The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 15, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    n&TrsgQirni behi
Os piattsmoutb journal
Batore t PMtofflo. PUttsmwuth. Nab., m ecoad-clMs mall nuUtw
R. A. BATES, Publisher
sraxaec1 ii ii i ii i i i ,scasaB:
Marvel not. my brethren. If the
world hate you. We know that we
have passed from death unto life, be
cause we love the brethren. He
that loveth not hla brother abid6th
in death. I John ill, 13 and 14
Hasty judgments
faulty ones.
are generally
The first work of a golf player is
to drees like one.
People who think that they are
geniuses are merely false alarms.
. o:o
Promises may make friends, but
ktis performances than keeps them.
Another thing does a grass wid
ow bob her hair with a lawn mower?
Prominent Italian artist is 93. Im
agine an artist finding enough to eat
for 93 years!
Frank Chance will not manage the
Boston Red Sox next year. Yes, they
have no chance.
If we are too modest we hide our
good qualities instead of showing
them to advantage.
Soederbloora, Swedish primate, is
visiting America. He sounds like a
soft drink with a cold.
United States mint employes are
asking for more money, even though
they are making millions.
Bad news from Cuba. A revolu
tion Is threatened. Hope some nickel
cigars get broken in fights.
The Missouri prisoner who sold
liquor from the jail doubtless rep
resented it to be bottled in bond.
We understand thai' collegiate ma
triculation is highly gratifying to
practically all the football coaches.
When a politician says he is be
hind you, it is sometimes hard to tell
whether he means with a shoulder or
a boot.
As soon as air mail pilots get to
1,050 an hour they can follow the
sun and dispense with the arc lights
across the Rockies.
Among the differences between
Moscow and more reputable govern
ments, one is that Russia claims no
Intention to pay her debts.
The Hallowe'en display in the win
dows of the Bates Book and Station
ery store i3 attracting the attention
of the young and old alike.
. :o:
What we don't like about a society
morie is that the heroine is always
putting something on or taking some
thing off upstairs in her room.
Omaha barbers unanimously en
dorse bobbed hair, and farmers in the
state are understood to support theiman nature to becom impatient and
eat-more-wheat campaign heartily.
The Wolf of Wall street has been
discovered in Mexico, which must
cause a self righteous shudder among
the bears as they pick their teeth '
clean of lamb's wool.
Positively all this howling over
taxation would get a more serious
hearing if it were not still possible
to raise more than a million dollars
in this country for five minutes of
prize fighting.
Now we know where Bermuda on
ions really come from; they are
grown near Stark City, Mo., by a
man named Frank Klise, who is
known in those parts as the "onion
king." Last year he set out 400,000
' 'When President Coolidge seeks to
acquit the tariff makers of sectional
bias he has a poor case to present to
his countrymen. It is easy to under
stand, however, his desire to subor
dinate the tariff question in the com
ing campaign. The Fordney-McCum-ber
law is something of which the
less said the better for the party that
sponsored it. Party leaders will have
an unpleasant reminder, of this next
December. A number of senators
and representatives who a year ago
Wert boasting of the part which they
played In the enactment of this law
.will not l "among those present"
when tnf ' new congress semMes.
There are some feelings
which cannot be expressed
mere words; let the phil
anthropist try to explain to
a miser the joy of living.
Don't know which is the hardest to
control, a silent woman, or a noisy
A woman can take a hairpin and
fix almost anything strong and se
curely except her hair.
The Australian tomato weevil has
made its appearance, using, no doubt.
the Australian crawl
Twenty-one battleships will be
scrapped soon. Isn't it time to scrap
some filling stations?
Blackmailers are after a Chicago
hotel man. They may know where
he gets his hotel steaks.
The world's greatest consumers of
garlic as a food are the no, you're
wrong, it's the Chinese.
liow idyllic the existence of a tele
phone operator is New York with
700,000 wrong numbers constantly
at hand.
The sad old world proves its essen
tial optimism after all by showing
how cheerful it can be about having
no bananas.
Possibly the agricultural regions
woujd be better represented by a few
more dirt farmers and not so many
mud tossers.
Mary Garden says that all women
wish to reduce sooner or later. And
those who do it later always wish
they'd done it sooner.
Magnus Johnson got lost from his
own office at Washington the other
day. LaFollette not being handy, he
had to ask a capitol guide.
The attempt to obtain cheap en
ergy . by unlocking the vast power
contained in the atom is practically
futile, according to leading English
scientists. He virtually "throws up
the sponge" because abl minds have
been trying for about 20 years to re
lease the energy in tne atom, and
seem no nearer to euccess than when
they started.
Twenty years is nothing in the
long history of humanity. Why, the
crude principle of the steam was
known 2,000 years or so ago. Yet it
was not until about 150 years7 ago
that the steam engine was made a
practical or usable device.
All of us can understand the dis
charged English scientist. It is hu-
teuraged dming the battle for
success wnicn nearly always is a
slow battle,
For know, many may be on
tne very verge of discovering how to
harness the atom's terrific power.
Such great discoveries nearly always
are the result of accident blunder.
An accident is like lightning, it
comes unexpectedly, and cannot be
It should be remembered that the
seemingly impossible discoveries are
made at unexpected moments. While
the world was joking about airplanes
and predicting that they were impos
sible, the Wright brothers suddenly
made the first trip. It was so with
the auto.
H . . -I .
aiure uemanas ner price, pay
ment in full, for everything she gives
us. A crop isn't matured to harvest
overnight. It requires time, patience,
enort. And, on the average, the
farmer gets no more from his work
than he puts into it.
The ability to harness the atom's
power would be worth thousands of
years of research. We can't expect
nature to give us her secret until -we
have labored enough to deserve it.
Trouble Is, humanity expects too
much wants its pay before the job
Is finished.
:o:- .
Three thoroughbred Chester White
boars and three gilts. All immune
and registered. Jesse P. Perry, pfcen
255. , e9- ,t tsw
Fond mothers who are busily en
gaged in planning the baby's future
'course in life are urged to turn his
attention to the gentle art of plaster
ing, especially if they chance to re
side in the vicinity of Chicago. For
piteous are the plaints that are go
ing up from the Windy City from
professors and bank presidents who
turn green with envy as the kingly
plasterer honks by to work in his car.
As a starter, the modern plutocrat
gets 15 a day for his eight hours Of
toil. But his income doesn't stop
there. Men of this class are now so
scarce that the contractors pay a flat
bonus of $10. in advance, to every
plasterer. Through the workings of
an inexorable economic law, when
ever the followers of any trade be
come particularly scarce, they tend
to become haughty and overbearing.
Rumor has it that a new made movie
queen looks like a humble suppli-
cant comDared to the nose of a nlas-
terer of hieh decree, as he floats Dast
the menial throng in his limousine.
Banks and brokerage concerns
complain that their workers are be
coming almost bolshevikish whenever
a new building begins to be con
structed near them. As the book
keeper surreptitiously trims a thread
from the cuff of his shirt, his glance
falls on the plutocrat parking his car
outside and he is apt to steal some of
the firms monev to no to a nlaster-
ing school. Contractors state that it
takes the men about n hour to mrk
- i
i j
their cars In the
luu.uius uuu
down to work. Frequei
frequently the line
hlonlrct frnm tVia
extends for two blocks from the
building under course of construction
and the automobiles are not all of
certain well known make of tin.
The worker then changes his cloth-
ing, chats with his fellows leisurely,
and tnVpa frennpnt Httio nfT tn nnoff
J v . .
niiiim air zm iim r iiiwr i nca nnc ana .
are helpless, as they dare not say a
word for fear of losing the men's
services to some rival contractor.
So don't raise your son to be a
general, or president, or great musi
cian. Teach him something that
sounds less imposing, but is more re
munerative, and he will win the
beautiful lady Just the same. The
man with the fat purse always does.
It is a truism among book dealers
that the bible i3 the best seller, but
the general public has only a faint
conception of how true this is, or
how insatiable is the demand.
Last year about 30,000,000 bibles
were printed and distributed, by vari
ous agencies, all over the world.
Translations have been made into
practically every known 'tongue,
from Albanian, Arabic and Bulu to
Yiddish, Zapotec and Zulu. Up to
1920, the bible had been published
n 725 languages and dialects.
For tha last two years, according
to reports of the American Bible so
ciety, almost one-half the total out
put of bibles supplied by that agency
has gone to the Chinese. In 1921
the Chinese took 2,362,730 volumes,
n Increase of 605.111 over the pre
ceding year. And yet the supply has
been far short of the demand, accord-
ng to the society's oriental agents.
The American Bible society's
budget each year i3 a little over $1,-
000,000. Those who direct the so-
of Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Charter No. 1430 in the State, of Ne-
brawka at the clone of business
October 4, 1923.
Coans and discounts $251,851.75
Overdrafts 761.11
Bonds, securities, judirments.
claims, etc.. Including all
srovernment bonds 4-1.827.78
Banking- house, furniture and
fixtures 11.337.10
Other real estate 14.064.76
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid 5,33.75
Hankers Conservation fund.. 549.53
Due from National and State
banks 3S.7&7.67
Checks and items of exch'ee 4.0T.3.72
Currency 9,773.00
Gold coin 887.50
Silver, nickels and cents 2,598.49
TOTAL . $384,845.16
Capital stock paid in $ C0.000.00
Surplus fund 2,000.00
Undivided profits 6,594.64
Individual deposits subject to
check 165,139.28
Time certificates of deposit.. 153.163.64
Cashier's checks outstanding 1,959.95
Due to National and State
banks 1,299.32
llond certificates 1,800.00
Interest on Liberty bond cer
tificates 295.83
Depositor's guaranty fund... , 692. 50
TOTAL $381,845.16
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass J
I. T. II. Pollock. President of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Bankinir.
Attest: President.
EDWARD DON AT, Director.
JAS. K. POLLOCK. Director.
SubRcrlbed and sworn to before m
this 11th dav of October. 1923.
(Sel) Notary Public.
(My eemnUiiaa expires rb. 17. 1925.)
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Those who are in a "run down" condl
tion will notice that Catarrh bothers
them much more than when they are In
food health. This fact proves that while
uatarrn is a local disease, it is greatly
Influenced bv constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists
in improving the General neaitn.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Years.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
clety s work claim mai u coma spena
15,000,000 a year on new DiDies ana
stlll fall short of the demand. The
bibles are sold at cost, and in many
cases at less than cost. The expense
of production and distribution is not
quite half covered by the receipts
an Inn
ine largest recoraea single uruer
for new bibles is said to have been
placed by the American society, call
ing for 3,000,000 copies of six sep
arate books of the scriptures. These
include five books of the new testa
mem ana one or me oia. wen buuh
" oe printed in a tiny voiume to
be sold in this country and South
America for one cent each.
Nearly $1,000,000 of these penny
bibles of scripture were sold before
printing started, and deliveries are
promised at 50,000 a day.
Such figures confirm the claim
that no other book, in any language,
Is as popular, or as cheap, as the
bible. Of course, no other book is
regularly distributed at less than
cst. But the unique feature Is that
hest modern seller. Nothing else in
either ancient or modern literature
In the matter of the Application of
wu"";ie "
Farm for sale or trade for city
property or acreage 160 acres in
. center of gas and oil region of Allen
-0.. IvanSaS. tail &10-J Or Write ISO.
! . . o . . .
11. Ull-ulSW
Buy your ink and pencils at the
Bates Corner Book and Stationery
We wish to announce to the pub
lic of Cass county that we are the
Buick distributors for Cass county,
with headquarters at Greenwood,
We have dealers in several towns
in this county. If there is no Buick
dealer in your town and you are in-
terested In the famous Buick cars;
write or call direct to Anderson Auto
Co., Greenwood, Nebraska
We also carry a full stock of Buick
carta from 1916 models up to the
present model.
Our chief mechanic, M. E. Peter
son, has been with the Buick orga
nization for the past seven years
If your Buick car needs any
tion, we invite you to try our service.
Greenwood, Nebr.
O. F. Anderson, Prop.
oll-6d. lw.
Notice is hereby given that pursu
ant to an Order of Sale issued to me
by the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 26th day of Sep-hey
temoer, lvzs, in an action penumgi
in paiu court in which quanta .i. 1
fllcQum and Lyaia A. Aicyuin. nus-
band and wife, are plaintiffs and Dal-
la E. Anderson, a single woman, and
Thomas J. McQuin ana Adena .uc-
yum, nusDanu ana wire, are neiena-i(;asSt
ants, l win on baturaay, tne -$ra nay
of November, A. D. 192 i, at ten (10)
o ciock in me iorenoon 01 saiu nay, 1
at the south front door of the court
house of Cass county, Nebraska, of
fer for sale, at public vendue to the
highest bidder, the following describ
ed real estate situated in the County
of Cass, and State of Nebraska, to
All that part of the northwest
quarter (NW) of Section thirty-one,
(31) in Township ten
(10) North of Range fourteen,
(14) East of the 6th Principal
Meridian, Cass county, Nebras
ka that lies south of the Weep
ing Water Creek
The terms of said sale being one
tenth cash on the day of sale and the
balance of the purchase price on the
day said sale Is confirmed by the Dis-
irict court or jass county, xeorasKa.
Said sale will remain open for one
A. G. COLE, Att'y.
s27-sw til n3
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Glenn R. Atchison, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of niadvs Atrhlunn nraviner that ad
ministration of said estate may be th no application for administra-p-ranted
tn .ti.t, n.rrv Rtnrk: aa Ad- Hon has been made and the estate of
mtniotrotnr- - I
Ordered iY.t ntnhar 99th A Tl 1
1923. at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned
fr,r hearinir ntitinn when nil
persons interested in said matter may &ree of kinship and the right of de
onnom. at . n,.rt tr h hpM scent in the real property of which
- "-""""J
in and for said county, and show
tinner should bo eranted r and
that notice of the pendency of said
notifirtn anil tv.n linortnu therenf hoi'
given to all peVsons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated October 4th. 1923.
(Seal) oS-3w
Caunty Judge,
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate No. of Basil S. Ramsey,
deceased, in the County Court of
I Cass county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Wm.
C. Ramsey, who is one of the heirs
of said deceased, and interested $n
such, has filed his petition alleging
haf TI o ti i 1 Q PonicDir A ioil in tuct n
, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. on or
about July 22nd, 1921, being a resl
I dent ana inhabitant or I'laiismoum,
voo l"uu;';'c.u"vT' V
I ti J L lilt? lWHUVV llig UCOl i UCU 1 V.U1
tate to-wit:
Lots seven (7) and eight, (8)
In Block twenty-two, (22) in
xouug oc nay b -nucniiuu iu iub
t Nebraska
I leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons,
Libbie C. Ramsey, widow, and
Wm. C. Ramsey, son;
that said decedent died intestate;
that no application for administra
tion has been made and the estate of
said decedent has not been adminis
tered in the State of Nebraska, and
that the Court determine who are the
heirs of said deceased, their degree of
kinship and the right of descent in
the real property of which the de
ceased died seized, which has been
set for hearing on the 6th day of
November, A." D. 1923, at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 5th day of October, A. D. 1923.
Seal) o8-3w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
I ty, Nebraska.
Bertha L. Standley. Guardian of Hu
hart StnnHlov Trpio Rtandlpv Mnhp
bert Standley, Irene Standley, Mabel
Standley and Verna Standley, all
minors, for License to sell real es
tate. On reading and filing the petition.
duly verified of Bertha L. Standley,
e-nardinn of Hubert Standlev. Irene
Standley, Mabel Standley and Vernal
Standley, all minors, for license to
sell the following described real es
An undivided eight-twenty-pevenths
(827) interest in and
to the east half (EV2) of the
southwest quarter (SW4) of
Section thirty, (30) in Township
ten (10) North of Range nine,
(9) east of the 6th Principal
Meridian, in Cass county, Ne
braska for the purpose of raising funds for
the education, maintenance and pay
ment of debts of said minors, and it
appearing from said petition that said
real estate consists of eighty (80)
acres; that the improvements on said
land consist of a dwelling house, barn
and other out buildings usually found
on a farm; that it takes a great part
of the rent to keep said property in
repair; that said minors do not have
sufficient personal property to pro
duce sufficient income to maintain
and educate them, and that
it l3
ial to
necessary and would be benefic
said wards that said real estate
atten-Uhould be sold;
It is therefore ordered that the
next of kin of said minors and all
persons interested in said estates ap
pear before me at chambers in tne
court house in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the
12th day of November, A. D. 1923, at
ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if
any there be, why license should not
oe eranted to said Bertha I
guardian, to sell said real estate
for tne purpose above set forth
it is further ordered that a copy
0f this order be published once each
wek for three successive weeks in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a news-
paper circulating in said county of
Dated at chambers in said Cass
county, Nebraska, this 6th day of Oc
tober A. D. 1923.
Judge of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
Estate No. of Kate L. Atchison,
deceased, in the County Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
The State of .Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Wil
liam Atchison, who is one of the
heirs of said deceased, and interest-
e(t jn such, has filed his netition re
leging that Kate L. Atchison died
intestate in Cass county, Nebraska,
on or about January 2Sth. 1917. be-
ing a resident and inhabitant of
Cass county. Nebraska, and the own
er of the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
An undivided one-half interest
in and to the northwest quar
ter (NW'i ) of Section nineteen,
(19) Township ten. (10) Range
ten, (10) east of the 6th P. M.,
in Cass county. Nebraska
leaving as her sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons,
William Atchison, widower,
and William L. Atchison, Ella
F. Atchison and Glenn R. At
chison; that said decedent died intestate;
said decedent has not been adminis
lereu in me oiaie ui iieurasna, iiu
tnat. ine couri determine who are
tne neirs oi saiu ueceasea, uieir ue-
I,,,. J .i:.j 1 .1 rutu
ueceaoeu uicu iu, "
I XNOVemDer,
A. D. 1923, at 10
'cJck a-
Dated at
Plattsmouth', Nebraska,
this 4th day of October. A D ,1923
(Seal) oS-3w.
County Judge,
In orchard, pick them yourself.
0c a bushel. Mrs. T. A. Sullivan,
south of Plattsmouth. oS-3tsw.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Mary Forsyth Wall, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of William Wall praying that admin
istration of said estate may be grant-
. ed to Jesse Lee Wall, as Adminis-
I that V. O t-, .1 ,1 . x -
vember. A. D. 19 23. at ten o'clock- a
- m., is assigned for hearing said peti-
tion, w,
,hen all persons interested in
i 1 7 , y. "v""1 UL a county
Lourt to De neiu in ana tor saidthoinp- unM cihM tn aa-M
county, and show cause why the,
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated this 10th day of October, A.
D. 1923.
(Seal) oll-3w. County Judge.
In the District Court or Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
George Hanson, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing
upon the petition of Thomas Hanson
and Henry Hanson, Executors of the
will end estate of George Hanson
deceased, praying for a license to sell
East half (E) of the north
east quarter (NE'4) and the
west half (WVa) of the north
west quarter IXW'i) in Section
thirty-two; (32) and the east
half (EV2) cf the southwest
quarter (SV'4) in Section twenty-nine,
(29) all in Township
eleven (11) North, Range nine,
(9) in Cass county, Nebraska
or a sufficient amount thereof to
bring the sum of $S-,350.00 for the
payment of debts allowed egainst said
I e--f a to anil the rmf nf ai!ministra.:K. Pennewell: f'harlos E. Pennewell!
tion, there not being sufficient per -
sonal property to pay said debts and
expenses and cash devises under the known, and all per?on3 having or
will. j claiming any interest in Lots 3, 7
It is therefore ordered that al! per- and 8, in Block 98, in the City of
sons interested in said estate appear Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebras
before me at the District Court room'ka, real names unknown:
at the court house in the City of J You and each of vou are hereby
Plattsmouth on the 10th day of the notified that on the first day of Oc
roonth of November, 1923, at ten tober, 1923, the plaintiffs in the fore
o'clock a. m., to show cause why li- going entitled cause filed their peti
cen?e should not be granted to said tion in the District Court of Cass
executors to sell said real estate of county. Nebraska, wherein you and
said deceased or as much thereof as each of vou are made Dartleu defend
may be desired to pay the debts and
expenses and said devises.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 17th day of September, 1923.
Judge of District Court.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Florence M. Allen, Plaintiff, vs.
-- n rr 1 . , . .
Oran S. Thompson et a 1, Defendants.
App. Dock 1 Page 314. No 7479.
iu tne ueienuanis uran o. j nomp-
son; Rebecca B. Thompson; Joseph ;
McCreary; Henry A Newcomer;;
Mao' Newcomer; "Washington Deck-j
ViS; shinsto,n..,- Dicen?:. Sarah;of November, 1923, or your default
M. Dickens; William Stadelmann:
Martha J. Stadelmann; A. H. Hager,
real name unknown; and the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the several estates of A. 11.
Hager, real name unknown, deceas
ed; Oran S. Thompson, deceased; Jo
seph McCreary, deceased; Henry A.
Newcomer, deceased ; Washington
Deckins, deceased; Washington M.
Dickens, deceased; William Stadel
mann, deceased; Martha J. Stadel
mann, deceased, real names un
known, and all persons having or
claimina- anv interest in or tn Lota
2 and 3, Block 2, in Stadelmann's , ty ss-
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, n e county court.
in Cass county, Nebraska, real names ' the natter i tLe f '
unknown- p- Hesse, deceased.
You and each of you are hereby! ,tn reading and filing the petition
notified that on the 10th day ol ot Anna ,M- Hesse, praying that ad
September, 1923, the plaintiff in the ' ministration of said estate may be
foregoing entitled cause, filed her!frante1d to Anna M- IIessw a3 admin
petition in the District Court of'"at,r,x;J , 4 . . .
county, Nebraska, wherein you and Ordered, that October 22nd, A. D.
each of you are made parties defend- 23. at 10 o clock a. m.. is assigned
ant, for the purpose of obtaining a for hearing said petition, when all
decree from said Court, quieting the Persons interested in said matter may
record title in nlaintiff to the follow-
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Lots numbered two (2) and
three, (3) in Block two, (2) in
Stadelmann's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, in Cass
county, Nebraska,
as against you and each of you and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and each of you from all estate, right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein,
and to have a certain mortgage made
by the defendants, Oran S. Thomp
son and Rebecca B. Thompson to the
defendant, Joseph McCreary, in the
sum of ?2S0.00, recorded Book A,
page 257,- and another mortgage,
made by one Rebecca D. Short to the
defendant A. H. Hager, real name
unknown, in the sum of ?135.00, re
corded Book 28. page 89, all of the
mortgage records of said county, de
creed to have been paid, satisfied and
cancelled of record and the title to
said premises forever freed from the
apparent claims of the "defendants
and quieted in plaintiff.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 5th day of
November, 1923, or your derault will
be entered in said cause and a decree
granted as prayed for in said peti
tion. Date: September 15th. 1923.
sl7-4w. Her Attorney.
Office A
Coates Block 4
35 years
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
entered the 12th day of September,
1923, the undersigned will receive
bids until 10:00 o'clock a. m. October
20th, 1923, on the following describ
ed real estate, to-wit:
The north half (N-Vi) of the
northeast quarter (NE4) of
Section fifteen, (15) Township
twenty-eight, (28) Range twen
ty, (20) in the County of Neo
sho, State of Kansas.
A certified check for ten (10) per
cent of the amount of the purchase
price to accompany bid. Sale subject
( to tne approval of the Court and land
tract beins ODen. unimnrove'd farm
Receiver of the firm of E. G. Dovey
& Son, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Carrie I. Leyda et al
Plattsmouth Ferry Co.
et al, Defendants
App. Dock.
Page 4
No. 7488
To the Defendants: Plattsmouth
Ferry Company, a corporation; P. Y.
Moss, real name unknown; Matilda
Reeid; John Doe Reeld, real name un
known; Chas. E. Permwell; Chas. E.
Pennewell; Charles E. Pennewell;
Mrs. Charles E. Pennewell, real name
I unknown; Jacob L. McMichael; Mrs
Jacob L. McMichael, real name un
known; Ambrose M. Beebe; Mrs. Am
brose M. Beebe, real name unknown;
C. S. Acheson; Charles S. Acheeon;
Tiny Carolina Achsrson; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the several es
tates of C. S. Acheson; Charles S.
Acheson and Daniel H. Wheeler, each
deceased, real names unknown; and
the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the several estates of P.
Y. Mo?s, real name unknown; Ma-
tilda Reeid; Chas. E. Permwell; Chas
'Jacob L. McMcihael and Ambrose M.
'Beebe, each deceased, real names un-
ant, for the purpose of obtaining a
decree from said court quieting the
record title in plaintiffs to the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Lots three, (3) seven (7) and
eight (S) in Block ninety-eight,
(98) in the City of Plattsmouth,
in Cass county, Nebraska,
ins against you and each of you and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and each of you from all estate, right.
j Li Li' , UaiUl MJ I XULlCOt. LilL i LIU Oiil
to nave the tltle to Eaid pi.emiBes for.
ever freed from the apparent elalmt
title, claim or interest therein and
of the defendants and quieted
piaintiff8 and for equitable relief,
You are required to answer 1
tjtion on or before the 12th
t roi i rn nr hatnro tho 1 -tl fllV
will be entered in said cause and a
decree granted as prayed for in said
October 1st. 1923.
Her Attorney.
For Self.
On Petition For Appointment
of Administratrix
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
appear ai a cuumy uuuri iu fucm
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing tnereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
tnree successive weens, prior to saiu
1 ii i ir rT h fil .Iti nr
Dated September 27th. 1D23.
(Seal) ol-3wks County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue- of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 16th day of
October, A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day, at the south door
of the court house in Plattsmouth in
said county, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
The northwest quarter (NW3)
of Section fourteen, (14) in
Township eleven, (11) North of
Range nine, (9) east of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebras
ka The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of August
Klemme, Minnie Klemme and Henry
Klemme, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
'rea liiemme, plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
1, A. D. 1923.
, Sheriff Cass County,
C. A. RAWLS, Att'y.