The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 22, 1923, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER, 22, 1923.
13 B FT . 'if
JL. M -f AL & ik
pi .
M "--
13 o
Yes, We Thank' You!
For the Kindly Patronage Which You
Have Given Our Business
During the past eight years we have been engaged
in conducting a garage in Murdock, v. e have always en
deavored to carry a stock of goods which would supply
the wants of the public and shall endeavor to continue
doing so in the future. We appreciate the kindly feeling
of our marry friends and thank you for your trade.
Remember, we are at your service with both the
goods you need and efficient service as well.
The Thimgars Gsrage
E. W. Thimgan, Proprietor
E. II. Norton was a visitor and
was looking after .seme business mat-
jters in Weeing Water last Friday.
Charles Kupke was called to Om
aha last Thursday, where he had
I sonic business matters to look after
I for the day.
! The Juniors surely made a success
of their novelty stunt and beavty par
lor at the carnival, which they wsre
! well able to do.
1 Thomas Stout, the veterinarian
frcm near Alvo, v. as called to the
home of Mr. Uuell on account of
t-omc of ti e Ftock being sick on last
.Thursday evening-.
i Hay IJoldin, the carpenter, has
just completed a series of machine
sheds at the home of Albert Zcarot,
which will afford protection to his
farming tools from the weather.
The fortune telling booth at the
carnival was in charge of Mrs.
Dreimer and Mis H-rtman. two of
the teachers, who made this depart
ment a success without a e;ue?tio.n.
E.' L,. Pothast and wife, of Lincoln,
arrived in Murdock ami will mal:c
this their home for th winter :ind;.nc js member. A lare crowd ce.
will be nssoc.ated with Mr. O. people "ere in attendance
Pothast in tl:e bank while here. jarid yon may Know they had a mo: i
The Fish i'ou'l at tn carnival sur: '-xi-cllent time.
brought results as it wa- mo-t IiOer-
i Killed a Coyote
: Last week while ' ut huntlrg. 'u.-
Hempke and two nephews. I'-'r r.k ii.d
IFarc.ld. eiukted a wo f a::d Frenk
taking a shot at t!i-j .iImi!, lYLed
; him the first time and war.: uioic
! frightened even than the coyote
could have been had it had time to
get scared at the. shot lie ba
Tl.ev skinned the ai-imr.l
5. Vi
the i.c-I i on t;.hni,i'.ri
laut Thursday ev?ni::g.
1. 1
,11:1 h :
Celebrates Fiftieth Birthday
Ou Thursday evening. Odobtr 11.
Lhorea at
Mr.-. O. H. Pothast was a visiter
In Liaoo'.n last Friday and Saturday,
a guest oi iritnas anu to see iuc
r.r lii 1 I ?Tl'fc U 3 WPT
Carl Kissniann and son were over
to Frank Moore's east of Murray on
hist Wedneslav. where thev secured
a number of bushels of excellent rdaJivff and neigiiicr.-;
rrl! frnm tl.P nrrl.anls nf Mr. tl:C hon-0 Ol l'f.Vinwl h'JU - ' hC-ip
Moore, which they will have for the Mr.'s aOth biiihd!y. It
coming winter. was ph'.nned by his cuiidren and was E." McDonald was a visitor carri-d to a ruccer 3 ao rver; or c ccmc
.i;i-t WeOnesdav ut the heme of his in uncxreciealy w.ta avc-1i r.led o-.s-n,rher,
Mrs. Mvra ."McDonald ktt. Ti e ev.nmg piisno.l uurrily,
Murrav and also at the home of his with muds and conver.:ation and it
vnrlc.'w. F. Moore, in that neigh- tvis a late hour when the guests
boyhood and while there brought left, wishing Mr. Lau many more
home with lwia a ouantitv of very sir h birthdays. '1 hose who were
. present were sir. ana xurs. m. liju
end fj.r-.ily; Mr. ud Hvj. Emil Lar.
'i-uri family; Mr. r.d Mr:. J're:l
r.nd family: Mr. and Mrs. Win. N tu
rn j-.nn : n;l family; Mr. and M.-?. Fred
X( u::::.:.n ; nd fsir.iiy; Mr. and Mr--.
"ove- r;nts Afoot For Ejpudiation of 1
SoLh iucsi :ifi' Opposition
Propose a Oorapronise.
fine apples for use winter.
Have Most Pleasant Sleeting
At the pleiis-ant home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Thimgan on last Thurs
day evening occurred a most pleasant
gfthc-iing given by M:.-s Florc-nce
Tlmgr-n to the members of the E.
L. E. C an auxiliary of the Fvan-
I.oui:; X"an.:.:i:i ; Joim and Anna
Niumai.u; Alice Lau; Far. end Mrs.
llartmann and l.r.aiiy; :.Ir. rud Mr3.
W:.:. Dicknu-.n; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
StoMnrtn :-nd r.on; Mr. r.ul .Mrs.
Jo. a Schic1, Jr.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred
To-.atk and fair.iy; Mr. and Mrs.
,n Fri'n;-i:!-c. i 7.
Mi l-iiran leler".i ':-.-, to t!:e J an
nual Am'. r: lc-gicm convention
holding out icr th' onjplctf repudia
liou t.t the Ku Klux JClan by the le
ir.1: ccnv.-ati--n, an organization
here of n San Francisto of the
iii-;onal o: gaL '..: t ion of i he Ai i
Bonus? lea true to light attively cn the
f!r of the convention any resolu
tion favoring conipensath'-n for the
ex-str". if-e men. tie legion conven
tion iirished its third day of a vir
tual deaulo. k 1 e;c trright.
Ija'e t'Tirh; a ?:iurit !' f
filtered the I-'.u Kiur: Fl.".-i rncrlion
r! en th? Culifornin d-) rs in
;'trIiiy '
itics. re-v.-as
fitun tion
I ; ::::': II. Dunbar received ' o; d
this ni'.ming from Mrs? Dunbar who
Uo been at Matoon. Illinoh-. lei the
iwn few '.:ys, ennouncing the death
f her fister at that j.lace. Mrs. Dun
brr vas ir.lled to Mstoon S.vnrday
,i!ig lac annouiicemerit oi
ire very serious or tne fiht
iii d on her arrival there found her
:i a. very critical condition and sue
has gradually grown worse until her
With death.
caucus? otcl ;.r. 'honest v.
in ir.a:t-:-s irL..irii;g to p
ii?rk.n and ir:lu -ry. This
li-; of the breaks in r.
1 g;
ob iai; r.dn.itted was u.cvA
v-t-i V.r.-n-r. cl,inr.ri1 two c:ir?. nf IT V Tool was lonkiner nfter faime as! as they
s '.iick to tue omai'a luarhti irom nufiiitsj- in ivincoiu on last, inursaay t
aliy i,itroei-ed by all atter.Ut.-.i, j
of the vountv people, and uldc r ones
rll verv lend of
making the Carl Cunmahaia was a visitor
with a numbtr of his friends in M;:r-
V.'cdne-day and wa.: ::;so
busilv looking after some business
which calk-7 him here.
lierman F. Schweppe and sister,
Mrs. Herman Ltu'c'is were look
ing aftor some b-a--iress matters in
Piafrr' kst Monday, niakin;
the trip in li e auto of Mr. Schwepp-'.
llenrv Amewert and Carlton Ziuk
were spending i;
Murdock last Friday. afternoon and Friday
Miss Clara Scheel was a visitor trio in his auto.
with cue of her young lady friends JIi;s An.anda Stioy. who has been dock latt
at Ashland une day last week. .virdting lor sjonvj tim in Kansas, ar-
Louis Bornemeicr is having his rived home -roni her two months'
Rumley trctor rebuilt and placed in stay weil plen-ed with the excellent
gocd condition for the coining sea- lime which she had.
ion's work on the farm. i East w?ek the Ilempke boys were
Messrs. E. W. Thimgan and Max. making good of the new woo!
li'istL-rhoff w-re looking after some sawing rig which they recently pur-b-,!iness
in Omaha last Thursday, ehasd through the Farmers Union,
driving over to the big city in the rnd ere liking it very well,
auto of Mr. Thimgan. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stock depart-
1-ouis Schmidt and Fred Deickman ed in their auto a few (lavs since for
v. ho have been constructing a cob a two weeks' tfin in the west and where !! the youn
house at the home of Mr. Schmidt, will expect to go to the mountains most rcsant time,
have the work finished and the fin- before they return, and especially if Hay Holdin :-j at this time kek
,Tr..i,M i o :i.ti t farm uho r-i-T,! u-i.-i lir.r- inntimiot inc some mbstantial improvements
bi-ildlnc-. i" Th. new home of C. E. Strov. at the horn-- of Er.u! lull:.:.
!!;rt T?r.rnrmeir flid u rood I'eed which has been under construction shap CI building
last Thursday when he filled the hole . for some time is about completed
which l ad washed in the road near now and the family are only
his place at the culvert and now. Las ing for the varnish and aints to set
the highway roing past his place in; perfectly dry and hard before mov
exetiient condition. .ing into the new home.
i.l'I :
I -'.
via 1
IVi '
lets cl lKerh?"vvs
. "vWddell a--r
vt wc
1 family we-
visit from a
!.;: Attplic
. I c ' i." F.'i
::s. v.":n. :
.r.d f:
zn y; Mr. anu
cr rnd fimily: Mr.
Zander; Mr. s t:d Mrs.
threatening the very cxis?ciue of the
legion as an active organizatin.
Michigan deicgs.ts .'..: ted ll-at
i hrv would fight f tie lioor of the
! : i r: V inivday's 1 !!
The former Fnivcrtdty of N. o: ;.s
i: - j;u ';'"fv- who reside in I'lattj
n.outh ami vicinity are feeling the
call of the alma mater this week
with thi coming of liorne Com in?
Vi et V: at the university, and the an
rual dy when thoe who havf stud
ied r;t the s'ate nnivtrsity g t to-
cthr:- to renew old acquaintances
a-.d the rcco'lection of old times at
the stat school.
Wil':. r.; A. Robertson and wife,
f .i! k. Davis tin J wife. M Hazel
1 i'vi y and Miss Jessie M. Robertson
sr.- n:icn; r-.'ine of the Plattrmout'i
f ':r.: r "rra:;" v.l o ere expeciing u
.e homecoming of tho Kan
. 1 )''ibali gaiiie that will
1 : t t'::e n w stadium.
t Sunday with two
of their friends :n Omaha, driving
over in the aato of Mr. Anigwert and
peopk h-d
:. in
h to
lag it
Re E
taf ei E a
Made up from fine Comfort Material Firmly tied A
Good Acscrtinnt of Patteins fcr only
nit i
?u;use and ctherv:k-
hetter crntiition.
Iierni'in Kithn a:i 1 wife of E!iu
w. od were visitors in Mt'-.-dock !a?t.
Thursd-iy. being called here to f'-e
their little ier!i w. G r?.d Kucha,
son cf Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kutlin, wi:o
Ci the-r relrttivcr from tue
caniirg i.--n Sr. ran -herg. ''olc.
heir ante for a visit and r.:icnt
st pleasant time v.-ith our Mur
grain dealer. Mr. Weddell.
''here v.-er Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Ved
del! and th.eir daughter, Mis:s Ara
bella, they being r phew and niecr
und grand niece of Mr. Wed dell and
D. J. Weddell and wife and their lit
tle daughter, they being grand neph
ew and grand niece of Mr. Wed dell
and the Httle daughter being grcat
'ian.i niere of this gentleman, com
'rising v.-ith Mr. Weddell four g.r,c
lat'C.tis. The'- niake their home about C.H
miles east of Denver r.nd have trv
;i ic-y.'ii". soni" Pe'-en
Will Murfin and family, formerly .f
"as:-- county. The whc-it out tl:er!i
.i as nr-t much, of a crop, but they have
.rrmc ".( acres of cttrn, which will
ma!-.'.; "0 bushels to the acre.
slid lacniy; lvz. j )'in
V'v-zevr :"nd family: Mr. and Mrs.
I-'r.'il ' orie! v. i:d family; Geo. Kraft
:rd Mr. and Sirs. Ferdinand Lau and
e ' .
J- ::
t h n
r, K. H:mt of
in which the
l7!!IO EIRfin'f IFTH" league here dispelled the ho
Z NS immi Ml t-,r..c .
linally work out a re-olutn-n
v ; c:
in his !
h'. tt-.r a
ed '-hrr.i
Wi' I!"--.!
1 .
!!:: !
re v I :
have hci n visiting
nc:-tf.r at uay:;.
of Uncie';
had a n.os
F. El m
very "Well Pleased
Honors come to I'nole Walt Schluo
ter. after he has passed the thr-jc
o carter century mark. Last we; l;
was horn to Mr. and Mrs. John Kvuz.
.Tr.. a baby girl at Elmwood. ?.Ir?.
Kuntz being rranddrttght.- of Uncle
Henry and wife, and. also a dat?hU-r
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles r.oraemc-lrr,
of FJiir. vood, and Mrs. Ilorntmficr be
ing daughter of Mr. and Mis. bch
lutter. Everyone ii feeling pretty
ialcr. .wjiere they v -" '' I b ased over t!i,e coming of the
rhoiT has been putting
during th; past wok.
.cir. : of A. H. Ward in
, v.. n. ihir, some :i:;:rk
the iatrrior :i::d other-
,g .! e place.
-onvei:ti.-n .o ;r
ti'-'U di rrn up !
Mouni Phnnt.
legier. v-iil be c; !'.-' upon to. "rrow
r.v Triday to rer.cuiue the Han as
"un-Am' n an in fr-c-t" and "' ontrary
to the very i:rr doles for whi h the
American Legion stands."
An'i-Eoncs Slogan
formation of an Anti-Bonus
lops that
e would
in ccm-
.iiiUee tltat wouid be art iptai.::- to
?rc;ninent Eesident ci Los Angeles the cm ire convention, legion ouirials
stated tonignt. i lie anti-bonus or
ganization selected Lieutenant Com-n.r.ndc-r
'Villiaai C. Van Antwerp of
S.-.n rr-iKii--;; as rhainuan.
' F.r the di.:abl;J. vv ry thing; for
the able bodhd, l othirg"' vill be de
manded by the anti-bonus faction,
Mr. Van Antwerp Lttttd. F ::;d:-
"That io he slogan for the ez-s.r-vi-.e
r.::t's an i-benus league, v.-itich
is now organized cud actively fum -tioning
in tv.entj-.six states. V.'e arc
opposed to the granting of any form
of b'ji.u ; to able bodied ex-service
men cn the ground that to serve one's
country in time cf war is a privilege
as well as a duty, and to ser-k ? ma
terial reward therc-rr ts an a.t r--jugnani
to the spirit of true patriot
ism and a violation of the fimd.iraen-
title rs on eh;g geoege V
i t. 10 Americans who
b en puzzled over the title cf
Here and Pleased With Growth
cf tLe Infant Library.
"Dan:( Margaret" applied io the wifo
' f David Lloyd George, had their cur
iosi.y sjtiifiel today when the for
mer preit.icr of Great I'ritain and
members of the Dritish ger;-r:i! con
sulate here explained that Mr? Lhiyd
(ieurce is ;: "dame of the Dritish -;
ire," formerly a title best, -wed tip
on the dcv.Ter of a family. Th t
ti'le recntly has been revived, and
v. as bestowed upon Mrs. Lloyd
George V.
trrlav from the
re va-; ncro v.
' coast a gentleman who was
miles away some thirty years ago instrumental
in t-:e founding of what is now the
7 Tac-uth puilic library and while
he had a part i.i organizing a number
of circulating lit.raries over the
country there has been none as suc
ctss fitl as that of the Plaltsmouth in
stitution. Th::; gentleman was F.. II. Thomn-
.-jj of the (iaidncr-Tho.npson Co. oi
L'!.- Angvks, who was formerly en-g.-g'.d
hi.- earlier day., ir. the- ttsk
i aiding the f"rrmaion : f circulat
': g iibrarics by the nicst-ci cl selling
: b'.r:,i-ips in u
ors. George Merki
. ho
for a
sts at the Ik. me
i.-tcFent tur.e, returned
1 e t ; u e s d a y evening,
e and Tarry Davis vera
little lady.
Wednesday, where
r.cure a Eitpply of ?!:iks
rrtii: r-lTard"' r F.
t'::.t town and "Drought
dunk fySarnsnfiSp. fin.
Socn we will have cn our floors a number of the
latest moddl 01d5moai!es, be Ji 4's and S'c. Tliese arc
nifty cars arc wit'i the reduction in price now effective,
afford one of the birgesi: automobile dollar values on the
market today. Watch our ad for announcement of
their arrival.
Remember, ws are carrying a full line of Exide
batteries and have them in stock.
at .V u fro
th ey v. cr.. t
from th.' f
Moore nc r r
home v.i'.'i them a supply of
H. H. Wilson, v. ho formoiD lived
'vtv.-f.c' Murdc'k and Green v o
; ut - '.:. ? ',- t. lakes hu h,":.e in
1 i-.-'oTn. " : s ever hist week dei'or
:rg h!r l:-i .- '.mme" s crop of v hai
to the elevrior operated by Mr. Vv.
T. lell.
Jerry McIIugh. Jr.. wrs ir 'hrr.c
of the pop corn bitth at the car
niv.l rr.d mad'.' an e.vcs'ient
man for the position, for he looked
r. f;cr the work in a capable manner
rnd kept the crowd in n merry hu.uor
all the time.
John Fthe: l d' parted one day la-t
v. e. l; for Gr.g, v. here he went to visit
with hi- dt.tigliter. Mr.-?. G'cn Do-;-v.-eli
rnd family for a v " iie and a f
t' .- ' r-.rds vcit to W ',on. 1 ec he
r.Tro v;:i( d with Mr. Cleddi-;. a
friend of f jrmr year.-..
.riong t"f ot!:er v-rv :ii:ni:".,
riKl r terta -inir g fartur- s of the
rpr:iU? var t niaylt. "The Liht
Out West." whi-:h struv.l: i vcrv pop
ular chord with the .' 1 ple-sed
audi'-ii-e, a rlso did the movies,
which wc-re str god as a. cpcial at
tract ion.
Mr. and Mrs. llenrv Gut htm n
T.--r-- viitlg for the day in Platts
mouth Iftft Thursday, mahir.-, the
trip in tbir new r.uto. the Wllvr,
Knight. where they visited w'th the
mother and lister of Mr. G tubman
and a'so looked after some bi:si::c:;'
piptf ore rt h t-.-i1
Lti wrench
Were Keal Boosters
With five nut or and some thirty or
.rty l'coplc all entht:si-t5c rcitrabers
of. the Murdoch schools icol: a tip
last Tlnrsdav which embraced Flm-
the v,ood, Abo and Greenwood. w".:::e
l.ev advertist-d in a very t heron
-.d live! way the earr ival vhich
.-.- ?.-- tn he 1-f'it rt ; hp shn.-.l 1".: ' ic it1 g
."T'-rdo.k cn la.':t Frl-l.-v. : nd
.'tj'.n came orr s-r-tr acneoui.1. ::e
ss-50t i.tiion that
insured tart each m -nuKr was to re
'.ive two books to be applied on the
t rs alien of a circulating lilr:.ry.
When ho f a me to Idattsniouth in the
cr'.y nineties he found Use germ oi
ti e library idea being promoted by a
number of the young ladies of the
hv who Had lormed the i. L. II. li.
A. f r the purpose of set tiring a li
brary end were slowly accumulating
a r-ttmlKT of books: that they were
circulating among their limited cir
'le a:;l which wa? the keys-tone of
the public library. Altho Mr. Thomp
son wrs rot received here with open
it:,,:! 1 y some oi ilia papers and the
; ill -li - ha f r.n.l a warm -ttit-por' frotii
'.V-i ladies of the library association
ta! principles of American citizen
ship." Ccnmittees Still Qzt
Failure of the committees to get
together f.rc-"d an early adjournment
of the third dry's res? ion of the le
gion convention at an e-yly b.our to
day. With all-night e.;sions facing
several of the most vital committees.
' it was the hope of the officers of the
legion that the darks would ha clear
ed for action by the full conveation
tomorrow. The latest trkks? of tho air as de
v loped by the array, naw and ma-
Whon you deal with us you deal
with a firm that has been in your
riiid-t for the past thirty-?-: year-.
vhich his 300 ceres of high land soil
that grows the good sturdy tr-es. etc.
An'! do we grow thm? And will they
be irue to name? You tell 'cn.
For iimtance the juicy, rid'eiou-.
Jonathan. Grimes Golden and d .7ei:.-.
cf other varieties of apples, also the
rich, juicy pears, cherries, plum-,
poaches, etc.. the blue grapes as well
as the white and red varieties, th"
black and red raspberries; in fa. t a
lull line of fruits. Also the shrubs
of all varieties, climbing roses and
choice, beautiful monthly roses.
I In fact all choice varieties cf all
lines that have been tested out before
offered to the public.
Si give us a trial to prove the
above assertion. Our representative,
y.r. t? tohlman, will be glad to fill
3our order. o22-2tw
From my home, one black horse.
1 t and
advertised the a.Iair to '-r.d they assirf-d h.iin in getting over
worthy of the city
success vhich can e to their car-
VTere Slarrkd in leva
Last week occured the wed ling of
-? Leah fcibiridt
of Murdof:
Mr. Wm. Winkler, of RockwcF.
Iowa, hut who was formerly a
dent nf this community. but
moved to Jov.a come time since.
, anu
C itv.
re- :
who Th i;:
r.edding occurred at The isome of the
pastor ef the Methodist chureh of
tiiat place, and the voting people
stnrtd imn.e.iiately for Mirdock.
i- her a wedding nipper v.-as aw.ilt
ii,g tb.em at the horn-? of the bride's
parent?., Mr. and Mrs. H. R. S hraidt.
'.rise j s p: st was a tv.o ccurre dinn -r.
rcrvtd at f o'ciock. Tl:e li-.dal pat:y
remained until Wednr-sday ir,--rni-ig
a;;d departed for the west i:i their
c.uto and will tour the wsttrr. por
tion of the state, suopplng" at Hast-
;nd serurirg a number of
p;' e tti tP- 'm 'r c-SJ meii for
meriberrhip:- iba. r.a- the young la-ei-"es
a p'ea.-ing start or t!c p'brary
ard when lie left the city they were
preparing to rent a room and make
he llr.-t steps toward a real public li- i
brary. At that time as todsy, Mi;s
n'ive Jones was Lhoring in the cause
that rhe has seen prosper and grow
beyend the fordest elroanis of the
jc-rnr vrmei! who wore instrumental
in th" movement.
While her?" Mr. Thnn ps-OTi visite-I
the fine library rev.- is one of
the protidesi monuments in the city
aid was ir.r.- than pleased wi'h the
r.v c,-e;-3 that ibe years have brought
to the orie time small library asso-
' lation and it was gratifying to him
'o realize that he had been given an vr.n growth in
t i i:;iri ii uuy oi liavirg P. smtltl part
in making this success.
with srot in forehead, ft bout live
ve:rs old. Hair on hind s'liinks i-i
mes. were shov n here at Crissy field rubbed off by single trees. Would
during f ' c "Xaiionrl Defense day" be gia ! to re. eive any informatioti as
celebration. LomViig or n toy fort, tr, his whereabouts. Phone 12J1.
sky to land -omunic ations and Weeping Water exchange, and re
mght fireworks from airplanes were ward Mill be given. S. E. Major,
the features of the air program. c22-2tw
P. n. Smith of Pdoomintrti n. Ne
rtska. a former Cass county man
unit w-il known ever the eastern por-
iiou ci me couaiy, came in haiur
day for a visit here with relatives
and friends for a few days.
Inot So Ilany Traveling arid Grain
Ship-rent; Below Par Rot a
Great Slum-) However.
. ei
V i -- ni a n
and the f tra
il v were over from
The Landholm
HI ur dock,
their houte near
Avocr, where they arc farming and
visi-cd Svtndav at the home of Mr.
od Mrs. E. 7C. Norton. Mr. Wiseman
returning to look gf;?- the Jiorne
while Mrs. Wiseman and the sou,
Jarae?,. remained for a longer visit.
Eddie e raig anu tne lamuy were v. ith
visiting last Sundav at the hom r
f rieneh: at RocuW'-ii City after No
vember lt and will i-tpp tor a visit
at I.! r dock on th Ir set urn fivsra V:c
v est. Tl-.e britio is a !-ugi.ter of
'Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Scinuidc. of Mur-dc-ck
ai.d an ac-t-mrit iis-d young
T, having had m'-f ii cp ritnea
n rnr.tTiiercial line and being a very
clever sah-slady. The many friends
cf this young couple eitectl to them
be' t and cor.ratul.'ticn with
Traffic or. Xeorasi.a railroads is
said to be le:s ;t this time than it
was- one year ago. The big lotts in
grain loading. In several r-tber lin-'o
th.r-r hrs beer, an incre-.-". Plo k
loading is heavier and general busi is about the same. There has
the fonr.age of oil
P"-sing thru tl-.e state, and up to this
lime pisseneer biivinets has been a
hit heavier than last year.
J a.t now -i.-cenre r btm'rers ir,
i-' eg-.i!ar. t h r;t traffic pass itig in spec
ial trains and ;-irus. with in oeca-
slcna! day wb.en regt'Inr trains are
Yen Wjll Make No Mistake if YOU overloaded. Quite a bit of traffic is
Mrs. Gale Connors and little non,
of Omul a. who have been hero visit
ing at the hon e of Mrs. Ixma Droege
for the past few days, returned last
owning to Omaha.
Mrs. A. D. Caldwell and children.
George and Jean. were passengers
this afternoon for Omaha, -where
tl y will visit with Dr. Caldwell,
who i3 now located there.
ii-p;--. Kcirney am! Glervi! for short H tr B I J P" Vf Vt f f 5 Ti f! JT r
stop- to visit with friends ind reli- S E pA 9 f 1 f ? H h- rVl J;
tI-03. Thev will le at hoTj;0 tr- l heir !-'- t tei E 5 lit L 2 S
Tlior.i the Journal
haprlnsr, heaitl:
anv friend.-..
joins in v. Lhing
and prosperity
To Our Patr-cnsS
We will never knowingly ekesive you. We are
goinrr to keep the quality of our Petroleum Products
right where it is. Right at the TCP.
We want to keep j-our confidence and respect.
We thank you for your nice patronage.
Eanie and Murdo-Jc
their friends. Mr. and Mrs. George
McFarlr.nd and famisy of Nehawka.
and in tls? evenine also went to
Plattamouth.. where they enjoyed a
picture show at the popular movie
house of the county seat, the Parmele
I theatre. j
i Edward Guilstorff and Henry j
Heine-man were looking after some,
In-sines matters in Omaha last Tur
Fp.rri loans made at tie rate of -' -,
5-. Option to pay ct ar.y time. If in Pb-ttsmcuth. Follow
von desire a larm lcat res U. J. l'- r;-.tin.r,uta cn-aen.
Pothast at Farmers & Ierli?Jits ?-Ir4s- ' rIcs fncon- Third
t, , , stixct., Piatts mouth, rays: "I uved to
F.a2T, luruOCk, Nebraska. have attach when my back was so
j lam? ana wee:: it notnertei me a
! great deal to be around on n:v feet.
yet to "-0--J. the break tin from the
American Legion convention being
'he 'ucr .- ; r') nt in sight. In
Nebraska quite a business is expected
tomorrow for the university home-comin-r
at L'ne-olr. and r .ilroid men '
are beginnlnr- to v,c)ndcr if the new
rf-idivm will hold the crowd that
will clamor for entrance. The l.reak-
'"T OI" the Odd Fed Iowa fnnvpiitinn at
irk also made some busings fir-
the roads through Lincoln. '
Grain loading is less than half
vlist it Tifirvnsllv ic an1 tin's
as a-tr-el effectively in cases m,.h r -. w'i: ,
tne aeivice iielel until the new crop was made
sure. With a lie:vy wheat movement
now. business would be better than
Follow This Plattsmonth
Lctdy's Advice.
Never neglect your kidneys.
If yon have pain in your back, uri
m ry disorders, di-ijilnoss and ner
ve linger it's tkr.f to act and r.o tine
to cp ritnent. There arc froj ;trt!y
rymptoms cf kidney trouble, and a
VI f
r.tre.ay v.-
tne Pjoncv
Doan's Kidney Pills is? a good, rem
edy to use. No need to experiment.
Leghorns for Sale
To ce
I have a fev
dav and AVednesda. where thev vi-- Leghorn roosters lor Bate at
ited the lUimlcy 5f anufacturing Co. jfeeh.
headquarters and arranged for one' MRS. F. A. BliL'NKOW,
cf their mechanics to come to this olC-CM. Murdock, Xebr.
neigh)orhood for the repairing of h '
tractor owned by Louis Pornemeicr. ; TJIIILDn,TG SITE FOE SALE
At the home cf Mr. end Mrs. Emil
Hue nr. there has been som
serious illness, that e.'f their
tiiildrer.. w:io nave heen very
with a etisease peculiar to children, p.. Tjrorr-,,te "na-nl-
The little daughter, the rrt taken j ' .
with the the malr.dy, has in a wayi . .. - .
recovered, and has been up for some 1 Com iilCuer for tbale
time and is improving. The little son. T ,rm T,r,-1oe
t!;oroughbred T'hitc kidneys were disordered rt times.
niA atiit i lott mr;crat.ic ano tiaa no am-
, bitinn. A n. ember e.f r
i had used L'oan's Kidney Pills with
god reFult adv,-cd me to trv them.
tf results.
The Main hotel which is-, now ttn-
r familv who . Iua ua-eiIlier 1 pi wiinain i;rr-
Kia; is ut'iiiK sivcd xne most tnorougn
ov-erbaulint that it has had in a cre-it
many years anu every room of the
Poullry Wanted!
Platlsmou'ch, Nebraska
I A ear load of live poultry w-intc 1
to be delivered at poultry cur neur
the Iluriiretcn freight house. Platts-
' mouth Vv'FDNESDW. Oct. 2-ltli, cue
day only, for which we will
the following
vv'ii:-'i T rlii wit' ti-e !r.
!ln a short t-rrio I feif iihe a different 1,olfci 1;as bcei thoroughly cleaned Hens, per lb
v-on:an. 1 get ro-r. s at Fricke & ' 1J" t-u .;au maue very ingfit auraruve to tne ret idents of the
r.irapiv ask for a kidney remedy get ,ni- itaireu so triat there will be no
Loan's Kidney Pills the same that oppcrtunfty fcr the cold winter
Mrs. Mason had. Fe.ster-Milburn freezes to piay through any part of
Co., Mfrs., Puffalo, N. V
;5'j The quarter block known as the Co's! di-ug store "and" u-? them orca- f "L? tto the rfiden,"s f th
t y Ttr Tonei nlaee Gnn 1 Terms In- nir when I get tired in my back and the transient gutsts then
eir two IT. Jones place. Uood terms. ln a.a t!lf:v fclvva,-s c,,;p!:,v re,!OV0 m Hie heating plant has been ovei
tery ill quire of 0. J. Pothast at the Ftntiers price. e-Oc, at all dealern. I'on't 'auld and the whole Imildir.g is be
th- building.
The 'new manager has
iue war on the dirt effective and
Gift o-ndR. Ti-rt-j rri-- rfh-llflr's nas one 01 11:0 nicest and most at-
tr" " i -J J ---"-I -- "
ftprjil -u-lipn -u.- were in Miirrlrrlr
t . -I" 4-.,, .rnillo4
was ciiiic-auy ii miu ivcrj tare w as oxl, j-, x- ----- ' tractive lintels in this part of th-
oemf taKcn to assist in nis vcrovery, conaiticn, icr sale. A gooa &uy at --i iut, kiia lj- K,5tr! ,-nP result and -one that is
so serious wa-: the case that Dr. Horn- tj,c ?.,4C 0f S2C0C0 crs. tc-ilct articles, varity cares, and real comfort,
beck the attendin-r physician call- ' ' eicHTqK .BKOs r.'r:- ether f;i!t artfrlcs at th- Bates
r r, ),ct -i-.,-o -n-r TJnrvav. lebr. CcmCT Lock td StaUOllCry ItCT?. t-i.1-iC CCCLS t ,C'inai CICC.
Spring:, per lb
Cox. per lb
Ducks, per lb
Geese, per lb
Leghorn Poultry 3c lb. less
Farmers, Notice
WEDNESDAY is our regular buy-in-
day in i'lattsniouth and we wil!
pv.-.HIvely- be there on the dale ad
vertised in this r.d. prepared to t3ko
all pe'-ltry that may be offered u:- at
the above prices.