MONDAY. JULY 28. 1924 FLATTSJIOI7TH SEMI - WEEKLY J0TJHKA1 PAGE TKELl I t AUTO GOES INTO DITCH LAST Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ramsel Vic tims of Accident West of Union I On -0 Street Road. From Saturday'i Iailv Last night while Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Ramsel of this city w?re mo toring on the "O" street road west' of Union, they were victims of a very! severe auto accident that occurred when their Ford coupe went into a three-foot ditch along the roadway. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ramsel had left here j early in the evening intending to mo tor to Seward to spend the week end there with their relatives and their i journey had been a very pleasant one' until some three miles west of I'nionj when the steering gear of the car re-' fused to respond to the wheel and be-j fore the car could be stopped it had swung across the road and partial-) ly into a three foot ditch along the roadway. As the car plunged into the ditch. Mrs. Ramsel was thrown forward and struck her head against the wind-1 shield, receiving cuts on the nose, that bled profusely and also a gash cut on the right forearm, and Mr. Ramsel received a very severe con tusion on the left 6ide of the face. The injured parties made their j way to a nearby house where they' were cared for until the arrival of aj physician from Nehawka who dress-1 ed the injuries of Mrs. Ramsel and made her as comfortable as possible. A cali to the Frady garage here took the repair gang to the scene of t!. accident and the damaged car was brought on back to this city as well as the injured parties. The damage to the car will require considerable work to put in hack in the proper shape. ALARM CREATES STIR Last evening about 10:20 when the peace and quiet of the night was commencing to settle down upon the city, the people who were out in the business section were startled to hear the burglar alarm at the First Na tional bank peal forth and as it had been pay day in the local shops there were hurried visions of robbers and yeggs brought to the minds of the public and soon a very large num ber had gathered in front of the old est financial institution of the coun ty, but no signs of the robbers could be seen in the interior of the hank where all seemed serene. A call was sent for George O. Dovey. cashier of the bank, who was slumbering at hit home in the north part of the city and who shortly arrived at the sc-ne to investigate the cause of the alarm. It was found that the combination ia the safety deposit section of the. bank had not been accurately set in ' the hurry of the closing hours and which set off the alarm. The mech- 1 e.nlem of the alarm is very delicate and if the combination is off in the . slightest degree it will cause the alarm to peal forth its message of . warning. NO TRACE OF MISSING BODY From Thursday's Daily: The relatives here of Jack Patter-; son. Union banker, who was drowned In Lake Michigan at Chicago Mon-! day afternoon, have received no fur- j ther word of the search made for the : body of the unfortunate man which 1 they were expecting in case a dis-1 covery of the body was made by the authorities who are conducting the i search. Mrs. Patterson, wife of the j anfortunate man. and Joseph Fetzer. her father, who was with the Pat tersons on their trip east, arrived t back home yesterday. Mr. Fetzer. came on to his home here while Mrs. ' Patterson remained in Omaha at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Patterson, parents of her husband. STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN From Thursday's Dally The business houses of the city af filiated with the Plattsniouth Ad club are to he open each Wednesday evening in the next few weeks, ac-j cording to the decision made this! noon at the session of the Ad club. The decision was made owing toi the fact that the harvest season is I now on and the farmers are kept ' very busy all day on the farm and cannot get time to get in except at night and the change will allow them to get in and shop on Wednesday eve ning for the rest of the week. WILL VISIT CALIFORNIA. From Thurniay's Ialiv Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Todd and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Will and family planning to leave on Sat urday by auto for the Pacific coa where the larger part of the Will family are now residinp and where Mr. and Mrs. Todd were formerly re siding. The two families expect to make their stay on the coast one of some duration and Mr. and Mrs Will at least will remain until after the school year there as their child ren will attend the school while there. The many old friends here will trust that they may have a fine trip and enjoy the visit to the west. f ARE YOU out of a Joto Then let as Lelp find you one. ffWfW m I t Dr. H. C. Leopold T OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON General Practice Special attention to Dis eases of Women. Also Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. 4- i I GROCERIES! PRICE VERSUS QUALITY When you buy groceries here at sale prices, you get the same high qual ity we deliver daily in to more than half the homes in Plattsmouth not inferior grades bought merely to make a price showing. Bear this in mind and insist on quality as well as price on "sale" goods. Sr.gar 13 pounds dur- 1 ing Dollar day sale for v Post Toasties Large d "I size iiakes. 8 pkgs. for ipl Kellogg's Corn Flakes tf 1 Larre size. 8 pkg3. :or v 1 Shredded Wheat Large tf :ze 8 pkgs. cr PX Dexter sweet corn No. d "l 2 size cansfi S for ) L Dew Kist pork and beans. tf No. 22 size cans, 5 for PX Oza-k tomatoes. No. 2 d size cans. 8 for O Ctod hominy. No. 21 .- size " cans, 10 for I Bed Dot peas. No. 2 size cans. 5 for 1 Maine corn. No. 1 size "1 can;.. 13 for tpl Shasta salmon. No. 1 flat J " cans. 4 for p A Monarch pork and beans. tf 1 No. 2 size cans. 8 for $ 1 Monarch catsup. 14-oz. T bottles, 4 for Pl Van Camp's milk. tall. " 10 cans for Value brand milk. tall. 1 10 cans for M Hai . est cookies, assorted, 4 lbs. for pl Krispy crackers two 4-lb. "1 caddie foi Prank's kraut. No. 2' '2 fjp g size cans. S for 1 House Wile preserves, as- g 1 sorted flavors. 8 for tp Welch Grape-a-Lade. 3 "f large size jars for P ' Monarch strawberry pre- tf "t senes. 21-oz. size. 2 for A Ecse Dale peaches. No. f 21 2 size- 4 ior tpl Monarch pineapple. No. 23 2 size. 3 for $1 Del Monte peaches. No. -2 size. 3 for $1 Cottage peaches, water rf 1 pack, 5 cans for tpl Prunes, fine quality and good size. 10 lbs. for Pl. Dried pecckes. select qur.l- d - ity. strictly fresh. 7 lbs. P 1 P and G white naptha tf soap. 22 bars for $1 Palm Olive toilet soap. 12 bars for $X Libby dill pickles. No. 21 2 rt size. 4 cans for $ L Sunny Garden black cherries. 3 cans for $1 Sunny Garden white cherries. 3 cans for tP 1 Monarch tomato catsup, 1 price, per gallon P1. I I p Special on Old Wheat Flour Elko and Little Hatchet Plour Every sack 7C warranted. 48-lb. P 1 I D I I Dollar Day so K2 K 4 Days Starting Wednesday, July 30, is what Dollar Days always are at Soennichsers, dozens of real bargains and j opportunities to save on your buying. a Our store will be open each evening and every Wednesday night in August. The highest market price paid for your produce! I I I I I ( I j I Ifcl Some Real Grocery Values! Here Are Some Staple Items that Are Sure Priced Right. j Elko flour, per 48-lb. bag I Victor flour, per 48-lb. bag Pillsbury flour, per 48-lb. bag Corn syrup, per gallon White syrup, per gallon I Bulk cocoanut, per lb 3 lbs. j Eddy's mustard, per ouart jar I Lighth ouse Cleanser, 5 cans for EikRe&lN DAYS GOODS STRICTLY CASH! AT I CHSE Comfort Challies Yard wide Pretty patterns Special, 7 yds. for SI Sateen Slips White, full cut and prettily trimmed. Each, SI Bleached Muslin C od as Cold brand, a fine quality for 6 yds. for SI Step-in Bloomers quaiivy pink batiste, hemstitched. Each, SI Dotted Swiss and Etamir- white or colored dots. 2y2 yds. for SI Rag Rugs Hit and miss pattern. Size 24x36 inch. Each, SI Silk Vests Glos silk orchid, white, honeydew. pink. Each, SI Look! Look! Children's muslin gowns and sleepers at 2 for SI Underwaists Knit just the thing for summer. All sizes. 3 for SI Dark and Light Percale Very good qu-.liy and in pretty patterns. G yds. for SI Women's Silk Hose VThite with black clox and black. All sizes. Per pair, $1 Infants' Shirts Short sleeve or no sleeve. Fine mercer ised lisle . All sizes. Speciallv priced at 4 for $1 Stamped Needlework Luncheon - buffet sets, dresser scarfs, etc. Any article, SI Mosquito Tents Larce size tents for campers and for the hadren's play tents. Practical and cheap. Special price, $1 $1.75 1.85 2.00 55 65 35 for 1.00 35 1.00 ? ! I i j I I ; t 5 i I i I i i i at N S Peaches, gallon size, solid pack, gallon ... $ .60 Apricots, solid pack, per gallon 65 Apples, solid pack, per gallon 45 Loganberries, solid pack, per gallon 75 Dried prunes, medium size, per lb 10 Dried peaches, per lb 15 Dried apricots, per lb 15 Calumet baking powder, 5-lb. can 1.20 Calumet baking powder, Mb. can 29 HOME NEEDS! BASEMENT VALUES Your every day house hold needs can be sup plied here during: Dollar day at less than you are used to paying-. Read the list of money-saving" opportunities below and take advantage of them. 12-gr.:!on garbage cans. "1 Special price only P 1-X tin 'vvash boilers. A Q1 splendid value at this price $1. White enameled broad boxes. Price, each Pl White enameled flour cans. Special price P 1 Granite tea kettles. 5-qt. "t tPl Vegetable bowls, nice (f size. 4 for Ice tea glasses, 12-oz. (1 ler dozen V d bowls, beautifully tf decciarcd. 3 for v Star cut water tumblers. tf 1 per dozen Dinner plates, first quality. Jarcinercs. all sizes. Spec- d 1 ial price, each tp English Rockingham tea pots. Large size. Each PA Aluminum combination ket- & 1 tie. reg. $1.75 value for P1 Gold Band cups and sauc- "1 ers, 4 for Etched and hand cut 1 vases. Special, each P Water pitchers, cut and 1 plain. A real value, each p 1 U-Press-It jelly tumb- lers. per dozen Semdac mops, just thing I for that polished floor. Each V Galvanized buckets. 10- qua:"t size. 4 for Wster tumblers, special "f A 5, 3 for 1UC Per dozen. 35c. Colonial water glasses. O per set Pie plates, specially priced, 3 for UC Six for 35c. Lemon squeezers. Spec- 1 A ial nrice. each M vfC Canning Season is at Hand and you will need lots of jars to take care of your provisions. If so, you save by buying of us. Note the low prices. Mason fruit jars, pint size. Per dozen ..85c 90c $1.15 30c ..25c Kason fruit jars, quart size, per dozen Mason fruit jars, 12 gallon size, per dozen Genuine Mason jar lids, per dozen New fresh stock rubbers. 3 dozen for Clean-Up of Gift Table Items All items up to $2.50. We are closing them dl out at only $1 J Phone No. III 208