MOJIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1923. PLATTSUOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUENAI PACE ITTO MBRB 5K PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. BEPMR TMEMT. Yes, We Thank You! For the Kindly Patronage which You Have Given Our Business During the past eight years we have been engaged in conducting a garage in Murdock, we have always en deavored to carry a stock of goods which would supply the wants of the public and shall endeavor to continue doing so in the future. We appreciate the kindly feeling of our many friends and thank you for your trade. Remember, we are at your service with both the goods you need and efficient service as well." The Thimgan Garage E. W. Thimgan, Proprietor MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Q. W. Gillespie has been looking after some business at Tobias and Friend for the past week. Frank Martin of Omaha was . a visitor in Murdock and a guest of bis old time friend, Henry A. TooL W. Bourke Ehipped a car load of bogs from Murdock to the South Om aha market last Thursday. Wm. Kunz and family of Elmwood, were attending the camp meeting at Murdock the open day last Thurs day. Fred Backemeyer and wife, of Elmwood were looking after some business matters in Murdock during last week. Fred Lau and wife were visiting and doing fome shopping in Ashland last Tuesday, making the trip in tbeir car. Louis Schmidt and Victor, Thimgan have been putting the roads in good condition about Murdock for the coming winter. Wm. Wilkins and wife of near Elmwood were attending the first day of the camp meeting in Murdock on last Thursday. L.. Neitzel. Katharine Neitzel and I Margaret McDonald enjoyed the band concert in Antelope park, Lincoln, on j Sunday afternoon. j Mrs. L. Neitzel went to Havelock( to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. J. ; Hitchcock for a few days. L. Neitzel took her up in his auto. II. W. Tool and C. I. Lonr were .attsisthog-i in the 4and. at- Weeping Water with the giving of the concert there on Thursdny evening. Uncle Henry Behrman and Ferdi nand Hess were both looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth during the fore part of last week. Carlton Zink was a visitor in Lin coln last week, where he went to reg ister for the beginning of the present school year at the state university. Mrs. Lydia Ellington, of Lincoln, hes been visiting for the past few days at the home or her brother, Jo seph Wutchinek and other friends in ,Murdoek. Jacob Goehry and wife have been visiting in Murdoch for some days past, being guests at the home of j tneir aaugnter. Airs. u. w. mooi ana husband. Fred Bassett. who has been making his home at Sioux City for some three 3'ears past, was visiting with friends in and about Murdock for a few days last week. The members of the Young People's association held a most interesting meeting last Tuesday at the church, when they presented a very Interest ing program as well as having a most sociable time. Mrs. Anna Lenz'and son, Walter Lenz and wife of Sear Elmwood were in Murdock attending the opening of the camp meeting and also making purchases of wall paper at Max Dus terhoff's closing out sale. John W. Kruger and wife were spending last week at West Point at the home of George Kruger, where they all enjoyed the visit very much. They also visited with other relatives in that portion of the state. Eddie Craig and the family were enjoying the day at Capitol Beach on last Sunday, taking the car and mak ing a day of enjoyment of it. They surely had an excellent time and were, well repaid for their trip. Conrad Baumgartner. Harold W. Tool and William T. Weddell, who are members of the building com mittee were looking after some bus iness matters at Lincoln pertaining to the new school building which is soon to be erected here. Gale McDonald and the family were visiting in Murdock for a short time last week and returned to their home after a very pleasant visit here. They left one of their little girls Charles Atwood of Ashland was arwith Mrs. Harry Gillespie and Grand- business visitor in Murdock during ma McDonald for a longer visit. the drill team would put on some ret"rD1S to their home i tu a t rtc t. They were guests at delegate with Mrs. Frank Buell as alternate, while Mrs. J. E. McHugh is one of the district officers and was to give a response to the address of- Visiting Here from West Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Connelly and their daughter, Miss Charlotte of Sacramento, California, have been visiting at the home of Mr. A. S. Dep ner, father of Mrs. Connelly for the past few days and on last Thursday evening departed for Fairbury where they visited for a short time before in the far the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Mills for din ner on Wednesday of last where all enjoyed a most pleasant evening. Mr. Depner will consider the matter welcome thus giving the local camp of removing to the west and making an active part in the meeting. i Sounds a Warning The Rock Island magazine of the present month has a very timely sen timent which is well worth reproduc ing: One of the greatest dangers confronting the spirit of Amer ica today is the cosmopolitan ideals that are being introduced into this country. America is for. Americans and American ideals first, last and always, and anything that tends to destroy these ideals is inimi- cal to the interests of our coun try and the happiness of our people, and strikes at the very foundation of our liberty. Excerpt from the speech of Vice President Fritch at White City on August 2. his home there after a few months. The Connellys formerly lived at Ash I land but have been in the west for 'some twenty years, and like it very well. Has Tonsils Removed Louis Wendt went to Omaha last week where he had at a hospital at that place an operation for the re moval of his tonsils which had been Former Citizens Visit Here D. W. Rager and wife of Fort Scott, Kansas, who have been in the south for some time and who former ly made their home in Murdock, where they were engaged in busi- J ness, were visiuug iitie iui wui ttmo lact uwV n n rl with Mrs Rfllnh Rager where they have been visit- j ing while here, thy went to Greeley Center where they visited for a few days at the home of a sister, Mrs. Robert Kyles and. returned - to Mur dock where they visited again for a short time and on last Friday morn ing departed via their auto for their home at Fort Scott. the past week, coming to see about the new building which'is to be con structed here. During the absence of Milo Bus- kirk, who was called to the west by tin& alonS a11 rint- and which was the death of his little son, Harold ; Picked up by the Party of Murdock people hunting and fishing in the Through arrangements made by ; irouB"ns mm iut ume iime. remuv- Harrv McHugh. a message was broad- i ne opuiiuu yrovea a success cast from the Omaha station telling in every sense of the term and Louis that the people of Murdock were get-1 is setting along very nicely. He was uuie 10 return noise lasi inursaay and is making very satisfactory prog- Landholm garage. W. H. Warrell and wife were look ing after some business matters in u",lu"1 "" t.iiuc mcjr tt"aj hv'TiiiTchnsprl from W H R Uncle George Skyles was looking f-jgSbSnl run theoy To, Trio hncinfiee horn I - ress towards entire recovery. ter the business here Miss Lillian Rickenbach, of Eus tis, is visiting at the home of Henry Bornemeier, a guest of the daughter, and also assisting during the serious illness of Mrs. Bornemeier. A. R. Hornbeck, who is hunting and fishing and taking his annual vacation, will be away for another week, but will be back after that to look after his business here. J. E. McHugh was looking 'after some business matters in Omaha last week for a short time and while he was away. Misses Elsie Deickman as sisted with the work at the store. Mrs. O. J. Pothast and their little daughter were spending last Friday, Saturday and Sunday with friends in Lincoln and were joined on Satur day evening by Mr. Pothast. Diller Utt. who is employed at the Burlington shops at Havelock, was a visiter at home during the week and enjoyed . the occasion, returning to his work early Monday morning. John Bornemeier and the family were in attendance at the Farmers' Union picnic which wa3 given at thej northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Schueter have just moved to town and are occupy- f ing the new home which they recent- Rush. The Messrs Gustav. Earnest and Willis, who are keeping batchelors hall there at the present time. O. J. Pothast of the Farmers and Merchants bank, has purchased a new Essex coach, getting the same in Lincoln, which he and the family are thinking is one of the very best of motor wagons which this day af fords. The boat is a very nifty one and will give this family the best of service. .Kenneth Tool has been looking af ter the delivering of the rural mail during the mornings since the de parture cf Lacey McDonald, the regu lar carrier, for the northwest on tis vacation, and during the afternoons Kenneth has been assisting in the bank with the work there. Kenneth makei; a very handy man for the old town of Murdock. August Wendt has purchased him self a new Maxwell coupe, the same being gotten through the agency of John Schoeman, of Louisville. This Celebrated Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholm pro vided a very nice time for their lit- j lie daughter. Miss Varona when they: gave a birthday party for her at I which some 43 of her little friends ' were present. A most pleasant time was had by the little folks and Mrs. Depart for the South During the early portion of last week a party consisting of Mrs. G. V. Pickwell, John P. Pickwell and Mis3 Viola Everett and another car from Elmwood with two gentlemen named Miller departed for Harling v en, Texas, where they will expect to make their home unless it be Miss Everett whi is making her first trip to the south. This will make a num ber of Cass county people who have , gone to that place. We are hoping that prosperity and happiness, bless jed with good health may be their portion. Death of Mrs. Bornemeier The death of Mrs. Henry Borne meier on Friday cast a profound sor row over the community of Murdock where for a half a century the de- Lannnoim iurmsnea a most aengnt- ceased lady had made her home and ful luncheon for the little ones. j the family have felt the tender sym- j pathy of the old friends in their hour Death Calls Earl Bnskirk of deep sorrow. The death came af- Some time since Mrs. Milo Buskirk ' ter an illness covering a month, with the children went to Scottsbluff ' The deceased was formerly Miss to visit with relatives and after ar- Lena Klemme. a daughter of Mr. and riving there little Earl sickened and ' Mrs. Henry Klemme, pioneer resi was very serious with and abcess on dents of the vicinity of Murdock, and the brain. All was done for the little was at the time of &er death aged four-year-old lad possible and Mr. j sixty years, practically all of her life Buskirk was telegraphed for and has- time having been spent in the vicin tened lo Scottsbluff. denartinir from'itT of Murdock. She was married at luuraocs io Henry tiornemeier and to this union there was born seven children who survive to mourn the passing of this splendid lady. They Murdock last Saturday and arriving rt the bedside of: his little son on Sunday morning. While the little man made a most heroic fie-ht for his life he passe daway on Sunday eve-! Bre RS lol,ows: Aivm, Anna, Helen, ninir at 6 n'rlorlr Th funvrai a ti t Elsie; Herbert, Marie, and Carl. Two burial was had at Scottsbluff during j brothers, Henry and Fred Klemme, oii)U survive ner. The funeral services were held Pencil Boxes Free! We have a limited number of Metal Pencil Boxes which are just the thing for the student and children going to school and which we are giving free, one with each purchase of a pair of shoes for the next ten days. Better get in on these for the boxes will not last long, as they are the very things for which you have been waiting. Our slock of shoes is replete and we can supply the wants of every member of the family. ill rdocli Mercantile Go. - MURDOCK -i- NEBRASKA instances and, instead of uniting the boards of the two churches, provides only for a general conference once every four years. Eishop Edwin . Hughes, of Bos ton, who is attending the conference here, is a member of the committee advocating the merger. Bishop Ctun tz favors giving Iowa a bishop of its own. WILL MANUFACTURE , WILSON GQLLANDERS Co-Partnership Formed with Number of Prominent Residents of Murray Interested. the first of tbe week. The grief- strjeken parents have the sympathy makes August an excellent wagon and of their many friends at Murdock in ' Sunday afternoon at the home at i:3 Dy tne Jiev. a. Stauss, and the body laid to rest in the Callahan cemetery. one which will give him the service . their hour of sorrow. which 4ie demands. The wagon is a nifty looking boat as well as being i rec a New Track As you will see elsewhere Gordon hall at Elmwood with an excellent siuruy one ana aDie 10 gie me program on last Aionaay evening. . 'Block who nuts in m,,rh nf hi ti 2ienry a. uumman, wco nas oeea , . :r : i Walter Baumgartner departed last . . ' ' ith hia tnT1Rfl, trucking, hauling from Murdock to for some time, went to Omaha a Thursday for Lincoln to arrange fo n rr nw nt eaTn tin 1 -at sity as he will be a student in that d iabstaying at Plattsmouth, institution the coming year. jwhere hj can p tQ 0maha and John H. Buck, the blacksmith. tbaTe treatment until the throat shall has converted a Ford car into a very-p healed. He is getting along nne trucu wnicn ne nas covered ana;niCeiy at this time, and it is hoped it is a wagon wnicn win prove very useful for Mr. Buck in his business. The Rock Island have been ditch ing their right-of-way in this vicin- LAND ALL LEASED; WELL TO BE STARTED that he will soon be home again and,SIna11 hours or during the day, all rignt. j Harry A. Williams, of Elmwood, was a visitor in Murdock last Thurs-I Ashland, Lincoln and Omaha, has purchased a new Reo truck of the latest pattern and Is now prepared to look after all business offered in this linA in thu hfvet mannai A.F t Block is a rustler and will make ali 'Hehawka People are Elated Over the calls whether they be in the wee i Prospects Test Well to he Pnt Are Holding a Camp Meeting The Evangelical church of Mur- Down on Heebner Land. Wednesday one of the last pieces . 1 .3 1 11 -M a" A a ity during the past week and get- day. looking after some matters of dock in conjunction with the Calla-' v-hawka .e p7Z n p - ii fi. r. nnrinn ann .nu a f r nri n - . ' vuuivU-;Ber west oi lown anu our. storms. W Oil! We have purchased a new Reo truck, the best freight wagon the market affords. At trucking rates we are ready for your work, cat tle to Omaha, or trucking anywhere. Either day or night service. Courteous treatment and the best service with care for your work always exercised. ting it in shape for the coming of business ard also was a caller .unier un u jiiuuiwu ut uUW ui, returning id iuui uwt iU ; es. is holding a camp meeting at who i r,,! tu t take a purcnase of paints nome tnat Murdnrk whiVh hp-nn nn tho nth r4. " -, . -... he had obtained from Mas Duster- on last Thursday and wHl continue ' m! ""hbe1Bn1k ln a Bvhort hoff and with which he will have m lit i.hf L C",,n"e I .time- HeV wlth l n. have his gar?-e nainted at Elmwood He - 7eeV"u 7lll,CT,;r sunaay - been leasing the land since early nis gare paintea at timoou. i,e Much interest is already manifested i spring, and now with almost everv considered he secured the naint at a : . , i-t"s. "uw 4Ln aimuet every very low price. During the absence Donald and Harry Gillespie r . ti rnpiF v:w"j r inn u'nirn Tncv . . r . '"b i mm, nucic ne tsuva anal arrange- powerful speaker and much'ments will be made for shinnine- nn tittTJ3 w r v inZiA a erTort tor a better condition of so- Mrs. H. V. McDonald and daughter, ' r s-v iuio. nan; v.t j icopic; ctiiu maoici Richard Tool, who make an efficient' coeterie of workers, well able to look. after the interest of the business Gordon Block, Murdock, Nebraska , ej-i me , ouu uun v lii aiiiiueL eve and many are attendine the serviMa. onra cim r . t nf tt v T. e ev S- F- Jordan- an evangelist test well near this place. Mr. O'Hara esDie whVare',J?UC?,.poiWer.a?4 euece from who was here the first of the week, n hieh thll sin IH- 13 wlth the church here, left Wednesday afternoon for Lin- are spending in the northwest, where jnost iney are nunung ana nsnmg, me From Saturday' DtO. Some months ago the Wilson Col lander, a device patented by Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, residing south of this cityT was first brought to the attention of the public by its ap apparent usefulness to the household in doing a great many things in the way of assisting in preparing fruits and vegetables for canning or cook ing, and not a little interest was created in the device. At the state fair Mrs. Wilson, who had a number of the machines there, was asked to sell a number of them and some thirty-eight were sold right on the spot and this called the at tention of the friends of the inventor to the fact that it could be made a paying investment, if the collanders could be turned out in quantities. ' Last evening a number of those interested, together with the in ventor, Mrs. James Wilson, met, at the offices of the Murray State bank and perfected the organization of a co-operative company to handle the manufacture of the collanders. The officers elected were as fol lows : W. G. Boedeker, president. W. H. Puis, secretary-treasurer. Harrison L.. Gayer, manager. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. George Nickles, G. M. Minford. John Farrts and W. A. Hull, directors. The members of the company de cided on ordering a number of the coHanders manufactured at Lincoln at once to be placed on the market and to later take up the proposition of the manufacture of the device in large numbers and possibly the se curing of a factory for this purpose, but this will be left to future developments. VEEY PLEASANT PICNIC From Saturday's pally. One of the very pleasant social events of the early fall was the pic nic party held this week at the at tractive grounds near the standpipe by a number of the young people of the city. The early part of the eve ning was spent in the enjoyment of the pleasant luncheon prepared by the ladies and the evening concluded with a dancing party at the F. E. Schlater home which brought to a close a most delightful occasion. Those attending the event were: Misses Jeanette Weber, Mildred and Margart Schlater, Genevieve Whel an, Helen Egenberger, Clara Trilety, Emma Wohlfarth; Messrs. James A. V. and Fred J. Warren, Raymond Rebal. William Schlater. Claire Hud son, Otto Trilety and Jack McCarthy. The Ideal Purgative As a purgative. Chamberlain's Tablets are the exact thing required. Strong enough for the most robust, mild enough for children. They cause an agreeable movement of the bowels without any of that terrible griping. They are easy and pleasant to take and agreeable In effect. Weyrieh & Hadraba. GO RIGHT AT IT Friends and Neighbors in Platts mouth will Show You the Way Get at the root of the trouble. Rubbing an aching back may re- go right at CHARLEY IS BUSY He is going a fast pace taking care of his many sat isfied customers. Business is growing. Quality goods always win out. We do not give away $300.00 pumps in order to get business, but we do sell you a better product for the same money. You can not judge an oil by looking at it. The man -who runs a car or a tractor is the best jude. Ask the bovs who are using "Penn Franklin Oils -GEO. TRUnKEHBOLZ OIL 0Q:.1PZUY- Eagle and Murdock O. E. McDonald and wife were vis iting at both Murray and Platts mouth during the early part of last . week, being guests at Murray with ; Mrs. Myra McDonald, mother of "Mr. : McDonald -and at Plattsmouth at the home of Mr. J. R. Kelley, where is "also viKitinz- Mr. nrl Mrs ChnrloR lipve it. Ault. where they have a small child) But won't cure it if the kidneys very seriously ill with the fever, but are weak. 'which is reported as being some bet-! You must reach the root of it ter. J the kidneys. j Elmer Miller, of north of Mur- ( Doan's Kidney Pills dock has just purchased a new Ford it; iroadster, getting the same from E. j Reach the cause; attack the pain. (W. Thimgan. Elmer has exercised the Are recommended by many Platts- ibest of judgment in making this pur- mouth people. j chase, for when one makes a pur-J, Ask your neighbor! ichase of a car from a local dealer,' Mrs. F. N. Rauen, 1103' Pearl he is sure of the best service for the street, Plattsmouth, .says: "I believe local dealer standsbehind the sale. Doan's Kidney Pills caii't be beat as Mr. Thimgan, who is one of the best a kidney remedy. I was in bad of mechanics, himself, and always shape with my back and was laid up keeps good men in his place of busi- so I had to have hot poultices put TC Z7 u every-,"" "i iues to relieve ine Ames, Iowa, Sept. 14. A union of mtus Kin.u nmcii ue sens anu n is iam. i cuuiu naruiy mrn in Deci ana : churches, even the union of Protes m.i , V nwuusu ixi y uacs:. i naa.tant churches, is opposed by Dr. rnasoe a far in trot it in his n-n lau-fnl crr.l K- i - ' I As near as can be ascertained, the test well will be bored west of town, on, or adjoining the C. E. Heebner farm. Residents in this vicinity have been very anxious to see a well put down in this locality to ascertain for certain whether or not there really is oil here. According to previous statements of Mr. O'Hara, after the land was leased the drilling machinery would reach here in a few days. Now that all the land is signed up by the firm he represents, . we are anxiously awaiting to see the machinery here and learn what the actual results will be. Nehawka Enterprise. STUNTZ IS OPPOSED TO CHURCH MERGER Omaha Bishop Says Union of Orga nizations Would Lessen Their Present Effectiveness. Entiro Now Sorvico! We have just had a new service station installed fy the Coryell Oil Company, with a visible pump. You always see just what you are getting. We carry the best of gas and oils and are guaran teeing you the best service. Our garage is also at your service for the best of work at all times. The Landholm Garage Murdock, Nebraska Stuntz, town and not have to go a long dis-; before my eyes and many times I had Omaha f th tance for service In view of the . to sit down and wait for these at-' copal church, he declared, while pre-! I 1 i free service the home man gives, he jis entitled to your business. Give it to him. bishop of the Methodist Epis- R. N. A. Kensington Meets . I The Royal Keishbors Kensintrton 'club met last Thursday at the home remedies had failed or Airs. j. -uonansen, wno was aDiy , assisted in their entertainment by ;Mesdames H. H. Lawton and Eddie Craig. The ladies had a most pleas ant time and enjoyed the luncheon that was served as a fitting climax to 'the delightful afternoonp. j Plans were made at this time to attend the Sarpy-Cass district meet ing which is to be held at Union on tacks to pars off. A while after I siding here today over the conference commenced to use Doan's Kidney 0f the Des Moines area. j fills I began to improve, I got sev-J "There should be competition1 eral boxes from Weyrieh & Hadraba's'aniong churches for the benefit of all arug store and they finally gave me forms of religious work," said Bishop permanent benefit after other kidney stuntz. "To merge the churches, remedies had failed. I always keep even of one denomination, would uoan s on nand and use them when my kidneys need attention and they lessen their effectiveness." i keep them in a strong condition." . puhop Stuntz indicated that he Price COe. at all dealers. pon't vould work against the proposed simply ask for a kidney remedy get merger of the Methodist Episcopal Doans Kidney Pillsthe same that churches cf the north and south at Mrs. Rauen had. Foster-Milburn Co., Springfield. .Mass., on the ground that JUirs., Kugaio, . 1 . j the pla3 would not effectively merge . - , . , - th two bodies, does not permit the Lost anything I AdveiHae it. exchange of bishops, except xl rare Soods (Soing Rapidly! Yes, we are having a good sale so far. The goods are going as rapidly as "we could wait on customers. There are many things yet that are going at even lower prices. Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Wall Paper, Kal somine, Brushes, Tools, vetc " "We are selling them very rapidly. Better get what you need before the goods are all gone. Murdock, Nebraska