m ftaGS TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY THUESDAY, MARCH 27,; mt: AT'Tl T JUUIUlAIi 1 II 111 Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. ten down about 200 feet and have found rock ail the way but a few fee- and have had hard work in their work thus far, but have continued and have made excellent progress under the circumstances. EW LOCATION SATURDAY . . . . IV We WHS Haul Your Cattle! You do not have to wait for a car. Just call us and ve will be there bright and early. Our specialty, stock hauling to market. We also do livery. Call for us at Garage or our homes. Dowler Brothers UNION NEBRASKA lu. S. Briggs for County Judge. Mrs. Ben Olive was a visitor at the home in Weeping Water. The Doane College Glee club is soon to give an ent( rtainment in Nehawka and is well worth the seeing- C. M. Chriswisser anil family were vi.sitir.g for last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader. Herman L. Thomas was lookinrr af ter some business matter in Omaha last Monday making the trip with his car. W. O. Troop and son. Robert, were in attendance at the sale which was held at !; f irm of Charles Schwab on ia:-r Monday. CM Rpx. Vnuug was at the Charles Schwab sale last Monday where he conducted the selling and had a most satistactory sale. MOMS. Alva Mittoyuolds and Les ter Sprague shipped a car load of ex-it-lit nt hogs to the Soutli Omaha mar . ket last Monday. J. M. Johnson was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Saturday driving over to the big town in his auto. Warren Munn has been shelling porn- and sawing wood at the farm home of A. G. Murdoch during a few days of this week. C. H. Smith of Plattsmonth who is the republican candidate for county assessor, was meeting his friends in Nehawka on last Monday. Fred Shumaker had the misfortune JACKIE COOGAN. the World's Famous Xid Star, in " 33 esk's Sad Boy 9 ported by a large cast of stars, together with "Queenie - the Dog." If you have not seen this picture, don t miss it. If ycu have seen it, you won't miss it. It will c you smile laugh then roar. Also good comedy. UNION THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT A Shingle Bob is the latest hair cut with the ladies ; A Shingle Roof is the best cover for your buildings. ; our roof is leaking you not only have the un pleasantness of the water coming in, but the plaster will seen drop off, and everyone knows what a mess and expense that condition causes. V e have a car of good, extra clear shingles at the right price. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Frans B ros. Lumper Co UNICN nee;raska Dr. Thomas P. Cogan DENTIST 622 World-Herald Building Omaha, Nebraska I will be in Dr. Race's office. Union, Nebraska, on SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1924 and every two weeks thereafter prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work, including Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited. A IN DR. RACE'S OFFICE UNION The Shrader Sarvice Oarage! is true to its name and gvies the SERVICE. One point in cur service is Trucking. We exercise the greatest care m the handling of your stock or goods. Calls answered night or day. Call the Garage for Service of Any Kind . Just now we are offering at about first cost a num ber of Ford parts and other accessories. See us for a saving of money. Remember we stress service. Repairs, Livery and Trucking. THE S3RADER SERVICE GARAGE UNION George H. Shrader, Proprietor -:- -;- -:- NEBRASKA ItO get one of his fingers badly pinch ed while loading cattle at the Ne hawka stock yards last Monday. .lack and Bud Wallen and Lemuel Lane were over from their homes at Weeping Water and visiting with 'some very dear friends in Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. A. 6. Cisney w. re spending last Sunday with the fam ily of W. A. Lewi;;. Mrs. Cisney be ing a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew- ; is. D. C. West of the Nehawka bank was looking after some business mat I ters at Lincoln and also Omaha last Saturday and returned home Sunday I evening. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. George Kerr of Plattsmnuth was Innkine after some business matters ! in connection with the oil well in Nehawka last Saturday driving down In his car. Max Smock and wife of Lincoln were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson for the week end driving clown from their home in the capital city. C. D. St. John was attending the sale at Charles Schwab on last Mon day and during his absence from the mill the business was looked alter by Morrie Pollard. Postmaster Oeorge Hoback mna looking after some business at Ne braska City last Saturday, driving over in ins car but found the roads almost impassable. Messrs: Miller and (.ruber, the burial vault men, were at Rock Bluffs last Monday where they went I to install a burial vault for Mrs. '.Sr.'ifh of that place. i H. H- Stoll who has been spend ing the winter at Jacksonville. Fla.. started for his home in Nehawka on lasto Mnday and is expected to ar rive during the week. j Miss Laverta Klemme has been enjoying a visit from a sister and both she and the sister were well '. pjqaaed to have each other's com- , ;nny during the day. i Mcsdames Bennett Chriswisser. : Thomas Sullivan and M. II. Chriswis er. all of Plattsmouth were spending ! a number of dovs at the home of Mr. Bd Mrs. Z. W. Shrader. M. S. Briggs for County Judge. i Robert Troop was over to Union last Saturday and while there pur chased himself a new Ford roadster , which he find very nice for getting i around in at fhis time. Charles McCarthy. Fred Shumaker land Nick Opp shipped a car of cat tle to the market at Omaha on last Monday. Mr. Shumaker going with them to see them disposed of. While Joseph Gre. 11 and the f:ini- ( ily of Murray were visiting at Ne nawka and attending- the sale of . Ctaarle? Schwab, J. P. Douglas was it Murray looking after the oil busi ness. , . ... j Dan Anderson and S. J. RourIi shipped a car load of hogs to the south Omaha market on last Monday and on Tuesday Mr. Anderson drove over to the big city to see the stock sold. James M. Stone, Jr.. was attend ing a pure bred hog sale at Johnson last Monday and purchased some ex cellent hogs of the famous Spotted Poland China strain which he is placing in his herd. Harold Whiteman who has been working In the Burlington shops for bme time and also George McFar Jand also have been layed off there and have returned to Nehawka to make their homes. W. C. Miller. Baptist convention pastor of University Place spoke in the Baptist church Sunday morninp and evening. Sunday evening ha xavc a splendid address on China. -Mr. Miller was a missionary in China from 1914 to 1921. John O. Yeiser and family of Om Siia were in Nehawka for the Sun ;day and while here Mr. Yeiser and Mr. Sturm went over the radio, put ! ting ti in excellent condition and since It is bringing in the static from al over the country. A. E. Kirkpatrick, who has been at Hot Springs for most of the win ter where he has been taking treat ments and baths for rheumatism, ai i rifed home last week adn is feeling pretty fine, thank you. He is so he ;can shake a foot when it is required. James Blake and Herman Smith, the fireman lor the oil well machine. ! traded places on last Sunday, thus putting Mr. Blake on days for this j week while Mr. Smith works at night jas they ( hange each week, thus both getting an equal share of the work ; nieli' and duy. Attorney A. H. nuxbury of Platte ; mouth who is a candidate for the jaoaalaatioa for county judpe was looking ;,fter his fences in Nehawka i and other parts of the countv last ; Monday. Mr. Duxb.rry is an excellent you us man and is meeting many ; friends throughout the country ! J. D Collins. Director of Religious 1 Education and Young Peoples' Work will speak at the Baptist church in Inion next Sunday mornin? and I evening on Sunday School Work ami ; B. . P. P. Work. Everybody is wel j come. The young people are urged to be oresenjt to hear what he has to say about the Young People's work Joy For All Concerned Oa last Sunday there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. WVlph a very fine young American who told the people he was overjoyed to greet Mr. and Mrs. Wolph and his parents and to wish them much joy. They of course were more than pleas ed at the arrival, hut nothing like Grandfather and Grandmother B. Wolph whose joy is without bounds. The other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward chanpell. All concern ed are doing nicely. Pgpfs's Market! Don't Miss This A good as new Fcrd touring car for sale at Lund berg garage, $275. Av Excellent bargain. Lundberg Garage. Special Picture Thursday Night "Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera" is a picture of real animal life n th African jungles, filmed by H. A. Snow end dhtributcd by ('niveau! Tilm Ex change. It Will be shown at the M. W. A. hal! Thursday night. April 3rd under auspices of the fa rent-Teachers' association, the proceeds to go to the High school orchestra. Every on? should come and see thi wonder ful picture of natural animal life and at Jhe same time help to make this vo'ing peopie'5 band a success. There will be a good comedy, too. aeius PLEASANT BIRTHDAY PARTY P'rm Wednesday's Dally Last evening Clover Lodge, the at tractive home of Judge and Mrs. Al Ifei J. Beeson, west of the city, was the scene of a most delightful gath ering of friends on the occasion of joint birthday anniversary of the genial county judge and his :'ri nd and neighbor, Luke L. Wiles, the joint celebration being arranged ind carried out by Mrs. Beeson and her daughter. Miss Helen, in honor of the two gentlemen. The note of the color scheme used in the dinner party was in pink and was carried out with pink roses, can 11 s and nut cuprj which decorated Ike table where the fine four-course dinner was served. One of the chief i'ertures of the dinner was the two birthday cakes with their glowing randies vm the number of which rhe guests of honor refused to con-.ir-n as to their accuracy but the akes were very beautiful and at tractive. Those enjoving the occasion were:" Mr. and Mrs. T.uke L. Wile5. Miss Marguerite and Master Linville V . as, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and daughter, Mary Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crabill and daughter, Alice; Mrs, Allen Beeson, Miss Grace Beeson of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beeson and daughter. Helen. Do not f ail to attend the opening of the Peoples P -rket in our new location on Mini street which was formerly occupied by the Stan fidd Book Store. We will be there ready tor your business on mm mil l A AIL uof raw iSBss&u immu We appreciate the excellent business our many friends in plattsmouth and the surrounding community have given us. In our cramped quarters on Sixth street we have tried to serve you as best we could- now, with several times the floor space we had before, we will be able to :ve you real service nd with it our always LOWEST PRICES. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS Granulated sugar (with $1 worth groceries) 10 lbs. for $ .95 Carnation or Wilson milk (with 50c worth groceries) 5 cans. . . .50 Sunkist pork and beans, No. 2 size cans, extra special, 9 cans. . 1.00 Red Rose peas. 10 cans for 1.00 Creston red beans, 10 cans for i 1.00 Fancy Hawkeye corn, 9 cans for 1.00 SPECIAL SALE OF WHITE SYRUP Gallon cans 59c Half-gallon cans 30c The above are only a few of the bargains we will have to offer you Saturday Come in and see us. We will also have a number of food demonstrations that day. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables! Come and see our display of fruits consisting of Apples, Or anges, Grape Fruit, Lemons and in fact all the market affords. Fresh vegetables of all kinds. Lettuce, Cabbage and everything we can get on Omaha wholesale market here for you Saturday. Free Coffee and Sandwiches Wii! Be Served on Opening Day! No orders delivered where less than $1 worth of goods are purchased. . PLATTSMCUTH'S NEWEST MARKET People's iVIarket SUFFERS SERIOUS ACCIDENT New Location on Main Street c. stidoM Telephone No. is Still 39 I From Wednesday's Daily Yesterday afternoon Edna May Peterson, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cfiarles Peterson. Jr., suf- d a very severe injury that will he painfully romemhered hy the lit tle lady for some time. Edna May "vas at the R. B. Hayes home play inp with her ltitle friend, Jean Mayes, and the two pirls were run olns around Ike yard and Edna May happened to have a small piece of wood in her mouth wlien the two srirls ran together and the stick was thrust down the throat of the little zrl anil caused a very severe lacera tion of one of her tonsils but it is not thouirht the accident will have serious results with proper care. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY SHERIFF WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS Pure White Wyandotte ee.cs at 60c per 15, or J3..r0 per hundred. Phone 1313. Niels Pcderson, Weeping Wat er, Nebraska. ;n27-2sw. A healthy man is a king in his own rijrht; an unln - ltliy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluir Kisl: liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market 35 years. $1.25 a bottle. Kakiflg Good Progress On Well The picking of the oil well which Ifl under operation at this time is progressing very nicely. The matter is much of a job as no matter what intervenes between the service and t!'o place where it is expected that oil should be struck, the drillers have to go through. At this time it is reported that the drillers have got- Sweater Nelson Jean, the republican candi date for Sheriff of Cass county, has an announcement of his candidacy in another column of this paper, sub ject to the will of the republican primaries held on Tuesday. April 8. Nelson Jean has been a life long resi lient of Cass county, and is the pres ent secretary of the Republican Coun ty Central committee. He is an ex c. Merit young man with a great many friends, who will be pleased to see him the next sheriff of Cass county. BnouM he be chosen as tin1 candidate of the republican party, he will make a strong man for the November elec tion, and if successful at this election, he will make a. good man for the oft ice. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment -of Administrator DR. H. G. LEOPOLD Osteopathic Physician Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Plattsmonth, Nebr. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emer gencies. Two sizes, 30c and 60c, at all stores. S. C. ANC0NA HATCHING EGGS ti per 100. Duck eggs, ?1 per 13. Baby chickens, any kind, 12x cents eai h in 100 lots. ALVIN RAMGE, ni20-Ssw. Plattsmouth. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- ty. ss. .v. In the County Court. . jl. , In the matter of the estate of Abi- L : : i T tn ii. j gai i c. ouiiiii, uuceaseu. On reading and filing the petition i. Union Block Phone 208 of Hazel F. Hendricks praying that . administration of said estate may be ? granted to Charles E. Martin, as Ad- minisiraior ; Ordered, that April 19th. A. D. 1924. at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned ,for hearing said petition, when all ' nerc:nni inlnrnotol in ," , . I ""-"u "'unci . . , . . may appear at a Countv Court to be TTTTTTTnTF held in and for said county, and T show cause why the prayer of peti- i f tioner should not be granted; andjf that notice of the pendencv of said petition and the hearing thereof he J given to all persons interested in V 1 ne eagles will give an said matter by publishing a copy of'J ether of therr pleasan$ social this order in the Plattsmouth Jour-V dances at 'the Eagles" hall. nai, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive j J weeks., prior to said day of hearing Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, i March 25th, 1924. L DANCE SATURDAY NITE Eagles' Hall Music by Holly's Orchestra ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. A JOHN M. LEYDA, J. Atty. tor Petitioners. ADMISSION Gents, fftrludfnss tn 7 Spectators, inc. tax 35 LADIES FREE Coats "" '& 4' 9 h 'M 'ft '4 i"MmknimV V 4 WM. F. RACE, M. D. General practice. Special attetion lven to deep seated diseases. Union. Nebraska. FOR Men and Children for work or Play! They hve the warm and comfy feeling, so appeal ing to the wearer these raw chilly days 2S2 to 822 WE HAVE IT! FOR SALE White Wyandotte eprs for hatch ing. Call Plattsmonth exchange 3005. MRS. GEORGE PRIVETT. fll-tfw. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jas per Iff. Young, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mattie E. Young praying that ad n ;nistration of said estate may be sranted to C. A. Rawls as Adminis trator; Ordered, that April 19, A. D. 1924, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per (; s interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held Hp and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all perrons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- weekly newspaper printed in said county for thre successive weeks, ju'or to said d.y of heir ns: Dated March 2Kth. 1924. ALLEN J. BEESON. iu27-3w. County Judge. ni 2 7-2 w. tll? Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association Within Your Reach -Act Now! Our 57th series pays out on April J Thr have paid into our Association $ 1 0 00 ner m tJ?" past 132 months w,l! rece.vc $2 000 00 PS monlh fit of $680,00. Where can vI'T. a . r "cirer or evon as we 'ur loans are iMiirJ k.. j ' 7 mortgaaea. We -jr. K rea' esxate . - vyii nor n CT-lo . ill I ' O w" We will cheerfully fe vou'n ' '9'h Call and us at K or ore Plattsmoulh Loan & Building Association V i I