The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, SETT. 4, 1924-,
Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Etrd at Poatofflc, Plttttmouth. Nb.. u oosd-oUaa inU matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Do you want to be a king? A Job
which are expected they will ulti-J The woman who has learned also tlon has ever been maae ne of
matelv be enlnverl hv th P-rnnna fh or on fh cas. . of Nebraska, for the appo OTlH
But thou shalt remember the Lord
thy God: for It is He that giveth thee
power to get wealth. Deuteronomy
viii, 18.
The home stretch Is accompanied
by a yawn.
If love is blind, all the world loves
a blind man.
People who build autos don't read
the speed laws.
A fight frequently results in two
things black eyes.
Move along with the ball tourna
ment arrangements.
Sometimes we think the cream of
society stays on ice.
Next to the gold penknife, the lov
ing cup is the most useles thing.
A smile goes a long ways some
times when it is needed most at
Remember, love, who gave thee this,
When other days shall come;
When she who had thy earliest kiss
Sleeps in her narrow home.
Remember, 'twas a mother gave
The gift to one she'd die to save.
The question is, how many baby
girls will be named Helen Marie
this year!
What we need is an auto that will
stop and count ten before it tries to
pass another on a narrow road.
Don't worry about criticism, no
body Is criticized more than Cupid,
but he continues to get his stuff over
The say moonshine will make a
car run.
on a man.
The mother sought a pledge of love,
The. holiest for her son;
And from the gift of God above
She chose a goodly one;
She chose for her beloved boy
The source of life, and light, and
And bade him keep the gift that
when .
The parting hour should come
They might have hope to meet again
In her eternal home.
She said his faith in that would be
Sweet incense to her memory.
And 6hould the scoffer, in hi3 pride,
Laugh that fond gift to scorn.
And bid him cast that pledge aside
That he from youth had borne!
She bade him pause and ask his
If he, or she, had loved him best?
A parent's blessing on her son
Goes with this holy thing;
The love that would retain the one
Must to the other cling.
Remember, 'tis no idle toy,
A mother's gift remember, boy!
A loafer usually wishes he was
doing something else.
" jmately be enjoyed by the groups the best way to step on the gas.
ui me musi pei-bisieni aaver- which now seft the ni1rP,a.lnfr nnwl,
. Vya juu. p.urcr .uu.u " i liisiory oi success was of theIr dollar shrinking in the gro
v auto Vi o a In ia Ytram Al Tw Tl a f PnKin anm TT. - t a I
" " "J "vuo v.u e uvw wnai ne Cery and market.
Kingdom oi uaDinaa ai me mouiu waniea a snip ana He put up an
Kllrelv the farmer ia nnt in ho ho-
of the Congo river In Africa. They ad for one. He flung a shirt on aLril(1 the mtie tat nf Ht,
iSTf f DLa Ver. tKh.ere0f'f1 a? thC tOP f hiS 1SlaDd; that' which appears now to be coming to
killing the king the first night after; in the language of the sea, was plain hlm. The after.waP adjustments bore
no to every seafarine man. I
mure ueitviiy upuu uim man anyone
me circmauon was small there eise. and he, It will be hoped, will
was no other medium, but Crusoe get a larser share of that formeriy
ai lt, uespue me iact mat he accorded him. Anyone whose vaca
initiating him into office.
king for many years.
Nothing is quite as effective as
death. Nature Is shrewd In limit
ing the years we spend on earth.
Death is her way of restoring bal
ance. It checks the clever brain
prying too intimately into nature's
secrets. Above all, it makes room
for another train load of excursion
ists the next generation.
an administrator of eaid estate, ana
nr,vin? for ludiclal determination or
no rest for the weary. , fho'Hn,. nt the death of said FranK
It works the other way
It makes him stop and
Don't talk so much. Do a little
acting in the tournament business.
Remember that action epeaks louder
than words.
Lots of married women feed a
tramp because they like to see a man
eating a square meal without find
ing fault with It.
An old negro stopping at a sign
on the side of the road which read:
"Detour" remarked that de tour was
about the worst he had ever under
There are 427 million silver dol
lars piled up In the United States
treasury vaults mostly represented in
circulation by certificates. The fig
ures show clearly that the Ameri
can people do not want to be loaded
down with silver dollars. Why,
then, does the treasury department
wish to force them into circulation?
Slow but surely it is dawning on
the republican mind that the demo
cratic party has developed a leader
in John W. Davis who has a Roose
veltian directness coupled with the
trained mind of Woodrow Wilson,
and that is a combination hard to
beat. Davis hits direct from the
shoulder and always lands hard.
Here 13 magic. Whether it'll ever
be useful knowledge or not, no one
knows. Professor Huxley changes
the sex of guinea pigs, turning male
into female and vice versa. He does
it, yet cannot understand it any
more, he says, than he can figure out
what make3 an elephant or any oth
er animal grow to a certain size and
then stop instead of continuing un
til it's as big as a mountain at death.
The long sought elixir for perpet
ual life has been found, announces
Professor Julian Huxley of England.
Wait a minute. So far, the discov
ery can only be used in making flat
worms "life forever." Possibly it
will lead though improbably to a
way of prolonging human life for 50
years or more beyond normal death
age. But not for long. Nature
would invent new ways of killing us
off. We have to leave the stage of
life to make room for the next gen
Just 100 years, since "Annie Lau
rie was published. She was a real per
son, 18, when the song was written
by her soldier of fortune lover, Cap
tain William Douglas. It was his
only 6ong. Or, at least, if he did
write others they failed to survive
the acid test of time. But in his
one he embalmed sweet Annie Laurie
more enduringly than the ancient
Egyptian embalmers were able to
preserve their kings. Music is en
during because it i man's nearest
approach, to tha spiritual.
A swelled head is easily broken.
Paste thi3 In your hat.
A house without fly screens does
not need an alarm clock.
Some men lie to their wives while
others only think they do.
Our idea of something not to lose
sleep over ia losing sleep.
Wish we could train moths to eat
the same holes every year.
Very few are satisfied with their
lot unless it is a lot of luck.
Some people's idea of clean movies
13 having the girts in bathing.
Some people let a telephone ring
as If they don't know anybody.
x :o:
Dollar bills Just naturally seem
to be afraid of collection plates.
A man seldom turns over a new
leaf until the old one is about worn
The man who can't see better
times ahead ought to go to an opti
mist. :o:
Ever since the report went abroad
that Iowa will harvest a poor corn
crop this year, followers of La Fol
lette have been claiming the state
for their candidate.
Lawyer Darrow's plea is very stir
ring and rings sincere. The mo
ment we begin to doubt its sincerity
will be when he appears, if it ever
comes to that, before a court to try
top rove the young men once more
normal and in mental condition to
be released in society.
A nation cannot be stronger than
its individual citizens. Individual
fitness comes from physical training
the sense of personal obligation, the
truly democratic appreciation of the
rights of others, pride of country, of
state, of community and the readi
ness to do the citizen's part.
President Cooidge says the White
House needs a thorough cleaning
and overhauling. That's something
he need not worry about. The
White House will have a new occu
pant after the 4th of next March
and Chilly Cal can probably worry
along with it until that time.
Banks are subject both from with
in and without.
The president of one of the lead
ing surety companies recently as
serted that bank defalcations in the
United States this year would total
not less than $125,000,000. Those
the attacks from within.
Bankers assert that attacks from
without such, tr? instance, as the
presentation oi doius cnecks are
England, at lea3t is getting back to
got no inquiries for a long time. He tion has taken him thrmizh the r.,r- employment. Her organized workers
i j i . i o i ....
inauseu.nis copy as one garment al communities appreciates how a 92 per cent employed, trade un
after another frayed out, and In the mUch the farmer need it ions report. Unorganized workers
end got what he wanted. still form a huge army. Unemploy
There is
Leopold and Loeb will be with us for ' Kuschinsky, the names of his heirs
some months yet, whether they are, at law and the degree of kins nip
crazy, "mentally irresponsible" itoj
Just plain nuts bent on murder. And dece(jent in the State of Nebraska,
the trial of Kid McCoy hasn't evenand for an order barring laIinJ3
begun yet. It's a tough world if one against said estate and for such otn
,o er orders and decrees as may be nec-
" essary for a correct determination ui
Suppose Crusoe had taken down JJ.J..J.J.2'IIM-I,,I,II'! ept figures will tell you more about
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Europe working is Europe rebuild
4. inS-
that signal after a time and declar-ln Euronean conditions than all the ex
ed, "Advertising doesn't pay," where FARM BUREAU NOTES ' a perts and lnvestiSators combined
uo aiiu uio oiuiy now ; I l
Put up your signal and keep ItLL
there. Crusoe advertised under veryjX
discouraging circumstances. You've!
got a sure thing it is only neces
sary to have the patience, persistence Cass County Fair County Fair
and pluck of Robinson Crusoe and comes September 24th to 26th. We
the good ship "better business" will bu, must have thp rn.nneration of all
.. . . i -
bouu ne up longsiae your pier,
At the November election
amendment to the constitution to
to put it across. Let's all begin to
plan on what we are going to ex
hibit and be sure it is ready on time.
The premium books are beifig mailed
out this week. If you fail to get one
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. v
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Stephen A. Barker, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on Sep-
galize the levying of all forms of ex- amusements
fn and wish it write Mr. W. E. Towle, eeT t15Vft19.2f' n? Vj f 5 Jail'
le" Weeping Water. Many good clean L1924' a,1 10 'clock a:m- ?c'
are being planned
The organ of the Chicago bankers' jcise taxes will be submitted to the Watch the papers for instructions in
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
- - utv.s, woe i-ii" win uc ouuiiuiieu 10 me yap-io iui '"Ithpir nrtiiiKtment and allowance The
association attribute, the growth of voters for their ratification or re-rrd to the Horse-shore Tourna- J.
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
bankers' troubles from such acts ofljection. -
criminality to the widespread prac- The amendment nntrht to h nvr-
tice of accepting restitution from, whelmingly rejected.
M I Jf I t . m .
ineaa oi insisting upon me rigia a. t . t . A iu.u uUi u. tauu.ruvi , opntpm
11 c v'tneui oiaie inuniiB w. law i ana our men ana women or tomorrow i ' . " '
Better Babies. This should be months from the 15th day of Sep-
nno of th Lin- W.,ra f n,,r fair lemoer, A. U. ami IUU niue
for shnnid i.nt o,,r rhihirn ,nf tndav limited for payment of debts is one
punishment of persons guilty of de
frauding the banks.
That apparently is a reasonable
is bad enough, but to confer author-1 come before our better livestock.
itv.for the imnosition of numerous Anyone. interested in the better Baby
assumption. There is practically! . . -
. l iiiiunauic.
nothing to restrain a crook contem
plating fraud against a bank or any
Health Department write Mrs. J. W.
Carter, Weeping Water. Only child
ren between ages of 18 and 36 month
Adoption of the amendment Wjn are eligible. If you have a child that
is engiDie enier nim ana nave me
I SrMttn Vl.r iL . 1 t M 1
other business concern if he feels "1C,,U l"c ,t,,,U6 U1 IUA" satisfaction of knowing where he
that In caac he is eaneht he has onlv ur laxes OI ever' Klna ani descrip- stands
tj - - - -
to return the money or the goods tak
en in order to escape punishment.
ber, 1924.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 11th day of
August, 1924.
(Seal) al8-4w County Judge.
It will mean a return of conditions
akin to fhneo during tfia xsrM-lH u-nr wages of sin are not higher,
n i i . i i I . " "i
uc ii iv trio ouu uiiifr uusiuess !lltu . , ... , , .
Iwhen TlPnrlv pverv nrfitlo vnn h-ncrVi
who nerent restitution find do not I
I had a etamn tax of Komt cort nf-
iiiuaeunic in lasc-s ui irauu uo sou. ,
' I There i no noo In trr ntr tn l.-id
n-rA . 1 1 I rr -
fiuuu uuemisa iu ieiutr lusts auu , , . ,
. ourselves into believing that the leg
m-apo iiie auiiuyauce anu expense oil, ,,... . . , !, Voiwich
llslature will not ilaro to mnnw ltiY-liy. iseorasKa
, . . , ury taxes. We ad a narrow escape
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun-
said matter.
Said matter has been set for tear
ing at the County Court room la
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 25th day of September, 1924.
at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time
and place all persons interested may
appear and contest said petition.
Dated: Aug. 21st, 1914.
By the Court:
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
App. Dock. 2, page , No. .
Charles H. Sheldon, Plaintiff, vs.
Thomas Allison et al, Defendants.
To the defendants: Thomas Alli
son; Mrs. i nomas Ainson, reai uamc
unknown: Mary Allison ana nus-
band, John Doe Allison, real name
unknown; John F. Doud; Mrs. John
F. Doud, real name unknown; John
T. Doud; Mrs. John T. Doud, real
name unknown; Elias Gibbs; Mrs.
Elias Gibbs, real name unknown;
Jane R. Porter and husband, John
Doe Porter, real name unknown;
George W. Fairfield; Mrs. George W.
Fairfield, real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in the several
estates of Thomas Allison, Mary Al
lison, John F. Doud, John T. Doud,
Elias Gibbs, Jane R. Porter and
George W. Fairfield, each deceased,
real names unknown; and all per
sons having or claiming any interest
n Lot number nine (9), a sub-divis
ion of Government Lot seven (7) in
Section thirty-three (33), Township
welve (12) North, Range fourteen
(14) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass
county, Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 29th day of
thus accepted in restitution leads on
the average to the loss of five times
as much through future defalcation
or fraud. There are, however, no
figures to support that assertion.
from this nuisance at the last ses- estate of Abigail E. Smith, deceased: property, to-wit:
sion. It was prevented only by pub- On reading the petition of Charles
lie sentiment, which had been thor- Martin, Administrator, praying a
oughly aroused by the press of the
final settlement and allowance of
luuii iu ue iiem 1 11 uuu lor uiu
a striking demonstration utjr;B" thet84th day of September,
, , .. A. D. 1924, at two o clock p. m., to
t when the appropriation show caU3e if any there bewhy the
his acmnnt filed in this fonrt on this
StatC I 'JO (I, r.r A crnct 1MJ OT1 f-vf
Lawmaking bodies, like drowninc final settlement of his account as
It is reasonable to suppose thatmen grab at straws when in Administrator of said estate and his
unless there are very exceptional trouble or facin an alleged diWa discharge;
mitigating circumstances, the infiic- that would not worrv a business raan It is here.fcy ordered that you and
r -n nutc n o fl wouia no1 vvorry a Dusiness man al, persons interested in said matter
tion of rigid penalties in all cases of of common sense for a single mo- mav and oo ar.near t the Ponntv
uwaicBiiuu ur uiuer tiauus xrum nienL Court to be held In and for said
which banks suffer would materially! ye j,a(j
reduce the valume of this sort ofj0f .Ms fact
vTime. I i1Tr trot n'oa nit .l m, V. . . i .. . . . .
"""t." " " iiimo prayer oi me peimoner snouia noi
reason, seriously crippling the public be granted, and that notice of the
school system and some of our most pendency of said petition and the
Hearing inereor oe given to an per
sons interested in said matter hv
.uiuance taxes can do justinea publishing a copy of this order in
only by an extraordinary condition, I the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
or an unusual need, such as war or weekly newspaper printed in said
stat wid d.wtor ttt, f, county. for one week prior to said
... . day of hearing.
circumstances mey are vicious ana in witness whereof, I have here
unwarranted. I unto set my hand and the seal of
The only sure wav to nrevent im- 1ail co"r.t'. thl3 29th of August,
. i . . n . . . . . I - A 11 I U "7 1
w no are tnev r Are rnev to nei .5- - . . . .. . i A --
i liusm lion oi mis iorm or raTation in
rearea.' Are they worth listening
Do you worry about what "they"
Do you listen to what "they" say
about you or about your friends?
Are you hurrying to and fro run
ning down the sinister whispers of
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
No one ever strikes because thess' . . . ' . . .
uy virtue or an uraer oi &aie is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court, within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 13th day of
September, A. D. 1924, at ten o'clock jjuly. 1924. the plaintiff in the fore-
a. m., of said day at the south front going entitled cause filed his peti
door of the court house, in Platts- tion in the District Court of Cass
mouth. Nebraska, in said county, sell county. Nebraska, wherein vou and
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. at public auction to the highest bid- each of you are made parties defend-
To all persons interested in the der for cash the following described ant, for the purpose of obtaining: a
decree from said court quieting the
record title in plaintiff in the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot number nine (9), a sub
division of Government Lot
eeven (7), in Section thirty
three (33), Township twelve
(12) North, Range fourteen
(14) east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county, Nebraska "
as against you and each of you and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and each-of you' f rom ' all estate.
right, title, claim or interest therein,
and to have the title to said prem
ises forever freed from the apparent
claims of the defendants and quiet
ed in plaintiff and for equitable relief
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 15th day
of September, 1924, or your defaults
will be entered In said cause and a
decree granted as prayed for in said
the future is to vote aerainst the nro-
" posed constitutional amendment and
mold your life, sway it this way and that ,3 wnat many thousanda of our
(Seal) 8l-lw.
County Judge.
that, or make you miserable?
W'herever we go we hear it. They
say he does this or they say she does
Is there or is there not a true
qualified electors are going to do.
In the DistrlctsCourt of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Minnie Evans, Plaintiff, vs. Myron
Evans, Defendant.
To the defendant Myron Evans:
You will take notice that on the
12th day of May, 1924, the plain-
The upward trend in food prices
which has been in progress for near-
There is. The true "they" is your ly thrce months is the cost of the tiff Minnie Evans filed her netit
own best self. Satisfy in vour everv better Prices for wheat and corn and in the District Court of Cass county.
act your own best self the inner other Products of the farm which are Nebraska, the object and prayer of
voice and you need fear no other bailed as the most favorable busi-LWhf" t0,. lfI?Ldh
I , - . I x i tUi juu IUC lUUUUS Ul
mey. u"P-neui since ivzi. desertion and non-suDDort. and to
You know better than anybody mere was a period between 1921 obtain restoration of her former
else whether vonr motives urn food land the early months of this vearlnarae-
, x..n.- when nit ,w0n.. J You are required to answer said
ui uau. uu kuuw ueuer man any- - UiU uu(. petition on or bef0re Monday, Oc-
uouy eise wneiner you are reany vi- "" tavuiauie economic po- tober 13, 1924, or a decree will be
cious or whether you are weak or sulon ,n winch low priced agricul- entered in accordance with the
whether you are careless. You knowltural Products placed them. There prayer or saia perition.
better than anybody else whether was some general price deflation from iJ'tieu miIV pv.vo
you are fulfilling your obligations, which- people of fixed incomes profit-J Plaintiff,
living up to your duties. ea- inere were also some wage ad- W. A. ROBERTSON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To P. Nickel, owner of the S
of Lot 3 in Block 10 in the village
of South Bend, Nebraska.
You are hereby notified that upon
According to the New York World
the star nearest to the earth is
twenty-five trillion miles away. Who
was that guy advising us so glibly
to hitch our wagons to a star? He
must have been a very impractical
sort of a fellow or, perhaps, momen
tarily insane ..after attempting to
read General Dawes' speeches.
p :o:
They are using phonographs now.
on young canaries to make them
nightingales, so far as song is con
cerned. Prohibition Is better. The
crop of nightingales we have suf
fered since its debut is appalling.
Often you can't 6leep for them. They
have renounced cage life which is
home nd taken to automobiles.
It's awful.
What "they" say makes no differ- Justments which reduced somewhat
enc so long as you know. the gains which the wage earners
Men and women, no matter howjwou' otherwise have derived from
honest and how innocent, are help-1 deflation but it is to be doubted if
less under the attack of gossip. I there was ever before a time in
There is no defense, no answer. I American history when foodstuffs
But the soul can rest serene if it were as cheap, when considered in
satisfies the inner "they" the only reiauon to wages and incomes, as the Bth day of December 1922
"they" that counts. they have been within the past two v lrgil Kitrell purchased at tax Bale,
UW. b ,0b b , mate behavior ye. ' STSSiS lrlrVll
measure up to ideals, to make results A further rise in the cost of food- ty, Nebraska, covering the real estate
equal purposes. stuffs will doubtless bring complaint, in the village of South Bend, Nebras-
To do this our task is to proceed A substantial increase in the cost of ka- described as followes: Sx of
t "ninn. i vi . hi ,,. Lot 3 in Block 10 in the village of
in as straight a line as we can. by keeping up the table" will at this South Bend Nebraska said proerty
the light that is given us, unmindful time, when considerable unemploy- being assessed in the name ofP.
of every "they" but ourselves. ment prevail, involve serious hard- Nickel for the 1921, for the taxes
We. at hest am tho ennromo 'shin. But if the adinstment in farm delinquent for said year or 1921.
produce prices which is now in prog- the expiration of three months from
ieaa leaus io tne Denericiai resuus the 2Sth day of August A D 1924 the
purchaser Virgil Kitrell will apply to
the Treasurer of Cass County, Nebr-
eska .for a Treasurer's Deed of and
to the said property hereinbefore
Sub-lot one (1) of Lot forty-
six (46), described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest
corner of the southeast quarter
of the southeast quarter (SEVi
SE4) of Section thirteen (13),
in Township twelve (12), North
Range thirteen (13), east of the
Sixth P. M., Cass county, Ne
braska, thence north six hun
dred sixty-three and eight
tenths (663.8) feet to a stake,
thence east nine hundred eleven
and forty-six one-hundredths
(911.46) feet to the west line
of Chicago avenue, in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, thence south
west along said Chicago avenue,
In the center of the county road
and to the south line of said
Section thirteen (13), thence
west to the place of beginning,
containing ten and four-tenths
(10.4) acres, be the same more
or less; also Lots numbered
twenty-eight (28), thirty-three
(33) and sixty (60), all in the
southwest quarter (SWi) of
the southeast quarter (SEU) of
Section thirteen (13), In Town
ship twelve (12), North "Range
thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M., Cass county, Nebraska
'Tho Cnmci hoinff loi-mil nnnn o A
taken as the property of Nellie M.
Parmele, widow; William L. Carey;
Mrs. William L. Carey, real name un
known; Fred E. Bodie, Receiver of
the Bank of Cass County; 'Build
ers Supply Company, a corporation;
Frank R. Gobelman; Robert McCIan-
ahan and W. G. Boedeker, Defend
ants, to satisfy a judgment of said
Court recovered by Murray State
Bank, of Murray, Nebraska, a cor
poration, Plaintiff against said De
fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August
13th, A. D. 1924.
Sheriff Cass County,
Dated July 29th, 1924.
His Attorney.
We Repair Autos!
Any Make
Any Work
Guarantee Absolute Satisfaction
Pearl Street. Roy Long.
The three national political par
ties will spend 15 million dollars in
publicity dope.
It's impossible to get a line on the
waist line. at any other place but the
bathing beach. ,
o:o j
Doctors 6ay vegetables will make
one slender, but elephants are
strictly vegetarians. j
-:o: J
An optimist is a man who is gro-'
ing to get married.
Well Digging and Gleaning
We are prepared to sink
wells, clean wells or do
any kind of well work
J. W. Hobson & Son
You are further notified that the
said purchaser has paid the subse
quent taxes levied against the said
above described property since the
year 1921 including taxes for the
year 1922 and 1923.
Dated this 2Sth day of August, A.
D. 1924.
By-r- Purchaser.
a2S-3wks-sw Hi Attorney.
In the county court of Cass coun
ty Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Frank Kuschinsky, deceased.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Frank Kuschinsky, deceas
ed, creditors and heirs at law:
You are hereby notified that on
the 20th day of August, 1924, Ma
thilda Kuschinsky filed her petition
in this court in which she alleges:
that Frank Kuschinsky, late a resi
dent and inhabitant of Plattsmouth,
in Cass county, Nebraska, departed
this life intestate on or about the
Sth day of February, 1921, and left
surviving him as his sole and only
heirs at law, his widow and three
children, who are all of legal age Mvnarrl
and whose names and relationship!
are as follows:.
Mathilda Kuschinsky, his widow;
Anna m. urasky, a daughter; Rose
H. Haffke, a daughter; Robert C
Kuschinsky, a son, and that said de
cedent, Frank Kuschinsky, was
seized and possessed at the time of
his death of the ownership by title
in fee simple, of the followine de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, in Block
2 in Palmer's Out Lots, an ad
dition to Plattsmouth, in Cass
county, Nebraska,
and that petitioner is the widow and
one of the heirs at law of said de
ceased, and by virtue of a conveyance
from the other heirs at law of said
decedent she is now the owner in fee
simple of the real estate before de
scribed; that more than two tasn
have now elapsed since the death of
said deceased and that no applica-
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