n PLATTSMOTTTHSEin-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO We.H Moved! i mm news items Spotted Poiand-Ohina Hog Sale! ave MONDAY, FEBEUART 12L ,1?23. We have moved our paint and paper store to the hite building, first door east of Wurl's store, on Main street. "'! " ' With more room and a better location we are bet ter prepared to care for the business in our line. We Trivite' you to drop into our new place and see us as well as inspect the new stocks and the lines of goods for the spring which are arriving daily. We are specialists in our line on paints, varnishes, wall tints, wall coverings and decorative materials of all kinds. Our picture framing department is complete to the last detail for handling your work, no matter how large or how small. See us for your wants in our line. Fra n k R. GET THE LOCAL NEWS From Thursday CMlly. Thoma.E. Dunbar, Nebraska City ! . .-........,.,..... , ..-.-. attorney, was here today looking , . ter some Jeeral business 'at -the court f : w.' M. Schneider 'shipped ' V fcar fcouse for a few hours. . ; of. cattle to South OmaLa la-it : ' " ; week. ' Arthur .Mullen,,, well-know a demoj jrre,i Franke 'and brother Herb-i cratic politician and attorney of Om-j erl were chopping wood for their ita. 'was Tjere tolay to look after some matters in the !StrW court Mf the le-al representative of Will Jean, Attorn ii'TIT rfftf fr"WVpin Wzttr was here today for a fe hours looking after some matters at the court hfcue arid " attending, the ; court. :' p :' -!r if1 . . Charles Jacobson of Eagle was ' ! hen? yesterday afternoon for a few hours and while here was a caller at the Journal office and renewed his subscription as well a3 advertising his.' sale From Pridavn Da Mr Miss Kat'h Roman was a passenger this afternoon tor , Omaha. -nd from vibere she wHI rut to? $ioux City tq !t her brother; Giles,' who is quite sick there. , . Miss Elsie Palmer It Wausa.- Ve braeka. who has been here , for. the past week visiting at the J. H. Hall strom home, departed this afternoon f6f""2ier home. . - Mrs. Frances Mc-Cart, residing in the south portion of the city, is con fined to her home for the present suf fering from aa indisposition that has been troubling her some some time. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. Edna D. Shannon was host ess last evening at a very pleasant 6 o'clock dinner at her home and which was in the nature of a Valen tine dinner as the attractive red hearts were used in the place -card3 and decorations of the table. Follow ing the dinner the ladies enjoyed a guessing contest on the suggestions of titles of well known books and in tbfo Mrs. William" Baird proved- the most successful. Mrs. Shannon was assisted in serving and entertaining by her daughter. Miss Ruth. Those in attendance were: Mesdames Wil liam Baird, A. J. Beeson, C. C. Wes cott. J. E. Wiles, E. II. Wescott, C. E. Hartford. J. V. Burnc. J. W. Holmes. C. A. Rawls. G. L. Farley, IT. A. W'url, H. A. Schneider. 1 DR. H. G. LEOPOLD Osteopathic Physician Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Union Block Phone 208 PLATTSMOUTH i ; 1C'4 Pura To' be held at Weeping Water, Saturday, February 24th, at Dunn's 50 HEAD OF DUROC-JERSEY SOWS and GDLTS "' Bred to Smooth Orion-Sensation. ALL IMMUNED! Write for Catalog. SQHAFER Nehawka, G obeima n HABIT' t : OEDAB GREEK ITEMS ..... mother. Henryi .Thierolf had" bis porkars killed last Monday for use during the copuss . summer jDOf.,,., M .,,.- 'Take Eohnes safe was largely at tended Wenesay. Jake is goins to more to 1'erkins county in me scrisz ring, i:isi j; Louis ' Likewise -shelled corn I$t week, getting 0 qsiats perbush-?! tw it. The ,Thierolf " brothers' Mid the shelling: If anybody has a horse to give away, tell there togive ijfo Gecjrge and be will trad? nitft- Joho for a calf or a pig. " J. G. Lohnes sale was largely at tended last Tuesday and everything brought. a good pries JoJin-wa w4i pleased, with his sale. -, .Harry i O'Brien shipped 'b reel rar Floads Seattle last Wednesday To the South Omaha market, getting S cents n hundred for them. The Cedar Creek ,box' supper 'was well attended and the 'program, ar ranged by the teacher, Mrs.. Lloyd rfcMieider, very much enjoyed... - , The ance at the home of John Mei singer was largeljuattended .and .ev erybody had a good time. Music was furnished by "Musical , Liz" and Adam Stoehr. All went home rejoic ing. fieorge P. Stoehr is planning to build a big cottage in this locality the coming season. The ' structure will be a three-story building and cost something like $6,00; This shows the proper spirit on the part of thi3 enterprising citizen. '-" SHOWS SOME IMPROVEMENT From Saturday's Daily. ' ' C. C. Despain, who was injured some six weeks ago when he fell on the steps at the north entrance of the library, is still confined to hi3 home and despite his long stay at home and his advanced years he is feeling bright and cheerful and altho unable to be around takes a keen interest in. the affairs of the community. We trust that our old friend can soon be up and around and looking after his affairs as of old. MRS. T. G. M'OARTY Hemstitching and !v Picot Edging N. 4th St., Plattsmouth - . - - PHOXE 100-J d"0l7 Soli! Neb., 1923, Pavilion. BROS.,, Mebraska GOOD CIGARETTES m j aMMMMWB GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO PASSING OF VEEP-'- IMG WATER LADY Mm Cr. E. Cnllison, Highly Eespect- ed Eesident Tiere Dies at Om ; , aha Hospital Monday. ' ' ' Mrs. iLaura CuJJisoa."W3S orn at Powhattan. Kansas, August 16, 1892, and died at a hospital in Omaha .on February 5, 1323. aged 30 years, Z months and 19 days. Mrs. Cullison took sUk las Christmas evening and was never real 'well 'agatn.v Four weeics ago she was taken to the Los pifcA iii Omaha-;for: treatment and was never able' to be out again, al though .she seemed hopeful to the laf. ,. il '. vf in Thirteen years ago she was united in marriage io- Georg Edward, Eul lison. 'She was the 'mother -Of tl.ree children two boys and one girl Sevmour Page, eleven: Raymond Ed- fwsr'd. ten. aad Florence Marie, eight. When a little girl or iweive year she united with the, Methodist Epis copal church, oT which she remained a faithful mem?eruntil the dayof ier death. rhe was;-also a memler 0tJt4ie Boyal Neighbor lodge of Weeping Water. Shewas a good mother and had the lore and respect of all, who knew her;. ... t. ? Iteslesj .lr; husband eand , tfixe? enlidTeni..eae ltVv- her fathr? Vi.W Buck, three brothers and two sisters with a host of friends to mourn thei lots. ' " -The TtrteraT ? ervK-er "were1 fcWa the M. E. church uednescay at J:(H P U.ilt'Dlucted fijlJiet pastor Kev C. I. Rose, and were attended ly the Royal Neighbor .lodge in a body and a large Bumoer orfriencrs-, the diurci being crowded to its capacity fo pay a last-tribute of lore and 'respect 'tfc one of their true friends ad mem bers. "l-am- the- resMrwjciioA- and the4ife, saith the Lord; he that be 1 ie vet 1 - ia - He, thought he - were - dead yet shall he live; and whosoever liv eth anelieveth in Me, shall- neve? die." The remains- were shipped -to Pow hattan. Kansas, the old home, las Thursday morning.- where the body was; laid to rest. Weeping Wate Republican. 4 ' "iNA BAD WAY' Many a Plattsmouth TEeader- wil Teel Grateful for this Valu able Information. . ., If your back gives out;J-? Becomes lame, weak; or aching; If urinary troubles set in. Perhaps your kidneys are- in a bad way." Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. ' Lxcal evidence proves their merit. G. T. Archer, painter, ,o . Locus street. Plattsmouth, says: "As a rule all painters are bothered with dis ordered kidneys because of the fume' of the turpentine. Tnis has always affected my kidneys when I have had inside work to do. , I have had to get up as iften as every hour of the night to pass the -secretions. Some times when going up or down the ladder I would have quick stitches take me In my kidneys that felt like needles. I have always found Doan's Kidney Pills a reliable medicine." A few always give me relief and keep my kidneyfe in; good and .active con dition. I wouldn't be without Doan's." ; - : ? Price 60c, at-all dealers. Don't simply a-i -for a kidney, remedy-r get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Archer had. Foster-Milhurn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. V. CHIEF OF POLICE SICK; DETLEF ACTING CHIEF from Saturday's Dally. Chfef cf Police Alvin Jones 'Is undec the weather at his home on Pearl street as the result of a very severe attack of the grippe and has been confined to his bed for the great er part of the time since Wednes day. While Mr. Jones is under the weather, Frank Detlef is acting as chief of police and keeping the wrong doers lined up and with his experience In this line is able to handle the situation in good efiape. Chamberlain.' Cough Remedy Aids Nature Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this" plan. It allays the couch, relieves the lungs. ids expectoration, ocens the secre tions and "aids -nature in restoring the syetem to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its good qualities. Try it when you have .a cough or cold. Weyrich & Hadraba. PLASTERING AND BEICX WORK All kinds of -plastering and:bTik work, call J. D. Rice, phone 311-3. George L. M Lunger ehelled com last week and 'It-livered the same to the Kelly eleva-or. Wm. Luetche-.s was looking after ome business ,jiatter6 in Elmwood last Wednesdiy, making the trip in hi3 auto. Edward Keil was looking after some business natters in Weeping Water: last Thursday, driving over i n hf 2 il to. . - . - tin.l rt . . - i i v.. ing a bout wit) the grip and seems fe at tins time tc be getting the best of the malady. Messrs. Wm. Scheehan and Win. lieehner were ;.ttending the sale of Earl Towne souih of Weeping Water last Wednesday Mrs. Orris Sc liefert has been feel ing quite poori for some time past, but is reporte' ' as being slightly better at preser t. Herman IaH has , leen kept at home on accoun: of .iHnes v. ith some thing like the Trip but is showing signs of improvement. Messrs A. V. Mockenhaupt and'w. ' H. Gamiin, ot north or Alvo, were looking after jh business matters in Manley on aatVTftesday. O. A. Coon or Manley has been ?e- ; lected as, a member .of the jury for the coming tern of tbe district court' to be held at P attsmouth soon. Theo Harms was" locking after' some busine.-s matters in Platts- mouth ln?t Weinesday, driving over to the county eat: in his auto. W. L, Prop.-! of Plattsmcuth was a visitor ,in il nlay ( Ixtst ; Wednesday , evening ana wis loomEg arier sorae'v business matters for a short time. - Mis; Minnie Maher, ' . teacher fv tiie Manley school, was a Sunday vis- Itqr at the jhome qf Mr. and' Mr?. ! Frank' Pankonn sou'tli of Weepiog'4 Water .. irhardt outhwest of Manley . returned to his home on last Satur day week. - J C nauthchas'bfen kzyiaiia tusi sIAv.-Ifi thelst'ip'.W-hictk- fceS hirniid a b. "felt an equal embrace for a time, but Mr. Rauth has in a measure over come the malady and i3 getting bet- 1 ter-now. - . ...-.-.-.. Mrs. Harry Wright, who is teach ing the' CSsp-flol xm;t$e high way, was a' visitor "in Omalia for over th? week end with her husbajid. who 13 emploj-el in the Ford assembling p!nt there. " ' ; Xl?U5t Grahim, of Louisville was 'coking after some business matters in Manley JTlmrsday, . having b?n at the farm east of town look- a short time. j . The children of Mr. and! Mrs. R. Bergman have been having a siege with the chicken pox and. have put the enemy to flight and are victors, having entirely gotten, over the ill ness and are feeline: fine thank you. A letter from Miss Sue Mocken hstipt, who is taking training for nursing In an institution in Chicago, states .that she has been sick with the prevailing epidemic oi grip, but is entirely recovered and is feeling fine now. - Clyde Jenkins of Weeping" Water was a visitor in Manley last week looking after the saie of the Durant and Star car?, which he is selling for E. F. Marshall' of that place. While in Manley Clyde met many of hi3 c!d time friends., Charles Simmonds and wife, ac companied by their daughter. Miss Esther, all of Grand Island, were guerts at the home of Mr. and Mrs". Fred Falischman for a few days dur ing the "early part of last week, mak ing the trip via the train. ' The car of the Journal field man. know as "The Black Demon." went bad on three of its feet andwas so crippled that he could not go farther and so had to spend some three hours! in Manley last Thursday afternoon. treating the asimallntil it would hit the road again. - Miss Hulda Schliefert. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Afidrew Schliefert has been very sick with an attack cf pneumonia, but Ms holding, her own! though very Fick at the last report. ! The fcpes 4of-heri many friend3 are) that she may have a speedy and permanent recovery. Last Wednesday Father Higgins departed for Lincoln to be present at- the fnnera! of fhe late Bi3hon O' Reilly of the Lincoln diocese, who' paf sed away at- his home last Sun- j day.'. On Thursday Joseph Wolpert- also went to- Lincoln in his car to. attend the funeral, both gentlemen; returning last Thursday in Mr. Wolper.t's car., , Fred Kreck'low is having electric 1 ights installed in both the pool hall. and the meeting hall above in hi3 business building, the work being done by Harler Herman,' who is a fine workman inA this, line. t. In a short time the place will be tnjoying the fine lights and probabfy will be an' incentive, for. others to, follow. The lights will come from a, local plant of .their own. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ganlinr formerly- of this place, but now living west of Murdock on one of the farms of Mrs. Earhardt, died last week from pneumonia af ter having made a manly fight for some time. The young man, who was about twenty years of ace, was wtll known to the people of Man ley apd community. The funeral oc-.. curred at the home last --Wednesday. the interment being, in the cemetery near their home. Mr. and Mrs. Gam lin have the sympathy of a host of friends here who are deeply, sorry for the death of this excellent young man. r j There is nothing that pleases the little oik like a Valentine. We have them, at the Journal f n all design. tha.t you. may wish. Call and look them over I'TMS LIVlElii tan. 1Q.A. .MllKm. MC- : rn.KArahir. 'rt lha (. V ft A .ThU . . . ::' TT.l . n , , - f,.r, t-.iOVP(i Woman. ? tifray oi rear :v -i?i-y were aiienumg organization i3 open to all lot .uetxUiri.;. : ' f, i 5 i : niJ aVW HiaHHics. i i , the sale held at the home of ErIJSUii: cf $1 per year. With the mon-' "-;5.- r ci; . ,,Pr " ' I : " ' Towle southwest of Weeping Water new books fiction are purchas- Vr. THi rt ?tZ,ll f.-r. f I - last Wednesday. for the use of members who alone lZL They Appeal to, Chi? gfznatfciesc ' , " Bq. f H?8k.-;ity:wl. uart rlvie. for the current' Jf?.iiUr' fPM -T .fjtlfr : i Ii3fb9eji !Tisit!n5-Hf 1 some time a? year..' At 'the end of that time tfceyj; t." vaZ"th T5?ch6 iFly4tAare eon, 60 HEAD OF SPOTTED POLAND-CHINA BRED These Sows Thursday, SALE WILL grirEyery animal i3 immuned from Chopra. Registration papers vwjlDC harc2eH to you on sale day. Bid3 may be sent by mail but we would prefer tb-Jsee you at the sale. Come if you possibly can. If not, send your bicb to me or. the auctiorteer- We Prefer Cash, but Six Months' Time will be Qiven.cja 'uU!)li$j Approved Security at Eight Per Cent. Taylor, Wilfong and Guthrie, Aucts. - ' . . . - : Tl- Ml II T ' ' ' - -- p- A i FUBUCUBMRY NOTES vJ- The Public library i i - general circulation. The following books have leen ordered and will be reauv for circulation among the L. ; r;,R. IL A-.iafcrsbr5 Satuay;, Swinnerton 1 nree lvers. i Richmond Four Square. i Tl'k;.ft rwm Tin. Tna ' Blchinor-la f,JDiTS. ql, PW Richard. Xorrfe Certain People of Import ance.' " - ' : . ' : ' Grey-r-Day of the Beast. RiK-k' unconscious Courtship. Poole Miliion5. . .Wfej5tfcr TJJa-Grr His Daughter. Dell Charles Rei. , . Day: Joan, of the Northwest. King Dust Flower.- i; - Beach Flowing Gold Harris Eyes of Love, Marshall Pippin. : Wells Vanishing of Betty Yarion. Raine Fighting- Edge. West Judge. -Lageriof Outcast. , Farnol Peregrine's Progress. Locke Tale qX Triona. Forman Man. Who Lived - in Shoe. Sedgwick Adrienne Toner. Benet Young People's Pride. Hutchinson If Winter Comes. Chambers Who, Goes There? Burnett Robin. The following list of books on the Y. L.. R. R. A. shelves last year will be ready for general circulation on Saturday: tGrey Last Man. Tarkingto7i Alice Adams. Wells Ptomaine Street. ' Farnol Martin - Conisby's Venge ance. Dell Obstacle Race. Farnol Black Bartlemey's Treas ure. Rowland Mile High. Sa-bantini- Scarmouche. Mackenzie Rich Relations. AT HICKS' Gr7 5fitst rv.-rtiir i Commencing at One O'CIock Sharpj :-s 5 TRIED SOWS 5 FALL GILTS 30 SPRING GILTS. itPtrA'fcw sows will have first opportunity to attend old sow with which I started the herd, and which won the Club in 1921 and County Championship for three years glad to have you attend Write for Catalog Now! NOTE Any boy or girl in Cass or Otoe county enrolled in the Pi? Club; who buys alo5 gale and wins a first prize at their County Fair with one of her pigs,' I wih gite tbim a oxt .Sep tember (1923) sow pig when she is three months old. If shown at the State Fair and VttniJrst pme wtth one of her pigs, I will giTe Ten Dollars cash prize besides . If you should happen tohave both first prize gilt and boar, I will make it two sow pigs.' ' ' - . -; rr Col. Rex Young,' Auctioneer are all Bred to My Fiij Lix. START PROMPTLY AT of Acfor, farm nnp.ns ?f trril Connor To Him that JIaJh." Chamberlain Cobweb. ' Dty rAJl t Wool Morrison. , King Cmpty Sack. Oeralsr rPurpJe- Heigatsj Lincoln Galusha the 31agnlficent. j te Journal o Lee Other Susan. , , j complete line. Poo le---I3cE gar's Gold' Ji . ; - .ihCit. - Tl': u : . , n n.;r.v. r.nn. t Cast!. I"Sm! -Pounce Bennet Mr. Prohack. Comstock Daughter o Helen - J.Lt.-;V j ivtui. ... . - T " A. Burrrett--Head of t5e House of Coombe. JIarsLall Big Peter. -i-fZltn Rrtlrf Gold, 'i Kauiman ictonoas. : Atherton Sisters-irv-Law. -Vance rAlias the Lcn3 Wolf. Diver Hero of Herat.: Botrome Crystal Ilearx. Kintr Garden of Charity. Ague cheek" Mr" fnknown Chum.'i Parker An American Idol. A Good thing Don't Miss It" Send your name and address plain ly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co.. Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's -Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial "flu" and whoopisg coughs and tickling throot;"Chhniberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach trouble, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipa tion; Chamberlain's Salve, needed in every, family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't miss it. . Wey rich & Hadraba. Jl-3m." AGENTS WANTED The J. R. Watkir.s Company will employ a lady or gentleman agent in Plattsmouth. Watkins Products are known everywhere, and our sales people make big Incomes. Investi gate this opportunity! FulKparticu- lars, and valuable samples sent free to hustlers who mean business. Write today. The J.- R. Watkin3 Co.,' Dept. I 85. Winona. Minn. I KWABE'S HAMPSHIRE SALE PAVILION, NEHAWKA, NEB., litters by their side on sale day. TKBeJiev4 this is your a sale of this knd, where all the sows are related to the the sale whether you buy or not. All hogs are immune. CC A M H, " w inl SOWS AMU ulid. Herd Boar. 71' it':: ONE O'CLOCK:. it. of Dunbar..- '! H. S. Westbrook, Clerk I? .. ! . YAIXrillJE; EEilBEAjrCES; ' ? ' I ' "Tfi- frinesr fe'e""' bf Virritiis thkt can .ptlioimfl m-A'fi!i e ri ebt.?If rcu ae clah ning any entertainments in ce cntine ?eaon rail and loot wrer our .lift OliiilHUICltl:,. l--r .w-.; , I I sympathies. Many such, howevfrj. nave been completely restored it ji health by the use of Chamberlaia' Tablets. These tablets strength:? ; j the stomach, invigorate trie liver an i i improve the digestion. They akl cause a sentle movement or tr. bowels. When you have any troablii with - Tom- -strnacirr 'Jir?' them JtriaL; Wejyich & . Hadraba. i iUHL UFA V. f S v . ' "Full L.ocd Ear red Rock cockere: from Peeris, HI., last year. . 'KIT, CEO. F. SMITH. Let n:,A"rpi" .V. my. long-time lani bank in fa 2bo -:en?!t five p'r cezt. ar-.nS ' Davis. Plattemoiyta. State Tt nk Bldf. j25-Sst.;' - : . 1: -c-nr -grants. -FIELD EE0 PRICES 1923U Alfalfa Uf us&) CfeC.hu.,'.., -IS S4 Alfalfa ifjoice) per bu 1020 Alfalfa ChXatidaui,pex,bu 13 "0 Alfalfa t Dakota ' pes' Uu I 1 4.4 0 Sweet Clover (Choice) bu. i S:40 1 Sweet Closer (Fancy) bu 9Jt0 Red Cjover (Choice) bu 12.VD Red Clover (Fancy) bu - 13.20 A isike Clover "(OootfY 'brr: ' Timothy (Xew crop) bu i. 4,05 LMvf. :Ea??x Rape (Fancry) bu. 5.t Timothy and Afsike Mixt.. bu. 5.40 ; Sudan Gra?s (Xew crop) bu... 7,09 1 Ky. Bfne ; Grass. IL i J4- i White Dutch Clover, lb i Free Seed Samples Ask "for - " . .ree Nursery Book ! ' Yager Nursery & Seed Co., FEE3I0NT, NEBE. State Championship P in succession. I will I be SALE ifiii i i. les into ciu w