The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    HONDA Y. JTJirE 2. 1024.
FAGI 1171
Dr. Chas. Parrish. Veterinarian,
Elmwood, Nebraska. Call day phone,
7: nurht. 5S. tf-A
County Commissioner Fred H.
Gorder of Weeping Water was look
ing after some business matters in
Louis Dornemeier had a truck load: Murdock on last Thursday.
of hogs for the South Omaha market Fred Stock, Jr., had a cow and calf
during last week. (delivered at the stock market at
Mr. E. L. Pothast of Lincoln came i South Omaha by the truck line of Ed-
down on Saturday and looking aftetlward Thimgan last week
the business at the bank
Paul Schewe was looking after
Eorue business in the vicinity of Man
ley on last Thursday afternoon.
Charles and Frank Buell have been
delivering their wheat to the eleva
tor at Wabash during the past week.
II. W. Tool was looking after some
business matters in Omaha on last
Tuesday, making the trip with his
Paul Schewe was looking after
some business matters in Omaha on Tuesday, making the trip with
his auto.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Pothast of the
Farmers' bank departed on Thursday
evening for Sioux City where they re
mained until last evening (Sunday),
making their trip in their auto and
enjoying the trip very much.
Will Luetchius has just recently
purchased a quarter section from Au-
Mahy are Shelling Corn
Among those who are shelling and
delivering corn at the elevator of
Simon Rehmeyer, and taking ad- ,
vantage of the spell between the
planting and cultivation of the com- ,
ing crop, to get the corn off, were
Turner McKinnon, Charles M. Jor-1
most pleasant afternoon when they aanv Ln? ri53. arsnan ne nry "etc- j
met at the home of Mrs. A. It. Horn- en .FreTd Deichman, J. Althouse,
beck in the capacity of their Kens-!Louis J- Herman and August John- Nebraska Delegation Will Support
ington club and where they did the;0""- , , Tlisir Chief as Lon? as He Has I
usual amount of work which they
have in hand and also spen the social
hour in a way which added much to
the pleasure of the occasion. Not
"Ted Comes Home"
There were many "Teds" and
the Slightest Chance.
Entries So Far This Season Have
Proven Very Pleasing to State
Extension Bureau.
On May 25th, Donald Fredenburg! gust Stander. Knowing a good deal .among the least of the afternoon-'s
was somewhat ditncult that the All doubt as to who the Nebraska
right one was selected in the play deleeation to the democratic na-
chauffeured for Henry Rueter and; when he saw it. he sold a fine eighty enjoyment was the delightful lunch-j," The faculty o the Alvo pub- XS convention wm support or
family on a trip to Lincoln. The trip to Ludwig Bornemeier He also sold ( eon which was served by the excel- schoo,s t Monday een te presidential nomination was
was highly enjoyed by al one of his best quarters near Elm- lent hostesses, Mesdames A. It. Horn- , and whBich a , number of beared when Tom S. Allen, state
Dan Rueter had the misfortune to wood Will is figuring on farming ibecK and Charles Schaefer. th ,e of Alyo anbd vk.lnity at cS'man announced that the dele-
Ketums From the South
Hail Insurance
I will insure your crops against
the hazards of hail for 32 cc . 0. X
Pothast, Murdock, Nebr.
Saturday, June 7th
Dustin Farnum
I and enjoyed by all. A good sum y. Bryan.
Mr V. T Tool who ha5 hppn was receiveu lor me usu ui me Allen saiu liryan may not De ior-
SDendin the winter in the south and. school. The proceeds were used for rnally nominated, but that the Nc-
a.uu orasKa delegation considers nun a
Oakland. He called on the services hired man.
of an expert to put in a new gear. Mr. and Mrs. Will Voigt, accom-
E. M. Shfttto was a visitor in Oma- panied by Hilda Luetchins and Clara
' (utUv..,. ,ia H-.n.o j.-r..t t..;0 oiwho has heen at St. Cloud. Florida. the purchaae of a library table
city where he has relatives resting, the same car which Carl Schlaphoff ; since the tirst 01 last uecemDer ana J""'f " " v,M .V.oi.-X
an unsuccessful attempt toiieie sue iiis eujujeu iue eimieui .
mere, reiurneu nome on iast-" tnnuvc iui uuimuamu.
Our old time friends Albert Zierot.lmade
living northwest of Murdock has not drive recently as it
been feeling very well lately, but is! driven by strangers.
to be:wcatner
i Thursday
evening and is enjoying
able to be about and look after the We notice that the city board of j the friendship of the Murdock peo- I XHI"HIH'rr -f
hnsinps? 'Mnrrlnrk are crnine- after the chicken 1 Pie and thinks it very nice to be home -i
tfeirs ot Weeping Water y
Mathew and Victor Thimgan and 'question and especially those who,afe'ain
L. Xeitzel have been placing some j are given to scratching the gardens!
spouting on the home of Mr. and of the neighbors which cause heart-1
Mrs. August Wendt southeast of: burnings and divisions among man
Murdock. Ikind. The notices posted should be
Homer H. Lawton. the painter, has ; sufficient to cause
been working in the new home of; conduct themsel
John C. Newman which he is having comm.
Will Play All Comers
Murdoch has a ball team and are
It will not be a mere compli
mentary vote," Allen said. "We will
stick to him and try to nominate
Allen's announcement means that
the Nebraska delegation will ignore
Field Man in daily rounds 4- the results of the primary election
JL in which William G. McAdoo. altho
use the rhiekens to "ady to play any of the teams m the ; X .wAA,!m!.WJ-V.W!.VJ. . net formally on the ballot.
tJl wits llr ,0 I county and v. ith practices which they ... v a Jarge majority of the w
es itn proper e-;are settins should show the ether ivote cast.
make a very nice habitation.
rebuilt and when completed will The Rev. Howard S. Tool who is a
minister of the Evangelical church,
Louis Bornermeier shelled and de-' located at Billings. Mont., and who
teams a merry pace,
with this team and
game or a number of them.
Get in touch
arrange for a
Gym Jams Comedy
Chapter 6
Tool Bros, Show
Your Pleasure is Oar Business
livered his corn to the elevator at
Murdock last week and had the work
done by Milo Buskirk, the man who
knows how to do the business.
Bert Jamison of Weeping Water
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murdock on last Thursday af
ternoon and purchased a lot of pro
duce from the Murdock merchants.
Wm. Strich purchased a new two
row cultivator last week from the
with the family has been in attend-;
ance at the conference of that church i
which was in session during last j
week at Lincoln, came to Murdock
and visited for a few days with their
relatives and friends here before re
turning to their home in the north- (
west. !
Carl Schlaphoff. the up to date'
farmer, has purchased a new cob ele
vator which takes- the cobs direct
from the wagon to the cob .house
Haking Good Frogresa
Hew Enterprises for Town
The Nebraska delegation is made
up of Bryan Fupporters and they
were chosen as candidates by the
Brvan interests and as McAdoo de-
mding her and with a citizenship olined to permit his name to 50 upon
it is enterprising and wide-awake. thc ballot at the primary there were
Weeping Water, peculiarly situat
ed with a most fertile country sur
mat is eniernrisiug auu wut-dwun.f. the ballot at the Drimarv
With last Thursday the brick is showing some pep and adding to no rival candidates for relegate up
work for the Murdock school was her business interests in a way that on the ballot. So there has really
finished to the top of the upper floors will make for the good of ail con- been no doubt about how the dele
and the workmen were putting in the cerned. gation stands. In one district there
upper joists in order that the build-; Just now there is being added to was a contest for places upon the
ing of the fire walls could be com- the stone enterprises of the town a delegation, but the contest was be-
Edward Thimgan garage and imple-; Herman Lnetchns tried it o last
ment house which was taken outweek ht;t did not fm( it a saccess so
last Thursday by Mr. Thimgan ana j r.sorte(1 t0 the scoop shovel. Carl is
demonstrated. going to trv it out himself on the
pleted. With ti e present rate of new firm known as the Weeping tween Bryan candidates. In another
j-peed the work. should be completed Water Stone company, which will district a Bryan candidate withdrew
in time for the opening of the school institute a plant with a storage ca- from the ticket and thus avoided
this fall. ipacity for reserve in its bin3 of some even a contest between Bryan men
I thirty-five car loads and in this man- in that district.
:ner its crusher will not be depend- j George E. Hall and five other can
1 ent upon weather conditions for ob- didates for delegate at the last rao-
Finds Condition of Office Gocd
Last Thursday the traveling audi-
L. B. Gorthev of the Thimgan ga- fPw remaininc cobs as ke thinks the t,.- f ... tw 11-1 rfiu-v was i-f,Iun lls suppi e?tn a. ine new ment issued a circular calling upon
- 1 rn ! . .. - . ....
rage was a visitor in Omaha for a ; trouble lies in the man and not the jn Murdock and checked over the
Looks and reports of the station here.
plant is owned by Messrs. S. N. and democrats to write the name of Gov-
W. S. Meyers and with the other ernor Bryan upon the primary bal-
plant, which employs some 35 men, lot. This was done, it was exrdain-
couple of days hauling stock to the ; elevator.
CMith flmnrin markpt a thp raraere . . , , . -,. n .-..,n,,
ta now wncilig a truck line, do- - f 'l?r " fn "atVen ! Ion a"nd ,aVe te tnU Mr. T G. lJ? ?f -ports that there was
ing all kinds ot naunng
etter Built Fences
h?01 Sunay1 tf,e invention Ion f '"'i P ha Il con ' niami for the eurpius labor of the supporters of Governor Al Smith and
of the Evancelical conference which : lent v.j in which he uaa been con- rr-L . .
j, was in session at Lincoln t u y rtjak- ducting the business. Weeping Water is to be congrat- in 10,000 witten in names for Me-
lime t ho trin in thp .1 lit n of Mr pit.i t . .
' , V. . , V ', V uiaieu on in is new acquisition to us .doo and 1.5U0 tor Governor urvan.
- : " larTiea at ziacicunr. wwa : iiounsiuu uusmet-s interests anu us Mr. Hall is rrpriiteii with evn Tins
With the famous Red Top steel posts and appli
ances, this can be done at less expense and also at a less
outlay for labor.
These posts are indestructible and make a rigid
fence as well as one which is easily constructed. One
man with the driver which we supply, can set two to
three hundred posts in a day without the back-breaking
drudgery of digging post holes and tamping the posts
in afterwa rds.
Call at the office of the Tool-Nauman Lumber Co.,
of Murdock, for demonstration and inspection.
Tool-Naiiman Lumber Co.
Carrol Foreman, son of Mr.
ter, Catherine accompanied them as,
! far q a Ilovftlnf V htrp tlit-x- riit,irl! ir. 3irs. James .foreman anu j.iiss
in mar-
last ;
for the day at the honie of Mr. and
all returning
;r.?abel Kinney were united
Mrs n .T ITitrlirnrk
home in the ev-ninsr. ; - "SO at Hamburg, Iowa, on
TTpnrv A r,nthTr.:.n nf Hip ibnif nf i W eimitJay, tliry making the
Murdock with the familv were visit-1 ovor to the Iowa county seat in
establishment shomd result in in- a theory that the stny-at-honie vote,
creased prosperity of, the town in i which was very much larger than
general. (the vote cast at the primary, should
Besides the stone plant. Weeping j be interpreted to mean that a big
Water is to have a new jewelry j majority of the democrats of the
business which is to be located in state really expressed themselves in
"ar nnd were.arco The' a anvh of the llandors Creamery, j president to the delegation. Mr.
p Vn. hViA V'L. wiv. ill spend their honeymoon here located in a building on wesi Main , Hall says this is not exactly his the-
-1 T" -it l PTPc-t in Miake this thir home 'Street. ory. He believes that the democrats
returned on the evening train after,31-'1 exFul 10 "dhe ,ni!' l"-ir UU111S- 1 L..r, i, ;
!.j,0 ; will spend
looking after some business. Mr
Onthmn and familv. hnwpvcr r- t
maining until night while Mrs. Guth
man attended a banquet given by the
alumni of the Omaha college while
the youngsters attended the movies
and Mr. G tubman looked after some
business matters.
Attended Bible School Convention I
The Rev. C. A. Xorlin, pastor of'
the Methodist church of -A Ho, and'
Mrs. John Murtey and Miss Delia!
Sutton were enjoying the sessions of
the Nebraska Bible school conven-j
tion which convened at Nebraska!
Leslie Wiles and wife, Mrs. John:rr.ary and who did not vote on presi
Doniingo and Mrs. Isaac Wiles were dential preference expressed their
looking after some business matters S willingness to leave the choice, of
in Omaha on last Wednesday, they j president to the dlegates for whom
making the trip by way of Platts-jthey did vote.
He points to his own vote in the
fifth district. He received 6,576
democratic votes in his district and
mouth in Leslie's car.
Injured His Foot
While working at the school build
ing last Thursday Harry Gillespie,
had the misfortune to step on a piece!
of wood with a nail therein which
penetrated his shoe and foot causing
a vr-ry severe wound and which com
peted that genial gentleman to stop
from Im work so that the injury may
heal. We are hopine: that it will net
be long ere ho will be able to return
to his work.
City during a cuople of days during ( ,ookin alter some business matters only 2.109 in that district voted for
Lincoln, May 30. Much interest
is being shown in the Corn Yield con
test that i3 being conducted by the
Nebraska Crop Growers' association.
P. II. Stewart, secretary of tho asso
ciation, announces that more entries
are now in than was anticipated for
the first year of the content. The
purpose of the ontest is to at
tention to the best methods of raising
corn in different parts of the state.
Not all the emphasis in the contest
will be govern to high yields per
acre. In figuring up the winners,
this fall, they will be scored on the
basis of C5 7r for yield, 20 7c for the
cost of corn, 107o for quality and 5
for reports.
It is hoped that this contest v. ill
show the importance of crop rota
tions in that soil fertility must be
considered if hipli yiels are to be se
cured. V" ii of the contestant's en
trie fIio.v t'!:): their corn i-- on oid
alfaifa or clover land. The typ and
variety of seed and flu methods cf
planting and cultivating used by the
winners will be shown.
Nebraska has been divided into
eastern, central and western sections
for the contest. Entries now show
32 contestants in the eastern section,
5 in the central section; and 19 in
the western section. Washington
county leads with 11 entries.
The goal3 for the contest are 90,
70 and 50 bushels in the respective
sections. Cash prizes and medals are
being offered for the winners in each
region and contestants who equal or
exceed the goal for their section are
to be given a certificate of member
ship in the "Nebraska Maximum
Corn Yield Club." How many will
get in and who will be the first to
make such a club? is the interest
ing question which will be answered
this fall, says Mr. Stewart.
Lincoln, Nebraska, May 3 0. The
Lincoln Traction Co. today an
nounced a .1-cent an hour reluct ion
in wages for all motormen and con
ductors, effective June 1. The pres
ent scale is 13 to Ho cents an hour
for nporators of one-man cars, and
40 to 45 cents for motormen and
conductors on two-man cars.
The policy of retrenchment, accord
ing to company officials, is forced by
a continued falling off in levenue.
Retrenchment dees not hit the car
men alone. According to the official
announcement, salaries of officers
and others are to be reduced approxi
mately 10 per cent. Several shop
men line-men and office forces are
to be dismissed, it was said. Reduc
tion in working hours, it was an
nounced, it contemplated.
last week.
Are on Their Vacation
Last Thursday F. F. Moore
in Weeping Water last Wednesday.
presidential preference. In the sen
ate S 0,7 61 democratic votes were cast
Sheriff E. P. Stewart and Deputy it the primary and only 17.S39 of
and : W. R. Young were down from the i that number voted for presidential
Four Leaf Clover Club
The Four Leaf Clover club, a so
iety to promote the best eating, met
last Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Knaupe where they had a most
interesting and worth while meeting.
The object of the meeting and the
wife, who are regular on the work; county seat Wednesday looking: af- choice. Hitchcock, a Bryan candi
at the station for the Rock Island , ter some business matters in Wcep-date for delegate at large, received
at Alvo, after being relieved for : ing Water and west of town. j 55,955 democratic votes. Mr. Hall
their vacation . which will extend ssys this means that 3S.116 demo-
ndicrats wno voted at tl
for about ten clays, hopped into j On Wednesday George Towle ai
their tar and departed for
some- family
the primary did
were looking after some (not express a choice for president
where, to celebrate their vacations business in Lincoln, and as he was;v,ni'e only 17.83d in the state did
iiiii get a little relaxation from the: driving out on r. cross street, anoth- j express a preference, therefore it is
strenuous task of caring lor the of- '. er car shot out in front of the one j logic to conclude that 38.116 demo
te here. j Mr. Towle wa3 driving, and as a crats expressed their willingness to
consequence the car of Mr. Towle : leave the matter of choice with the
Titl "Rat? T7Vr7 Sirt was driviiiir struck the other one. i delegation anc in fact it is an unin-
Jackie. the little son of Mr. and causing a slight injury, but as the structe I delegation, all in tifsregar.! I
Mrs. Frank Daugherty, who was
ether man lived in Lincoln and Mr. !of Mr. Hall's circular letter of ad-
T ... t Tr IV 1 ix' a o a cit nor V ncnArcA1 i VI f'P .
taken some time since with the mea- I, y "' "j " :
nn.l v-hirh Ptltwl it, hi twth . iur uamages. ine cars
The Unexcelled Buick Line of Cars
When Better Cars are Bcilt, Bnick will Build Them
This year's Buick is one of the best cars made. In fact
it is far in advance of most cars cn the market today
and when reliable improvements come, Buick will in
the future as in the past, be the first to feature them.
Wc Also Handle Ford Cars
We are carrying a full line of Farming Machinery and
repair for all kinds of machinery. For garage service
and Automobile Repairing you will find our work O-K.
For Trucking Call Us Any Time
of Night or Day
E. W. Thimgan Garage
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
i-win. ui int.- nuij ia in yiuiiivve iiic j i p r-pi verv sick rt
I best and most scientific manner of!..,,., a .fiIi it" 0 ritiMi (force, but no harm was done
diet to bring about the best results. An ic hiD i hoio- tar of Mr. Towle although h
There were twenty-five ladies pres
ent and a general discussion was in
dulged in under the head of the good
of the order. As an evidence that
.they knew what they were talking
about, they were served with ice
(cream and cake at the close of the
discussion. It is a fact all enjoyed
this feature verv much.
their home!fame together with considerable
iorce, nut no narm was done to the
e was
Ladies Enjoy Kensineton
The ladies of the Royal Neighbors
of America last Thursday enjoyed a
he was
. . J l ; i i
rr- tho littlo nno hut ctill hia inn. MUlie 11 Oil IvrUlSCU V. HCU.
dition is not the 'best. Three of his j thrown against the wheel.
teeth were extracted in the hope of
this giving him some relief.
Unlimited amount of money to
lean on eastern Nebraska farm land.
Lowest rates. Applications taken
now for future loans. See 0. J. Pot-
Last at Farriers' & Merchants' Bank,; Hence Men Who Operate Machine
Miss Anna llassler denarted Yes
terday for Lincoln, where she will
spend a few days visiting with rel
atives and friends.
Mrs. F. Y. I lager of Lincoln, who
was here visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. A. L. Tidd, returned this
morning to her home.
Ben Wiles, wife and children, of
Council Bluffs, were here yesterday
for a few hours visiting here with
the relatives and friends.
Waterspar costs no more than var
nishes which are not waterproof.
Read this week's Saturday Evening
Post. Kruger's Paint Store.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Xorthcutt and
daughter of Omaha were here yes
terday spending the day at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CraLill and
Murdock, Nebr.
High-Grade Products!
Blue Ribbon Gasoline, Treated Water White Kerosene.
Pure Pennsylvania Motor and Tractor Oils.
Satisfied customers are making our business grow. Call
cur nearest station, our expense. You'll like our service.
Eagle and Murdock
Savings Offer to Farmers
Notice what you can save by buying your
cultivators under the Moline plan.
Moline see-saw levcrless cultivator, 4-shovel. .$ 45.00
Moline see-saw leverless cultivator, 6-shovel. . 47.00
Moline 2-row wheel guide cultivator, 8-shovel,
complete with tongue, truck, etc 105.00
Same with 12 shovels 110.00
Moline L. C. 2-row listed corn cultivator 80.00
Freight Paid or Allowed to Your Town
Come in and look over the Moline line.
Pflug Implement Company
Moline Plow Company Building
PLcne: Atlantic 6593 8th and Leavenworth Sts.
Omaha, Nebraska
as Owners Do Not Come Under
Compensation Law.
A brief filed with the supreme
I judgment of Judge Colby that James
; Vasey and a half dozen Gage county
; neighbors are not responsible, under
jthe workmen's compensation law, to
I Alfred R. Keefover, who lost an arm
j while tending the thresher they
i owned. The legislature, when it
.passed the compensation law, ex
empted farmers from its operations
and farm laborers from its benefits.
The exact question involved in this
: case has never been passed on by
. the supreme court,
i The state commissioner held that
because the farmers did commercial
threshing they had come out from
under the protection of the law as to
them. The owners say that they (
never did any threshing for anybody
outside of their own group save one
who formerly owned a fourth inter
est and who insisted that he be
served as part of the agreement to
sell his interest.
Attorneys for the defendants, in
their brief, say that to decide that
they are liable will be to break down j
the law thru construction when the ,
intent of the legislature is evident.!
They say it would be a matter of
chagrin and mirth for the supreme
court to tell the farmers that wheat;
threshing is not farming. They in- j
sist that threshing is incident to ,
their regular business of farming :
and community ownership of a small ;
thresher, in their neighborhood, has
supplanted the old "method of one
men ownership going from farm to
The Bates Book and Stationery Store