The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THimSDAY, MAY 10, 1923.
The plattsmouth looial
Eatered t Pestoffice, PUttamouth, Neb., as second-clas mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Remember, O Lord, what is come
upon us, consider, and behold our re-;
proach. Our inheritance is turned to
strangers, our houses to aliens.
our i
are orpnans am? iamenejs.
mothers are as widows
are under persecution: we labor ana j
to 5.
no rest. Lamentations v.
Soon will be picnic time.
Never blow out the gas, think of
the gas bill.
Jumping at conclusions i3 said to
be bad exercise.
Never vine laundry soap la wash
ing fresh vegetables.
Once they danced a minuet,
they dance a few days.
If a slap in the face doesn't work,
a slap on the back will
Hotel bed bugs don't mind sleep
ing with strangers at all.
Wouldn't it be great if you could
train hens to lay carpets?
A salmon lads a hard life. The
poor fish he never sleaps.
Come along. Gentle Anni?, with
your nice spring weather.
Too many persons are looking for
a soft way to get hard cash.
Carnival a week from today
real big show in store for U3. -
When spreading your coat for
lady to sit on, take it off first.
The League of Nations isn't half as
dead as the G. O. P. old guard.
A cheap guy is one who t-sks a. girl
to meet him at a movie, inside.
A boy who doesn't want to eat
things that make him sick, is sick.
Percentage cf fa.ilures in marriage
means nothing to a young man in
machine. He probably had it bor
The ma7nI-leaeh7 a " donbla life rowP'1 to "sure up what his taxes
takes at least two chances of gettin
A highbrow is a man who thinks ways makes good campaign material,
nine-tenths of the people arc below Talk, however, i3 about a3 far as the
the averaga. present administration at Washing-
o- ton will go.
Nebraska City has organized a :o
"Kid" band. What's the matter with Joseph Freud of Chicago siys mod
Plattsmouth? ,crn spiritism is nothing but magic.
:o: What does he mean, "nothing but"
Up to date, the automobile hasn't magIc? Raaio then is nothing but"
won a single engagement at the rail- ciectricity, perhaps.
road crossing.
rnese strawuerries prow so iusi,
even getting bigger while they are
filling the box.
The girl who danced till the cows ,
came home now marathons until the J
calves break down. j
A bunch of business men in Phen-
ix, Arizona, have pi:t their heads to
gether to make cement.
A perfect husband is one who
knows how o apologize gracefully
when his wife is at fault.
Progress is ju3t a slow business of
overcoming the influence of those
who think an idfa wicked.
You hardly ever hear a man with
callouses on his hands say the coun
try was going to the dogs.
It is always best to look your man
straight in the eye. but you can't do
It if he wears horn rira blinders.
o:o .
There were more pleasant days.
however, when ladies didn't standi
up for their rights and men did stand
up for the ladies.
:o: -
Our idea of a materialist is one
who thinks radishes out of his own
garden are no better than radishes
out of anybody's garden.
Chicago reports that experiments
show intoxication on water to excess
is possible which raises the question
as to whether it was lire water.
Tax revision by the next congress
will necessarily be guesswork, says
Reed Smoot. The suspicion grows
that the sugW schedule defended by
the same gentleman, was not.
Never stop swatting flies until
! you run out of them.
Now is the ime to begin resting
up for your vacation.
Education is expensive, but it isn't
Our necks'83 expensive as ignorance.
Daylisht is -ettiL more plentiful
ucjiigm 13 atuiag more pieniuui,
jj 1 av.v.t,
iDUt we cugnt to use It all.
. :
Only two classes of people fall for
flattery male and female.
The latest boy wonder is
long before vacation time?"
Lot3 of people think the world
owes them two or three livings.
One good thing about a cheap
watch is you can always tell what
time it isn't.
"Where are we going?" asks a re
former. We don't know unless it is to
a ball game. "
: o :
A young lady tells us that crying
for a man isn't half as quick as smil-
ing for a man.
No matter what kind of clothes
the women wear next, they will not
show their age.
Sometimes a politician can't tell
the people where he stands because
he is on the run.
Lassen Peak, our only active vol
cano, is breaking out, but it may be
just a spring rash.
Experts say there are 50,000,000
rats in America. Put this out where
the cat will find it.
Don't forget bargain day one week
from Wednesday. Bargains until
you can't rest, so come on honey ;
chiie and bring all the little honeys i
A Chicago man killed
hi3 wife
......t . ,
v.jlu an ax mr msoueuiente, anu n is
believed the law will try a somewhat
simiIar mcthod cf reform with him.
A Missouri state renator is charged
wini moH ... ctot ,,iTc
Twth making off with a state adding
would be.
Talking about reducing taxes al-
Tn Tnrtov mil hnvt tn nav voiir
, . . ,
income tax six months in advance,
. ,
Does one compute it cn the bais of
iwhat one hopes to make, or what he
fears he's going to?
You've heard a let of contradic-
jtory stories about Lenin. Here's one
Ik.. 4 4l. 4sxn r-x nmo rf
ttl lul
authenticity. ' Josepu Hcnschcn, or
Oakland. Florida, gets a letter from
hi3 brother in Sweden. The brother
is one of Lenin's personal physicians.
He writes that the Red Czar is para
lyzed and helpless. That's about as
near the truth as you'll ever get, un
less you live to see Lenin's body em
balmed. to:
Citizens of Iowa voted some $22,
000,000 of bonds for the payment of
a soldiers' bonu3, but now the state
seems to be unable to dispose of the
bonds. There was not a single bid
on the day when the bids were to be
when a public auction was attempt
ed. There are a lot of bonds being
voted in these days that will never
Re sold, me trounie in lowa seems
to be that the bonds draw les3 tha.i
o per cent. Those who actually buy
the bonds to help the soldier think
they should have at least 7 per cent.
General Auctioneer
Live Stock Real E6tate
Personal Property
i" Plattsmouth. Nebraska
4 Call at ay Expense
Many folks, particularly young
people of reserved natures, worry be-
cause they are not "popular." They)
envy folks who always have admirers
;and friends. Many people of superior
Intellect look down on popularity. I
, They feel it shows a too easy-going
nature. They hold that if a person is
to live sincerely and do his duty, he
must often antagonize others, and
make himself exceedingly unpopular.
I'cpuianty comes in uiirerent
ways. In the old days of free liquor
a lot of people acquired popularity
by the freedom with which they "set
I 'em up." This was the ba3is on which
many politicians got their start.
They were always ready to line up
? their friends in front of the hrasa rail
and have several rounds "on me
Many people win popularity by free
snendlner. bv livinsr extravancantly
and scattering cash in all directions.
. 4i .
, w --
quire popularity by devoting them -
selves to some public cause. College
boys who carry on student activities
usually acquire popularity. They.are.
entitled to it because they have to de-j
j vote much time to maintaining the)
'....t,, f tttinn !
. , , ,A ... " ;
Similarly in community life. Many;
people acquire popularity just by giv-
a Ereat deal of ecort to pub,i"
cctivities, often more, than superior
persons who criticize them are will
ing to devote to such causes. Many
people acquire popularity by the
friendly interest they show every-
body, by a winsome smile and cordial
manner. --
People who live self absorbed lives
are not popular and do not deserve
to be.. Any person can acquire a cer-
tajn moasui-3 of popularity by mani-
fPStin& interest and doing helpful
thine for others and nerforminsr ser-
vice for the community.
Some days a druggist who is out
of stamps will tell a customer he has
something just as good.
A man will give the preacher a
nickel and then tell him how much
he enjoyed the sermon.
That Hollywood girl with the most
perfect feet has married, showing
they got her somewhere.
for License to Operate a Pool and
Billiard Hall
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersiFrned will on the firth nay or
, , r Kim at in-nn r.'rlnck a.
m., at tne court nouse in i laiis-
raouth. 1 ass county, iseorasKa. uicikc
application to the Doard of County
! rT. 5 ? r-n rto ff COIfl fnCCS f fill Tl t V
" TV
,for a 1:cen3e to PeJa,t,a po. an
, bmiard hall in the building situated
on Lot five, (5) R,)ock three, (3) in
the Village of Manley, Cass county,
Dated this 7th day of May, A. D
Whereas, Edgar Wittstruck, con
victed in Cass county, on the 7th day
of May, 1017, of the crime of burg
lary, has made application to the
Board of Tardons for a parole, and
the Board of Pardons, pursuant to
law have set the hour of 10 a. m., 1
on the 12th day. of June, 1923, for.
hearing on said application, all per-1
son3 interested are nereoy noimeu
that they may appear at me state
penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska.
on said day and hour and show
ccuse, if any there be, why said ap-
plication should or shouia not De
Sec'y, Board of Pardons.
Chief State Probat'n Officer.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate No. of Lucy B. Burton,
deceased, in the County Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that
Joseph H. Burton, who is one of the
heirs of said deceased and interested
in such, has filed his petition alleg-j
ing that Lucy E. Burton died Intes
tate in Murray, Nebraska, on or
about November 10. 1920. being a
resident and inhabitant of Murray,
Cass county, Nebraska, and the own
er of the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Lots five (5) and six, (6) in
Block twelve. (12) Latta's First
Addition to the Village of Mur
ray, Nebraska
leaving as her sole and only heirs at
law the folowing named persons, to
wit: Joseph H. Burton, widower,
and the following named child
ren: Fannie Cook, Alice Joiner,
John W. Burton. Eva Graves,
Guy C. Burton, William M. Bur
ton, Ray P. Burton. Roy R. Bur
ton and James V. Burton.
That said decedent died intestate;
that no application for administra
tion has been made and the estate of
said decedent has not been adminis-' ministered in the State of Nebraska, the allegations therein contained
tered in the State of Nebraska, and and that the Court determine who w-ill be taken as true and a decree
that the Court determine who are 8re the heirs of said deceased, their viil be rendered in favor of plaintiff
the heirs of said deceased, their de-' degree of kinship and the right of and against you and each of you, ac
gree of kinship and the right of de- descent in the real property of which cording to the prayer of said peti
scent in tho real property of which tne deceased died seized, which has tion.
4;the deceased died seized, which has
been set for hearing on the 9th day
i. of June. A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock
a. ra.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 4th, day Of May, A. D. 1923. I
(Seal) m7'Sw
County Judge,
About the beet way to make an
icucuiji is lu agree wuu a man nucu
he says he looks bad.
Pittsburg will build a church 20
stories high, which will not get them
any closer to heaven.
Times are so bad with some neoDle
they won't even buy a single new au
tomobile this spring.
; One nice thing about radio in
warm weather is you can nut the
thing up and go walking.
. '
1 State of Nebraska. County of Cass,
' Jt i3 hereby certified that at the
adimiTiied rp?n1 nnnnal mpptine nf
the members of tho Farmers Mutual
Fire & Live Stock Insurance Com-
pany of Cass County. Nebraska, held
?n March 31, 1923 the Articles of
Incorporation of said companv were
incorporation of said company were
amended as follows:
. The preamble being amended to
read as follows:
"e lue uuaerbigiieu. uuu an
persons who become members,
do hereby associate ourselves, in
a mutual tornado, fire and live
etock insurance company, under
the Statutes of the State of Ne-
1TT v. s : J il
braska, and more particularly
exoressed follows-
Article I being amended to read as
I That the said corporation
shall be known as "The Farm
ers Mutual Tornado. Fire and
Live Stock Insurance Company
of Cass county, Nebraska.
Article IV being amended to read
as follows:
IV That the object of said
corporation shall be to insure
detached farm houces, barns,
granaries and property usually
contained therein; and horses,
mules, cattle, sheep and hogs
against loss or damage by fire
and lightning. And also to in
sure such property against di
rect loss or damage by torna
does, cyclones and high wind.
The liability of each ecparate
c!a.Rs of policies shall be limited
to Icsse3 only in the class of in
surance in which such policies
are written.
In Witness Whereof, said Corpora- s
tion has caused these presents to be
I 1 hTe: " 3 m
rffrmsv,-l V tt 4Ti Alt n r of
dav of April, 1923.
Attest: President.
StJtc cf Nebraska, County of Cass,
On thi3 2nd day of April, 1?23, be
fore me the mdersiirned. a Notary
Publir. duly commissioned and rj
fird for and re?idiusr in said county,
personally appeared J. W. Tritseh,
rrc,,-.i.T,t nTlfi t r r-oito sMPt9rv
. ' .. v. r V,...' " , . , '
or tne r armers Aiutuai r ire ana l,iv3
stoc!l insurance Company of Cass
County. Nebraska, who subscribad
their n-mes to the foregoing cer-
. " . . .
"ncate in my presence, ana eacn oe-
ing first duly sworn, stated that the
nll foTPoin ' 9mpndm.nt to
tLe Articieg of Incorporation of said
comvanx were made at the adJourn-
ed annual meeting of said company
held on March 31. 1923. at 1:30 p.
m . rn.l r,asSPd hv tho unanimous votn
of ail members nresent
Witrfesrmy hand and Notarial
cooi dm Hor on1 voi. loaf oi.wa
kit. li. I m. UVi U.U w U 11 A 4L& A b U IV V
Notary Public.
(Commission expires Aug. 10, 1927.)
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship.
Etato nf John Baieck. deceased.
in the County Court of Cass county,
The state of Nebraska, To all per-
Bon3 interested in said estate, credi-
tors pn(1 heirs take notice, that John
Bajeck, who is one of the heirs of
said deceased and interested in such.
has filed hi3 petition alleging that
I John Balprk iHp.i intestate in Cass
! county, Nebraska, on or about the
2Sth dav of June 190G. beinc a resi-'
dent and inhabitant of the county
and state aforesaid, and the owner
of the following described real es-
tate, to-wit
Commencing at a point 3.125
chains south of the center of
Section 13, Township 12, North.
Ranee 13, East; thence south
9.375 chains; thence west 20
chains to the one-eighth section
line; thence north on said one
eighth section line 9.375 chains;
thence east to the place of be
ginning, all in the NWU of
SWU of Section 13. Township
12, North, Range 13, East, in
Cass county, Nebraska, except
the right of way of the Mis
souri Pacific Railway company
running throup-h said estate
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law, and the only persons interested
in said estate:
Mary Rys, daughter; Michael
Bajeck, son; John Bajeck, son;
Katharina Kratochvil, daughter;
James Bajeck, son; Anna Vos
trejs, daughter and Anton Ba
jeck, a son; said John Bajeck,
deceased, also left surviving him
his widow, Anna Bajeck, since
that said decedent died intestate:
that no annllcation for admlnifetra-
tion has been made and the estate
cf said decedent has not been ad-
been set for hearing on the 21st
day of May, A. D. 1923, at 9 o'clock
a.m. f
j Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
'this ISth day of Anril. A. D. 1923.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
' . . . j . i t t-w inn I
County Judge.
c. E. MARTIN, Atfy. ?
Magazines at Journal office.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
John M. Kaffenberger, Plaintiff,
vs. White et al, Defendants.
To the defendants, White,
real name unknown, husband of
Mrs. Shephard Fales, real name
unknown; Israel G. Hamman;
Mrs. Israel G. Hamman, real name
unknown: Anthony Voll; Mr3. An
thony Voll, real name unknown; the
1 I T71.. 1 1
devisees, legatees, personal
representative3 and all other persons
havinz or claiming any interest in
the east half (E,4) of the northwest
quarter (NWU) and the northwest
ouarter (NW',4) of the northeast
quarter (NE4) of Section fifteen,
cuarter (NE4) or section niteen,
(15) Township twelve, (12) North
Range twelve, (12) east of the 6th
P M . in the Coimtv of Cass. Ne-
brnska. real ncmas unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John M. KaiTenberger,
as plaintiff, filed a petition and ccm-
msnced sn prtlon in the District
menced f.n pction in the District
Court of Cess county. Nebraska, on
the 21st day of April. 1923. against
you and each of you, the object, cur-
pose and prayer" cf which is to" oh-
tain a decree cf Court quieting the
title to all of the east half (E) of
the northwest quarter (NWH) and
the northwest qurrtcr (NWU ) cf
the northet quarter (NE'i) of
Section fifteen, (If.) Township
twelve, (l North Ranse twelve.
fl2) eaat of the th P.
in the
County of Cass, Nebraska, as against
you enri eacn or you nna tor sum
other relief r.s may be just and
You and each of you ara further
notineil that j-ou are require! to an-
swrr said petition on or before !on-
day, the Snth day of June, 192:5, or
the allegations therein contained wi'l
ba taken as true and a decrea will
be rendered in favor of plaintiff am!
against you and each of you, accord
ing to the prayer cf said petition.
Datel thi3 21st day of April, A.
D. 1923.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Side cf Nebraska, County of Cass,
i.y virtue oi an uraer oi aaie l
sued by
Jamrfi Robertson, Clerk cf
the District Court, within and for
Cns? county. Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 14th dry of
May, A. D. 1923. at ten o'clock a.
m. of said day at the south door of
the Court liouse . in the City of
P;r.ttsmcuth, in said countv, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following described real
estate, to-wit:
All of Lots numbered two,
(2) f.nd three- (3; and the west
six () inches of Lot :one, (1)
ell in Block numbered one, (1)
in South Union, Nebraska, ac
cording to the published and re
corded plat thereof, it being un
derstood and agreerl that said
west six (6) inches of Lot one
(H in said block carries one
half of the west wall of the
building erected cn said Lot one,
(1) or any future continuation
The tame beinsr levied upon and
taken as the property of Charles F.
Morton and T. II. Cromwell, whose
real name is Thomas II. Cromwell,
et al. defendants, to satisfy a decree
aM lui mieiit or said court recovercu
oy l ne I'latrsrncuin ioan ana uuiia
ing Association, plaintiff against the
defendants Char!e3 F. Morton and T.
II. Cromwell et al, and also to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered
ty Edward S. Tutt, defendant, vs.
said T. H. Cromwell, defendant.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 6, A.
D. 1923.
Sheriff. Cass County,
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Ferdinand J. Hiid and Edward
Ganseiner. Plaintiffs, vs. George W.
Norton et al. Defendants.
io ire ceienuanis ueorge w. ior-
ton; Martha H. Norton, the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal reprevju-
tatives and all ether persons inter-
eeted in the estates of George W.
Norton, Martha H. Norton and An- which was over two hours in length,
thony F. Long, each deceased, real But. friotirX it may be a strange'
names unknown, and all persons hav- teaching but nevertheless it is en
ing or claiming any interest in the dorsed by tho Moody Bible institute
north half (N) of the northwest of Chicago where Miss Meoker grnd
r4uarter (?JWU) of Section fourteen, u-itod, also by the noted Rly Sunday;
(14) Township eleven. (11) Range and many other theologians to this
twelve, (12) east of the Cth P. M writer's personal knowledge. Thn
in Cass county, Nebraska, real names meeting closed with the houc-e filled
unknown: ro its utmost and everybody feeling
You and each of you are hereby in m-ttv cnirit n
notified that Ferdinand J. mid and
Edward Ganseiner, as plaintiffs, filed
the object, purpose and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree of court ,
quieting the title of Ferdinand J. j
Mild in and to the north half (N)
of the northwest quarter (NWVi)
of Section fourteen, (14) Township
i eleven, (11 Range twelve, (12) east
iof the 6th P. M., in Cuss county,
Nebraska, as against you and each o!
you and for euch other relief as may
be Juet and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition cn or before Mon-
day the 11th day of June, 1923, or
Dated this 2Sth day of April, A.
D. 1923.
- T1 r i n t i iTc
W. A
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
f V, " . . u1 ' -"iii.i tun evangelist, we as a church feel to the whcic family. Also all of th
in the District Court of Car.s count v. ,4. i..4 ...'.
Nebraska on the 2Sth day of Anril V , , . jainieti wn popul?r fiction magazines oa the
t fo . sia aayoi Jipru, 0,,r ibles nn,i DlJr God by having , TfT , ,. .
1923, against you and each of you, ,h,,,0 ,110oii,,o- m,, Tt ;.,c market. We have a hno of the Eoy
ft U .1 - M H
over Sunday.
William Simpson returned
Lincoln Monday on No. 38.
Miss Hemingson spent the week; selves to meet around the throne or
end at her homo in Bellevue. jr.t the pcr.iiy gates. The offering was
William E. Newkirk of Greenwood I close to tho $160 mark,
was in Alvo Sunday afternoon. J Miss Meekor turned her face to the
Mrs. George Bfaun was a passeu-
ger to Lincoln Tuesday evening,
II. E. Crum of Lincoln was in town
on business tho first of the week.
H. S. Ough and son Chester, auto-
-""i, uiu-
ed to Lincoln Monday on business,
Miss Lefferdink spent Saturday
ancl Sunday with friends in Lincoln,
u- D- Richardson was in Lincoln
on business the latter part of the
"tw in i-onow 10 me garage
,,fd at th
junior-senior banquet was
'""i sciiooi last iriuay
1 o:s Keefer who is teaching at
inord spent the week end with her
There will be free movinsr pictures
in Alvo every Saturdav nicht. Er-
cryiiody invited.
George Thompson of Lincoln spent
several cl-iys re."cntlv with Mr. ami
Mrs. Jos Parsel!.
Mrs. M. C. Kecfer and
Kecfer and Mrs. II.
auThters mot-od to
y afternoon.
fiird and iitllr 0.
Lincoln Saturda
. i no Alvo oacbrll team was rie-
fe-nt?u 1 to 4 in a game with Wa-
bzrh at this r'ace last Sunday.
Mr. rn.l Mr?. TToy Colo cf Platts-
mout.'i wore v'r,irin the hitter's nar-
ar.d Mrc. M. C. Keefer arid
sp-iot nlay. "Safety First."
will b- triven a the school auditor
!um FriJiy pnd Saturdav evening,
May 11 and 12.
'Trs.'TV. H. Sudors and daughter,
TIMer. r?;if.i s-tvrrtay and Sunday
wiTj M' ni Mrs. Con Perry at
CcKn-il RjuiTs. la.
7-irr. C. T. Gar.? attended the A!-
r?i Chi Omeei lunmn Sat'Tdiv
aftrroon given by Mrs. Farley
Ycung of Lineoln.
Mr arc! Mr. Evold Forsyth and
Mr. f nd Mr?. Ren IPnton of Lincoln
T-it Saturday evening .with Mr. and
Mrs KrrbTt Mnore.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dinger visit-
U -'nuay a.uenon witn the for-
PTcr.'s;. Mr. and Mrs
-iTTrrs rear Imd'.lla.
i'rr. Frvr of Clny Center stopped
fo" a week's viit v.-ith Mrs. Murtev
r.n her way home from California
where she had sr.?nt the winter.
Mrs. Roc-sio Newman ar.d little
-on of DaWift visited last work wiih
r parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
S -dorr, and her sister, Mrs. Nellie
Gr"i.i and 'children.
M. and Mrs. S. O. BoyI--s spent the
"-"t. week vi-ifing in MoCook. On
Sunday they were accompanied home
hy ibu son. Dale, and his wife who
Ftayed ur.til Monday niht.
Mr. and Mr-. Frank" Cook enter-
atnfd at dinner Sunday for the fol-
nvj? guests: Mr. and TvTrs. Sam
CtI'iit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer
ari l fa'nily antf Miss Nellia Dreamer
of T,ipcoln, Mr. arrl Mrs. Roy Colo
of Plattsmouth and Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Stone.
Memorial services were held on the
-v.ii oni.i. APni iJ. in
, 1, . . .i ft m r s
npr ot Kaipn rarsou. i.ioyrt Prouty
-"" ""r
in.T rumbcr was the "Star Snancrled
Raaner," sung by the audience. Rev.
Stair the invocation. Music was
i'ii i nched by two quartets. Rov. II.
H-. Harmon gave the address. The ex
roldiers of the community then plant
ed the trees on the southwest corner
of the church lawn.
II. E. Church
Last Sunday night was the climax
of the revival efforts in our church.
Thi3 series of meeting continued ev
ery night and afternoon for four
Srndayj. While the number of con-
versions did not measure up to our
expectations nor even the interest in
eneral, yet many folks say that the
meatings pure have done a rrreat deal
;of geod. The evangelist declared that
:ier rxp. rience in yvivo was unlike
any previous exnerience in all her
evr.ngtnsnr worn, un nar ssunciay
night which elo-.ed the meeting she
preached on "The Second Cominsr
tin rhWrpi! whiin tho i,,fi,
f1i1 not eninrr.0 rU tha teachings of
lnR!P.n!, in , nl, in cnr, c,Ir, n .
- -
arm fJ3aefoineryJ
Get your order in early for International and John
Deere farm machinery also repairs.
Until May 1st ve will sell Goodrich tires at last
"fall's prices. These goods are listed 25 higher now.
We Appreciate Year Patronage.
Coalman Hardware So.
Aivo, Nebraska
audience giving Miss Meeker the
Chautauqua salute and joining their
voicts in giad song with piano and
organ accompaniment pledging them-
; southland again, leaving on the eve
ning train. Our choicest blessings
I and host wishes go with this evan-
gelist to her new field of labor.
Prayer mealing every Thursday
. nin
night. Study II
On Monday i
Thess. Chapter 1.
afternoon we started
for the district conference at Uni-
versity Place but we never found it.
Ask Mr. Dinges why we sang "Where
Rev. Galloway will preach in Elm-
ouuuuy morning anu eve-
Alvo will observe Mothers' day
nvxi Sunday by a sermon in the
morning and the young folk3 at night
with a program.
Other 5te;us misrht be mentioned
but time forbids. Rest wishes to you
fl ft fZ"QT 17 ZT'f I "if fr
hk hfp "H S 1 f
WJB Uu4.:.. j t L
7 Agents Betenraiied to Enforce
L?.V7 in New Ycrk State With
out Aid rrom State.
Washington, May 5. All available
agmtr. will he mobilized in New Ycrk
to i:p!ipld the- eighteenth amendment
"i;.-! the Vol' t?ad biw if Governor
Srr.i:!; s!gn.i iho rrpaal of tlr- S3nate
tnfc.rec-n.ent Lv:, passed by the icgis-
1 vr-iiibi'ion Coinnvr.s'onr.r Ilaynrj
?.ii;i.un:cil today thai the gevern
mrrt wcu'd not p?rmit prohihiticn
r- r.' re to lrg in New York be
''"'s.' oC the v'thdrav.-al of ro-opera-
;.- z.-"iz and city police in Ir.w
r. forcer: en t. Ti line with the an
nouced : li. y o" cleaning out boot-lec-gars
..r..t run smugglers e-very-'"!-r
II::;t!c.; will coa entraie his
strar.g.-st and most t.Tnient forces in
New York, determined to d mon
sti:te the government's ability to
Hi the situation without stati
Ali-any, N. V.. May Repeal of
tha strto prohibition enforcement act
ai-. l pa.? of a bill directed st the
Ku Kliv: K!an featured the wcrk cf
tho stalt,- legislature, which conclud-
f d 11 annual rcstion early today. Roth
bi'ls await Oovernor Smith's arprov-
aJ '.vhich is expected.
i A'ff CCr.V'H 1 1.7 H
i lit in
tit. a. i :i.i..,i:,;!rfLj
Tho rc:::;'en cf the legislature
dtiivcrcd a Tiiil blow to the sudden
decision, of the residents of the stata
to take on the state of matrimony
and thifl assumption of the marriage
vcw3 will he a ciattcr of due delibe
ration and thought if the hwv is
strictly oieyod in every cisa.
Senate-File No. 02, pulsed by both
horses of the legislature and E.ipnd
by Governor Bryan provides ap
plicants for ir.:irri;.e license must
fie a, notice ten days in advance in
the office of the county clerk that
they deiire to enter into the state
cf matrimony, hut the county juut,e
: at his discretion may -waive this cec-.
! tion of the law.
The county judge, however, must
by registered letter, notify the par
ents or griardians of the applicants
who are under aa;e. The law also
prohibits the marriage of those hav-
This will remove a great deal of
the romance of the clandestine mar
riages that have been the delight of
many young couples and will make
tr-e love affairs of tho residents of
tIje r.t-,te stand forth
in the spot
light of publicity when the seekers
after wedded blis3 would join them
selves as one.
Lest: A blue rain coat. Finder
pleace return to Dolla Led ly, Platts
mouth. ml0-2tsw
The rcT7 Ifay edition is now cn
sale at the Journal Stationery De-
partmsnt and i3 one of the best 11UH1
bcrs of the yenr, filled with interest
Sccni handbooli for 1923.
- - '