THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1923. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL Unioifl D&petrtmen t Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Poland China I loars! I have 20 excellent Large Type Black Poland China Boars Spring furrow, ready for seivice at $25 00 and up in price. ELI M. SCV20TH, Union, Nebraska whose birthday anniversary was be- i ing celebrated. Mr. Taylor was boru j November 1, 1S61. and the friends ( i made the occasion one that he will i : long pleasantly remember and at the j conclusion of the evening the guest of honor was wished many more such " , .. ' ' happy ' occasions. The members, of I Dr. Race was called to Nebraska- the party came with well filled baa- j City last week on professional busi- kcts which disclosed a tempting ar 'ness. ri,v of the KooJ things prepared by ! J. D. IJramblett was looking after the ladies of the party and served some Jmsiness in I'lattsniouth one as the basis of a fine luncheon. Those day latt week driving over to the n attendance were Messrs. and Mes- ( county seat in his Star car. damesR. E. Taylor. R. M. Taylor, Mrs. U. S. Town and her two sous. s. II. Taylor, W- I. Hoback. Mr. and Charles and Edward have completed Mrs. Henry Swartz and daughters. the Catherine of their crops or corn Ruth and Velma; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DALE IS SENATOR; KENTUCKY NAMES j FIELDS GOVERNOR - - j Result of Election Leaves Lineup in Congress Unchanged Ohio De- feats Old Age Pension. ; and the boys are now assisting in se curing the crops of neighbors, i.u ward assisting C. F. Morton and Charles assisting Charles Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Oberman the manager of the Farmers' Mer cantile company of Union are to oc cupy the Mrs. M. A. Taylor properly which will make.thc-ni an excellent home but will be probably a little laree for this gentleman and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ellis the jew eler of Weeping Water1 and by the way one of the prominent citizens of that rustling city, were visiting in I'ninn Inst Sundav beinsr cuests :;t Hoback and daughter, Marjorie and son, Donald ; Miss Lelia Hoback, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Messrs. Alda Taylor, Howard Taylor, Harold Ward and Max Meade. I LADIES GIVEN SURPRISE Will Stine and daughter, Letha.J Grandma Stine. wio has been con drove to Weeping Water last Monday fined to her bed for the past few to visit Mrs. Lena Ktene, her mar- days with la grippe. Is reported much ried daughter, who lives in uiai cuj. better . . the home of Mr. and Mrs itr- t i' c-nnsrun. the dentist. I . I mlie I'rawiora was in ,. canr.ot make his .regular visit in Un-City ion on November 10th, but wnl be jn lioro rm :.fnr(lnv. November 24th.' t . T I 11,1 cnn at Dr. Knees oince. Air. ana rs. j. y ta.u. -"l , nnrih.r nf ,l3vS :.t the home of Mr were visitors over &uu-,- - , T, . r . WiHlit:1 . r .1 T M- 1r All crri i 1 I 1- 4 i - v w v - ---- day wiin .ur. a.m ..... "-j Kansas, and on last Tuesday Mrs. ' Mrs Joe' Banning has been look- - Becker returned home after having' Kilis T.n- -Ludie Crawford was in .-seDrasKa,, n .i.niehter last week on business pertain- - - FlliV to his trade as contractor and j of Mr. and Mn LMis 24th. carpenter. Mi ' Clarice' have been visitinc a The ladies of the W. C T. U. of 'Union were very pleasantly enter tained by Miss (lussie Robb and Mr3. W.13. Banning at the Robb home in Union and the time spent in the us ual business session and the social features that m:fke these gatherings ticket in New York City, but denied so interesting. There were no indi- Governor Al Smith's appeal for dem cations of tho refreshments that usu- ocratic legislature. Election Results Vermont Elected republican to United States senate and one repub lican congressman. Kentucky Elected a democratic governor. Ohio Defeated an old age pension system. Maryland Elected a democratic governor. Mississippi Elected entire demo cratic slate, including democratic governor. Detroit Re-elected Mayor Frank E. Doremus. New York Elected Tammany Annooncin Arrivals! New ally mark these gatherings in evi- Chicago Elected one democratic deneo and the ladies were all rer.dy congressman and about equally di ll. D. Stine was looking after some of Auburn, business matters in Nebraska cn last Tuesday afternoon and making some purchases at the wholesale houses of that city. D. C. LaRue, who has been ap pointed district deputy superintend- e rou i i success. Ken Albin to adjourn their meeting when they were requested to slop for a moment at the Banning home just suljoining that oi the Robb family. Here tle ladies found the dining room beauti- vided local judicial and county offi cers. Only One Senator Chosen Complete returns show that for- . . , ... i,.i-tr, oftor crime Stopped ut rwd ,in,;, I .visiting with relatives and friends Kansas City where she is F s m n f Ii s wm t t r-- lrt(Tfll nt of the Modern Woodmen, is busy Alex Eaton was t.epi preny uuy . sundav eveninc there were ounding up members for the open- last week in the matter of unload- If t funda e cmnc there we e ng of the new lodge which occurs; ing a car load of sand which, tne -'n-,- ,"'h a well filled hou-e n the near future. He reports fine ion lumber yard received. j f tnV h . A. T;.y- ant surprise that their hostess had prepared for them. who farming near There will be services at both the rnlou reports that his corn will run as presented by the-Rev. W, churches in Lmon on the coming Sunday to which all members of the re:-prt:ve churches are urged to be present and a cordial invitation is extended to all to come and worship with the churches and you will be welcome. There will be services there again cn November ISth to which all arp extendeil a vcrv c-ordial Floyd Wilson from Rock Fluffs j Vitat ion to come and enjoy the Ff- from five to fifteen bushels more 10 the acre than he supposed. Come to the Circus Salurday Night! See Gladys Walton! in "SaWBUST" A thrilling romance of circus life. Also a 2-ieel Century comedy, featuring the Century beauties with Jack Cooper. Union Theatre! m. w. f.'raqe' General Practioner , Calls Answered Day or JNignt: visiting at the horr.e south of Mur- rnv with Mr Rannincr's mother. Mrs. Special attention given to acute. nenry W. Banning and Miss Fearl and chrcnic diseases. Banning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ban- !ning driving over from their home was a business visitor in liuuu Tuesday afternoon looking after some business matters for a short time. Rev. Planck, of the Baptist church, preached on the duty of giving to and rupporting the cause of Christianity Sunday. He treated the subject with great delicacy and finesse. Jim Hamilton, who was injured sometime ago while working on the M. P. section, is not much improved, and has been taken to the St. Mollis hospital for extended treatment. Mr. W. H. Porter was a visitor for a number of days in Union during the present week and was getting 1 things in readiness for moving to Omaha where he barf a good position. Mrs. Henry W. Banning and daughter. Miss Pearl, will depart in a short time for California where they will expect to spend the winter. They will expect to tpend the win ter at a small town near Los An geles. The Ladies Aid society of the Christian ' church; "of 'Murray: hire consented to serve dinner and lunch vices well. and assist in the singiiu as Ate One Hundred Per Cent ; The school at Union enjoys t':e distinction of bei!i,7 the only sch ol ! in all the places where the littei iy bell savings have been instituted that has went one hundred per tc::t of the enrollment in their savh;,:. This in itself is an education yo?'jH while and is sure a co:np!inient to the instructors which wisely advised the pupils in regards to their saving . and thrift habits- j The high school received ten did- lars for the school for their one hun tuny arrangeu in tne Halloween r. tv, u r.hKn decorations and r. very enjoyable wa3 ekcte(1 yesterday a senator from 1 .un. neon waiting them and they were Vermont, to succeed the late Senator 1 cer.anwj wen lanen in oy me pieas- Dillingham, also a republican. This was the only senatorial election in the country, and gives the republi- cans a majority of six in the senate. FOB. SALE Incomplete returns indicate the One walnut dressing in-Me and election of William J. Fields, demo- cliair; one walnut rocker; one ivory crat, as governor of Kentucky and dresser, one ivory bed; 3-piece ma- give Governor Ritchie, democrat, of hogany living room set; glats doored Mrryiaml, an early leC 40.S22. to kite t on cupboard: seamlesa velvet 28.45 for re-election. In the only ru;r, 0rl2; Galloway cream .separa- other gubernatorial election H. L. tor. Everything pravticallv new. MRS. HAROLD FRANS. tion. ' Seven of nine vacancies in the house of representatives were filled. We have just received another shipment of wonder ful values in Ladi- Misses' and Girls fine coats. Beautifully tailored garments of correct fasshion lines. Self and fur collared styles. The low prices will delight and surprise you. Ladies' Dresses! r Jruly amazing values are being offered in Ladies' Poiret Twill Wool Dresses. This season's conservative style?; neat trimmings of new braid effects; medium and long sleeves with shell flare bottom are a distinctive feature of these newest ar rivals. The H. ffl. Soenniclisen Co. In the E. G. Dovey Buildings OMAHA MAN ROASTS ALL LEGISLATURES 1 1-5 mi. east of Union. Phone C003. Whitfield, democrat, was named gov-, pays Corporation Tax and Says Lib ernor of Mississippi without opposi- j t ia crarrer in TJ. S. Than Under the Russian Czar. than Russia in the days of the czars. If they keep on restricting our lib- jerties and raising our taxe3 some- tning is going to Dust wiue open before long. Thanks for the invitation to visit your oliice. Don't think I am direct ing any criticism at )"eu personally as I know by reputation you are a really good scout. Lincoln State Journal. mi TYPE SKULL IN PflE-HISTORIC MAN Secretary of State Pool has re- twenty-five dollars in all. friends at a Hallowe'en party given at the home of their parents. TJie the onlv Dossihlo unset heine the an- i . a. i m e . - ' . . : .1 1. .-. fn11nii'lncr letter frnili V. partiu election in me l weuiy-iounii criveu iuc luiiunmt, ...n. " - New York district of former Repre-' A. Higgins, representing Morrill Hig sentative Fairchild, republican, who gins company of Omaha, in reply to was defeated a year ago by J. Vin- a letter relative to the payment of cent Gary, democrat, now dead. the annual occupation tax due from The democrats retained congres- the company to the state: sioual seats in the Eleventh and Six-i My dear Mr. Pool: Wre are en teenth New York, second North closing herewith report for occupa fJarolina and fourth Illinois districts, tion tax and check covering fee and while the republicans held their ovn penalty for which kindly forward us in the Thirty-second New York and the proper receipt. second Vermont districts. On the ! We note you take the position that face of these results the lineup in any law enacted by our duly elected the next house will be republicans, embryo law makers is sacred and tlio Yaniii.riMi am! it c i.'f.t in r.- n-n n 22: democrats. 205: socialist. 1: needs tne neiense oi no man. lane a. and not in either the paleolithic or independent, 1; and farmer laborite, hitch in your trousers, Charley. What neolithic ages, according to scientists 1 a republican majority of 17, wiUi we ought to do is repeal 50 per cent two vacancies still to be nileu. ot tne present enacieu iuw aim au- The republicans retained their, journ the state legislature for. 20 majority in the New York assembly years and you know it as well as I incomplete 'returns indicating that do but perhaps in your position it the democrats had lost at least ' six wouldn't be good policy . to say so. Scientists Find Food For Study in Discovery at Santa Barbara of Skeletal Remains. Santa L'arbara, Cal., Nov. 1. dred per cent and the othrr depart- Hl)mo-EartarenIs the Santa Bar merits five dollars each which niaiii-s bara niri:.ijve4l in an tTa lous afler Entertain Their Friend Misses Mary and Eva Eveivt. who nocked to Santa Barbar today daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George to investigate the discovery of J. P. Everett on last Wednesday evening Harrington, a Smithsonian institu- ente.rtained some, fwenty-fiye, of their tion worker, who announced recently WANTS A WOMAN TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. A A 1 1 ill.. -ftf-nl..: totlilU v lilt- v;i im iii i irviiii .iiiLJii i ii ii n n ilii i ... , , , V V . nome nan oeen ttecoratea ror tlie o - H PLCe,"S" io" Presented a very pretty November 14 th. J. W. Banning and the family were the pumpkin and the blacks rats (mingling with the witches. The eve ning was passed in music, telling '-f stories, conversations with witches. All present had a most pleasant time. the finding cf a pre-histcric skull on the. site of Burton mound in this city. Among the geologists who in-j spected the finds were Dr. Robert 9 Hill, a retired geologist of the Smith sonian institution; Dr. W. S. Kewe of the United States geological associa tion, and Ualnh Arnold, Los Angeles UNION, NEBRASKA at Alvo in their car. 4 irk" iSffl V 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 UP fit A Lucian LaRue will sing at the Legion's -Indoor Garniuai- Plattsmculh, Nebr., -Saturday flight Dancing and Other Amusements WiU Play Ball The girls basketball team of Un ion are to play with the girls bask r ball team of Alvo and the boys bas ketball team of the Union school are to play a like team of the Alvo school at the school gym at Union on Fri day tomorrow night of this weelc. seats up state. In a number of states mayoralty contests shared in the public interest with various state wide referendum proposals. In Philadelphia the re publicans elected W. Freeland Ken drick mayor by an overwhelming ghons scientist. ; majority, wnne in Detroit Mayor Liose examination cf the hard . ,-,uieius. lunneriy a nemocratic crost beneath which the skulls were ' member of "congress, was re-elected. found by the vi-iting scientists, these! men asserted, brought out signs of I CAE OF APPLES great age, presumably from 5,000 to! would tend to show that the shell-' tcn deP0i- Wmesaps from 60c to like substance was once the floor of $1 per bushel. Also feme eood win- an Indian kitchen and not a deposit made by the ocean, according to previous theories. Dr. Hill and Mr. ! Arnold both said, j The scientists ter fruit will be sold at the car rea- onable. Call at the car. v nS-tfd&w tti r i t -t-a umuu otiiuoz moies y , 'ihe scientists agreed that the un tiaiioween night October SI, .skulls belonged to a type not hither the high school held a party in the to known to anthronoloirists nmi gymnasium. Everything that is in aid that they would form a new link a Hallowe'en party was there. It is in the history of the American In- j needless to say that everyone enjoyf d dian from the time of the first arrival J a pleasant evening. of Asiatics to the North American i Ten dollars was presented to the continent. I rthletie fund by Mr. Cobel who of-1 '"The remains of the early Santa fered us that sum ifour high school ' Barbara man.' Mr. Arnold said, "of soL,the mone"- j tally before any accurate opinion as ! I ; niree otner basketball games a'-e to their age can be expressed. It ! scheduled for some time in the fu-seems certain, however, that Dr. iture. Watch for the dates. I Harrington nno.Trili-it ..viiUn For the past two weeks the open-of a type of early American Indians of which no it her records are avail About all those fellows do when they get together is follow some bell weather grafting politicians who have scores of bills to assess new kinds of taxes and create more polit ical jobs or follow some "holier than thou" reformer who has a string of bills to legislate us into the "King dom of Heaven." If it wasn't for the fact that the great American public holds as sa cred only the fundamental laws bas ed on justice, equity and the ten commandments, and ignores the rest of the unjust tyrannical "thou shalt nots" written into our statutes by fanatics, mainly, this country would long ago have been seething in revo lution. It may come yet if they ride their hobby laws too hard. This country now has less liberty Washington, Nov. 5. A woman, elected by men, ruling the United States from the White House. With her eyes set on this goal, Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, president of the na tional women's party today launch ed the party's long heralded cam paign for enactment by congress of a constitutional amendment according equal rights before the law b2tween men and women. "I expect to live to see her elected and to attend her inauguration," Mrs. Belmont said, when asked when this country would bow to woman's rule. From the old mansion in the gliat!-' ox of the'-capitol which Mrs. Bel mont purchased for the party lastj year as a '"watch tower" over con gress, the clarion call w.ent out to day from Mrs. Belmont to party mem bers to assemble in Washington No vember 17-1S. Most every school demand in the jway of stationery, pencils and ink may be had at the Bates Corner Book and Stationery Store. The very best grade of history paper for 75c per ream. Mrs. T. L. Short came down from Omaha last evening, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bates and Mrs. T. B. Bates back from the metropo lis, and will remain here for the next few days. ing exercise periods, have been de voted to giving high school and bas ketball yells. I The high school onened its hnsfcet- ball season on November I) when they auie. from an examination of the nature of the ground in which they were buried I believe that the skulls were of men who lived at a very re i Dr. Thomas P. Cogan DENTIST 622 World-Herald BuUding y Omaha, Nebraska I cannot make my regular visit to Union Saturday, Nov. J Olh, but will be at Dr. Race's office SATURDAY, November 24th and every two weeks following. All kinds of the highest grade Dental work, includ ing Extractions, Fillings and the best of Plates at very reasonable prices. i&rm DR. RACE'S OFFICE UNION ex- , played both the boys and girls teams I mote time, possibly several thousand from Alvo. A great rtenl Of ontlins. VCirS SCO. Tho !wrrirrcitirm oi,l iasm is shown in this work. This fossilization cf the shells in the might be stimulated bv a la rTOr fit. ! hard criist V'nieli 1'iwfroil tlioin im. tendance at our games. doubtedly required centuries. The , A very welcome vacation was e-:- ' formation is unlike any other in this tended to tlie Union school students geological vicinity." when the faculty went to the associa- ' Dr. Stark, who is widely known .7 . -Nrn- However, we were among paleontologists, while Ki.tu io return to our much liked school work on the following Mon day. 1 The now p,1:Up Whit.M has been giving us service for about nire clays is working excellentlv niul pro v i.les sufficient water for our unusu ally thirsty studerts. Tt. niv manvai training bovs now worklnc in tiio pressing surprise at the thickness of . the skull and the pronounced supre . orbital ridges found on the skulls, was reluctant to make any estimate as to the age of the skulls. TURNING ON THE SPOTLIGHT formed from the'old power hnii f turninF sP"tlight on the engineer wuaneriy examinations were held ,V 1 7 6 , . . , , on the eichth nmi , 'iei(I Recently a driver traveled along .... IIIIHII ner, new are manual Attention has been called to the hubit soma automobile drivers have The only place town ' i you'll find j -HOLEPROOF- Hosiery for Women! Complete Line of . Lisle, Silk and Wool! I Cost no more than inferior j hose. ' i Things for Men! t ble" TRUGECBPiG AND SERVICE! At our Garage we are prepared to furnish the best ser vice in repairs of all Automobiles, parts, supplies and acces sories. TRUCKING! We are always ready for your work in this line and the best service guaranteed. Careful drivers always in charge. DOWLER BROS., The Auto Men -:- -:- Union, Neb. fir rv r-r- '.. . ... ..... These were olr "erit n nis"Vay railing parallel witn tne for a while "wu-; railroad track with his spotligiit iiiiiiiiiy, iur a long uiMance, uiremiy the Lucian laRue to Sin? engineer I in tlie eyes of the engineer of un ! aDnroachins train. 'I.!,, a'lufi.the gifted boy sine- The effect was so blindinz as to n ui mis nnon i,.. i . ... . . sine at t a secured to make it impossible for the engl carnival , i . H -egion indoor to keep proper lookout for the high nitri, o-r " ou Saturday way crossing. While this action nt hpr 7 , ,lan(,,s' fnd tho part of the driver was prob " 1 J , .i,,lu Pnty of fun intended for a atuueeuitiii ior everyone. j k m I TOE "HEEL J GIVEN PLEASANT SURPRISE on ably joke, it is easy to see that it might have caused serious con- : sequences. ' I Let's pass the word to drivers of t it t nmi ill! f !: . ctirh nrarl (nf) The country home of ;,:r. and Mrs. 'crease the chances of accidents not lajior near Union wnn tv,a only at railroad crossings, but at scene of a very plaant gathering other places w!iere the safety of pas on fdnosday evening last when a fcpSer3 depends upon the constant nuiuber of the friends of ihe family vij-iiance of the engineer. ' joined in a biirprise ou Mr. Taylor iass tuo woll to your friends. Treat yourself to some new socks. A splendid line of Interwoven wool neer awaits you. Priced at 75?, $1 and $1.25 pair. Silk. J5, 1.S5. Lisle, 40S SOtf. It. E. Vassar Union Suits We carry thisfamous line in cot ton and wool at Cotton, $2. Wool up to $ 6. (Xher good heavy rib union suits at Sl.SO and 91.75. Winter Caps Fresh new stock of inband caps. If it's warmth and style you want, look these over. $1.75, $2.25. Men's All Wool Sweaters Men's all wool sweaters in "V" neck or coat style. All wanted colors, work or "dress. $5.50 to $10. Wool (heavy) work sox, SO?. Boys' Mitts A genuine mocha, heavy and very warm. 75. lined; Gloves and Mittens Every kind of a mitt or glove for work or play or dress. Husking mitts, $2, $2.25, $2.45 per dozen. Knit, silk, fabric, leather dress gloves, 50c to $5 pair. Scarfs These are to keep your necks warm and collar clean and look pretty at the same time. You can't beat these brushed wool values, $1.25, $2.50 2FRight now is the time you oughMo be getting the good out of a warm leather vest -y priced within the reach of all out-door workers $7.50 and up. And while we are on the subject it will soon be time for sheep lined coats. Men these are hot $13.00 to$16.50.