MONDAY. MARCH 31. 1924. PLATTSMOLTH SEMI Wl JOURNAL PACH wsm MURDOCH DEPARTMENT. PFLEPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Again Ready for Business! During the past two months my health has not been good nor the roads so one can travel. But now Spring is here and we are ready for the work which you are needing. Repairing, battery charging and anything in our line. The Landholm Garage Jess Landholm, Manager MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA GETTING READY FOR THE COMING BASEBALL SEASON i M. S. Briggs for County Judge. ng the thing not by parts but mak- Henry Schlueter who has recently lus maner a gWU u. nut n ! moved from the home place to the 3,1 uas begun on a proposition which Prospective Members of the Team one which he has recently purchas- be different from others and will for Coming Year are Getting :ed, the Pool place, was at Manley ai " lluie ouX. Ul Busv on the Dope . last inursaay ana orougni nome with him a load of shingles for com pleting the barn and other build ings. Wm. Lau has been hauling mate rial for the construction of a ga rage on his farm ami which he will occupy after completion for a resi- a i. M. L. A. or iiKo proposition. From the time that "who laid the chunk" it has been the habit of the M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Pred Tonek has been delivering wheat to the elevator in Murdock during the past week. Jacob Pierce of Liberty is visiting for a short time in Murdock at the home of Mr. Eddie Craig. Win. Bourke shipped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market on last Friday from the Murdock sta tion. Fred Luetchens has begun the building of a new garage on his farm whic hhe been needing for some time. J. C. Newman has been getting riai on the ground for the re pairing and remodeling of his home on the farm. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. Charles Sehafer has been hauling material ofr the erection of a porch his home which will add much to his residence. Frank Rosenow was out improv ing the streets of Murdock by drag ging them and has made a great im provement in so doing. The young people of Murdock en joyed a very good time one evening last week when they met at the home of Albert Striek and wife. Daniel Pauska disposed of a span of extra fine mules which brought a round price, the animals being pur chased by a Missouri buyer. Dick Tool and Harry Gillespie, have been adding much to the better appearance of the city of Murdock by their trimming of the trees. Col H. O. Cotton of Shenandoah was in town last week looking after bis property in Murdock and making some substantial improvements there. "Unlimited amount of money to loan on eastern Nebraska farm land. Lowest rates. Applications taken now for future lorais. S?c 0. J. Pot hast at Fanners' & Merchants' Br. Murdock, Nebr. You Sure Know If! Murdock is an excellent town in which to live. We have at this time a number of very choice places for sale. Come, see me. and get a good home while you can. I also have farms and land elsewhere. A number of Cass coun.y farms. I write reliable insurance of all kinds. See me. Emil Kuehn Murdock M. S. Eriggs for County Judge. Gordon Block was a business visi tor in Omaha last Thursday and had for company on the trip Mr. Rogers, the foreman of the new school build ing. H. Rohrdanz who has been on an overland trip from Havelock to Hawthorne. Calif., arrived safely at the end of his long trip one day last week. Robert Crawford, E. M. Shatto and W. O. Gillespie all have had ra dios installed in their homes and are thus put. in touch with the outside world. Herman Luetchens is enlarging his garage and while he is at the job he thinks he had as well make it larp.' enough to accommodate all of his farming machinery. Mesdames Harry V. McDonald and Harry' Gillespie who hare been visit ing at th home of Gale McDonald at Hampton for the past week, re turned home last Monday. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. John Elliott, father of Mrs. Frank Melvin, accompanied by his son. Di k. were in Murdock last Thursday visiting vith the daughter and sis ter daring the afternoon. Frank Glaubitz has been stayin . at Wm. Nelson's for some time an I thinks that he will be compelled to return to Omaha to the hospital for farther treatment for his health. Henry A. G'.i'hmann of the Bank of Murdock was a visitor in Omaha for two days, called there by bus; ae6s and was Biso visiting with a number of his friends while there. Envi Ki'ehn in the excavation of the bosenfeBt for his new b3rbcr shop has assisting hini John W. Kr.; ger. W. O. Sehcvc. Harry Gillespie and A. J. Bauer and they were mak ing the dirt fly on hast Tuesday. I-I. 3. Briggs for County Judge. T nele August Panska. Vho has troubled with rheumatism fcr the pat tev.- weeks and which nearly got that genial gentleman down, reports at this time that he is feeling much better but still somewhat troubled with the pain. Fred Towels has been hauling lum ber for the repairing of his home on the farm. Well, that looks good and we are wondering if he is going to have some one to help enjoy the bet J ter appointments of the home after they have been made. K. S. Briggs for County Judge. , L. Neitzel and wife were visiting in Havelo-k lat week where Mrs. Neitzel was a guest at the meeting of the Woman's club by invitation of her daughter. Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock and attended the banquet given by that organization. waa ana rrea tsroKow ana tneiri wives were at Lincoln last week where hey visited at the hospital with Mrs. Wm. Bronkow who is re ceiving treatment there having un derwent an operation recently and I The baseball enthusiasts of the' people to find it very convenient to city and especially the former mem loaf about a barber shop and has bers of the ball team have been de continued until the present time and cidedly restive the past few days, no doubt will for some months to since the weather has been growing come. Well, Emil has moved the old warmer, and the fjrt stops towards dence until he shall have had the snP out in me street anu excavatea a team tor iy'4 nave oeen unaer- house rebuilt which he is to use as a fjr a basement where he will fit up taken. home. 3 reception room; one for those who - A number of the ball plnyers who Albert Siekjost and sister, Emma. do not want any work done or not at are employed in the Burlington shops, from Eustis, who have been' visiting tDe l'1' they can find a place to en- have taken up the matter of discuss here for some days past at the home iv themselves. He will have a read- ing the prospects for a shop team for of Henrv Bornemeier. departed last ins room, a small gymnasium which the year that will have the support Fridav accompanied bv Miss Anna wil1 include a portion of the base- of the management of the shops and ment. i ne upper room wnicn win n n is hoc neeineu aavisaoie 10 piace be elevated but a few feet from the pavement will be the barber shop proper and will also include a bath room. The shop will be comfort ably equipped with throe chairs and Bornemeier for Claiinoa where they will visit with friends before return ing to their home in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heineman who have been spending some weeks with friends, taking a sort of honey moon, arrived home last week from Liberty and have since arriving been makintr some improvements on their property here, preparatory to to the community occupying the same as a residence. Mrs. Heineman has resumed her work with the telehone company. Kenneth Tool who has been fur nishing a picture show for the peo ple of Murdock and at a slight loss sometimes and others a little profit, breaking about even for the year, will celebrate the first birthday of the starting of the show in about a month and will get an excellent show for the event. Watch for an announcement of the coming attrac tion and d telling of the show. With the la-t week the excavation for the new school building was completed and with the beginning Railway and another C. U. fc Q. team in the field. the players will probably join in the city team that is being planned for the season. There is a great lack of amusement will be fitted in first class stvle. features here in the summer after- Thi? will be a great convenience to noons which a goocMast baseball team the people of Murdock and a credit co"lfl fill most acceptably and there are a goodly numner ot oaseoau play ers here who would make a real start qATV ' r1 a successful team for the i-LK sRUtu OOmiag season. When the team is former, as it will Buff Orpington eggsjSOc per set- bo. the fans and the citizens in gen ting. Mrs. O. C. Zink. Murdock, eral should atve them the best of suo- Ncbraska, phone 1303 Elniwood ex- pon and enable them to meet some change. m27-6wks, w mm LABOR FORCES mm f Craft urtov. the 1 m 0 nizations lates They Suppto The conf rence for progressive r.o itical action for tin yiist con gr !onr! district Was ; I tended by oc: u- de'ogates from the railway organiz- ations, the cratt oru : mentions ox Lincoln an 1 jf or early (his week the work of piecing the fo.:.iugs for the walls will have begun and soon the su ptrstn: cure will b? arising whera it is ardently hoped thai by the be git nir.g of the next a hool year, v":i begins in September, the OlUJding will be ready Tor pa ncy. iiduie Craig who recently lost hi:; wife will dispose of his househoTd ef fects and will r ive to Liberty, hi--, former home wl ere he will engage in the insuran c business during the comin;; mimraer. The salo of the neienation goods will be he58 at. his late honi in Mimi;,": and will be conducted by CjI. H. A. Willi ajeSB of Elniwood. while Mr Henry A. Tool will act a clerk. The sale will o.cur on Sat urday of t h i week. The Baembership of the Royal dot Jchn H. Morehead for re-clc-c- .VfiJ '...-',! were atiand- tic a BH congressman from the First i:ir ;h- mei ti vr on matnc a, Mialey Ootifitissioaal ".i?triet; that members where on iast Thursday was oryaa- and friends of the conference who ized what is hnown th ; V.'. M. M., v(Jt ln the republicnn primary sup- an organisation composed of the Prrt R. H. Thorpe for the republi- thrce lodge? of that order. Weeping C31! nomination Water. Manley and Murdock. Thev of the Basl independent teams of this part of the state. The KOtateur league regulations in Omaha Lave, during the pat two sea'. n- vented many of the best teams there from rppearing here as tbey (':: fij Uk past, but there are a n ' 0s" ct!ier good teams in and in- ' Obs he anrl the surroundine; territory th t can be brought to! i lh to play if the fans will only r . e the boys their support. The E ates Bcok s Earner v Stoi e 50TE 3;?.1"HD: iv r friend and uei;:i 1 ; r e ckenridg e . w i ( e of J. L. Breek-nridge. living south west of Manley, this excellent lady Ear! :.' ;) Mary: Harri (ta u -hter. The: Lh ingston IT 1 - . . I I.'. . " CI - It- .! I " V . !TIV. -l -nr'ir.'c. nrt noec-nr tfrx of the farmers' union and in- nt fj,-,;-!, htt.. 'w nv-ui uii i nun auiii i tri o i dividtials who be lie Ye In and practice nr i voting in the primary and gen eral election, regardless of partv T:e First district meeting hrd only to do wit':: candidates seeking e'-irio-n to servo the First eongryc sirnai district. The following mo tion ; were unanimously adopted: The conference unqualifiedly er.- w-hen under the guidance of Mes dnmcfl Ethe! O Brien and Grate Mil ler the neighbors and old time Cri of this excellent couple gath- ered at " i r home in the evening end P r . i c--bratei the passing oi the Cbrtnfious event. The home r or li ! by the hostesses and ti o t-cheme carried to the table dec- evident in the . . .'rthday cake which at which all ft '. dicious supper. The coosisted of letiu-.e, sauo- tiaughter. Rose May; Howard John son and daughters, Ella and Creda; Wm. Otte. Oliver Miller. Mattes Breekenrid OBrien and Miss Mary 'Anne Murphy. also had a most pleasant time and were pleasantly entertained by tho society at Mnnley who are considered the queens among entertainers. 'Church Completed Inside The churth has been completed in the interior and is pronounceel as be ing an excellent piece of "-workman-shin both in the carpenter work, which was elone by H. R. Schmidt. The conference recommends that W. C. Parriott be elected as a mem ber of the supreme court from tin First congresstenal district." A motion was adopted insisting that the state the state conference call a state meet ing not later than April 2 at Lin coln, for such action as may seam wise in regard to candidates fgor na tional and state offices. Delegates rresent from Lancaster county met and organized for the purpose of act or."-- ' IP e g d ,- H.:t 1 wlcb b and pickles, apple salad. jtro-.vned with mint rolls, pistachio with fruit, whipped cream and nuts, coffee and fake. The evening was mosi pleasantly spent in social con- . V( rsation, music and song. Those ,i! "nr to enliven the ocacsion and Washington. March 26. Tax rec ords of the "Mellon companies" were today brought to the committee room of the special senate committee in vestigating the internal revenue, but tho i , m T : , 1 i , i . . . - - I, l, y. M executive officers of " uuring tne session, its time was oc- a . from the bureau. He- declared specifically, however, he h.i 1 no knowledge of any traJt - . . . . ......... . , . , , 1 . . Ii-1 ra-i ii e, Joseph Miller. Hugh vfm "c AT tne conclusion oi ino iaii:i Brown said he would present the case of "another Mellon company" on which he had worked. He named Allen P. Davis & o., a Pittsburgh steel concern, but bureau officials said this was not a Mellon company. It de veloped that Brown's Inform -thai Secretary Mellon was in ter e a 1 in this compiT' ;mo from the engineer who assisted him on tts appraisals. The case irv ved :. r -du tion of the tf :.t si U a made I v Brown and . . - tion vie determinc'i i he reduction was made. Brown declared, "by a clique" in the office Of the relew1ni; engineer of the unit in the bureau. m RECORDS FROM E' M COMPANIES Special Committee Investigt temsl F . IfDCWMinta in Tane ing In-ceive Charles Richards, Jr.. was a p i seuger this morning for OflUlha where he will visit for a short time i there with friends. George A. Doelge and wife were among the visitors in Omaha today to spend a few hours there visiting with their children. .:uu m me eoraung wnicn is on recommendations concerniut; the work of John Amgwert. The .,. nntUMo church will soo nbe rededicated with ppiropriate service. Expresses His Thanks I desire to express my sincere thanks for the flowers and to the members of the Royal Neighbors for their very kind acts.- Eddie Craig. Nebraska is now convalescing. Is Building New Barber Shop Emil Kuehn who believes in do- What the Farmers Pesads! Spring is just on the eve of arriving and you will be needing farming machinery. We have concluded ar rangements for handling two celebrated lines the John Deere and the International the two best lines put out. 1 was to Omaha for a number of days during the past week and while there purchased two car loads of ma chinery, covering the articles which are needed on the farm. With the coming week, we will more definitely specify what we will have for your needs. We are ex pecting a car load here by the time this appears in print. We will soon have them on our floors for your inspec tion and the prices will be right. The Thimgan Garage E. W. Thimgan, Proprietor MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA High-Grade Products Blue Ribbon Gasoline, Treated Water White Kerosene. Pure Pennsylvania Motor and Tractor Oils. A FULL LINE. OF GREASES Satisfied customers are making our business grow. Call our nearest station, our expense. You'll like our service. f In informal discussions by the del egates of the political situation, state and nationally, it was the unmimour. opinion of the delegates tkr.t Senator Norris should be re turned to the United States senate; that W. G. McAdoo's name be writ ten rn at the primary as the demo cratic candidate for president; that the indications were that the ma chine would be able to nominate Ccolidge in the republican conven tion. J. B. Hagerman of Lincoln was elected chairman anil Homer Kyle of Lincoln was made secretary of the conference for the First congression al district. . ' ll I 111 HrtilllV V , I ' 1 1 1 . .11 . T- . . , ' - i vujiicu nun ii.. ;-.- r . nreiwn. one r , : , ma Brecken- of the group of appraisal engineers ri. ge. the guest o. honor and Mes- dismissed from the bureau last vear. omeeMary Heeney. Frank Bergman Brown recounted" the ci'rcum- anei daughters. Veronica and Bess, stances of his dismissal, making S 'SSBBfER fer 0 ? covered . main Sj feSr I - - NEW MAPS 01 COUNTY A wallboard that won't burn won't warp won't buckle. Saws and nails like lumber yet makes walls and ceilings of gypsum, solid, tigfet jointed, fireproof, sound proof, permanent. You'll say it's a different wall-board. -GEO. TRUNKENBQLZ OIL GOMPAKY- rLagle and Mu Jock q . ... . . : : . . .. -m the fi pro of WrALLBOARD Ask your lumber dealer for a samjMc iumhm mm cc. Murdock. Nebraska The newest maps 01 Cass county, compiled from the list of land own ers of the county in April of this year, are now on sale at the Journal j office and the Bates Book and Sta-; tion ry store and at the very low ' figure of 50 cents each. These maps are of large size- and bear in them the j loia'ion of each of th,; farms in Cass county with the name of the owner, I the highways, achools -nnd the dif j ferent towns of the county. They j are valuable to the traveler over the county and as well as a matter of ref erence to any person and should b-; in every borne so that a clear knov, 1- : eelg of the geography of the county j ran be secured. DELINEATOR AND DESIGNER FOR MONTE OF MARCH HERE Will . TAXCL I KAILS) 1 MIYSILEKT(EN The March copTes of the Delinea tor and Designer are now here at the Bates r.rik and Stationery Store and the subscribers may e ure their copies at once by e; Ming for them. Oeorge Hatton. vi-f rw two children. Virge! c..' Alice, departed fhia mArniti'r fir" IT.' i n rt. T'," Vi t-i 1. n.. will enjoy n visit there with rela- fell . Z. tires and friends for the week end. I The Season of Sports Soon Be Here! And you will be wanting a new Golf Clubs and Ball, Tennis Rackets and Balls! And the "Kiddies" are now buying Marbles, and we want to te!l you that we have ail of these in stock now, and at prices that are right. Base Balls, Bats and Gloves for the professional, and tor the boys. Also Fo Balk the game the I oys play all summer. Let us have i!r wants for Sporting Goods, and we will find just wl at oil want if we do not have it in stock. il ponjolaJv CT-TMIA firt-' P. THE SPANISH DANCER j a j i Vis8 Frank Koubek a visitor in Omaha today, goine to that city on the early morning Ilurlington train. Fran!: F. Buttery was a visitor in Omaha today, going to that city on the errrly morning Unrlington train. I When arranging for the observ- ancc oi taster, msajeamez that the Eates Boqa and Stationery "fare has --very thing that vf.ll ass:t -in rack ing the occasicn one of ch?nn and beanty. COMBS ) ft. .-" mAIDEAL RSON K5- Sister Sue !