The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 17, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PA03 TWO
(m an me.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
church while away,
this week.
They returned
With two excellent trucks and nothing else in the
way, we are prepared to give the best service in truck
ing We will answer calls day or night and give all
our best attention. Stock hauling our specialty.
Headquarters at present in the old garage,
Union, Nebraska
1 1
Farmers' Union Has Meeting
The members of the Farmers' un
ion of Union met last Friday evening
at the M. W. A. hall and had a busi-
; ness meeting at which some excellent
C. A. Trent. James Tigner and Os- eats were jn evidence and all enjoyed
car Dowler from Murray were in Un- tne occasion very much,
ion last Saturday attending the cow
sale and Mr. Dowler was visiting at
the home of his brothers, Messrs. A.
R. and Edward Dowler.
Herbert Roddy who is working in
the Burlington shops at ,Plattsmouth
was a visitor at home for over the
week end coming down on the Mis
souri Pacific train Saturday and re
maining until Sunday evening.
John Irwin the rural carrier real
ized that the patrons on the mail
route wanted the mail for Sunday
and on Saturday astride his trusty
steed made the route taking the mail
which was greatly appreciated by the
V. A. Harding manager of the
Union Farmers' elevator company,
took advantage of the season when
the storm swept the country and
made a visit at home and while he away the office was looked after
by Mr. J. T. Hamilton.
Nick Frederick. John Farris and
Herman Wohlfarth three of the ener-
would alone account for over a
lion dollars. ;
I The shops and machinery engaged
in the repair of equipment constitute
en enormous industry in themselves,
. . i A r A AAA -n r. -r Q Tl f I I
employing neeri) -uu,vvu . - :
spending over a billion dollars a j
t I
year. Charter
The above property is oeaevea m
i, u-nrth fnllv $10,000,000,000 and
OF Tilii
Has Much Business
Owing to the heavy business at the
Shrader garage, Mr. Ceo. II. Shrader
lias found it necessary to employ an
other man in the workshop' and has
been fortunate in securing the as
sistance of Mr. II. H. Becker for the
Will Benefit Six Iim Instead of counot toV' "b"
r of ' Wabash, Nebr: -
rter No. 1132 in lnfries8
braska at the close of business
December. 31, IV4.
Twelve Thousand. Say the
Proponents of the Plan.
Total valuation of railroad'
350,000,000. And a valuation recogr
nizine all the ' elements of value1 as-
Dr. Race U Gone
Dr. Race departed on Friday of
week before last, and while notice
was posted on his door that he would
be -home again on the same evening
or the following morning he has not
appeared up to the present. Whether
he has fallen ill somewhere is not
known but the hopes are entertained
by his friends that he is all right and
will soon return.
Washington. Jan. 11. An analy
c; rt the Hpmnrrntic income tax pro- pr 'would be far in excecs of
posal offered as a substitute for the amount. '
Mellon plan shows great advantages
of the democratic plan over' the Mel
lon bill, according to its proponents.
This is the way they analyze it:
Of the 6,602, 00 income taxpayers
the democratic proposal gives great
er benefits to 6,650,000, including therefore includes no war-time' Infla-
taxpayers on earned income, tnan tion ot Value3. The subsequent In
I rans and discounts
Bankinff liousej furnjture ami
fi - lures -'',
sured to the ordinary property own- Jtom, T;.-.1... . . . .
un r-ue from National
,Vnil State banks..
M,Aa ami itpms
The tentative minimum valuation. of exchange '. '
of the railroads at the end of 1919 Currency ...
wfs found by the Interstate Com- -SHyer. mkel., and
merce Commission to be $1S,900,- Liberty ioan bonds.
ftftn nftrt Tliicr valimfinn "Wfts hSSM i held -as casti re
on costs and prices up to 1914, and
.$ 55,042.45
1 5,860.00
. 41. S3
409.3 S
does the Mellon plan, leaving about
12 thousand who are benefitted more
by the Mellon plan than the demo
cratic plan. These 12 thousand also
are given substantial and equitable
reduction under the democratic plan,
instead of the unfair and discrimina
tory reduction under the Mellon plan.
The democratic plan gives a larg-
Sunc'av beine a truest boring town of Murray were looking account of a very severe cold was not to 50 thousand dollars th;
of his brother A R after some business matters in Union just himself. He was born in Indi- Mellon plan. It also gives
Edward Dowler while 'last Saturday and also were attend- ana and has lived in Cass county for reduction to every taxpay
Ed Fitzgerald and Robert Will of
Platlsniouth were attending the sale
at the home of E. E. Leach.
Sherman Austin who is employed
ing Sunday at home with the folks. - Dr. w. M. Barret who has been the rxision of County
Ertward Slocum from near Mynard ill at his home for some time is still Commissioner c p Harris a number
was attending the sale at the home feeling quitd poorly and has had med- Qf. vorkmon have been getting the
E. E. Leach last Saturday afternoon, ical aid from both Nehawka and rO- (0.. street road orenp,i for traffic.
Dr. J. W. Thomas of Nehawka wa braska City. The regular force and the Dowler
a visitor in Union Inst Saturday com-; Stephen Jenkins of Lincoln repre- brothers excellent work in get
ing to see his friend, Dr. W. M. Car isonting the Beatrice Cream company tin, tne thoroughfare opened so
ret who is very sick. was looking after some business for travei COuld proceed.
Robert Troop of near Mynard was 'the company in the vicinity of Uniou Mr;5. c.anla True, who has been
looking after some business matters last Saturday. having somewhat of a time with one
last Saturday and reported much John Hobscheidt, Arthur Hanson, of her hands on which there started
snow in his neighborhood. Robert Burr, Frank Reed and Henry i fcllon in the first place and which
Joenv V Everett h-s been l-yed Tirara from near Murray were look- was followed by blood poisoning is
up for the past few days on account ing after some business matters in still having somewhat of trouble
of an injury which he received in one Union last Saturday. with the member and has had the
of his hands a short time since. C. A. Trent who is road overseer h?r.d lanced two times and is hoping
. j o Mnrrav irot nut a. force of men and it "wtl 1 soon be showing improvement.
Wm. Scheeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. at -Murray got out a iorte oi nit uauu ..,, . . T . T
ii- tr c,v,i... thnmn opened the road from Murray to the Lost Wednesday evening L-r. J. F.
of hi3 parents and assisting in the
Passed Niueie1h 'Milestone
Last Friday. January 11, Uncle W
D. Foster nnssod his 9 0th milestone er percentage of reduction to every
getic "farmers from near our neighand was feeling fairly strong but on income taxpayer with an income up
aonars tnan aoes me
yer. with in-
irrfr the cattle sale heldbv E. E. much over fifty years. Mr. Foster is come above 50 tnousana aonars.
feeling some better since the change
of weather and hopes to' be himself
again in a short time.
vestment of approximately $1,984,-
r.83.000 (1923 estimated) brings the nntal stock paid In
Interstate Commerce Commission -val- Surplus fund .-. . .
...! r n,nr.-na ai l.'nlivided -profits iNetl.
1,J1, 1 V ton Individual deposits
of the end oi this year up to $20,- ( Blij,jett to check... $
8S4.6S3.000. . 1 . !Lemjnd ctrtiticatas
Each reader can judge for himself Trne'Vertificatis of
the fairness of the contention made . , ... i. ....
by Senators LaFolIette, Brookhart, .Cashier s ; cuecKs. , i
nr.d others that the Interstate Com- p,s",n xat!onai"and
7-fcr a Cnivnissinn vnliintinn slifllllfl . lionlra l . . i
bo reduced by from $7,000,000,000 , Notes." and bills discounted
1p $10,000,000,000. Such a confisca- i l "Ju,rZ .aVan'tV 'fund'. '. ".
JO OftO 00
' 25.00
, . i .
Good Crowd For Weather
Notwithstanding the very severe
weather which has prevailed during
the latter part of last week and the
great depth of snow a good crowd
assembled at the home of E. E. Leach
to attend the cattle sale which was
staged for last Saturday afternoon.
raring for the store for the present.
Mrs. Elizabeth Camp, mother of
Mrs. Taylor, is reported as being very
sick at the home of her daughter,
havinnr been sick for the past week.
-Hair SwiSchss!-
north and south highway and people Brendel was called to the home of
can get to and from Murray now. tWm. Rakes and during the night the
I will make Hair Switches at
ray home in Union.
Sirs. .0. D. firjsiin
Union,"" Nebral&a
Miss Farris, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Farris who has been quite
sick for some time, is reported as be
ing some better at this time but still
! feeling far from her usual health.
I rhilip Keil and Glen Todd of near
i Murray were looking after some bus
iness matters in Union last Saturday
'afternoon and by the way spent a
short time at the sale of E. E. Leach,
j Fred Smith of the Tlattsmouth
j Motor company and W. T. Richard
l son one of the salesman of the same
'institution, were looking after some
I business matters at Union last Sat
urday. ,
Tho work at the Shrader garage
has been so steady and so much that
Robert Shrader who looks after the
sellin gof oil and gas is kept busy
serving and lettjng people in and "out time . has., been . appointed, 0n hi-ap-
storm gathered and lie was not aoie
to get away in the morning with his
car .ind the folks toko him to the in lumber wagtn and on Sat
urday n orning Ciarcnc Keil vho i
driving Icr the do"tor went to the
Rake? home and brought tho ?3i
home. i
Uncle Dan Lynn and wife and
their daghuter, Mrs. Jessie Lidgett,
and uncle, A. H. Austin and son, Jay
Austin all secured the necessary per
mission through the granting, of a li
cense to either fish, or hunt to their
hearts' content. We are not ekpect
ing any of them to-go sit along the
bank of some sequestered stream this
kind and lure the fishlcts from the
cozy homes in the water. .
Eugene Roddy postmaster at this
Enjoyed a Most Pleasant Time
A number of the young people of
the Union school on last Friday not
withstanding the crisp weather went
to the home of Harold James making
t!.o trip in a lumber wagon where all
could keep warm and which was fur
nished by John Brandt and while
r-ome got cut end walked to get warm
and add spice to the trip they all got
there and had a most splendid time
in the making of taffy and popping
corn and playing games while the
wind howled outside.
The democratic income tax pro
posal with incomes of 2 thou
sand dollars for single persons and
3 thousand dollars for married per
sons or heads of families. By exempt
ing incomes below these amoirnts
respectively, 2,400.000 single and
married persons, who are compelled
tr make returns, but nay no tax. are
relieved from making tax returns
and 1.646,000 persons with incomes
of 1 thousand to 2 thousand dollars. 1
are relieved from paying taxes and
making returns. This also relieves
the government of a great burden of i
wcrk and expense. I
Under the democratic tax propos-;
al the normal rates on incomes up j
to 10 thousand dollars are cut in!
half and above that they are reduced j
25 per cent. The Mellon plan pro-
poes a reduction of only 25 per cent ',
on normal rates.
tion of values would in effect be, a I
denial to the railroads of their thief
means of keeping pace with the de
velopment of the country.
1 Fair recognition of rililroadi prop
erty values is essential for adequate
earning power and credit for further
expansion. : . .
, 4(lt.H
' -
State of Nebraska V -' '
PS- .
Lancaster County I
I. Tlieo. Millar, cashier of tlie aboyp
named lanK io nerony swear
above statement is fl corn-fit and tru
copy of the report made to the State,
liureau of IJanking. .
- THROMlLl-Krt,
Attest: Cashier. ,
o. o. THOMAS. Director. , . .
1. M. THOMAS, Director.
Interstate. .Ccnimcrce Commission Is
sues Orders to Eailrcad Lines
of the Country..
Subscribed and sworn
14th day of January. l'J-'- .
(SeaH - Notary , Public. -
(My commission expires May 30, 1925.)
Black Mammoth Tom Turkey
I have an excellent full blooded
black mammoth bronze Tom Turkey
for sale and a very fine bird
Warden, Union, Neb.
Washington, Jan. 14. Practically
i every large railroad in the country
. will be required before
11926, to equip substantial portions
oi' its mileage with automatic train
(control devices under the terms of an
VJUl VSQ17 II . Q' Mer Issued, today- The length of the
?ll,L wlOil Ul Ol track' on which previous orders of the
I commission have required such in
stallations is simply tripled by the
LIln-1--' 1 . . 1 -r. - 1 . Tl 1- T XT 1.
II. E. Alirea r.CDOins to Xveasn new sten. which was taken as a result of
in March May be Invited to (several recent wrecks of a type which
Lincoln, Jan. 13. Samuel M, Sou-.,
county at North Flatte, convicted re-
required before February l.i nt'y " our,unB
15 to 20 years, W'as bronght to Lin
coln today by the J Lincoln county
snerin: ami taKen to ine penitennary.
Prison authorities said he probably :
would be assigned to clerical work In
the shirt factory. Sorter's only com-'
ment was that he would try to make
tne uesi 01 a uau siiuauuu.
The vicinity of Union of has been
visited by the death messenger and
JUilton Erwin, one of the old and fa
miliar figures in the community life
there. has been called to his last re
Pay Visit to Omaha.
the autbmatic control "is designed to
prevent such as that of the century;
limited on the New York Central.
The order was addressed to ninety
two out of the lOS'class one railroads
in the" country these controling more'
than 90 ' per1 cent of the total rdil
Of the
of the garage.
Dr. Thomas P. Cogan
022 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
will be in Dr. Race's office, Union, Nebraska, on
and evary two weeks thereafter
prepared to give you the highest grade Dental Work,
including Extractions, Fiilinrs and the best of Plates at
Your patronage is solicited.
very reasonable prices.
plication to the position of carrier
jof the rural route which has been
( carried before by Mr. D. B. Lynde,
who resigned some time since and
went to Washington. Mr. Roddy
will take charge of the position on
February 16. This will make a va
cancy in the office which will prob
ably be filled before that time.
Last Sunday the Rev. W. A. Tay
lor while on hi3 way to Wabash
where he went to hold service in the
Paptist church had the misfortune
to have his car go into the ditch and
while there along came some good Sa
maritan and helped him out. He was
very thankful for the kindly assist
ance but on his return the car seem
ingly perverse went into the ditch
again and ajrain a kindly disposed
friend assisted him in getting out
und this time he was successful in
getting home safely.
London, Jan. tl. Sir Alfred Rob
bing, president of the board of gen
eral purposes of - the United Grand
LoJge of Masons for England, in
ter ds to pav a- risit to the United
The death' of Mr. Erwin came Sta tes, arriving in NewYork"ln the j mileage in the' United Stos.'
Sunday and followed an illness of , fir?t week of March. : Ininety-two roads, forty-five are re-
some duration from heart trouble. j His visit will be in the nature -of quired for the first time to equip one
Mr. Erwin was born in Ohio, Feb-'a Masonic mission undertaken with fU'n length passenger division along
ruary 21, 184S, and has for more the approval of the Duku of Con-.tnejr lines with devices. The other
than fifty years made his home in the naught, grand master of the order, i forty-seven, which- have either, in
vicinity of Union where he was verv in the abelief that interchange ofiStanet suon devices on one division,
well known. He was engaged in iraternai nnormaiiun vm uu tuuu-( or are engaged in so doing are re
farming fnr tho tr r,nrf f tho ive to a iuiier understanding ueiweeu
time of his residence in this county. LI1U luu "1C .
rhn ,),nco,i io,-Qc i ... Sir Alfred's first engagment is
i . . i j a
ivpII n nno hrrvVi Tnn,, i.,,.,- iaKiress tno praiiu muge
mourn his passing,., j chusetts at Boston on March 12, while
TheTunernl servfr-e ucw hlH 1011 -P"1 iD lle w 111 am"W3 luc
terday afternoon at Sciota valley.
quired to make the addition on a sec
ond division by the same date.
The only class one railroad ex
empt from some requirement to in
stall automatic train control equip
ment are those whose credit or iin-
ast of Lmon and near where Mr.
Erwin had lived so long, and a large
number of the old friends and neigh
bors gathered to pay their last tri
butes to his memory. The body was
laid to rest in the east Union ceme
tery. - ,
1 a aP "V Air TnL-Mf n rn r tnn nni
reSirttimV situat5on makes " inadvisable.!
Misnnri at St. Louis. He has also: ine automatic train control
rfreiverl fnvitntinns to address the vices included in the order are
grand lodges of Pennsylvania, Cali- tended to make it impossible .for an
fornia and Connecticut, but the full engineer, either by intention, neglect
details of his tour have not been de- i or acident, to take his train by a
,cided upon. diock or otner signal requingn him
ito stop, l-revention or ootn rear and
Francis E. White, grand secretary . front end colision are conternplateu.
HAVE A FINE JIASK BALL !of the Omaha tempier met- Mr. Rob"
Shrader's Service Garage!
Service and the best of service at all times is our
motto. Call us anytime for service and we will render
it at the most reasonable rates. Our repair department
is under Mr. E. E. Moore, capable, alert and willing.
We are prepared to do trucking and livery both day and
night service.
header's Service Garage
GEO. H. SHRADER, Proprietor
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
i- On aceount of sickness the joint
installation of the R. N. of A. and M.
Vv. of A. have postponed their meet-
Jan. 13.
bins in London durinJT the Deace juM- tt titt A -r-ry-n-rr rnrtTi ro
From Tuesdav's DaJlv t a i -C ItUJXlUO. IiiUlAiun 13
- i lee in laiv. t usi vjrinu iuaoici o.
The first mask ball of the season Ehrhardt, Stanton, Neb., and Mr.
was held Saturday night at the white were guests of the grand lodge
Coates hall by the local aerie of the of Ensrland for 12 davs.
Fraternal Order of Eagles and was i "I have no doubt that Mr. Robbins " Jennings Bryan today announced the
ing of Jan. 16 to Wednesday evening one of the biSgest dancing successes will be invited to visit Omaha when name of Dr. A. A. Murphree of
Jan. 30. All members are urged to of the scason and as usual the an- we receive official word that he is Gainesville, president of the Univers
be present on that date . nual mask ball was very largely at- coining to the United States. This ity of Florida, as the Florida candi-
. lenueci. i nerre was a very fine ar- invitation, of course, will go through aie ne wouia support ior ine aemo-
In the Dfstrict Ccnirt of the United
States for the District of Nebraska'.
Lincoln .Division; - ' '"
In the mnttereof- Herbert iAlin'
Nelsom .Bankrupt ,Cagq No, , 84 Jo.
Bankruptcy -i -
On this 15th, day pt Januao.A.
D- 1924, xa -fiitngareiC rMdiniTthe
petition of tfi above ina,rrref 4 bank
rupt for his discharge herein;
It is Ordered," That tbe20th day
of February, A. D. 1924, be and the
same is hereby fixed as the date on
or oerore wnicn an creditors or,' ana
all other persons interested-in, aald
estate and the matter of the dis-
icnarge m bankruptcy of the "paid
bankrupt shall, if they desire to op
pose the same, file in my office., in
Lincoln, Nebraska, in said district,
their appearance in- writing. In op-
; position to the granting of the said
de-j discharge, and also, within ten davs
in- thereafter, file in rav said office spec
ifications of the grounds of-said op
position , ...w ,
Witness my hand hereto, at my
office in Lincoln, Nebraska, the day
and ;date first1 above written.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
By the Committee.
Methodist Church.
cratic candidate for president.
Mr. Bryan's statement follows:
If elected a delegate to the- na-
ray of masks seen on the floor in the the grand master. Mr. Robbins, be
! forepart of the evening and the jolly ing president of the board of pur
! crowd derived a lot'of amusement in noses, is nuite a Dersonaee in the or-
' Services for next Sunday Jan. 20 tr'inS to penetrate the various dis- der. His body takes care of all de-;tional convention I shall present the
as follows: guises that were worn by the mem- tails and makes the reports to the name of Dr. A. A. Murphree, presi-
10:00 Sunday School. i bers of the dancing party. grand lodge." - . dent of the University of Florida, as
SSI l&33 B
You are net buying stock in a Combination Hair ,
Brush and Mirror company when you spend money for
Cornell Wall Board.
Now is the time to finish a nice room in the attic
or basement the job you have been postponing for
several years.
We have a book for you, explaining 165 uses for
Cornell W all Board. Call and get yours.
fins mm. Li
11:00 and 7:30 Preaching service.
6:45 Epworth League.
The cold weather has kept several
away the last two Sundays. However,
there were about forty out for Sun
day school each Sunday. Make a spe
cial effort to be there next Sunday if
possible. Rev. Elliott's sermonettes
tor the children are very interesting.
uring the children to
We also like to have
Tho league ii now having some in
teresting missionary lessons. All
members should make an effort to at
tend each Sunday evening. Every
one is invited.
We have been very pleased to have
Mf.-and Mrs. Kay Cross and children
of Arriba. Colo., with us again. Tljey
have been greatly missed from our
a candidate for the democratic nom-
l he committee selected by the
Eagles to pass on the various cos- WHAT IS THE VALUE . ination for the office
tumes awarded the first nrize to Jack ! tttt ojuunATic? There are a number
- . i mci a iiii iLn iiiliiiiilj z
rseitzel and Mrs. Clarence Cotner,
who were dressed as Uncle Sam and
Columbia while the second prize was
awarded to Misses Mable Black and
Beatrice Herring.
The dance was a very pleasing di-
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska. " - r
Bank of Waverly, a Corporation,
plaintiff vs. W. B. Spence and John
R. Heller, defendants..
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution issued
by James-Robertson, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska,' on a transcript of
judgment, wherein Bank' bf Waverly,
a corporation, obtained Judgment
against the said Wr. B. Spence at the
September jV. Bv, 1921 -terra of the
r, , . Lyjl tidncaswr conntv.
'i ciorva, in -ine Sum or 55077
Sunday school. !" th,e ,ove,rS ?l th,S p?stime today which has no rails
them stay for .d one that marks the opening of ne!g trestles and relatiT
ithe season for the-masked dances in
the city, the Eagles having made this
an annual event for years.
Four hundred thousand miles of
track at only $25,000 a mile, $10,
000,000,000. The department of ag
riculture estimates that the average
cost of a mile of improved highway
ties, tun-
relatively infre
quent bridfeWP is about $36,000.
Sixty-nine thousand locomotives at
only $20,000 each, $1,3S0,000,000.
The 6.000 or more locomotives
bought in the last two years have
cost an average; of about $60,000
each, and some have cost as much as
effort $75,000 or $100,000.
Two million, four hundred thou-
es have been mentioned with interest at 8 per annum from
e deserving of considera- j November IS, 1921, costs amounting
connection, such as Sen- to 145.73 . and Increased rnit
,wnose nam
and who are
'w", ou. i. K3 ocu-, w auu increasea costs Anrl
ator Fletcher,: Governor Hardee, and levied upon corn belonging to th
Judge Nathan Eryan. I. would be ' said W. B.-Spence in Crib located 1
glad to support any of them, but i: the southeasf .quarter of SectioTi V
believe that just at this time Dr. Township 12, Range 12, Cass coiirV
Murphree possesses more points of ty, Nebraska: that I will
advantage and less points of attackj i sale on.Baid premises to the hlc-ho.
' -7 . . . d5.for. the l8t dav o
-Jiurphree burpnsed
Gainesville, Fla., Jan. 13. Dr! A
A, Mnrnhrftp. nrrilciTit nf 4lio' ti
x- , j - VI I ' 11 I- ) , . ' - u., V HI 111 IIP
versity of Florida, named today by i l,iereoTA is necessary to'satisfv th
the Floridan monnVM 8ai1 Judgment now inth-
vwi uiltv, v.t. at 111 r'lnrlr -
said corn as. levied upon as the nron-XZVl-
? BPnce,or bo Sh
William J. Bryan as
- Saturday Nighi! -
the latter would support for the dem
ocratic nomination for president In"
the event he is elected a ; delegate to
the national convention! expressed
surprise tonight when shown an As
Washington, Jan. 11. No
will be made on behalf of William
G. McAdoo. candidate fnr the rtomrt- sand freierht cars at only $1,000 each
cratic presidential nomination, to $2,400,000,000. The average cost of
OVprf lirnur tho u.n tln'r .,,! it, tt fraitrht r:i r tndflv i sahntlt S!2.K0rt.
next democratic national convention. Many recently put in service' cost seated Press dispatch containing
accoraintr tn n ctntamniit tn?r and rerriererator cars S3.500i""' t"'a" DWlculc"i
rinniol r1 T?-.r. conli
. W. .A. rlalJ, Union, INeb.iPJ" of internal revenue and prominent Fifty-seven thousand passenger
in tne McAdoo camnaiern. Mr. Ron- train cars at only $iu,uuu eacn,
"Feels Uliehes"
srNrt Rayvlinson
Also a 2-reel century comedy
"Bcddy af iho Bat,"
Mrs. C. M. Tarker departed this
morning for Omaha to attend the fu-
in j the.
- , , o8M-1. and
4a.73 and increnKAit rnt. .
Said sain w-ni ina Vii ' -
,. . . r "yen ior one
11th day of January,
Sheriff bf Cass County
. Nebraska. '
Dated this
A. D. 1924.
only $iu,uuu eacn, i" oncuu uie iu-iyf. , . . .
er said that Mr. McAdoo was oppos- $570,000,000. All steel" passenger a relative wnicn is being 'TTn-WH..
'I 5
Mrs. James P. Johnson was amnn'v
en to a Change in the nrMont rnloa
for the next convention. (
After the 1924 nominees are chos-
en. Mr. Roper said, his personal be
lief was that the convention might
then consider a change in the rules,
which now require two-thirds votes
for the nominatio nof president and,;
vice president
train' care now cost from $30,000 to,he1 thee this morning
$35,000 each.
Materials and supplies, $500,000,
000. - Railroads have to keep on hand
millions of tons of coal, rails, ties,
spikes, and all other material requir
ed in maintenance and operation.
Working capital, $500,000,000.
Fifty thousand stations and termi-
nals, yards, signals, roundhouses,
Mr?. Edna" Marshall Eaton depart- simps, machinery, water supply, pow
eu tins morning for Omaha to snend
featuring-Buddy Mesencer a few houra attending to some mat-
' iters of business.
Father M. A. Shine departed this
morning for Lincoln to spend ths day
attending to some -matters of business.
the passengers this mornincr for Ofn-
aha to spend a few hours attending
iu fuine mailers ot DUSiness.
. win jean aepartea this morning
tor Lincoln where he was caltpd to V
look after some matters of business !Y
In that city.
acres' adjoining Piatt-,
mouth just right for
Dairy Farm
C. A. Walter was amontr thou
iiik i umana mis morntns-. rmvlni.
i . . "'. h
JUIHk?Tf g00d terms t( Pari'
ty able to handle,- Mirt
putting good Dalrv
sisf in
and Brownie, ih dog.
Good Gisan Show for All-'
er plants, elevators, docks, coal pits.!been here for a fcw days looking af-lT cows'on Place, inquire bf-
and all other items, including ad-Lter ' ,80Tne matters of business. . . V .
ministration. $7,000.00,000. f M- Ralph J. Haynie was a'pas- V ' T. H ' Polli-vM,
senger this momine for Omaha
tions and terminal facilities est'over ! santi- the'day looking after some FARMERS
a million dollars 'aniece. These f. matters Of . business matter in tha : .,
cilitie? in a few of our larger cities Clty- - M