The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924.
Its mammoth terraces, mighty geysers,
boiling pools, mud volcanoes, and other
hot water manifestations, its gorgeous
Canyon and Great Fall; its whole moun
tain grandeur; its recreational facilities
combine to make Yellow stone at once the
roost spectacular and unique among the
world's summer vacation lands.
Enter at Gardiner and leave via the
iamous Cody Road the 90-mile
scenic motor highway through the
Buffalo Bill country.
Your Burlington tour may include a
thrilling 700-mile ride along the
spectacular east slope of the Conti
nental Divide to Denver. At a slight
extra cost you may visit Rocky
Mountain Nafcionai-iisies Park and
(if your ticket reads BURLiNG
TON) may have a free trip, Den
ver to the Colorado Springs-Pike
Peak region and return.
Catarrh Is a Local disease preatly in
fluenced by Constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which gives Quick
I Relief by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which lets
I through the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces and assists in ridding your G; te:n
of Catarrh.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Year3.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
Aim of Irate Poor and as Result Of
ficers Place Her in Jail to Cool
Her Ardor.
From Wednesday's Daily
j The residents in the main part of
the city had a real thrill late yester
day afternoon that reminded them of
the good old days when to be an of
ficer of the law was to need a brace
of artillery and of the times when a
gun battle was mere morning ex
ercise for the enforcers of the law
and order.
The thriller was furnished by Mrs.
Elizabeth Green when she made a
target for her revolver of Sheriff E.
P. Stewart and Deputy Sheriff W. it.
Young and altho Mrs. Green later
stated that she had not intended
shooting at the sheriff but was aim
ing at Mr. Young. Sheriff Stewart n.n., V:.t,.r in th s.i
only missed the round f bullets by ajurday to Bpend a ,Vw houra and while
silgni margin. i ne snouting occur - ...,n,... ... i . , ...... i nf
in to renew Ins subscription to the
From Monday's laily
G. P. Heil of near Cedar Creek
was here Saturday afternoon for a
few hours attending to some matters
of business.
Elmer Johnson and Harold B.
Jinks were over Sunday visitors In
I Nebraska City with friends, return
ing home last evening.
Charles S. Johnson was at Union
yesterday where lie spent a few hours
at the home of li is daughter, Mrs. A.
W. Propst and family.
J. M. Teegarden and wife, of
Weeping Water, and L W. Teegarden
of. Long Beach, California, were here
yesterday visiting with old time
John Blotzer, wife and children of
near Cedar Creek, were here Satur
day for a lew hours attending to
some matters of business and visit
ing with friends.
Miss Mary Clark, of Denver, who
is now enjoying her vacation from
her duties in the offices of the Bur
lington at Denver, passed through
this city Sunday morning en route to
tives and friends.
Charles Kni lkemeier of
Methodists Debate Question of Sub
stituting Christ's Holy Church
For Holy Catholic Church.
Ask me about it. Let me
hsir: you plan a tr:-p to gey
serland. R. W. GL23SENT,
Ticket Agent
Twenty-five of the Young Lads Start
On Hike This Morning For
Recreation Camp.
From Wednesday's Daily
This morning some twenty-five of
the members of the local troops of the
Boy Scouts departed on a hike with
Camp Gifford as their objective ami
where they will spend the day and
night and return her,- Thursday eve-
Dine. The boys belonging to the
. arii us troops were out at 6 o'clock
this morning and rarin' to go and
witli laughter anil cheers started out
on the long march to the recreation
enter that is maintained in the vi
cinity of Gibson. The boys carried
their blanket rolls and tints and will
enjoy a real outing at the pleasant
camping spots. The Scouts were full
of pep and gave little thought to the
i: . i long mile that figures so promi
nently in the hikes as former service
men can testify to.
Additional provisions were taken
to Camp Gifford this morning by
Jess Perry for the use of the boys
which will give them rations for the
day and tomorrow.
The Scouts will hold their field day
on Friday morning at the baseball
park at 9 o'clock which will be a
program of varied sporting events of
I crreatest interest. Parents and
friend of the scouts are invited to
be in attendance.
I i- r: lay evening the final inves-
titure services of the year will be
held at the high school gym where
t!if honors and credits for the year
v ill be awarded.
red at the Green home on Lincoln
avenue when the officers were seek
ing to place Jess Green, husband of
the woman, under arrest.
Sometime ago Jess Green was ar
rested for possession of liquor and re
ceived one of the familiar $100 and
cost fines in court and while not
possessing the amount promised to
liquidate the claim if he was given a
chance, and accordingly the man was
allowed to go and try to produce the
necessary amount. This he has failed
to do and yesterday afternoon Depu
ty Sheriff Young was dispatched out
; to see why the delay in the settle
ment. Mr. Green was arrested and
requested that he be given an oppor
tunity of securing a reliable secur
ity for the fine and costs and the
deputy sheriff thought to be as kind-
. ty to the man as possible and gave
him this chance, accompanying him
to one of the parties for whom Mr.
; Green had been working w ho declin
ed to come through as a security. It
i was then suggested by Mr. Green that
i he be allowed to drive his car on
home and get ready to accompany the
officer to the county bastile. Mr.
Young rode down to the Green home
and awaited outside while Mr. Green
made his farewell with the wife. In
a few minutes he came out and stated
jthat he wished the wife to accompany
them to see some relatives in an ef
semi-weekly edition of the Joprnal.
J. C. Mefsinger came in Saturday
from his country home near Cedar
Creek to look after the week-end
trading and while in the city took
advantage of the occasion to call at
the Journal office and advance his
subscription for another year and al
to to subscribe for his cousin, Jake
Schafer of Pekin, Illinois.
Mass.. May 26. A
proposal to change the apostles'
creed, substituting the words
"Christ's holy church" for the "holy
Catholic church" caused an eager de
bate at the Methodist Episcopal gen
eral conference here today. Action
was deferred until tomorrow on ac
count of the lateness of the hour.
There is universal dissatisfaction
with this phrasing of the "creed,"
the Rev. Josiah W. Abel of Okla
homa, said in presenting a minority
report favoring the change. Catho
lic was applied in history to a church
filled with bigotry and intolerance,
which Haunted themselves in the
face of the ages. A protest that is
almost a rebellion is ionium up from
our people against its use.
"It is our own fault, if the word
'Catholic' has the wrong meanine to
the people." Dr. Elliott continued.'
"We should so instruct the invisible
body of brotherhood. 'Catholic' in
its real sense is all-inclusive; it is
the word Roman' that excludes
Matching Action to Thoughts
Both Farmers and This Bank are
Doing Just That.
If farmers were lacking in acts, or if you were lacking in
foresight and the insight into this country's needs, just imagine
what a fix this country would be in.
But to the glory of the farmers stands the fact they put
action behind their planning and thoughts of progress ahead of
each year's work. So the nation's greatest industry advances.
We are proud of the privilege of co-operatjng with the
farmers of this community an honor, we feel, won by our help
ful, interested understanding of their banking needs, and our
ability to meet them fully.
Farmers State Bank
T. H. POLLOCK, President
Deposits in this bank protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund.
jjli III! lib! illlimimllMuUlllMmnj I UllUIUIiliiLII UiiiU' 1 WmJIi; IWUItiMrHfff5
fnw.rfn llll Ml UlTrHliwr" (Lr i n )) -ggfjirrirrfffM hill ITU i - iiW
August Pautsch and wife and
Mrs. Ernest Pautsch of near Louis
ville were here today looking after
some business matters and while
here Mr. Pautsch was a caller at
Rev. William G. Alston, dele- ine Jouriial omce and enjoyed a very
from Louisiana, declared that Peasant visit as well as renewing his
use of the words "holy Catholic" in subscription and that ol his brother,
the creed was driving adherents K,nest- 11 waa a v:ry Pleasant op-
jportumty to renew acquaintance
has given me sol
(with a genial and clever gentleman
from the churches
"No one thine
much trouble ail my life as those s,Ich as Mr. Pautsch is
two words." he added.
"I won't give up my family be
cause it's some one else's." the Rev.
Abram W. Harris of the Maine dele
gation, secretary of the board of edu-j
The day of harsh physics is gone.
People want mild, easy laxatives.
Doan's Regulets have satisfied thous
ands. 30c at all druir stores.
Some Good Homes
One 6-rjom house, entirely mod
ern. Close in. Two lots.
One 8-room house. Modern Clot?
in. One lot.
One 5-room house. Close in. All
One 6-room house. One lot Lights,
water and gas. Oak floors. Cheap.
Other good properties. Call phone
No. 548 or
See A. C. MUTZ
Over Wurl's Store Realtor
cation, said. "Let us demand and Plmn
keep the heritage of the past. The j livestock hauling and dray work anv :
word 'Catholic' carries us back tojtime or any place. Plattsmouth, i ARE YOU out of a Job?
the very beginning of the Christian J Neb. m22-d&w us help find you one.
church. Don't lay your hands upon I '
that past. I stand for the creed
Then let
From Tuesday's Daily
Dr. J. F. Brendel, of Murray, was
here today for a few hours, looking
after some matters of business.
John Ifefford of Greenwood, as
sessor of Salt Creek precinct, was
here today making his returns at the
office of County Assessor William
D. O. Hewitt and wife of Green
leaf. Kansas, who were here visiting
at the home of Mrs. Hewitt's moth
er. Mrs. Mary Hem pel, d parted jres
t rday afternoon for their home.
Miss Mildred from departed this
morning for York. Nebraska, where
she will attend the Christian Endeav
or convention of the U. P. church
and goes as the representative of
the Mynard church.
Andrew Uhe. one of the residents
west of the city, was here today at-
fort to raise the funds and this was i tending to some trading and while
agreed to and Mr. Green returned to' here was a caller at the Journal cf-IFVom Wednesday's pally
the house and when sufficient time!fice and had his name added to thel 1 lie St. Johns school entertain-
:had expired. Mr. Young started to'l'st of readers of the Journal at the ment held last evening at the K. of
my father said it and as I want my
son to sav it."
Tiffin. O., May 26. Delegates to
the twenty-fourth quriennial general
conference of the Methodist Protest
ant church voted unanimously to
day to drop the word "Catholic"
from the apostles' creed. As amend
ed, the church law reads: "I believe
in the holy church of Christ." in
stead of "in the holy Catholic
( hurch."
flay 31
Very Large Crowd at Entertainment
Given at K. of C. Hall Spon
sored by C. D. of A.
ii-tc....- -
No article in cur
store has brought
us more friends
and fewer com
plaints than In
terwoven Socks.
They fit best, look
best, wear best
and if that doesn't
prove they are
best, w e don't
know what 'best'
At all events, our
Interwoven custo
mers entertain no
dcubt on the subject.
From Wedne.da y'm DaiJy
Last evening a number of the
ool friends of Richard Hartley,
one of the members of the graduat
ing class of this year, tendered him
a surprise laut evening at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Lillian Hartley,
the event being in the nature of a
farewell as Airs. Hartley and son are
tearing today for Nebraska City
where they will make their home in
the future.
The evening was spent in games
and music that proved very enjoy
able and during the evening toasts
were given by Gerald Fleming, one
of the classmates, the guest of hon
or. Richard Hartley, Miss Hartley
and Mr. C. H. Peden gave speeches
in honor of the leave taking with
the young friend.
At a suitable hour refreshments
were served that added to the enjoy
ment of the members of the party
and at n late hour the members of the
party departed for their homes wish
ing their friends success and happi
ln their new home. Mrs. Hart
l y was assisted in serving by a sis
ter. Those attending were Misses Isabel
Hartley. Marie Hutchison. Dorothy
Sit tier. Elizabeth Sitzman. Messrs.
aid Fleming. Herman Tiekotter,
nard Meisfnger, Clarence H. Ped
en and Richard Hartley.
knock on the door to see what was
the delay. At this stage of the garrfb
the enemy started their offensive,
the irate helpmate of Mr. Green strik
ing the officer fore and aft and he
was compelled to retire a short dis
tance and also secured the assistance
of Sheriff Stewart as a combined at
tack by the husband and wife was
thought in prospect. When the sher
iff arrived the officers again approach
ed the house and this time Mrs.
Green appeared armed with a re
volver and without any delay fired
at the officer. The attack served to
remind Sheriff Stewart of the Spanish-American
war days when he was
fighting in the Philippines, as the
bullet whistled by only a few inches
from his head. The sheriff and his
local postoffice
Mrs. W. J. Hart wick, accompanied
by her little grandchildren, lietty
and Mary Briggs arrived last evening
and will visit here at the home of Mr.
and Mm. M. S. Briggs and family.
The Hartwick family are now located
at Winner, South Dakota, where are
also located the Leland Briggs
family and where Mr. Hartwick is
conducting a candy factory.
From Wednesday's Daily
Robert Patterson and W. D. Wheel
er were here today from their farm
homes south of the city, delivering
a truck load of chickens here.
Otis Barnes of Nehawka was
among the visitors in the city today
('. hall under the auspices of the
Catholic Daughters of America, was
a very decided success in every way
and reflected the greatest credit on
the little folks taking part and the
Sisters and Mrs. O. Sandin who had
charge of directing their efforts.
The opening chorus of the enter
tainment. "Come Where the Lillies
Bloom" was especially effective and
wafl followed by the two act play,
"Stolen by the Gypsies." in which
the young people displayed the most
marked ability. The members of the
cast were: Agnes Brink. Dorothy
Brink. Mary Swatek, Alice Schlater.
Helen Woolcott. Anna Wooster, Mary
.-Vhlater. Catherine Phillips. Patri
cia Flynn. Pauline Gradoville. Wil
lard Brink. Catherine Flvnn. Helen
deputy disarmed the frenzied woman' ard was caller at the Journal and Koubek, Franc s Sedlak, Anna May
before she could fire again and per-
entered his name as a subscriber to
nans add more serious eharerea to her:tne JournaI-
offense. When the woman had been1 James Hoover, the assessor of
made harmless the officers started a!Loulsville precinct, was here today
search for the husband but he was'vis,tin8 witn hIs friends and niak
not to be found and had evidently ' ,nK hls returns to County Assessor
taken advantage of the gun battle j William Rummell.
to get away in the clear. Theodore and Robert Hadraba de-
Mrs. Green was arrested and brot parted this morning for Lawrence,
to the county lall where she was Nebraska, where they will spend
lodged in the woman's ward of the! 'heir vacation visiting with relatives
Jail to remain until 6he was given a
hearing on the charge of having re
sisted an officer and for her attempt
ed shooting. .
t 1 f ;..,. .1 . ..... . ..' .
aim iiR'iiuo lit. ii i i i .1 1 pidv.c.
Hillard Grassraan departed
Coe and Jjeel
An old line Life Insurance com
pany with over fifty yean of service
B an opening for general agency
Cam county and vicinity. The ap
int must be capable of develop
ing territory. Best fllroct Home Office
contract with the rlht man All
i ccrrespondence confidential. Address
Agency director, 1215 City National
Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska.
Silks, wools, lisles, Inter
woven Socks are incon
testably the greatest valne
in men's hosiery today.
Come and see for yourself.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
pl xion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying the blood,
ring the skin, restoring sound dl-i-Minn.
All druggists sell it. Price.
See F. G. Egenberger for Real Eg
tate and Insurance. Office at corner
of 7th 4 Vine streets. Telephone 372.
We. buy cream for Harding Cream
o. George W. Olson, 142 So. 6th
St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Phone 195.
m22-dft w
From Wednesday's Daily
morning for Omaha where he was
called by the fact that his mother,
Mrs. Ed Stoner. is to be operated on
there today for an abcess in her
throat and will remain until after
the operation.
Ernest Pfiffer. wife and daughter,
The Cedar Creek ball team under Miss Elizabeth, who have been spend-
the management of Raymond Lohnes:lng the winter in Florida, arrived
motored to Snrinfleld Sundav after-! here this morning for a visit with
noon where they met the team of their cousins the Misses Mia and j qh ino on (hp school and its work for
Sandin, Ingeburg Reichstadt, Stella
Hyde, Emily Lorens.
The piano numbers in the inter
missions by Mrs. R. G. Reed ami
Miss Mildred Schlater were also very!
much enjoyed by the large audience. I
Damian Flynn also added to the in-l
terest of the program with one of his
very delightful vocal solos.
A reading "Back In Squashville." i
was given by Dorothy Gradoville and .
an action song by Agnes and Ger
trude Brink also served to help en
terrain the Jolly crowd.
The members of the school also,
gave a one act sketch. "Train to
Maiiro." in which Charles Nowasek,
G. Stoll. Robert Hyde. James Nowa
sek, Leo Sikora. B. Woolcoott, Al
bert Toman and Frederick Knieke.
Arthur Kopp, Robert Bestor, Delores
The close of the entertainment was
short address by Rev. Fnther M. A.
Will give away two-quart
Handy Grip can filled
with Texaco Motor Oil,
with every ten gallons of
gasoline and one quart of
oil sold at station.
With every five gal'ons of
Gtsoline sold at the sta
tion, there will be a can of
Lubricating Oil or a one
pound can of Cup Grease
or a quart of Oil in engine
Carry it
ht ii nit -
Visit Our New Station, Chicago
Avenue and Pearl Street
that city in a game of the national ! Barbara Gering and old friends while tllo yenr
pastime, which resulted in the Sand;en route 10 tanrornia wnere iney
Pit boys losing by a 9 to 5 score. w111 niake their home.
Errors was the contributing cause: Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom of Avoca
to the Cedar Creek defeat. and Mrs. Ed Wilcox of this city de-
Herbert Swanson was on the! parted yesterday afternoon for Oma
mound for Cedar Creek and held the ha where they attended a party giv
Springfield boys to six scattered hits) en by their sister, Mrs. Joe Sindelar
and put 14 batters down by the; at her home 135 No. 35th avenue,
strikeout route. The fielding of Ru-in honor of Mrs. Warwick Saunders
dolph Meisinger at short was bril-1 of Kansas City and Mrs. Will Rich
liant. Lohnes and Zimmerman star-l ardson, Jr., who is soon to leave for
red with the stick, each getting three
hits out of five trips to the plate.
Smith, the Springfield hurler, was
knocked from the mound in the sev
enth inning when Cedar Creek drove
in their five runs. Gotch succeeded
in holding the visitors down for the
remaining two innings. Batters for
Cedar Creek were Swanson and War
ren; Springfield, Smith, Gotch and
Wichita, Kansas.
Ft US TBS ftfW. Tf Uttt til
Jeweler's showcase, bench and
regulator. Mrs. Crabill, Louisville, I
Neb. !
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching ; v
almost drives you mad. For quick !$
Preceding the entertainment the
ladies of the C. D. A. conducted a
bazaar in the afternoon and supper
from 5 to 8 o'clock which was very
largely patronized and as the result
of the entertainment there will be
some $400 realized for the school.
relief, Doan's Ointment is well recom
mended. 60c at ail stores.
Eagles' Hall
The Eagles will give an
other of their pleasant social
dances at the Eagles hall.
Old Fashioned Dance
Good Music
Gents, including tax 75
Spectators, inc. tax 35
From WtdnuiUr i I :!
Last Tuesday while playing In t!i
yard of their home, David ami Buy
mond Lancaster WSfS turning tilt
knives of a lawn mower and iratotl
inr it spin when Kaviuoiid who in
..ionly four yeain of jre, M.t Mn thumb
tin the rapidly whirling knives nd
.Lithe end of it wai severed nii iiu-
Jexeeption f I -mull portion ( III
"Siskin on the bail of the thumb lit
knife euttini off h portion t iit
bone, The little fellow waa brought
to Murray and lr (J II i.n , ,
dressed tin- wound sewing 01 tl'"
part hoping it might .rilw m
. place again i.hii.- Kr.n i whll
I I only four years of sks baa had three
J j accident before In each r whleh he
j has had to lia- hlltcln-M In clone (he
j" contusions.
t For croup or sore throat use Dr.
r Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes. 0c
Get It
then forget it!
Get enough ot these Mun
ing union suits to allow
for the daily change, and
be all set to stand summer s heat.
riirsc garments are cut full and roomy, and will
not hind or chafe. We take your measurements
carefully, and see that you get the right size. No
matter whether short or fat or long or slim, we can
(it vu rxactlv. No elastic in back to tear or break.
All SizeF.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
4 1 4"I"M' 'H-i-fr 4 and 60c. At all drug: stores