The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 08, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY: JULY 9, 1923.
The Best Our Aim!
Our idea is service first, and the best service at that Oar
garage was established in 1916, and since then we have main
tained service the best during the years, day in and day out,
whether a week day, holiday or Sunday. But one half day
did we close our place of business and have ever been ready
for extending service to the public. "We are continuing our
service. There are instances where it may not bring in the
dollar, but the customer must be satisfied, with work, material
ind courteous treatment.
We will always have the very best workmen and most
courteous attendants at your service.
Misses Elsie and Minnie Deickman
were visiting with friends in Ashland
last Thursday evening.
Herman Mann of north of Manley
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murdock last Thursday.
Mrs. C. E. Hite has been visiting
with relatives and friends at and
near Alvo for the past few days.
A. II. Ward and wife were enjoy
ing the concert given by the Weeping
Water band last Thursday evening.
Miss Flora Zaar of South Bend
was a visitor with friends in Murdock
last Wednesday, enjoying the Fourth
while here.
L. B. Goerthy has been assisting in
the work at the Gorden Block market
while Mr. Block has been trucking
stock to Omaha.
Otto Miller shelled and delivered
Lis corn at the Murdock elevator last
week, and this got out of the way
of the coming harvest.
You can insure your grain against
the hazard of hail for 3Va at the
Farmers & Merchants Bank, Mur
dock, Nebraska.
Henry SchlaphofT has purchased
himself a new car, this time select
ing a Star, which was sold by Mr.
Bert Reed of Weeping Water.
Mrs. Dota Buskirk, mother of Mr.
Milo Buskirk arrived last Sunday
from her home at Scottsbluff and is
stayine at the home of her son.
E. II. Miller has been after his
OacreA of, wheat during the past
week and has been doing some good
work with the tractor and binder.
Miss Carrie Schafer of Manley was
a visitor in Murdock and a guest at
the home of her brother, Charles
Schafer for the day last Thursday.
W. O. Schewe and Wm. Kleiser
were enjoying an outing at Pawnee
lodge and doing some fancy fishing
last Thursday evening and Friday.
George Trunkenbolz, of Eagle, ow
ner of the oil and gas station here,
was a visitor in Murdock last Sun
day and a guest of Charles Schafer.
Many people are'getting after their
wheat now, and the harvest is on in
full swing. Henry Oehlerking was
among the first to get his wheat cut.
Mr. Emil Kuehn was called to Mur
ray last Thursday where he went to
look after some business matters for
the day, making the trip in his car.
A. J. Tool and family were enjoy
ing the fireworks at Weeping Water
last Wednesday, and were also guests
at the home of Fred II. Gorder while
Harry A. Williams of Elmwood was
a visitor in Murdock for a short time
last Thursday evening, while on his
way home from a business trip to
Miss Jessie Melvin, who has been
so very sick last week, was feeling
some better during the fore part of
the week, but i3 reported as not feel
ing so well again.
Max Dusterhoff and his coterie of
workmen are doing a Job of work at
the home of G. R. Eveland west of
Elmwood, which they are expecting
to complete soon.
Miss Catherine Neitzel had as her
guest for the Fourth of July her
friend Miss Catherine Leppert, of
I Havelock, the young ladies enjoying
an excellent visit.
Louis Bornemeier completed the
cutting of one piece of his wheat last
Thursday and began on his oats,
leaving a later piece of wheat for a
few days to ripen.
Last Friday Jess Landholm went
to Omaha where he had some work
to do on an automobile and where
he has been getting some dental
work done as well.
Henry A. Tool and family were en
joying an outing at Meadow on the
Fourth where they had a picnic din
ner and some excellent fishing as a
portion of the menu.
Last Thursday Edward Guildstorff
completed the plowing of his corn and
the next day went after the alfalfa,
before beginning on his wheat crop
which is about ready to cut.
John Amgwert is painting the
home of Wm. Leutchens northeast of
Murdock and putting the place on
the map as one of the most beau
tiful homes in western Cass county.
Mr. L. Neitzel used the Fourth of
July to place the spouting on the
building of L. B. Gorthey, which
about completed the work of moving
of Murdock, Ntbr.
Charter No. 678 In the State -of Ne
braska at the close of business
June SO, 1923.
Loans and discounts $231,805.81
Overdrafts . .- 2.238.17
Bankers conservation fund.. 102.10
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures "" 5,075.00
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid 12.02
Cash items 268.78
Due from National
and State banks.. $ 28,953.68
Checks and items
of exchange 446.99
Currency 2,017.00
Oold coin 420.00
Silver, nickels and
cents 97U.43 32.8US.1U
TOTAL 1272,309.98
Capital stock paid In $ 20.000.00
Surplus fund 5.000.00
Individual deposits
Kiitiirt In rhvrlr 1 77 42
Time certificates of V
deposit 167.028.24
SaTines accounts.. 459.08
Cashier checks
outstanding 323.00 245,636.74
Depositor's guaranty fund... 1,673.24
TOTAL 1272.309.98
have their haunts there and return
ed home. .
This is a Fish Story
The story is told of Robert Craw
ford that he caught a fish which had
three eyes and four legs in the Platte
river, and which measured some sev
en feet long. When the story was
told us we did not take much cred-
1 - . .3 1. n n 11.4 1 n .J . . V.
ence lit n, aim naie a nine uuuui ua
to the truth of it at this time, but a
that eity, was a visitor In Murdock
last Thursday, looking after some
business matters relative to the pur-
-1 - .v. . i 1 vAna ... u : -i.
viuweui. """ number of his friends seem positive
voted last month for the erection of "
a new school building. ; I can verify the matter by asking
Farm Loans made at the rate of Robert.
5. Option, to pay at any time. If .
yon desire a farm loan see U. J.jpsPP PnilfJTV
Pothast at Farmers & Merchants UH 00 UUUil I I
Bank, Murdock, Nebraska.
Last Tuesday, the day before the
Fourth, was a happy day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Buskirk, when
the stork arrived with a bouncing
baby boy for this happy young coup
le. The young man arrived at seven
o'clock in the morning and the smile
still is radient on the face of the
happy father.
Little Arthur Lindell, who went
to the hospital for an operation for
appendicitis last week and who has
been making very satisfactory pro-
July 16th is Date Set For Various
Cass County Towns at the
Omaha Fun Center.
Men's Summer Union Suits,
$1 to $1.25 Value,
Men's Blue Denim Overalls, cut full
25 .
Limited Lot at this Price!
All First Quality Merchandise- no seconds.
- iurdock Mercantile Go. -
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
I, II. A. Guthmann. Cashier of the
above named bank do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Banklnp.
Attest: Cashier.
HEXKY A. TOOU Director.
KENNETH A. TOOL, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 5th day of July. 1923.
(Seal) Notary Public.
(My Commission expires Mar. 25. 1926.)
and' putting into condition for living
the house.
Ed Guilstorff sold and delivered' a
new Rumley tractor to Henry Boeck
man last week, it being of the popu
lar 16-30 size, and one which will
deliver even more than its rated
Miss Lydia Heartle, who has been
making her home in Lincoln, was a
visitor in Murdock and a guest at the
home of Mrs. E. Kuehn for two days
last week and enjoying the Fourth
of July here.
Albert Blum, who has become a
reader of the Journal, was a visitor
in Murdock from his home at South
Bend and was beginning to cut his
wheat on last Friday, which he says
IS very good.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Neitzel were en
joying a visit in Lincoln last Tuesday,
making the trip in their car, and en-
Joying the trip, it being the first
trip for Mrs. Neitzel in the car for
about three years.
A telegram from Miss Anna Amg
wert. who has been making her home
in San Fancisco for the past year.
where she is a trained nurse, says that
she will 6tart for home shortly for a
visit w'th the folks here.
Misses Ruth and Helen Norton
were visiting at the home of friends
at Weeping Water last Thursday,
they making the trip via an auto.
The young ladies spent both Wed
nesday and Thursday at the home of
their friends.
Miss Leah Schmidt, who is employ
ed in Ashland as a saleslady in one
of the large stores of that busy burg
spent the Fourth at the home of her
parents, and was accompanied by her
friend. Mr. Wm. Winkler, of Rock
well City, Iowa.
Messrs. Carl Schneider and Rich
ard Tool were enjoying a visit with
friends in Omaha last Wednesday and
also stopped at Millard on their way
home and enjoyed a dance which was
being given by some of their friends
of that little city.
Messrs and Mesdames W. H. Rush
and John Burley departed last Tues
day for Texas where they are look
ing the country over and will if they
see the good in the country probably
purchase some of the garden of the
world lands of that place.
Mrs. A. J. Tool and daughter. Miss
Catherine were visiting for two days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C
Anderson, of Nehawka. Mrs. Ander
son and Miss Catherine Tool were
teachers of the same school at Firth
and are very close friends.
Jesse Chambers of Murray was a
visitor in Murdock and doing some
work for Mr. Ed Guilstorff during
the first part of the week and was
taken by Mr. Guilstorff to his home
in Murray on the completion-of the
work last Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellington of Lincoln,
the latter formerly Miss Lydia Wut
chinek. were spending the Fourth In
Murdock, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wntchinek and were
taken to Lincoln on Wednesday even
ing by Mr. Joseph Wutchinek.
By a miscalculation of distances,
speed and making a salutation to
some one on the pavement a collis
sion occurred between Wm. Leutchens
and Gussie Strich, in which the con
cussion was felt quite plainly but no
great material damage was done.
Miss Beitha Merckle, the night op
erator at the Murdock telephone ex
change and by" the way one of the
most clever of operators as well as
an excellent young woman, is tak
ing her annual vacation of two weeks
and is spending the time at the home
of one of her sisters. .
Miss Minnie Deickman, operator at
the telephone exchange, is at this
time taking her vacation of some two
weeks, and will spend it with an
aunt, Mrs. David Miller of Stuart,
Iowa. While Miss Minnie is away,
the work will be done by her sister,
Miss Elsie Deickman.
Eugene Densmore of Omaha, repre
senting the Peters Trust company, of1
One of the big events of the sum-;
mer toaenn in Omaha is the annual !
gress towards recovery, is doing nice- j cntf.rtainment of the Knights of the:
Ak-Sar-Ben and which is used dur-1
ing the campaign for membership of
this live wire Nebraska organization
which has proved in the years past a
real entertainment in every way for
Those who have witnessed an In-
jitiation of the Knights of the Ak
j Sar-Ben are eager to return each
to see the various stunts that
few hours for the
ly at this time, and was visited by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lin
dell on Sunday (yesterday) when
they found the young man doing very
Mrs W. O. Gillespie and Miss Viola
ing for the west, where they will
visit for some two weeks in the moun
tains, hflvtntr fnr thpir hpnrtmiarters
j i iu,: x - Tknn ' ye&r
A v. " have been devised to make life one
J.' T7s"ir' "f." V" . hectic dream for a
mere. ;ur. a. ii. naiu auu ,-,,, ,v,Q
Lauuiudica nuu ait ciii luc iu -
come full-fledged knights of the or
In addition to the initiation a real
musical entertainment is offered to i
the visitors which is always clever j
and pleasing in every way.
The date for Plattsmouth and Cass
the ladies to Ashland in his car to
meet the train.
Many people enjoyed the Y. P. A.
social which was held at the home
of Wm. Vogt and enjoyed by the
young people of the Louisville
church. A most pleasant time was ,
Vi q H lvw oil -or V r attAndoil onl irrilf nrt1
as it was a pleasant evening with county night has been set as Monday
music, games and refreshments that July .at the den and a commit-
were well worth while and also a tee of business men composed of Guy
good program as well. lMorgan- aldemar Soennlchsen,
Last Tuesday the lightning play-i pnry Goosand ? A. Wurl have
ed a prank at the home of Mr. and been designated to look after arrang
Mrs. H. V. McDonald when it struck 1 iS to see that Plattsmouth is prop
the chimnev and knocked some of the. erly represented at the big gather
stuccoing from the walls and loosen- jlnS- Other towns over the county are
ed all the metal flue stops in the'ao planning to have delegations
hnildine. Considering the force of 'there and it will be one of the big-
Home Agaom)
I have completed the work which was so
urgent in Omaha, and am home again,
reaJy to take care of your work and also
figure on what you're needing in our Jine.
We are also selling varnishes, the very
best made. EFFECTO, the Anto Fnamel
which will allow you to refinish ycur car.
See us for estimates and specifications
for your work.
B3? "SEP
The Dusterhoff Shops
Distinctive Decorators and Paper Hangers
v Murdock, Nebraska
Dr. F. L. Cummins and wife re
turned from Nelson, Nebraska, yes
terday and were accompanied by
Mrs. Edna Eaton, who has been vis
iting at that place with the C. G.
Fricke family. Miss Marion Frioke
accompanied them to visit here with
her grandparents for a short time.
Lost anything? Advertise it.
the bolt, it is thought that Mr. Mc
Donald was fortunate in that no one
was injured or the home burned.
Henry A. Guthman and .family t
were in attendance at the funeral eft
the late Johnnie Calder, who was!
killed last week at Rawlings. Mont.,
and whose remains were shipped back
to Sotith Bend, his home, for burial.
Mr. Guthman reports, a large num
ber of former friends and acquaint
ances a3 paying their respects to the
memory of the young man by being
present at the funeral.
Mr. Charles Boerner. of Ludding
ton, Mich., who has been visiting in
Murdock for the past . week or ten
days departed last Sunday for his
home after having spent a most pleas
ant time with his friend, Mr. C. L.
Miller and his friends of Murdock
and reached his home in the remark
ably short time of .38 hours less
than two days which included a trip
via boat across Lake Michigan.
Daniel Bornemeier and mother ac-
gest nights at the den of the season.
Seventeen Year Old Cass County Boy
Dies Following Accident in
Wyoming on Sunday.
John Calder, the seventeen year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Calder, who live near South Bend,
died Sunday, July 1, from injuries he
received when run over by a train at
' Walcott, Wyo., early Sunday niorn-
i ing. He was with a boy friend whot
was instantly killed. John was taken
to a hospital but lived only a short
, time.
I Mr. Calder received a telegram on ',
titiIsjv tolling rf Viia Ron's rloflth nnrf !
: 3 l r : n ; - I
cuuipauieu u, " . left Sunday evening for Wyoming,
his sister, and Miss Mary Miller, bringing tbe body home Wednesday,
went to Hastings, where Mrs. Borne-, Th. fnn(,al was h(,,rt from the calder
meier will spend about two weeks
visiting at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. W. W. Kissinger. Daniel re
turned home the next day and has to
say about the crops that they are
looking fine and especially the corn
crop, whieh is very clean, growing
rapidly and of good size. The wheat
is not quite as good as the corn.
Miss Elsie Kunz of Elmwood accom
panied the party.
home yesterday afternoon and inter
ment was in the Ashland cemetery.
John went to Wyoming about three
weeks ago with Mr. and Mrs. Murry,
where he had a position with the
,Allied Construction company.
Horse Taken Up
About March 20th there came to
my farm north of Murdock a bay
mare with a mark "V2" on left jaw.
Owner can have same by proving
ownership and paying for keep and
other expenses. If not called for
within thirty days from July 1st,
this animal will be disposed of ac
cording to law.
J2-4M. Murdock, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Baughman
are feeling very highly pleased over .
the announcement received from
Buckner, Missouri, announcing the '
fact that a fine eight and a half :
! pound girl was born on July 5th to J
their son, F. H. Baughman and wife ,
and that the little one and mother
are both doing nicely. Mrs. Baugh-1
man is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '
William Russell of Buckner. Forest
is employed at Buckner as engineer
for an oil pipe line company and his
many friends here will be pleased to
learn of his happiness.
Enjoy Picnic at River
On July 4th John Kruger and wife Biliousness and Constipation
ana jess juananoim ana wne wun , For years I was troubled with
their little child, met at Meadow, biliousness and constipation, which
Mr. and Mrs. Linus Berglund and ( made life miserable for me. My ap
Tege Berglund, where they all en- petite failed me. I lost my usual
joyed a most pleasant day out in the force and vitality. Pepsin prepara
open and had a most appetising din-; tions and cathartics only made mat-
ner as wen. following tne aay mere tPrs worse. I do not knnw whpro Ti
they all went to Fontenelle park.
where they enjoyed the splendid fire
works display which are an annual
event there.
Clean-TJp Day to Come
The city council of Murdock has
asked all to clean up their premises,
cut the weeds and grass about their
homes and aid in every way in mak
ing the little city look like it really
was out to join the front rank among
the tidy towns of the state. We
know when they get after the matter,
the weeds and rubbish will have
go, and Murdock will indeed be
very clean town as it should be.
should have been today had I notj
tried Chamberlain's Tablets. The.
tablets relieve the ill feeling at once, I
strengthen the digestive functions,:
helping the system do its work natur-'
all'.'" writes Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birm
ingham, Ala. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Just received at the Bates Corner.
to 'Book and Stationery Store, the most'
i i . m i t ii a f
a, popular line oi oase Dans, tennis
balls', golf balls and balls for the use
rr -r -r. f the children in their playing. This
Harry long Buys Thresher is a real line do not f t0 see them
wSiiYnffTWhUS:. bis are he latest of their
eettine the same from Edward Thim- a me imu&ei
gan, the live-wire dealer and will
have the machine at his home so that
he can do his own work without hav
ing to wait for his turn to use the
neighborhood machine.
Enjoy an Outing
Last Friday evening "Bud" Amg-
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning, westbound freight
No. 77 over the Burlington had a de
railment just west of the tower at
Oreapolis that delayed it for four
wert and a-number of his friends, , hours and required tne switching
cre irum iuis city io utip ciear up
they being John Paul Pickwell. Rich
ard Tool and Carlton Zink, in the
auto of the former, went to the mouth
of the Weeping Water river east of
Union, where they spent Saturday in
the line. Four cars, empties, were de
railetLand thrown in the ditch when
brake, beam gave way and caused
the cars to spill. None of the train
a most -enjoyable outing, swimming crew were injured, however, and af
in the Missouri river and having a ter" soms strenuous work the re-
general good time. They had no mainder of the tram proceeded on its
ambition to bother the fish which way westward. "
Make the Farming Pay!
Keen competition in farming, as well as in business,
requires the best machinery, best thought and best
The Advance Rumley machinery embodies all this.
I am handling a full line of this. "The Last Word" in
power farming machinery.
The Oil Pull tractor in four sizes. The two ton
Rumley truck. The Advance Rumley Steamer in three
sizes. Come in and see them.
The Grand Detour tractor plow in five sizes, from
two-bottom to six-bottom plows.
In the thresher line, we also have separators of
five different sizes.
Thrashing Coal!
W e are furnishing an excellent nut coal for thrash
ing purposes and which burns well, and in which
there is no danger of having your stacks burned
from sparks. Better be safe. We also have an
excellent quality, egg size, going at
Toolc-tiauman Lumber Go.
Business is Good, Thanh You!
The Landholm Garage is kept busy these days with the
work which comes to us, and the reason is the best service,
the best goods and the best work.
We carry Lee Tires and they are puncture proof. Better
get your order in early.
We Arc Furnishing 24-Hour Service!
The Landholm Garage
Murdock, Nebraska
Call Up "Charley!"
Don't lose your temper and abuse your wife and
kids because the "Flivver" refuses to start. Put "Trunk
enbolz Gasoline" in your tar?k and make a quick "Get"
Our pure Pennsylvania Motor and Tractor oils are
the cheapest because they wear longer.
Call Up "Charley"
Eagle and Murdock
- . ...