The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JULY 28, 1924.
T i
1 fx a E -Is
PkWo Uepartment j
Pt- rMi-.j Pirrkk Vntorinnrlni ti-rl.n; r, f 1 1; .- nn or ?I r. hi'.O'.li 1
Klinwood. Nebraska. Call day phone, ; member of the order there and tel,j
7: niehr. r.S. tf-x iof the order doinir some very good,
Joseph Armstrong and C. Iiuck-iivt-s
built a vault for the reception
f the remains of Mrs. Vincent.
Application for six teams for car
rying the students: to and i'rom the
Alvo schools are asked, the bids to
be in by August 4th.
John Skinner has been kept rus
tling during the past week with
trucking of livestock an I merchan
dise on his return trip-'-
Churbs Kd wards cut some very
rip.- oats ;n h'St Wednesilay and
thr- shed them the day following,
the:; pettinr them in very good con
dition. Mrs. A. was visiting last
Thursday at the home of her parents
n. . r Pyracu-e. nuiking the trip in
iluir auto of which she is a qualified
drn-r and can handle a wel ar, any
n .
S lioyi.s completed I: is threb
last W; In. s lay evening and was
pr--tt wt II satisfied to conclude the
v.ii," W. H. Warn.T as.xt.-t-'d in the
i;lfiirr and wrs a valuable man for
tbt ptr-itinn.
Mrs. M . I.. Thomas who i.-; visiting
h r-- for lb'.- Mimrner with her friends.
Mr. am! Mrs. ('. II. Kirkpat I kk and
:f eo-.ip.Miit d by Mrs. Kirkpatrick.
was visit iny with friends in Lincoln
lor t!i- par-t wick.
!. Kbh .rd on and the family
a ; . l. .,v hi,-r. v'-itlng for some time
ii-nrl; ;;t this time.
T-i .iiv-T-F.:itirin last week with
rvoree I foreman, he told the rep
res-entative of the Journal lie has
i;..i ; "',- fiimitv for 47 years and
during that time "has always found
tiif. cfumtrv would make a man
living and " something besides
wiHinir to work Jor it. -ir
if he
man bus. made a living wliiie iiuns .in.t .mtii( money besides. This
not 1ifrn the extent of his good
-... ii :iln lias made a host of
fri.mTs which is worth more th.m all
. -.,r.nri- tiip friends are his
l ii i j.ion;- " -
choicest assets.
Card of Thanks
We wldi to express our apprecia
tion to the many friends of Mrs. De
v ari Vincent who has spent her life
for the p. -t thirty years in Alvo and
f ir the in mv acts of kindness shown
i...r iiiM-i? r t.:t :rd especially dur
ing the .K'st year wh 'ti she has been
vt rv f -r these who kindly minis
tered during her lat illness and the
time of her death. alsu to those who
so l-:ind!y sansr -.t the funeral. Mes
d;ri. s YV. Strain. Ida Divede and
Minnie Wilson, nieces.
Celebrated Her Eirthday
is Stout reu -brated
at K;in-
!!- 1" t
( !
a . :
' .
home dur
a nose en-
::s city, returned
- . k h i1, ir.s lir.d
tiuse v.-Iiile axvay.
e ib.pkin? rnl wife of
v 1 s : ; :" t i- ;;.-t S'iiid.iy in Al
ts , t 1 1
?-t"r-;' v
i :i th l.;y
M'iy we!
St;nit i;a
over t
i :.;t;:: r:
CO i 171
her 70th
H feeling
. and Mrs.
this county for
years and in tins
vpiit. They were
the passing of
r.r.fversary an. I
thrnl. you. Mr
lived in
iriv-fi ve
fT .",4
and came to this
Mr. Stout who has
in Knland
:v in 170.
; Ii e
hori" o." Mr. am!
iopkins s.nd w. r ::l-o ,
.v Mr. H.'vi!" Kinney. .
''-. Jia'ph Ilopkinf.
Iviir" v ru l Mrs. Kalph 1
.re i:jevi'i4 tie bull g;: me
l.'-t Sundrv wh.ieii wfs
-;! Alvo, .''.:d Mt:r!ock.
d'y as . t vo won ver th
.i!" bv ;. ;eore if 0 to 2.
-iver :;nd d.iuliter. Mr.-.
e former of South
atfer of Miratare.
' M
rid. :
i purposes
oi' t!;e ton n try over the
that Cass county for gen-
c:mnot be beat-any-
Social Ycrkers Flower
Chb Has Fine Meeting
to :
ffer i
( --vt,
: ; ' i
r st
t : i
i: m; ry
', I' "-,
il- t
e l jo.
o.d, ...
Y. t
: :.'':: -j
' i- !: 5
- th
r! n
.' t
!th. her p. i rents.
r:r.d visited with
Tuesday evening
! rid
the ti
t i iri "
nriri the fa'nily
c;:rdiy afternoon
eh :":! r Ashland
fi-;ji ind betli
ii'.aee hr.s gotten
: f Jatc ar.l nmny
me tiiere.
vlien Mr. Albert
. !' I
d u ;
he f
t. h
r..v '.verh.aub
m.v.- 1 eoubl
or aceo'int of the
i-t:i;n ! when he
erne pole, he is
a I'd was
! it don"
d it. bu:
re- be cannot
i. -,n Ii". ve it iliifi''. .
'ir!'r just before the be
!'' t r.rr-l.-"n season
t ri'icnt riire-idy conclud
1 ' ".en: ; run over to
!' w f1;1.-? visit with his
"k V.'nrnr and family
r.-lv t(f,V: th' eveninc
until !
A I.
y :r the firs-t to throsh
.,T'd ir'-irk't the SHI11P Tl t h "
rb d of .!vo and brought
t 1 :d t-i the Rf!:n-.n-iT ele-j
' i-t Thursd::y evening. It I
: . r- -(ic 1 oualitv rind when
:! :n.,l.' aa.r-ng the !e?t. j
ST. .ill. th - v t( r;i;i vr ter- I'r
;y aftfrnoon. Mrs. A.
liven entertained the Social
L-ers Flower club at her riost hos
e' h.e-..e south of the city. She
:i her r.rsistants her daughters.
, 1... .1 if; M.. 1 . . . 1
i:s ..'.ai.e ui t'.'iaitti itiia -uuvi
v.-ho is a recent graduate of Platts-
; mouth Iiigli school. Twenty-seven
I t.u !:1h rs were present and as each
i r;ibrr brought one or more visitor,
'the attendance reached seventy,
i Ai'kT a short business r-ession the
jee. v.i'any was informed that thi3 was
j the e ihf ieth bithd iy anniversary of
tor.- . f our hiuhly e. teemed members
I Mrs. M. J. Taylor and that wc
i w re doing her tha homage and hon
'or she so richly deserves. She: was.
th n seeted i ti a tonspicuois place
v.-'..ere a hire tiivthday cake sur
roon led by eighty candles, renroeent'
,ing t'ne miiestones passed during the of life, was placed on a table
before her. which she was to cut and
?- rvf tr: the quests. !he recei ved a of ofh.rr remembrances which
showed the friends thoughtfulness
for her In her declining years.
After a very busy social hour tho
ho-tess and her as.?i-ta nt3 served a
rnot df Jiciour. luncheon and at a very
'::te hour the guests b 'tran to wend
their way homeward, declaring the
aft' rr.ron to have been very enjoy
r!:!e IndeerJ.
i ! . l .' '
I f the
i ! . y i s
, fr.:, .
. ' vi.-utor at th - ev
M. W. A. at Kit!-. wood
i . i :t ! ieii time th.
I : t ! -;ss of : wel ve in tin
?. few
y in-mvs-
Michigan Barrel
'. fc'-if u r.'ay's I'ailj.'
ie I -1 : t tsu'outh iri'-iids of Miss
-- Sto'-. and Mr. (Miarle.s Ilich-
f-f Oii-. tl'.a. learn. d last cve-
ar !. Ji
nini' t!:;it th.
p. had d
:heir journry
as f)'-, and
' two esti.nable yountr
1 '. id'-d that henceforth
through life would be
I -"-fo r. ! i r fl v invrnoviirf
from tlnir be.n. in f)-eali'i to the
friendly :-' ;te of Iowa and at Council
I'.iurT?, iii: I the nuptial knot tied.
The v.
pr:s" to
t ract i?r
h't rel;
was a complete- sur-livc-s
of the two con
in its suddenness al-
whilc it last. Quality guaran
Iced, at the lumber yard.
i) tllf
The bride
int-T. ion : of the youn
i i(i;-. been surmised.
f t'-'iii' Mv wes very quit. the
ar.d ,ro-MM .;uiit!y going to the Iowa
ity an I having the ceremony per
jforred by i!'t- county judge there.
Tiie bride i a ilausliter of Mr. smd
T , , Mis. A. K.
ixeDratka v.itii the
Stokes of this citv and
sroom has spent her life-
rector II!
t e
are offering tractor oil, Mobile "B," at tiie old
price. You knew that oils have advanced, and cu
had better get jours before my contract er.pirts cn
August Sth after that the oil cocts us more.
4 hm
A. C i T4 G u S , Prcpriclor
time here and received her education
at the the local schools. The groom
the son of -Mr. and virs. v... i .
Richards and has for the past several
months made his home in Omaha..
Both Mr. and Mrs. Richards were
very popular here among the young
people w ith whom they were associ-;
p. ted and on tiieir new found happi
ness will have the well wishes of the
many friends.
A Brand of Boosting that
Surely Deserves Support
1- IT
W. F.
Sehllefert was finishing the
at his pla:e last Thursday
The Louisville Courier last week
contained a quarter page rdvertise
nient appealfn.g to its readers to pat
ronise hemic merchants. It sets forth
the very plausible evidence that
"When you patronize out-of-town
merchant's the money which you
spend wiil never be used toward the of your town."
K.Htor Mavficld is surely to be
a.-.d Friday with the cutting and
shot king of his oat field.
T'neo Harms and son. Arnold ven
visitors in Omr.ln last Wednesday,
going in their auto and were looking
alter soma while there.
Ar.gest Pants, h of Louisville was
a visitor in Mauley looking1 after
some business at the hank and also
visiting with his many friends in
Mauley an-.! viei iily.
August Stander hr.s been having
ouite a bit of troul ie with a tb.i'nli
v '.iith lie had the r.isfoitune to get
man and also rcreen'ng in a porch,
viil in a : hort time depart for the
western portion of the state where
lie has some "."0 orres of wheat to
harvest as ?oo:i as it shall ripen, the
harvest there coming later than it
do. s here.
Mrs. Joseph Kelly, of Dubuque,
Iowa, where they are making their
h'lVe, has been vi.-iling with rela
tives and iiiends ie. and around
:I.::i!-y ter the past week, b-ing a
guest at the homos of .1. I. Siaader,
Walter O'Erien and FJward Stund-
r, she hi i:ir a sisier o;' Mr.s. O'lirien
and t ho Slander leys.
. -.resa Uaulh, daugh.ter of
Fcauth of near Wabash, who
vi.iting with friend - at To
?o:ne three weeks p-"t. e-
"o lat wee!:, be leg aeeor.i
y her frien.-,. Mr. and Mr-.
and R. M. !.':v.lley of To
) wire comi'.isr i'ro-i Topek:.
car for a short visit.
S To
Q khz?
r;."'i ".' 17 ,i,mrtiLrr m -r.i 'i-'1
Farmer Patrons
t:: the benefit of r
A ens who live on farms and
Ju: s i
pek:; f.;r
t'irncf.-i h
".".'ff", 1.
M. Parb
p;ka wh
in f Ik ir
iii:n ii'.e
nr-rhed v.'bilo nt his work and which
vet remains vew sore.
Arnold Seblie ft rt w a , getting af-' JO-vh Wolnert is still wrestling
tcr liis oats Hold with iwo binders t!: ; '"' 'oi'tion and one d iy
and with a su-rie-fu:t quota of slioek- j I: "f v'' li ,u;'1 :l ":;:'!: vhicii
crs and was gMtir. the last of his;"'"''1 '!1 nf re-voluUen
harvesting done last we.-k. jvlille he had on gloves and v,:s iike
Stohlman tf Omaha, who;"11" ol veioa prophets the nu'n-
tenrbors .-it tlnti'frs and activity ot the oi.cmv made
writer counted them) yet there was place ha-' been visiting at the
no indication in the advertising col- of his mother, iv.'r-. Ceorge Stok!
:mns of th" Courier last week to in- man for the past few days,
dicate that you could buy grocei ies, ! Ceorge Kelu-fr ar.d wife of Hen-
son were visiting in M"nley for a
short time lact wd;, besides vi-dtinsr
at the Iionif of his parents were vis
iting with Herman Harms for a short
Frank Stander and wife have been
visiting in and about Mauley for
j-cme time and Mr. Ftm ler has been
isting with the work on the f-irm
of the hoys and ah") looking after
r."ine business as well.
the lis; lit he is ma King
for Louisville. One has but to gi.mce
over his paper of lest week to deter
mine the extent of his unselfishness
in the suenoit of the town. Lone-! Ceorge Moiiiinan
vil'e lias five general stores (the has been one of the
dry goods, (-hoes, hardware, etc., in
the town. Ktv.- novsnaper men will
donate rpace in an endeavor to bring
trade to the door tf merchants who
do not contribute to the support of
the paper. MayfieLl is tin exception i
to the rule.
: I e-rs and activity of the
iiii'e !:. ( n jovi'l jo for our bee
'than it would have been under
j iii'f :vn::i.;itu-?:i. lie, how.
i geit til" colony under subjection
, or king nicelv.
i .
FYem TtiarsJay's Iiaiiy
Yesterday afternoon Miss Lorene
Windliam was observing the passing
of one of the milestones cf her life
ind in honor of the occasion a num
ber ef her little girl friends gath
ered at her home to share the pleas-
nivr: of the day and. the many plear
irg fjrms of entertainment that wer .
pravided. Music and games of vari
C7n kinds served to pass the tim""
rr.ost deli.Tht fully for the party of
young peop'e. In entertaining. Lor
onc was assisted by Gretohen War
ner and Hazel Thurston and who
were instrumental in assisting i 1
the joy of th? party. In the flower
e;-rd-n same Kleanor Cigh.t was
'.warded the first prize while the
consolation prize was receive.! by
Vestetta Robertson. In the peanut'
h-.:v.t the pri7e was awarded to So
phia Steger. Those invited for th-
pleasant party were: Kleanor Fight.
Jrr.e Louise Dunbar. Sophia Steger.
Kleanor Steger, Mildred Schultz,
Vestetta Robertson. Jean Caldwell,
Minnie Kenrns. Marion Xoles.
Gretchrn Warner. Hazel Thurston.
Irene Pfout;:.
i vi '
A. F. limit h who
A letter from
!ives near York, t d!s of (he crons be- P
ins: verv good there. The nuall grain
v.:s eveelleut. the corn is now t-is-!-atl
s: ling a n l siiooting
an excellent line of
wmle tr.ev have '"e u io
ill garden t rue!:, j ' - nilv
t (vrning E. II. Wescott was
i a v. ry pleasant surprise on his
reach in. g leone at 5 o'et'H-k a f ! r th"
,1. .,-V I-)!.,-:- -it ii. "fr-i- . li:..' Ii.o.i
unci iiy ?drs. We-cott and the
members of the surprise party were
red at the home and conmried
h ir fa mi
of the oera-
aro unable to be ?n ttwn all times we announce
our weekly progran.
iViorday and Tuejtia"
"Shadowc of Conscience
and a Gaod Comedy.
Wfdner.dsy and Thursdciy
Fighting Sap"
"Ths Lciiihcr Pushers" and
!os. d. and. v.liieh ar-mged
y bis v. :'ie ::s a r.urrrie or. his l.drth- ?3
b y : nu'versary. Tb.e ev-"it was M
V A U D S S L L E !
irrid&y and SalurcLny
"Stolen Secrets"
Mack Sennelt Comedy and
e n pi" ye r nd
chief feature
W W B Sm r
Coming Four Big Days August 9, 10, 1 1 and 12
: i 1 v a
'chnrin v.v-r a
Sunday aceo?
nd rjent the
the far
home of Fred Fieir-chnviri and v.'if.
as well as visiting at the home of tin
boy's r.vther. Mrs. Uora Fltdsehma n
Charles Geriich and wif? aeeoni-
psnh'! 1 y tiieir
or Or-a ha
C ! sou-
visitor in i 7 ar was t iu '.:
oanied bv host -- e;:
t-v at the'. -'"eat pb-a'uro
port unity
nnd assoo
daughter. Miss Vera
n'cr" visiting and looking
busin-'-ss in Manlev last
i--sts fur th
Mr. and Mrs
v, rdo - iay and we:e g
e -:iine" at the heone of
A. !!. Humble.
August Kreekl.iw is having
b'.-.'.'-e which lie has in Manloy
r .ired md put in condition for
cv.paney and with t li is is getting it
in endition to make it more cn
vmient for someone to make their
home in Manb.y.
Our friend. Fdward Kelly, has
he'n feeling quite poorly for the past
lily. M
d ;o r liter,
n. h. V'-:o
(ho I
u -
ie ! inner arrang"d by
1 in v. kich al fedt a
and as we1! the on-
f riend
of slio'ver::iu' Iheir
ate with, wishes fo
of future 1
Thoro in
and .Mrs. C
r. :.n.! Mrs.
f arley
cott f.i
r-pru'iT s-- and suc
at tea da nee were:
Y scott and fani
Fmil J. I ill 1 and
F. Cetil and the
. -rCJ 3
'1 r
LI owe!
S I f F" rT
i I JJ
! Eichie
Disca:c5 are Too EaTijrerous
for Plr-.t'smouili People to Ne
glect Thein a Slinute
FrTi Thuryilay's !:ii'.
This morning Charles r!genbe'rger
ar.d Otto Trilety who have been at
tending the It. 6. T. C. at Fort Snel
ling, r.rinne-s-ota, as a part ofthe- Ke
brasa unfversity representation, re
turned home. They report a very
fine camp and excellent training a
the hands of the United States army
'ifiieers in charge of the camp. At
the camp Harry Dwyer, another of
the Plattsraotith hoys received raark
manship medals as a sbarpsheioter in
both pistol and machine gun firing.
Mr. Dwyer did not accompany tie
remainder of the l'lattsmouth dele
gation home, as he is driving a ear
through from Snelling and expects to
make a short tour of Minnesota.
South Dakota and Nebraska before
returning home.
v. ek and still is not feeling as well 1 1;
as formerly, though some improved j ( h--m. Ih
I'rsm a week ag... We are hoping I d ruin d.
he may soon be himself again and ! us;o " :,
be able to look after his business a.-!b;.go. mi
The oreat danger of kidney trou
bles is that they so often got a hrm
I before the su'Yrre" reor u:ii,e ;
be fore.
?.Ir. and Mrs. Fr-d Fleisehman and
the thildren" Sunday
with friends at York and also re
mained for over . Monday, returning
home Mondav afternron and found
.:1th will be gradually un-ra-.
k ie he, he-idaehe. ner-lario;it-;s.
sorer., ss. linii
sary troubles, dropsy, grav-
' r-'-..rn FriOax J :iily
The fine new residence of Ceorge
liay. loeaied on the federal high
way just a short distance south of
jthe Murray corner, is now being
t completed and made ri-ady for the
j use of the family ami the plumbing
j and tinning work on the house is
being placed by the J. F. Warga
hardware store of this city. The
force of workmen make the trip out
in the early morning hours and are
a! tb.e task long before the heat of
the sun is being felt ar.d are mak
ing very good progress with the
work and sbemld in a short time
have the residence completed as far
the crops there very at York, which
Iii;g city.
Win. Heebner
good an !
i3 a live,
is been hav-
wltli an ulcerated
had to have ex
whieh an affection
the tooth was re
time getting a lit
s been having to
i-.g quite a time
to -Ji!: which he
tr.'otiil and since
of the jaw when
moved is at this
tie better, but h
have bis jaw tnated twice a day.
iTernir.n Mhitz. wiio has been put
ting a roof on the house of K. 15erg-
Eighty acres, well improved, some
timber and running water. Four
miles south of Plattsmouth. $7,000
cash, br
lance on terms.
11. F. . No. 1.
Mrs. W. A.,
We are prepared to
give you the best of ser
vice for your Meats,
Groceries, Fruits and
Plenty of Roasts, Boiling Keat,
etc., at right prices.
Solid pack Gallon Fruits for
Pie3 and Sauce.
Fresa Cabbage, Tomatoes and
all kinds of Vegetables.
Fresh Bread every day.
Ice cold Watermelon.
is often cauped ty an inflamed conditio!!
e-f the mucous linin? of the Eustachian
Tube. When this tubo is inflamed you
h.ive a rnnMing sound or imperfect
bearing. Unless t'.io inllaiumition can
b i educed, your hearing iray be de
do what wo claim for It rid your systes '.
oi" Catarrh or loafnrr.-- -;uis:.l l.y
has been cuecrssful in he treatruent of
Catr.rrh for ever Kur'y lcai'3,'
Soid by ail druusn-.ts.
i- J. Cben-:y & Co., TedeC?, C.
el and liliriht's disease may li.llow
as the kidneys tret worse. Don't ne--lr.
l vour 1:5dMcvs. Hed:i ibo k'dneva
with "iv.r.n's which - are. solas this line of work" is concerned,
strocgrly recommended right here in j The house is erected to replace the
l'lattsmouth. t one destroyed by fire several months
your neighbor!
Louis Krochhr, one of the mem
bers of the firm of KroehK-r Jlrcs.,
hardware dealers. .".42 Mai". s;net.
I'latHmout h. says: "I had pains in i
my back. I was so lame I could
hardly stoop and my kidneys wore'
weak. I had a tired, languid feelins j
ail the time and headaches were coal
men. I ,ot a supply f Doan's Pills;
from Kynott tt Cos. rirujr store and j
!if;:;m takinsr them. They soon re-j
li.'ved nu of tiie trouble. I am pi. as- i
ed to recommend sue h a valuable '
kidney remeily."' i
The above statement was j;iven I
April H. i:12, and cn May 12, 1020, '
Mr. Krochler added: "I am of the j
opinion that Dean's Pills are a splen-;
aid remedy for kidney ailments. I
haven't ne eded them in a numbe r of
years. I have great faith in Doan's." j
Price f.oc, at all dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Dian's Pills the same that Mr.
Krochler had. ' Foster-Milburn Co.,
Ml'rs., llufialo, N. Y.
pud wife departed
Omaha when1 they
John It. Seine
this uMu-ning for
will cpend t!:e day looking after some
matters of busings and visiting with
friends in that citv.
llliU u
Cisterns and
Cess Pools
4 i (J.-J
E. A. and F. S. RICE f
Farmers and threshers wanting gas
or oil, please eall me at Murray,
i phone 4!. and reverse the call, and
I will bring the goods.
Fr Sale or Trade!
Good Thrashing Outfit, in A No. 1 condition, 24x40.
Naw Racine Separator. International 1 0-20 or 1 5x30
Cedar Cieek,
"ithe rest.
w3 1 f
See us for Deering and PtlcCormick Tractors and
Plows - the best made. Afk us fcr a dcnionatraticn.
We will come and show you how they work.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Adam Fornoff, Sr., deceased.
To tb.e treditors ef said estate:
Vcu are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
2Clh day of August, 102 4. and the
27th day of November, lt24, at ten
JoVIock in the forenoon of each of
I said days, (o receive and examine
I all claims against said estate, with
a view to their adjustment and al-
early or late, 'Wednesday, July 30th Vr! Ji
estate is three months from the 2Gth
day of August, A. ). li24, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
six months from said 2 6th day of
August. 1!24.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 2Gth day of
July, 124. i
(Seal) j2S-4w County Judge.
Be it
we can give you the best
of Service. Just call No. !
4 (market) or 482 (res-'to
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
A car load of live poultry wanted
be delivered at poultry car near
i -i n n me uurnneton rreigut nouse. riuua-
lClence) and We Will do mouth Wednesday. July so, one
day only, for which we wiil pay the
: following :
li N fa hl S 1 Im I ci y
tea wtS-axa
Store Open Late
j Bring in your eggs and produce and .?
v. e will pay highest market price, j
Natl & Ivsdl 110!
The F erndell Store
The bzst place to trade after ell
Hens, per lb 17c
(Ccx. per lb 8c
jPekin Ducks, per lb 14c
Ilialiest Prices
Leghorn poultry, 3 lb. less
Farmers, Notice .;.
Remember, we ship in carload lots
direct to the New York market and V
are thus enabled to pay you the very -J-top
price for your poultry
V.'e Avill positively be in Platts-!
mouth on above date, prepared to '
take care of all poultry offered us . ;
!at these prices. ;
The law
helps those who help
Bob Lee's Jasz E3and
Don't Miss this Special Dance
Rr-J.- Wcrk and Cc-
mcnt Work of A JJ i
("A C51-W X
Admission $1.00
L. FETERSOfi, Fansger