The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1924.
A5. i
Line of the Nebraska Gas & Electric
Co. Linking up Various Units,
Passes Throucj'i Here.
Do you prefer
Plain White,
Collar attached or
We have a shirt to meet
that vhirn!
Prnm Wpilnpsdav's Daily
Construction of a 6G.000-volt elec- miles as the crow flies.
e Til.... '
irir t--irwTiimum line I rum iuno-
I mouth to Lincoln, by the Nebraska
I Gas X- Electric company, which will
I make Plattsmouth an important
link in the super-power system of
the Continental G:is Electric cor
I position, will bo started in a few
. wp.'ks and complet?! by early win-,
iter, recording to C. J. Theleen. di3-j
itrict managtr m uit cmm-uin .
iNcbrjpka Gas Electee company is
I a subsidiary of the Continental.
This will be the first transmission
'lino of such high voltage in Nebras
jka. Use of the higher voltage means
r greater economy in transmitting cur
j'rent ami is in "accord with the ten
idt ncv in modern electrical engineer-
ipW.rsssr "Ml on i STRANGER FOUND
I This interconnection of power-
plants by high voltage transmission
I i : nfftniolo rt tho fnm nn n v noint 1
llUCo Vllltiaio j j m
out, is in harmony with the general
scheme of so-called "super-power"
development over the country and
; means more dependable service for
the communities 60 connected. The
tha last link in
the Continental Gas & Electric cor- Man Picked up Near Charles Allen
poration's continuous electric circuit Farm Found to be Richard
extending from tientry ana orani
City, Mo., on the southeast, to Phil
lips. Hordville, and Marquette, Neb.,
on the northwest, a distance of 200
With Shortage of Help New City De
livery System Adds to the
Strenuous Work.
Sedlacek of Omaha.
inir according to officials of the com-
ipar.v. Piattsmouth will thus enjoy,'
From WpdnesJuv's Daily
Miss Gerda Peterson, one of the
a employes of the local postoffice, is off
7V .. C7T - ?D
3Q0ZE : ''RB
F. Kaufelt Draws Dom Fine of
5200 and Costs and Loses Car
Turned Over to U. S.
unKii . 1 iiuritHM nn 1 n iit'iu
i terminus of the state's highest volt-' duty tor some time at least follow
'.uv transmission line. , in- a y severe attack of eye weak-
I Scwrrl routes for the line are be- ness that makes it necessary to re
'j considered by the Nebraska Gas.ceive medical treatment for the op-
& Klc-ctric couimnVs engineering de-1 tics. Miss Peterson has had some
.'n .rtment in On'nha. The route chos- trouble with one of her eyes for sev
will be prese:it?d to the Nebraska ! eral years and in the last few months
ll' ii wav copunission soon for ap-jthis has been aggravated by the oth-
pi oval " er eye Decomin& affected and in the
I The -xtv miles of line will pass'last few days causing her so much
! through a" territory where electric ' trouble that it was necessary for her
Service is not now available and will to receive treatment. It is hoped
ir.ike it possible for farmers along that the affliction is merely of a
ith- ro-te to have this service sooner ( temporary nature and that she may
'tha-i; who are not now near .soon be restored to her former health.
,!,,tr lino Knr this reason the The postoffice force is badly de-
crripirv anticipates that farmer j pleted at this time and the sudden
along tiie prorpective routes will be attack of the eye trouble of Miss Pet-,
:: tiio;is to have the line pass near erson cuts the force down to three
i.1(,r employes. Mrs. Minnie Pickard, one
' Sv-'itching equipment will be in- of the clerks has been compelled j
the substation here to that 1 10 remain ai nom uy in snous cou- j
I inccln nav be sent'to remain at nome d- the serious;
territory of the Con-! condition of her father. Another of
tinental line cierKs. .Mrs. ueorge ;eison. nas
The line will be built on 50-foot ,Just recently resigned and with the
i-ioo: -nr.ri nnioc son f.o Qnf,rt I eye trouble of Miss Peterson reduces
Each polo will have two crossarms
From Wednesday's Daily
The stranger who was taken into
custody yesterday morning by Sher
iff E. P. Stewart, near the Charles
Allen farm, south of this city, and
who was unable to give an account
of himself, has proven to be Richard
Sedlacek of Omaha, who has been
missing from his home since Monday
afternoon and for whom a search has
been made by the Omaha police for
the past two days.
The first intimation of the identity
of the stranger was received by
County Attorney J. A. Capwell from
the World-Herald last evening and a
description given by the county at
torney tallied with that of the miss
ing man and the news given to the
overjoyed parents of the young man
who were greatly worried over his
disappearance from home.
Mr. Sedlacek is twenty-eight years
of age and has. since his discharge,
From Wednesday's Daily
The local police some lime ago dis
covered a car on the highway near
this city that had been abandoned
by someone and which bore an Okla
homa number and have since been
holding the car here for the claim
ant. This morning. Chief of Police
William Heinrichsen received a tele
gram from Oklahoma City giving the
number of the car and stating that
it had been taken from that city
some weeks ago. The car is the same
as the one held here and will be
placed at the disposal .of the owner
who was notified by Mr. Heinrich
sen of the fact that the car was held
the new
for men!
Relatives to Arrive Home Today
Lake Michigan Being Searched
For the Body.
The efforts to locate the body of
Jack Patterson of Union, who was
drowned at Kstes street beach in
Chicago, Monday afternoon, are still
from the army in March, 191S. after hi in" continued and the dragging of
a nine months service on the border 'that portion of the waters of Lake
been suffering from ill health and a! Michigan have so far failed to re
mental state tii it hnj psiisp.-i Mmivcal the whereabouts of the body of
more or less trouble and loss of mem
ory and speech for frequent periods.
This probably accounts for the fact
that when lie was found by Sheriff
Stewart the man could nnnnrontlv
hear the remarks addressed to himiI1Kt there by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
M. Patterson, parents ot the unror-
the unfortunate man.
Mrs. Patterson, the bereaved wife,
and her father, Joseph Fetzer, are
expected to arrive in Omaha today
over the Northwestern and will be
but could make no response.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sedlacek of 4714 South street,
had feared that the young man had
auunfu away aim uiei ueain in me - - (
Missouri rirpr nnt a ront it ict n found tc be bn seless as h is money and ,
from the home
The only clue to the missing man
pa rents
tuna to man. !
The theory that was advanced
that perhaps Mr. Patterson had been i
made the victim of foul play was,
something to Holler About!
Men's cool summer shirts- assorted
stripes and checks, with cellar attach
ed or neck band style
$ j 20
Men's full cut, fast color, Work Shirts,
. Wescott's Sons
From Wednesday's In!!y
The capture here early Tuesday
morning of L. F. Haufelt of Johnson
county, by Sheriff E. P. Stewart and
Deputy Sheriff Pex, proved a
very costly one for Mr. Hnufelt in a (raj power
numner 01 ways, nesnies tne loss or
the thirty gallons of alcohol that he
was tran-porting.
Yesterday afternoon on complaint
filed bv County Attorney J. A. Cap
well, the prisoner was arraigned in
the court of Justice Wiliam Weber j
ana receiver a line 01 ji'ju eacn on
two counts and the car thnt he was
driving and using for the transpor
tation of the booze was ordered tak
en and sold by the court in accord
ance with the law in the case.
which will carry three large size cop
rzr wires. The line will operate tem
porarily at ?", 000 volts.
The new line will connect Platts
mouth with the newly enlarged
plaut of the Lincoln Gas & Electric
Light company and with the South
Platto territory of the Nebraska Gas
Electric company which in turn is
connected with the lines cf the Cen-
company. Grand Island. It
will give Plattsmouth a call upon
any cno cf teven rteam generating
eta liens and six hydro-electric plants
cu the Blue and Ixup rivers.
The plant of the Lincoln Gas &
Electric Light company, which will
th western terminus of the line.
has been recently remodeled and put
i:i excellent condition. A new 5,000
kilowatt turbine has been installed,
two large new boilers have been add
ed to the equipment and a 250-foot
tile cvinlrot n lic Virion Vtii51fr A
As soon as this was disposed of . forrP.tion w!th thig power 8tat!on
the county authorities handed Mr. with its 10 n00 k51owatt3 of crlpacity
Ilaufelt r7r ,to the representatives ,vi;, ricnn el,rtrlc service of the fin.
of the federal probation enforce-, t kini for P,atts,,J0uth. off.cials of
nier state deputy, ami
erts of Omaha, wlio
Newell Ptob-
is rn assistant
in the office of Pob S imirdick. the
company declare. The Lincoln
'Gas fz Electric Lisht company i3 a
! part of the Contintental system.
Tn Nebraska Gas &- Electric com-
I- . . : 1 r t 1 : .
T ,: ; s- 'L P--b South Platte system embraces
1', . " ... l.. ":V4'1 i " ': thirty-five towns and cities, amcneri
rkriiirT will 1 r tii in tbn Art , ... '
. .I. 'Which a
the force at the office to Rav Larson.
the dispatching clerk, Leslie Niel and
James Holly, who are carrying on
the work.
To add to the great amount of
work that must be handled the of
fice is Just starting out a system cf
free mail delivery for the city that
requires some little time to get work
ing and with the force in the office
reduced to euch a small number is
adding that much more to their trials
and tribulations. However, the
members of the force and Postmaster
Holmes are putting forth their best
efforts to see that the new service
is started as efficiently as possible.
up to the time the message from
County Attorney Capwell was re
ceived, was that given by a neigh
bor who saw him walking west on
T street near 3Gth street. The man
had undoubtedly kept on his wonder
ings until he reached this place
where his strange actions aroused the
fears of the residents in the vicinity
of this city and led to the calling of
the sheriff and his deputy.
This morning Mr. Capwell took
the young man to Omaha where he
wa3 restored to the parents who were
overjoyed that their fears of his safe
ty were groundless.
From 'WdjQ6eda)r Daily
Last evening was the regular
weekly "sing" of the Young Men's
Eible class of the Methodist church
Vrova Wdntidar'a Dally
Those who have been out in the
county in the last few days return
with the most pleasing reports of the
condition of the crops in this section
which, with the increasing prices of
the products of the farms looks like
a real successful year for the Cass
county farmer.
The oats and wheat are shocking
out in fine shape and the indications
are that the yield will be verv much
watch were found in the clothing
that he had left in his automobile j
when he had gone forth to take
ill fated dip into the waters of tho' , . . , ... . . , , . , , ...
jake v ; home and with Miss Carle Oliver, lytic stroke which rendered him al-
n:. Mnn,i. n,r, r,a ,.rv i,,Jw is ver Poor uealth at this most helpless for some time and it
tense in Chicago and the waters of.
the lake verv cold and this mav have' Mrs. Mary Eccles and granddaugh
caused the "voung man to suffer a ' ter, Elizabeth Slack, of Birmingham,
cramp when in his heated condition ' Alabama, who have been visiting at
he plunged into the waters. Friends j the home of her sister, Mrs. V. H.
who have been intimate with Mr'Venner and family of near Mynard,
Patterson both here and at Union, j departed this morning for Beatrice
state that he was not able to swim! and Rothwell where they will visit
to any extent but frequently had
class who are musically inclined j ?J,i!.tht average and being handled
were present to enjoy the occasion
court nt Ormiha as t!ie alcohol that
was raptured was secured in that citv
by Mr. Ilaufelt.
A l?y liver leads to chronic dys-pep-i.t
r.nd constipation weakens
the w ;.!), system. Doaii's Kognlets
.1'ie j;-r i.,x) at niildly on the
l:er a::d Imwcl.;. At all drug stores.
re Pet! trice. ork. Aurora.
Osceola. Stromsburg and Geneva. The
towns are connected bv high voltage to hydro-electric plants at Mil
ford. Wi'ber. IeV:tt. Holmesville
an 1 Unrnr'ston or. the Plue river, to plants at Beatrice, York, Gen
eva. 0.:c"o!a and Aurora and to the
Centra! Power company's steam
plnr.t.i at Grand Isand and Power
8r-tt iyitoa
and the excellent musical instruction
of Mrs. E. H. "Wescott. while Mr.
Wescott presided at the piano. The
members of the class had arranged a
surprise on Mr. and Mrs Wescott
which, however, was kept a dark
secret by the members of the com
mittee and no Intimation of their in
tention was disclosed until the close
of the evening. The surprise was
given in honor of the birthday anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Wescott both
of which occur this week. When the
"sing" was over the members of the
committee. Jess Perry, Ward Whelan
and Roy Perkins, invited all of the
.class and their leaders to the par-
!lors of the church where the sur
prise was staged. Very much en
joyed refreshments were provided
; consisting of ice cream, cake and
j wafers and a fine large birthday
'cake was contributed by Mrs. Frank
I Emory Pfoutz, who had been taken
into the "plot" by the young men
and on the cake were the gleaming
candles that represented the signifi
cance of the occasion. The evening
was one very much enjoyed by all of
the party.
in fine shape bv the farmers.
The corn crop that was the cause
of so much worriment in the long
rainy weeks of June, has in the last
two weeks showed wonderful strides
and fast developing and in fact one
of the well known men of the com
munity, who has had a great deal of
personal experience in farm work
himself, states that the corn at this
time is only about ten days behind
the usual showing at this time of
the year and with anything like an
(ordinary fall this year should insure
a humper crop. So far this part of
the state has been fortunate in not
nnvln? nr- nf fhn v n onf itnrmc nlul
t,f ,..i .i . spend
if the season is completed without
any of the unforseen visitations of
the wind or hail storms, the farmers
of Cass countv will undoubtedly en- terday
Joy a real profitable season a.s the
result of the 1924 crop.
ob Lee's Jazz Band
Don't Miss this Special Dance
of the Season!
Admission S1.00
E. L. PETERSOf, Manager
From Wedtteedajjr'B rKvfly
Friday evening a pleasant birthday
party was given at the John True
home near Cedar Creek in honor of
their daughter. Miss Verna.
The party was planned and given
by Misses Dora Franks and Alice
The evening was spent in play
ing games and music. At a suit
able hour dainty refreshments were
served. The members departed at
a late Lour all enjoying themselves
Those present were Misses Dor
othy Schroeder, Lorene Ault, Fern
Stivers. Agnes Frady, Verena True,
Dora Franke, Alice and Clara True,
Don Schneider, Henry, Herbert and
Fritz Franke, Werner Jari, Maynard
Nelson, George Jordan, Walter Mar
tin, Paul and Robert Schroeder.
From WAdnesday'a Dally.
P. A. McCrary of this city is a
firm believer now in the carrying of
insurance for the accidents and mis
fortunes that may come in the daily
walks of life. A short time ago Mr.
McCrary took out some accident in
surance from D. C. Morgan that cost
him $5 per year and Monday Mr.
Morgan paid over to him $78.50 that
represented the payment of the in
surance claim for the three weeks
and two days that Mr. McCrary waB
laid up as the result of the auto ac
cident in which he was considerably
shaken up and bruised. The pay
ment in such a prompt manner is
very pleasing to Mr. McCrary.
Lost anything? Advertise It.
geiiO in with them at swimming par
ties to splash around in the shallow
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have been
visiting at the home of Mr. Patter
son's sister, Mrs. Albert Deegan who
reside in the Rogers Park section of
Chicago some two blocks from Lake
Michigan and near Estes street beach
where the fatal plunge was taken j
into the lake by Mr. Patterson. j
The family have the deep synipa-,
thy of their many friends here in thej
sudden and tragic death that has I
with relatives before returning to the
From Wcilnttsdair'i CVaifcy
Ralph Duff of Nebraska City was
here today for a few hours attend
ing to some business matters for a
short time.
Adam Meisinger from near Cedar
Creek was here yesterday afternoon
for a few hours attending to some
matters of business with the mer
chants. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith of Ter-
was only with the greatest difficulty
that he was able to be up and around.
The last winter he experienced a
second shock that affected him very
much and made necessary the tak
ing him to the hospital for care. He
leaves to mourn his loss the widow
and several children, among whom
are Dewey and Russell Read of this
city. The body is being held at the
Morey funeral home in Omaha pend
ing the arrangements for the funeral
taken away the husband, father andiy. Montana, wno nave oeen visiting
son from the family circle and thenere at me a. v . snmii nome, ae
rdd friends have awaited the out-Part this morning for Council
come of the search in the hopes that ! mnffs on their way to the home in
the body might bo recovered. the west
Rev. W. F. Graham, wife and son
jof Murray were here today spending
a few hours visiting with triends.
Rev. Graham is the very efficient
pastor of the Presbyterian church at
Misses Ruth Shannon, Virginia
and Helen Beeson and Clara Mae
From Monday's Daily
M. G. Churchill of Murray was
here this afternoon looking after
some trading with the merchants, j Morgan departed yesterday afternoon
Mrs A E Paker of Minden, Ne-!for Camp Brewster, near Omaha,
braska who has been here visiting i where they will enjoy a ten day out-
... " inrr
nt tiio f 1 1'iirnridcre nome ior a
few days, returned this morning to
her home.
Mrs. Charles L. Carlson and sister.
Mrs. L. O. Bennett, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents
in Malvern, Iowa, for a few days, re-
Miss Jessie Whlan. departd Saturday 1 IUI "u"'e .'"iciuay ami was at-
afternoon for Denver wnere tney win 1 """vw c oin, misa two
i rhort time visiting with
friends and taking in the points of
interest in that locality.
Miss Madeline Minor departed yes-
afternoon for a two weeks
From Wednnsdajr'H Dallr
Last evening the Queen Esther
girls Journeyed down to the river
on a picnic. After the customary
picnic lunch the girls amused them
selves by exploring the ferry and
in various other ways for a few hours
and then they enjoyed a walk home
in the twilight. This was their an
nual picnic and as the girls wended
their way homeward they expressed
that it had indeed been a very en
joyable evening.
The reports from the bedside of
Homer McKay, one of the old resi
dents of the city, state that Mr. Mc
Kay, who has been very poorly for
the past few weeks, is gradually
failing and his condition is such as
to give but little hopes of his recov
ery and he seems to be gradually
growing weaker. His condition has
been such as to require constant at
tention and the patient in the last
few days has been practically un
conscious as tho end draws near.
Would like to rent 160 to 300 acre
farm. Have all my own help. Call
at this office or address Joe Martis,
Plattsmouth, Neb. J21-2td-2tw
I take this means to apologize
for a notice that appeared in an earl
ier issue of this paper and am gen
uinely sorry. I was too hasty.
For any itchiness of the skin, for
skin rashes. chaD. pimples, etc., try
Doan's Ointment. 60c at all drug J the county seat.
Cozad who will visit here for a time
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Groff, who have
been enjoying a honeymoon trip in
the northwest at Portland and
Seattle, have returnetl home. While
outing on th Pacific coast where she ji;,ere they visited at the home of
will be the guest of friends and was Mr- an(1 Mrs- c- K. Frans, who are
. t- t 1. livlne in W'a ih i n ctnn
r.ccompanien as rar as uiuana oy ner o
mother. Mrs. Kathrine Minor
W. T. Adams, deputy clerk, is
spending a ten day vacation in the
central part of the state with his
children, visiting with Max Adams
at Dannerbrough and at St. Paul
with his daughter, Mrs. P. E. Brown
and family.
George F. Dovey of Chicago ar-;
rived yesterday morning on No. 5
over the Burlington to join Mrs.
Dovey. who has been here visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kubicka and children,
of Omaha, who have been here for a
few days visiting at the home of Mrs.
Kubicka's parents, Mrs. and Mrs.
John Rotter, returned home this
morning. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Rotter, who will spend the
day in the metropolis.
From Wtdnenday'a Dallr
Byron Read, aged 70. one of the
Mr3. W. E. Rosencrans for several ; old time residents of this citv and ! Deen greatly woried over her illness.
From Wednesday's Daily
Mrs. W. H. Seybert and Mrs. John
McNurlln of this city motored out
to Cedar Creek yesterday where they
attended the funeral services of the
late Mrs. S. J. Reames whose death
occurred at her home there on last
The services were held at the
Glendale church and were conduct
ed by the Rev. W. E. Goings of the
Christian church of Louisville and a
very large number of the old friends
and neighbors were present. The in
terment was at the Glendale ceme
tery. The I. O. O. F. lodge of Louis
ville of which Mr. Reames is a mem
ber, was present. Mrs. Reames was
a member of the Rebekah order.
Salomia Lambrigger was born
June 10. 1869, in Livingston county,
Missouri, and at the time of her
death was aged fifty-five years. She
lived in Missouri with her parents
until 26 years of age when she went
to Sheridan, Wyoming, and resided
there for some time. She was mar
ried August 10, 1898, to S. J. Reames,
a childhood friend and schoolmate.
Mrs. Reames was always a loyal
friend and a kind neighbor and her
many acts of asistance to her friends
endeared her to a very large circle.
She was a member of the Presbyte
rian faith and during her long ill
ness was a faithful and patient Chris
tian as she faced the close of her
life's story.
From Wdn1ar'i Dn'ly
The condition of Mrs. Charles Mc
Guire, who has been quite poorly for
the past week is now reported as be
ing somewhat better and is now able
to be uo and around a part of the
time and her more favorable change
has brought a great relief to the
members of the family who have
j vicinity, passed away last night at
;S:20 at the hospital in Lincoln
Mrs. May Lee or omana, wno nas;-" ai me nospitai in Lincoln; Cheapest accident insurance Dr,
been here visiting at th home of her,nere ne nas Deen for the past fewjThomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns,
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rip-(weeks being cared for. Mr. Read. scalds, cuts and emergencies. AH
pie. returned ysterday to her home. ; several years ago suffered a para- druggists sell it. 30c and 60c".
The two little daughters of Mrs. Leej
who are here from York will remain!
for a longer visit.
C. A. Rosencrans, wife and son.
Billie, were at Nehawka yesterday
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Wunderlich, parents of Mrs.
Rosencrans. Rosy reports the roads
as very rough from this city to the
Murray corner but in good shape
from there to Union.
C. J. Theleen. manager of the Ne
braska Gas & Electric Co., departed
Sunday morning for a trip to Michi
gan where he will join Mrs. Theleen ;
and Donald, who have been thre for
some time and take a short vacation. .
Carl F. Schmidtmann accompanied '
Mr. Theleen as far as Chicago on his
From Tuesday's Dally
County Commissioner C. F. Harris
of Union was here yesterday after
noon for a few hours attending to
some matters of business.
L. A. Tyson of Elmwood was here
today for a few hours attending to
some matters at the court house and
visiting with the many friends in
ARE YOU out of a Jot)?
us help find you one.
"ITien let
D. C. Morgan and wife returned!
home last evening from Lincoln
where they have been for the past
week visiting at the A. W. Hallam
A great number of our school children have a slight
spinal abnormality, caused by carrying books, sitting in
one position continually, by jars and bumps received on
play grounds, etc. This causing a vertebral displace
ment, pinching of the nerves that in turn cause a bodily
weakness and susceptibility to disease.
This spinal condition can readily be adjusted by YOUR
local Chiropractor. Prepare your child for a successful
school year.
Dr. Joe J. Sfibal,
Calls Promptly Answered!
Schmidtmann Building. Plattsmouth, Neb.
, J