The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 29, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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JOOinT, OCTOBER 29, 1823.
Fall and Winter
of 1923
Value Giving Prices!
e fcxiraoroinary!
Distinction can be very low priced if you choose
one of these adorable hats and trimmings.
Friday and Saturday, November 2nd and 3rd
An offering of tremendous values in seasonable merchandise. You will
readily recognize the svprezne advantage o5 buying at this sale. Every effort has
been made to lay before the public values which cannot be equaled anywhere.
Throughout the entire store you will find merchandise priced at big savings.
Smartness in every line and curve of them new
ness that is fascination, and all so flattering. They
are fashioned of velvet, duvetine, velour and felt.
All newest shades.
mm on
Beauty Parlor Phone, 352.
-'1,11 ,IJ-T i mil
D. 0. Dwyer Named by Court as Spec
ial Attorney as County Attorney
Eisqualified by Order.
From Saturday's Daily
This morning at 10 o'clock Judge
James T. Begiey issued the order for
the calling of a grand jury to con
vene at the court house hero at 10
a. m., Tuesday, November 13th.
The call cf the grand jury has
been under contemplation for some
time and petitions from a large num
ber of the residents of the county
were presented to the court several
days ago requesting such action and
which the co'.irt recognized as the
expression of the people and accord
ingly called the body to meet and ex
rTnine what evidence may be present
ed to them and return indictments if
the evidence presented is sufficient
to warrant such.
Judge Iit-giey has considered the
natter well and was assured by the
hoard of county commissioners that
they would be willing- to stand the
expense of the jury if it v.-a 3 deemed
necessary to secure the proper en
forcement of the law and the just ad
i.iinistration of the same and the
rourt had the expression of th peo
ple of the county in the large peti
tions that have been placed on file
in the office of the clerk of the dis
trict court.
The session cf the grand jr?ry will
1 e just and fair to everyone and the
interests of the innocent will be pro
jected as strongly as the inquiries in
to the crimes tnat may be cnargea
before the body, and in the splendid
just rulings .of Judge Begiey, the
I people of Cass county can find an as
surance of receiving justice in every
j way in any matter that may come up
land over which the court has juris
diction. 1 At the session of open court this
.morning. Judge Begiey entered the
'order disqualifying County Attorney
;A. O. Cole from appearing as the
prosecutor before the grand Jury be
cause of business interests and also
for the fact that Mr. Cole had op
posed the calling of the grand Jury.
As the special prosecutor to appear
i before the grand jury, the court
named D O.. Dwyer of this city, who
, will have charge of the investiga
tion? and placing the evidence before
'the grand jury, which however can
conduct their examinations and in
vestigations themselves independent
of the attorney, but in the greater
part of the cases, the evidence will
probably have to be submitted by the
special attorney in the case.
The attorney general of the state
of Nebraska has also been called by
the Judge to appear in the court and
conduct prosecutions in the name of
the people of the state of Nebraska.
The court in issuing the call has
placed the matter of the investiga
tions into the crimes and offenses
against the law that may be brought
before the erand Jury up to those who
may feel that they have not received
justice or who may have knowledge
of the violation of law that should
be given investigation by the grand
jury and they should co-operate with
tho special prosecutor and jury in
seeing that all evidence that may
have a bearing on any lav. violations
or the innocence of parties who may
be charged with crime is placed be
fore the jury.
It is not the sole purpose of the
erand jury to hear the one side of
the case and the court will give all
those charged with offenses an op
portunity of going before the jury
with any evidence that may prove
tht'r innocence and have the matter
thoroughly threshed out before the
irif'ir tments are given out.
This jury, it may be understood,
is not a body thai passes on the
vvilt or innocence of the parties, but
if th evidence is sufficient will eith
er dismiss cr vote indictments in the
c::se-s that may be brought before
them. The question of the convic-: blet and the Misses Chapman and
lion or acquuai oi anyone muicieti j.iargarei wan came up tins morn
,by the grand jury will rest with the,ing from Union and visited here for
.jury in the trial court. a few hours en route to Omaha,
j The following names were select- r. w. Porter and son, Walter, de
jed this af ernoon to form the grand partet, this niorilinK for Omaha
Jury panel: August Wendt. George . , ,
Born Rue H. Frans, John P. Meising- anJ where M p . &l
er. Sherman . Cole, Charles J Pan- specia,i;Jt in d to enteri the fc
! .m- ? lnJZTn' : hospital there for an operation! fc.S
der, Albert A. Wallinger, E. P. Stew
art, Hugh Warden, J. I. Corley. H. P
Penning, C. D. Fullmer, A. J. Schaf-er.
From Thursday's Dally
J. A. Everett of near Union was
here today for a few hours looking 'soil, who has been very poorly for the
Edward Patterson and Ralph Ma
son departed this morning for Lin
coln where they expect to attend a
reunion of the members of the Boy
Scouts who were at the camp near
Cedar Creek last summer.
J. L. McKinney departed this af
ternoon for Omaha in response to a
message announcing the serious ill
ness of his daughter, Mrs. Adam Rus-
after some matters of business and
calling on his friends.
Mrs. L. B. Egenfoerger, who was at
Iowa City and Omaha visiting at the
home of her son, II. A. Egenberger
and family, returned home last eve
ning. A. O. Moore, wife and daughter.
Joan, departed this afternoon by
auto for Des Moines, Iowa, where
they will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter W. Moore and fam
ily for a few days.
C. C. Wescott returned this morn
ing from Kansas City, where; he has
been In attendance at the meeting of
the United National Clothiers which
has been meeting at the Hotel Balti-
past few days.
been with her
time in Omaha.
Mrs. McKinney has
daughter for some
From Saturday's Daily
Last evening the youn; ladies of &i
the Oterbein 'Guild of the Mynard fe
United Brethren chi:r?h. of Mynard, i
held a very delightful Hallowe'en K
party at the old a half j?
mile east of Mynard and which was Z'j
a very fitting place for the entertain- '
ing- gathering. The house was vac- f
ant and had been arranged by the la-
dies in decorations of orange and K
black and other futures of Hie h r-
r am r. !... 1 .1 .1 .it -
more and discussing the spring buy-!'""V "- u i
ing problem. spooky appearance of the surround-
1-13. s liire rruwu was present,
and a number of games and stunts
were staged by the young people in
the house that provided thrills and
fun for the whole party and th3 tiss
ual games of the Hallowe'en season
were carried out in a very pleasan:
manner. The ladies sold candy am!
pop corn ai u-recuvai anu tr::i
Jael ' Olson cf Cedar Creek was
here yesterday in company with S. J.
Reams and made application at the
office of Clerk of the District Court
James M. Robertson for his first pa
pers to become a citizen of the Unit
ed States.
Mrs. Jav D. Raisin?, of New York
Liiy. who nas Deen nere lor a visit , wnicn a neat cum was derived ?.:.!.
at the home of her parents, Mr. and'at a suitable hour dainty refresh
Mrs. B. W. Livingston, departed thislnients of apples, doughnuts, sand-
morning for Omaha, where she will
Join Mr. Raising, who has been in at
tendance at the Nebraska Bankers'
meeting there and at the close of the
convention, Mr. and Mrs. Raising
will return to New York, where Mr.
Raising is connected with one of the
largest banks in that city.
1 1 Hi 1 ii- ASl a.
"Smiling Through"
No man can look happy or if he has any
pride, feel happy with an old-last-years
bird-nest-of-a-hat. You can go "smiling
through" life with one of our new nifty
brown velours.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
From Thursday's Dally
H. C. Ross of near Union was here
today looking after some matters of
business and visiting with his
Mrs. H. T. Wilson of Columbus,
Nebraska, who has been here visit-
wiches, pumpkin pie and coffee were
served to the jolly party and it was
a late hour when the members cf th'i
party wended their way homeward.
From Sat urdr. v's Jriiv
Last evening about fifty of thi
members of the Christian church
gathered at the home of Mrs. Will
Clark and very pleasantly surprised
Mrs. Clark who had been called awr y :
from home by some of the friend i Vj
while others of the friends assembled L 1
r 1
at the Clark home nnrl .irrnp-pil tar
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James surprise for their friend when sht
Socher and family, returned this af- ( unsuspectingly came in on them. The
ternoon to her home. evening was spent in visiting and en-
E. J. Dempster of Lincoln, who joying one cf the most delightful
has been looking after the work of times the church membership has had f '
the receivership of the former Bank for a long time. t
of Cas3 County, was here today look-I The members of the party present- t'
ing after some matters of importance ed Mrs. Clark with a very attracthn
silver service
for a few hours
Mrs. W. S. Leete and Madame ! lne &ood work that she has perform
Leete departed this morning for Om
aha, where they will attend a meet
ing of the combined city branches of
the Woman's Auxiliary which is be
ing held at the All Saint's church in
that city.
Mrs. I. Lipsky of Denver, who has
been here for the past few days vis
iting her sister. Mrs. F. 11. Duubar.
and her brother, William Hyfield,
departed this afternoon for ths west.
Mrs. Lipsky with the other members
of the family were at Mattoon, Illi
nois, to attend the funeral of their
sister and stopped here on her way
back home to visit.
From Saturday's Dally
Mrs. W. H. Dix of Colorado
Springs, who has been visiting her
father, Robert Crook in this city, de
parted this morning for her home in
the west.
Rev. H. O. Rhode departed this
morning for Madison, Nebraska,
where he will hold religious services
for the Evangelical church In that
Louis Kopischka, who has been lo
cated at Salt Creek, Wyoming, for
the past few months, came in this
afternoon for a visit here with his
family and friends.
A. Schroeder of near Alvo was
here today for a few hours, stopping
off here while en route from Omaha,
where he was attending to the dis
posal of a car of cattle.
Mrs. Henry Sanders and daughter,
Mrs. Henry AM of near Louisville,
were among the passengers this af
ternoon for Omaha to spend a few
hours vith friends in that elty.
J. S. Pitman and wife, J. D. Dram
as an appreciation of t
ed for the Christian church of which r A
sbf TlflQ Inne lli.nn o mamlior V-
At a suitable hour dainty light L
refreshments wore served that com- K
pleted the evening of real enjoyment l
and pleasure.
From Saturday's Daily
The work of tearing down the old
Propst residence on west Elm street
is now under way and soon this old
landmark will have passed away.
Thi3 house is one of the oldest In the
northwest part of the city and was
erected in the eighties by Eugene
Lewis and at that time stood on a
lot west of the right of way of the
Missouri Pacific railroad. It was
later moved to the present location
and was for a long period of years
occupied by the Julius Perperberg
A Remarkable Record
Chamberlain's Cougn Remedy nas
a remarkable record. It has been in
use for colds, croup and whooping r!
cough for almost half a ceatury and
has constantly grown in favor and
popularity as its good qualities be
came better known. It is the stand
and and main reliance for these dis
eases in thousands of homes. The
facts that it cana Iways be depended
upon and Is safe and pleasant to take
are greatly in its favor when it is
wanted for children.
Pure Linen Table Damask
70 inches wide, cream, all pure linen da-
mai'k. Here is a most unusual
value. Per yard
Mercerized Table Damask
00 inches wide, gro i quality damask. Just
the tiling for every dny use. QQ
Very special, TWO yanl3 for tiiC
Circular Table Cloths
Mercerized d:v:iask cloths. scalloped in
blue, pink or poid. Fine qual- CO
ity damask. Regular price $1.50
36-In. Guting Flannel
Heavy a eight, litht ::'id dark patterns.
You need lots of outing now- CO
days for sewing. FOUR yards O J w
Single Cotton Blanket
Size 64x7G, good weight cotton blanket
in very attractive blocks in
colors. Very special, each
Christmas Handkerchiefs
Nicely selected assortment of ladies hand
kerchiofs, consisting of linen QQ
and fine lawn. NINE for iSvC
Infants' Silk and Wool Shirts
Vanta all wool shirts and Carter's silk and
wool shirts. Double front and button front
styles. All sizes up to Z years. QO
Regular price, ?1.25; special at ilC
"Justrite" Hair Nets
Large size, double strand, cap shape nets.
Colors light, dark, medium QQ
brown and black. TWELVE for ijJC
Apron Dresses
Gingham and percale apron dresses, light
and dark colors. All sizes.
Regular $1.50 values at
Women's Sateen Bloomers
Regular and out.-ize bloomers in black r.nd
ce.lors. Full cut, made of excellent qual
ity sateen. Shop early on
these. Price only
8 Yds. Unblsachjd P.lusKn
Light weight unbleached muslin, full yard
wide, fine for quilt linings, undergarments
and fancy work. Very special
at. EICillT yards for
1 99c
5 Yds. Comforter Cretonne
Yard wMe comforter cretonne, siikaline
finished. Very attractive dark and med
ium light patterns. Priced. QQ
FIVE yards for JJC
Women's Stylish Blouses
A Yemen's silk Mouses, georgette crepe, in
dtirk and light color:;. Leautifully embroid
ered and trimmed. Values to $7.95 in this
lot. Special clean up price, CQ
while they last I?C
White Round Thread Art Linen
45 indies wide, white linn for needle
work. Re;;:i:ir price $1.25.
Si:eei:il. per vml tJ
7 Yes. Lingerie C'clh
Colors maize and liyht blue In a very fine
quality mercerized lingerie cloth, 27 in.
wide. Regular price per yd., QQ
19c. Now SEVEN yds. for J JC
12 Balls Crochet Thread
C. M. C. and other makes crochet thread,
jour choice of colors and sizes. Regular
price 10 and 15c per ball. (5Q
Now, TWELVE bail3 for JVC
Stamped Aprons
Unbleached muslin fudge and slip-on style
aprons, stamped ready for embroidery. All
made, complete with floss to OQ
embroider. Each C
8 Yds. Filet Laces
Filet lace, wide mercerized for pillow cases,
underwear, fancy work, etc. QQrf
Special. EIGHT yds. for WC
Women's Silk and Silk
and Wool Hose
Here are some exceptional values in Silk
and Wool and all Silk hose. Derby ribbed
and drop stitched, some with clocks. In
brown, oxford, black and camel's hair.
Values to 1.75. Very special QQ
at, per pair JJfC
Men's Hosiery
Men's dress pocks, good weight, made from
selected fine yarns, highly mercerized.
Double heel and toe. Colors QQ
black and brown. THREE pair for iiC
Men's semi-work socks, soft fine yarn,
elastic ribbed top. Colors QQ
black and brown. SEVEN pair DUC
Rockfords The old reliable work sock.
Drown and blue mixed cotton qq
yarn knit. EIGHT pair for UuC
Men's Silk Hose Fibre knit, the sock that
wears well and looks swell. Cordovan
color. With each two pair purchase we
will throw in a pair of hose QQ
supporters free. TWo pair for UtJC
Men's heavy wool socks. Real foot warm
ers for the man who works QQ
out doors. THREE pair UuC
Fleeced Union Suits
Men's medium weight fleeced union suits.
Closed crotch, fitted shoulder. Seconds of
the $1.75 regulars. Very spec- QQ
ial at, per suit UUC
Winter Shirts
Men's heavy kiki outing flannel shirts,
flat collar, one pocket. Full QQ
cut. Sizes 15, 15, 16, each UjC
Men's Semi-Soft Collars
Made of the finest quality webbing cloth,
in all popular shapes. Easily laundered.
Comfortable fitting and neat QQ
looking. THREE for JUC
Four-in-Hand Ties
No man ever has too many. These com
prise new patterns and colors in good
quality silk, flowing end style. QQ
Specially priced, THREE for WC
Cotton Flannel Gloves
Knit wrist, well sewed, inside fleecing.
You can't go wrong on these, QQ
men. SEVEN pair for C
Boys' Overalls
Heavy, plain blue denim, double sewed
icams, full cut, four pockets. QQ
Ages 3 to 7. Per pair )JC
This is Jardiniere Season
Here are some exceedingly pretty jardi
nieres made of Weller's pottery QQ
in all sizes. Each VuC
Cups and Saucers
Gold decorated cups and saucers. Good
looking and serviceable. Per QQ
sot of 6 ! W C
Large Size Kettle
Uonnie Blue granite Berlin kettle with
lid. Large size. A real snap at QQ
this price. Each U)C
Tea Kettle
The high grade Bonnie Blue quality gran
ite ware. Good size and a qq
regular pickup at W C
Marine Bucket
Just the thing for garbage. qq
Special price, each C
Five 1 -Gallon Crocks
Every household has lots of use for this
popular size. We are going qq
to sell them FIVE for UuC
Gray Granite Specials
Your choice of Tea Kettles, Preserving
Kettles, Stew Pans and other qq
articles, TWO for VuC
Special Clean-Up Prices from Our Grocery Department!
Royal Lemon washing powder,
reg. 30c size, FIVE for
Crystal White soap flakes, small
size, TWELVE for
Sea Foam, the nationally ad
vertised wash powder, 4 large pkgs..
Star Naptha washing powder,
30c size, 4 large pkgs. for
Wool soap, used the same and
does same work as Ivory. 20 bars
Beach Nut or Lilly catsup, 15c
size bottle, TEN for
Advo or DelMonte brand sliced
pineapple, 25c size, FIVE cans for
Baker's or Hershey's highest
grade cocoa, 15c size, TEN cans for.
Celluloid starch requires no
cooking. TWELVE pkgs. for
Wilson brand pure evaporated
milk, TEN large cans
Our Big 99c Assortment
Bottle blueing $ .10
Bottle amonia .15
Pkg. ground nutmeg .10
Pkg. ground pepper ,10
Pkg. whole pepper .10
Pkg. seasoning sage .10
Pkg. ground cloves .10
8-oz. bottle Kamo lemon extract .25
Bottle pure cider vinegar .15
Pkg. cold starch .15
Bottle catsup .15
Bar Wool soap .08
Pkg. Golden Rule wash powder .10
price only
In the E. G. Dovey Buildings
UoTd loom, round, not flat reeds. -t 7
Reversible. Good condition. Call 525.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska