The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    FAGS FOtm
-Y 70T73ZTAL
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1923.
' 1
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Cbe plattsmouth journal
Eatered at Postoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as sscond-clus mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
' : -. -J - t
A $50,000 hotel for dogs is being j
erected in Los Angeles and a ,?Z,ou.
000 one for bachelors in 'Atlanta.
Which shows that in Atlanta the
bachelor, is regarded as a dog's su
perior. 1
President Harding's trip through
the country, to and from Alaska, is
stated to be for the purpose of beconi-
ilno onii!iinle1 with the ueonle. He
1.1) UU M V. u " - - . M
will find that they know him too
well, as it is. 1
The State of. Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court
In the matter of the estate of Eda
Hansena Speck, deceased.
To the creditors of said. estate:
You are hereby notified, that
will sit at the County Court ' room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on
the 10th day of April, A. D. 1923,
and on tne luth day of July, A. D
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
All this talk of Underwood for months from the 10th day of April,
Now in the eighteenth year of
King Jeroboam reigned Abigam over
Judah. And he walked in all the sins
fo his father. Nevertheless for Da
vid's sake did the Lord his God give
him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up
his son after him.- I Kings xv, 1 to
There is no surer test of true love
than snoring.
Do right and fear no man. Don't
write and fear no woman.
'president is entirely out of order. He
couldn't even get to first base with
Harding a candidate for re-election.
So don't fool away your time boost-
ling Underwood.
:o: -'
No Easter is complete without say- I The fact that George Harvey in his
ing the woman must think it i3 Dec-Jknee pants does not any longer ex-
It will be warm enough in a few
weeks to wash your elbows.
Every day is a tag day for the au-
toist who doesnt obey the laws.
oration Day.
Only thing you can tell by some
clocks is what time it isn't.
If barbers talk too much and wom
en talk too much how much do wom
en barbers talk?
No telling what you could hear
with the energy you spend every day
in saying nothing.
cite any particular interest in Great
Britain i3 the best of evidence that
one can get used to anyinmg, even
la tacK in a snoe.
The ship subsidy failed, but . we
evidently have a hip subsidy.
- o:o
About the only two bit cigar we
enjoy is the one that i3 given to us.
If seeing is believing, the opinion
of the cross-eyed person must be divided.
What tickles a man more than get
ting out his summer suit and finding
a dime in the pockets.
Ford we mean Henry Ford, per
sonally is the most popular man for
Be thankful for the favors you do
not receive; they leave you under no
Every man thinks he can cure the
other fellow's cold even if he can't
cure his own.
Pity the man who lives in a 20
roora house and forgets where he
hung his hat.
The biggest liar we know is a boot
legger claiming his stuff came out of
King Tut's tomb.
One day Florida fish failed to bite
for Harding, perhaps because they
didn't know who he was.-
To Walter Sans
You are hereby notified that the
undersigned will, on March 27, 1923,
at ten o'clock a. m., to the highest
bidder, for cash, at the O. K. Garage
Building, Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, sell one (1) Liberty tour
We would hate to be a book agent ing car, Model 19,20, said automobile
,u I to be sold in accordance with the
utiituse Ult Y musk lllllin. c ri j uuu j - - i
' lanthoritv vested in the undersigned
stays mad all the time. as -Receiver of The Bank of Cass
:o: I County, by virtue of a certain chat
A man raises cain with the waiter tel mortgage executed by you in favor
about burned toast because he can of The Bank or Cass County, on the
I ftAii. j , t.... not; x j
get that kind at home. LI1 Ul m, ii,
rf eniT ty Artco era r caII Vi a nrnnDTfr uu a ticuusiapuvi conveved bv Baid mortgage at Dublic
ting around reading, it is a novel Gr private sale upon your default to
and not a spelling book.
A. D. 1923, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 10th day of April, 1923.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 10th day of
March, 1923.
(Seal) County Judge.
The first sign of spring in Lewis-
town, Pa., was when a boy tried to
burn up the high school.
A writer says the average flapper
should go and hide her face and we
say she does it with rouge.
pay a certain note of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) due August 29,
Receiver of the Bank of
Cass County.
America's birth rate is declining.
We have too many people who think
we have too many people.
ThLs language of ours tickles us.
When a man comes before dinner he
usually comes after dinner.
If a March hare is mad. we don't
blame him. This weather is enough
to make him sore as a boiled owl.
It might help if we worried less
about what we are after here and
more about what we are hereafter.
Notwithstanding the bad roads
and the inclement weather, Bargain
Day was pretty well taken advantage
In a course on bookkeeping the
foreign policy of the United States
would be considered under the titla
"Trial and Error."
A Pennsylvania legislator wants a
law against stunt flying by aviators.
Leave them alone and the law of
gravitation will get them.
"Thinking is thehardest thing to
do," remarks a contemporary. Are
we to accept this as a frank confes
sion concerning its editorial page?
March certainly has lived up to Its
reputation and we are hoping it will
leave smiling, but aa we arc not the
judge, we will leave It to a Kind
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Otto II. Schurman. Plaintiff, vs.
t-, - .. a . . . v. i ucuisia ucuiij ci as, ucicuuauiD
1U&0... ' 1 To the defendants W. J. Bureer:
Derause ruggeu cnaraciers usuawy William Burger; William J. Burger
have so much chin to shave. M. Burger; Mattie Burger; S. J
Burger; Sarah J. Burger; Georgia
The first sign of spring anywhere n-'ueniry; i comas uentry; Mary
is when the small boy hides the gar- . Bureer: E. M. Bursrer: Eli M.
aen raKe or tne carpet neater. Bureer and Maseie L. Craie: and
:o: I the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
Another thing, the average man I representatives and all other persons
would worry himself to death if he interested in. the estates of Joseph
.i:' i. ;,. . tiarpcr, aeceasea; i.iiza a. wiiiui
uvuKmrn, . tc -'"" deceased; Rebecca C. Bailey, deceas
age. I rl .Innathan Wilhnr deppaaed
:o: I Amanda Young, deceased; Judith E
If you haven't anything else to I Turner, deceased; John W. Marshall
wnrrv ahmit. tret von a fountain Tien deceased; Simpson Butcher, deceas
I , T J
. ..ieu; .uarj- jane iauiciier, aeceasea;
deceased; Sarah Jane Petry, deceas
ed; Robert Wilborn. deceased; R. W,
There is a difference between im-Wilbern, deceased; James Berger, de-
nudence and cleverness, the trouble ceased ; James Burger, deceased;
tu - c 1 1 .1.-, Nancy Burger, deceased; James G
Wu.c u, uu.u Burger, deceased; Jane A. Harper
unguisn it. deceased: L. M. Wright, deceased:
:o: Levi M. Wright, deceased; John W
The country is so poor, that after! Young, deceased; A. J. Kerr, deceas-
snendinir a billion and a half for ire PQ. ana Anarew j. iverr. aeceasea
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by James Robertson, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 23rd day of April,
A. D. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south door of the
court house, in Plattsmouth, in said
county,, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the followinc
property, to-wit:
Lot twelve (12) in Block
forty-nine (49) in .the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne-' '
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Carl Baum-
gan et ai, ueienaants, to satisty a
- Ptae nji the news. We want to' EGGS FOR HATCHING
publiat everything 'ot importance j Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs
mai nappens. jd. Uass conntv. ifor hatching, 60c for 15. or .su
- - t . - r
In the District Court of, the Coun
ty of Cass; Nebraska.'
John F. Gorder, Receiver of the
firm' of. E. G. Dovey & Son, a co
partnership; George E. Dovey and
Horatio N. Dovey, Plaintiffs, vs. Dan
ierPIerson et al, Defendants.
To the defendants Daniel Pierson;
Mrs.' Daniel Pierson, real name un
known;' William S. West; Mrs. Wil
liam S. West, real name unknown:
Mary J. West; WeYst, real
name unknown; William Sutton;
Mrs. William Sutton, real name un
known; Mrs. E. C. Clapp, real name
unknown; E. C. Clapp, real name
unknown; O. A. Spickerman, real
name unknown; Mrs. O. A. Spicker
man, real name unknown; Isaiah L.
Cremer; Mrs. Isaiah L. Cremer, real
name unknown; Mary Sullivan, wid
ow; Elma R. McLaughlin, widow;
Mrs. Samuel Waugh, widow, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of Daniel Pierson; Mrs. Dan
iel Pierson, real name unknown:
William S. West; Mrs. William S.
West, real name unknown; Mary J.
West; vest, real name un
known; William Sutton; Mrs. Wil
liam Sutton, real name unknown;
Mrs. E. C. Clapp, real name un
known; E. C. Clapp, real name un-
per hundred. Mrs. Glen Thompson,
Phone 3001, Murray, Neb. ml2-4s
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska. -
The Livingston Loan and Building
Association, Plaintiff, vs. William K.
Fox. Jr.. Marie Fox, Frankie Fox,
Thomas J3. Salmon, Thomas B. Sal
mon,Jr., a minor; George O. Dovey
and Hallie P. Dovey, John McNurlin,
Administrator of the Estate of Wil
liam K. Fox, deceased. Defendants.
To the defendants William K. Fox,
Jr., Marie Fox, Frankie Fox, Thomas
B. Salmon and Thomas B. Salmon,
Jr., a minor:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 17th day of
March, 1923, the plaintiff filed its
suit in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, against you and
each of you. the object, and prayer
of which is to foreclose certain real
estate mortgages owned and held by
plaintiff on Lot 12, in Block 40, in
the City ot Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and on Lot 6, in Block
3C, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, and for equitable
Thi3 notice is given ' pursuant to
an order of said Court. You are re-k,,,. tho 1ltirB devisees. lesatees.
quired to answer said petition on or per80nal' representatives and all oth-
The State of Nebra8ka,.Ca8 oun-
tv. ss.
In the County Court.
, In the matter of the . estate of
William Chalfant, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate.
You are hereby notified, that i
will sit at the County Court room
in Plattsmouth in said .county, on
the 12th day of April, A. D. laJ.
and on the 12th day of July. A-
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
day, to receive and examine an
claims against said estate, witn a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the Xtn
day of April. A. D. 1923. and the
time limited for payment of dents is
one year from said 12th day of
April, 1923. , ,
Witness my nana ana me
said County Court, this 6tn aay oi
March, 1923. . - XT
ALLEN J.-atUtoout
(Seal) mS-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. '
The T.fvineston Loan and Building
Association, Plaintiff, vs. Aretas Rey
nolds et al, Defendants.
To the defendants Aretas Rey
nolds and wife, -Hattie Keynoms,
Elsie Miller and Watson Miller, her
known- n a Rnir.vorm,n r.,i nama . " er Dersons interestea
;innM.n. IJ n 7 ZTI"1' .13.z5- ?T your aeiauit wni oe f Hattle Reynolds. real names un-
"" r'."r,jLr"' entered tnerein, and judgment taken ;nntt.n. tho cira ripviaeeB. leeatees,
iiaiue uunuuwii isaiau rj. Lrem- i t:- ,- i " , . -
er; Mrs. Isaiah L. Cremer, real name '" each of YOu personal representatives and ail oin-
L i"na eacn or ou- I ar- nnTi interested in the estate ol
judgment of said court recovered by I unknown; Edwin Todd; Mrs. Edwin
David Z. Mummert," plaintiff, against Todd, real name unknown; Thomp
said defendants. json Gorden; Mrs. Thompson Gor-
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 20, 'den,- real name unknown; Abraham
unknown; Mary Sullivan, widow;
Ty 1 . T" H r - 1 . ?
u wcuauguun, wiaow; ivirs. in Association, Plaintiff
odiiiuci ttuuKu, wiuow, real name u t Tinn
Its Attorney. ml 9-4 w,
D. 1923.
Sheriff. Cass County,
L. TIDD, Atty.
won't fountain at the
cream, chewing gum tobacco, etc., it
comes hard to dig up for taxes.
l ne trouble is that the loci in an
auto who tests the impact of a rail
road train never has an opportunity
to make any report of his findings.
. to:
The St. Joseph Xews-Press desig
nates a wife as a person who thinks
she wouldn't be nervous if you were of beginning, including within said
not there to criticize her driving. I tract Lots 9. 10. 11. 12 and 43. in
:o: the SE14 or the NW'4 of Section
Does Attorney General Daugherty CasVcou' y 17 reaTSames
real names unknown, and all other
persons having or claiming any in
terest in the following described
real estate, to-wit: A tract of land
described as follows: Commencin
at the center of Section 13, Town
ship 12 North of Range 13 East of
the 6th Principal Meridian, running
thence north on the half section line
845 feet to the place of beginning,
thence running west 6G0 feet, thence
north 447 feet, thence east 660 feet,
thence south 447 feet to the place
want to make another Taft-Roosevelt
campaign in 1924? And is Harding
determined to make such a campaign
of It?
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 2nd day of
March, 1922, the plaintiff filed his
suit in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, the object and
Mrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormick purpose of which is to quiet and con-
claims to be the wife of King Tut re- nrm piaintin s title in and to the
,t., x-,. i . .. . aoove uescnoea lanus ana to enjoin
u t t i,.u iu each and al, of from havi or
say against
vorced her.
Harold for having di-
Many republicans in the legisla
ture believe that Governor Bryan i3
right while the noncompoops would
not believe that he was right under
any circumstances.
Solomon was probably the wisest
man that ever came" down the pike,
but he never acted as important as
the guy who knows how to get a
drink in a dry town.
, o:o
The inventor of a mechanical "lie
detector" has been arrested for fraud
and misrepresentation. He must want
to get in the same class with the
original Frankenstein builder.
The code battle is still on in the
legislature, -with renewed efforts, pro
and con. We are with Governor Bry
an to the last lap. and hope he will
come out victorious, as he should do.
"The new capitol will be the most
Imposing structure . in tho land," says
Dr. II. B. Alexander. It ought to be
from the immense amount of money
that will be taken out of the pockets
of the taxpayers of Nebraska to pay
for it. -.
claiming to have any right, title.
estate. lien or interest, either legal
or equitable In or to said real estate
The president's political advisers " l"
l von and each ni vnii frnm in inr
have come to the conclusion that if manner interfering with plaintiff's
he is to be re-elected be must carry possession and enjoyment of said
the west. You've cot to irivn it to premises, ana for equitable relief,
those advisers thev're smart, some-! 7h,s JIotlcP.fssiTen Puant to an
joraer oi saia court. you are re
times, lauired to answer said neMHnn nn rr
:o: before Monday, the 30th dav of
Chris Gruenther succumbs to the Apr11' 1923, or your default will be
entered therein, and judgment taken
upon plaintiff's petition
By A. L. TIDD,
His Attorney.
inevitable after a hard struggle.
Thus passes away one of our most
noble and ablest men In the demo
cratic party of Nebraska. He never
was found wanting when in nerd by
his friends. This is another instance
where death took a shining mark.
Thousands of friends will mourn the T1,c following Is a true statement
.iati, r n,rw r.iu,,. .i ?f-the. condition of Sheldon , Manu
v" " racturing Company. Xehawka, Ne
braska, on December 31st. 1922
ruunsnen in accordance with re-
more so than the editor of the Jour
General Auctioneer
Live Stock -Real Estate
Personal Property " $
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Call at my Expenae
quirements of Section 441 of the
i Compiled Statutes of 1922:
Fixed 96.951.65
Working and trading 26,260.29
Current . 12.316.57
Deferred charges : 68,673.82
Current . ' 74.802.33
Fixed 129,400.00
M.' "N.
(Seal) m26-lsw. '
S204. 202.33
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
In re application of Metta May
Ilanni. guardian . of Maxine Rose
Meisinger, a minor, for license to
sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a license granted
to Metta May Hanni, guardian of
Maxine Rose Meisinger, a minor, by
James T. Begley,. Judge of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
on the Oth day of November. 1922.
the undersigned "guardian will sell
for cash at public vendue at the
south front door of the court house
in . the City of " Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a.
m., on April 9, 1923. the undivided
one-half interest of said minor Max
ine Rose Meisinger, in Lots eighteen
(18) and .nineteen,. (19) in Long's
First Addition to the Village of
Mynard, Nebraska.
Notice is also given that at' the
same time and place the said Metta
May Hanni will sell for cash her un
divided interest in said lots and will
convey her undivided interest to the
purchaser by good and sufficient
warranty deed free and clear of in
cumbrance. Said sale will remain
open for one hour. j
Dated March 17. 1923.
Guardian of Maxine Rose
Meisinger. a Minor.
W. A. Robertson,
Attorney for Guardian. ml9-3w
Smith; Florenza M. Smith; C. S.
Smith, real name unknown; A. N.
Sullivan, real name unknown; A. W.
McLaughlin, real name unknown;
Alfred H. Townsend; Mrs. Alfred H.
nn.onno n topoctod In the estatfl of
The Livingston Loan and Build-1 Elgje mUeTt deceased, real names
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested In the
estate of Watson Miller, deceased,
real names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
Lots 4. 5 and C, in Block 75, in the
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Sena - PIaSm0uth, in Cass county.
nine irnrtirntAn r 1 J
James, incompetent.
Now on this 2nd day of March,
1923, this cause came on for hear-
Townsend. real .name unknown; John jng upon the petition of Dr. N. D.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
ss. .
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued out of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, and in pur
suance of a decree of said court, in
an action . therein, indexed at Ap
pearance Docket . Number , .Ex
ecution Docket . Number ,
wherein Merchants National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska, is piaintin and
Pollock Parmele, Louise Parmele, his
w-ife, Charles C. Parmele, a widower,
Will Jean. , Marie Jean, his wife,
Bank of Nehawka. a corporation,
Gustave Philip Raschke, a single
man, are defendants. I will at ten
o'clock a. m. on the 19th day of Feb
ruary, 1923, at the south front door
of the Court House of Cass county,
Nebraska, in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the hiehest bidder for
cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit:
The west half of the south
east quarter (W SEU) of
Section thirty-four (34) in
Township thirteen, (13) North
Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P. M:; the east half of the
southwest quarter (E SWU )
of Section thirty-four, (34) in
Township thirteen, (13) North
Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P. M. ; ' a strip of ground
eight (S) rods wide off the east
side of the northwest quarter
(NWi) of the southwest quar
ter (SV4) of Section thirty
four, (34) in . Township thir
teen, (13) North Range twelve,
(12) east of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska
to satisfy the costs of the said ac
tion and increased and accruing
costs; to satisfy the plaintiff's first
lien upon the said real estate in tne
sum of Six Thousand Eighty-nine
and Eighteen One-Hundredths. Dol
lars ($6,089JS) with interest at ten
per cent (10) ner annum from
date; to satisfy the plaintiff's second
lien upon the said real estate in tne
sum of Eleven Thousand, Seven Hun
dred Nineteen and Ninety-nine One
S. Townsend; Annie E. Townsend;
George W. Fairfield; Sarah J. Fair
field; Shepherd Duke; Levina Duke;
S. N. Merriam; Lydia Merriam;
Emma C. Clapp; John F. Clapp; Sam
uel Waugh; John D. Tqtt and Mag
gie Tutt, each deceased, real names
unknown ; George Worth ington,
Bishop of Nebraska and his succes
sors in office; the successors
George Worthington, Bishop of Ne
braska. real names unknown; South
Park" Syndicate, an unincorporated
association; the owners, successors
and assigns of South Park Syndicate
an unincorporated association, real
names unknown; Abraham Smith
trustee for the heirs of C. S. Smith
deceased; the successors and assigns
of Abraham Smith, trustee for the
heirs, of C. S. Smith, deceased, rea
names unknown; Byrne Hammer Dry
Goods Company, a corporation; Hulse
Bros. & Daniel Company, a corpora
tion; Claflins, Incorporated, a cor
poration; Marshall Field & Company
a corporation, and all persons having
or claiming any interest in and to
Lots one, (1) two. (2) three, (3)
four. (4) five, (5) six. (6) seven
(7) eight. (8) nine (9) and ten
(10) in Block thirty-three, (33) in
South Park Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; the east half
(E1,) of the southwest quarter
(SW14) of Section twelve, (12)
Township ten, (10) north. Range
nine. (9) east of the 6th P. M., in
W'ass county, Nebraska, and Lots one,
(1) two. (2) three, (3) four, (4)
five. (5) six, (6) seven (7) and
eight, (8) in Block thirty-one, (31)
in Duke's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John F. Gorder, Receiv
er of the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son,
a co-partnership. George E. Dovey
and Horatio N. Dovey, as plaintiffs.
filed a petition and commenced an
action In the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 27th day
of February, 1923, against you and
each of you. the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
of court quieting the title to Lots
one, (1) two. (2) three, (3) four,
(4) five. (5) six, (6) seven, (7)
eight, (S) nine (9) and ten. (10)
in Block thirty-three, (33) in South
Park Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; the east half
(E1) of the southwest quarter
(SV3i) of Section twelve, (12)
Township ten, (10) north, Range
nine, (9) east or tne bin f. ju., in
Cass county, Nebraska, and Lots
one, (1) two, (2) three, (3) four,
(4) five. (5) six, (6) seven (7) and
eight, (8) in Block thirty-one, (31)
in Duke's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown, as against 3-ou
and each of you and for such other
relief as may be just and equitable.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 30 th day of April, A.
D. 1923. or the allegations therein
contained will be taken as true and
a decree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of j'ou according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 2th day of February,
A. D. 1923.
Receiver of the firm of E. G.
Dovey & Son, a co-partnership;
George E. Dovey and
Horatio N. Dovey.
W. G. KIECK. .
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Talcott, guardian of the person and
estate of .Sena James, an incompetent
Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of
March, 1923. the plaintiff filed Its
suit in the District Court of Cass
person, praying for licee ,,, the oS . "o S5SL"J
Lots 1, 2 and 3 in the town
of Greenwood. Cass county, Ne
braska; also Lots 475, 476, 477,
478 and 479 and Iots 482,
483. 484, 485 and 486, in the
town of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
certain real estate mortgage owned
and held by it on Lots 4, 5 and 6,
in Block 75, in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass countj Nebraska, and
for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant tc
an order of said Court. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 30th day of
sary to pay the debts allowed against April, 1923. or your default wjll be
tMo and fr th. o i t o n entered therein and judgment taken
said estate, and for the maintenance
n f csiil Sand Tamac i nnnm nnt nn f
there not being sufficient personal a na ti
It is therefore ordered that all
persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at a District Court
to be holden in the City of-Platts
mouth, in said county, on the -9th
day of April, 1923, at 10 o'clock a
m., to snow cause- lr any there be,
why a license shoind not be granted
to said guardian to sell so much of
upon plaintiff's petition against you,
gston Loan and Build
ing Association, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD,
Its Attorney. ' ml9-4w.
' COLLATERAL. ' ' " ' !
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
Plattsmouth State Bank, a Corpor-
the above described real estate of , A . V iniimv. ucu
said incompetent as shall be neces-
et al. Defendants.
To the defendants William O Bent
and wife, Mrs. William O. Bent, real
published in name unknown; Mrs. Emily St. Laur-
al a semi- ent aml i1115030'1. St. Laurent,
at'ing in said rJ a' n,a,me nk,nown; Mrs. Gertrude -
B. Wilder and husband.
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
it is lurtner ordered that a copy
of this order shall be
The Plattsmouth Journal
weekly newspaper circulati
rniintv. three Riieeessive wppWs nrinr I "
to the date of hearing thereof. Leal .name unknown; Mrs
I II A rin nn W.,V.-a
Bv the Court. , I -rtual"a a"u nusuuuu,
.TATVTFis t Rpp.i .pv J reai name unsnown;
Judge of the Dist. Court. Ben and wife Mrs- William D. Bent,
i"i name uiiKUOWn; AITS. EJIla. IB.
btevens and husband. Stevens.
reai name unknown; Mrs. Annabelle
Lundquist and husband, Lund-
iquist, real name unknown: Justin
W. Bent and wife. Mrs. Justin W.
William D.
ml 2-3 w.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. .
In the County Court.
in the matter of the estate of
Cornelius Bengen, deceased.
Bent, real name unknown: Mrs. Jes
sie Alexander and husband,
Alexander, real name unknown;
George Edgerton and wife. Mrs.
George Edgerton. real name un-
On roadinc and nlini, ywigc
Trene O Ren-en nra vM , knOWn i N"S, real name U0-
of Irene C. Bengen. praying that ad- l- 1
ministration of said estate may be ceased- Mrs J w Reni reaf n
granted to herself as administratrix; ?n&n wHnu'f t w
Ordered, that March 31st, A. D. SW. I , f f- )' ?,ent'
er of Lydia Nims, de-
923. at 10 o'clock a. m. is assicned . . uw fnu " oiner per"
for hearing said netftin . n ou"a ulleresieu n me estate or
- o , " v" " " "C" oil jmi,
. v. lit
persons interested in said matter
ia B. Haldeman, deceased, real
names unknown; the heirs, devisees.
may appear at a County Court to be , " f u"uuwu'1 lIie ueir3 nevisees.
ilcid in ond fnr. ,M ... legatees, personal representatives and
show cause why the prayer of peti- iLtuenrf f6"? 'te558,ted In the
innni on rt I I v r . n rvM... 1 3 1 " " "
6iau, naj known
Bent, real name un-
that notice of the pendency of said J , y(ua xslms eacn de"
petition and the hearing thereof be cea?ed- real names unknown:
iou ana eacn or you are herebv
notified that Plattsmouth State Bank
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
tins order m the Plattsmouth Jour
nal., a semi-weekly newspaper print- -1 T, VV r n U . Dlst
ed in said county for three success- t?fntyS Iaska'
ive weeks, prior to said day of hear- L,1, day ' Marh 1923 aga
as. plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the nfatr-it
Inj?. V1 ru' ine ODJect and prayer
Dated March 5th, 1923. " wmi.ii io ioreciose a collateral
ALLEN J. BEESON. V'K snares of capital
(Seal) . . County. Judge. Z?1 "aiiey. li05. Springs Hotel
CHAS. E. MARTIN. Lr .iT-' . "a.ney, mano; 30 shares
m8-3w. . Attornev ri,l"X,preierreacaPltal stock Of Wat-
-".ipr nn t 'rea traw rnmnn... t n n ,
. vumpauj , a t j snares
of the Sheldon Manufacturing Com
pany of Nehawka, Nebr.
Notice is hereby given that the
total outstanding indebtedness of the
Hundredths Dollars, ($11,719.99)
with interest at ten Der cent (10)
per annum from date, bringing the . Sheldon Manufacturing 'Company, of
Burplus, if any, -into court to-abide j Nehawka, Nebraska; . at 'the close of
further order of the court in tne(Dusiness oa i uecemoer nst. izz,
premises; all as nrovided by sald,amounteo to tne sum ot 4,02.33.
order and decreet the said real es- GEO. C. SHELDON,
tate Deing levied upon ana taKen as
the property of the said defendants. L
Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, t beau
this 8th day of January, 1923f
RiierifT. Cass County,
' Nebraska.'-" m26-ltsw
M. N
A. F. STURM. Director!
L. G. TODD, Director.
R. C. pqllard;
Director. '.
of preferred stock in Nebraska Clay
x iuuuuiis company oi umaha, U. S
A.; 10 shares of preferred stock In
Wiens Omaha Brush Company, and
2 shares of the caDital stock of wio
Omaha Brush Company, each of said
shares being of the par value nf
$100.00, assigned bv Amelia t hi
Am a rt oo .n t "
On reading and filing the petition torkAT
or Anna Fitzgerald." praying .that now due to nlaintiff VhT a 6 .
administration of said estate may be $613 28- to hill Q" the suin ot
.rtoH -c j orf.s, to have an account taken
or. the amount due plaintiff on aaid
note and default of payment thereof,
that said collateral be sold according
oooiond i ! . j ... j va.u auu an or the d
Oi.oj0ucvi iui "cai iu Baiu pennon, i fendants in cold "
when all persons interested in said LWeJan
matter may appear at a County said mllafprS 1 taU rights ,n
Court to be held in and for said nroceedi ot t hi ffat .Ut f the
county, and show cause why the'Kafdwl??!
prayer of . petitioner should not be 7 T"""u.e 'etner n.
vHuuauio reiiet.
: on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court. '
In the matter of the estate of Jo
seph Schlater, deceased.
On reading and fil
of Anna Fitzgerald,
administration of sal
granted to Frank E. Schlater. as ad
Ordered, that the 6th day of April,
A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock a. m.. is
granted; and that notice of the pen-
aency or said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all nersona
You and each of von
ann".d requid to
. "r".Kt?" as irue and a decree
interested, in sald.matter by publish-1 Monday the 30th S1 r., b,efore
ing a copy, of this order' In the Plaits-1 or the aliPMtfoil'0f.Apnl 1923
mouth Journal, a" semi-weekly news-'win "be tilS, c-tfreInJ Coutalned
paper printed in said county" for rnri, . '
nccna yi L U gala
day or hearing. '
Dated this 13th day of March, A.
D. 1923.
(Seal) County Judge.
ml9-3w. Attorney.
( It- II f 1 PTPH in vA.A. m . . . .
i"" . oi piaintin . and
SSSf pyetUitionCOriin? t0 the W-r
D.DmIthiS 17th day of March., a:
W. A. Robn?"0 Plalntlff'
Attorney for PlainUff. ml9-4w