The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 28, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    'LCZ two
Union Department
Prepared Executively for The Journal.
1 aj; MXMPMBraani
Floyd Saxton wliilo carrying
Thursday. February 28, 1924,
' 1 f.'U J'-i
You do not have to wait for a car. Just call us and
we will be there bright and early. Our specialty, stock
hauling to market. We also do livery. Call for us at
Garage or our hemes.
owler Brothers
j Glen Rutledge of the Nehawka
Enterprise was looking after some
business in Union one day last week.
! Frank Pauer has now the right to
."haWng secured3 T hunting' and ? again last Monday after
' fishing license last Tuesday.
i Charles Hit t. Jr., was moving last
Monday and Tuesday from Murray
: to near Nehawka where he will
make his home the coming season,
i Frank Vallery of Plattsmouth and
Glen Poedeker of Murray were in ring.
Union last Friday looking after some A. L. Becker and brother Thad-
businoss matters and also meeting dcus I Becker of American Falls,
with their friends here. Idaho, were visiting and looking af-
' County Commissioner C. F. Harris ter some business matters in'Platts-
in order to facilitate the work of mouth last Saturday, driving over in
riease notice by the ad of Dr. Floyd Saxton while- carrying a
Thomas P. Coogan that he will be half of dressed hog slipped nnd fell
in Union this Saturday and ready for with the piece of meat on bin tdioul-
business. der and received some pretty novum !
David Murrav was a business visi- injuries tearing some of the muscle
tnr in Dmnha lnst Wednesdav eve- from his back which has put him out
nicg called there to look after some of commission for Borne time. Ills
business matters many friends will regret to know of
Frank Boggs who is staying at hi.3 injui7 "nd aro hoin tl,ut llG
and Theatre
r ; m ft xi M
(Netrftlca City)
monday Might, RSarch 3rd
Plattsmouth where he is in the in
surance business, was a visitor at
home for over Sunday and returned
Mrs. C. B. Wallick of Weening
Water was a guest at the home of
her sister and "husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis Laltue of Union last .Sat
urday returning home in the eve-
will be better soon.
getting the highway cleared of snow
was out assisting the boys with the
work on last Monday.
Simon Gruber who was at Kansas
City for a week in the local switch
yards of that town, returned home
last Monday morning and is caring
for his work here again.
The town constable, D. B. Porter
their car.
Henry Timm uf near Murray who
wps an attendant at the E. E. Leach
:alo, purchased a number of head of
Was Buried Last Tuesday :
Mr. Westley Woodard was at Dun
bar last Mouday and -Tuesday called
there to attend the funeral of hi
brother, Wm. Woodard, ;.r years of
age, who prised away the Saturday
night before as the result of u y.pell
ot the grippe which terminated in
consumption. Mr. Woodard was
born in Lee county, Virginia, and
came to Nebraska in 1SGS and was
united in marriage with Miss 1 lull
in Lincoln about 22 years ago. They
have lived on a farm near Dunbar
where the funeral and interment was
Seme Change in Business ;
T.nst K:i tnrd.iv saw a new nostmas-
stock which he came down on Mon- ter in the I)erson of j. H Austin, who
'ay afternoon of this week and tooK 8UCreeae,i Mr. Eujrene Roddy, who
home with him.
was transferred from the oltice to the
Westley Woodard. Luther Meade" was looking after hns nl bee,n feeling tne best for the
nenhews of Mr. Westley Woodard of some business matters iu Omaha on
t'nioTi and Mrs. Frank "Boggs of the Tuesday.
same rlace were here from their c w Clark was looking after
home at Coleridge coming to attend business matters in Platts-
funeral of Mr. Wm. Woodard of ,nouth ast Saturday making the
trip via the bus line.
past few days but is able to get
around, thinking it better to keep up
the light and be out than to give up.
The new firm which recently
bought out the Joe Thompson res
taurant, has arrived and lias assum
ed charge of the eating house and is
Thaddeus P. Becker and family position of carrier of one of the rural
from American Falls. Idaho, arrived routes running out of Union. While
in Union a short time eince r.nd are we lost a good postmaster we secured
visiting for the present at the home both a good carrier and a good post
of A. L. Becker and family. They master ts well which makes a good
will remain for some time.
Mrs. Edward Dowler and the
children were visiting for a short
time at her folks in Weeping Water
They Kai a Good Sale
That is lat Saturday at the home
Black Mammoth Tom Turkey
W. H. Scheeley was looking after provingto be very clever in the serv- Friday and on Saturday went to cf E. E. Leach who took an active (
r , ,.T. . - -- ' ;
'rri ii i "i ' ''
I have an excellent full blooded
hla k mammoth bror.z Tom Turkey
for sale and a very fine bird. II. E.
Warden. Union. Neb.
some business matters in Platts- ing of the public.
mouth last Friday, making the trip W. A. Harding of the Farmers' ele-
via the Missouri Pacific. vator of Union was a visitor at his
Miss Ora Clarke, who is a musi- home in Bethany for over Sunday
cian of much merit, was selected to but was home bright and early Mon-
nlr.y at the recital sriven by the day morning to look atfer the busi-
- S-hmoeller & Mueller music house-of "ess of the elevator..
.--.-..T ? !- ' Omaha, who were giving a recital at D. B. Porter the new city marshrJl
j iiieir plate ja&L cen. i-- liiajviiio- a uiie aim uc a
l- Something new occurs every once terror to evildoers. Better carry
!- in a while. We are creditably in- yourselves straight, boys, for he will
I- formed that there is another broad- cnro for 5ou if 'ou do not; but will
! r asting station in the vicinity of Un-' treat you the finest if you arc
I ion. the lucky man to establish the straight.
4 business being your Uncle Simon G. Edward Dowler took four loads of
Lincoln where they also visited, re
turning home on Sunday evening.
Joseph Thompson who formerly
had the restaurant will go to Platts
mouth where he will work for Mr.
part in the disposition of the cattle';
and other effects and the records'
were kept by A. W. Propst who is a i
very handy man with the pencil did
the clerking. Robert Troop rounded
Prices 50c, $1. CO, $1.50
nd 52 00
Plus Tax
t WM. F. RACE, M. D.
Cr.crnl practice. Special
ptte'ien given to deep stated
disea.-es. Union, Nebraska.
Thomas P. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
! will be in Dr. Races office, Union, Nebraska, on
and every two weeks thereafter
prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work,
including Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at
very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited.
t c tnr L- o rin lift AfAnln' tVi fi tv-
i load of hogs to Nebraska City and
jthen thre loads cf cattle to people
who had p. 'chased them at a sale
held at E. E. Leach's' last Saturday.
Ed says business is very good but
that the roads are far from it.
Virgil Suddith who has been mak
ing his home at Avoea for some time
is moving to the farm which was
formerly occupied by Homer Shra-
der over near the river and owned
duth. assisting in the movinc with
his truck taking a table and the
chickens. Mr. Shrader who has been
living there for some time is al.
moving. He is going on a farm cf
Mr. Davis' west of Murray.
A. W. Propst selling autos while the, up the stock and looked after other
family has moved to Nebraska City odds and ends of the sale which
where they will make their home for made the affair a success.
the present. '
Misses Angie McCarroll and Alice' Hctum Heme Sunday Evening
Todd, the former teaching and the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Garrison
latter attending the state university, who !:av? been teeing some of the j
were heer and visited with their world e'.ebrating their marriage and
folks respectively last Sunday and taking their hoenymoon, returned ,
returned to their work at the state home lir-. t Sunday evening after hav- J
capital cn Monday morning. ing visited with a number, of their ,
Joe Everett shipped a car load of Inendo and vhilo away enjoyed a
hogs to the Omaha market last week most pleasant visit and trip.
: nd accompanied them to see the sale '
made and in return brought home All Services On Sunday
with him a car of red heifers which At the Methodist church on the
he will for the present pasture but totning Sunday there will be services
later in the season will expect to put i ll durins the day; Bible school in
on full feed. .the morning and morning preaching
E 13 Chapman who has been kept 'which will be followed in the eve
to his home for some time with an r.lng by Epworth League and eve-
ittack of rheumatism has so far im- ' ing preaching, au at me usuai
id ex
tended to all to come and worship
with this church who are not wor
shipping elsewh&re.
P.-f.:. . ;
f or i ! r:i
Pi. 't
V r r.
1 : f 0 t.
Ifn t.h'-
j ek-'-tion.
I Tipton, Grfen vood,
I-'i-. tn w..-l:M-.'ay,s Daily ' Stove Creek. Eimvood,
Dynaniitiug cf ice go fires in the Weeping Water,'- CVr.t
P'.r.tte river three milcn wett of Ave:', Mt. P'.e-'.-n n'..
P. Structure cu'Ji of Valley I-Itn-
cced by Ice jams in Platie
Dynamite P.r.3hed In.
.v i . I a renter of the
- r.iri v h;!d t the Audi
of th-- pi-l,'.!? f.ibriry in
; -: i, . In ".,:- co?m v. .""( hra
:. . " 102 4. at
ocic - p. rti. . tor t.h!. purrse--ir.?
i h c r 'acin of . tic::'-t
: - a.t t::-: con;r..? Primary
S-ilt Creek,
South 15 end,
-. Lo-jUvi'le,
rlirht Mile
by S. S. Davis, his brother.Tony Su 1- proved that he was able to be to .hours. A cordial invitation
town for a short time one day last
week. His many friends are much
pleased that he is able to be out
again and ere hoping he will con
tinue to improve until he shall have
i cgain regained his former health.
Do you believe in it?
Only a short time until the spring rush of work is
on. First thing you know harvest will be here and no
place to store your grain.
A granery is one of the most needed buildings on
a farm. Try holding your wheat. The difference in
the selling price may pay for the granery the first year.
Now is the time to plan! Let us help you!
IrJost for the loney
1 2-inch Concord harrier. 3 wiih steel hames; Bridles
with long checks and kay winker brace; 1 !4x22-foot
lines; 1 14 double back straps to hame; f(
1 14 hip and side straps. ALL for tpU.UU
Two hame straps for. . :2lSz 1 14 belly band 45c
7-8 pierced hitch rein 50c
Pair bridles, long check $8.50
McCIellan saddle for 6.00
All Are Welectns to Services
At th IJantlst church on the com
ing Sunday there will be services in
r.ll the departments of the church.
iijjiblc school, two preaching services
ii ui tug i lie u.x aiui uiruiu uuu lxic;
Young Peoole j Union ,. in the eve
ning. Rev. 11. II. Planck will be
here and conduct the services.
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend to those of our
friends who so kindly ministered at
Ithe time of the illness of our be
loved wife, mother and sister. Mrs.
J. D. Lewis, during her last illness
jrnd at the time cf her death and
j who expressed their love and honor
in the token of the beautiful flowers
and to those who sang at the fu
neral. J. Da Lewis and Familv and
brothers and sisters.
m in
Ttie dairying business is the one which pulls the
farmer out of the rut. It pays the bilb when other
things fail.
The cream business is one which is one of the im
portant ones in this country, and all should be gotten
out of it that is possible. We are representatives of
Nf mi m i L F-a wa fs n n
& Sons
nnd are paying the highest prices for cream at all times.
We can assure you a full return for your "butter fat."
See Us at the
EU1 H. Sheeley, Jr.
About 30 head bred to a sen of Kanas Giant; also some
open gilts, fine prospects. Farmers' prices. Real values.
Joe HLedsett
Cc-Iiuyler, Xeb.. :t:ul in the Platte Grove, Nehav.-ksi, Liberty. Tir-t Reck
river south of Valley, is continuing, Eluf.'s. S -cond Lock D.uii's and Plstts
althoi'.'jii it was reported yesterday mnuth precincts shall each be entit
thnt tlie situation is under control. lei? to two d"-le?:iies, and each, ward
The Enrligton railroad yc-sterday in V"e-tping V.'atcr slial! be entitled
shipped two thousand pounds of .to fro delegates, nnd in Plattsmouth,
dvnamite fLoin South P.cnd to the First ward, 3 delegates; Second
Schuyler. Almot continuous blast- ward, 10 delegates; Third ward. 11
ing for several days has been neces- d'-lcpatrs: Fourth; ward, S delegates,
tary to keep the channel epen and and he Fifth ward, G delegates,
injure the r:afty of the Burlington j The conference will con;-id.?r s;ich
bridge there. other matters as slu.ll be for the best
The Union Pacific bridge just ini erests of the pre)due-ers and con
routh of Valley has l.icn menaced sumers and for the bert interests of
for two weeks, it was reported. Ten the,t'arty. Tome. Remember the dafe,
thousand pounds of dvuamite al- Mr.rch C. lf2L .'
ready have been sta.'by., ilio raii2u CP.i(iitMTZt K-tJiOP THE
road to break up the ice jams. ! PIIOGRESE1VE PARTY.
A United States army bombing f28-sw-. -plane
from Lingley field. Va., was
stopped at Rautoul. 111., en route to
Omaha. It is held there in readi
ness and will be summoned by rralio
by Major Churchill, in charge of air
service her?, if conditions warrant,
he announced. Major Churchill said
he was being kept posted Vy the rail
road companies.
"McGuire of the Mounted"
William Desmond in "McGuire o
the Mounted." See this picturesque
refT-blooded, two-fisted drama of the
big north woods with its crashing
thrills, big situations, wonderful ro
mance, beautiful love story-. A stir
ring outdoors picture. See it at M
W. A. hall Saturday March 1.
Monarch. Engineering Co., of Falls
City, to do Culvert, Guard
Work and Bridge Work.
Tha- Skadar Ssruice Garage!
is true to its name and gvie the SERVICE. One point
in our service is Trucking. We exercise the greatest
care in the handling of your stock or goods. Calls
answered night or day.
Call the Garage for Service of Any Kind
Just now we are offering at about first cost a num
ber of Ford parts and other accessories. See us for a
saving of money.
Remember we stress service. Repairs, Livery and
George H. Shrader, Proprietdr
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
From Wednesday's Daily
At the letting of the contracts un
der the Nebraska road building pro
gram for 1924 at Lincoln yesterday.
the Monarch Engineering Co.. of
Falls City, was successful in landing
the greater part of the work in Pro
ject 153-C which covers the work on
the state highway from Eagle to
The contract for grading on this
project was let to J. W. McGreer of
Lincoln for $11,063.
The Morarch Engineering Co. was
awarded the contracts on several
i classes of work in this county on the
same project, culverts, $3,293; guard
rails, $1,238; bridges, $8,434.
I In the last few years the Monarch
Engineering Co. has had the contract
for the county bridge work in Cass
county and has apparently given the
greatest of satisfaction to the com
missioners. ,
I The contract, let yesterday, was
made under the 'anti-teakettling'
law which was made to stop the
practice which was alleged to have
existed in many counties of having
the bids "tea-kettled" and opened
prior to being submitted and by
which the favored bidder was given
the dope on the bids of their compe
titors. As the result of the new law
there were a very large large num
ber of bids received by the state engineer.
Cow fresh March 4th. Call or ad
dress p. A. Young, Murray.
f28-tf sw
For Sale: The George Hanson es
tate farm of 24 0 acres, located three
miles west of Alvo. will "be sold on
next Tuesday, March 4tii, at the
south door of the court house in the
city of Plattsmouth.
This is one of the best farms in
Cass county and is well improved
with large two story house, large
barn, corn crib. Rood fences, rienty
of alfalfa and wild hay land. Loan
Ki-fim Wednesday's Daily
Mi.s Gerald ine Roddy of Union
ami.. Mr. Stewart EJarle of Weeping
"Water were united in marriage last
Wednesday at Atchison, Kansas, and
will make their home on a farm near
Weeping Water. The host of friends
cf the bride are extending congrat
ulations that she has such a good
husband and to the groom who is
very fortunate in securing such a
winsome bride. They will be at
home to their friends after March 15.
SO acres good land in Canada;
SO acres good land in Florida;
Four lots, Plattsmouth, Nebraska:
Two lots, Calaway. Nebraska.
All clear. Will sell cheap for cash,
or exchnege for merchandise. Wilt -ill rooilv lr.nn frn.v. ? 1 ft " I' " " 1 ",:ult""' Oil SIOCK. 5
to $100 per acre on farm. Sale opens j' e u ,
at 10 o'clock a. m. , " p ' 'v "
This is a rare opportunity to in
vest in a good farm.
street, St.
15c a week delivers the Daily
Journal to year door.
,Bred sows for sale. Farrow during
March and April. j
Cedar Creek. Nebr.
Phone Louisville 1525. ;
The day of harsh physics is gone.
People want mild, easy laxatives.
Poan's Regulets have satisfied thous
ands. i)c at all tirug stores.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
t4! ";-;.
? -i :: .
. Ml!
VgiV-s f ft--VH
All the home news delivered
oar door daily for 15c a week.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Stato of Nebraska. Cars county, ss.
To the heirs and all persons in
terested in the estate of Mary C.
Trent, deceaseel:
On reading the petition of Charles
A. Trent praying a final settlement
and allowance of his account filed in
this Court on the 25th day of Febru
ary, 1924, and for final settlement
end final distribution of assets and
finding of heirship;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested In said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county on the Sth day of March, A. I
D. 1D24, at 10 o'clock a. m.f to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish- Former State Senator
ing a copy of thi3 order in the Platts- Member
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news- 1919-1920 " WUVBnH
paper printed in said county, for one Past. President Lincoln Chamber of
week prior to said day of hearing. Commerce. dm .er 01
in witness whereof, I have here- Past'Prs: T.inpnlr, v -r a
unto set my hand and the Seal of Past Prp t r' . .
s.iirt Court tM ikh, rv,v i" TY'r"'Zlt Mumry inest.
ary. A. D. 1924. m cate -at,I Bank.
William A. Seileck
Congress First District
ALLEK 1 cBESS0N 1 A M?n d Kal ability and spandjudgraa
i -4