The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1923, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THT7ESDAT, 10, 1923.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Misses Clara Gcbelman and Grace
Huff were visiting with friends in
Nebraska City last week.
Reuben D. Stine shelled and deliv
ered his corn at the Union elevator
last Friday ad received the top price
for the same.
L. J. Austin is rejoicing in the
fact of the arrival of a very fine lit
tle girl who came to stay with the
happy parents.
W. A. Harding, manager or the
Farmers Elevator company of Union,
v.-as a visitor at his home in Beth
any last Sunday.
E. M. Pollard of Nehawka was a
business visitor in Union last Monday
afternoon, driving over in his auto
for a short time.
Union, Saturday Wile
"Ths Girl Who
Ran Wild!"
A 5-reel comedy drama,
Also a 2-reel Century comedy
"Red Hot Rivals"
Featuring Lee Moran.
WM, F. RAGE, M. 0.
General Practice!
Miss Alma Frans spent last Sun
day with her friend. Miss Ina LaRue,
the two young ladies enjoying the
visit very much.
Wesley Woodard was a visitor at
the county seat last Saturday, where
he Lad some business matters to look
after for the day.
The Rev. John Wash, pastor of the
Methodist church was a visitor at
Weeping Water, driving over on last
Monday in his auto.
"When Knighthood Was in Flow
er." At Nehawka, 8:00 p. m., HLzy
15th and 16th.
Earl Merritt has just finished pa
pering at the home of W. H. Porter
and has the place looking exceeding
ly fine at this time.
E. J. Maugay and family were
visiting with friends and also look
ing after some shopping in Platts
mouth last Saturday.
Attorney C. L. Graves and L. W.
Crawford, the carpenter, were look
ing after some business matters in
Murray last Monday.
Edward Dowler is sporting a new
Rickenbacher auto and by the way
it is one of the niftiest jobs which is
put out at this time.
Moss McCarroll, who ia employed
in the Burlington shops at Platts
mouth. was a visitor at home with
the family over Sunday.
R. E. Foster, southeast of Union,
is having some changes made in his
home, the work being done by Mr. L.
G. Larson, of Plattsmouth.
Uncle D. W. Foster was looking
after some business matters in Ne
braska City last Saturday, making
the trip via the bus line.
E. M. Smith, east of town, was
shelling and delivering his last year's
corn crop last Monday, Henry Beck
er doing the work of shelling.
Frank Boggs, who was working in
surance at Plattsmouth last week,
came down last Sunday and is stay
ing at the home for a few days.
Luther J. Hall and wife of Ne
braska City were visiting last Sun
day at the home cf their daughter,
Mrs. D. B. Lynde and husband.
Misses Eva Hathaway and Alma
T.',V. tt -i - vioitinc tit it h f rioTiHc in
Special attention given to deep;Xebraska C5tT last Saturday and also
were doing some shopping as well.
Don't forget, Lucian LaRue will
sing over the radio next Tuesday
night from Station WOAW, Omaha,
on the special Plattsmouth program.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McCleve, of
Omaha, were guest3 for the week end
at the home of the brother of Mrs.
McCleve. Mr. L. G. Todd and family.
Fred W. Young and son, Leland,
of Arriba. Colorado, were visiting and
also looking after some business
matters in Union for a few days last
Mrs. A. L. Becker and daughter.
Miss Mary, were visiting in Omaha
last Wednesday, where they also met
and brought home with them Mr.
Misses Bessie La Rue, Ina La Rue
and Marie Frans were visiting with
friends and also doing some shopping
in Omaha last Saturday, making the
trip in their auto.
Messrs Ira Clarke, the tonsorialist,
and A. W. Propst, the dealer in the
Universal auto, were looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
last Monday afternoon.
Misses Hattie. Lelia and Mabel
Hoback were visiting with friends
"Down at the Old Swimmin Hole." Mothers day on next Sunday at 10
Lucian is a splendid singer and will o'clock. The beginners class will
help to put the Plattsmouth night open the Sunday school with a few
program over big. (little exercises and songs.
"When Knighthood Was in Flow-! At 11 the choir will give several
,T , Q.rn -ur special numbers in honor of Mothers
er." At Nehawka, 8.00 P. m., Kay The music include soios,
15th and 16th. duets and anthems. Rev. Wash will
Earl Towle, of Weeping Water, deliver a message appropriate to the
representing the Cass county fair, occasion.
was a business visitor in Union last' in the evening the League will
Monday, soliciting advertising matter i pive a program beginning at 7:30,
for the premium list of that institu- to which all the mothers of the Ep
tion, we understand with good sue- J worth League members are especial
cess. All should unite to make this y invited. For the evening worship
fair a success and we believe will, J the ' theme of the morning will be
for it represents one of the best sec-' concluded. A song service, includ
tions of the country in tr.e state of ing old songs. Mothers day songs
Nebraska. Let us all do w iat we can . and other appropriate music will
for this agricultural institution.
Will Give Concert Here
The 17th Infantry, comprising
some five hundred soldiers, who are
to hike from their home stations of
in Nebraska City last Saturday and; Fort Crock and Fort Omaha to Fort
also were looking after some shop- i Leavenworth, where they will act
ping as well while there. las instructors at the Citizens' mili-
John Becker and W. L. Havenridge tary camp next month.
were at Glenwood, Iowa, last Monday Union Tuesday of next week,
where Mr. Becker traded for a num- ing the night here, and will
precede the sermon.
Every one is invited to attend all
the services of the day. All mothers
are given a special invitation.
If possible wear a flower in honor
of mother on Mothers day.
REV. WASH, Pastor.
Tuesday afternoon. Russell, the
five year old son of Air. and Mrs. A.
J. Wilson, residing northeast of Un-
will be in
k, spend-
give a
her nf finp Tlnrop .Tersev hoes, which i nnncprt nn the streets here that
he is bringing to his farm northwest ; evening, which will be a great treat : ion, met with a very painful acci
of Union. I to citizens of the vicinity. The sol- j dent while he was riding a horse
C. E. Severyn superintendent of diers will carry regulation marching; around the barnyard. The boy was
the Union schools, was a guest at equipment and be accompanied by , thrown off and as the result suffered
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pell,! the familiar, field kitchens and will . the fracture of the left forearm be
east of Union, where the day wa3 take some two weeks to complete thejtween the wrist and elbow and the
spent by the hostess, host and guest ' overland journey, camping at dif-; injured lad was hurried to Murray
sery pleasantly. le'rent places along the route over j where the fracture was reduced by
Mrs. Harry Roy3l and Mr. and Mrs. j night. Those who have never seen j rir. q. H. Gilmore and the patient
Mike Dereig, of Lincoln, the ladies j troops on the move, as they move t'niade as comfortable as possible and
daughters of Attorney C. L. Graves, j the front in war time, will find this returned home to spend the next few
were visiting nere tor tne aay iasi demonstration interesting, as wen as Week8 with the arm in a sling.
Sunday and with the father enjoyed ' listening to the splendid band con
a most pleasant visit.
F. L. McConnell, who is working
with the Nehawka mills at this time,
was a visitor in Union last Monday
cert thev will give.
Good Meeting at Sciota
atternoon. wnere ne was ueiiennS , 1?f t Sunday evening at the Sciota
a load of flour and feed to the Farm-. school fcoUse and these meetings will
ers store of this place. ifce continued on each alternate Sun-
Uncle George Eaton was harvest- j dav evening a8 witn the start good
ing his dandelion crop, which he is ; int"eret S manifest.
Just recently L. W. Crawford and
There was a good meeting held onljoe Bauer were engaged by Rue
seated diseases of Lungs, Kidneys,
Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Kectum,
Etc. Also non-developed children.
All latest Serums and Lymphs nsed
when indicated.
Union, Nebraska
Telephone 3S
Dr. Thomas F. Cogan
622 World-Herald Building
Omaha, Nebraska
will be at Dr. W. F. Race's office in Union on Saturdays,
from 9:30 in the morning for the remainder cf the day,
beginning Saturday, April 21st.
Special attention given to care of the teeth and all
dental work, extracting, filling and crowning, as well as
artificial teeth of the best quality.
With Dr. W. F. Race, Union, Nebr.
feeding to the hogs and chickens
Uncle George says that the poultry
and swine-are very found of this net
too overly popular weed.
Attorney W. A. Robertson and Su
perintendent Tulene of the Nebraska
Gas and Electric company were in
Union last Friday and met with the
town board, discussing lighting mat
ters with the city fathers.
"When Knighthood Was in FIctv
er.""At Nehawka, 8:00 p. m., Hay
15th and lGth.
Little Louise Foster was a visitor
in Plattsmouth last Saturday and
Sunday, returning home on Monday
morning with her grandfather, L. G.
Larson, who is working at the Fos
ter home for a short time.
Mrs. Rose Cogdill, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Bovnton of Plattsmouth.
Frans to do the carpenter work in
the remodeling of the old Ben Albin
residence on the farm northeast of
Union and while carrying on the
work came on several interesting rel
ics of the pioneer days. The carpen
ters were engaged in tearing up the
roof of the building and removed a
board some twenty feet in length
and in handling it they found the
name of "W. D. Lewis & Son, Platts
mouth," stamped on it, and the por
tion bearing the name was preserved
as a relic of the old time lumbering
firm of Cass county. Messrs. Lewis
Postmaster Eugene Roddy j were in business in Plattsmouth in
When we visited the postoftice on ; tne sixties ana furnished the mate
rial that went into the construction
of the Ben Albin place fifty-three
ng out from the money order win- year3 ago, or in 1870. Another of
Chester White Eogs for Sale
Thoroughbreds, comprising one
tried sow, litter at heels; one gilt
to farrow May 25th; one fall gilt for
oarly farrowing. All these were bred
to the Giant. Also two fall boars
ready for service.
our last trip to Union, we saw the
genial smile of Eugene Roddy peep-
dow, well satisfied with his position
and the people also very well pleas
ed to have this gentleman the pub
lic servant. Mr. Roddy is well
qualified to do the work required and
his pleasing manners have won for
and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nickles. of 1 him a place in the hearts of the
near Murray, were spending last neople.
Sunday at tne nome or jurs. Jennie
Frans and son. D. M. Frans
Wm. Deles Dernier, the legal lum
inarv of Elmwood. was a brief visi
ter in Union one day last week, com
Union School Notes
The well is finished and we hope
to have water soon.
Afurth.i TTntnn-ia back In school
the old pioneers who had a part in
providing the material for the con
struction of the Albin place was El
bert Graves, an uncle of Attorney C.
L. Graves of Union, who in the early
days was engaged in the nianufac-
r MmmamauleJire
at a low price.
The Goodrich "55" Tire for
lightweight cars is n extra
ordinary value. A genuine
Goodrich Tire of typical Good
rich quality, it overshadows any
tire of equal or lower price. We
are selling lots of them and only
good words have come back
to us. Let us introduce you to
this rugged Goodrich fellow.
Ceo. K. Petring, Prop.
ture cf brick in the then lively lit
tle city of Rock Bluffs. The chimney
and other brick work around the old
place was made by Elbert Graves and
this fact has created a great deal of
interest among the old residents of
Liberty and Rock Bluffs precincts
who recall this pioneer resident.
The piece of lumber with the name
of the Lewis firm has been secured
by Attorney C. L. Graves and will be
kept as a memento of the old pioneer
residents who made possible the con
struction of the first homes in the
county many years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmons J. Richey,
who have been spending several
months on the Pacific coast visiting
with friends and enjoying the many
interesting sights of the country
from Portland to the southern Cali
fornia cities, have returned home.
While at Portland, Mr. Richey pur
chased himself a fine new Stude
baker car and in this enjoyed motor
ing over the unsurpassed roads of the
coast country and in the car made
the trip ;.i::ck to Nelms-ka. They
cp me over the old Santa Fe trail front
the south wept which was traversed
by the first pioneers to California
and which i'ave them an opportunity
of viewing the picturesque reentry
of the desert country between Cali
fornia and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Miss Alpha Peterson, county fu
perinteiKk'nt, and Mrs. Enberg, hr
lister, who is here visiting from
Sheridan, Wyoming, were passenge rs
th is morning for Omaha to visit for
the day.
Osteopathic Physician .
Eyes Tested and Glasses
Union Block Phone 208
after an absence of four weeks due
ing over this far on the train and
then taking the bus for Plattsmouth. t0 Whooping C0URh
legal matters.
Mrs. Mae Shotwell. of Kansas City,
daughter of Mrs. Mollie Garrens, wasi
- ; . .1 1 . 9 V.nw mntKf.l
u iinur ill iuc ituiuc ui ncj iiivjiuci
for a few days last week, and on
her return to Kansas City, her home,
she was accompanied by her broth
er, Mr. Joy Garrens.
L. V. Davis, the well man, who has
been sinking a number of wells in
the vicinity of Union for the past
few weeks, having concluded his
work here, shipped his machine to
some point in Kansas, where he will
do some work in this line.
Daniel Lynn and his good wifa
presented the pastor. Rev. W. A.
Tavlor and wife with their first
The county eighth grade examina-l
tiens were given Thursday and Fri-;
day. May 3rd and 4th. j
Mrs. Agnes Ross had charge of the
! primary room last week. Miss Hall ,
was not aoie to De nere. 1
The girls who took teachers' ex-1
aminations received their grades, and j
most of them were very good. j
The teachers held their monthly'
meeting for May Monday evening.
Chapter VIII of Stevenson's "The!
Project Method" was discussed by ;
Misses Neumann and Tobin. j
Francis Food, instructor in math-;
ematics at the School of Agriculture :
at Lincoln gave a very interesting
i talk before the high school assembly
Trucking and Service!
At our Garage we are prepared to furnish the best ser
vice in repairs of all Automobiles, parts, supplies and acces
sories. TRUCKING!
We are always ready for your work in this line and the
best service guaranteed. Careful drivers always in charge.
The Auto Men
Union, Neb.
liitu 11ISL,l!jct Thurenav T4i vprv Kiirrpssf ill lv
spring chicken the other day, and it, pfinted out the value of drill in ,
was pronounced as being the best by j nf Aether it be for an athletic '
that prince of conniseurs of good 1 nr. cnni u-nrfr Mr I
things to eat, the Rev. W. A. Tay-1 t-i iu,. rnHkh ia vrv;
Mr. L. R. Upton was over to
Springfield in Sarpy county last
week and on his return brought his
two goats which have been there on
pasture, home, and with them two
kids. Mr. Upton is using the goats
for milk and will wean the kids
W. O. Burbee has purchased. him
self one of the worthwhile cars when
he got a Hup sedan, and one which
The Botany class made a field trip
last Tuesday. The members of the
class were awakened to the fact that
many flowers are in bloom and that
they must work harder on their
task of classification. They grow
rather weary sometimes after a
search of two periods without find
ing a classification suitable to them.
We can always tell when they have
t cnrmorttr! hv thp PTnrpRsinTi of tri-
niuS,ive.-the f service not onIy I umph upon their faces. They seem
You Must Be
The Peters shoe, which we handle, is sold under
a positive guarantee that you are satisfied or the money
back or another pair of shoes.
Our spring shoes are now arriving. Call and see
the new styles. Also, we have a full line of work clothes
in jumpers, jackets and overalls.
Do not forget that if you need a battery or tires
for your car, we can save you money on them.
See us for that harness which you are needing.
to think it fun.
The following is the attendance
report for the month ending April j
27th. The first column shows the'
number enrolled, the second shows '
the greatest number present during!
the month, the third shows the av-J
erage daily attendance and the last;
column the number neither absent or!
tardy during the month:
Primary 41
Intermediate 38
Grammar 22
High School .61
Total 162
36 34.81
36 32.45
22 21.06
51 48. 5
145 136.82
20 '
at this time but for many years to
follow. Mr. Burbee surely knows a
' good car when he sees it and made
:no mistake in getting it.
I Mrs. Martha Stewart who has
been living at Milford for some time
past, and who has been assisting with
the work at the Mrs. Jennie Sawyer
I home for the past several days, re
j turned here last Friday. Perry Dukes
and family went to Lincoln in their
Joseph Lidgett purchased the F.
W. Sherwood place east of Union,
and will make an ideal hog farm of
the place, where he will raise the
, celebrated Chester White hogs for
j which he is famous and in the past
' has bred and raised some of the best
! prize winners that the state can
John F. Bramblet, who is the
delegate from the Union lodge M.
j W. A., departed last Monday even
: ing for Grand Island, where he will
' represent this lodge at the state con-
vention which will be held there
, this week. Mr. Bramblet will be
: accompanied by Mr. J. G. Wunder
;lich of the lodge at Nehawka.
' v Mr.-and Mrs. George H. Shrader.
! livintr north of the citv on the hieh-How Did You Die? Cooke
!wav entertained at their home last 1 Land of Beginning Again.
! evening a number of their friends! Mrs- Tarkington
Jand all had a most pleasant time j America for Me Van Dyke
j with the games music and social j
t conversation. There were present on ' 'Mericana Girl . Daly .
jthe occasion, the Misses Smith, liv- "a Fntta Lady Dalyj
,wnv lot ii av a utile lviore
and Get a Chevrolet?
Friday Night's Program
The following is the program of
the recital of interpretative readings
to be given at the M. W. A. hall in
Union Friday night, May 11th, at
8:15, by Miss Fern Ferree:
Ma and the Auto Guest
Bed Fellows Daly
In the Pantry Anon
Mother o Mine Steele
That uses about 25 less gasoline.
That uses from one-third to one-fourth
as much oil.
That is easier to guide.
That is more comfortable to ride in.
That has a Stewart speedometer con
nected on transmission.
That has an oil gauge on dash.
That has a one-man top.
That has a gypsy style back curtain.
That has three speeds forward.
That has a water pump.
That has a radiator that is used only on
most expensive cars.
That has Timken roller bearings in the
front wheels.
That has a slanting windshield.
That has moveable windshield glasses
for summer comfort.
That has the Willard Threaded Rubber
long-life storage battery.
That has a low theft insurance rate.
That has pockets in all four doors.
That has a hand shift lever.
Nothing to buy but the license.
That has both a hand and foot gas ac
celerator. That is easy to start in cold weather.
That is noted for its great pulling power.
That has a National headlight lens.
That has a fine appearing body.
That has triple baked enamel body and
fenders that will last years instead of
paint that soon needs another coat.
That has same size tires, front and rear.
That has a new rear axle, in which spiral
bevel ring gear and pinion is used.
Only more expensive cars use this
style rear axle.
That has been reduced in price $295.00
and in addition has about fifty im
provements. That has an organization back of it that
is not trying to see how cheap, but
how good they can build it.
Everywhere you look you see a Chevro
let. There's a reason It's the low
est priced and most economical ful
ly equipped car on the market and
the best automobile buj' today.
Completely equipped.
Triplets Daly
The Wall of Silence Turnbull
ing near Misses Mary and Ethel
Eecker, Ray and Roy Becker, Mr.
and Mrs. John Becker and Walter,
:L. Havenridge.
Much local interest has been arous-'
fed in the announcement that Lucian
LaRue will sing on the Plattsmouth
jnext Tuesday night, May 15th. His j 1,0111 Friday night, 8:15.
sister, Miss Bessie will accompany,
him on the piano in his two numbers, j Iletnodist CJrarcn. Notes
''The Little Red Schoolhouse" and The Methodist church, will obierve
A nominal admission charge of
25 cents will be, made for this pro
gram which will be well worth the
time and money of everyone to hear.
Curtains swing with doors on all open
Has a worm adjustable steering device.
The 1 923s have a much heavier frame
and longer wheel base.
Has vacuum feed and gas tank on rear.
Has stream line body.
All closed cars have Fisher bodies.
F. O. B.
Touring model, complete $525
Roadster model, complete 510
Coupe, complete G80
Sedanette, complete 850
Sedan, complete 860
Nothing Else to Buy But
the License
Sunk Mojito
South Sixth Street Phone No. 58 Plattsmouth, Nebr.