The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 24, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1923.
Sold and Exchanged!
Miss Helen Xorton, who has been
sick at her home in Murdock for the
past week was able to be up and
abjut again during the latter por
tion of last week.
Emil Kuehn was a visitor In
riattsmouth last Monday called there
by business at the court house and
tt i , . - luuniug ojici ouiue ilia. tiers
we nave some bargains cf fams of business as weii
for sale in Cas SCOUnty and else-! Herbert Frenstein the new Farm
where. ' I ers elevator man, was spending last
j Sunday at his former home at La
We also write all kinds of Insur-' hara returninK to look after the
ance Life. Fir Tnn, T olr 1,1,,uuaJ-
Uappinoss and Prosperity
Auto, Etc.
Emil K u e h ei
Jlnrdock - :-
Kenneth L. Sedraan and Otto Mil
lar Shelled and delivered corn Et the
Farmers' elevator during the past
Miss Elsie Craig of Wymore was a
guest at the home of her brother and
-U the Evangelical church will he
J held the coming week the quarterly,
I conference which will be conducted..
I by the Rev. Julius Scherbacher pre-
js-uung eider or Lincoln.
1 Albert Thiele with Fred Bassett
and tne truck took a load of hogs for
Albert Thiele. Sr., to the Omaha mar
ket lat Thursday. They also had
a load of immune Brock bogge.
Preparations have been made for
the giving of a cantata at the Evan
gelical church which is in the hands
of the ladies and is entitled "The
Ansrel With the Broken "Wing."
Emil Kui-hn was a business visi-
We wish all our friends and patrons, a
Happy Holiday Greeting with prosperity.
The Landholm Service Garage
dni;' ana enjoyed the visit very tor in Lincoln last. Thursday and was
mH V r accompanied by Geo. Merckle.
fc. E. Day and wife and Samuel tluy both looking after some busi
Iay and wife were snendins: last Sun- Tims i ti, , i
.i... i,,; . : . i " ia'u'
.. ai u.c ui n. jsorion anu
Louis Rornemeier has been adding
to his convenience at the farm with
ome new buildings which he has
1 or n needing.
Mi-'-rir.e Tool who is teaeh-i-z
at Cambridge arrived home last
turclay and will spend the Christ
! vacation at home.
I. G. llcrnLf-.k has been about sick
vith the srrip during the past week
bur has kept going at the work in an
ci: -avor to work it off.
Hnry Warrnan and Fred Stock
in Plattsmouth during the past
wtik wheie they were serving as
jurors in- the district court.
Emil Hoicrs and Paul Stock were
in attendance at the box social at
Foiith Bend lc?t Thursday and by the'
way were able to purchase the boxes
they most desired.
Irvin and Herbert Reichman. sons
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reichman,
south of Murdock who are at school
at Naperrille. 111., are spending their
Christmas holidays at the farm.
Eddie Craig and the family are
spending the Christmas of this year
at the tome of relatives, they go
ing to Wymcre this evening for the
idinner with the relatives tomorrow.
John Amgwert and family, Mrs.
C F. Hite and son Floyd were visit
ins: last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Hite at Cherney, mak
ing the trip in the auto of Mr. Am
gwert. Joseph Johnson took the basketball
I teams to Elm wood ,-here it was esti
mated that the result of the games by
one of th fans of Murdock at a high
score in the victory of both the girls
and the boys teams of Murdock but
the1 cold facts are yet to hear from.
- iurdoGk Mercantile Go. -
is not unmindful of the kindness of its
many friends who have so materially
contributed to the prosperity of this store.
We are extending to you all our heart3r
wishes for an excellent Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Z. McIIugh of Murdock and has
ted here a number of times,
randfather Schweepe is still very
at the home east of town where
ite careful nursing and good
ical attention which he had been
j h iving . he still remains in m'ch the
i'LCe condition and with no great
I improvement, .-. It is the hope of his
;ma ijr friends that he may soon be
bti'er, V-
i iUbert .Thiele who is one of the
; rapid, and excellent corn pickers com
pleted his fall work in that line last
i week, having nicked for eight suc
cessive weeks and garnered during
the time some 5,000 bushels of the
' golden ears or white ones, for his
j father and other farmers of this
j neighborhood. Albert surely is a
'rustler when it comes to work.
'The Renn Brothers Merrymakers
gave a dance at Murdock last week
'and furnished some of the most ex-
cellent music of which they are cap
i able. But when they started for
; home their car turned east when they
! struck the state highway and carried
them nearly to Murray before they
could head the animal off and this
made their arrival at Lincoln a little
A, letter from Max Dusterhoff and
Jqtf!: Wutchinek who are making the
overland trip from Murdock to Long
view, Washington, have written from
Fort "Worth, Texas, telling of them
having found lots of muddy roads
and much rain but by listening to
the advice of friends they missed the
big blizzard which struck the state
of New Mexico, fhey going via El
Paso and getting south of the storm
and its effects. !
tTS II 1 1 1 1 H
S2J2SU! Wjf
This is the season when all should be
happy. We are wishing this to you all,
coupled with gcod health and prosperity.
For Sale
160 acre farm for sale, located Wz
miles southwest of Murdock, price
?263 per acre. Write J. R. Veach,
609 First St., Hastings. Neb., or Mrs.
W. Bornemeier, 1201 A St., Lincoln,
Nebraska. i
hie Ribbon Gasoline!
J OoldiWeather Special
Plenty of Kick Makes Starting Easy!
Eagle and Murdock
Lawrence wiseman and wife vLsit
ed in Murdock last Sunday and on
Monday they took his father Mr. J.
W. Wiseman of near Elmwood to
riattsmouth where he had been call
ed to serve as a juror.
A number of the young people of
Murdock and vicinity were enjoying
the exceHent program which was
rendered at the box social which was
given at the school at South Bend
last Thursday evening.
Herman F. Schweppe has been con
Raymond Stauss who is attending
school at Champaigne, 111., and Law
rence Stauss, who is a student at
Naperviile, 111., are both in Murdock
spending the Christmas season at the
home of the parents the Rev. and
Mrs. A. Stauss.
Messrs. Raymond and Ivan Rose
now of Clay Center, Kansas, who
have been visiting in Murdock for
the apst week guests at the home of
Mi. and Mrs. E. W. Thimgau and
Frank Rosenow, departed last Mon-
Havs Two Nice Windows
The windows of the Murdock Mer
cantile company store are ones which
attract much comment and lo ex-
, ert a pull for more business with the
general public. The south window
contains a fireplace with a screened
j light behind red paper, making a
1 cheery scene of a fire which gives a
'glow of warmth as weil as remind
ing us of Christmas. The north win
dow contains all that one might de
fire to eat for Christmas dinner or
any other time as to that.
e r z n n
We are thanking all for their patronage
in the past and are extending the vish
that you may enjo3r a most Merry Christ
mas, together with a Happy New Year.
GORDON CLOCK, Proprietor
OCK -:- -:-
if Siriief
Enjoy Christmas at Home
etructing a garage at his farm which iay for their home in Bunxxy Kansas.
Mill accommodate his car and also
.Miss Elsie Bornemeier accompan-
, provide a work shop for the work
i which is necessary to have done on
j the farm at all times of the year.
I Chris E. Kupke has purchased for
himself and the family a new car,
this time getting an Oldsmobile
coupe which will fit into their fam
ily needs to a nicety, the being pur
chased from the Landholm garage.
Oscar TJowler son-in-law -of Mr.
and Mrs. E. K. Norton, who is at the
hospital at Lincoln following an op
eration for appendicitis is progress
ing nicely and will expect to be able
to return home in the near future.
Mrs. E. T. Tool departed last week
for Saint Cloud, Fla., where she will
spend the winter and at the place
where she has spent a number of sea-
jsons before and is very well acquaint-
ed thus making the stay there more
, pleasant.
. . . , . . . , . iT. . been postponed to
et,by hJT f"end aild ue?' Misa lar Meeting in J
has been visiting here for some time
departed a few days since for Cla
tonia where they visited for a few
days at the home of friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Rohe.
IJctice, Eoyal Neighbors
There will be no meetinc on Jan.
1924, Installation of officers has
the second regu-
Unlimited amount n of money to
loan on eastern Nebraska farm land.
Lowest rates.
January 15
o'clock sharp.
Bv the Committee.
T'.e Amewert fannly of whicn
there are a large number of members
wore all enjoying the Christmas spir
it and sociability wit" the single ex
ception of Miss Anna who is in Cali
fornia and could not get horn; to the
meeting. There were there Mrs. Am
gwert and Henry who make their
home at the homestead and John Am-
January, which is gwert and tamiiy ci lurciocK. tea.
in the afternoon at 2 Letts ana lamny and jo&epn iiaint?)
and wife and Miss Lillian Amgwert
of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Samuel Wal
ton and wife of Omaha and Miss Mar
garet Amerwert who is . teaching
; school at Oxford.
Adding Much to His Home
Frank Buell. living a short distance
southwest of Murdock has been hav-
i Delming-Hallsen Nuptials
Mi?s Mrtn Drhning. t'.e youncc-t
daughU-r of X'r. and Mrs. Henry lie'i
ning cf Wabash, vas u::ited in the
holy b'-nds of niatr:::.o!iy to Walter
Kc!:?cn. sn c;f Henry i- Kal'.scn. of
Big Springs, Nebraska, on Dcctiiihvr
ilS, ai Council Bluffs. Iowa.
I The bride- was acc'ir j;.nif-d by her
: mother .'irid father, brothers William
and Harry snd Nina Mil.'er. The wed
ding took place at the home of Rev.
Striker, who performed the cere
mony. ! The young couple left immdiatejy
j for the homo of the groom's si-terat
;Avoca, Iowa, where after a two weeks
, tt t i x it j visit they will return tn Wabash lur
John H. Back at Home .a Fhort tjrne Mave leaving fur their
TrtVt TT TJnnlr T i r nrQ c- fur n Till m- j- l -r., , . . .
iT,nH.ofttc o1-oti , . : . . ; """" " " iiuiire tome near uig sjningr!, ,-e-
oippiicatioiis La-fa.exi inR some substantiatial improve- her of weeks at the hospital at Lin- hru
now for future loans. See 0. J. Pot- ments and alterations made in his Coln where he underwent an onera- j The heartiest congratulations oi'
hast at larmers' & JB.erchantS' Uanl, "ome. Among umer inmgs ne is na- tion for tne removal or a growjn their many friends will follow this
Murdock, Nebr.
ing laid a hard wood floor which will from his stomach which he been suf
make the home better and more at- ferine- with, was able to return from
Morris McHugh of Falls City who tractive as well as materially adding there during the fore part of last
has been taking treatment and who to its value. Mr. Ray Baldwin is week and is making very fair pro
underwent an operation at Kansas doing the carpenter work and is a eress towards ultimate recovery.
City in a hospital is reported as get- very capable workman and will spare John was very glad to get back again
ting along nicely at this time. Mr. no pains to have the work exactly , as were his many friends to have him
young couple on their journey
life's matrimonial sea.
Morris McHugh is a brother of Mr,
1 Tb
li(uiirdlock MleircainitoSe
and will be better pleased when they
see his smiling face again at his place
of business.
We have a large amount of excel
lent varnish interior, exterior and
floor, flat tcne wall paint, auto enam
el, top dressing, etc., which we are
offering at away below first cost to
anv one who might care to do his
own work during
also have brushes.
Murdock, Nebr.
is headquarters for Men's Dress Shirts, with or without collars; Garters and Arm Bands, Kid Gloves; Belts, all
kinds; Fancy Buckles; Silk Hose for ladies, gentlemen and children; Westinghouse Radiola, Sr., $45.00 complete
installed. An excellent Christmas present. Hats and Caps and Fancy Ladies' and Gent's Scarfs.
Will Visit at Home
Mr E. M. Shatto is departed hav
ing left Murdock last night for the
cQct q n tt- ? 11 o i v o 1 n o it- o tt f ry cn m a
j two months and for a visit and spend
Christmas with a sister at South
Bend and later will go to Montrose
where three of his sisters live and
will later go to Canton, Ohio, where
he will also visit with relatives.
Fine Line of Chinaware
and Cut Glass!
Things to Eat!
Celery, Cabbage,
Lettuce, Turnips,
.Radishes, Oranges,
Bananas, Grapes,
Grape Fruit, Apples
A complete line of Candies and Nuts!
50 Discount on Our
Jewelry Stock!
of Cuff Buttons, Bead?,
Rings, both band and
set; Chains vest and
coat; Neck Chains, La
veliers, Broaches,
Bracelets. And in fact
a full line of excellent Jewelery.
We Have a Very Fine Line
Christmas Trees to suit your wants in size, and all excellent in appearance!
Remember Vie Arc Eleadqusriers for Ail Ycur Waists!
Finishing the Eome
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thimgan are
having their home refinished both in
side and out, Mr. Homer Lawton do
ing the work. The interior is being
made white enamel while the doors
are being done in mahoprony which
mskes a very pleasing contrast. The
house is to be painted on the outside
as well.
War Finance Corporation Eeport to
CcngTess in 0ptimistic Vein
Loans Are Eeing Eepaii.
"Washington, Dec. 20. Improved
the winter. We agricultural and banking conditions
Dusterhoff Shops, throughout the country were reflect
ed in operations of the war finance
corporation in the pat year, di Mo
tors of the corporation declared in
their annual report sent to congress
Although some localities have not
benefited as i'-.u h as c.bers by le t
ter prices and other factors bearing
on agiicultural prosperity the direc
tors said, they regarded the contin
ued heavy repayment of advances by
the corporation as evidence of a
sounder economic condition general
ly in the agricultural industry and
the financial institutions on hih
it leans for credit. Country bankers
in nearly all sections were represent
ed in the report as being on. e niorr;
in a position to take care of their
usual credit demand.
Since January, 1P21, when the first
advances were made, tne corporation
has loaned a total of ?2S7,,f ( s
for agricultural financing. Of that
Held Piano and Violin Eecital
At the recital of the pupils of Miss
Margaret Tool which was held at her
home on last Friday evening there
were present a large number who
were greatly pleased with the excel
lent music which was served. Those
to participate in tbe program were:
Misses Eleanor Stroy, Frances Dorr,
Catherine Neitzel, Isabel O'Halleran
and Magdalene Gakemeier, Masters
Douglas Tool, Neal Dorr. John Zoz
and Richard Krecklow. This is the
first of series of recitals to be given
by Miss Tool.
sum. the report showed, more than
211 million dollars had been repaid
on November 30, the end of the cor
poration's year, with additional iv-
payments fince then aggregating
about 10 million dollars.
Culling attention to the difficult
problems facing the cattle brc ding
business on the ranges as a matter
requiring the active ochcern of all
parties interested in the preserva
tion of the industry, the report indi
cated that the directors were hope
ful that conditions soon would begin .
to right themselves.
I Washington, Dec. IS. The action
of the senate in 1121 in confirming
the nomination of Albert D. Lasker
of Chicago, as chairman of the ship
ping board, is regarded by President
Coolidge as having set a precedent
for favorable action on the pending
nomineticn of Edward P. Farley, al
so of Chicago, for the same olEce, de
spite teh geographical provision of
the law.
The last call Monday, next. Re
member the date and don't forget the
Christmas presents for tbe children
that are unable to buy them.
Trenmore Cone, former hitf clerk
fcr the of representatives
filed for the United States senator
ship on the democratic ticket. My
Cod! What next!
Then Dennisoa. cicpe papers and:
paper novelties solve jnany cf the
problems of the hostess in the deco-i
rations for the social gatherings of
the holiday season. At the Bates
Book and Stationery Store. 1
Xew York, Dec. 20. Bishop Wil
liam T. Manning today forwarded a
letter to the rectors of all churchc3
in the Protestant Episcopal c'.ioce- e
of Xew York asking that a truce be
observed in the religious controversy
between the conservatives and mod
ernists until after Christmas.