The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. MAECH 26, 1923.
Auto Livery Work!
The Doctor never worries
About the Ice or Snow
For he knows when the Tank contains
"Trunkenbolz" Gasoline,
His car will ALWAYS GO.
Our pure Pennsylvania Motor and Tractor Oils are the
cheapest because they wear longer A full
line of Hard Oil and Greases.
Gordon Block was looking after
business matters in Omaha latt
Jess Landbolm traded an Overland
touring car to Omaha parties for a
raige sedan.
Alex Landholm, who 13 working in
Omaha was a visitor here for a short
time last week.
J. II. Buck was looking after some
business matters in Lincoln last Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Happy Robinson who has been in
Wyoming arrived in Murdock for a
Ehort stay last Wednesday.
Cecil Gray of University Place was
visiting at the home of his parents
heer for a week and on last Thurs
day returned to University Place.
The carpenters of Murdock are be
ing encouraged over the outlook for
the coming summer, as they are hav
ing many inquiries for work at 'this
Alex Munson who has been paint
ing with Max Dusterhoff for some
time past is visiting at the home of
his parents at Red Oak. Iowa, for a
few days.
not -be made for a few days as well
but people are petting their mail
Notice the change in the ad of Mr.'
E. W. Thimgan as It appears in this
issue of J the paper, touching tires,
which have made some very substan
tial advances just recently and due
for more raises soon. The manufac
turers have tacked on an additional
fifteen per cent to their price, but as
Mr. Thimgan has a large stock he
is selling them at the old price. Bet
ter serve yourself while the oppor
tunity is at hand forgetting the best
at the old standard of prices.
Mr. M. R. Milton of-Syracuse, N.
Y.; was here during a portion of last
week and purchased 32 horses which
he shipped by express to Syracuse. ,
and for which he paid the sum of
, Hold School Caucus
The school district "No. 7 held its
caucus at the - garage of E. W. Thim
gan last Thursday when they placed
in nomination for the coming elec
tion which occure on April 3rd, the
following nominees:
For the 3-year term (two to be
elected) Conrad Baumgartner, Hen
ry Iteickmann, O. C. Zink and Her
man Kupke.
To fill vacancy caused by the res
ignation of Fred Tonack August
Panska and;Fred Stock, Sr.
"The circus Is coming to Fairyland,
the circus is coming to Fairyland,"
said the Fairy Queen.
And us site said this a band struck
up, and what should be seen coming
down through the wooded paths of
Fairyland but a circus parade. .
All the Fairies rushed about and
perched themselves on the. toadstools
and in the trees and upon the old
stumps of trees, and some stood along
the paths which would be the route
Why Not a Commercial Club
Wuring the past year or so, four
families from adjacent to Murdock
hci fnnnd themselves new homes in
other cities. when their natural the circus would take, so explained
place would have been Murdock. Effie Elf.
She seemed to know all about It.
Sometimes a Fairy would say:
"Are you sure, Effle Elf, that the
circus will come along this way?"
And Eflie Elf made no mistakes.
sold horses which went east, and jut without some effort alon this Sometimes when the circus parade
many others near here of whom we jne ne town will be no larger after seemed to be going along another way
another ten years than it is now. It came back along the way Illie
The people of Murdock' are entitled said, for she had been told the route
to have a larger town and also they jn advance.
Rhould be willing to co-operate and
t.ork together for it.
$700 as express and which It peems rVhv ',nt -nTT1TT,prr5ai rillh to look
is quite a lot for a car when one after the interests of the town, with'
comes xo consiaer ine price per uni-,, the peope of Murdock working
mal which is $21.87 it is not so In unfson and in afcCord. Many a
murn. i.usi uaitemeier. tienry ua- proposition could be put across which
meier. Gust Wendt and E. H. Miller would benefit the whole community. I
did not learn the names.
Ejrgs For Hatching
Pure "bred singrle comb Rhode Is
land red eggs for hatching. 75c per
setting of fifteen. Charles Long,
phone 19-C, Murdock. . m!9-tfw
See the change in the ad of Mr.
Jess Landholm. who is making a
specialty of repairing and charging
Grandmother Zoz Passes Away
Miss Martha Webber was born in
Germany some 87 rears ago and
came to this country CO years ago
and to Cass county and the present
site of Murdock. which did not then
exifct. 40 years ago. Previous to this
And you know hr& nice it Is to
know a circus route in advance.
i Dr. Lis ton of Elmwood was a visi-
Victor Thimgan has been suffering otr in Murdock one day last week.
from an attack of neuralgia which coming to see Mrs. C. Guerr, who has
ne is uniting pretty naru 10 suae ou. oeen very bic out is reponeu a battery. He is also announcing auto
CiHncv T!Tn rf Klmwnnn was slifrntlv improved- , ... . . j
- Mi- , , . , . . lvery service wnicn ne is prepareu , f .hrirn Knrvive the asred
innVinp- nfipr Knm tmsfnesa matters The nublie fsale -which was to have . . J . . . . i coupie. all or w nom hunne me aj,eu
in luuraocK.
all makes of batteries as well as 0. ,,, Tiit,i in Tn.-.rri to
iurnisning service lor ine mme . t Snrinirneld. Ohio.
Three children were born to this
ittle babe of Mr. and Mrs. Ray weather and just at this time they Ul s-r , JU11US rreunvu. ui yuu. ii..
n has been very sick with an are not knowing just when they will ; J n -uuruuc. .- """.r !a,M al mo nome 01 mrna . Anurev..
of the grippe for the past , have it. , w ' 1; w V , t HI . . l ' . ... I '
I V . " ----- , 1 V 1 ij J 111 V lilllCl V A.A V t- U J
a coupie oi aays last, neen given Dy j. u. scneei, was posi-
week. poned two times on account of the
A 1
number of days. j Max Dusterhoff was looking after
The fifth graders in the Murdock some matters of business in Omaha
schools who are getting along nicely for a few days during the past week,
are taking up the mathematics of the the roads were so bad that they could
sixth grade just at this time. j not get to Eagle to work and he took
Miss Ella Gerbeling of the Mur- the occasion to look after the Omaha
dock schools celebrated her birthday business.
during the past week the scholars J Henry Thimgan. who but a snort
time since engaged with Louis Bor
tiomtier for work for the s'lxmer,
was a visitor at Lincoln last Wednes
day and Thursday looking after some
business matters and also was a guest
of friends.
At the home of Henry Klimme the
children" have been having a time
with the scarlet fever and while it
has been very severe they are get
ting along. Mr. Klimme's family have
been having much sickness duripg
the winter and it would seem their
full share
On account of the almost impassa
ble roads caused by the storms the
routes could not be made for some
four days but on Wednesday some
thing like a partial return to nor
malcy was effected though with much
n&Td work. The rural route could
Even then you may be a little wor
ried that the parade may not come
down your street, even if you have
been told it would, and how joyous
it Is when at last you see the parade
coming down your street even though
you have followed it all about.
At the head of the parade wa? Old
Mr. Giant. He was the drum-major.
When he threw a stick into the air
mother. They are Andrew Zoz and
Charles Schaftr, the representative Frank Zoz. of Mcrdock. and Mrs.
extending many congratulations.
Highest Cash
paid for Cream, Eggs and Poultry,
with fair treatment to everybody.!
John Gray
Farmers' Building, Murdock, Neb.
could -not get out. Max Du3terhoff i funeral and burial being held at the
will letter the truck when he gets';gt Elizabeth church in Elmwood on
home from Omaha, where he. has Tuesday of last week. Grandmother
been looking after some business zoz had a large number of friends,
matters. j who with the members of her fam-
While the north window of the.ily, are mourning her departure.
Murdock Mercantile company store, j
which was dressed with the articles j Royal Neighbors Hold Meeting
which E. W. Thimgan carries in his t The members of the Royal Neigh
garage and which made an excellent ; bors of Murdock met last Thursday
showing, it was not better than the at the home of Mrs. O. J. Pothast
window 'which Mr. Thimgan has at!anfi were entertained .by that lady
the garage, which was dressed with ' and Mrs. A. R. Horn beck, when they
exquisite taste, with the supplies and . ba(i . a most enjoyable afternoon, as
accessories which he carries. JustWen looking after the business
glance at the north window of the matters which came before them.
garage and see what you are need- The place cards which were used at it seemed to go so far up in the air
ing in this line. j the luncheon which the, ladies gave, that it was hard" to see it until it was
It is reported from the hospital in were of their own manufacture and Been coming down again.
Omaha, w here Henry A. (iuthmann . were made or coiorea eg? snens witn
is recovering following an operation, a ribbon passing through from end
for a mastoid abcess. that this ex-, to end and which was a imost unique
cellent gentleman is getting along souvenir as well as serving the. pur
very nicely at this time and hopes pose of place cards.
are now entertained that he is well ;
on tlie way to recovery. Mr. Guth-j Purchased a Home
maun has been very dangerously j The "Pussy Wanti a Corner" game
sick and the change, in his condition : Which has been in progress anions
is good news to nis irienas.
"Just Waiting to Be Eaten."
Murdock refidents the past fort-
nignt. nas Deen continued wun j. n.
Buck purchasing the Mrs. Martha
King property in which the E. K.
Xorton family have been living, and
to which Mr. Buck will soon move,
necessitating the Nortons finding
other quarters. Just what .will be
For Mr, Giant was so tall himself
to start wth. ....
His stick W3s a handsome affair,
decorated with red tassels.
Then came Witty Witch, and she
was riding a make-believe cameL
The camel was really made up of
Blllie Brownie and Bennie Brownie
and the Brownie Twins, and what a
time they did have with their pillow
humps which Ollie Oaf had made for
The humps fell about in so curious
a way.
Then there was a band wagon which
done to solve the house shortage in
this town is a question which is per- they had first heard, and Eddy Elf led
plexing a number of-people, and it the' band. They had fine costumes of
is hoped some relier may be obtained
with the opening up of the building
reason and the moderate prices of
lumber and workmanship that will
prevail this year.
We have been appointed the Exide
Service Station for this locality.
In addition to selling
the right battery for your car, our
service includes skilful repair work
on every make of battery. You can
rely on responsible advice and rea
sonable prices here.
We look forward to a call from you,
Jess Landholm,
Murdock, Nebraska
Warned of the Blizzard
I. G. Hornbeck and Louis Horn
beck, the Rock Island employes at
the depot here, posted notices all day
Saturday giving warning of the com
( ing of the blizzard and with the as
sistance of the telenhone onerator
prepared the people for the-weather went.
condition that continued throughout
Saturday night and the greater part
of Sunday.
red and the wagon was painted red,
It was pulled along by some of the
members of the Oaf family, who wore
plumes on their heads to make them
look something like horses!
Then Eddy Elf looked like a Hon.
In fact no one knew until afterward
that It was Eddy who was the lion.
He roared splendidly.
Eddy marched along, roaring as he
Best variety Early Ohio seed pota
toes, $1.00 per bushel. Call phone
211-J. ni26-4tsv
The March issue of Beautiful ;
Womanhood is fascinating. It con-!
tains a wide variety of information '
on beauty and beauty culture. Among .
the contributors are Charlotte Per-1
kins Oilman,. who writes Do you
know beauty when you see it?" Then
there is an interview with D. W.
Griffith on "What is Beauty?" as told
by Capitola W. Ashworth. Marie
Rappold advises you "To Sing Your
Way to Health," while Kitty Gordon
thinks "Forty the Age of Supreme
Beauty." These are only a few of the
many interesting features in this su
perbly illustrated number. There are
besides an article by Alice Mary
Kimball on how to "Overcome Your
Shyness and Get a Husband," "How
to be Happy Though Divorced by
Oursler, "Love Roads" by Richard
Barry and the autobiography of a
foot entitled "Once a Beautiful Foot!
But Now," an editorial by Bernarr
Macfadden as only he can write it.
For sale at the Journal Stationery
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Noth
ing Bo Good for Cough or Cold
'"Everyone who has used Chamber
lain's ' Cough Remedy speaks well of
it," writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts-
town, Pa. People who once use this
preparation are seldom satisfied with
any other. It is excellent to allay a
cough or break up a cold. 'Weyrich
&' Hadraba.
ne wore a big sign about his neck
which read :
This wild beast enjoys beinc fed.
Ire cream cones are particularly pop
ular with him."
And as luck would have It, Princess
Fairy Joy rushed to the Fairy Ice
Box nnd found an ice cream cone Just
j waiting to be eaten for It had melted
a little about the sides, which showed
It was waiting to be eaten.
j Then the rest of the Brownies were
' clowns, and they went along making
all sorts of funny remarks.
They spoke of the fairyland people
and made merry Jokes about them
nice, friendly jokes.
Oh, It was a splendid parade.
And after the parade was all over
they put up a tent and gave a mag
nificent circus performance. Those
who werenot performers took the
parts of animals.
They Jumped through hoops, they
turned somersaults and they sold
peanuts and popcorn and woodland
lemonade and they charged only
laughter for all of these things!
"Oh, "what a surprise it was," said
the Fairy Queen, when it was all
over. "I didn't know a thing about
it until Effie Elf spoke to me about
it Just before I called out that the
circus was coming.
"Oh. you've given Fairyland a most
beautiful treat,"
And how pleased Old Mr. Gian.t
was, for It had been his idea in the
first place, while Witty Witch and
the others had been only too glad
to help him with It.
For it was such fun to give a cir
cus for the Queen of the Fairies and
her people. It was the greatest fun
I am prepared to do your;auto livery work and
will make trips at any time and any 'where within a
ladius of fifty to one hundred miles. See me when you
'have work in this line and I will serve you the best.
Jess LandhoSm
Men without visible means of. sup
port in Omaha and tliutx who refine
to work or are unable to give a sat
isfactory reason for not working are
being arrested as "va;3" by the "New
Broom" police force of the metrop
olis. Pool halls and noft drink places
yielded a rich harvest yesierday when
the police swooped down and began
asking questions.
Omaha is trying to show the world,
evidently, that the police department
lis still alive after a long and quiet
i sleep.
And Omaha police department's f
forts to rid the city of undesirables
1 mipht well be copied by smaller c-om-;
munities where vice and crime and
i "unrest" are always found among the
I voluntary jobless.
! The Journal office is showing tl.c
j most complete line of Easter cards
, and novelties in the city.
All the late popular copyrights at
' the Journal office.
'.And :the Fairy Queen said that she
Easter will soon be here. Get your badn'i 'htvghed su hard in ever so
cards and novelties at 'the Journal i;mir. which "greatly Mattered and
Ofllce. i.ipiKm! Hie clfluns.
burdock -Meat fffiarkef!
We are carrying a full line of fresh and cured meats
and are making a special sale of all cuts of meat, as
follows :
Sirloin steak, per lb 25c
Round steak, per lb 25c
Perk chops or steak, lb 25c
Shoulder steak, per lb 18c
Shoulder roast, per lb 15c
Weiners and bologna, per lb 20c
Boiling meats, per lb 8c
Meadow Gold Creamery Butter
Longhouse Cheese
A full line of cold meats. Higher, prices paid for hogs,
cattle and hides. Yours for service in every respect.
Gordon Block
Save EVIoney on Tires!
During the past few weeks the prices of tires have
advanced some 1 5 per cent. Fabric and rubber are go
ing up every day and the manufacturers promise anoth
er sharp advance in. a short time.
Fortunately we have a large stock of first class
guaranteed tires, including Goodyear, United States
and Goodrich, which we will sell at the old prices. Buy
now and save the difference.
I am carrying a quarter horse electric motor for
driving your washing machine and similar other light
work Come and see me about your wants in this line.
probably had no conception of the wealth
his surroundings of art represent today.
If labor were as cheap now as in his time,
we could all surround ourselves with
the same exorbitant splendor. But
Decorative Art today is on a commercial
basis and it requires skill for a decorator
to combine economy with the high stand
ard of decorations people demand. It is
our business to mould our individual ar
tistic taste into applicable form that is
economical, yet embraces the very high
est quality of art.
t The -Dusterhoff Shops-
Let us serve you with suggestions for
your Home Decorating