The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 02, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1923.
Oe plattsmoutb journal
Eatared at Postoffice. Plattamouth. Neb., aa aecond-fclass mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
And jre shall tread down the wick
ed; for they shall be ashes under the
soles of your feej. Malachi Iv, 3.
The spirit of the times is moon-
- :o:
Half the men that whistle learned
to do it on par day.
-:(: ... . -
Sugar and canning will be the talk
for the next few months.
Be sure you are ready to vote right
before going to the polls Tuesday.
It takes 17 processes to wash a stiff
collar and only one dance to wilt it.
Personal matters should be drop
ped in selecting members for the
school board..
The paper which carries the best
news and has the widest circulation
is the dollar bill.
In this spring of 1923 some eggs
are not cooked long enough and some
not soon enough.
:o: -
"Smiles." says a learned man, "are
golden." In many cases you can see
it between the teeth.
A Los Angeles woman may be a
grandmother at 31; anyway, she
claims she is only 31.
to: r-
The. Prince of Wales will not take
any college degrees. Some of our
seniors may do the same.
This country of ours has too many
people who are making money with
out making anything else. - - .
A Tennessee man who has kept his
wife 62 years should write a book,
but perhaps he Is too busy.
O.O 1
Not being able to break out in any
other way, Sing Sing prisoners have
broke out with the mumps.
The government has started print
ing money on reclaimed paper. No
wonder it doesn't last as long.
Farm loan board plans loans for
nine months, leaving farmers broke
only three months each year.
John Malgrene of Parsons, Kan
sas, was all stirred up.. Doctors found
27 spoons in John's stomach.
:o: ' " "
"Bandits got away with Jewels val
ued at $50,000 in New York. Police
think. robbery was the motive.
. Being in the movies is about like
being in the world; some make a dol
lar a day and some a thousand.
A California professor says college
girls should not marry, proving all
comedians are not on the stage.
A West Virginia woman presented
her hubby with quadruplets. How
ever, when they cry ft is a quartet.
- :o:
Statistics show American women
spend $76,000,000 yearly on cos
meticsjto increase their face value.
A San Francisco woman says her
husband spanked her six times in
one day. Experts say this is too often.
An astronomer says we will have
sunshine 86,000,000 years, so now
we can worry about something else.
One of the strangest things in our
career is how to quit craving cheese
when it got cheap enough to buy it
by the dime's worth.
;er .
As we understand it. one of the
Chinese governments is threatening
to borrow at London if this country
doesn't loosen up right soon.
Every candidate brought out for
members of the school board are no
doubt well fitted for the place, but
why not keep those already there,
who have done so well.
" ;o:
President Harding says he will cut
tariff on sugar it prices to consumers
is boosted. Even if partially respon
sible for the rise. Get them back to
a reasonable price, perhaps.
:o? i
The legislature refuses to name a
day for adjournment. Let them stay
as long as they want to, $600 is all
the pay they get if they wrangle all
year. Go to it, boys, and wrangle all
you want to, you ain't doing much
good anyway, either one way or the
It takes a lot of pluck to keep your
eye brows thin. "- " " ' '
Next Sunday is Easter,
eggs for the little onesi
Color, the
The world gets better. You seldom
see detachable cuffs now.
:: -
The matrimonial bark is wrecked
by the matrimonial barking.
Hungarian money is falling, ahd
prices 'and the peopleare rising.
" o:o
Pity the insurance solicitor who
has to call on income tax victims.
r ' :e: -
One tax that never will get a kick
out of most of us is this inheritance
tax. ,
Labor saving devices have enabled
us to do almost everything easier but
McAdbo is looming up very swiftly
as the democratic nominee for presi
dent. . -
'- :o: ....
Maybe Germany hopes that by
waiting until spring she can pay it
with flowers. . .
1 :o: '
The only reason one can't marry
and live happily ever after is because
it takes two. .
. ;o:
A policeman's auto was stolen in
Chicago while he wasn't in it, so they
didn't get him. - :
Well, every homicide reduces by
one. unit the raw. material for the
murder industry
... l;i: .-
There is no doubt that Henry Ford
is the choice of the masses of the peo
ple for president.
, Nothing makes a woman madder
than to be hurried by her husband
when she is late. '
Learnihg to fight is easy. All 'you
have to do is say what you please
where you please.
-:o: ' !
A professor says what this country
needs Is 30 cent eggs. We have them,
but they cost more.
Will Harding probe the sugar sitr
uatlon, as he says he will? Just wait
and see if he dares to.
-to: :
Too many people are talking about
other people and too few people are
talking to "other people.
o:o-- - '
Harding caught a blue nerch In
Florida. Perhaps the poor thing had
been in the water too long.
About 20,000 underwear makers
threaten to strike. But summer Is
coming so you need not worry.
. ; :o:
Too many' beauty hints used in
preserving a woman's beautiful face
are bound to pickle it instead.
The radio expert who spills sul
phuric acid on his clothes finds ev
erything isn't acid should be. -
Opportunity knocks at your door
only once, but it's hanging around
town somewhere all day long.
' :o:
A Kansas farmer inherited $100,-
000. A little more money and he
would have enough to raise chickens.
:o: 1- '
Now that the "shorts" in the lat
est Wall street corner have paid up,
it may be proper again to point out
the inadvisability of selling some
thing you haven't got. -
to:- .
The Non-Partisan League in Ne
braska has told Townley to get down
and out, but he can't take any of the
league' property with him. Where
will he go now back east with his
pockets full of rocks?
- to:
John Sattler's friends are deter
mined to run him for councilman in
the second ward. John will make a
good one. He has had bushels of ex
perience and the second ward people
will be lucky in electing him.
1 :o:-
i-h- x-h-i : :: i i i 1 1'
General Auctioneer
Live Stock Real Estate
Personal Property
- PHONE 314
Plattamouth, Nebraska
Call at my Expensa
A Ail A
,'Be ur6 you are right ifrhett you
t&tt tft vote Tuesday. 3 ; . . -; f; i
wtTweeyes and one toiifeue shQ the
wisoom oi ue ureaior. -
Too many of the trials of being a
movie actor are held In court.
:o: '
An aligator bf the Cincinnati zoo
has lived 125 years without any ex
cuse whatever." - " ,
f.v. , . to; ..
" People who have stopped at hotels
may be clad to learn a big . one has
burned In Pittsburg.
A Cass t county, farmer tells, .us; his
cattle have more ticks than a couple
of eight day clocks. . ;
i'? . : i . i -;a;
Snows are so heavy in some parts
of Maine the trains are using-calen
dars for time tables. ' -
tot : ' '
General Bliss says business men
decided war or-peace, showing that
ignorance is not Bliss. - -; ' '
" ' to:
' First sign of spring in Cincinnati
was when a man was Caught' marry
ing twice in eleven days. ,
..An Oklahoma, woman shot a neigh
bor fbr listening in on the telephone,
but all of us can't do that.
The national balloon race for, 1923
has been called off; not, however.
from a scarcity of hot air.
:o: '
The meanest boy in our neighbor
hood licks a chocolate bar all over so
you won't ask him for any.
An Alaska radio fan heard a wom
an singing in Cuba where people
have something to sing about.
. :o:
Rev. Edwards of Philadelphia
claims there is no hell. Then what
kind of a fix is it Europe Is in?
One reason why we won't plant a
garden this spring is because we hate
to start jp fight we can't finish. ,r
'--' :o;
When gasoline goes up it is forced
up by economic causes, but when it
comes down it is a lucky accident.
. ; : - r:o: ; :
A HUgar famine this year? Not un
less housewives stampede and create
a shortage ' by stocking up with a
hundred or so pounds for each fam
ily. Remember, that's what 'smarted
the sugar shortage several yeafs ago
nd shot the prices up 'around 30
cents a pound. . .
Cuba this year will produce about
197,000 tons more sugar than last
year according to the leading sugar
trade authority, Guma-Mejer. The
European beet sugar crop will total
nearly 400,000 tons move than in the
1921-22 season. In America we start
ed 1923 with "wartime size" stock
of sugar In storage official govern
ment report. Much depends, of course,
on the size of the 1923 American
But Cuban sugar is the main regu
lator of what we pay for sugar. And
the supply of Cuban sugar for this
year "appears to be practically the
same as was available in 1921," says
the market letter which the Ameri
can Sugar Refining Co. sends to its
In 1921, five to eight cents a
pound was considered a good whole
sale price for refined sugar. In the
United States.
It's hard to get the truth about the
sugar situation,, for it's an Industry
of highly complicated statistics. Let's
take a bit. of unfavorable news and
naiyze it:
The American "Sugar Refining Co.
estimates that the surplus stocks of
Cuban sugar around the first of the
year 1923 were 1,129,000 tons less
than a year before. ... J
Half of this' decrease is counter
acted by the 1922-23 gain in Cuban
and European sugar production.
And it is reasonable to expect that
most of the balance wilt be canceled
by the fact that Americans this com
ing summer will make' less r home
made wine than last summer ;and
the one .before. , The onormous' in
crease in the amount of sugar, used
by Americans, during the last .few
years, has been'due' mainly th home
made wines. Fifty pounds of sgar
doesn't look like much to a. cellar
chemist. Wine making is on the wone
"too much trouble, not worth thr
fuss." - - i
We dig into the newspaper files
and In 1920 find Edgar Watkins,
counsel for the Southern Grocers as
sociation, quoted as saying: "Refin
ery prices for sugar the first four
months of this year Tanged from 14
td 18 cents a pound,' while hiost
brokers quoted them at 27 and ,30
p - . 1
cents a pound."
As you'll recall, sugar led all other
commodities when it came to specu
lation and exorbitant prices. During
the sugar "famine," the law of sup
ply and demand was temporarily re
pealed. The surest, quickest way to
play into speculators' hands is to buy
lot of sugar and store it in the
attic. " '
Now if you want to see the latest
styles in bonnets and ' hats go to
church Sunday morning. And don't
forget to take your Easter offering
along. -hi , .-.-
! to: .
Borah says, that Harding will
never run again, after such a signal
failure ,ho ha3 made. And if he should
W nbminated Chere .will be two re
publican candidates for president.
. The De Molays deserve a great deal
of credit for the fine play put on at
the Parmele Wednesday and Thurs
day night. And we were pleased to
nbte that it was remarkably well pat
ronized.,, ". .. '
There is no parent, interested In
the advancement of his boys and
girls, ,but who favors (good schools.
We have them, and the efficient
members of the school board made
them, and when you go to the polls
Tuesday be sure and vote for those
who have done their duty, in this re
spect, ' -
, tot
Seasons like Easter and Christmas
offer peculiar " opportunities to the
churches to bring themselves and
ihelr messages close' to large num -
bers of people. But to a degree, the
opportunity exists at all times. Th
churches may seize it-h en they will
and thereby make their influence felt'
more effectively. .
1 .;:
Mr. B. F. Bush, who resigned the
other day aft . president of the Mis
souri Pacific - railroad, has been an
important constructive force for all
the territdry served by that road. His
conception of his position took into
account the right relation of the rail
road to its constituency. Under his
administration a dilapidated system
was built up into an. efficient public
utility. His energy and comprehen
sion have been a great ; asset to the
southwest. His retirement will bring
f general regrefrom the states of the
Missouri ; Pacific, system.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty. FS.
In the County. Court. '.
In the matter of the estate of
Cornelius Bengen, deceased.
To the creditors of said estatet
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit i at the : .County Court room in
Plattsmouth .in -said county, on the
30th day of .April. A. D. 1923, and
on the 30th day. of July. A. D. 1923,
at-10 o'clocJ..a, m. of each day to
receive and; examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment - and allowance.
The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is
three months, from the 30th day of
April, .A. D. j 1923, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 30th day of April,
1923. ,
Witness my hand arid the seal of
said County Cnrt, this 31st day of
March, A. D." 1923.
(Seal) a2-4w. . County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. ,
William II. Ofe, Plaintiff, vs.
Charles F. Holly et al. Defendants.
To the defendants Charles F. Hol
ly; Mrs. Charles F. Holly, his wife,
real name unknown; John W. Sey
more; Mrs. John W. Seymore, his
wife, real name unknown: William
H. Taylor; Mrs. William H. Taylor,
his wife, real name unknown; Mary
E. Taylor and Taylor, her
husband, real name unknown; Mary
E. Moore and Moore, her
husband, real name unknown; N. La
throp, . real name unknown; Mrs. N.
Lathrop, his wife, real name un
known; W. H, Shafer, real name un
known; Wise, real name un
known; A. B. Sharp, real name un
known; A. L. Sprague, real name un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the respective
estates of Charles F. Holly, deceased;
Mrs. Charles F. Holly, deceased; John
W. Seymore, deceased; Mrs. John W.
Seymore, deceased; William H. Tay
lor, deceased; Mrs. William H. Tay
lor, deceased; Mary E. Taylor, de
ceased; ' Taylor, deceased;
Mary E. Moore, deceased ;
Moore, deceased; N. Lathrop, deceas
ed; Mrs. N. Lathrop, deceased; W.
H. Shfcfer, deceased; Wise,
deceased; A. B. Sharp, deceased; A.
L. Sprague, deceased. Teal names un
known, and all persona having . or
claiming-any interest in the North
half (N) of Lots 7 8 and 9, in
Block 53. in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska, .real names
unknown: " r..- .
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on. the 29th- day. of
March, 1923, the plaintiff filed his
suit: in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, the subject and
purpose of which is to establish and
quiet and confirm plaintiff's title in
and to the above described lands.
and to enjoin each and all of you
from having or claiming to have any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
either legal or equitable in or to
said real estate, or any part thereof,
and to enjoin you and each of you
from in any manner interfering with
plaintiff's - possession - and enjoyment
of said premises and for equitable
relief. : r ,- ' : '
- This notice is given pursuant: to
an order -of the Court. -You are here
by required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 14th day
of May, 1923, and failing so to do.
your default will be entered therein,
and judgment taken upon plaintiff's
. - Plaintiff.
By" A. L. TIDD,
a2-4w. His Attorney, i
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court. ;
In the matter of the estate of Eda
Hansena Speck, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate t
You 1 are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room
in Plattsmoutb. in said county, on
the 10th day of April. A. D. 1923,
and on the 10th day of July, A. D.
1923," at 10 o'clock a. m., each dayt
to receive and examine aH'clalms'
against said estate, with a. view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the. presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from; the 10th day of April,
A. D. 1923, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 10th day of April, 1923, ,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 10th day of
March, 1923. '
(Seal) County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued i
bv James Robertson, Clerk , of the1
District Court within and . for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on tne zsra aay pi April,
A. D. 1923, jat 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south door, of the;ty, Nebraska, and on Lot 6. in Block
court house. Jn Plattsmouth. in said j
county, sell, at public auction -to the!
Thighest bidder for cash the following
property, to-wit :
Lot twelve . (1-2) in Block
forty-nine (49) in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, , Ne
The same being .levied upon and
taken as the property of Carl Baum-
gart ct-al, defendants, to . satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by
David Z. Mummert, plaintiff, against
said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 20,
A. D. 1923.
Sheriff. Cass County,
A. L. TIDD, Atty.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
In re application of Metta May
Hanni, guardian of Maxine- Rose
Meisinger, a minor, for license to
sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a license granted
to Metta May - Hanni, guardian of
Maxine Rose Meisinger, a minor, by
James T. Begley, Judge of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 6th day of November, 1922.
the undersigned guardian will sell
for cash at public vendue at the
south front door of the court house
in the City of- Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a.
m., on April 9, 1923, the undivided
one-half interest of a'.d minor Max
ine Rose Meisinger, in Lots eighteen
(18) and nineteen, - 19) in Lons's
First Addition to the Village of
Mynard, Nebraska- -
Notice is also given that at the
same time and place the said Metta
May Hanni will sell for cash her un-
divided interest in said-lots and will
convey her undivided Interest to the
purchaser by good and sufficient
warranty deed free and clear of in
cumbrance. Said sale will remain
open for one hour. ..
Dated March 17. 1923.
Guardian of Maxine Rose
Meisinger, a Minor.
W. A. . Robertson,
Attorney for Guardian. ml 9-3 w
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
. By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued out of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, and in pur
suance of a decree of said court, in
an action therein, Indexed at Ap
pearance Docket r-. Number , Ex
ecution Docket , Number ,
wherein Merchants National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska, is plaintiff and
Pollock Parmele, Louise Parmele, his
wife, Charles C. Parmele, a, widower,
Will Jean, Marie 'Jean, ' his wife,
Bank of'Nehawka, a corporation,
Gustave Philip Raschke, . a single
man, are defendants, I will at ten
o'clock a. m. on the 19th day of Feb
ruary, 1923, at the south front door
of the Court 'House of Cass county,
Nebraska, in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county,-Nebraska, sell-at public
auction to' the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit: ., ,
;The west half of the south-"
east quarter (W SE4) of
Section thirty- four (34) in
Township thirteen, (13) North
.Range twelve, (12) least of the
6th P.-M.J. .the east half of the
southwest quarter (E1 SW).
of Section thirty-four, (34) in
Township thirteen, (13) North
Range twelve, (12) east' of the
6th P. M.; a strip of ground
eight (8) rods wide off the east
side of the northwest .quarter'
(NWKof the southwest quar
ter (SW41) of Section - thirty
four, (34)" in-'.Township thir
teen, (13) North Range twelve,
(12) east of the 6th P.;M., in
Cass county, Nebraska
to Bati3fy the costs of the said ac
tion and ' Increased and accruing
costs; to satisfy the plaintiff's first
lien upon the paid real estate in the
sum; of Six Thousand Eighty-nine
and Eighteen One-Hundredths Dol
lars ($6,089.18) with interest at ten
per cent (10) per annum from
date; to satisfy the plaintiff's second
Hen upon the said real estate in the
sum of Eleven Thousand, Seven Hun
dred Nineteen and Ninety-nine One
Hundredths Dollars, ($11,719.99)
with interest at ten per cent (10)
per annum from date, bringing the
surplus,- if any, into court; to abide
further order of the court in the
premises; all as provided by said
order and decree; the said real es
tate being levied upon and taken as
the property of the said defendants..
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this Sth day of January.. 1923. ' j
Sheriff. Cass County,!
First farm mortgages netting 5
and 6 per cent. Also 7 per cent school
warrants. Small or large amounts to
suit the investor. Searl S. Davis,
201 Plattsmouth State Bank Bldg.
Journal ads get results.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
The Livingston Loan and Building
Association. Plaintiff, vs. William K.
Pox, Jr., Marie Fox, Frankie Fox,
Thomas B. Salmon, Thomas B. Sal
mon, Jr., a minor; George O. Dovey
and Hallie P. Doveyi John McNurlin,
Administrator of- the Estate of Wil
liam K. Fox, deceased, Defendants.
To the defendants William K. Fox,
Jr., Marie Fox, Frankie Fox, Thomas
B. Salmon and Thomas B. Salmon,
Jr., a minor:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on' the 17th day of
March; .1923, the plaintiff filed its
suit in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, against you and
each of you, the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose certain real
- 1 estate mortgages owned and held by
plaintiff on L.ot 12, in -Block 40, in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun-
36. in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass'" TmiYt,. iJ f wnf. tni. vl
county, Nebraska, and for equitable i??.
This notice is given pursuant to
an order of said Court. You are re-
before Monday, the 30th day of
'' . .. .r. .
i entered therein, and judgment taken
Apnl, 1923, or your detain t win be!
upon plaintiff's petition against you,
and each of you.
The Livingston Loan and Build
ing Association, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD,
Its Attorney. ml 9-4 w.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, "ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Jo
seph Schlater, deceased, t
: On reading and filing the petition
of Anna Fitzgerald, praying that
administration of said estate. may be
granted to Frank B. Schlater, as ad
ministrator; Ordered, that the 6th day of April,
A D. .1923. at ten o'clock a. m., is
assigned for hearing said petition,
when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a County!
Court to : be held in and for said
county, , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not he
granted: end that notice, of the pen
dency of .said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the. Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news-
! paper printed
in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated this 13th day of March, A.
D 1923
(Seal) . - County Judge.
ml9-3w..-i Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Otto H. Schurman, Plaintiff, vs.
Georgia E. Gentry et al. Defendants.
To the defendants W J. Burger;
William Burger; William J. Burger;
M. Burger; Mattie Burger; S. J.
Burger; Sarah J. Burger; Georgia
E. Gentry; Thomas Gentry; Mary E
Garrette and. Sharrett' Garrette; M
A. Burger; E. M. Burger; Eli M
Burger and Maggie L. Craig; and
the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of Joseph
Harper, deceased; Eliza A. Willitt,
deceased; Rebecca C. Bailey, deceas
ed; Jonathan Wilbur, deceased;
Amanda Young, deceased; Judith E.
Turner, deceased; John W., Marshall,
deceased; Simpson Butcher, deceas
ed; Mary Jane Butcher, deceased;
S. M. Craig, deceased; Samuel Craig,
deceased; Sarah Jane Petry, deceas
ed; Robert Wilborn, deceased; R. W.
Wilbern, deceased; James Berger,' de
ceased; James Burger, deceased;
Nancy Burger, deceased; Jame3 G.
Burger, deceased; Jane A. Harper,
deceased; L. M. Wright, deceased;
Levi M. Wright, deceased; John W.
Young, deceased; A. J. Kerr, deceas
ed, and Andrew J. Kerr, deceased,
real names unknown, and all other
persons having or claiming any in
terest in the following described
real estate,: to-wit: A tract of land
described as follows: Commencing
at the center of Section 13, Town
ship 12 North of Range 13 East of
the 6th Principal Meridian, running
thence north on the half section line
845 feet to the place of beginning,
ther.ce running west 660 feet, thence
north 447 feet, thence east 660 feet,
thence south 447 feet to the place
of beginning, including within said
tract Lots. 9. 10, 11, 12 and 43, in
the SEVi. of the NWU of Section
13, Township 12 North of Range 13,
in Cass county, Nebraska, real names
. You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 2nd day of
March. 1922. the plaintiff filed his
suit in the District Court or cass
county, Nebraska, the object and
nnrnnse of which is to ouiet and con
firm plaintiff's title in and to the
above described lands and to enjoin
each and all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title,
estate, lien or interest either legal
itable in or to said real estate
or any prt thereof, and to enjoin
you and each of you from in any
manner interfering with plaintiff's
possession and enjoyment of said
premises, and for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of said Court. You are re
nnired tn answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 30th day of,
April, 1923, or your default will be
entered therein, and judgment taken
upon plaintiff's petition.
By A. L. TIDD.
ml9-4w. His Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
William Chalfant, deceased.
To the creditors of said estatet
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on
the 12th day of April, A. D. 1923,
and on the 12th day of July, A. D.
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., of each
day, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 12th
day of April, A. D. 1923, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 12th day of
April, 1923.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 6th day of
March, 1923.
(Seal) m8-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
The Livingston Loan and Building
Association, Plaintiff, vs. Aretas Rey
nolds et al, Defendants.
To the defendants Aretas Rey-
Inolds and wife, Hattie Reynolds;
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in the estate
of Hattie Reynolds, real names un-
SIIII'a Iu' rpnrpspntatlvpfi nnri r11 oin-
cPf Trmi te!f Jn P8-
, r . 4 . . . , . . .
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Watson Miller, deceased.
i real names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
Lots 4, 5 and 6, in Block 75, In the
City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county,
Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of
March, 1923, the plaintiff filed Its
suit in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose a
certain real estate mortgage owned
and held by it on Lots 4, 5 and 6,
in -Block 75, in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and
for equitable relief.
- This notice is given pursuant to
an order of said Court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 30th day of
April, 1923, or your default will be
A. 3 A 1 1 -t J A. A 1
upon plaintiff's petition against you, I
and each of you. t
The Livingston Loan and Build- '
Jng Association, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, 0.
Its Attorney. ml9-4w.
- In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth State Bank, a Corpor
ation. Plaintiff, vs. William O. Bent
et al. Defendants. . ,
To the defendants William O Bent I
J : tt': 1 1 ; t. d. 1
uuu vs. lie, iir. w imam yj. seui, irai
name unknown; Mrs. Emily St. Laur
ent and husband, St. Laurent,
real name unknown; Mrs. Gertrude
B. Wilder and husband, Wilder,
real -name unknown; Mrs. Lucinda
B. Adams and husband, Adams,
real name unknown; William D.
Bent and wife, Mrs. William D. Bent,
real name unknown; Mrs. Ella B.
Stevens and husband, Stevens,
real name unknown; Mrs. Annabelle
Lundquist and husband, Lund-
quist, real name unknown; Justin
W. Bent and - wife, Mrs. Justin W.
Bent, real name unknown; Mrs. Jes
sie Alexander and husband,
Alexander, real name unknown;
George Edgerton and wife, - Mrs.
George Edgerton, real name un
known; Nims, real name un
known, widower of Lydia Nims, de
ceased; Mrs. J. W. Bent, real name
unknown, widow of J. W. Benx, de
ceased; the heirs and all other per
sons interested in the estate of
Amelia B. Haldeman, deceased, real
names unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of J. W. Bent, real name un
known and Lydia Nims, each de
ceased, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Plattsmouth State Bank
as plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cess county, Nebraska, on
the 17th day of March, 1923, against
each of vou. the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a collateral ,
agreement upon 254 shares of capital
stock of Hailey Hot Springs Hotel j
Company of Hailey, Idaho; 30 shares
of the preferred capital stock of Wat- !
erloo Creamery Company; 170 shares j
of preferred stock in Nebraska Clay j
Products Company of Omaha, U. S. :
A.; 10 shares of preferred stock in ;
Wiens-Omaha Brush Company, and
2 shares of the capital stock of Wiens j
Omaha Brush Company, each of said ,
shares being of the par value or
$100.00, assigned by Amelia B. Hal
deman as collateral security to her
note for $538.44, on which there is
now due to nlaintiff the sum of
sk in nave iiu aituuui lancu
of the amount due plaintiff on said
note and default of payment thereof,
that said collateral be sold according
to law and each and all of the de
fendants in said action be forever
barred and foreclosed of all rights in
said collateral and that out of the
proceeds of the sale thereof, plaintiff
be caid the amount due together with
costs and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer Bald petition on or before I
JMonaay, iae oviu.usf.ui
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
rendered in favor of plaintiff and
against you, according to the prayer
of said petition.
Dated this 17th day of March, A.
D 1923.
A Corporation, Plaintiff.
W. A. Robertson,
Attorney for Plaintiff. ml9-4w