PLATTSHOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 192 C33 XT73 GRADE CROSSINGS Cbe plattemoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEXLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Katorwd at Poatoffloa. Plattamouth. Neb., m conJ-cls mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE CHRIST AND THE LEPERS And It came to pass, when He was , in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy; who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought Him, saying Lord. If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And He put forth his hand, and touched hlci, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him. Luke v, 12 and 13. :o: Nothing succeeds like good, pure silence. i :o: The real time to stand up for your self is Just Derore you are knocked down. . :o: Some men make their own oppor tunities others make their own dif ficulties. :o: The matter with Governor Walton was that he thought he had created Oklahoma. :o: The long skirt is on the wane in Paris. It is chiefly on the Dowlegged in America. o:o The one thing: America should Every once In awhile the town council of some small community in Nebraska enacts an ordinance order ing that all railway grade crossings be immediately abolished. Authors of such measures seem to be men utterly without vision or ac quaintance with the magnitude of this traffac problem. The removal of all grade crossings is something very much to be de sired, but its achievement is a work that will take many years. On railway lines of the first class -I I I--1111. alone in thl3 country there are 251,- A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Rightly used, credit Is our servant; wrongly used, cred it soon becomes our master and ruins us. mfe :o: The town clock Where is the fixer? :o:- needs fixing. make at home and not import is her population. :o: Some folks feel cheated unless the list of victims contains the somebody they know. :o: Everything has Its place. This keeps lots of folks from just sitting around doing nothing. o:o U. S. Qlf association has barred slotted or punched clubs. Cussed clubs may still be used. :o: Nice thing about a world's series is one team cannot knock the other out in the second inning. :o: The mark now is worth less than the ruble, and the ruble is worth less than nothing: ' Figure it out. :o: The eclipse of the girls ears is said to be passing. One-half of them want to hear a little more clearly what the other half of them say about it.. :o: Whether such a project is in mini or not, the Prince of Wales can easily go back from his vacation on the ranch and become a formidable dirt farmer candidate. -:o: We don't know because our wife's hair isn't bobbed, but it looks to us as if with all the bobbed hair, there ought to be a depression in the breakfast cap business. :o: Charlie Chaplin is suing another comedian who has been using the Chaplin style of trousers, cano and mustache. But the point would seem to be: Does anybody really mistake the imitator for the original? :o: That Indiana man who went to a movie show and laughed himself to death should have got all his humor from the London Punch. Anyone could read that "comic" paper all his life and never even crack a smile. :o: Other syrups are being blended with maple syrup, says a news item. Sounds like a return to the good old days. The last maple syrup our ef ficient grocer sold us was a blend of New Orleans molasses and horehound candy. ' :o: Japan's public debt is only 525 for every man, woman and child. Just about twice the cost of her earthquake. The corresponding fig ure for Great Britain is $733, for our country $211. Our debt is equiva lent to 16 earthquakes like Japan's big one. Let that sink in. :o: It is a pleasure to see the fanners finally getting together in stiff pio test against the hayseed caricatures bo long utilized by cartoonists in por traying the agriculturalists. Some day we hope to see the public make some effort to avoid being represent ed as a goat, but that will take longer. :o: ! A psychology -expert In Kansas City advertises that he will give an accurate analysis of your character, and advise you on -the line of busi ness you may follow to the best ad vantage. Probably there are man in Oklahoma willing to pay the expenses of a professional interview between the character expert and Governor Walton. 050 railway highway grade crossings According to President C. II. Mark ham of the Illinois, who Is a recog nized authority on the subject, the cost of seperating grades at all these crossings would be approximately twelve and one-half billion dollars a figure much more than half the to tal value of all the railroads, their terminals, buildings, shops, bridges. locomotives, freight and passenger cars, and all kinds of property of all They do say that Mussolini's high classes in the whole nation. horse is developing the heaves. I Twelve and one-half billion dol- :o: liars is much more than one-half of Statistics show marriages are all the bonds issued by the United growing fewer. Just the same they states to defray the expenses of the don't seem far between. I world war. Will some astute small O! Itnun nffiMnl nloncto Hs nn and tll The rumor that Jack Dempsey has Lhe railroad3 just how and wuere!A- 0. Cedar Creek signed to fight the world series series th.v t tfl. rnnnAV fn tha A. v. uaaxe lYiuxray z? i Price of all (W) Commoditie i t'f Goodyear Tirog y101S 192U 122 1W23 J I 914lai1916 19W FOR many years now, Goodyear Tire prices have been kept consist ently lower than the average price level for all commodities, as you see from the above chart. At the same time, Good year quality has been consistently bettered. Today, Goodyear Ti re prices are lower than in 1914, and Goodyear quality is the highest ever. This is a good time to buy Goodyears. At Goodyear Service Station Dealarm ura tril and recom mend tha net Goody tar Cord with tha beveled All Weather Tread and back them up toith mtandard Cotdyear Service FLATTSMOUTH MOTOR CO. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship winner is probably untrue. :o:- Sometimes it looks as if raising money for the heathen 13 about as hard as raising the heathen. :o: A cowboy shot a barber in New i York. Another trouble with this tremendous expense they propose? If the railroads had the money. and the work would start right now, with all labor forces possible to ob tain. It would take at least twelve years to abolish all the grade cross- It would seem, therefore, that world is we talk too much :o: - A Buffalo man had his stomach taken out without an anesthetic. Per haps he was raised on green apples. :o: President Coolidge is just the luck iest man. Ambassador Harvey is coming home of his own accord an' railroad crossing? this is a case where the public must show patience. Would it not be the proper thing to do by every legislature to pass a law making it a criminal offense to every auto driver who fails to heed the advice to "stop, look and listen" before he attempted to make any Such a law, well W. T. Richardson Mynard Union Auto Co Una on be; SURVIVAL OF THE MULE everything. -:o: The divorce industry in this coun try has just about got to where the lawyers will be giving out trading stamps pretty soon. :o: heeded, will save hundred of lives each year. :o: ELEVEN GOOD MEN There are now about 2,700,000 public servants upon the national, Probably there is nothing that state and municipal payrolls of the pleases a bad man more than to dls- United states, according to figures cover that the piety of a good man hust compiled from the census. Thus i has been exaggerated. o:o- A doctor took a fellow's stomach out the other day after fixing his so lar plexus. We suppose that gives a new punch to surgery. :o: out of every 12 wage earners one is paid to regulate the lives, liberties and pursuits of the remaining 11. But this Is a misleading estima tion and does not sum up the pre dicament by half. There are hosts upon hosts of reformers, lobbyists and petty philosophers, each work- A Chicago evangelist says that no new sin has been discovered in 2.000 years. What about parking on the ing on salary to regulate at least 11 wrone side of the street? Mves wunm n,s Personal circle ana mousanas witnout it, wno are never It is difficult to know how to pro- paid by the government agencies em- - ceed when the farmers tell us to eat Ploying the other 2.700.000 bread and the philosophers insist At the present rate of increase of that we cast it on the waters. public servants it is only fair to as :o: Isume that within 100 years the tables According to Sir Conan Doyle, will be reversed. Then 11 out of 'gold has only imaginary value." every 12 wage earners will be in However, we can't imagine him tak ing imaginary pay for hi j lectures. :o: Sometimes it looks as if old Eu rope will never be strong again un less given the rejuvenation treat ment some of our rich old gentlemen ploit only one citJzen lo be shared among them: The twelfth man governmental employment. This may bring the twelfth man who feeds and clothes them a few problems, but it will not be a patch on those accru ing to the remaining 11. Fancy the trouble of 11 employes who may ex took. The announcement that a New York man has been slain by a "pois on pipe" brings a wave of wonder as to how the smokers of a good many other pipes manage to survive. :o: might enjoy many benefits. :o: AN IMITATION NO MORE Artificial silk," offered first as an imitation of the product of the industrial worm, asserts now its right to stand alone and to make a name Necessity Is proverbially the moth er of invention and it was only a few for itself through its own merits years aner me enacuneni oi me in- Four associations. whose members come tax laws that the scientists make or deal in this material, hav ing railed themselves in finding a satisfactory noun under which to market their wares, are thinking of holding forth a standing reward for a name which will meet their several requirements. The first specification is that the adjective "artificial" must not be used. Imitation suggests inferiority Coolidge's political success. Next ana aoesn 1 TaKe we" Wlin ine Puo" thing they will be claiming that it "c tne name nunters agree. They is in honor of their state that he is want no coJnel wo a5ed on "silk. called Cal. jeiiner; nor names witn prenxes ae rived from "cellulose." By the time Fortunately, the visit of Mr. David I the dealers had weeded out all of L. George of Great Britain seems far those from their own suggestions brought out the truth serum. :o: The German chancellor may be forced to dissolve the reichstag, a Berlin dispatch states. It would be an interesting experiment, that of running a government without talk. :o: California politicians are claiming that they are responsible for Mr. enough removed from that of W. L. George that there should be no em barras3mlng confusion among our literary societies. -:o: there were but six proposals left and none was satisfactory. A goodly number of arbitrary, spur of the moment words have found permanent place in the English lan- The American Federation of Labor guage or the American, if you has rejected a proposal for the for- please. The fiber silk maKers want mation of a separate political party, their word to enter common usage. Well, the status of the existing par- And it is quite fitting that there ties at thi3 time is not especially en- should be a distinctive name for the Let every mule ia the land hee haw in satisfaction over the assurance of continued existence which is car ried in the department of agricul ture's statement that it is not threat ened by the motor vehicle. The mule may not be a thing of beauty, it may not be everybody's pet, it may not hold any world's records for speed but it gets there just the same, which is more than the motor vehicle some times does. When a mule doesn't go, it isn't because it can't go, but it is because it will not go. It can be talked out of its stubbornness by those who know the mule lingo, but no amount of talking can make a mo tor vehicle go. A twist of a balking mule's tail generally gets action, but no number of twists of any automo bile's crank will get action when it's enginee is really in a balky mood Yes, the mule has points over the mo tor vehicle that gives it title to con tinued existence. :o: There is a general suspicion, that the "li" is the biggest part of an alibi. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an Order of Sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass county Nebraska, on the 2Ctli day of Sep tember, 1923. in an action pending in said court in which Charles M. McQuin and Lydia A. McQuin, hus band and wife, are plaintiffs and Del- la E. Anderson, a single woman, and Thomas J. McQuin and Adelia Mc Quin, husband and wife, are defend ants. I will on Saturday the 3rd day of November. A. D. 192! at ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the south front door of the court house of Cass county, Nebraska, of fer for sale, at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following describ ed real estate situated in the County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: All that part of the northwest quarter (NWU) of Section thirty-one. (31) in Township ten (lO)'North of Range fourteen, (14) East of the 6th Principal Meridian. Cass county, Nebras ka that lies-south of the Weep ing Water Creek The terms of said sale being one- tenth cash on the day of sale and the balance of the purchase price on the day said sale is confirmed by the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hour. AUBREY II. DUXBURY, Referee. A. G. COLE, Att'y. s27-sw til nJ ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator couraging to the forming of new ones. Both the farming and the labor ing class have been fooled a good many times politically, but farmers especially are hard to keep fooled. The farmers of Iowa will, in turn, fool the whole west if they are not only source of cloth in hundreds of years to take a place beside the four that have served men since the .dawn of history wool, silk, cotton, and flax. -:o:- H0GS FOR SALE Big type Poland-China boars for "on to" Brookhart before the sena-aJe' All immuned. C. L. Mayabb, pnone oixs, jriausmoutn. 08-3 wks, d&w torial primaries are held. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Glenn R. Atchison, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Gladys Atchison praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to John Gerry Stark, as Ad ministrator; Ordered, that October 29th, A. D. 1923. at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and; the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated October 4th. 1923 ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) oS-3w, County Judge. Estate No. of Basil S. Ramsey deceased, in the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. . The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Win C. Ramsey, who is one of the heirs of said deceased, and interested in such,, has filed his petition alleging that Basil S. Ramsey died intestate in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on or about July 22nd, 1921, being a resi dent and inhabitant of Plattsmouth Cass county, Nebraska, and the own er of the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lots seven (7) and eight, (8) in Block twenty-two, (22) in Young & Hay's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Libbie C. Ramsey, widow, and Wm. C. Ramsey, son; that said decedent died intestate; that no application for ndministra tion has been and the estate of said decedent hr.3 not been adminis tcred in the State of Nebraska, and that the Court determine who are the leirs of said deceased, their degree of inship and the right of descent in the real property of which the de ceased died seized, which has been set for hearing on the 6th day of November, A. I). 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 5th day of October, A. T). 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) o8-3w. County Judge. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of Bertha L. Standley, Guardian of Hu bert Standley, Irene Standley, Mabel Standley ami Yerna Standley, all minors, for License to sell real es tate. On reading and filing the petition, diil verified of Bertha L. Standby, guardian of Hubert Standley, Irene Standley, Mabel Standley and Verna St.andley, all minors, for license to ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary Forsyth Wall, deceased. On reading and filing the petition or illiam Wall praying that admin istration of said estate may be grant ed to Jesse Lee Wall, as Adminis trator; Ordered that the 2nd day of No vember, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock a m., is assigned for hearing said peti tion, when all persons Interested in sai l matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pen dency or said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons ntcrested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day cf hearing. Dated this 10th day of October. A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) oll-3w. County Judge. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court or Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of George Hanson, deceased. his cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Thomas Hanson ami Henry Hanson, Executors of the will and estate of George Hanson, deceased, praying for a license to sell the East half (E) of the north east ouarter (NEU ) and the west half (W'2) of the north west quarter (NW'4) in Section thirty-two; (32) and the east half (E'i) of the southwest quarter (SW'4 ) in Section twenty-nine. (29) all in Township eleven (11) North, Range nine, (9) in Cass county, Nebraska a sufficient amount thereof to rir.? the sum of $8,350.00 for the NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Dil trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska entered the 12th day of Septembet 1923, the undersigned will recelf' bids until 10:00 o'clock a. m. Octobi 20th, 1923, on the following descrlD ed real estate, to-wit: The north half (N) of the northeast quarter (NE) of Section fifteen, (15) Township twenty-eight, (28) Range twen ty, (20) in the County of Neo sho. State of Kansas. A certified check for ten (10) pel cent of the amount of the purchasl price to accompany bid. Sale subjeol , Ua nnn,nirnl rt 4 1-1 A Pftlirl a n rl IflTl being sold subject to lease. Sal tract being open, unimproved farr land. JOHN F. GORDER Receiver of the firm of E. O. Dove & Son, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. i NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIETTITLEj In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Carrie I. Ley da et al Plaintiffs vs. Plattsmouth Ferry Co. et al, Defendants App. Dock. 2 Page 4 No. 7488 To the Defendants: Plattsmoutli Ferrv 'omnany. a corporation; P. Y Moss, real name unknown; Aiauiua) Reeid; John Doe Reeid, real name un4 known; Chas. E. Permwell; Chas. Ej Pennewell; Charles E. Penneweli; Mrs. Charles E. Pennewell, real name unknown; Jacob L. McMichael; Mrs Jacob L. McMichael, real name un-j known; Ambrose M. Beebe; Mrs. Am4 brose M. Beebe, real name unknown; C. S. Achesou; Charles S. Acheson; Tiny Carolina Acherson; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per- sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the several es tates of C. S. Acheson; Charles S Acheson and Daniel H. Wheeler, eac deceased, real names unknown; ant the heirs, devisees, legatees, persona representatives and all other persons interested in the several estates of P Y. Moss, real name unknown; Ma ayment of debts allowed against saidUilda Reeid; Chas. E. Permwell; Chas '-tate and the costs of administra-! K- Pennewell; Charles E. Pennewell ion, there not being sufficient Der-! Jacob L. McMcihael and Ambrose M Eonal property to pay said debts and eeoe, each ueceaseu, real names un Fell the following described real 63-1 expenses and cash devises under the known, and all persons having o will. i claiming any interest in Lots 3, It i3 therefore ordered that all per- and S, in Block 98. in the City o ons interested in said estate appear . Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebras tate: An undivided eight-twenty-sevenths (S27) interest in and to the east half iR') of the Fouthwcst quarter (SW'i) of Section thirty, (30) in Township ten (10 North cf Range nine, (9) east of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Ne for the purpose of raising funds for the education, maintenance and pay ment of debts of said minors, and it appearing from said petition that said real estate, consists of eighty (S0 acres; tnat the improvements on said land consist of a dwelling house, burn and other out buildings usually found on a farm; that it takes a great part of the rent to keep said property in repair; that said minors do not have sufficient personal property to pro duce sufficient income to maintain and educate them, and that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said wards that said real estate should be sold; It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interested in said estates ap pear before mo at chambers in the court house in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be. why license should not be granted to said Bertha L. Stand ley, guardian, to sell said real estate for the purpose above sot forth. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks in the Plattsmouth Journal, a news paper circulating in said county of Cass. Nebraska. Dated at chambers in said Cass county, Nebraska, this 6th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1923. JAMES T. BEGLEY Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska. S-3w. before me at the District Court room at the court house in the City of ka, real names unknown: You and each of you are herebv Plattsmouth on the 10th day of the notified that on the first day of Oc month of November, 1923, at ten tober, 1923. the plaintiffs in the fore o'clock a. m., to show cause why li cense should not be granted to said executors to sell said real estate of going entitled cause filed their peti tion in the District Court of CasS county, Nebraska, wherein you and said deceased or as much thereof as j each of you are made parties defend may be desired to pay the debts and expenses and said devises. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 17th day of September. 1923. JAMES T. BEGLEY, Judge of District Court. s20-4w. NOTICE OF SUI1 In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. ant, for the purpose of obtaining a decree from said court quieting tha record title in plaintiffs to the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Lots three, (3) seven (7) and eight (8) in Block ninety-eight, (9S) in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska, as against you and each of you and by such decree to wholly exclude yoiJ and each of you from all estate, right I M T i ii m.i-itM ' U rrZ. ' '"-ititle, claim or Interest therein am wjuii o. iiiuuipsuu ei ai, ueienuanis, App. Dock. 1, Page 314. No. 7479 ORDER OF HEARING' on Petition for Determination of Heirship. Estate No. of Kate L. Atchison, deceased, in the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per- To the defendants Oran S. Thomp son; Rebecca B. Thompson; Joseph McCreary; Henry A. Newcomer; Mary Newcomer; Washington Deck ins; Washington M. Dickens; Sarah M. Dickens: William Stadelmann: to have the title to said premises for ever freed from the apparent claiini of the defendants and quieted id plaintiffs and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of November, 1923, or jour default will be entered in said cause and a .ui ma j. oLaueiniann; a. ii. iiager. i deCree granted as prayed for in said nnuic uur.uunu, duu me iieu , j petition devisees, legatees, personal represen-i Date- tatives and all other persons interest ed in the several estates of A. H. Hager, real name unknown, deceas ed; Oran S. Thompson, deceased; Jo seph McCreary, deceased; Henry A. Newcomer, deceased; Washington Dee-kins, deceased; Washington M. Dickens, deceased; William Stadel mann, deceased; Martha J. Stadel mann, deceased, real names un known, and all persons having or claiming any interest in or to Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, in Stadelmann's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, in ( ass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: 1 ou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 10th dav of Date: October 1st. 1923. s CARRIE I. LEYDA, By JOHN M. LEYDA, Her Attorney JOHN M. LEYDA, ol-4w. For Self ORDER OF HEARING On Petition For Appointment of Administratrix The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-t ty, ss. j In the county court. j In the matter of the estate of Fred P. Hesse, deceased. On reading and filing the petition 'of Anna M. Hesse, nravinc that ad September, 1923, the plaintiff in the ' ministration of sald estate may bi foregoing entitled cause, filed her ?rauieu lo Anna J. nesse as aamin petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you and each of you are made parties defend- Ordered, that October 22nd, A. Dl 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned sons interested in said estate, credi-ing described real estate, to-wit: ant, for the purpose of obtaining a ror neanng said petition, when all decree from said Court, ouietine the Persons interested in said matter ma record title irf plaintiff to the follow- i appear at a county court to be hell ors and heirs take notice, that Wil iam Atchison, who is one of the heirs of said deceased, and interest ed in such, has fled his petition al- eginjj that Kate L. Atchison died ntestate in Cass, county. Nebraska, n or about January 2Sth. 1917, bo ng a resident ana lnnanitant or ass county. Nebraska, and the own er of the following described real es tate, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in and to the northwest quar ter (NWU ) of Section nineteen, (19) Township ten, (10) Range ten. (10) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska caving as her sole and only heirs at Lots numbered two (2) and three, (3) in Block two, (2) in Stadelmann's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, in - Cass county, Nebraska, in and for said county, and shot cause why the prayer of petitionej should not be granted; and that noi tice of the pendency of said petitiol and the hearing tnereof be given tl all persons interested in said mattd as arainst you and each of you and y publishing a copy of this order I by such decree to wholly exclude you , the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekll and each of you from all estate, right, newspaper printed in said county, foj title, claim, lien or interest therein, I three successive weeks, prior to sal T i - . .1 4 anu to nave a certain mortgage made uax oi neanng. by the defendants, Oran S. Thomp- Dated September 27th. 1923. r.on and Rebecca B. Thompson to the ALLEN J. BEESON, defendant. Joseph McCreary, in thej(Seal) ol-3wks County Judge! sum or ifzsu.uu, recorded Book A, page 257, and another mortgage, made by one Rebecca D. Short to the SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Ca 1 defendant A. H. Hatrer. real name ss. unknown, in the sum of $135.00. re-l By virtue of an Order of SaTo 5 w the following named persons, I corded Book 2S, page 89, all of the sued by James Robertson, Clerk t 1 1 1 vt-i i iTn n-i wAnnwin f I .1 1. . ' ilin Htnt! A t . ' i T . - uiui iagc ictuuij ui &:nu cuuniy, ae-, -"c fuiii Louri wiinin ana IQ creed to have been paid, satisfied and Cass county, Nebraska, and to rn cancelled of record and the title to directed, I will on the 15th day said premises forever freed from the ' October, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clo apparent claims of the defendants 'a. m. of said day, at the south dot and quieted in plaintiff. of the court house in Plattsmouth I You are required to answer said said county, sell at public auction petition on or before the 5th day of the highest bidder for cash the ff ovemDer, or your aerault will 'owing property, to-wit: ce entered in said cause and a decree to-wit William Atchison, widower, and William L. Atchison, Ella F. Atchison and Glenn R. Atchison; that said decedent died intestate; that no application for administra tion has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been adminis tered in the State of Nebraska, and that the Court determine who are the heirs of said deceased, their de gree of kinship and the right of de scent in the real property cf which the deceased died seized, which has been set for hearing on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th dav of October, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) oS-3w. County Judge. FOR SALE Shorthorn bulls. Telephone 1740, Nehawka exehange, or address C. (1. McCarthy, Nehawka, Neb. oS-4tsw granted as prayed for in said peti tion. Date: September 15th. 1923. FLORENCE M. ALLEN, Plaintiff By JOHN M. LEYDA. sl7-4w. Her Attorney, 35 years Experience Office Coates Block CH. G. A. MARSHALL Dentist 4 The northwest quarter (NWJ) of Section fourteen, (14) in Township eleven, (11) North cf Range nine, (9) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebras The same being levied upon aij tanen as me property of Aueu jvieiuiue, imnnie is. lemma and Hen Klemme, defendants, to satisfy Judgment'of said Court recovered i i jci Hicmujo, pmmiin. againBt sa defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Septembl i, A. U. . C. D. QUINTOV Sheriff Cass Count H-H..;-H' C' A RAWLS Atfy. '