The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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PAGE nvl
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and 8urrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of th readers of the
Journal knov of ao? social
event or Item of lnrest in
thi vicinity, and n mall
tame ao this offlco. It win ap
pear under ttla beading. Wa
want all newa items Editoh
iegin the Kow Year Right!
This world is-filled with opportunities yours
among them. When you have a bank account you
are in a position to do business, which you otherwise
would not be able to handle. Begin the year right by
starting a bank account if you have none, and if you
have, increase the credit balance.
We are at your service,
urray State Bank
-:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
telling of the excellent time which I present legislative term. You had
she is having there. I better be there for the good time and
Good speaking, good program, good also to get acquainted with your fu-
Himiii anil .Tn.llant Hfraannanti of tUre lEVvS.
DilU t.Xlt.X4VU V ILiik .1111111.11 LO
Community Club meeting, , Friday
night, February 2nd, Peterson hall.
Everything free.
Ivlr. J. E. Perry of Lethbridge, Al
berta, . Canada, who has been here
for the past few weeks visiting with
friends and relatives, returned to his
home in the north on Tuesday and
President Harding Reports Budget
Deficit Only $92,000,000
Estimated $273,000,000.
Washington, Jan. 29. The' an
ticipated deficit in the national
budget for the current fiscal year
which ends July 1, has been reduced
to $92,000,000 from an earlier esti
mate of $273,000,000, President
Make the Highway Safer
With a oerson killel bv an auto
mnhile everv 35 minutps on an av- Harding announced today In a mes-
erage during the year and last year sage to the fourth regular budget
a record of over 91,000 which is over meeting, read by Vice President
30.000 more than the number of Coolidge. Reductions in expenditures
Americans lost in battle during the and increased revenues combined to
world war. it is time some one be- reduce the deficit, hesaid.
was accompanied by his neice, Miss'gan scratching their fctad and think-1 Congratulating the assembled cab
Margaret Spangler, who will spend ,ing about some way to make auto inet oScials and bureau chiefs for
the next few months with the Per rv t travel more safe. Many people are saving $181,000,000, Mr. Harding
asquerade Ball!-
This is a Hard-Time Masquerade given at
Saturday, Feb. 10th
Under the Management of the Home Dance
Prizes Given to the Hard-Time Couple.
family. This is Miss SDaneler's first
visit to Canada and her friends an
ticipate for - her a most enjoyable
time. -
Mrs. James Fill , of Gandy, who
who has been visiting at the home of
her brother, Mr. Elmer Philpot and
wife, of near Nehawka, departed for
her home in the west last Tuesday
and was accompanied by her niece,
Mr. Harold Philpot, who will put
some time in in the west, where he
will enjoy the sports and probably
soiae of the work of ranch life. They
j were brought to Murray for their
attempting to drive a car who know urged continuance of rigid economy
nothing about its mechanism, noth- in the hope that the $92,000,000
ing" about the laws of Nebraska would be wiped out and the fiscal
touching the motor vehicle use, and year ended with a balance on the
nothing about state and national right side of the ledger,
traffic rules. A bill is pending at Estimates for the next fiscal year,
this time touching a person in the ending June 30, 1924, indicate an ex-
ctate of intoxication driving a re- cess of receipts over expenditures for
t r ! n rn f 1ia Vi I ct h 3 - A ctvinf&Tlt , Vi A... i 1 -i olnpa thic rii Tin ( n' 1 11 -
ti i -1 1. v ii i. -.. i . fcj..e l ii r. Allot, nine j i ii v i i ii io i I'uin i j , . ,
examination showing proper know- tered the world war. Mr. Harding Turks and British Drift Farther ana:
lefge of mechanics, traffic rules and said the present figures show the
etaturary laws on the subject should government will have a balance of
be required before a license to drive $120,000,000 at the end of that pe
ls issued, and then upon violation of riod: this sum being the estimated
the law, a revocation of the license excess of receipts over the $3,198,-
Mu&tapha Kemal being on his way
there from Smyrna. The league of de
fense lias also held an extraordinary
! meeting and a council of ministers
has been called.
Further Apart Conference is
Facing Sure Failure.
.9 . m - t n n rrnrt An or VA1iai f9 4VIA All t y t f f f S 1 J 11 1 J A
Will Seyboldt is having a new ra- rence of Nehawka and who done a ?P?re iasi iuesaar oy air. timer ,JUU-U"U w"' oeT V",1"
nc(,n sr, k? !r.MHcf.r f ;Philpot. help to keep drivers watching their run the country from July 1, 1S23,
1 sure to attend the community! Henry C. Long has with his good' John. frry of Canada who has step, so to speatt.
entertainment Friday evening at the : wife been kept to the house for the "ttn "suing n ia inenas ana re.a
hall. past week, both with a very severe ,1TS hee and elsewhere in the coun-
You will enjoy Hon. W. B. Ban- siege of the grip. They are at this ty for the past three weeks, departed
toll- ct tno rTvmi,ir!,tv ontor. timo Khnwinff slight Imnmvpmcnt. uJ".? "".ci uu.-u iU1 uta huuic
tainment Friday evening."
A little daWhfer of Mr. and Mrs. nfd as accompanied by his niece.
Wilson and Scotten will be ready Earl Peyton, who has been sick for , f'- , ,
by Saturdav-to dispense goods from some time pqst is reported a3 being TLslt ? the rartner northwest lor
" ! ., t, t?. Tr.H ,-t,;,JLj ta nnnna Cr.or. some six weeks, when she will return
I lit? A I I1CW C 1 U IUC J-f. A. AU- i. .
of her continued improve- with Mrs John Perry-, who will come
at that time for a visit with her,
H. Young
business. tained
after some business matters in the Everett Spangler, Lester Long and pe"p , Mr' an.u. Irs- u
toanty seat last Monday, making the Chester Sporer drove to Plattsmouth ana oincr relatives.
trip in the bus. . -riuay evening waere they are re-
I'harles Mutz has recently pur- reiving instructions under E. H.
chased a brand new Ford roadster Schulhof on their new musical in
which he and Mrs. Mutz are enjoy-, struments.
in? these days.
O. A. Davis was looking after at peterson hall Friday night, Febr.
sc rr.e business matters in Platte- 0 , A "1- -.i.
mouth last Saturday, making the 2nd- and have a good time with the
trin in his auto. : rest ci tne loits
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wiles have
baby who Has been sice for a nun
ber of days, but at this time is show
in? some improvement. ! ters in Murray and also delivering
u. II. Hoxran w
some business matters In Platts- west or .Murray.
mouth last Tuesday, driving over to The pupils of the high school en
the county seat in his. auto. i joyed a party Friday evening which
Messrs G. M. Minfcrd and John wr.3 given in honor of Will Mlnford.
Paris. Jan-. 26. The five automo
biles which started December 17 on
v. twenty-day journey across the
Lausanne, Jan. 28. The Turks . Banara se3P" lo nniDucioo, nave
and the allies have drifted so far,rcacd the Oasis of In-Falah. They
apart that Lausanne la confronted ' covered this distnre. about 1.000
tnni?ht with thp nrnh.ihilitv that the I -tilar. etc ill four days.
near eastern conference will adjourn; The rr:ro journey from Tuggurt,
without reaching an agreement, ac- i iUE 5 :f ul of Algiers, to Tirabuetoo is
; to June 30, 1924
The 1924 budget is $196,000,000
less than the appropriations for the corciinK to practically the entire del- I approximate!' 3.20') kilometers. Most
J- JO 1 I A. - ' J'. , i . A 1 - 1 . A
current nscal year
Mr. Hsrdlng expressed the hope
that congress also would enter injff
the spirit of economy practiced by
the administration branches, but he
made it plain that "it is not expected
egation. OI l"'3 aisiance is inrougu wasie-
CThe British are declared to hope! lands, heertofore believed impene
that the Turks will sign, but they trrbie except by caravan,
stand alone. Ambassador Child, by I According to stories reaching the
conferring with Ismet Pasha and ! North African coast, the cars, which
Lord Curzon. is contributing his bit I had been equ!pped with special cat
erpillar wneeis, nave experiencca no
Gcod Cow for Sale
I have a good fresh milk cow for
sale. Call Wm. Nickle3, Murray tel-
Come to Community Club meeting ephone Xo. lSll.
Two E"ew Radio Outfits Here
W. L. Seybolt and W .E. Milburn.
both of whom are radio fan3. are at
or desired that congress should re- to save the conference from collapse
. Unquisn any or its prerogatives so xi,e French premier hastelegraphed : difficulty in crossing the treacherous
t tttv. i r-u- t t T A i T wisely given to the people s repre- to Mustapha Kemal Pasha at Angora i shifting sands. Leaving In-Sulah, the
Li. Wheeler, Lniet OI ieaerai 1U- sentatives by the founders of the gov- courisellinsr moderation in the inter- modern caravan will traverse the
reau of -torestrr. bays Hills lernment.'
Can be Utilized.
Norfolk. Neb., Jan. 28. Nebras
ka's sand hills can be utilized to help ,
replenish this -country's rapidly di-i
miniehing supply of timber, accord-1
ing to H. L.' Wheeler, t hief of public '
relations of the Denver office of the
est of Turkey and for the good c all i mountainous region of Muydir and
Europe. " ; Ilogar.
The conference leaiers now are; Never has the famous oasis wit
laying plans to prevent what elnessed such enthusiasm as greeted
world might call a rupture cf the; the arrival of the party at In-Salah.
AfUIQVnV IC fl V conference. France is beset with the It is reported that a dangerous party
YliiEUiiL-I lU Ul 11 Ruhr problem, Italy is deep in in-' of raiders are abroad in the desert,
, ternal questions cf great importance ' but t'. a expedition carries machine
ad Action cf Prohibition Officer Rohrer in the near east
and like France wants no more war
x-itb whirh hr PThPt trt Mtnhiisi this country had S32.000.000 acres
s looking after some gasoline ana coal oil to parties connection with the outside world, of forestry land and that this has
enjoying ccneri.? and music from all
the large cities of the United States.
i 1
Finer ATplQirt P-nr. rATifpsptine the in. i.t i.-i.. n. j f otJ ova 1 htirooit nf fnrpQtrr in an
" n V n- ; rpi, h. I1'' "r:nllZ "liere'" ne r." ? Tftmrflrv Annroval i Marauis di Garroni. head of the
was looking after som business mat- at cach of their homes, and Mr. Wheeler -said .that originally Pending Investigation ' ".MfiVV' "now
Washineton. Jan. 2 6. Prohibition complications and to induce Turkey
The country should have 463.000.- Nebraska State Prohibition Officer lnt lr " 'i'0" ? Stri!f,Ie,air?U;
000 acres to keep pace with its needs u. s. Rohrer to hold up the shipment ;rr ': i'; xo-
. ... m. km i a.t ix vi. u-iauui m. j-i uul a aciia
irir- rn i vm v n rc ruto I norriir J
guns and plenty of ammunition.
Ft-riis shipped a car lo?d of
ome ' who was spending the week end here
She s and harness for repairing.
Harness oiling a specialty. I am
equipped to give, you quici service.
Lriug your eorins: wurk early. " '.'
M. G. Churchill, Prop.
thirty-two cattle to the South Omah3 i with friends. They were chaperoned!
market Iast.Tne?diy pfternonn. r j by Miss Kelly, their teacher.
J. ir.J" Burton cf :Union wiis look- A number vt new books were re
ing after some business matters in'ccntlj' received at the library, the
Murray last Tuesday, also doing ' same donated by Mrs. Dull, Rev.
some work on the telephone line. ! Graham and the Tlattsmouth ' li-
Hear Senator W. B. Banning at!rrary and are greatly appreciated by
the Peterson h?ll next Friday night J tht"3?Ie Mrray?n?afiltn
, , y . m , - C. . G 1 1 rn o r c family, who
xebrnary I, at the Community Club;i,av- hc(an mnkinp thPir hnrP on the
meeting. I L. H. Puis farm west of Murray for ' Wilson & Scotten grocers and res-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutz enter- the past few weeks, departed last 'teurant business. They are estabhs h-
(oinnrl o, o fn. J,. Cr. ! r-.V T,,-r- Vr,l,r,tl,o dir Y,CT-a IhoV 1HS tilCmSelVCS in the TOOm WhlCfl
day, Mr. and Mrs. Will Seyboldt and ! will make their home, in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Milbern and I Mrs. F. M. Lloyd, w ho has been
children. ' havinsr some very severe suffering;
T ' V Hnihur ronnrta hilohinirl f i r 4 . A ,. d ,,u
nf flr rV of this -i-oor'e pliiWcne hv! l. I . j DilSinCSS mn. Air. W llSOn V.1I1 m C
. . Vw.: i petiing aiuuj, iuuvu "cut! auu ii. ia rhrp. h h,ic!noa whilo
Murray's New Business Firm
This week there was launched a
new business firm under the title of
was formerly occupied by J. E. Gru
ber. Messrs Wilscn and Scotten are
well known to all in this community
and are excellent men ss well as
said tonight that he wanted peace,
I but hi3 people demand an honorable
I peace which will recognize and sanc
. tify the sovereign rights of Turkey.
Chicago. Jan. 28. Unpaid inheri
tance taxes wiil eat up practically
ail that i.3 left of his widow's share
of the estate of the late Jake Ham on,
political leader.
The former Mrs. Haraon, who two
weeks ago divorced her second hus
band. William L. Rohrer. wealth
Chicago art collector and broker,
appeared in court to ask reopening
of the Rohrer case in order that she
might apply for alimony. She had
which Mrs. Gruber has in ! to be hoped by her many friends
that she. will soon be entirely well
i n-ie j. ti. uurion was looitinc ai-
a number of their friends at a very ter some business matters in Platts-
a hen
hand. This is getting in early in
the poultry business. ,
Oscar Dowler and wife entertained
Scotten will continue contracting.
pleasant select dance last Wednes
day and every one present enjoyed
the evening very much.
Mr. Will S. Smith, the postmaster
at Murray, who likes to work, was
taking a day off from his work at
the office last Tuesday and was fix
ing the pump in the well.
J. E. Gruber has just had a well
Eunk at his home in Murray, the
work being done by Mr. John Law-
mouth, accompanying his" fon Mark
Burton, "who with the family drove
past while on their way from their
home in Nehawka to Plattsmouth to
look after some business matters.
For Sale
Pure bred Buff Orpington hens and
j25-4T. Murray, Nebr.
Very HI, Taken to Hospital
Henry Heebner. who is the man-
' .i ,,f r tti ti, ivil!a?er of the Duff Grain company ele-- which, he said, was more than the . state was an illeeal act."
munds and who visited here some ' !"ator &t Cedar Creek, was a visitor value of the land for grazing pur-I Rohrer said that Nebraska law per-
hc said. The present supply .is be- of liquor to army hospital, pending
ing consumed four limes as rapidly an investigation by Nebraska au
as it is being grown Recording to Mr. thorities. i
Whefler. who Bald .that' the time is: The statement comes from Assist-
;ot far-distnt when, the- lumber sup- am Commissioner r Janres E. Jones, j
i . 1 1 mi" u iijs i v i s. i ii n I - J i ti- imp. in.nn v. i u i- v. i in i ( nn.nnltiMi1a Tot Q V, pu -
tent forests in Alaska and Canada, division in absence of Sherman I t-onstaniinopie, Jan. stn. ine
T,. ,;- nnBehiii. i.a r Turkish press considers the Lau-'
A U I 111 17) fc VOO A V lilt J Z' M M l-lJ I . ,
... . . , ... sanne conference alreadv moribund.
mat communities proauce sucn urn- jones says me liquor was aa- egresses craves! aDDrehensions previously stated she expected to re
Kon .. ,1,- oniti o n, lomri ta Hruc- in mciix-i cfTino in io anu expresses gravesi apprenensions , m, ' . . . K
bo ""'- , Mi.... ..1- v: 1 V r,I over events to come The Akcham ceive i,bu,uuu irom me liemon es-
western hills of Nebraska could pro- of the attending surgeon, but that it tht official circles rerard war late.
fitably be made to yield timber suit- was accompanied by no earner ,J-8 iIahom was Ehot and k1,ed in an
able for railway ties and fence posts Permit . solution, othei than the Ardmore. Okla., hotel In December.
Mr. W heeler expressed the belief He eajs further that twenty-four' proposals acceptable to Tur- "20, by Clara Smith Hamon, a rela-
that experiments already made in s a es w,u not allow P who was ,ater acquUted. At
the forest reserves near Halsey and liquor even tor medical Purposes,. - . ff. . . J . dK.rlne that thethe time of his tteath he was repub-
in Cherry county had demonstrated " . 8 .anrQ " lj;3essiOD :Ml;government willmainlaln its position'lin national committeeman from
I..... "'"'' v" . : :.. . ...Itr the tnrt find mpnim war , u.uuuiua.
oroiuaoiv crown in ine sana nins. ii.ncn'ir, amuui mo uc ,r,ui.
As an illustration of the value of uphold Rohrer until they get all the
sand hill trees he- said that on the . details.
Arter project, eighty-eight trees set "
out thirty years ago had grown to a j Sure of Support
thickness of eleven to sixteen inches. J omah.i, Jm. 26. U. S. Rohrer de
If an entire acre had been set out at ciare,i today following receipt of in
the same time there would have been structions from Washington concern
113 trees suitable for railway ties. ins the seizure of army liquor: "I
Each tree would produce two ties believe I will eventuallv be sustain
worth about thirty cents. Thus the ed by the Washington prohibition
acre would yield more than $33 dol- 0ff,ce Cn my contention that the
lars on a dollar ah acre per year, shipment of the whiskey into this
"We are not to be fooled by the
suggestion of another conference,"
The Journal publishes not only
four sears ago is at this time spend
ing some time in Lynn Haven, Flor
ida, and has written to her brother.
Saturday Specials!
You will always find bounteous varieties in qual
ity merchandise at prices ycu like to pay, in our stock.
Here are a few examples:
Fancy Sultana seedless raisins, 2 lbs. for .$ .35
Choice new pack dried peaches, lb 20
Dependable brand sweet potatoes, 2 large cans for .35
19-oz. new pack pumpkin, per can 10
Great Western brand hominy, 6 cans for. ...... .59
Nomis pork and beans in tomato sauce, 2 cans .... -25
Maple Leaf brand kraut, large cans, each ..... ..."'.15
Pink salmon! tall cans, each .15
Iten3 Fairy soda crackers, 4-lb. box. 6t
My Wife's maple and cane syrup, 35c bottles for. .25
'Fresh Head and Leaf Lettuce, Celery Dates,
Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apples.
Saturday we are offering your cnoice of any AA
useful article in this list, a i each ylUU
Tea Kettles Double Cereal Boilers
Dish Pans Berlin Covered Kettles .
Round Roasters Large Preserving Kettles
EL M. Soeniiichsen&Co,
Telephone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
, iicre at me noiei ior oer aunaay poses. Timbered land. However. can'niittrt nimhnl onlv tn h Rhinnprf
and not feeling the best, remained.-be utilized for grazing also, after , into the state and allowed shipment
hoping that he might Improve, but the trees become so large that cattle 'of no alcoholic beverage,
rather was worse and was taken to, will not damage them. "I will notifv the medical supply
the Lord Lister hospital by his plry-j Supplementing his talk on the officer to whom the whiskey was con
sician. Dr. J. F. BrendeL where he Band hill projects, Mr. Wheeler gave rigned of the orders I have received
underwent an operation for append!-; a pneral discussion of forestry from Washington concerning it to
citis and hernia, which have been work. He urged especial precautions ! day," said Rohrer.
causing Uncle Henry some trouble as-ainst Rtartinir firos in th woods. I -a
for some time past. His many friends advocating the planting of trees'
me uuiHug u ma? s very spewy along the highways and around
recovery and that it may be perma-. COuntrv school houses and farm
houses. '
Mr. Wheeler declared that every
the paper adds, "because, if the peace Plattsmouth news but the happenings
we ueuiiuu wuiiui ue uuuiueu aifrnn. oil r,. - ft
don't read it, you should. 15c a week
delivers the daily edition to your
door, or $2 per year for the semi
weekly edition, by mail.
Journal ads get results.
Lausanne, it certainly cannot be ob
tained elsewhere."
General pessimism is reflected
among the foreign oJficials. It is re
ported that the Angora assembly will
meet in. special sesion tomorrow.
Funeral Last Wednesday
On Wednesday of last week oc-
Lincoln, Jan. 28. A bill intended
curred the funeral of the little child '
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boardman STANDARD RAILWAY UNIONS
wnicn nas sicKenea ana aiea at
scarcely two months of age. The
little one Was taken to the Mount
Hope church where the funeral was
held and interment made at the
East Union cemetery. Messrs O. W.
Davis and L. D. Hlatt and Mesdames
W. G. Boedeker and G. H. Gilmore
did the singing while Miss Margie
Walker supplied the music. The Rev.
W. A.- Taylor conducted the service.
Mr. and Mrr. Boardman have the
sympathy of a host of friends in the
loss of their little one.
farmer should have a ten-acre wood j to har "Fatty" Arbuckle by state
lot. J statute trom appearing on a Nebras
ka screen, will be introduced in the
Nebraska house when it meets tomor-
PLAN NEW BANK IN SPOKANE. aBter county. its author announced
rt , tonight. The bill, while admittedly
Spokane, Wash... -Jan. 28. Plans aimpd at Arbuckle, does not mention
looking to opening next April of the nis names but the wording is intend
new brotherhood bank, being orga-;d to be eUfficiently clear to sinele
hized by the 16 standard railroad la-ihim cut. The barrier is In the fol-
Public Sales!
I will serve lunch s.t public sales
Make dates with CoL W. R. Young
land notify me and I will be there.
Call Murray phoDe 1712. I will
pay for the call.
Qscar Nailer,
Murray, Nebraska
All the home news delivered at
your door daily for 15c a week.
f i ' X
.7. . .
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases ,
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. Phone No. 50
bor organizations in this territory.
have been announced here by W. E.
Jtfnes, Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
lowing language:
"It shall be unlawful for any per
son, nrm or company to present the
Paul engineer and chairman of the nature nf mrnno who chn itv,r
bank organization committee. The i,VA ,A..- inUrtpH for wmv hr a
j charter of the bank has been granted praE(j jury in any COUrt, or have been
auu mock uuiripiion oiaiiKs are we-, found guilty of a felony by a jury in
Ing prepared. 1 any court, or shall have admitted
Mr. Jones expects the $200,000 guiIt to a charge of felony in any
lapiiai suiik 1 u nz mtrsuuscuupi, rnurt '
No offense to anybody, 'but all
grain must be cash from the Farmers
Elevator Co., at Murray.
J18-2T, 2TFd.
Board of Directors.
Go and Hear the Speaker
The Murray Community club has
perfected arrangements for the hold
ing of a meeting in the Peterson hall
on Friday night of this week, Feb
ruary 2nd, when they will have a
most interesting time. They will
have an excellent program with mu
sic and good fellowship and some
thing to eat as they always have.
Senator W. B. Banning will be pres
ent and address the meeting on the
subject of state legislation. He will
outline the principal bills now be
fore the Etp.te assembly and will al
low all to ask questions that he may
explain any detail of the bills which
he sa!d. By March, he stated, orga-
Penaliies are provided for : viola-
nization is expected to hare reached tkm of the proposed law.
meeting to elect directors, may-be
Seattle, Jan. 28. The steamship
The Christian Army, which has President Grant Of the Admiral line's
opened in this city. for the carrying oriental service, wrilcn arrived here
of the gospel to the community and this afternoon, established a new.
the relief of the needy and destitute, trans-Pacific record, according to Io
will commence their series or relig- cal officers of the line. The vessel
ious services on next Sunday at the made the voyage from Yokahama to
rooms in the Odd Fellows building to " Race Rock quarantine station,
on lower Main street:' The afternoon near Victoria, B. C;, In 8 days, 10
service will be at 3 o'clock and the hours and 44 minutes. The best pre-j
evening service at-7:30 and at both rious record is said to have been S,
of these the message of the army will days. 18 hours and 44 minutes made,
be given. Everyone js invited to be by the stearnshifS Enipress of Russia.!
present and enjoy these meetings, f The President Grant brought ? 10.-
. . 4000,000 worth of raw silk and silk.
! a jiA r. .sir-.
X Hp oil Ik 1
Specials for January!
Just the things which you wiil need during the
cold weather. We ere offering at special prices for
this month: Heating Stoves. Cole's Hot Blast,
Round Oak, Aiir Tight and Keepfire.
Ranges and Cook Stoves; the Monarch the leader.
Washing Machines, the Exeter double washer
and the Montag.
. Gas Engines that are reliable.
Murray, Nebraska.
ardware Co.
- - ' fMWi rsv A fid ff4AnaAa
we appreciate -your assistance in r"v:v;V":;"nr;:i
are to come up fcr passage or rejec-j helping tlS to publish all the news. Kong and will be shipped ffdru here
tion as the case during the. Call phone No. 6, 3 rings. ' ' to eastern factories and dealers.
Fis4ula--Pay Wften Cflrtj
A mild arm mt trttnt that car., pita,
Ftvtolft ud ctbr Rc ti Plwutl In . lnr
tlni. without a r rurrlcai oprn.t'.oa. N
C&'.croforra. Ether or other o.rl aaaatatui
Ml to every cm accepted for treatment, and no moo.y x b
e book on Rectal Ple8a with nam.-e aiJ o.tluxo;eJ
w- Bra uiji i.i'vy pran ,kii tm fiT. yr w . . a. .
U. . L HRY. tmrJUrmjm. frU-rw fre fe'c. Be- VldT. 5mA4.
C A eore