The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSIXAy,:.MAY 10, 1 923.
Interior Department Makes Ruling
Which Omaha Will Contest.
Claims are Federal Tracts.
Washington, May 6. The depart
ment of the interior has approved the
recommendation qf Assistant Public
Land Commissioner Wickham that
the islands in the Platte river in Gar
den county, Nebraska, be considered
the property of the citizens who own
the land on the banks of the river di
rectly opposite the islands instead of
government land available as public
land grants, it was announced today.
Samuel Herrick, Washington at
torney, representing Arthur Savord
of Omaha and other Nebraskans, de
clared he would file an appeal from
this decision with the department of
the interior. Mr. Herrick contends
that the islands are the property .of
the government having existed prior
to the Nebraska survey in 1875 and
through an error on the part of gov
ernment surveyors were overlooked
in the survey.
Assistant Public Land Commis
sioner WJfkham. however, in his re
commendation that the islands be
considered the property of the ri
After Every Meal
Chew .your food
well, then use
aid digestion.
It also keeps
tbe teeth clean,
breath sweet,
appetite keen.
The Gnat American
From Monday's Dally.
Mrs. W. K. Krecklow, who has
been visiting in Chicago for several ;
days, is expected to return home to-
Otto A. Wurl, wife and family of '
Council Blues were here Sunday to ,
spend the day with their relatives
and friends. I
T. W. Vallery from near Murray1
was here Saturday spending a few !
i hours and looking after some matters j
of business. i
Henry A. Tool and William Niel-
fon of Murdock were here today look- ;
ing after some matters in the county
seat for a few hours.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today for a few
hours attending to soma business
matters at the court house.
L. G. Meisinger and family were
here Saturday afternoon looking af
ter some trading with the merchants
and visiting with their friends.
Mrs. Ed Becker, who has been vis
iting for a short time at the home of
her sister, Mrs. George Wallinger,
near South Bend, returned home yes
terday. Miss Louise Foster of Union ac
companied her grandfather, Mr. L.
G. Larson, to this city Saturday af
ternoon for a visit over Sunday, re
turning home this morning.
Mrs. F. L. Adams' returned homt1
Atlanta.- May 7. The imperial
parian land owners on each side of kloncilium of the Knights of the Ku t,j3 morning from Knoxville, Illi
Klux Kian was vesieu w uu iu m- ; nois, where sne nas been enjoying a
ecutive authority over the affairs of l visit for a few days with the rela
that organization in a decree signed tives of Mr. Adams and reports a very
today by Judge Thomas or b uiton peasant visit.
the river, stated that the islands have
formed since 1S75. United States
Surveyor Sweitzer of Neligh, Neb.,
disagrees with Wickham. He con
tends the islands did exist prior to
superior court. The effect of the or-
i R. L. Propst and daughters, May-
1S75. and therefore belong to the , der, it is stated, is to relieve' the im- , o,a Roberta , were week end visi- J
"The ownership of the islands,"
an official at the interior department
said today, "depends on whether they
have existed before the survey of
1875 or were formed afterward. We
will have to determine this before
we can determine who owns the
Iand3. Our surveyor in Nebraska be
lieves they existed before that date
while the assistant l3nd commission
er contends they have formed since,
which brings forth an interesting
and unusual situation."
The controversy arose a short time
ago when Arthur Savord and other
Nebraskans requested that the is
lands be surveyed by the government
with a view to making public land
grants. This was immediattly pro
tested by the owners of the land on
the banks of the river who claimed
the islands were part of their prop
erty. They were sustained by Cora
missiones Wickham.
perial wizard of independent admin
istration and executive autnoruy.
Under the decree. Imperial Wizard
W. II. Evans is declared to be the
chief executive of the order, but all;
of his acts are made subject to a two- !
thirds vote by the kloncilium and he
TbtfUm ,
mirk lk
DON'T make the
mistake of
tli inking that Good
year quality is be
yond your reach
Goodyear Cord Tire
prices are remark
ably low, as the fol
lowing list of repre
sentative sizes
30x3 Clincher $17.55
32 x 4 Straight Side 36.10
33 x 4 Straight Side 37.30
33 x 5 Straight Side 53.20
At Cnodyear Service Station
Dealers vos sell and rerom
mentt the neu Goodyear
Cord with the bevefrd All
rVsalher Tread, and tacit
them up with standard
Coodycar Service
Plattsmoutli Kotor Co.
A. 0. Ault Cedar Creek
A. D. Baake Murray
V. T. F.ichardscn, Mynard
Union Auto Co Union
Paris, May 7. France and Bel
gium have cj??in served notice on
Germanyp that they intend the repa
rations bill shall b3 paid in full, and
that there will bo no consideration of
rr.y German proposal as long as pas
sive resistance in the Ruhr contin
ues to be the reich's watchword.
Replying in a joint note to the
German oft'e-r of last wc?cl:t the Ruhr
allies sa'id that tho sum of 30,000,
000,090 gold mar'is represents less
than one-fourth of the total which
both the reparation commission and
Germany recognized as the amount
of her debt. France and Belgium ad
; vanrc no proposals of their own, re
Ssiricting their reply to a categorical
rejection of the German terms.
tors in Omaha at the home of Mrs
Joa Sindelar and at Ralston with
Thayer Propst and family, making
the trip by auto. i
E. B. Thomas, Omaha, well known j
attorney and chairman of the com-;
mittee of 5,000 in that city, one
the reform organizations, was her
1 1 .
: .i.-s.-r, ir
is, bound to follow all acts of the
MrTrtliilm TIio nrdop la i h after-
math of recent litigation between today attending to a few matters in-
factions of the klan.
I ir.e county coun. i
! Amos Capper and family and :
I Mrs. Jane I.Ictcalf, mother of Mrs. I
j Capper, motored up yesterday from j
'Weeping Water to spend the day j
here visiting at the home of Mr. ami j
I Airs. W. P. Sitzman and family. !
fl.r rsrM tit
j Eritish Disapprove
j London, May 7. The German pro
I petals, rs well ss the joint Franeo
: Belgian reply thereto, were consid
jcrcl at length by the cabinet today.
! It is understood that, while the cabi
net members did not hesitate to ex
press their surprise and disappoint
ment at France's failure to consult
with Britain before sending her re
i rly. they agreed that lhi3 independ
ent action gve the British a freer
'hand to deal with Germany in their
own way.
It is also learned that the discus
sion brought out sharp disagreement
on many p.iints in the French note,
rspe:irliy that relating to the re
sponsibility for Germany's passive re-
! sistance.
Official circles express appreciation
over what is felt to be America's
f ympsihoti.i attitude toward the
whole reparations problem.
University of Michigan Alumni as
sociation of the Missouri valley held
its banquet Monday night at the
Dlackstone hotel, Omaha, under the
chairmanship of Henry II. Lovell,
"99. president of the valley associa
tion. About 100 alumni and alumnae;
Speakers of the evening were G.
M. Hitchcock. 1881; Albert W. Jef
feris, 1S93; Dr. Donald Macrae,
1S!1. and Richard Losch. 1922.
R. B. Windham, class of 1873, and
A. P. Woods, class of 1S66, were the
two oldest alumni present.
Throughout the dinner old college
songs were sung and college yells
given with a vim that brought back
former days to some of the older men.
Clyde Drew, wife and four sons of
! Omaha were here today for a few j
Head of Episcopal Diocese Accom-; hours visiting at the home of George-;
panied by Rev. Leete on Visit ! b. Mann, who now own3 the oi.: i
Tior Tacf SnTidnv Drew homestead, and at Mynard with
j. jtho w t. Richardson family, rela-
Bishop E. V. Shayler of Omaha, j tive3 of Mr- Drew
visited St. Mary's Episcopal church "Ed McHugh of Falls City, Maurice
in this city' Sunday evening for the! McHugh of St. Louis. Jerry B. Mc
purpose of holding confirmation ser-iHugh, wife and family of Murdock.
4.,nir tha ononin cr Hoiiver. Miss . Marv Mcllush and Leonard
ed a helpful and inspiring sermon tbiWallfng 6f Omaha were "here yester- ; "!t-1"cn
a congregation that filled the church iay enjoying me uay at me come oi
auditorium. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling.
Rev. Wilbur Leete. of the Episco- Dwight Propst. who has been with
. 1 Ordered to Jail for 15 Years and to
Pay 109,000.000 Harks Fine
Others Get Oir Easier.
Wcrden, May S. Dr. Krupp von
Bohlen, Jicad of the Krupp works,
was sentenced to fifteen years in jail
v.vA to pay a fine of 100,000,000
marks today as a result of the trial
by court martial here growing out of
the shooting at the Krupp plant on
Berlin Undaunted
Berlin, May 7. Pending Chancel
lor Cuno'3 return to Berlin tomorrow
and the conclusions reached by the
rr.b'met under his direction, the gov
ernment will not indicate its atti
tude toward Premier Poir. care's re- '
vy to Germany's reprrations note. 1
While official quarters do not conceal '
their impatience over the French j
Premi?r's indictment, it may b3 said I
that despito its hostile tenor, the'
German government is undaunted in
its determination to achieve an early
resumption of active reparations discussions.
"Save the surface and you save all!"
"The Quality finist for everything
in the Home"
Dont Fail to Attend Our Chi-Namel
May 10 May 11 May 12
A Chi-Namel Demonstrator will be present to give lessons and ex
plain the art of re-finishing old furniture and other articles that
will make your home even more attractive.
We will be glad to present you with a COc can of Chi-Namel FREE.
See coupon offer below.
It will pay you to come and learn the many economical methods of
beautifying everything in the home and see how easy it is to use the
Chi-Namel PATENTED GRAINER which enables one to convert
old dingyfloors and woodwork into the exact appearance of expen
sive hard wood with Chi-Namel.
Directors Hartwig and Oesterlen
aleo were sentenced to fifteen years'
imprisonment each. Director Brunc
to ten years and. Baur and Schaeffer
cars each. All were also
Forty acres. Improved, 5 miles
south of Plattsmouth, for town 'prop
erty. Thirty acres all in cultivation,
some alfalfa, outside city limits, for
town property. See A. J. Trilety.
pfl church of Plattsmouth was also, m3: vrife at the; hospital. 4n Chicago:" : ,7';,
part of the services. Bishop Shayler inff to visit with his father and other I 100.000.000
JSSSS? Merrltt W,"Uen er oPCTMlon Wl. not be per-j "S,?!? Ue?
a"J,e;TSf?i3i"- Iorraed tor EOe "mc- ! to renuisttlon automobiles. Es-
I ; i i . ; r !
pi odvcui iuii un me u;uiua ui &i
rens at the plant, which it was con
tended encouraged the men to resist.
It was held that the directors were
responsible for the continued sound
ing of the sirens even if they had not
Christian Love and Christian Loyal-1 From Tuesday Dally
ty. The theme was that Christian jra y. K. Krecklow returned
discipleship is proven by putting the'tni3 morning from Chicago, where
things of God before the things of j
the world.
Several beautiful musical numbers
she has been visiting with relatives:
and friends for a short time.
Miss Lena Sass enjoyed a very
. !.. , u nhrur Murine- the j - - :ng oi me sirens even li iney naa noi
were given by the choir during tne , jsit Saturday and Sunday or(lprprl thlt thcv )0 blown
evening. After the service the con-t t- . f h Darent3 at Loui-' f or''erea tnat; Dlown
gregation was invited to come to the ' iflf -Jin. i 'Vork3 agers Schraepler anc
guild room to meet Bishop and Mrs.
Shayler and Rev. and Mrs. Leete and
Rev. Leete's mother and several mem
bers of the church at Plattsmouth.
Nebraska City Press.
Special Attention Given
Parcel Post Orders
Room formerly occupied by
Mrs. Weidman
J. Telephone 200 or 2S8-J
Thursday Ascension day. It is
what is called "A Holy Day of Obli
gation." that is, it is one of the five
great days of the Christian year, on
which the faithful are to come to
Holy Communion. There will be two
celebrations of the Holy Eucharist,
one at 7 in the morning and the oth
er at 9:30. Instead of having just a
few there ought to be a large attend
ance of those who come to worship
the Lord on this anniversary of His
Ascension to His Father.
ville, returning to this city last even
Dr. N. D. Talcott of Greenwood '
Cunt z were sentenced to twenty
ycers' imprisonment, with fines of
100,000,000 marks; Superintendent
Gross st the apprentice department.
For any itching skin trouble, pilas.
eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald
head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint
ment is highly recommended. COc
a box at all stores.
When yo'ir letterheads, envelopes,
statements or other printed forms e
gin to run, low, call tis up. We will
have more ready for you promptly.
This coupon entitles bearer
to one 30c can of Chi-Namel
FREE at our store, on pur
chase of a 25c varnish brush
to insure a fair trial or will
be accepted as 30c on pur
chases cf larger cans of
Chi-Namel Products.
This is the famous finish
now being advertised in
The Saturday Evening
In our new location on
Alain St. next to Wurl's
frr.rti Wednesday's r,-atly.
H. A. Bass, who was found walk
ing on the Burlington bridge early
Tuesday morning with evident inten
tion of committing suicide, is -being
held here by the authorities until
such time as" his relatives can be
reached or he is restored to his nor
mal condition where he will give up
all thought of self destruction. A
message has been sent to his son in
Illinois and pending a reply the aged
man is being cared for here.
J 35 yeaa - Office . 4
f - Ex pex ionce. - Coa tea Block
ing after the sale of the lands in the . Was given ten years and Factory
For baby's croup, Willie's daily
cuts and bruises, mother's sore
throat. Grandma's lameness Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil the .household
remedy. 30c and 60c.
Sell those articles you no longer
have use for by advertising them in
the Journal.
Red, white and pink geraniums 35c
Fuchsia plants, potted and ready to bloom 45c
Asstd. colors foliage and border plants 15c
Rose geranium 45c
Baby Rambler roses, very choice 65c
Crimson Ramblers, extra fine stock 75c
Arnoor Privett for hedges, 24-inch 22lzC
Also we are taking orders for sweet potalo plants for
later delivery Let us supply your needs.
We can still furnish red onion sets at 2lzO lb.
estor & Swatek
Bulk Garden Seeds Field Seeds in Season
Sena James estate in which he is ; Councilman Mueller six months. Su
guardian. J oerintendent Gross also was fined
William Starkjohn departed thio fifty million marks,
morning for Gothenberg, Nebraska,! Announcement of the result of the
where he will spend a few hours . IriM was received by the German
looking after his land interests in spectators in silence,
that locality. j
Attorney J. A. Capwell of Elm- "UNCLE JOE" CANON FOR
Danville. 111., May 7. "Uncle Joe"
Cannon, listed in directory of the
past SO years, r.s "Joseph Gurneyn
wood was here today for a few hours '
attending to some matters in the dis- j
trict court and visiting with hi-; i
many friends in the city.
J. R. Stanley, of Syracuse, repre-,
senting the Duff Grain company, was; Cannon," tonight formally began his
here yesterday interviewing the real retirement from public life, a
county assessor in regard to the as- ( voluntary retirement taken after 23
sessment of his company for the terms in congress. He went back to
preient year. j hisresidence after an all-day public
John McNurlin was a passenger i observance of his 87th birthday an
this morning for Omaha, where he : mversary. at which prominent men
goes to have his eyes treated by u : of the statc 'd nation gathered to
specialist. Mr. McNurlin is finding ! I)ay him Ilon(r. It was a grave and
a great deal of relief in the course ' silent "Undo Joe" who watched
of treatments thate is receiving, pvhat he termed "my political funer-
n . , . tal" in speaking to a friend a few
George O. Dovey, cashier of the jayS ago.
First National Bank, returned this; 'only for a few minutes a tv con
morning from Chicago, where he clur.ion of the ceremonies at Lincoln
has been for the past few days visit- j,ark. did he venture to speak. Then
ing with his brother. Dr. E. G. i.p ,.ai(i in ,.mrA Kn lr.w f1inf u
j Dovey and family and enjoying a rea(,npd onIy hi3 near auditor3:
j short rest from his duties in the thank you from the bottom of
"a,1K- j my heart. I can hardly hold back j
Raj-mond J. Travis, of Denver, J the tears coming into my heart to-j
who has been here visiting his ;day, but I'm less than human unless;
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Travis, and, I'm grateful.
his many friends, departed yester-' "I guess I'm in my second child-
day for his home, being taken as ; hood. If I live long enough I'll have.
far as Omaha by his brother-in-law, J to go back to school."
County Attorney A. G. Cole, in his! '
auto- SEE ME
Hans Selver departed today for.
Grand Island, where he goes as a ' If you are wanting to buy a mod
delegate from the local A. O. U. W'.'crn, up to date home in Plattsmouth,
ledgo to the state grand lodge that ranging in prices from $4250.00 up
is meeting there this week. Mr. : to $5750.00, see me, as I have some
Seivcr, on his return, will stop at of the finest properties in the city
David City for a visit with his daugh- for sale.
ter. Miss Anna. I I also have other properties listed
at lower prices. See me before buy-
I it- il I
A Ca
for Cass County People!
mg. -,
m7-Ctd.2tw CUAS. E. MARTIN.
Mrs. Glen Perry departed this
morning for Lincoln, where she goes
to s0nd a short time attending the
grand chapter of the Eastern Star! .. .
of Nebraska that is meeting there Heavy, impure blood makes a
this week. Mrs. Perry is chairman muddy, pimply complexion, head
of one of the important committees aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin
of the grand chapter. j blcd makes 3'ou weak, pale and sick-
, . ly. For pure blood, sound digestion,
use Burdock Biood Bitters. $1.25 at
all stores.
For a mild, ea3y action of the
bowels, try Doan's Regulete, a mod
ern laxative. 30c at all stores.
Horses and
cattle. William Mil-a30-4sw.
A good work mare, wt. 1,450, at
$60. Phone 2013.
Suppose You Have a Fire Tonight
Are You Insured?
For thirty-three years the Farmers Mutual Fire & Live Stock Insurance
Company, now by amended articles of incorporation, doing business as Farmers
Mutual Tornado, Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company of Cass County, Ne
braska, has been insuring buildings, hay, grain and live stock for the farmers of
Cass county against loss by fire and lightning. This company being strictly a mu
tual insurance company, the cost to its policy holders has been less than one-half
the regular old line rates. During this time, there has been but three assessments,
amounting to eight-tenths of one per cent. During all these years, this company
has paid every loss to the satisfaction of all concerned and has adjusted its losses
with a promptness that is commendable.
We are now going to offer you this same service and the same proportion
ately low rates to insure your property against high wind, tornadoes and cyclones.
Our policy will cover and protect your property whether it be a small loss by
high vind or a total loss as a result of a tornado. You will receive prompt serv
ice, honest adjustment of losses by men who know, and prompt payment.
ur Rates Are as Follows
Fire and Lightning 15c per $100 per year
Tornado, Cyclone and High Wind 10c per $100 per year
A policy fee of $1.00 for all policies written. All policies being on the mutual
association plan. Policies may be written for any term from one to five years.
This is a home company owned entirely by its policy holders, and insures
property, outside of cities and villages, in Cass county only. We need you you
need us. Join us in this work. Write, phone or call at office of the Secretary.
-Farmers iufual Tornado, Fire & Uw Sfook-
Suppose a Tornado Destroys Your Property
Tonight Are You Insured?
"jler, Cullcni.
L-J- MBrFV-'-p f-J