THURSDAY. MAT 22, 1924. FLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOT7BHAI r Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If fcr.r Of iba rtAi' rs of the Journal knor of any social eveoi or Item of Interest In this vicinity, and will mail lime to this oflice. it w!U ap Iear under -Lis hetdiiiv' We want all news lte ma Editor nesday. them. Miss Widhflm a:xompanied Evan the beaten path has holes that men fall into. -n Follow the "Seaien Path" To Our Bank Our Guaranty Fund System is nothing more nor less than Free Insurance for the prctec t. ;. of your funds. Since we provide this ser- I KLh in addition to ren- Mareelling and Bobbins. Florene M. Tritsch, Plattsmouth. Xeb. Tele phone No. SO. W. J. Philpot was a visitor in Om aha last Tuesday, driving over to the big city in his Universal car. J. D. Pitman shipped two cars of corn from the elevator to the Kansas City market last Wednesday. The Farmers Elevator company, of corn from the elevator to the farm W. F for fetlinir nnmniwi last Til funfair iihn is O. E. McDonald and wife, and their Standard Oil company, was a visitor family. Building Coining Nicely The new building for Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Spangler which is in course of construction, is coming along nicely at this time, the plastering having been completed and the stucco on the outside about finished. Mr. Win. Oberhalte of Nehawka and Mr. Fred L. Hild have the matter of the stucco BBS s- iii hand. Mr. Hild is also erecting a Joureeson of Plattsmouth, Srage and chicken house which will thp rtnrpspntativp nf thp he a most convenient building to this J Murray shipped two cars of corn to i court son Robert and daughter. Marguerite, were visiting with Mrs. Myra McDon ald for a few hours last Sunday. C. A. Trent was in Plattsmouth for a number of days last wtek and the first of this week, where he was serving as a juror in the district the Omaha market on last Tuesday. Fred Englekemeier shelled and de livered corn from his home some six miles west of Murray on last Tues day. Ora, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. with Wm. Wehrbcin and W. G. Boedek er shipped hogs and cattle to the couth Omaha market and the ship ment being made on last Tuesday af ternoon. Word pomt'3 from Omaha, where A. Wilber. is having a tussle ! C. H. Boedeker is convalescing at the measles and is getting I the hospital, that he is making some along nicelv. Mrs. L. V. very substantial Pitman, after nursing i this time. improvements at their little daughter through spell of the measles is at this time having them herscit. Uncle S. G. Latta has just at this time been having his house painted, which is being done by Philip Lam bert, the painter. Glen Boedeker was called to Lin coln onust Wednesday to look after some business matters and made the trip in his car. Messrs Aubrey Hopkins and Frank Dili have just concluded the planting of 130 acres of corn each to have one-half the crop. Lee Nickks was on the market at South Omaha witu some hogs on 1 u r Wpilnpsrlav ihpv linvin i,.-. n ce, would it not be to .your , shipped the day before. c d vantage to ccme with us. ! See w- T Richardson. Mynard. Ne braska, before buying your paint. von 't you discuss it with us? I m22-aw, d3twtl Phillip Hild shipped a couple of vice in Murray coming to confer with W. E. Palmeter regarding some business matters. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, who has been quite ill for some time was reported as naving spent a sngntiy oetter night on last Monday and was feel ing somewhat improved on Tuesday of this week. Frank Mrasek and Curley Reeves have been quite busy during the past week fixing up around the bathing leach and were on last Tuesday wiring the pool in order that at the night bathing there may be plenty of litjht. LeKoy Jarvis. who has been mak ing his home in Omaha, where he is salesmanagt r for a hosiery company, was visiting the folks, the wife and baby as well as Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. J: m s R. Hill and Prank Davis rshipped a car of cattle and boa from the farm southwest of Murray to tire Omaha market last Tuesday and the stock wu3 accompanied by Mr. Hill, who went along to see the stock dis posed of. Floyd Baxtpn and his mother. Mrs. George W. Saxton. of near Union, were in Murray last Tuesday after noon, coming to look after some bugi- Insuiance Paid Promptly About a year ago. John M. Bart lett bought a $5,000 policy in the Equity Life Insurance Company from the local agents. Jeff Brendel and Lee Kniss. On May ;th he died, bav ins: naid one year's premium. The j proofs of death were submitted to the ' Equity Life Insurance company on the following Monday and on Tues i day morning the check for $5,000 was delivered to Mrs. Bartlett. de: ng a!l ordinary bank ser- Mr-. Arthur Copenhaver. who is an autmoobile saleslady, was in Mur ray last Tuesday afternoon looking after some matters of business in the auto line. Eno-i Rover, who has been making his home in Colorado for soma tiun . arrived in Murray with his family and will make their home here in the future. The children of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Tilson are having a siege of the measles but are getting along nicely and it is hoped they will soon be over the malady. Mesdames W L. SevboMt and J. F. Brendel were visiting and looking ness and also to consult their physi after some shopping in Plattsmouth I clan regarding the condition of the last Tuesday morning, driving overjneaiin oi .urs. baxton. Wayne Lewis who has been get- in their car Jackie Coogan in ders" at June 3rd and 4th A Boy in Flan- ti;;;; aiong batching for some time IMbI ax ii ww. mint if tlii ha r. n .1 the Nenawka Auditorium., on hp in 0milha. wenl lin n ,aB( loull be welcome spy cars of cattle from Mynard to the fll boys under 12 years admitted live stock market at Omaha on Tues- tree when accompanied dv DOtn par- time. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska SLOGAN There is No Substitute for Safety day afternoon of this week Harry McCulloch has been painting 'the buildings at the bathing beach and is getting all the things about , the place looking spie and span. " j Uncle B. A. Root was a vis. tor for I a good portion of last week at the I home of friends and relatives at Lin coln, returning home last Saturday. ents Last Friday Wayne Lt wis, the barber, was visiting for a short time at Union, driving down ir. bis aul for a short isit with his sister. Mr Earl Merritt. Mesdames Earl Merritt and E I Lewis and the latter's family wer visiting at Murray and .:t the bom i of town i John Campbell was delivering his of J. D. Lewis northwest wheat to the elevator and hauling for last Sunday. LI The j e2 11 sVJurray, Nebraska - Sunday and returned with the folks and they are now keeping house and Wayne says this is more like it. I r. and Mrs. Karl Nottingham, with their little babe, were in Mur ray last Tuesday afternoon from their horn- in Wyoming, driving up to look after business and aso to see the doctor about the little one who has been rather sickly for som time. Mrs. Warwick Saunders and son. Kansas City, have been at Mynard f-jr some time past visiting at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. W. T. Rich ard sod, parents of Mrs. Saunders, and grandparents to the children. g? j Tin y are enjoying the visit here very 9 1 Ifn TrwarU C.Ar i. h lion k.inn ...... .juji jjh v . i n , i ; j uccu working In Omaha for several months Tl ' I't 1 . - ' . 1 - 1"! .-i , 1 - r- nf h m. T , . . i f . . . . ,'..1, . . . Mailing ci xii liliill' lui :. I j few days this week as the work at j ihe piacos where she has been was so jicxa iing and wiu sucn long hours, i that she thought it better to take a rest for a few days and then go hac k after she had potten the matters! ibont the home here straightened ; Enjoy Birthday Surprise On Tuesday of this week was the 5cth anniversary of the birth of Mrs. I Emma March o;' Plattsmouth who re sided in Murray for a number of years and so on last Sunday the children and the families went to riattsmouth to her home where t!:ey surprised this good woman and gave her a most pleasant surprise and en joyable day. A dinner was taken along which was so arranged thai all were able to eat at once and en joy the sociability as well as the good dinner. During the afternoon ice cream and cake was served and an abundance of trood music and sociable conversation reminiscent of the for mer times when all lived in Missouri enlivened the occasion. There were th re for the occasion. Messrs. Ear! end Jarvis Lancaster, ber sons, and th ir families; Mesdames Joe Hath away and' Harry MoCullock. her daughters and their families; Enos Reyer and family who have just ar rived from Colorado; Walter Reyer and wife, John Epping3 and family, Mrs. Eppings also being a daughter. FrcnV;. Dick and But:, her sons, also V. - Goehenour and Wm. Young and Car! Lang. pening of Air Domi PJattsmouth, Nebraska Saturcsy Evaning, $ay 24th I HOOT" GIBSON IN "RIDE FOR YOUR LIFE" "TIRED BUSINESS MEN" A Century Comedy That Will Please Everybody A Laugh With Every Move of the Rcl The Air Dome, will feature the best of pictures fur the season at the popular prices 2cc and 80s FifsfrsJaid Company, Prop. Er.-t rtained Friends For Dinner I ast Sunday at their farm home, northwest of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Seyboldt, who are past mas tera el entertaining, and for the day and the Bplendid dinner they served: Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Mrs. Morton Bartlett and daughter. Florence, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel rnd their son Ri hard, T. J Brendel and wife of Murray and Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brtn-dt- of Avoca. The Opening of the New Store in MURRAY We desire to greet the citizens of Murray and community and to say that we have just opened a new store in the room formerly occupied by the Chilton Store and t'nat we have an excellent stock of absolutely new goods, consisting of Groceries of all kind. and also Dry Goods. We will pay the highest pi Ices for country pro duce. Come in ana get acquainted and see the new store. Amazing price concessions mark the closing day of this big sale Saturday, May 24 ip ' i i MURRAY SCHOOL NOTES i GROCERIES DRY GOODS "' school closes 1 yrow 3 cans Nectar cut beans for $ .45 Pi r d sen, J51.GO 3 cans 2Jomi3 lima bems for .40 Per n. $1.65 3 cans Homis kidney beans for .40 Per dozen, $1.55 3 cans Telephone peas for .52 Per dozen, $2.00 3 cans soaked peas for .29 P r dozen, $1.10 3 cans Otce hominy for .30 P r dozen, $1.15 3 cans FianlM kraut for .40 Per dozen. $1.55 3 cans Nomis sweet potatoes for .56 Per dozen. $2.20 3 cans Monarch pork and beans .36 Per dcz. :. $1.10 Gallon Fruits Peaches, per gallon $ .60 Apiicots, per gallon .65 Apples, per gallon .50 Flour! FIoul"! 46-lb. sack Echo flour for $1.59 3-!b. sack Cmar flour 1.75 Cereals 2 Kelio'i corn flakes for $ .25 2 Shredded Wheat for .25 2 Post Toasties for .25 1 0-Kay Bran Flakes for .10 Syrup Specials Com tyron, per gallon $ .50 C'oii! .up, cane flavored, gallon .60 Soap Bargains 3 bars Palm Olive soap for $ .24 3 bars Red Kose soap for .24 10 bars P and G naptha soap for .48 2 lbs. Xiaptua soap chips .25 U Sheeting 81 inches wide. Per yard tJJC Percales Light grounds in pretty 1 Qr new patterns. Per yard X?C Ratine:- and crepe weaves in plaids and plain color?. Anniversary sale price, AO- per yard Nainsook for lingerie, dresses, light colors, yard wide. Anniversary sale price, per yard aV Unbleached muslin, fine for underwear, quilt linings, etc. Anniversary sale 1 1 r price, per yard X Hosiery Specials Ladies' pure thread silk hose, shaped ankl?. brovn and black and other new shades. Price, per pair OaC Children's White Eose Sizes 6i2 ft to 9. 35c value. Per pair 1C Ken's Silk and Fibre Hose 'C:y Brown only. 50c value. Per pair JC Ken's Work Socks Brown, white heel and toe. 2 pair for jDC Men's Wear 'Ten'? 2:20 weight fast color denim overalls. Full cut Athletic style Union Suits dimity cloth. All sizes -Fine $1.59 79c The Murray High 'Thursday, May 22nd.. Charles Howard was ahsent from s.'l'.i oi last Tnesdav and WadnAuisv afternoons. The High school pupils are very busy as school will close in a few days Edward Howard won in the His tory contest in Miss Rainey's room i 1USI WIM'K. Lr;is (liahani won in the Spelling contest in Miss Hainey a room last week. The pupils who had the measles in! the Grammar room have returned. II The Tilson children returned to school Monday after several days of absence because of illness with the II measles. j M Bt everyone in the High school ii enjoyed i heir History examination 1 1 gradt Lorene Hatchett was absent from ji school Tuesday afternoon. Charles Howard was abnent last I j Wednesday. j Curtis Paris was absent Monday ' afternoon. j Eleven children were sick with the! I measles last Monday in the Primary , , room. Edgar Pointer has been absent ' from school the last few days on ac i count of sore eyes, j In z Hoschar was absent from school four days last week on a; -I count of sickness. Sixteen pupils from the Primary room were absent last week on ac I count cf having the measl s. f Lea Davis visited Miss Sans' room , last Friday afternoon, j The Eighth grade pupils won in the Arithmetic contest wi(h the Seventh grade pupils by o: e point. Lorene Durman, Richard Priedrich -, ,1.1 I"l ,11 tiIm m Tilt.,.,. 11 . -.... . C . ! i i , . , scno.'i last v, I'm. Jiiohard Priedrich was absent on Monday because of sickness. Sylvester Queen was absent Mon day. The reading table will be painted seme time this week by the Grammar room boys. Katherine Long won in the Geog raphy contest in Miss Rainey's room I Quick start and sturdy growth combined witL perfect health is the re sult of feeding RED FEA -THER GROWING MASH with Buttermilk. I' i guaranteed. You can't go wrong in feeding it Add to your poul profits. Get a sack to. from your feed store grocery, drug store o ffbm us direct. M. C. PETERS MILL CO. South Omaha, Ncht. Murray Mercantile Co W. J. Donahue, Proprietor VALLERY BROTHERS DEALERS Plattsmontii - Murray - Mynard 1 i j i i i 1 1 Tax Payer, Jr. A ft Jeff Brendel or 52rP Wl Lee Kniss about The Latest Thing In Life Insurance Protection At a Low Net Cost, in Tire Murray, Equity Life Insurance Go. Nebraska Here to Serve You There has been a demand for a business house to serve the farmers in this community and we have se cured the John Deere line of implements and will keep a complete assortment. See us for anything in this line of farming machinery. In the matter of repairs, we will carry and supply you in all needed farming machinery repairs no matter what line. Warehouse and business in Murray east of the railroad tracks. Mrasek & Richter Bros. MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Men's Knit Union Suits Short QQ sleeve, ankle length, all sizes O&C Elack mammoth Jack, with white points. 15Vi hands hi&h, 900 lbs. lust week. j Will make season at my home one Ice crtam treats will be the order I mil north and a mile and a half west of Murray. Tenns Colt to stand and suck. 515. Where mare is disposed of or removed from vicinity service fee becomes due immediately. All care will be exercised to prevent accidents but will not be responsible should Highest Market Price Pair for Produce. BBC wi l a. nit i iiui-ou; J l X lJIIitJt. Richard Friedrich returned to school after being sick for several days. Douglas Tilson returned to school after being sick for several days. I Miss Sans, the Primary teacher, was absent from school last week on account of the sickness of her mother. The Primary scholars had school any occur in uic Hign scnooi room two Hays last week. The High school pupils and the Grammar rucui pupils went over to watch the soldiers pass 'by last Wed- Alex D. Rhoden Murray, Neb. Special for 10 Days! We will sell the farming machinery listed at the following prices for the next ten days: One John Deere truck wagon $ 50.00 One John Deere wagon 75.00 One John -Deere Triumph wagon 115.00 One John Deere binder 200.00 One Jenny Lind cultivator 28.00 One Monarch range, all new 110.00 Peterson Hardware Company Murray, Nebraska