0f three different castles. The mas i- j
ve ,an room of the Palace of the
j Louvres, where, in suffused ecii
jd10 Court are dancing the ininii?t on
. the fateful ei? of St. Eartho'oir.ew.
Sn orcl play ranging from single duels
! to the- mif-.hty clash of great contend-
mg forcs. Hrilhar.t cavalcades ot
! faiiy caparisoned Horses ana nt'fRd-
. ..-.
; - uVe ilfs of France only a
?,v highlights, tho.o. of the s-ores
? f-
se fori"eance noc OTH t:ie grcaiesc pic-
,mnni.. i ture of Norma Talmadgc's career,
i ut one oi tne most respienuent ever i
TjrG(luc(L T5llt it is the drama itself. !
f- - - .
the romance a loelana da xJreux
and Rupert do Vrieac, which Is the
most appealing feature cf the pro-
duction. Thse roles are played re-
spectively by Norma Tflmadsre and
Conway Tearle. Twenty screen no-
tables are in the cast of principals
in support of this twain, including
Wallace Beery, Courtenay I'oote, Jo-
. , - ' ' j . . . . 1 T,.x , i -
t"i;iniie erunoi, iit'iiy I rantisco, , jr"" .v... ..a., .u .tui.u
Claire McDowell, Andre de Beranger, by the board and is beginning her
Murdock MacQuarrie, P.ovd Irwin, I services in our city right away. Her
C;rmen Phillips, Winter Hall, Wil-; assistance to the working force of
liain Clifford. Hector V. Sarno. Eari;' church will greatly r'dd to the
3c he nek, Jiiamv t'ookv. Lucv Beau-! efficiency and effectiveness of the
n-ont. Forrest Robinson. Mary Mc -
AlM-ter. Kenneth Gibson, How ard
Truesdell. Frank Leigh and little
Jeanne Carpenter; and 5,000 extras
are employed in the mob scenes.
"Ashes of Vengeance" is a First
National picture.
Buick touring ear at a bargain forjH
cash or live stock. T. II. Pollock. i J
Whiteface western steer, weight
about 1,000 pounds. Anyone know
ing of ananimal answering this de
scription please, notify Fred Stock.
r, 000. 00 private money to loan on
goexl Cass county farm.
j olf-2sw.
Baled upland prairie hay. Phone
C2S-J. o-l l,2tw,
Get your Hallowe'en novelties (for
the grown-ups and kiddies as well)
at the Eates Book and Gift Shop.
In the district court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
John Kajeck et al., plaintiffs, vs.
Mary Rys et a!., defendants.
Case No. 7038. Appearance Docket
2. page lf7.
The defendant. Joe Rys, take no
tic thv.t on the loth day of October,
10-M, John Bajeck and Elizabeth
Hajrck, Michael Bajeck and Pauline
Bajeck and Anton Bajeck, the plain
tiffs, filed their petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska.
.gnin&t. you and others, the object
and prayer of which are to partition
rr, provided by law the following de
scribed real estate, to-wft :
Commencing at a point 3.12T.
chains south of the center of
Section 1?., Township 12, North
Range 13, east; thence south
0.37T) chains; thence west 20
chains to the one eighth section
line; thence north on said one
eighth section line 9375 chains;
thence east to the place of be
ginning, all in NEU of RWU
of Fcction 13. Township 12,
North Range 13, east in Css
county, Nebraska, exceot the
right of way of the Missouri
Pacific railway running through
SHid real estate.
You are required to answer the
scid petition on or before the 1st day
of December, 1024.
Date'd this lGth day of October,
Their Attorney.
For President Calvin Coolidge
Vice President Charles G. Dawe3i
U. S. Senator George W. Norris
Congressman' S. II. Thome e
Governor Adam McMullen I
State Senator A. L. Tidd 'P-
State Representative Troy I. Davis f?
Sheriff ,1 E. F. Stewart ""uiuvi "-
n i n . n T f-rlon 1
Clerk Dist. Court Clarence L. Be.alf:5
County Assessor Chet H. Smith
Cocnty Judge Non-Partisan !h'
(Vote for Ona)
A. II. Duxbury "" "31. S. Bricgs ,
From Saturday's Daily
Last night Officer Joe Libershal
was called from the state law en
forcement office at Lincoln to be on
the outlook for a suort model car
i containing a man and two young'
'. their brome in Lincoln late yesterday !
, ha)1 bt,en lureiI away fn,m tho cus
todv of their mother by their father i
Jl was ciiiiiufu mm hil- jhulci imu
then lured them into a car an J start -
eti away with tiieni. The officers
here were on the alert foi' the. car ;
"but none answering the rtiscription !
given passed through here during the ;
night and it is probable that the;
(ar either ' was drive n to Omaha y :
of Ashland or w
ent on soutn tnrougn .
. Nebraska City.
; From T.M.r!!,1;iv.
! !!!-
T'hilin I-T:i rr i -.1 n nf this rit.V. who
,iui:,ri,tJ ; ,.,i.-in .mimi vr.fet:i-
. j,jeS ami flowers has raised at his
v,.-me tiore a ri'Tl
that is of
tj.e (juinoa Uean variety i
r(.al clJrositv for a membe
and is a
r of the:
bean family. The bean is thirty-two
inches long and weighs four pounds.
Mr. Harrison has a number of thc.iso
beans at his home and this is one of
tho best that ho has raised. In
some cases Mr. Harrison stales these
beans grow to lc five feet long and
!,.,,. in nmn.irf inn
j Frum SMturny's o. iiy
The First Methodist church of our
city has taken a forward step in the
. employment of a parish worker. Mi?s
, Parmelee. who is a graduate of tho
! Chicago Training School, and espe-
'dally trained in reervational and re-!
1 ! 1-1 1 n 1 u ml nn-i I li 00 T 1 . n ci f' 1 Tu. 1 '
iv"ork - She will b3 under the direc -
tion of a parish committee working
) ''hi
its, a.
f 'um w.ij v.vmv'.'eiv .' i
ir, si
1 Mun&lagwear!
$ IN-
fa HKkr
; n connection with the pastor, and
j win un.-su:iiiiigiy give ui iict semtca
wherever they may be of benefit
Miss Tarmele will be introduced to
the congregation Sunday morning
and will be at home to I'lattsmouth
for the work of the church.
OLLta H OStlKllULll
I JJ IJ IlLmi I SncI.L'i
' tut. mm C re l
, VV itUJlltX l?l3.ll Jl'lICfCU
for 3 Years Before
Tanlac has done more for me than
' anytliiii-T I have ever taken and I
?K-ver expect to be without a bottle,'.
: declared Henry B. Brandes. IS4 E.
9th street, Winona, Minn., recently.
I "I had been gradually going down
hill for three years and but for Tan
!riC I believe I would have broken
('own completely. My appetite wus
no good and uiy stomach wua so up
s't that at times I could hardly re
- tain even a glass of water. 1 was so
nervous the most trifling things
would excite me; I had awful head
aches and dizzy spells and many a
i ight I scarcely closed my eyes in
"Tanlac was a godsend to me. It
lixed me up so I eat right, sleep right
and work right: In fact. I eniov
cnlm-wlwl lifialfli On1 fccA Jil.-n T li !
., iMW i:r M,.n.
buy the good Tanlac has done mo."
Tanlac is for sale by all good I
d rr.ggists
cce!Jt no substitute. Over!'1"" Ui.ul',', .-
-10 million bottles sold
Tanlac Vegetable Pills are recom
mended by the manufacturers of
v Mrs. Ld Ackr-rraan and daughter, -n A x ,i n; oi,n OT, j
Miss Violet, of Wymore, were in Ora';Bates Ek nd .Glft(!fCP a"d,Se
aha today visiting with Mrs. Acker- one of those Dennison "Bogie BOOKS.
man's si.-ter. Mrs. Ceorge Luschinsky, i They are check full cf plans and
v.ijo i uu ie at tne nospitai recover
ing from au operation and is now j
lso much improved that she has
j able, to sit up a pcrtion of the ti
Pick on one of our new Fall
Overcoats before winter picks on you.
We have some pleasant surprise in Overcoat
prices at
V i
- V I ' , '"i ff1"'
Silk Wool
Direct by express from Eastern
markets in wide variety of the
latest models.
Sizes 16 Years
to Size 50
For Saturday selling we are
making four very attractive
S5 $
Come Down Early and Avoid the
FRD P. BUSCM. Afanager
When So Many Plattsmouth People
are Pointing the Way One
You may be brave enough to stand
backache or headache or dizziness.
But, if, in addition urination is dis
ordered, look out! If you don't try
to fix your sick kidneys, you, may
fall ito the clutches of dangerous
disease before you know it. But, if
you live more carefully and help
your kidneys with Doan's Pills, you
can stop the pnirs yon have a-rid
avoid future danger as well. Don't
experiment use the remedy Platts
mouth people are publicly endors
ing. Read this ease:
M. Laudorback, contractor, paint
er and paper hanger. Locust street,
I'lattsmouth, says: ' I had lumbago
and kidn.-y trouble. I believe the
turpentine fumes from the paint was
re--p:nsiLIo for it. I could hardly
bend or lift anything and I couldn't
e. en turn in bed without help. I
ht'd no control over my limbs; when
l tried to walk, I could not life them,
Just had to scu.T along. My
kidneys acted irregularly and the
:-;:icrei ions were highly colored and
passed with a burning sensation. I
used Doan's Hills ar.d before finish
ing t';.- first box, which I got at
Fricke & Co s. drug store, I felt bet
ter iu every way. i used a few boxes
j.r.d they gave me fine relief. I had
another lntle attack this spring, but
1 used Doan's the first thing and
they straightened me out again in
j "j v , u, t an utj nri. u
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
In case yon are contemplating a
Hallowe'en party, you will find the
I faV rrirn packer if von rail at the
- rr.nratinns arid aive VOU a world 01
new ideas for the party games. The
price is only a dime
$22.50 $25.00
Big loosefitting warm ccats,
that would fit well in the Pruice
of Wales' wardrobe.
Stop in and try on
a few!
Phoenix Hosiery!
95 $ 95