The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, KAY 30, 1924.
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
a most pleasant visit. On Sunday, '-awav for about fortv venrs Th
the Rev. Elliott and family accom-!trip was a very pleasa"nt one to Val-
panied Miss Wood home and made , paraiso and all enjoyed the ride in!
the trip in tneir auto. the pleasant weather.
A few days since Mrs. C. L. Elliott
had the misfortune to slip and fall'
Jarvis Lancaster of near Murray
was a business visitor in Union on
last Monday afternoon.
Merchant L. G. Todd received and
unloaded a car load of salt for the
store on last Monday. .
Sheriff E. P. Stewart was looking
after some business matters in Un
ion on last Thursday.
Morris Pollard of Xehawka was a
visitor with friends in Union on -last
Friday for a few hours.
J. D. Cross, the manager of the
telephone company of Union was dis
tributing the new telephone lists.
Dr. F. W. Race was spending two
days this week at University Place
where he has a number of patients.
Jackie Coogan in "A Boy in Flan
ders" at the Nehawka Auditorium,
June 3rd and 4th, 10 and 30 cents.
All boys under 12 years admitted
free when accompanied by both par
Uncle Eli Eaton who was feeling
quite badly last week, is reported as
being about himself again this week.
J. C. Xiday was shelling and de
livering his corn last Monday the
same going to the Fanners 'eleva
tor. Norman Crawford of Nebraska
City was a visitor at the home of his
brother. I.. W. Crawford xor me uay
! down the cellar stairs at her home!
I with the result that she was quite
Mable Had the Mumps
Yes, that was the reason the Mrs.
. . . i n 1 ...v.:i i i. ...... iuc utici emu ci-
friends at AUDurn, maxing iue uiv.uau.; vc uu" fieient saleslady of the L. G. Todd
in their auto and found the roads ex- were broken the lady is very sore and company store was absent from
cellent. I from her experience. She, however, her accustomed place for some ten
Merchant L. G. Todd took a header is getting along very well, but will J" acc 0"oJe? CGi3 acain at the
off a portion of the cellar steps and be some time before she will be as iar J r aZ eVvin the maS?
while not suffering very badly from spry as is her custom. customers of the store
his experience has a very lame back The concrete gutters and crossings '
on account of the misstep. winch the village of Union ordered
Preparations for the giving of a late last fall and which was not pos
rantata at the time of the children's sihle to get constructed before the
Service from i
Union Young Man Making Good
Herbert laKue who has been lo-
linffrain and wife of Lincoln 8th are being worked out by the put in at this time. W. H. Marks. druff stare, was a visitor at his home
u-Arp JpTat the hospitable home ladies of the Methodist church. .chairman of the streets, alleys and n I n ion for the past week and re-
ere guests ai i ue nup on; . 0scar Dowier, who has been at Ex- biidges committee is looking after turned to his work on last Monday.
f Vi" street I celsior Spring, Mo., where he was the constructing and on last Monday Herbert hci3 an excellent position and
east u street. shipping a taking treatment, returned home on which a force of men, composed of :s to fill a large number of pre-
f,w rirs of wood to Lincoln just re- last Sunday feeling much better but. O. A. Keene. Wymore Fletcher and scriptiona every day, sometimes run-
what sore from the treatments, joy warrens, were putting me work a ig" as tony, lie win ex-
finds a nnod market some
Tnr the nroduct 1 which he has been taking.
rt Aiio-onH nf Annum witn me i " . . .w
A-f . cxwx ws -
in across the
at lower hotel.
street west
ifarnirv were visiting on last sunaay nausmuuiu wai oai.uuuj iu
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. his final papers entitling him to full Ford Attacks Gate Post
Allgood of Union. iciiiiciirinif a ..j ... naun uaut-i auu msut, anua
I jjisg Angie McCarroll who is C. E. Xoyes of Louisville and Wal- Pauer were visiting last Sunday at
I teaching school in L.ineoin was noiiici iv-ia .i dn.c.n.... Ul .ur. umi .rs... iiaroiu
last week from Fridav until Monday, Joseph Fetzer and C S. Johnson of Nichols near Greenwood, they mak-
the Iect to remain with the present po
sition for the present and later will
go to Chicago for a more extended
course in chemistry. Herbert, who
is an excellent young man. is mak
ing good in the west which is a pleas
ure to his many friends here.
t WM. F. RACE, M. D.
4 General practice. Special
attetion given to deep seated
diseases. Union, Nebraska.
returning to her work. i Plattsmoutn were visiting in union in j the trip in tiie new ear of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. YV. B. Banning were 'for Sunday. Mr. Fetzer at the home Bauer. The trip was a fine one and
Held Memorial Services
On Isst Sunday at the Methodist
Lincoln last Sunday where they j of his daughter. Mrs. J. M. Patterson without incident in the going and re- church in Union the Rev. C. L. EI-
were guests of friends and were vis
iting the city as well.
while Mr. Johnson was a guest at turning, but you know a Ford car; liott delivered the memorial sermon
the home of his daughter, Airs. A. . they aie stubborn, and this one re- and was assisted bv the Rev H II
Mrs. V. H. Marks who has been fropsi. luseu to go in at the gate when they Planck and the two churches were
V feeling quite badly for a number of -' Word was received in Union of the arrived but a little coaxing allowed well represented in the gathering.
X.davs last week is reported as Deing ; opera uuu 01 .wis. ueuic i. iduuu, inin 10 get past. Aot so wne-n tliey
When You Bury
Your Dead
insist on your undertaker usin
the Miller-Gruber automatic con
crete sealing vault. It protects
the remains of the loved ones
Manufactured by
Miller S Gruber,
Nehawka, Nebraska
some improved this week
Geo. II. Shrader was looking after
some business matters in Platts
mouth on last Friday and was accom
panied by Mr. Gilbert Hull.
George Bailey and wife of Grand
Isiand were visiting in Union for a
short time last week, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Crawford.
Mont Robb was a visitor in Platts
mouth last Saturday where he was
looking after some business matters
and also visiting with friends.
Attorney A. L. Tidd and C. D.
Quinton of Plattsmouth were in Un
ion last Friday looking after some
matters of business for a short time.
Messrs.. and Mesdames F. M. Strait
and J. F. Strait of Hamburg. Iowa,
were spending last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCar
E. Y. Keedy and wife were spend
ing last Sunday with relatives and
which was undergone at talis city es.ayed to return for the combina-
last week, a hospital at Kansas City tion of steam, wood, gasoline, oil
and reports tell of the patient get- and electricity took umbrage at the
ting along nicely at this time. gr.te post and attacked it almost de
Mrs. Santa True of east of Union molishing the post but not coming
has been feeling quite poorly for ofr' anv too well itself, for one of its
' cnni a time nnst am hn hppn rpepiv- fo'iiloru warn li-wll.- .1 o m .1 o-n.l 1.
ing treatment from Dr. J. W. Thorn- wise -the car came home all right and eryweu ami
as for Nehawka. Mrs. True has high will no doubt in the future work as bei.ns4ome taa'n seemed
blood pressure which is giving her docile as a Kentucky mule
some trouble of late. I
Ready For Your Work
I am located in the Foster building, next to the
blacksmith shop and ready for all your repair work in
the automobile line, and which we guarantee to be done
in the very best manner and at prices which will meet
with your approval.
Trucking Stoek! Buying Stock!
I am prepared to do your trucking on short notice,
hauling your stock to market or I will purchase what
you have to sell in this line.
Call me for service in either case.
Edward A. Dowler
Phone No. 54 Union, Nebraska
George Wood of Louisville, who i:j Are You Good in Figures?
a wizard in mathematfes will be in If not or if you are, come out to
Union and demonstrate in the teach- the Methodist church at Union Wed
ing of figures from a different and a nenday evening. June 4, and see the
more effective method than hereto- "Mathematical Wizard"' show you
fere used. Better see this man and how to figure correctly. Mr. George
hear his new methods. They wili Wood will give a performance for
Arrived Home last Week
Last Wednesday Charles McXam
ee who had gone to Florida to ac
company his brother, Amos McNani
ee home, who was not feeling very
well, arrived with the brother, who
the fact
to be a
tonic in the restoration of his health. '
Amos while not well by any means,
was feeling pretty fair after the long
trip. ,
Charles Ray Featured at
Union Theatre Saturday
IF you apply Carey Fibre Coating to a com
position or metal roof, you will increase its
life many years.
You will get the cheapest roof service in
dollars per year by painting now.
Asphalt and preservative oils in the Fibre
Coating are absorbed by the old roof materials
which again become' pliable and full of life.
The heavier asphalts fill the pores and cracks.
These asphaltic compounds are bound with
everlasting asbestos fibre, immune to rot,
burning and disintegration.
Save your roof now!
Phone us for an estimate of Carey Fibrr
help you.
D. W. Foster has purchased a new
Dodge sedan which the family arc
haying much pleasure in driving.
The Dodge is an excellent wagon ane
one which will give very good satis-
t:i benefit of the church on this
date. The orchestra will
30:11? selections.
Scran Iron," featuring Chas. Rav .
render an'! Vl'ra Steadman will be the fea-l
,.,,,.. ... .... t'; 1 !
Saturday night. The story of a boy!
wlo had to light for all he got-
first for his mother, then for his girl. :
and then for himself. Remember'
"S.rap Iron" in the Saturday Even-!
mg Post?
Tli ere will also be shown a 2 -reel
theatre, Saturday
Hold Memorial at Wabash
Last Sunday at Wabash the morn-
faction to the owner and is a very n;r services were held at the Bap
sturdy vehicle capable of long life tit church at which the Rev. W. A.
services. Taylor delivered the address and in
. .. . .. , X , , ft . . , . . . . 1. . 1 .. . . . .
Little uorottiy Koster. daughter of "' """7" ua ver, Toonerville comedy. "Toonerville
air. and .Mrs. it. E. roster, in the ex- ot-L.cfB uem m Tactics" Union
aminations held for the eighth grade V. abash cemetery and were attended njght.
was the highest in the Union schools J-v A ,are numoer 01 pe-opie irom
while her sister. Louise, was the, Wabash and Murdock and the sur- TOOT,.TTr A
onlv one of the 7th grade to pass' rounding territory. - ; WP.EATH FOR UNKNOWN
in four studies of the Sth grade, both j PAUT OF PRESIDENT'S PLAN
very good records. 1 Have Pleasant Drive Sunday '
- A "pickup" ball game was had at With the new auto, Mr. and Mrs. Washington, May 27. President'
Sciota last Sundav when the snec- D. W. Foster and their two daugh- Coolidge plans as a part of his pro-'
tators were enlivened by soma ex- ters. Mrs. Nettie Stanton and Miss gram for Memorial day to place a '
flellent playing for in the aggregate Mary E. Foster at the wheel, and wreath on the tomb of the unknown iu
some forty or less scores were made, with Mrs. jcmfi't'Browne, who has soiiier at Arlington before he tleliv-
hnf Inct 1 Iiaw - thiw -vt. AK-vKAeiA r lton vicif iiifr frr tlio nict wncilr rrs the Tintrintif nr1ilrf53 at mpninrinl .
" j.-v ' ' ' 1 . v. 11 IV. V.I 1V V 11 l ' v . 1 . . ' . v , 1 . v . ' . . 1 v '.-' . " ' " "-" ...v.
T . ' r . . . ... . . e ai II . . C . . I . ciati- I 1 li n . . . .v I, I li ,v n In 1 . .
uu une viiua ior sure. Anyway, suesi ui ije rosier lainiiy, wem en m-cj m, auiinmiiuain; in iuc
they all had a good time. to Valparaiso where Mrs. Browne is great cemetery. It has been the
: Miss Leora Wood of Louisville was: to visit for a short time before go- practice of the chief executive here
a visitor on last Wednesday staying ; ing to her home which now is Black- tofore to place the wreath at the
ptntil Sunday at the home of her foot. Idaho. Mrs. Brown, formerly unknown's tomb on armistice day
friend. Miss Eileen Elliott and here Mis Jennie Tucker, resided in this a"d the present to be established
she with the Elliott family enjoyed portion of Cass county but has been Memorial day will be followed here--
after. General Pershing has accepted
... . -t , two invitations to deliver addresses
23BZ3 on Memorial day. The first will be
at Newark, N". J.. where a monument
Plattsmouth, Kebr.
You can obtain a complete set of
is to be unveiled, and the second at
Passaic, X. J., at similar ceremonies.
Dr. Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
1 will be in Dr. Race's office, Union, Nebraska, on
Saturday, June 7th, 1924
and every two weeks thereafter
prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work,
including Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at
very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited.
We have an all new modern home for sale, any
style, any kind and any size.
Material is as cheap now as it has been for several
years and perhaps as cheap as it will be for several years
to come.
Have a look at our Plan Books and let us help
you decide on 'a home this spring.
You need the home, kve need the business. Let's
get together
We Appreciate Your Patronage
Frans ' Bros. Lumber Go.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
4 "free"
By Trading At Our Store
These pieces and a
hundred others ab
solutely free to our
customers. We are
dividing our profits
we" are making: it
more than worth
your while to
Milwaukee, May 27. The major
ity of American schools are lost to
God and the gospel and today are the
scats of unsound teaching and the
prolific mothers of modernist preach
ers all because Satan, working with
his trump card, is ever busy, was
the assertion made here late today
by the Kev. u . B. Riley, Minneapo
lis, before the Baptist Bible union,
a fundamentalist organization.
I Schools named by Dr. Riley as hav
ing deviated from the course of orth
odox teaching are: Harvard, Prince
ton and Rochester universities, An
dover college and the Union Theo
logical Seminary. Among others
which fall in line. Dr. Riley said,
were Crosier, Xewton, Center, Col
gate, Brown and the University of
Turning to the principal issue be
fore the unjon sessions, that of mod
ernistic attack on fundamentals, the
speaker declared the Baptist denomi
nation is passing through one of
"those spasms of doubt to which the
church of God has been subjected
since its birth.."
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
-Ji increase. As u prevention is better..
jthan ak.cure, the Sock ow;ncr .must
I be ever watchful for these pests. Lice-
. .. . . . . 1 . . 1. . 1
remain on me Doay oi ui ora wuue
mites live on the under side of the
roosts and in cracks and crevice3
about the house and their presence
may be readily detected. Salt and
pepper patches on the under side of
the roosts or a characteristic "buggy"
odor indicates mites. If taken in
time and by keeping conditions about
the house or coop "clean" these para
sites can do but little harm. Be
cause of their different habits of life
mites require different treatment
!than lice. Cleaning the house thor
oughly, spraying it and painting the
roosts and nests with a wood preserv
er or creosote will "get" the mites.
Xothing more effective or economical
than sodium fluoride could be used
to rid the birds of lice. For a spray
that is available, effective and eco
nomical a solution made from the
refuse tractor or auto crank case oil
diluted with kerosene is very satis
factory. As yet no method of ridding
the hens, chick3 and houses of lice
Slaughtering T. B.-Cattle
The following men were guests of
the Cudahay Packing company one
day last week and watched some of
the re-acting cattle from Saunders
county slaughtered: Henry Meier
jurgen. Murdock; Ivan Balfour, Un
ion; Mr. and Mrs. John Kaffenberger,
Plattsmouth; P. H. Hild and son,
Plattsmouth; Oscar Domingo, Mon
roe Wiles and Mr. Peter Spangler,
Weeping Water.
Food and Nutrition Meeting
The second meeting of the food and
nutrition series, which is being put
on in the county by Miss Atwood. ex
tension specialist, was held at Elm
wood, Wednesday, Slay 21. Fourteen
delegates or seven clubs were repre- and mites by "putting it in the drink-
sented. Summary of the work done ing water" or "hanging a bottle of
the past month with the serving of
vegetables in many different "W&ys,
was given and from this a recipe
book will be compiled by the ladies
of these groups. Food calendars were
distributed by Miss Atwood and each
lady scored her meals for ,that day
and proved her meals with the food
rule which is based on an equal
amount of vegetables, meats bread,
cereals and potatoes, sugary foods
and fats. The food calendar also
contained blanks for the family's
menu for a week and each woman
will keep this record for one week
and report it back at the next nieet
insr. These meetiners are nrovincr tft
jbe very interesting and helpful.
Control Lice and Mice
With the coming of warmer weath
er lice and mites become a prob
lem to the poultry flock owner be
cause the warmer weather provides
it in the poultry house has proven
of value. If further information is
desired write the farm bureau office
for bulletin on "Mites and Lice on
5i2-qt. Tea Kettle
- i - ill! I(,!h'',l.ii:iiliilili.!'il';iil''.''''':'';''-i
18y2-inch Perfection Turkey Roaster
Come in and
see our beauti
ful display of
Ask for a cata
logue describ
ing the differ
ent pieces.
From Wednesday's Daily
This morning. Rev. and Mrs. H. G.
McClusky and daughter. Catherine,
; departed for St. Joseph and Parks
. ville, Missouri, where they visit with
' f rion 1 qnt 1 n iirfto o n I tw V fin
Parksville will attend the reunion of
the class at Parks college of which
both Rev. and Mrs. McClusky were
members. The reunion will cover
several days and the pastor be ab-
gj seni irom uie city sunaay ana as the
i result there will be no services held
on Sunday at the church.
conditions more favorable for their 'Xehawka.
From W4iicar' Dilr
A message was received here today
from Mrs. A. B. Taylor, who wag call
ed to Xicholas, California, by the
death of her son, John Taylor, an
nouncing that she was bringing the
body of the deceased son back to this
city and that the funeral party would
arrive here at 4; 30 Thursday after
noon. The interment will be in the
Horning cemetery but the hour of
the funeral has not as yet been an
nounced. Mrs. Taylor was accom
panied on her sad mission west by
lier sister, Mrs. Z. w. Shrader, of
Let Us Stand the Expense of Equipping Your Kitchen with
Aluminum Cooking Utensils Full Particulars at
The Corner Store Union, Nebr.
- W H. Sheeley, Manager
I The state Sunday school conven
. tion at X,ebraska City is attracting!
a great many delegates and visitors
this week and the Plattsmouth dele
gation there has been quite large.
Rev. 11. G. McClusky and wife. Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Rawls, Mrs. S. S.
Chase, Miss Estelle Baird, Rev. F. E.
Pfoutz, C. C. Wescott, Mrs. Ed Trive
ly, Mrs. Ed Roman were among
those going there yesterday. This
morning Rev. Pfoutz. A. H. Duxbury
and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wescott were
in attendance.
Gut Flowers
Potted Plants
Floral Designs
OPEN EVENINGS and Sundays.
Rags wanted at the'
' 6reenhous6 Pinne 34. '
Journal office.