I 'i j 1 Bdnukm State cal Society NO. 52 VOL. NO. XXXIX. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 192-i. V5 i3d t i t i V sV 'v .., ' i! H i i PLATTSMOUTH LOAN & BLOC. ASSN. MEETS work of the Propst family would REPORTS SHOW THIS FINANCIAL probably have resulted in the de TNSTTTITTTO! TN TTTjF "BEST struetion of the house and its con- OF CONDITION. From Tuesday s 1 any Last evening the stockholders of the Plattsmouth Loan A: Building as sociation held their yearly meeting: at the offices of the secretary in the Farmers" State bank and took up the consideration of the year's work that has just been completed and which was very satisfactory in every way to the stockholders and the excellent results of the management of the di rectors and officers and especially the secretary, Ed P. Lutz. who has con ducted the affairs of his office with his usual safe and conservative pol icy which has resulted in a most sta ble showing of the years business. This association has taken all pos sible steps to safecuard the interests of their stockholders and the oifieers have kept the affairs of the institu tion in the bt-st of shape and a strong healthy state of affairs exists today in the Plattsmouth Loan & Building association as the result of this care ful policy. The association has at this time 5319.000 of leans in force and during the past year there were forty new loans including a number to those who have purchased homes and be come a permanent fixture in the com munity and which in keeping with the policy of the loan association to hair of one per cent. ihe sheriff se make it an aid to the good citizen cured a search warrant from the who desires to make a home in this justice of the peace at that place and citv and adds to the manv hundreds who possess their homes through the aid of the building and loan and their savings. There are now 4.1C7 of the month- lv paving shares of stojk issued and these are proving a valuable invest- timi. tVm ct.t-Vi.-.i,i.r.c .rtii q i nrnfitahto virr r.-,-) sS .in ri,i tnse- .. I.Ui:il tX 1 O ! . . l.ia I 1 jirj Ml u l ll ii thir own. , At the meeting lasi evening' the eiction of .three-directors wa held. J. M. Leyda. R. A. Bates andT. J. Janda being re-elected to these posl- tions that they have filled so ably in the past. The board of directors will later name the president and secre tary of the assotiation to have charge cf the executive work of the associa-' tion for the year. This showing cf the Plattsmouth Loan & Building association is very pleasing to the community and shows that the citizens have confidence and have faith in this old and rock ribbed institution of Plattsmouth and which for years has been a very profitable investment for the residents of the city. The books cf the associatioi have teen carefully audited and cn-icked and the report of the accountan. was given to the stockholders at the meet ing last night and showed that in every way the Plattsmouth Loan S: Building association is among Lie strong institutions of its kind in the state and under the precent able man agement can look forward to a great year in l'.'2l in the development of new business and increasing srength as one of the leading financial insti tions of the city. MARRIED 121 CALIFORNIA From oi1?ly's Daity The announcement has been re ceived here by relatives of the mar riage of Miss Li'lv R. Martin and Mr. Henry W. Foster, which occurred on New lears clay at tne nome ot tue bride's mother. Mrs. Lucy J. Martin at San Jo.;e, California. The wedding was a very quiet one and attended by the members of the family, includ ing Mrs. Chris Motzger. a siter, of On-aha. Mrs. Charles Creamer and family of San Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Vo.;r nvhrv ihr also, make - i r. ; i n x'u.-w ..v. their home in that city. Following th wedding the bridal couole de- ere er pieasanuj entertained led his audience to see that the Bible parted on a honevmoon auto tour yesterday afternoon at the home of ip ro3iiy a library of 6C books'. 39 thru CaF'mia and which will occu- Mrs. John W. Crabill, who was as- of these being found in the Old Test pv some tv.o weeks. Jsisted in entertaining by Mrs. J. E. arnent am 27 in the new. Having The brid" is well known in this lo- le3 and thf occasion was a very ( ma Je an extensive study of this sub- litv where her parents. Mr. and ad in her new happiness will carry t'v-t wishes of the many friends in t'-N city. She is a sister of C. L. Martin of this city. MEETS WITH ACCIDENT From M.nf!ay-s Daily Fred Stewart, who has been as sisting at the Plattsmouth steam laundry, v.as the victim of a very very painful accident yesterday while he was rza?f-d in making some re pairs at the laundry building to get the m?' hirar ry in shape for the open ing of the work Monday. Mr. Stew art va-, cnziged in placing a pulley over oe of the washing machines v.-hen he slipped and fell to the floor anrt in dome so turned his ankle so vas fractured sHehtlv. The inat it was fractured slightly ' . " A x tentior. and marie as r-nmfnrtahlo 93 'ere h irabieo1 SSVtaiSi activities. Mrs. C. J. Martin were old settlers - , -o. 7n th ni. tn tL strate ine iact mat every type oi lit- priate nour tne nostetss serveu very ; Ervan is not KOing to run for a see- and she grew to womanhood here and, ,n a JVrntenrir ,t u-l Aihl prature cari be found in the Eibl". He dainty and delicious refreshments. j on,j term but mav VUT?UP Pon:e oth graduated from the Plattsmouth high a wonderful survey of the whole ; Those in attendance were Mes- or ofnce and h!s Continue(i silence on I s chool. In the last few years she has f son rcr ner piacmg tne o. i . i. - Bible and a(lvisea every one to make dames Frank L. Cummins. Henry F. th.lt 51lb;ect has stirred up democrats r-si led with h-r mother in California1 f on;st " Pa" J;" s orK a study of its beauties. The speaker j CJoos, Frank H. Dunbar. George O. i who heiieve candidates in waiting' FERE AT PSOFST HOME From Tuesday's Daily Last evening the Walter Propst home, located in the park west of Chicago evenue, near Rock street, was the scene of more or less excite ment due to a small fire that for a few moments seemed to be very dan Serous and which but for the prompt tents. The fire originated from an oil stove in the kitchen and a great deal of damage was doe to tnhe wood work and plastering and the contents of the room but hv hard work the fire was confined to the one room and the family cue. -eerier! in anttrll'inr the flames before the fire department ar- rived on the scene of action. The loss to the house is estimated at $:it0 Mr. Pronst states, but the family feel lucky that the loss was not greater. SHERIFF STEWART LANDS BOTTLE OF IIOQTGH FRIDAY Beverage is Fonnd leET Weeping Water Eesidence by Sheriff Fctnd In Straw Stack. Frcm Tuesday's Dailj The last of the week Sheriff E. P. Stewart was called out to the vicin ity of Weeping Water by the report that parties there had been dispens ing the beverage that Uncle Sam has forbidden to be stronger than one- visiting tne suspe-?tea locality iouna that the persons living there vver - away from home but in his search. ing revealed a bottle of the old fa- ; miliar hootch that had b-en carefully j concealed in a straw stack near the residence. The bottle was brought on in tn the countv seat bv Sheriff Stewart .1 l j - .1 l 1 . .-. r t I . u . ... - .. Attorney A. G. Cole for his action and just what legal steps will be tak- n has not been signified and so far no action has been filed by the couu- ty attorney against the parties in the cafe. DEATH OF OLD RESIDENT Announcement has been received ny r.irs. James m. uonercson or mis city of the death of her brother, Ben- jarr.m b. nasemeier, at inicago. ine death occurred Saturday and evident ly was very sudden, altho the first messages did rot give any of the par ticulars of the cause of the death. Mr. Hasemeier was an old resident of Cass county, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hasemeier, being pio neer residents of Eight Mile Grove precinct, and the deceased lived for many years in Louisville and vicinity and was known to a large circle of,which netted the club 532.50. In friends in that section Of the COUn- rnitirn nf fie hnnor whirh l-as ty. The Hasemeier family came lrom Pennsylvania to Henry county. pointment of Mrs. A. J. Beeson chair Indiana, in 1S53 and in the year m,n nf tl-P -,.farn kiro.r.i fnr riiitnVt 1S'J7 they came to Cass county, Ne braska, where the father located on a farm not far from Louisville. The deceased gentleman was here in August for a visit of several weeks with his sister. Mrs. Robertson and family and from here left fcr Chi- cago where his daughter was mak- mg ner r.ome ana nas since mat time been living there. The many old friends will regret very much to learn of his death and extend to the family their most sin- cere sympathy in the loss that has come to them. W. C. T. U. MEETING IS LARGELY ATTENDED From T'jf-S'lav's Daily The members of the W. C. T. U p-'- " ,',cu u: in tne evmoois ot ue -v"; . ine meiniiers ot iue tutai umuu also adopted resolutions of sympathy i to Mrs. C. E. Wescott. ojie of the charter members here and who has always taken a great interest in the work of the society, on her bereave - ment at the death of her beloved hUSDana. The ladies enjoyed a number or well chosen ana cnarmingiy gneu well Chosen ana cu.iruiiuKij a . n having t0 spend some tirae on the ard!"b -tired list Mr Rasmussen was as- .Vm- p1i Tnnv:61stinS n handling a large timber tnd Fl "-ibeth Soaneler which as-;w.hfn l fel1 ?d struck him on the ?pinihe delicti f o 'throccasion right foot and le and inictin& a se- sisted in the delignts . ine occasion. fracture. The injured man was berVortha f Dr" J" S' dainty refreshments by the hostesses; t011: the covnPanf surgeon where that added o the enjoyment of every-! he foot was given temporary dress - one Blfore adjourning the ladies ng and Mr. Raussen taken on to the deCided to hold a bake sale on next ic I, th, location to be decided jaiu.u-j, Advertise your wants In tne Jour I nal for results. WILLIAM RUMMELL AND FAMILY WILL LOCATE HER j the year lf'24 which are as follow: . Z , . I President. Henry Horn: ic t-resi-County Assessor Purchases Heme inticnt a. a. Wet-nkamp: seer- tary. This City and Family Moves in j. P. Falter; treasurer, Louis Frcd- Snmriwd nv 'NVia'Tihflrs. 1 rich. Directors. P. A. Hill. A. .'. En- 1 From Tuesday's Daily Plattsmouth ha3 a new family numbered among its citizenship as Pnnntv As:nr Williini Knminell and family yesterday moved into the ,-itv ami Lir-aterl in the. Plvila -v n- der property on North Sth street which thev have iiir recently r.ur- chased. Mr. and Mrs. Rummell v. ill m.il-o nlru'5rl mlrlitinns tn the i i ft. of the community and the Platts- i mouth people are delighted that they i have decided to make this c ity their home in the future. i Incident to the moving into the . city of this estimable family their old j friends and neighbors gave them a very pleasant farewell surprise on ' Sunday evening at the farm home in iattsmouth precinct. The Rummell .mily were in the throes of getting ready to move when about 6:Hi Sun ! day evenintr the friends hee-in dron- ping imon them and by the time the j entire party arrived there were 100 ; assembled at the home to join in the happy gathering and to make the oc- J casion one long to be remembered by .,-c-utly at Sheridan. Wyoming, ap i the Rummell family. The irien.is pears in the Fo. t-Enterprise of that carae vita wen laiieii baskets ot tne good things to eat and made the time fly most pieasurably in game and . Johnionc. is r.r.cu a jus; praise by dancing as well as cards that served -th? cri'.ic vf th pap-:r tor her talent to entertain until an appropriate and b-auty o." xprc-." 1 -a. Mrs. John hour when the feast v. as spread and '; ton- was for: e; iy " Marguerite evcione enjoyed to the limit the Walters, daughter o: Mr. and Mrs. Inf. neon provided for them. ! E'.iil Wait of this i-y. : i One of the recitals :.o uiven at the .GIVES ABLE ADDRESS m THE HOLY BIBLE ' Hev. Frank E. Pfontz Addresses the . . . . , - Plattsmouth Woman's Club at Their Meeting. Frnm T:!Psiiv's n.itlv The library auditorium was the traltc voice being head at the bet center of interest for all Woman's in the group of sorgs. Mrs. John club members and their friends last stone also sang ' Silent Night." a eevning. This convocation was call- very appropriate Christmas song that ed to order by the president. Mrs. was a great hit with the veterans. John Gorder at S o'clock. The sec-' In speaking of tne work ci Mrs. rer-iT-v Mrs Prank Gohelmam cave in Johnstone in another of her recitals dQtaii tne happenings of the previous The corresponding secre- tary. Mrs. Tom Murphy, being ab sent on account of illness, no report was given of her office. The treas urer, Mis- May Murphy, gave a clear insight into the finances of the club. Mrs. Fred Egenberger. treasurer of the civic committee, reported the re ceipt of approximately 500. Mesdames E. J. Richey and Fred Lugsch were given a rising vote of , thanks for the successful bake sale come to the club through the ap- No. 1 of this state, th club gave her a rising salute. The program under the leadership of Mrs. Will Robertson was next in ordT. Mrs. Robertson attempted an apology for the first part cf the pro- am nrevitv 01 Deriormers and performance. " This, however, was Ql,ite unnecessary as the junior Rob- 1 ertsons were quite as ease in their re- 'TTren Mon-iaVs Pnity spoCtive parts. Miss Vestetta giving' One of the very pleasant social two pieasinsr piano solos and Master gatherings of the holiday season was .iarni. nided her in a duet. Jamie the afternoon bridge given by Mrs. ' and little Rachel sang a group of '. Mother Goose melodies with uaffect- ed childish grace. ter, Mrs. E. J. Richey on North Fifth j Miss Violette Begley with piano street. Saturday afternoon, accompaniment by her mother render-1 The tables were very prettily ar i ed "Traumeri" by Schumann as a rrnged with the eie trie table lights violin solo with pleasing precision, and the color schem of pink and She responded to an encore with an-, white used effectively in the decora- other beautiful selection. Rev. Frank E. Pfoutz took as his subject "Literature of the Bible. He J?ct. Rev. Pfoutz was able to demon- was tendered a vote of thanks. HAS A SEVERE INJURY From Tuesday's Daily j yesterday afternoon A. P. Rasmus- sen an eaiploye at the Burlington chnns. mpt with n vprv spvptp nrri- - t at .,. ty.t ,.n, DllU in I ,-7 V the broen 1.1vnb dressed and be made, as comfortable as possible altho the. 11 K 1 LLOE A.1 1 L1L L W 0. M LU I main in the hospital for some time and he wil be off of work for a num- ber of weeks. MAKES A GOOD SHOWING From Mi.nJy's D.ily The policy holders of the Fan::- rs' Mutual Tornado. Fire & Live, .n-k Insnmrfp Pon'n.inv of Cass co'tniv C held their annual meeting- last Saiur- Lb day afternoon and elected orueer- tor gelkemeier, F. J. pangler. !I. A. tC.uthmann, J. 11. Alhcr: ' V i 1 1 Kum- Henry Horn. A A. A. Wete nkamp. earl S. Davis, ' tn Atchison. Am-- del Sh' Idon Louis Fiiedrich and J. P- Falter. I The year li'2?. ha.; been protit- 1 able year for the coc:p:ny, i- paying 1 - "7 fcr lsss-s and having a ! balance of 7,ll.r. ; treasury. in t s FORMER PLATTS MOUTH LADY TAL ENTED V3GAUST Mrs. Charles Jchr :cr.?, Fcr 3Ihs Blarguerite filters Gives Eeeital in the West. Fr.ni X!.n!.-.ys D:ii:y An account of the reit?.l given re- :.i;u ". i: vhich the work or a :-lac e former Plait.- mouth :y. Mrs. Chas. I vet era na lcn-ita! a; I'ort -.inchonzi ; jar.d in whi.l: .Mr.:. .Ioh'::or.e was 'heard in a grctip of the vl.l fr.?hir.cd at cheered ''re hearts of the e ar.a cue nn:::r.Dcr v.ts r.ean- vre-i. Among th:: group of its were "Dear Littij Hoy U' Mine" P"-'1 :r:;,- 'KoV.r.S. But Lc-v-y by Th e Sv.-; etest ( r'-fp T "i l i Kl ; T. 'A TM ' ' iit !";.' hoer lout ny i-zuns ano to:a in' Thru the live, " i v Hums, all of which. v.er3 s.wp:yt Mrs.. Johnstone T:V:sr e .1 ? f 1 1 VP 1 V. U' r DcaillliUl i OU- ihe Pc-st Enterprise has ing: "On New Year's --tp f yiiow the home studio of Mrs. Char!e- Johntonc rt-alto, v as very tcaufifu! dth it:; .o!:day Christmas c-a' ion : T.irit. wV n Mis. Jihr.stone r,reser.t ?i a grout- of iur pupils in a recital to their relatives. The progress of the students was m-irked. and ihci: wnvK was ber.u'ifully dore. Ac oia j a -.5 ments wre plived by F' ank Frv berger, pianist, always a favorite ir programs of that ki The recital ",?s closed by a group of Spanish, Italian and French songs given by Mrs. Johnstone." In speaking of the recent concert f ,ie Presbyterian choir broadcast by WOAW at Omaha. Mrs. Johnstone writes tnat the voices came in ntie anil clear and it made her very proud of her old home town and its splen did musical talent. ENTERTAINS AT 3RID0E John B. Beverage of Grant. Nehras- ka. at the charming home of her sis- 'tions, the place cards being in the ' form of the New Year's bells which 'made a pleasing part of the decora tive plan. The afternoon was epent in play ing bridge and Mrs. Frank H. Dun- iun- bar was awarded the first prize while tne correlation prize -was given nv J11SS Amelia Jianens. At an appro- uovey, lone uovey ietis. r. j. r lynn. C. E. Hartford, Misses Anna Hassler. Amelia .Martens, .wmnie uutnmann, May Murphy. BUSY DAY FOR COAL MAN From Monday's Daily j The cold weather of the past few- days has made great inroads on the f.,nv roo y,, n(i so stron- h-" the ' andTeln tha? ilm ce Hartford COal company had its drivers out us- terday hurrying up the orders to the Tatrons an.Vtheir prompt action in iodine. after the dfelnsre of orders "o w tinw. lied and avoiding the danger of the su l running ovt and keeping, the home fire3 blJrninT. . "T 77. ,, County Assessor William Rummell departed thi3 morning for Lincoln liri C lit. H 11 ti t. I 1IC lllVCt 1U. J j the county assessors being held there ! this week and which will discuss the j plans for taxation. STRANGER BADLY INJURED IH JUMP ING FROM im a From W-'r..iLy, Das!.' Roy Wyrkccp, Claiming; Ilcrae "Elack Lack. Ilir.n.. Badly In jurs:! in "Q'r Yards. I A stranger, giving the name of F.oy Wyiikoojr and his home as Black Duck. Minnesota. va- wry badly in j';red last night between 5 : :i t. and 7 o'clock iiou he tried to jump from a moving freight in the local Burlington yards and as the result suffered numerous cuts and l.-rui-e.s t --it he re eived while being roiled over the tinder roadbed ale ng the tracks. The unfortunate westbound .freight Pacifi.: JuiKfiu:1. a: man had got on a in the yards at id v.as ridii.g on a tank car. he slated to the pdke l-i?t night, as the train ca thru i".o city he :et i"d-:-d to get c:f in the t railroad yards and climbed r.i.vvn cn the foot guar.;.- of the car as the train was passing through the yards and gLiming the was t racks thought that the way clear altho the luis-usr.'"" rtatiou bu'lding CcSt a '-onsiderahle shadois in that part of th? yards and made it i i Lit tilt i or hi:.i to ste c learly. As he jumped from the train v.liicii was then going at a good rate of spec! he was hurl d into the cinders with a arreat cleal of force and alighting on his 1-er.l l:rera- r-d and .-dionlders v.-js badly hv the large cinders, a ga-n three hes long being cut on the left r-hoek just below the eye which v.-as quite deep and filed with cin i.er? and dirt that made the wound '"oub!;- serious. Other cuts and 1 ruie.s on the fa-v and hea 1 mad-? the :r.-n't- muntc-nance a mass of dirt am', blood as he was found by the night poI:..-e and brought up to the ::.;.In part of the city. The in- j'ur-d n: was taken to the offices the- Dr Livinson, where Dr. J. II. !'a!l dresd the wounds and the man v.as taken to the city jail to rest and be cared for i.s he was suffering 'cry much from the effettn of th.3 wounds. The man was cpparr-ntly about fifty years of age and stated that he v.as a carpenter and had been work- tag at his trade in different parts of the country during the summer and was traveling west to try and secure work. The injuries ore very severe ow ing to the mass of dirt and cinders were ground into the wounds : :i.! it wi'l be some time before he recovers frcm the effects of the in- juries. r Drrr.ccrr.tic: Minority Leader For Out- State Man as Democratic Can didate For Governor. Senator W. B. Darning cf Union. i!oor leader of the democratic m.i-m-.rity in the If'.'', session of the .tate senate is in Lincoln to attend the meeting of organized agri -ulture and to take part in a hearing to be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock by a com mittee appointed by the senate to in vestigate the alleged deficit in road funds of the siato highway depart- : ment. He is a minority member of that committee. j "Petitions for the nomination of a ' democratic governor will soon be in ; circulation at my home." said Sena-, tor Banning. "I do rot know wheth-i cr E. R. Pur .ell of Broken P.ow cares : to run, but if ho will make the race j for the nomination on the democratic' ticket, that will feuit me tip top. John Norton of Polk would 'l?o bo all right. Somebody is going to get in to the race mighty soon." Mr. Purcell is a member of the state senate and served with Mr. annnisr in the recent session of the ' i lecicdature. Doth are officers of the rtate fair board. Mr. Purcell is the publisher of a newspaper at Broken T'oti- Tho imnrossinn tliot r.nrorT,nr should no longer wait for the gover nor to declare his intention. j t Tr Norton is spend the winter! ;in Lincoln. He calls 11 1 U I . 1 i Is frequently at J office and v.as! I Governor Bryan's office there Monday. CARD OF THANKS ' To tlie dear friends and neighbors: Christmas has gone by. but still we ' nnot forget your kindnesses, dear) neighbors, to our poor wife and moth-' With your remembrances to her. ' and let us assure you that they will in our memory and which! cheered the recipient, and we desire; to express our appreciation of the ; many tokens presented" to Mrs. Stava ! - I ." fllu fcrt in her affliction. Fortunate is. the person that has that good for- L. I Li : 1 r lt l : C. 1 kl IH 11 i& llTl. 11 1 ' 1 11U1 ' Wishing you all prosperity for the ! New Year. Mr. and Mrs. M. G I Stava and Family. DECEIVES WORD OF DEATH Fi.'l.-I V .'.is.Uiys Daily I A letter has been received here from Mn;. J. L. Stamp giving a lit-! tit mote uetail or' the dtath of E. O. Kurh;:2g. former fats ccunty man,; v.- h i t li occurred at Steamboat i .- ;ir:i:cj. Ciuor.ioo. on .:oniay. ie-: ccmlit-r At that time it v. as n-jt !:i:.'..i: ju-t the .au?c of th death and Mr-. Stamp states it: her !-tter : which she sent of reaching Colorado. . that o.i the morning of the :11st Mr.' Furlong had ar?.- vzi r.s usual and was the hot;-e when lie sucl-.cnty tcii to tne noor. ueatn i." Uts ; !n:(-st instant. Z.tr. Furlong wi.;i a v.-ry promintnt business man in tue n'"rtliern tevtion of Ctdurad-i l.:.ving 1.-arti ware stores and auto acfct'es at Steamboat Springs. Craig w.. r-ayden. Mrs. Stamp expects to rt-!i;ii:; with h-r si.-ter. til fr th-? r r -sent until s-he t; ..n hr-r future y! FRAil . JOHNSON DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME IN OMAHA Former Resident cf This City Taken With Hemorrhage of Lings While at Breakfast. le Frank E Pi. i h.iii.lays I;:i!y Yesterday morning whi Jchr.son, former Plattsmouth man iths had ,th:;re direct r at the!, Tn ccnM'1 n,,,.,!,., nave more who for the ast two won been employed a.s u janitor 'U"UT.""' ... V . as v;:llll:g iOi I. is i U'linidsi tiL my Fris o restaurant at U14 South Fif teenth street, he was taken with verv severe hemorrhage of the lungs and died in a few seconds. ) Mr. Johnson had just entered the Frcm w. .ines.i; y's Daily restaurant whieh he has been in the ' Frank I. Farger, who has been re IiaL.it of patronizing and was seating cently traveling in Wyoming looking himself at the lunch canter when he sudr'euiy fell for'vard and tho blood poured from ihe mouth and nostrils u.t':e untcriupate man ana ueiore ii: r:a-i:e i :m siae ne nau passeu i arxeu in tne commercial uie ot ui ;;-y. Dr. John Baptist. 506 Barker city. Mr. Fangcr yesterday secured building. vas in the restaurant at the , the book and stationery store fcr time and atterunted to aid the stricX-i merly in charge of Henry Herold cn ir.?.n hut v,-ith out avail as death and this morning toot charge of the was almost instant. The death was business and is now looking after the result of hemorrhage of the the needs cf bis patrons. Mr. Fan iunsrs. the physician stated. ' ger was for some time the owner of a Mr. Johnson was fifty-five years of department store here and later sold age and made his home here fcr a his holdings to the H. M. Soennich ::mnber of years, being an employe of sen company and after deliberation the Darlington shops up to the time or tne strike an;! has ror tne past sev- ral months been making his noire in Omr.sia wi'h his step-son. Louis La h.cda at 27J-3 Davenport street. H: is ciirvivL'd by the wife and one son o: this city as well as a number of step-children and a number of brothers who reside at Creston. Iowa. The body was removed to the Crane mortuary to await the arrange ments for the funeral. SUFFERS SEVERE ACCIDENT i-'r'-m Monrlay's Dri!v Logan Covert is laid up at his home as the result of a painful and severe accident sustained Saturday while lie v.as helning unload some heavy logs. The young man was unfortunate enough to have one of the logs roll onto his leg and as the result the knee of the right leg was quite badly sprained and strained and will con- fine Logan to his home for the next few weeks. A Wilh The confidence of our customers must be guarded as carefully as the money they de posit with us. This is a never-to-be-violated rule which means that you can enj'oy the advantages that come with a thorough understanding of your business with us without fear that what you tell us will reach the ears of anyone who i not concerned in your affairs. Feel free to come to us with your prob lems. Your affairs will be held strictly confidential. k if? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE PIATTSMOUTH CATHOLIC CHURCH TO POSH GERMAN RELiEFORiVE HERE St. John's Church Membership Will Collect Clothing and Foodc.tufT for Shipment Overseas Sometime ai-: the Roman C.'tholie church--: of the country receiv a pastor?! leit from tl." apostolic dJ.-.te to the Inited Statts. trins niitting t he appeal of Pope Plus XI. for the rtlirf of the German peiple, !(t in accordance with this app'-.ii. th'1 mr-.ir.ership c f the dior-se of Lin cc'n w;.-: urged by the Kt-v. Michael widow. A. Shine of t:is city, to m:.i:.- S;'.r.-de-dd. day, January t'.th. tl:e day for a : pec- iai collection in th- cliatches l.'r f-ands fur the Germans. I Ti;e turn raised in the churches 'will le transmitted to the beads of I the church for sending to Germany, and in i-ddition a sp.cial campa:vn I'viil be made in all the parishes for i food and clothing for shipment to Germany. Ir. this city a special committee l as been appointed from the mem! cr- shlp of St. John's church v.-hied: w 11 'conduct a soliciting campaign of fee city for any servicrhie clothing or , feed donations and arrangements I Pave aiso been made that the-, can 1 b left at the stores of the c:r from ' where they will be taken ov. by the committee and prepared for ipmcnt -ev. uih, uemg . in-:ii to uermany. iitte in caarge exp-e. to detailed statements c :" their plans ready within the next , week. PURCHASES STATIONERY STORE after business interests there has dt- :ided that Plattsmouth is not tU'Ii a tad place for a home and business nu according iis on. . again decided to engage in business nere. FUNERAL OF MRS. WALKER From Morula y'y D" ny The funeral services of the late Mrs. James A. Walker were held this morning from the home at Murray tid the services in that place were conducted by the Rev. W. F. Graham, j The body was brought to this city I p nd laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. ' A large number of the old friends mo ! torod up with the cortage to attend ithe last rites at the grave. CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to express to the mem- bers of the Mechanical Department association of the Burlington and the Eiks lodge our deepest appreciation of the many kindnesses shown us at the holiday season and for the iemem- brances that were given. Mrs. Mary Piper and Family. tQii ilo Exceptions! YOU FEEL AT HOME KEB2ASKA. i