The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1923, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    5 iVrir
It looks like a "hold-up" to
be confronted with the new
: prices of woolens for Fall.
The American Woolen Co.
opened their, lines for Fall
1923 on January 22, and
the average advance is 20
; per cent. We don't like it
and twe . can't help it, but
facts must be faced. The
wise thing to do is to buy
any clothing you NEED
NOW. We can give you a good
suit now at $35; some not so good at
$20 and $25. The only way to beat
the advance is to buy before it
From Wednesday's Ually.
A- change was effective today in
one of the Plattsmouth business
houses when the book and stationery
store of Earl A. Stanfield was taken
cently returned to this city from
Fort Smith, Arkansas, where he has
been engaged in business. Mr. Stan-
John Mattes visiting: here for a few tjnvinir decided to retire from the
j days, returned to Colorado by way of farm T V(.jh oner for Fale to the high
Omaha, last night. He had attended Rt bidder aii stock and farm
of tan A. Stanfield was taken . , . . the erand lodge meeting of the Sons mniPTnents enumerated below. Sale
by Henry E. Weidman, who re- services iieia JrTOm itome in aouxn of Hermtin( at st. raul; and at this wif, be held on my farm 1'4 miles
,w mm mm W A ft. : .11.. A- fi 1 A - m m m-m I A. . -
Park this Afternoon Conduct
ed by Rev. F. E. Pfoutz.
conference matters of great import- stmthwest of Cedar Creek, 4 miles
ance to the membership, including northeast of Louisville and 12 miles
the discussion of a nolicv for the ,..oc nt rMatfsmonth on
MEASURE NOW PENDING WOULD field has not announced his plans fori From Wedne3day-8 riiy. further conduct of the insurance de- Fridav February 9th
, r -r nTc ithe future and will remain with Mr.! , i m! ',M,tm(nt WPr tifcpi over, r nuay, rcwuaijr "
u ,..-i , inis auernoon me iunerai services iai imcm, " i""1 ! . . ., . .,.. , with
V eidman until the affairs of the of the ,ate Robert B Smith were hel(1 Mr. Mattes still has a great regard beginning at o clock a. m., ith
siure vuureijr arraugwi. Mr. from the nome in the south portion for Nebraska and it need not be sur- hot. luncn serveu uu me c""
Work Horses
p-AiiHiitrs. o years
- - . - - III I 113 f I H W VV 1 1 I IIH II I 1 II I lliO.W A, AiV-- A Afc A V a I fUC DUU 11 -,,....cj-7 -
1 !?Jf i TSV:; "ove'r .!"?,e "f.rP'ff! J" uent of the city for a number of years 'Evergreen. Col., about 25 miles from old. wt; 2.650: gray team, .taorM and
'irezvr-sa auu iiiv v u b v nr-ia vi uui 1. 1 vvi iu lqivc uici Lite mail"
the state is that ot iiouse iton arement or the bookshop
One of the measures
' proposed in the sta
thnt ha, been , k ,Tin. 71 engaged n tth,s 1,ne of the city and attended by a large prising to his many friends in Otoe S. J. Rearnes.
tp piKatSrS b n? i, erffome l?'enty yea number of the friends and relatives county if he returns to the state to Eight Head Good
iT?J aR an(LW1lh thi,S PreV,!"! "perl of the deceased who had been a resi- make his home. He is now living at one span roan g
which nroDOses the reduction of
fthe autd license fee oneialf of what
the present rate is and the measure
is one that has been urged by Gov
ernor Bryan.
The proponents of the bill figure
that the lessening of the expense of
the road . work - would permit the
lightening of the license fee to the
auto and truck owners of the state
to one-half-of the present charge of
$'0 per- license.
On the other hand the opponents
of the measure who number among
them the state organizations of the
county commissioners and clerks are
very much opposed to the change as
and wa3 very popular among a large Denver. Nebraska City Press
circle of friends. The interment was
at Oak Hill cemetery. ' :".
Robert Bruce Smith was born in
Dearborn county, Indiana, February
12, 1S42, and passed to his reward
Jan. 29, 1923, being nearly 81 years
of age. - -
When about 2 years old he accom-
mare, fi and 7 vears old. wt. -,900;
black team cf mares, 7 and 8 years
old, wt. 2,700; bay horse, 6 years old,
wt. 1,400; bay horse, smooth mouth,
wt. 1,450.
Fourteen Head of Cattle
Eight good milk cows, -five fresh
and three to be fresh soon; one 2-vpar-nlrt
heifer, with calf by side;
j . . t v.
Measure Prepared by Representative Jouri river at Plattsmouth and
nnr.n ttt u j " -" " - " " .
u jaaiicy w ouia xiuaxge ana
Regulate Bus Traffic.
,of the American army, enlisting from
A new departure in the motor bus Davenport, Iowa, in company M, 1st
ed until his
panied his parents as they moved to Expert Physical Instructor in Chica-one 2-year-old heifer, tlfea.rr
Lynn county, Iowa, where he grew r c ' .. . T . .v TVl. soon; three yearling heifers, one
to Build One Up.
I to manhood. In 1861 he crossed the
G. E. Wescott's Sons
a greater drain on the counties and business is proposed in the bill that Iowa cavalry, and serv
thc ncessity of either abandoning Representative O'Malley of Greeley discharge in 1S66,
miiM, rf iho mail work or creatine county has introduced in the legisla- September 11, 1871.
tfiit0 thot TY,ot ho miaori hv nihpr ture. The bill would enlarge the was married to Miss Martha Ellen
! forms of taxation. -
yearling ball calf.
Brood Sows
Tpn bred nows due to farrow in
Montana, with a team of oxen. In the .Tania- has srnrerl a 'knockout' March.
year of 1864 he entered the service over all my troUbres, gave me back Farm Implements, Harness, Etc.
my former vigorous health and Newton wagon; Moline wagon,
strength and made me feel fine from good as new; truck wagon with rack;
head to foot," declared George Fin- farm wagon with rack; Heeney rub-
i erman, 183 South Turner street,. Der tire top buggy; Columtms car
l Chicago, 111., a well known physical riage; Deering binder, new; Deere
instructor and one of Chicago s clev- earnr dIow. tew; J. I. Case gang
sphere of usefulness of the bus and Knapp. and together they lived many rest amateur boxers
plow; Emerson sulky plow, new;
"When I began taking Tanlac, I Adriance mower, new; Canton 2-row
was feeling run-down and my cus- stalk" cutter, new; Janesville disc,
tomary strength and energy were new; New Century riding cultivator,
Flipping away from me. My appetite new; Emerson cultivator, new; two
was below normal, my stomach was Sattley cultivators; McCormick 10
occasionallv unset with indigestion, foot hay rake, new; St. Joe lister
and at times I felt sluereish and de- complete: 16-inch walking plow;
... a 1 - ; f t i
Here In Cass county in the last gram me rauroaus me privilege oi jvars rearing ineir lamny ana meei-
lyear the sum secured from the sale placing nusses equippeu wun nangeu ing me promems or tne years. Ten
iip wa something' over wheels on their lines for inter-town children came to bless their home.
$35,000 and of this amount three per travel which could be handled with Two of them, Mrs. Mary Marquette
cent was-sent to Lincoln to be used fewer men than is required in train and Mrs. Maggie Castor, together
by the state, seventy-five per cent of service. with their mother, have preceded
the romaimipr wa!'Knpnt on the con- The bill also gives the state rail- the father in death. Those of the fam-
- - - - - - m . mm . . u mi aL lixiiclI m. a. a , oa w a-j m-u vwiu iivlv
struction and maintaining of state way commission tne power to regu- ny wuo are leit to mourn are: Mrs n-d aml couit:nt eet sufficient John Deere 33-foot portable elevator
aid highways , and the remaining late the use or the bus lines and to n. Kusseii. Mrs. J. w. button and witn 10-fOot delivery spout, new;
twenty-five per cent was turned into determine the necessity of need for Moses A. of Plattsmouth; George and - ..rell Tanlac gave these troubles two-row machine; Hummer corn
the county dragging fund to be used the service between towns. oms of la1ir,:- SSt. Lyns- a terrific blow, and now I am eating, planter, new; Gretchen corn planter,
on the county roads, and with this This power is conferred by what Mrs. Cyrus Conklin of Decatur and sleenin and feeling better than ever. new; hay sweep; 3-section harrow,
assistance the cost of the road main- known as the necessity and con- Benjamin F. of Oregon. Besides the r naTemore energy can do better new; 2-secticn harrow, new; bob
taining was hardly sufficient to main- venience clause. Its effect is to make children there are 39 grand child- and faster f00t-work and the most sled, new; grindstone, 'new; emery
tain the roads in as good shape as ue tsana- icu. 61i Klauu muuiru uu strenuoU3 exercise never tires me stone grinder complete with siCKie
they were for the year laiuuu ui mt- toimiussiuu mai uia many uic-uua.
The countv commissioners associ- iine is necessary ior tne convenience .ur. oniiiu ueiongea 10 aictonanue
- ; featcd candidate for state superin-
tendent. to the state normal board to
succeed E. 11. Gerhart of Newman
Grove, for six years.
Former Congressman Dan V.
Rtf-nhpns of Promnnt fipmnprot tn
CCMATC DV PDVAM the tate normal board to succeed
OLllAlL UI Dll I All Mis Etta Young of Omaha.
--. i - - Mrs. Birss had-the endorsement of
now. I am glad to recommend Tanlac sharpener ; Rapid disc sharpener;
: r ofhUtir. tif- fnnninp' mill (omrlete: hand shelter:
" - . 1 - Ti , , , a "V ' .o rf". A T. . 1 IU ailj UHC 11 KJl Vm. V. ""' t V- O -
ation has figured that the farmers of oi tne pudiic. us jurisaiciion is inai - - iocaiea . ai . for it certainly strengthens and 10 bushel seed corn rack; saddle,
the state pay forty per cent of the r niotor busses are to be allowed to Plattsmouth
auto licenses while the remaining amae passenger iramc wun tne ran
sixty per cent comes from the town roads, the latter will have the legal
and city resident to help keep up the right to curtail the present service,
roads in good shape. since they cannot be compelled to
With the figures, shown there was Ke service perpetually at a loss,
a large amount raised over the state Tne use of thd privately owned au
in this form of license that was used tomobile had seriously cut into pas
in maintaining the roads and this senger revenues before the busses be
has proved a great benefit to the ' came numerous.
auto owners as it has made travel Lnder Air. O Malley s hill tne com
builds a man up. It's great!" new; pair buggy snatts; two lu-gai.
Tanlac is for sale by all good and two i-gai. cream cans; i-norse
'Over 35 million bottles sold.
Manila, P. I., Jan. 29. The head
of Czar Nicholas of Russia and those
garden plow; hog rack complete;
broadcast seeder; Cyclone hand seed
er; Stewart horse clipper; four sets
Concord harness 2 sets 2-inch, one
set 1-inch arid one set 14-inch;
.Moline feed grinder; canvas stack
cover, 18x32, and many other articles
not mentioned.
JrAll the machinery and stock
Governor Sends in "Namea of An- iTJT n T ' Jan'man UT-' more comfortable and the roads in mission will be empowered to provide . 4 . A . . . , i "i f V mil v -h VnTt TioZth with offeFed in this sale is guaranteed to
uoveraor senas m name 01 iip- Jennie Call fas of Omaha, and others. .t -i Tliatnrt InAtr .Tnmps T. Hep-lev Ad- of his family, who met death AMtn . .
C- i.h . T .tT- " "ape ai an seasons oi me year as .""'" f " . Z."J. iM of ri-o(;)nv,0 ot tho h of oe Jus- a8 represeuieu.
pointees to Senate For Con
firmation Yesterday.
the governor Stated. In the last two A ri o v,-,,. anil servfre 'The hn owners nr also
weeks, the race for the appointment h,en kept up ln the best of shape assesed in the bill, a pecial road tax
narrowed down to Mrs. Birss and and the milea&e of the road3 increas- to be paid to the counties in which
Mrs. Hester Bronson Copper, an Om- ed each year to cover the variou3 they operate to compensate for their
dresses Ycnnsr Men's Bible
Class on Government.
m l
revolutionists nrp HpItif nreserveri in ; XcrmS OI S&te
alcohol in the Kremlin at Moscow, ' Ten months', time will be given on
acrnnlin? to fanlain Firmin. chief of sums over 10, purchaser giving a
In the address of Judge James T. staff of the Russian refugee fleet an- bankable note bearing 8 per cent in-
I.fnpnln Jan 1f Clewamrv - TJ Tr
v. uui ui j - . a na npwsnanpr woman i ... . . . . -t . . . . v.v muu. .v o "
an todar submitted to the senate for, Mr8. BiTSS tQe wIdow of the late un" n""n4Ua ." r,"0UUh". rlnlU Begley at the class rooms of the chored at the Mariveles quarantine terest from date of sale. 10 and un
B?!.""ir? Am5Sa i?i : C. A. GAUER,
uvuioatu, uuwiitt, iu ""re uuaru tne Democratic woman's finh iat : . ' :tt ... i -J . U1CM" wl mv in sioeria. asserteu tnat aocu-
t - " a rnp npnna wno nair jna rava na imii. uui utiTy Jiu uu w cr iij &a v wiieiu- . i ..n i i - .1
by Kolchak troops at . .
vealed that the heads 1. fx-A"-- ' '
UL cumroif.ior eix years at ar saiary fall. She was for three years leader " a Vhr hl ih. er a line slv-lf nwrato or not Uiai was lU11 01 vaiuau'e ments captured
of $4,000 a year, to succeed Miss of the social science department of lcl 11 "S,lih tat e a line slK.ll, operate or not. . t0 how many of the rIgnt8 of the Ekaterinberg re
Katnenno t worley or Omaha, re- the Omaha Woman's club.-and was -V.ITVLV.,: ' . states nas rteveiopea m tne years tuat of the murdered
publican member, whose ttrrn expires chairman of th rivi. mmmit. sh. en? .,"u ,Ml V nnlAI llfnUVCDC1 our government has. been In exist- sis rnv?i f.milv v
m lit a v - ras thin tlinrl VKiawa -AiIyl hnvA n. Br urn. B m m m mrW mam m M
July 1, 1923.
rti" frtiici 1 1 -I thoiA Tiht -v
Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle of Lincoln, de- ' and church work. - . i iJ? " I .t ?Jn5 J?? 5
11c seiAOkt; uiuji la&C it3 uutu 1 1 lilt:
care to see the roads in the condi
tion of the years past. .
'I-I"!-!"! I--'I,I,'4y 33 il desires to confirm the appoint-
I UH, n. u. LtUrULU 1
Osteopathic Physician . 4
v Osteopathic Physician .41 iu
--.t - t - The Cedar Creek . 'school has post
al- t,yes-i-eeiea an- viasees ( j. poned their box supper, which they
J-. Fitted'".- ' ' 4 now intend to give Friday -evening,
V ..n- -t -ir f ; . ' February 2. 1923. . .
4- Union BloCkM-'Phone 208-
members of the Rus-
,-ere cut off and
ence. ' preserved in alcohol and the trunks
The police power of the states, as of tne bodies burned,
the judge explained in his opening.; .
4 When you desire valentines or the
J fine line of valentine decorations.
IIX f-t -X-I J IX XI" call 'at the Journal office
from Wednesday's Daily.
: The . Morgan Sweet Shop basket
ball team . last evening: held their
practice at the high school gym in
preparation for the ;game here Fri-
! day evening with the American Le- ;
gionL team of Nebraska City. This ""rom Wednesday Dailv
game is promised to be a real battle . The' Social Workers of the Metho-
was not the actual force represented
by the the policemen on the street
but wa3 the rights of the individual
and of the state "that has from time
i to time been brought out in the
i 'courts as defining the individual and
Methodist Church Ladies Decide to state .rights against that of the fed- i
Take np Task of Having Inte-
The pleasant country home of Mr.
Will Richardson and Frank Blot- and Mrs. Elmer Lohnes in the vi-
rior of Church Fixed up.
zor departed this afternoon for Om- cinity of Cedar Creek was the scene
aha where they were called to look of a most delightful gathering on
after some -matters for the Ford Sunday evening last, when a large
agency there. number of their friends gathered to
I tender them a surprise party in hon-
eral i.Dvernment and assigning the 1U S i "Y45 L ' Z7"":Z r.V r T
rir, r -hh o chn.,i-i touay tor a lew nours looKing aiier mruua uau uume irom me
1 UUV. 1. A LU M.AM. " XI A V 11 111V Tv&L.w 7 AlKJ U1M ,
act in the protection of its people.
The defining of the police power
of the state was first made by John
some matters of business.
Marshall as ?hief . justice of the su-
as the Nebraska City team is rated dist church were. very pleasantly en- preme court in the early part of the
as . one of the best in this part of tertained yesterday afternoon at the nineteenth century and had since
the state and has recently won a vie- hospitable home of Mrs. Earl from time to time been defined in
j:Glenwood floor. The Morgans, how- entertaining by . her mother, Mrs. attention of the courts. west of Myn.nnl. ix miles northwest J Js " t hour when
l ever, feel confident that they will John Henry. Many of these examples were cited of Murray, mio-hulf mile south of ll Joiiy 'arty adjourned, wishing
be able to 'handle the visitors and The time was largely occupied in in that of the right to provide for Eight Mile tlivve cemetery, com- ? L. many m?re htaPPy
ishow them a few. new points about the business session and the mem- drainage of lands, state election laws imneingat 10:00 o'clock a. m.. with ,.e no weJ? ln attend-
countryside and also from Platts
mouth to join in the event which was
enjoyed by all members of the party.
The time was spent in dancing and
music by members of the party un
til a late hour, when a very daintv
The undersigned will sell at public an! delicious luncheon was served
iles south- W"1L" auueu m me pleasures or all
When are you
going to buy
that new Suit?
Come in and look 'us over.
Plenty of good suits at -
We haver them as high as you q
care to go, and as low as you 71
dare go, assuring yourself of
quality. If you don't find in
our stock what you '-'want, let ;f-'
us tailor it to your measure.
Get the goods you like, the
style you like and the price you
want to pay. . ' ?
$30 to 50
! tfici tramn u- e u : . i t, A v. .i j : r .-.- e l ..... I it tw It itvii1 at llitilll ll V Osi'lir Nailor.
j i t"'"-- ' iras ui iiic suiiei; uicu ij uid&B Liir- unu 4Udlllii:cllluii5 iui tuiua, lana v - -
? A prelimniary will be played at re-decorating of the interior of the regulating the hours of labor, and on
I 7:30 between the freshmen and the church the main work of the coming many of the other special legislative WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7
I OrVVl 4 J-l A Wlft A 4 ll A V Z t . V. . . 1 A a -1 A l 1 Jl J S 11 A 1 A, . At A. A.1 A 1 1 l.ll.. A M t t . 1 . . It. ..I
aujjuuiuuic icaiua ui me 1115a aciiirut. btttsuu iinu me lauies wm see iiiai acis inai me tourur nau l ejjeuieuiy mo ioiiowiuk um iuu'u jirufi iy, ..
1 that improvement to the church is held were a Dart of the riehts of the
', j made and paid for and which will be states and of the individual citizens
a service very much appreciated and of the states as against the.. federnl
Livestock, Poultry
Holstclu i-ttltlc one bull. Long
It.ach Morcodes Pckol, No. 31531Q;
ance were: Air. and Mrs. r.pnrco
Hennings and son. Dale, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Kaffenb.2rger, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Lohnes. Mf. and Mrs. Wal
lace Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Hennings and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Lohnes. Messrs. Fred Terryberry,
Louis Lohnes. Joe Smotsna vi
four town. twt fresh; one yearling Meisinirer. Louis Smotan, n'Q, 1
11 nil T, . - : iicAi 11
sieer, unc .v;iiius iicuu, iu oma.11 naKow. tinier Tschirren, Floyd Den-
From Wednesday's Dally adding greatly to the splendid government.
This morning the work of-remov- church property. The discussion of the police pow-
ing the stock of goods from the for- Following the business of the af- er led to an informal dlscuHHion by ,.,i!V..w
mer location of F. R. Gobelman to ternoon the ladies enjoyed a social the judge in response to the quos- Ninoteoii heml of Duroc boss two inr iri . i? . 1"
the building on Main street formerly out and the very delicious refresh- tions of the deeply interested audi- 8,)WH xvUh pigs ono breti sow eiev- Warre'n Ella Lohnes vini a r ft
occupied by Frank Fanger and which ments that had been prepared for the ence and in . this the court took the- f,,u ,,jKS nVe bred gilts. Fif- er and Kathrvn vJv seising-
son. Misses Fay Gregory. Helen Mei-
is owned by Mr. Gobelman. was occasion
The new location will be In the LEGISLATION TO MAKE IT i lhe business, section of the MORE DUTICULT TO WED
city and be a very pleasing spot for
the large- and extensive stock of r tni rn -n r. ,,,.,
i,i ,,,, ...,, - Lincoln.. Jan. 30. Getting mar-painting-
supplies, wallpaper and , K ' A 4K
a a va - iiui u v 1 . v wt
opportunity to urge a greater Htudy ttl.n totvn chickens.
land belief In the bible und the ap
plication of the old time met hods of
the conduct or the life of tho Indi
vidual relative to tho homo altar
around which the families wcro retir
ed and where tho great men of the
nation had received their Insplra-
nthov Knix .griiioJ V.r Hf- Cl,nl i icu "111
. introduced in th house Monday, by "r ...V.Tl' ' " ' .. . i.
ana in tne new location Tank will Rei)re8Vntat ve C V .Svoboda become , K V .. 7.1 V. tongueless cultivator, one. new 13-
find more people will "Get the "eP861111" c. v. bvoboaa necorae if.Kj3iaton was u failure, the Judge j M n Rang plow onell-
"J?y!bh House Roll No. 331 nrovides all l'" LJtJrJ tf Inch walking plow, one Osborn disk.
fifTir n i aii oorrinna or r n o itv i i v :n aiiu ut-Licri iiiiauii.hiji'
Farm Machinery, Etc. .. ,
One threshing machine
Gormick mower, one Emerson hay AX1 xeoruarr itea Books are now
rake, one manure spreader, two farm on sale at the J'ournal stationery de
wngons. one carriage, one top buggy, partment. Call and secure your conv
ono Avery tongue cultivator, one af once befn if i il PJ
t -v M wv iaic
j prospective bridegrooms must under
! go physical examinations by a phy-
I sician and obtain a certificate of
eomo from the family circle.
Valentines of all kinrta ot
Sattley sulky plow, one hay rack JOUrnaI stationery department.
After the address the members of
and truck, one blacksmith bellows,
one 8-barrel galvanized tank, one
sician and obtain a certificate or lh nrtv wprft trf.ftie,i to sandwiches "e o-"'1" 6-a ""f
rnnri h,ih tn.' nrM,n.(i . to thA le. p?il .wf -...'I3"1. Chatham fanning mill and, .corn Poirino- . . " . . . . . 7" nU COUTO CUieilTia OIJ1C Ana ni9mnnl lnHinly mm
"v,"f1' v;i...ii&, me uiu icidcocu- rnu n tv iiirie-t Ha i in rt to ontain tne .1 . 1. 1 . . i i i s'lu'i e nnn.
tntT-o in thin Mtn- and tho nn'ror f . ... " u '"l"
r ..v. . v. v. uv.. npa in cfiriincRiR meana no weuuimc i .. -i
the fine e-arae-A on Poarl unH Slth ZZ7, " ' . " U,"K ul i-iucuimnuuii
c 1 . ueii
sireei. nas purcnasea tne nne nuiia- House Roll No. 332 requires ten
ing lot between the residences of Mrs. days' notice before a marriage II-
J. M. Roberts1 and Dr. R. P. West- cense can be issued and also requires
over on high school hill and during the county Judge to notify parents of
the coming summer months expects both prospective bride and groom by
to have a residence that will be a registered letter as soon as applica-
mm. a lA, A AX. fA. .9 A-A A
treuii iu me cny ana inai section tion for a license is filed
wnere tnere are so many beautiful
one nana corn sneiier, one z-noie
sheller. one seed ; corn rack, one
Schroeder' corn elevator and lifting
jack, one corn planter with check j
row and 160 rods of wire, one de-j
horning chute, one new bob sled, one
Truck LiiiQl
i homes.
From Wednesday' Daily
The funeral services of the late sheep clipper, one jjrindstone, one
Mrs. Splitt was held this afternoon sickei grinder, one 3-section horrow,
from the Lewiston church east of one new tank DUmD. one new crarden
The Nebraska League of Woman plow, one gas tank, one 35-galIon!
Voters are supporting these bills. " , ' J ' w ronK!"1f' n! IV -PJ' on.e asn-
. .. ma, v . v. -. a in sr ma. cui ne9 uue ruiitr cikik siove.
ory ana io snare wun ine iamuy me one heating stove, 3 40 rods woven
sorrow that her death has caused. fence, one Beckwith piano and cab
The Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union inet and 56 rolla nIne tona of No x
a menu or many years stanaing, nrairie hav baled, some hoiishoi,l
We desire to extend our sincere
The many friends of Mrs. George
A TVIwa -will V V. 1 n r. n .A 1. .
that she Is now doinir very nicely at a?d h.e"ttelt thanks to the good peo- preached the sermon at the church gooa3 and many othor arUclo8
the Methodist hospital in Omaha fol- ' .,,,,, . n,A ' r " .. v. , v. I Terms of bale
lowine her reeont onpration o nrl ia ""US'J vamc vui nu " - uuuuicu uwiu ui mc mcmucio
LJS : 5ki L " JLI 1 ing our accident January 21, just the family and the friends.
rTr.T" " ."r- north of your city. Through their ef-I The interment was at the Catholic
All sums of $10 and under, cash:
on sums over 10 a credit of six
indication of a speedy recovery. Mrs. fnrto ' ol, ta nu,a r,r-a I , cutf months will be given, purchaser giv
affairs oTtbV community and h n,.a. ?J' ,,1 recovery.-D. R having been .member of this faith - vr
- . . Alien aiiu. r iiiniiv. i nurinir ; Dt?r luttiiiie . t. i - .
nunv Tnnrma-naira vtaot v m iaoan n.v
- - J ml . .vi HMVV Q A V-A W A AAh V AA
j during: -her lifetime. (i
to be removed from th premises un
til settled for.
O El1 A HA
! Also all kinds r.f h
. .....juuS, including
(Live Stock to South Omaha market.
Either by Weignt or Trip
Phone 2(5 or 618-W
'(during her absence at the hospital. I
j: " " I If there is anything In the
Phone ns. -the news. - We want to aecatlons tne .Taientme
t Vfiflsii Cz33i3X2 ctf iB3ortgw.QB5r, m i-rfa flrem at ftr Tbur-Jr. J5c week ddwewdre Dftily. or. w. r. YOiuw Ayrt.
that happens in Cass county. nal offie. ' Journal at your door. R. P. pattkhpon, cirk.
U1 it's raise economy to tninK oi ao-i t t t ntrxTT-o
(l Phone ns --the news. - We want to'tloii! for the Talentlne season without your home town news-' -