The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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. years
Service from'burMoof
Iit i
Burlington Files a Claim For the 96
Feet of Piping at the End
of Main Street.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Those who are in a "run down" condi
tion will notice that Catarrh bothers
them much more than when they are in
good health. This fact proves that while
Catarrh is a disease, it Is greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which yuickly
Relieves by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists
'n improving the General Health.
Sold by drutrpi.-tii for over 40 years.
8. J. Cheney & Co . Toledo, Ohio.
IF you apply Carey Fibre Coating to a com
position or metal roof, you will increase its
life many years.
You will get the cheapest roof service in
dollars per year by painting now.
Asphalt and preservative oils in the Fibre
Coating are absorbed by the old roof materials
which again become pliable and full of life.
The heavier asphalts fill the pores and cracks.
These asphaltic compounds are bound with
everlasting asbestos fibre, immune to rot,
burning and disintegration.
Save your roof now!
Phone us for an estimate of Carey Fibre
Federal Inspector Says Precautions
at Packing Houses Are Most
From Wednesday's Daily
City Clerk Duxbury today receiv
ed the bill of the Burlington cover
ing the co9t of the material and in
stalling of the ninety-six feet of
pipe sewer which was placed at the
lower end of Main street and carrita
the water from the two new box i
flood water sewers on either side ot Ycung Men Choose Leaders Who
Main street to the eewer creek. Will rv,lo fba Wert Tlm-ino-
the Coming Year.
At the time the sewer was install
ed there was more or less discussion '
as to the price to be paid and some
misunderstanding and the cost fin- . . ,
ally estimated by the city at $3,000. 1 rTm Wednesdays Daily-
Now comes the railroad company 1 La,st pvenin? er the close of the
leWl.U lllg ell lilt" lUUllia V,!. n.
Y. M. B. C. of the Met liudist church,
there was
From Wednesday s Daily
The statements made by the state
department of agriculture at Lincoln
that 84 per cent of the cattle intect- ;
ed with tuberculosis and condemned
I iOT 8.1 3 PUT tor that reason y state inspectors.
Ltn LAI Mlbn S have been slaughtered and their car- I .riw iiivii i l.assrs S((ld for tood is wholly at var- I
j iance with the facts, according to
those who are most familiar wun
tills work.
Relative to the statement. Dr. H. I
Busman, head of the federal meat
Inspection work at the South Omaha
packing plants, says:
"Our Inspections and condemna
tions of the United States depart-
that did the work of placing the sew
er beneath their tracks on the rieht
,i TOvQ tnere was a very
rhtr.h .enjoyed as the members of the
111UUL .' . ill- v ' i v ' i lilt " v i nuivu
is set at $5,114.79.
In addition to this the city has al
ready issued bonds covering the rest
of the cost of the work and now it
will be necessary to issue other war
rants or bonds in the additional sum
to pay for the work on the sewer
which has been done by the railroad
company as under their contract
with the city.
ment of agrh ultuie. n:d those regu
lations are the result oi reoommon-
interesting time uations niaue oy me most, miueut
class pathologists and bacteriologists oi
proceeded to select the new officers the veterinary and medical profes-
tho oncn;.,o- nn. I i lu BIOHS. i I1PSH inciuue such auuiun-
. .iiiiii;i- v - - -
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
From Wednesday's Dalty
In connection with the wave
pacifism In American colleges, which
has recently been reported as receiv
ing drastic action at Northwestern
University, Prof. E. H. Wells ad
dressed the college Y. M. C. A. April
1 at Nebraska Westeyan. His sub
ject was "Religion and Society."
The speaker said in brief:
"That type of pacifism represent
ed by a group of students on the
campus of a university in the middle
west Is far more dangerous than the
most radi al and aggressive Individ
ual of the past fifty years, a type
of religion which unfits a man for
the duties of citizenship is the worst
kind of religion. The wave of po
litical graft, greed and crime which
From WJn?.'-3a-' Daily
W. F. Diers. the genial Louisville
merchant, was here today attending
to some matters at the court house
and incidentally in con, ersation was
loud in his praise of the Merchants
Mutual Burglar Ins. Co., of Omaha,
of which Sam Patterson and Chas.
Clancy are interested. As will be re
membered, the store of Mr. Diers was
visited by burglars some time Mon
day night and merchandise consist
ing of men's shoes, underwear and
silk hose to the amount of $100 was
taken. Mr. Diers, after notifying the
authorities, called up Mr. Clancy
about 10 o'clock in the morning and
in the afternoon Mr. Clency arrived
in Louisville and six hours after the
reporting of the matter Mr. Diers
had a check for the amount in his
possession. This prompt action Is a
ereat boost for the company and they
have one enthusiastic backer in the
Louisville merchant.
'membership present gave the newly
elected officers a real reception as
were announced. The officers chos
en were:
John Frady, president; Jack Sedg
wick, vice president; Jesse Attebery,
secretary: Harley Cecil, treasurer;
E. H. Wescott. teacher; Dr. O. San
din, song leader, and Mrs. E. H. Wes
cott, musical director.
During tlie evening. Rev. Frank
Emory Pfoutz gave (he young men
a very pleasing informal address that
was much enjoved and assisted in
ties as Dr. J. W. Connaway of the
University of Missouri. Dr. V. A.
Moore of the New York State Veter
inary college. Dr. M. P. Ravenal. for
merly of tlie Wisconsin state labora
tory of hygiene, and Dr. W. T. Sedg
wick, who is connected with the
United States public health service."
Speaking of the tuberculosis erad
ication program in the state. Dr. W.
T. Spencer, live stock commissioner
of the Omaha live stock exchange,
"There ere now five counties that
' i 'i - nun 1 ! fi ml i 1 i 1 nn t It n ftur t t n i n
completing the evening of pleasure , ' .
as well as profit. i ,. ,. T .
r eradication, namely Polk, Hall, Burt,
l Douglas and Saunders. A majority
I of the cattle owners in each of these
j counties has signed a petition re
questing a county-wide test. In some
re- instances 75 per cent of the cattle
From Wednesday's Dally
The many old Cass county friends
of Boyd Porter, formerly of Mynard,
will regret very much to learn that
Mr. Porter is now at the Lord LUter
From Tuesday's Dally
The Presbyterian church has
ceived a very much appreciated gift owners are represented on the peti
that will add to the interest and Hons. Two of these counties have
scope of the musical work in the completed the test, Burt and Polk,
church in the form of a new piano In Burt county every herd of breed
which was presented by the Chris- nS cattle was tested and in Polk
Han Endeavor society of the church county all but thirty-one herds,
to the church on last Sunday. I "Douglas county is more than half
The presentation was made on be- ! onipleted. While not a. large per-
half of the Endeavor society by Ed- rentage of infection has been found
A resident of Lincoln and of the First Supreme
Judicial District for 35 years.
Appointed Judge of Supreme Court by Governor
Sheldon in 1908.
Endorsed by a vote of the attorneys of Nebraska in 1918.
Twice elected by the voters of the entire state.
A judicial experience of fifteen years.
Syracuse Journal-Democrat - "We have watched the record
of Judge Rose and believe he is entirely worthy of being re
turned to the office of supreme judge and that his record in
that office has made him worthy of the support of all who
ward Matschuiiat in a few weii chos- jn any of these con nties. very j , honestfy and candidly administered."
en words that made a deep impres- "&aiy li.teeted nerds have been locat- .. - J
sinn nn his hearers and u'ito ror-oiv. ! 1 and t!:e diseased siiimals taken
ed with the preatt nf ntri hv out. For Instance, in Douciss conn- ner an(1 tli0 new heads of the order
the congregation. " f.v within the past wto weeks, one Placed their new stations.
The Christian Endeavor has been dairy herd of 70 cows was tested,
working on this project for some and 50 reacted to the test. Out of
time, it being first originated under another herd of 21 head. 20 reacted,
the leadership of Miss Clara Wev- These 20 were slaughtered, and 12
rich and has been made possible by of tho 20 ha(1 8ucn generalised cases
the co-operation of the members of i that they were tanked."
the society and their friends.
nt !is sweeping over the country is more hoal Jn Omaha suffering from an
J dangerous to liberty than was the , attack of pneumonia and has been
very sick in the last few weeks. Mr.
sinf iwr-trv nf flip ( trmsr lr:i i r
"It is the soul of society that Porter J 'e thought is now past the
counts, not the form of government. :cnsis of tne aid on the highway
The English people today enjoy a - & recovery from the effects of the
hic-hor decree nf democratic nrinci- , ,,,uehH au(I 11 ,s ""Pen inat sne win
The piano will be placed in the
main auditcrium of the church and
will be of teh greatest assistance to
the musical work of the church.
Following the installing of the of
ficers there were a number of
speeches given by the members on
the good of the order and also a very
tine feed that the committee in
charge had arranged for the occasion.
pie than any other
form of government
has been used as such monarchs as
Henry VIII, James and Charles to ex
l loit the English people and to re
lard the development of life and
Daily Journal. Ik
, . . 1 . . . - 1 . 1 , , i m ,',,.- i' n n ... 1 . 1 .
country The ihwihs wwm uuc.11
in other days he ls able to leave the hospital al-
luuugu ai iiii-i nine 11 is sun a mat
ter of grave doubt.
From Wednesday's Daily
Yesterday afternoon Frank El
liott returned home from Omaha
where he has been visiting with his
wife who is at the St. Mary's hos
pital in that city recovering from
the effects of a very serious opera
tion. Mrs. Elliott is now doing as
well as could be expected under the
circumstances and it Is hoped that
she will soon be able to be up and
around and able to return to the
family home in this city. Mrs. El
liott has been at the hospital for
some time.
Everyone Admires Its
Exquisite Beauty
1 he lustrous beauty of Holeproof Hosiery is but
the outward expression of a super-fine quality
that wears as well as it looks.
You pay no premium for the famous Holeproof
combination of style and durability. We offer
a full-fashioned stocking of highest quality silk,
sturdily reinforced at all points of strain for $2.00
per pair, all popular colors. Other Holeproof
silk hose are to be had at from $1.00 to $3.00
per pair.
Chiffon Glove silk or full fashioned, $2 75.
Cheaper to Own
Your Home
Than to Move!
Are you one of those who
rent and move and rent and
move again T
Wouldn't you rather buy or
build a home?
If your rent amounts to $40
monthly, you part with $4,800
in ten years $9,600 in twenty
You haven't a thing to show
for all that money.
Under our home-ownership
plan you could own your home
in about ten years, on monthly
payments of not much more
than rent.
Pay rent to yourself. Be your
own landlord and run your
home to suit yourself.
We are organized to help
you. Our terms are fair and
convenient. We are always
glad to talk it over with
out obligation.
Start with our 79th series
right now!
Plattsmouth Loan and
Building Association
From Wednesday's Daily
Yesterdav afiprnoon thf T.nv:il
! Servii e class of the Christian church
was very pleasantly entertained at.
the home of Mrs. J. R. Stine who From Monday's Daily
was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. j Judse Eesrley and Court Reporter
Tom TBChekert, and the occasion was j L. L. Turpin departed this morning
relatives and John staes he la glad to
be back in a warmer climate.
Sheriff E. P. Stewart departed
this morning for Lincoln where he
was called to some matters of im
portance for the county and vill
spend a few Hours In that city.
Mrs. C. R. Jeff erg cf Jamaica, New
York, and Misses Marllla and Sarah
Maxwell of Fremont and Max Adams
cf St. Paul, Nebraska, who were
here to attend the funeral services
of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Maxwell, re
turned this morning to their homes.
Mrs. Glenn H. Dutton, of Omaha,
whose marriage to Sergeant Glenn H.
Dutton of the Air service took place
SMUfKt, lrM:lnl!oii. TMc. Ilr
julref! by Ihr Aot of 'on--
of Auk 1JI.
of tup: plattsmouth jotthn w.
one that will be long vry pleasantly j for Papillion where they will open i the 26th of January, is visiting with
irn'eiiiui i eu uy iiie irienus. i ne ( tne jury
garnering was in the nature of a
"head party" and the members of the
term of court in that city.
pabliabes dally and semi-weekly nt party tame with all manner of head
Ptottemottth. Nebraska. for April l. : dresses and hats that at.racted the
eye and created much interest. A
State of Nebraska
County of Cass j
From Tuesday's Daily
Wayne Hudson came over this
morning from Shenandoah. Iowa, for
n x-icii lmrr wit h b i nnrpnts Afr nnd
j number of April Fool games were al- i Mrs n r U(1,on and famijy.
' party. The prize for the most corn-
Mrs. S. E. McElwain and P. A. Mc-
Llwain, grandmother and uncle of
and groom. Sergeant. Dutton ls now
1 located at the officers' training school
: at San Antonio, Texas.
.Miiary i iinnc. in anaiil hQ.,,i ,.-c. .1 in-..
for tbe Stnto nml rntintr I
personally aDPenred It. A Hntr vVio' i C.
haviner been dulv sworn according- to
uepuses anu Bays u:at tie Is the
R. Kettlelmt of Mehawka was in
the i;v today for a few hours at-
'. P. Sydebotham and the most tending to Fome matters at the c ourt .
tylish to Mrs. E. M. Godwin. Ap-1 ho? W1,h the board of ounty com- A
publisher of tlie Flattsmoutli .To-irnnl
and that the following Is. to the best
of bin knowledge and belief, a true
statement of the ownership, miMitiKt
ment and ii n daily paper, the circu
lation), etc., of the aforesaid publica
tion for the date shown in the above
caption, required by the Act of August
M. 1912. embodied in Section 443. Pos
tal Laws and Koculatious, printed on
the reverse of this form, to-wit:
1 That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, manntrlntr editor! (lu"
and business managers are: j which marked the installing of the
Publisher u. A. Bates, Plattsmouth, new officers of the lodge. Tho cere-
j monies were conducted by the retir
a smout 1, ; ng- officers in a very impressive man-
Bates, of .
I :n t.'s.
A. Bates, of
Kdltor M.
I .corasKa.
I Manatjinfr Kdltor R.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Business Manager U.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
- That tlie owners are (Give names
and addresses of individual owners or,
if a corporation, tflve its name and the
names and addresses of stockholders
owning or holding 1 pc-r cent or mora
of the total amount of stock):
Sole Owner B. A. Bates, Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
3 That the known bondholders,
mortpraerees, and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per "cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gapes, or other securities are: (If
there are none, so state)
Thero are none.
4 That the two paragraphs next
above, Kivlnir the names of the ow
ners, stockholders, and security hold
ers, if any, contain not only the list
of stockholders and security holders as
they appear upon tlie books of the
company, but also, !n cases where the
stockholder or security holder appears
upon the books of the company as a
trustee or In any other fiduciary rela
tion, the name of the person or corpo
ration for whom Mich trustee is nct
Jnc. is Kivon: also that the said two
paragraphs contain statements em
bracing affiant's full knowledge and
belief as to the circumstances and con
ditions under which stockholders and
security holders who do not appear
upon the books of the company as
trustees, hold stock and securities in
a capacity other than that of a bona
fide owner; and that thi.s affiant has
no reason to believe that any other
I person, association, or corporation has
any interest direct or indirect in said
' stock, bonds, or other securities than
j as stated by him.
5 That the average number of cop
i ies of each issue of this publication
' sold or distributed, through the mails
or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur
ing the six months preceding the date
shown above Is 940. (This information
required for daily publications only).
Semi-weekly circulation, ',200.
propriate refreshments were served nf
during the day that added to the en- Joe Swan, who has been engaged;
as a fireman on the Uurlington in . j
i this city, departed this morning for
Ferry. Nebraska, where he will lake
I up his work. 4
W. T. Richards, George Vogel and y
; Albei t Bloom of South Bend were J
! here today motoring over from their
homes to look after some matters at
the court house for the day. r
John Rotter returned home last r
,.nnin.r fl-r,l WvomiD W ll PfP lie j
has been for some time visiting with r ml"l"lli
Eagles' Hall
joyment of all of the jolly party.
From Wednesday's Daily
Last evening the local Elks lodge
enjoyed a very fine meeting at their
club house on North Sixth street.
The Eagles will give an
other of their pleasant social
dances at the Eagles hall.
Music by Holly's Orchestra
Gents, including tax 75
Spectators, inc. tax 35
is Easter Month!
i Sworn to and subscribed before me
'this 29th day of March. 1924.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 21, 192
All the brightness and freshness of this glad
season of the year are reflected in or new
Spring Suits. At the head of the list is the
Hart Schaffnsr & srs Um
the best known high-grade clothing in Amer
ica and next to that comes our
Specialized Line at
$25, $30 and $36
Whatever your requirements as to price and quality we can certainly
satisfy you. Please consider this an invitation to call you'll enjoy
looking them over.
C. E. W escott's Sons