The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THTTBSDAY, JUIY 26, 1923.
Everyone will want to hear the
Murray radio program on Thursday
evening, August 2nd.
C. C. Barnard of Mynard was a
business caller in Murray last Tues
day afternoon and had some four
plow lays to be sharpened.
Edward Gribsky from west of My
nard was looking after some business
and also getting some tires set at the
busy blacksmith shop of M. Rys on
last Tuesday.
Murray Department
urdoy Sight
If any of the readers of the
Journal koov of mas social
event, or Item of Interest ia
this Tlcinlty. and will Kail
iu to this office. It will ap.
pear under thla beadimr. We
want all new Item Editq a
Prepared ia the Interest of th People of Murray ant Surrounding Viciaifcx EaptoiaUr for Xhm Journal Readers
r?TT Jg " ' ' :rir iw
mm lit
Your Financial Proopority
CJTo save you from loss and to serve you
when you are needing help.
CJTo supply a safe place for your surplus
funds and to pay you a reasonable, safe rate
of interest on your money.
These are some of the important things a bank must
de. We feel we can measure up to the specifications
and then some. Do your banking business with us.
Patronize the Murray Bathing Beach.
Learn to swim for health and
beauty, at the Murray Bathing
Fred Hlld Is looking after the en
gine of the outfit which Phillip Hild
is operating, threshing in the neigh
borhood west of Mynard.
J. E. Gruber has accepted a posi
tion with W. B. Banning as engineer
for the threshing outfit which, he 19
operating in the' neighborhood of
Union, where there is a lot of grain
to thresh.
Frank Rys son of the Murray vil
lage blacksmith and making his
home in Lincoln, representing the
Updike Grain company of Omaha,
was a visitor In Murray last Mon
day morning looking after some bus
iness in the grain line.
Come and spend your evenings and
rest in comfort at the Murray Bath
ing Beach.
Raymond Lancaster three years
old essayed to ride old dobbin but
fell off and cut a large gash in his
forehead which had to be closed with
a number of stitches. The little man
The Murray Bathing Beach calls to
the bathers. Come on in, the water
is fine. .
JohnGilmor'e it is said has gotten
to be an expert diver and can navi
gate the length and breadth of the
pool at the Murray beach.
Glen Boedeker was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat last Tuesday afternoon and even
ing, making the trip in his auto.
Frank Vallery of Plattsmouth vaa
a visitor in Murray last Tuesday hav
ing first made a visit to Union where
he had some business matters to look
Last Tuesday afternoon Henry C.
Long departed for Beaver City, Ne
braska, where he goes to look after
some business matters on his farm
there and also some other matters.
L. H. Puis and wife departed sev
eral days since for Grant where they
went to look after the harvest which
they have there and while they are
away Mrs. A. Gansmer has been look
ing after the household at the ruls
is getting along nicely but still ha3 farm and also the home in Murray
a sore head which we are hoping will 'as well which has made this lady
soon be well again. pretty busy.
FoejTHii KIoinrD
We have gone through our stocks and will place
on sale Saturday just such articles as the busy house
wife finds need of every day in the year.
Dinner Sets Complete set of 42 pieces semi-porcelain
ware, highly glazed. Fine gold lace pattern deco
ration. You would pay double the price if you bought
this set piece at "a time. Set of 42 pieces, $5.89.
Water Sets Extra heavy clear glass, pitcher and
six glasses. Per set, 69c.
Berry Sets Unusually attractive in natural color
flowers and fruits. Seven pieces. Per set, 69c.
Salad Bowls Plain and fancy scalloped edge, with
flower and fruit decorations in center of bowl. Special
price, each, 39c
Water Glasses Colonial pattern, heavy clear glass:
Bargain special, set of six, 25c.
Water Pails Extra heavy galvanized pails, 14-qt.
size. Special, each, 27c
Double boilers, very durable, medium weight. . .$ .89
Aluminum tea spoons, per set . 25
Preserving kettles, tea kettles, dish pans, roasters. 1.00
Table Damask Genuine Renfrew table damask.
Coirs red, blue, buff, flower and bar designs. Fast color.
Regular $1 value. Saturday special, per yd., 69c
Mercerized Table Damask Pure bleach, beautiful
floral designs, 60 inches wide. One of our biggest bar
gains for Saturday. Per yard, 49c
Table Cloths 104 size, highly mercerized. Neat
patterns, specially priced for Saturday, each, $1.98.
Towels Double thread Turkish towels with hem
med ends. Size 1 6x34. A real bargain which you cannot
afford to ovrelook. Special, TWO for 39c
Toweling Blue border, part linen. Very absorb
ent. A real bargain at per yard, 18c
We Pay Highest Market Price for
Your Farm Produce
H. M. Soennichsen&Co.
Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska
.The Murray radio program will be
a good one. Don't miss it.
Frank Reed threshed last Tuesday
and is feeling that one of the hard
jobs is now over.
C. W. Chriswiaser, of Nehawka
was hauling wheat to the Farmers
elevator at Murray last Tuesday.
A. D. Crunk of Union was a caller
on old friends and were looking after
some business matters in Murray last
T. J. Brendel and Jesse Chambers
were looking after some business for
a few minutes during the first of the
week at Union.
Eugene Nickles has been troubled
with the appendicitis for Borne time
past and was compelled to keep to his
bed but ia feeling some better at this
Mrs. Geo. Park and Grandma
Wiley entertained at dinner Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Timblin and fam
ily of Alvo and Miss Mildred Smith
of Lincoln.
Among those threshing during the
first of the week were W. O. Troop,
Frank Marler, Sr., Dale Topliff, C, D.
Spangler, G. M. MInford and a num
ber of others.
Horace Griffin of Nehawka was a
brief visitor in Murray last Tues
day while on his way from Omaha
with a load of tankage for the hogs
of Hon. E. M. Pollard.
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian church will serve home made
ice cream, cake and punch. At -the
next community program. Watch for
the date of the program.
Walker Gilmore is attending
school at Omaha being a student at
the medical department of the 6tate
university and was a visitor at his
home in Murray for over Sunday last
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel depart
ed last Monday for Lincoln where
they went for the week and where
Mr. Brendel went to accept a posi
tion with the state as food inspector
and coupled with other additional
W. B. Banning, of Union, and Al
bert Wilson, who lives on a farm
southwest of town, were callers in
Murray last Monday, looking after
some business matters here for a
short time, and on their return look
ed in on their friends at Nehawka
on their way home.
Remember the good old summer
time ia short. Take a refreshing
swim at the Murray Bathing Beach.
The Richter Brothers were thresh
ing for G. M. Minford last Tuesday,
and he was delivering his wheat at
the Farmers elevator.
Joe Ellington of Gurley was a
visitor for-a few days at the home
of his sister, Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and
with other friends as well.
Jesse Vallery shipped a few hogs
to the South Omaha market last
Tuesday evening, they being taken
by Ed Slocumb in his truck.
Dr. Q. L. Taylor was looking after
some business matters at and near
Union and also called at the home of
Mr. G. S. Upton on his return.
Tell your friends Murray talent Is
to furnish the radio program from
Station WOAW August 2nd.
L. D. Hiatt and family were visit
ing in Plattsmouth where Mr. Hiatt
went to look after some business for
the store last Tuesday afternoon.
James W. Chilton ' and wife of
North Platte are .visiting for the
present at Murray and also looking
after some business matters as well.
Harvey Gregg was trying his
hand at the farming game during
last 'week and was assisting George
Parks make hay while"" the sun shone
at that.
E. G. Salyers of Lincoln accompan- t
led by Mrs. Salyers were brief visi- ;
tors in Murray last Tuesday after- j
noon while their return from a trip
to Omaha.
George E. Nickles and Henry C.
Attend Beunion at Eagle
Last Sunday Mrs. Emmeline Knlss
and son Lee were attending a reun
ion of the Smith family at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Menchau near
Eagle where there were a number
of the members of the family gath
ered for a good time and which they
surely had. There were present be
sides Mr." and Mrs. Menchau and
family, Mrs. Emmeline Kniss and son
Lee of Murray, W. T. Smith and wife
of Plattsmouth, Will J. Smith and
wife of Omaha, J. C. Smith and fam
ily of south of Eagle.
Ben Dill Feeling Better
Last Thursday Ben Dill, -who has
been working pretty hard was tak
en with a smothering spell wLich
caused alarm and has not been feel
ing very well since but with medical
treatment and good care is making
some substantial improvement.
JULY 28. 1923
at Peterson's Hall
We have secured the Omaha Orchestra, who will fur
nish the music, and a good time is assured. Come to
the dance and also enjoy a plunge at the Murray Beach.
At Paierson's Hall, Saturday Night
5. L. PETERSON, Manager.
Beceived a Sever Cut
Last Tuesday morning while Har
ry G. Todd was preparing his thresh
ing machine for work and was work
ing about the band cutter in some
way he slipped and cut one leg very
seriously which was dressed by Dr.
G. H. Gilmore and it is hoped will
soon be well.
(Continued on page 6.)
Binder at a Bargain
I have one new John Deere binder
which I am offering at a very low
price. Can deliver immediately.
T lAnT-nn. r. nmn Klie(-
nc iuuiwus aimi cuiuc wuc. pptpraon Hardware Cn Alnrrnv
ness matters in the county seat last 1 eterson Haraare Murray
Monday, making the trip in the car
of Mr. Nickles.
The Farmers elevator of Murray
has found business in the receiving
and shipping of wheat pretty good
Here is Your Chance a
I have a 1919 Buick four touring
in excellent 'condition for sale or
trade. Get action at once. C. A.
and had shipped nine cars up until :' Trent, Murray.
Tuesday of this week. I jl2-2tw
Miss Florence Lancaster who has j '
been feeline: Quite Doorlv for the past i
few weeks is reported as being much ! r"
hatfa. anrl ca-tre cTia ie T t r rct 1 1 r '
and be around but doctor sa3
wait for a time yet.
Don't forget the Murray radio pro
gram Thursday night, Aug. 2.
E. W. Milburn is looking after the
engine and Frank Glaublitz, the lat
ter from near Union, is looking after
the separator of the neighborhood
Winter is Coming!
This will be sold at $8 per ton from the car or $9 after
we have stored it in our bins, for it will then require two
handlings. Our phone is No. 21. Get in your reserva
tion and we will call you when the coal arrives here.
Banning Si Nickles,
Fistula-Pay When Coil
m04 aywtam ot IrutBMl tarn aw a
rut aim a4 athar Ractai Dliifi 'f
Mm. w1tt Mvr irarrteai parattsa.
Ckloroform. Sthtr or other (,Mrii uiMtao
wl A. er rmraat t Terr emaa aecaptad for treatment, and no .
MM aaUJ aurad. V nt. for book on Racial Dkaaaaa. with aamta and UatUn f
ajar BVT"V AjWTT TViIII(iTai www aa w v www - .
Rev. W. F. Graham and family threshing machine, which is kept
were enjoying a picnic in one of the
parks in Omaha last Monday, Rev.
Graham also meeting with a com
mittee of the Presbyterian church
there. They were accompanied by lit
tle Elizabeth McCracken' who went
to visit with her friend and cousin
Ruth Cawkins for the remainder of
the week.
humming most of the time.
With J. A. Scotteff as the engineer.
and Harry Rice as the separator man,
the Reed-Nickles-Burr machine now
being operated southwest of Murray,
is esDecially well equipped to keep
the wheat rolling) out-of the chute:
regularly and without breakdowns or!
delays. I
Qiruini loners!
We have discontinued serving meals and in the future
will only look after the business in the store.
Owing to being so busy, and not being able to get help,
we will not receive eggs for the present, and since the first of
July, they have to be candled and I have not the time, to do
the work.
Thanking you for your kindly patronage, we will an
nounce that we have a very fine line of Groceries and Fruits,
and also the Best Bread all the time.
Nailor & Lancaster
Murray, Nebraska.
Wheat has come down in price and so have my
tires to you. While the cost to me on tires is the same,
for a short time I am going to sell them at from 25 to
50 per cent reduction from the present standard list
price.- This includes all standard makes, of tires and
tubes. Here is a wonderful opportunity to secure first
class tires and tubes at wholesale prices, and eliminate
sending yQur money away from home for them.
We also have some real values in used fires and
tubes, and we will trade for yours.
A sensational price on lubricants. A real quality
product at a real bargain. You have tried the rest, now
try the best.
We are endeavoring to meet the present conditions,
and we ask that you come in and get our prices before
sending your money away for anything in our line. We
carry only standard goods, so there is no guesswork
about the quality. - '
Thanking you for past favors.
For Saturday
July 28
We will have on
sale 200 Boxes
of Merchandise,
value from 10c
to $5 at 50c per
box. $5 bill in
one box. Fifty
votes in our big
$100 Cash Prize
contest free to
every purchaser.
These boxes on
sale all day Sat
urday or until
the 200 are gone.
$100,00 Cool) Given Away
At 12 O'clock Midnight
Only two more weeks of our big closing
out sale remain. In that brief time every
thing must be sold regardless of price.
We have set the date Saturday Night,
August 11th at Midnight and we mean
business. We are determined to clean
house, so come and get your share of
the final bargain. Prices cut the limit
and then some. Come and be convinced.
One Vote for Each Cent Given
FREE on all Purchases.
Voles On
Book Account
Pay your bill be
fore August 11,
and help some
friend to win a
prize. Votes will
be given on book
account payment
same as regular
purchases. We've
been glad to ex
tend you credit;
Please make us
glad now by pay
ing your account
Everything At a. Bargain
Sugar, 10 lbs. for $1.00 Ginghams, per yard $ .26
Butternut Coffee, per lb .38 Percales, per yard . . 16
Peaberry Coffee, per lb 28 . Gold Seal Congoleum, per yd. ... .79
A Full Line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Etc.
Being Closed Out at Real Bargain Prices.
Special Saturday, July 28
Auction Sale 7:30 to 9:00 P. M.
A real buying event where you name the price. Col. Rex Young, the well known
auctioneer, just home from a summer school course in Colorado, will be in charge.
Nothing will be reserved. Simply ask to have any article you wish to buy placed
on sale. After that, it's up to you and the other bidders. Our loss is your gain!
Remember, everything in our stock must be sold by August 11th. Tell all your
friends and come to Murray yourself for this Closing Out Sale, Everything goes!
Don't Miss This Special' Feature SATURDAY NIGHT 7:30 to 9
Put Your Dollars to Work. ,