PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUBNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1923. PAfl2 TWO i Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. -. . - - I). C. Rhoden ami son. A. D. Rhod- j Miss Gussie Itobb was a Visitor c n wort looking after some business , with friends in Nebraska City last in Union last Saturday. t Monday. Joe Thompson was a visitor in Ne- Charles Hltt of Murray waa a vis braska City last Monday where he itor in Union last Saturday and brot wan getting suppues tor tne noiei. Mm. Win. Craig and C. I). Austin and .-nn lierold. w re visiting in Ne braska City last Saturday for a short time. find delivered . . i he elevator of which was of (;. V. Chen corn la.-l Jloi. 1.. McCarth' and : a good quality. Albert Wilson living a number of mile. northea t of Union was looking after some business matters Avoca last Saturday. a mule to ne soia. Ray Becker was a visitor in Platts- mouth wliere he was looking alter Clarence Cotner was a visitor in Union last Monday afternoon look ing after some matters of business. A. D. Crunk and wife were visit- inir and looking after some Christ uimnKinv in x'ehrnska City last mas shopping in Nebraska City Monday afternoon. . The garages of union nave agrecu GOUZENS OR DEMOCRAT IS ALTERNATIVE Howell Given Support But leads Move For Michigan Man to Head the Committee. Bnm. mntn rpirnrdlntr the sale of on a cash basis of business and here- wood, after will change cash for work, ma lt. E. Foster was a visitor In terials and supplies. ij .itc..,n,ii. lact Mnminv whir he .1 a. Hansel and the family were was called to serve on the jury in the visiting in IMattsmouth last rlttay, interests in the chairmanship of the Washington. Dt -. 17. Old gtrr.rd leaders acknowledged they had been ignominously defeated in their fight to continue Cumr.uns, oi, wno , Is regarded as 'safe" by the railroad I district court. driving over to tne county su iu . Ceo. Ray and the family departed car to look after some business mat the last of this week for their old ters. near time home in Missouri where they Ellis LaRuo and L. roclcl were will visit for the holidays. looking after some business in Platts- A V.. Vropst was looking after; uscar bnraaer irom near jiuii., moutu i ..wa, ,r"", mnic buimx matters in IMattsmouth I was a visitor at Union a guest of his alter some matters at the district last Monday, driving over to the ; brother, Geo. II. Shrader and also in court. , - coutny seat in his auto. Attendance at the E. E Leach sale. J. . Crass has been assisting Joe ....... (. ..- n v irrriJ Spo the chanee in the ad of Dr. Banning in hauling hay. they mak- IMattsmouth last Thomas Cogan, the Ai..,t,v- u-iiin h wni lnnklne after 'comes to Union. His ad is now read .J ....v.v ... . .... interstate commerce committee. Cum mins reached the peak of his vote on the first of today's ballots, getting 4 3 votes. Flow tlien on his strength dwindled until the fifth, when he got only 3S. The insurgents were prepared to go on with the balloting -in the be lief that a moement toward Couzens misrht set in and insure his election. dentist, who Ing an excellent team as tney nom .old guard leaders, however, begged ead- know just how the work snouid ne . for delay until tomorrow, expia a i nine that they desired time to get to gether" and see if a compromise could not be arranged. The old guard tinally reached the conclusion that it vill go ahead with Cummins for a l;tt!e while ledger, and if forced to accept Couzens, they may do so. . . . i- il. . 1 . r i 1. e -.1.1 1 A ,Aunio rt foea innntv : ' : 1 . V. , 1 . , r . 1 1 . n I, it in..j ..iil..ri In Om-lln last lion- , lllOSe nui H'eiing llie UfM lur iuc jum ui liiv tun, uni iuvn.- ".-.j ' ; .-Mining uihihts iwi en-i. 1 in .i-.v cv.MiiTiir coinir on the evening . week but has been able to get around is visiting for a few weeks at the , ti,c possibility that the group, which some matters for the county Lloyd Lewis was a visitor in Un ion last Saturday and was a guest at the home of his sister as well as look ing after sime business matters. i I. L. Swanson the Missouri Fa- j cific :gcnt v. as looking after some) inir that he will be here on Dec. 22. done, Rev. W. A. Taylor and wife were J. D. Cross was a visitor with the visiting with friends in IMattsmouth wife in IMattsmouth last Friday last Monday and while there were where they were visiting with friends listening in on the attempt to secure and also were doing some pre-Christ- a jury fo Mrs. Kaufman's case. mas shopping. J. A. Everett has been one among Grandma Fitch from Kenosha one ii j w i in i I" Jim ' It is the Vision of Values that Leads Eager Shoppers Straight to this Store! But few days remain in which to select that gift. Profit by shopping vith us! t ra i n and do his work of feeding his cattle home of her daughter, Mrs. Jennie The Rev C L Flliott pastor of of which he now has a car in the lots. Frans of Union. Met hod'ist 'church of Union, was' W. A. Hicks of Nehawka was a Mrs Ellis LaRue and parents, Mr. is now supporting Couzens may rwing its entire strength of seven .s.r. An Omltli . wl f),Atfk'I-V rl VCt llfTl th Methodist church of Union, was . -v. nn ui .-ia.a . i . j u,ira lKJ o.iinn .nm im.i-i,.T ...... i i-itr in lMatstmouth last Satur- i visitor in Lnton last Saturday com- ami mrs. iieo. mms i iriuus a majori:y. home oi u;e nisuisem i'r v I'cre he was lookin--' after some iTNT here to attend the sale which ter. and their daughter, MissJCath- j leaders oppose mk Ii action, however, budn ss matters " i was held at E. E. Leach's and had crine were visiting and looking af- , explaining that Smith "has had his llcrv Knabo of Nebrrska City was a pair of rnuhs which he sold at the ter some business matters in Omaha ' dinnce" and has failed of election. a visiter at the home of C. S. Stottler sale Couzens was uroic ted into the fltht after the first ballot of the day 1 last Saturday. . I l?ut if it becomes necessary for tnem lT;f v-iturd iv lookinir alter some bus- Lee Karris ant! wire were in in- narciu .mciiois anu lamuy re to go in a no.-y to smun to prevent . m i . 1 . a . -. . 1 . O.. , ,Iia 1 w m a rT . ... I . . : n . 1 . . . i.-i 1 1 . f c. In,.2 .inH friiinil Mr Sto'tler verv ion ia.i lnursaa-y wner" iney ntui f.ic&is iusl oui.u.ij ,n ic i i.i iinuu tic. uim, u:cj vm ?ik at tle time t f accompany their son, Clarence, Frank Da tier and also visited with ivi, i' wi n r.Mcn. who is taking treatments at the friends here as well enjoying the oe- er to O-'iaha last Monday where she Green Gables sanitarium at that casion very mucli. tliey making tne j jiad been taken, cummins naa r w. nt to vS-it with'her husband who Place. - -trir in their auto. Ueived -13 votes. Smith 39. Howell of i-- rt the hospital in that place tak- H- M. Griffin of Nehawka was a The Methodist church will give a Nebraska C, and Couzens, 1. The in" treatnent for Ins neaitn visuur in v iimn i'ji :iun m.t vaini.a unu ...... - i.uuui .. .... .jj - 1. i,' o.. .hc n-hn Mnnl:iv evrnine while returning mas tree on Monday evening of next while the latter had the votes of Kf3 b id so-i - business matters occupy- from IMattsmouth where he had been week or on Christmas eve. All are r.rookhnrt. Frazi-r. Magnus Johnson, ." ,mrt;on of the t'ay at IMatts-' to viIt with his mother who is not ordially invited to be present and Ladd. Norris and Shipstead. inV.'.!-"). nrd who also found some time feelins the best. i enjoy the occasion. In the house, the progressives al to run up to the court house to lis-' Jo Hill and the family of Mr- A letter from D. U. Lynde who has ready have won a victory in the fight ten to tVe trial Paul. Iowa, were visiting with moved to Snohomish, Wash., is to for liberalization of the rules, which i i . .. ? ti, f.iu- u-kn r friends in Union last Saturday the the effect that he had arrived safely was clinched today by the election of i i . I rVn arHvPi in family visiting at the home of Mr. and withMhe family is now in their Xolson of Wisconsin, insurgent lcad- JL i, . ,,V 1 I vi-i ' fn ftrpr'n'l Mrs. C. D. Austin and Mr. Hill new home. Durwood has had the . r, to the rules committee in place inn, h,i . r" a twi tor our attending the sale of E. E. Leach. 'Journal come to him and will keep of Tilson of Connecticut, choice of H'l'l--, ill I ' I Of l til Cl. t car :'rd found the roads in excellent ras looking Renorts from Mrs. Alex Eaton who in touch with tne happenings or :nc old guard,. I tie insurgents voteu cC'ila txis imur in nit' iunu y i u 1 1 11 i lit: irumr i 11 v i it. ti iia iv j the comimttee re-organization with after cut debate, voting down the demo- 17S to 20S Arrrrt r-r.ents liave been co c .1 f.r t? e ho!i!in"; of an ente ir.ent at the hall on Jan .".rd which s!all comprise a program I E. E. Leach who has been having from t' i- chool r.n.' n l tnr iriven salts occasionally at the one held by A. It. Shepherd who is an eminent Saturday met witn good success ana nr.i:!lm the most of the way. altho with her daughter is at Rochester. , as ther. wps as much as a foot of snow j Minn., where the daughter. Mrs. Vel- j 1 nion and uinitv. ! .. ..j.. .1.,. linn Whltpninn tin nnrIpr?onp an on-l ll.irrj trans M3 II .i'U.iaiw nucu i nr. nil. , tt - 1 - 'eration and is progressing nicely, are ""- nianri ... i.iam x. tpMiTithat ,h1' are meeting to return to , Friday making the trip in his auto, j n'lrrion this week. I " laln"v ilVtl' Oiir R!IO I III out trans wno tins arrived at Ainam-i bra, Cal., where they will make their home In the future. They were for tunate in that they missed the storms i SUE BUS LINE M.-aker who will sPe ik on -The , had a good crowd and had a good sale,of h h , their , Th . Fonnialn of Youth. ' This will be one which satisfied h m as to the k n country there very FOR LARGE SUMii given tvr tne i cnetit ot the l nion ii1"""""" i couuul-lihk int-iu u a k-I:o!.s orchestra. j regular thing. Col. Rex Young was ' thauct!oneer and all know he Is the . Ijfiest. ' Gensrsl Prsclisner Calls Answered Day or Night! Special attention given to acute and chronic diseases. UNION, NEBRASKA The other' eToning" rhen 'Mr. M. Lynde went to enter bis stable where be keeps his horse, he stumbled on a well. Hears Uncle Died SatuT&ay ! White Bus Company is Defendant in ' $25,000 Suit Driver Charged With Negligence. wire fa ling against the horse who; " Ames, Iowa who had j i" s,"t n.1 .began kLking and injured Uncle My- reachd the a),vancG(, ae of 97 yeare Ja" a,J- ?e'r ron very severely, keeping the kick- L.nplv. rmit, nIIt 10ft ,,,, "ready Mon a ar Mr F It McGnrtliv rpceiveil word. last aSturday evening of the sudden j yu.lla Rues $25000 personal in- oassing away oi nis uncie, nenry .uc- - . .. 0,af t,, vvhito tins line e District Jud fironnrtii Tl., lit ncnriv romuiinc out iiip n nr nnn ing up until he had been knocked hc,n ,n , ,JeaUh untn a few under the division of the stall until d sjn(.0 p was a rusted he could not be reached anymore. mn in contUutIon though of small Mr. Lynde is feeling very sore from ptature. Mrs A R stnrm of Xe. the repeated kicking of the animal. . ,iawba a ne1ce. Miss BesS!fc McCar. i I Dr. Thomas P. Cogan DENTIST 622 World-Herald Building Omaha, Nebraska I v.'iii be in Dr. Racq's office, Union, Nebraska, on S v TURD AY, DECEMBER 22, 1923. c; i every two weeks thereafter prepared lr rivc you the highest grade Dental Work, including extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at very reasonable prices. Your patronage is solicited. A ? IN DR. RACE'S OFFICE UNION John O. Yeiser and wife of Omaha. grandchildren, went over to attend the funeral which was held in Ames on last Monday. Had Excellent Meeting juries are alleged to have been re ceived Anril 21. 1922. when the plaintiff was a passenger in a bus j running between Lincoln and Dun-j bar, which went off the road a few j nii'es west of F.agle. J Miss Hue in her petition states, occurred the bus was negligently r.nd carelessly being driven at an ex cessive rate of speed. She claims that it skidded off the road into an embankment with such force that she was thrown out of her seat and her neck and body badly twisted and injured. She states that she was in a hos pital Jor thirty days after tho acci dent and that she was unconscious for five days. Her medical expenses are listed ?s amounting to $4'J2.50. The White l:us" line in its answer denies that Miss Rue paid the nec essary fare for h?r transportation to AND FOR THE LADIES We are Well Prepared to Fit You Out with What She Wants Wool fk'nncl middies for the Miss. Self and cheek lined,, collars, silk braid trim r.ied, two button cufi's, emblem sleeve set in pockets. Priced vtry much under their real value. Three prices, $".75, $3.25 and S2.69 Tarn Sets Brushed wool two tone scarf and tain with fringed end tf op" scarf. Per set! &)CtO Knit Sport Gauntlets. Heavily wool yarns, shaped wrist, heavy ribbed cnfls, pretty colors. $1.50 to brushed 75c lioudoir Slippers. Beauty and comfort, too. Useful every day. Warm felt, chrome leath er soles. Ribbon and pom pom trimmed. $1.35 and $1.15 Boudoir caps make pleasing gifts. Newest styles, satin tops, ribbon and rs lace trimmed. Price, each DlC Children's Cavalier Boots, made of soft, warm felt. Chrome leather soles. Collar of astrikan cloth makes these very attractive. Ter pair. :le.. $1 Ladies silk and wool hore, with narrowed shapely ankle. An excellent quality hoe in brown and black only. ( Per pair, $1.65 and $1.50 Ladles' pure thread si4k hose, double heel and toe, elastic top. A shapely hose that will surely please her. Color brown only. Per pair .89c Don't Overlook Gifts for. the BABY 39c Fancy crochet wool yarn booties. Three prices, C9c, 45c and Knit aviator style caps, white 7C wool yarn, nicely trimmed, tasseled- i OC Mitten?, closely knit wool yarn. KS white with ribbon trimming. Pair OUC Infants' crochet wool yarn saues pink and blue trimmed. Each 75c Crib blanketsi soft, warm cozy cnts. Bunny and kitten designs. Generous size. Q Two prices, 9Sc and OSC Cashmere - coats for the tot one to three years old. White and pink. 0 Very reasonably priced . $3.19 LITTLE MEN'S SUITS New arrivals for the little boy four to six years old. Fine wool serge and tweed cloths, middy style coHar, braid trimmed. All have pretty ties. Separate panties that button rt waist. Regular (A or values to $7.50. Special p4x0 . FOR THE MEN FOLKS Here are the kind of Gifts Men and Young IVIen will Like Men's sport coats, the kind HE will like to wear. Light i:i weight, but warm and comfortable." Well made, two pocket:-. Brown heather color. These nre dandies and we have priced them very low for Xmas selling $2.89 Boys' sport coat ;, sizes 28 to 36. two pockets, made from fine wool yam. Brown heather color- Belted, $3.35 hi Pure thread silk hose, high spliced heel, double toe, brown, blue and gray color. Per pair Men's fibre silk hose. Brown only. The hose that wears longer Men's fine thread lisle hose. Brown and black. Three pair for ...... 75c 48c .$1 Mccn's tilk and wool h ise, heather mix ture ana an soum colors, o, nner no:e made. Regularly fold 'at ?2 rer pair. Christmas special... $1.45 Silk Knit Xeckties. This popular tie 19. rne gift.. A verv complete assortment-- We have marked them to sell at only '......50c Men's Scarfs. Nothing would be more ap preciated than one cf these fine brushed wool or all silk scarfs. Three prices, $3, $1.95 and $1.65 Men's belts with siher plated buckle. Se lected leather Etock. All tl OT sizes at, each . Men's genuine leather belts, nickel plated fancy buckle. A good belt and a very low price. Each .....65c E0J-3' brown leather belts. Adjustable nick el plated buckle.' . 'Just the or thing for your boy. Each 50C Tit I t-' '-i t t-' 'J fcVt'if.M Uib U Si 65 In the E. G. Dovey Buildings Plaltsmouth, Nebraska 1 11 n II 1 1 NEA2 EAST CLOTHING TR UCKING1 With two excellent trucks and nothing else in the way, we are prepared to give the best service in truck ing. -We will answer calls day or night and give all call our b?st attention. Stock hauling our specialty. Headquarters at present in the old garage, Union, Nebraska Dowler Brothers UNION NEBRASKA Last Sunday at the Sciota school where there has been church services h, o ; .VT V,. : : Pital Jor thirty days after tho acci- The Near East Relief committee. fii Tw1 oi dent and that she was unconscious which is conducting a campaign for out of the housed : Viirfn .he serves for J. fy' ,Ier '"f"1 "p, Lho Z.1", . UltClth the Howpvpp ihPnt.r,Kt tn.h..ic are 1'stpcl Ps niv.ountmg to S4-2.&0. needy in that locality, will make a j0 ,ii o.i . " The White Bus" line in its answer canvass of the city on Thursday and h, ImP I A,r: :Z,: Rue paid the nec- Friday of this week for the purpose 1 . . . , rssary fare for h?r transoortation to 1 of securinsr any earments that mav tended to all ltion is ex- Dunhar an., c,in,s that any injury be iven the committee for the use ' , :sl:e might have received during the 1 of the needy in the lands over the T t xr r lf'P w;vs due 'o her poor physical .LCSt vanity Lase condition. Tin v state that the cause Lost a silver vanity case with in-!Cf the bus skidjintj off the highway Itial "A." Please notify Alma Frans was due to lo.e dirt placed on the phone 6004, Union, Neb. 1 r0;.(i i,v count r mail workers nnt was not due to the negligence of the driver of the L ;s. They also st; te that Miss Rue be- blame for any; suffered. Lin 'tine; she might have dn State Journal. AMERICANS ARE DETAINED IN THE CAPITAL OF MEXICO seas, l hose who have garments that are serviceable and desire to" donate them may do so by leaving them at the Leonard building 410 Main street opposite the Journal offire. Those who have clothing may call Mrs. J. F. Gorder and they will be callod for. Mrs. James Persinger was among those going to Omaha this morning to visit, with friends there and also consult a specialist in that city. Ed McGuire departed this morn ing for Laurel, Nebraska, where he goes to look after some signal repair work for the Burlington for a few days. F. P. Pusch was a passenger thi-s morning for Omaha to spend the day in that city visiting with friends mi l looking after some matters of busi ness, j 13. A. McElwain was visitor u' the state metropolis today, goim: f" that city on the early morning train to visit at the wholesale houses for a few hours. i Ticture framing. F. Ri Gobelra.m. ' n21-:M Shrador's Service Garage! Service and the best of service at all times is our nicito. Call us anytime for service and we will render it at the most reasonable rates. Our repair department under Mr. E. E. Moore, capable, alert and willing. e are prepared to do trucking and livery both day and night service. Shraders Service Garage GEO. H. SHRADER, Proprietor UNior NEBRASKA Will Make Hair Switches I will make hair switches at mv home in Union. Mrs. C. D. Austin. ! came excited hcn the bus skidded ,l nion, Xeb. d20-4wks w and jumped to her feet, bumping her j ; head on the t. p of the bus. They Surprise the Pastor j state that nor..- of the other passen- I A large number of the friends of KCrs vere injured in the accident the Rev. W. A. Tavlor e.ttherpd at ' aml sa' tliat she is personally to his home last Friday, Dec. 11. tho event of his birthday, it coming on ; Dee. 12. and made mrry at his home bringing the eats along. The eve- , was spent in music and social ( conversation wtnle the younger of, the crowd enjoyed games as well. In s.m Anionic. Tex , Dee.. 17. A twri 1 f-y PXt?m1r(1 t,le ish , large number f Americans are being ,tnat he am. his good wife might en-j detained hi Mr Jco Citv bv President jo ninj more such hnppy occasions. , Obregon for fe: r that if they attempt i !nireSeiTt- anfl tn assIst ,n t,10'to lcave t,ly :na- romeHn contact I Peasant evening were: Messrs. and, with rebel fores, according to ad-! c!?'nP r , Ta'Ior- Henry vices received here today by Judge ! ,RL- Baylor. Charles Ho- L. It. Camp. T!io Americans, the ad-I U!i'r -r 1 KU.ts of.honor- Mr. vices state, arc in no danger. I, e. ' MS J,nna ! Tlie inforniBtion was reecived bv J rier' irene Uotac- Rth -Judge Camp t.fter he had asked a i tt'-i Tir k : D V, 1 liarue an1 relative who. is in the customs service) I-elia HoMrk. Rav Rn man PmhI- 1 iV . 1.-1- , I nnn-Vi 11 Taj'lor- Harol Ward, (grandson, who is thought to be iu ! .-v w j a (.11. nuuiu uiitriiii'io to communicar.j have failed. This' relative in a te l. gram to Judge Camp. said there are many Americans in C82 1 YOU WILL FIND JUST WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A FINE CHRISTMAS GIFT trie in 1 Mexico VkllO tl.iro tn 1 pianos, player pianos, phonographs. nt being permitted to travel for Tear I latest style. Any kind of terms. See tn might coiy.3 to harm. j Pchnee general aent. Main Hotel. 1 The telegram adds that this is' j-enmceller & Mueller.' dlS-tfd ' principally be. mse it is expected " .that the rebels will soon engage the 1 '. If yon are not gcin? to be in iooal for(es Rro ind Puebia and other JatTwrcnth for your Clrristaas aop-'t 3 " ar ' Mixlco vny- icausinas card assortments. You will Friday evenir.g. Dec. 21st. at Dist. 1 jCewe pleased -with it. State whether PT nvo mi!es at r Cedar Creek, for s'entleman or ladv. and msffi in Lfar:'one invit-. I for If you will. look over our big stock White gold bracelet watches at tempting prices; every one guaranteed. A wonderful display of blue-white diamonds in 1 8K white gold rings. Stouffer's gold decorated china the finest produced. Prices right. Tiff en cut glass the. finest cutting on pure crystal. Complete line. New and unique designs in Potte Vases, candle sticks, etc., etc. Complete chests of fine silverware and a large stock of single pieces. Ivory and Two-Tone Sets Mirrors, Brushes, Toilette Cases, etc. In Fact the Above are only a very Small Part of the Stock we are Showing this Season. m Ma Open Evenings Until Christm as On the iSunny Side of Main St. ycur dollar now. f!1- hK-N"L iLLV