The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1923, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    faqs rous
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Ester ed at PostoSice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
1148X8 07 AXX K32TC3
Well, just to prove that many a
true word i3 spoken In Jest, it be
glut to look as If that Joke that
somebody started a while ago about
another meeting between Messrs.
TTiA aoaarm nf tha imiDniiArflilA an1
I K I Hh HlI I rflHK fancy dress ball Is here and the Jour
Ul lift- MWi i nun nal stationery department has a
large and complete line of all kiads
I rf moiW rimlsa onI arHatln 5.
What is going to be the rate or I A ,...i
R. A. BATES, Publisher
ready for the coming mask parties
1 1 M 1 a. M . . 1 -
in a fight. I question that has stirred the minds j
WiUard wasn't having much to or many o inose WW we lasen i tte explaln ,0Df Um0 ,ttn(1
u T ,7 . " real heartfelt interest in the baseball banklo7n Also money at five r
about it some six months ago n thJa c, d ,n th maln. fjgj-. -Tfiruttemou
i the talk first started, but It la finance of a park suitable for the gJtilSk Blda- 12fi'22w
We glory in tribulations also;
knowing that tribulation worketh
patience; and patience, experience,
hope; and hope maketh not asham
ed; because the love of God Is shed
abroad la our hearts by the Holy
Ghost which is given unto us. Ro
mans v, 3 to 5.
Red sleds are in evidence now.
:o: -
The weather promises to ge a great
deal cooler.
Heavy snow ends record period of
balmy weather.
:o: I
Most men are born poor and
never get over It.
You can be thrifty without being
a tightwad.
;o: .
"Automobile accidents are still on
the increase.
The output of peace doesn't sup
ply the demand.
exolained that at that time his sec-(holding of baseball and football
I . . .. I era m aa and fit h ay anrtvta
onds were still wonting over mm on " . S' ' .,, ., SfoHnfl.rv i minilnM at ihm
account oi wnat nappenvu io u.m "jreputation of being one of the best Journal Office.
Toledo several years ago, I in this part of the state and in tne
tit! 1 1 it I j .. - s A n, lirnn.a naat anma tha foefoaf too m a
. lino -.-a t-vl a voH nr, tha Tnoal lot nnrtl S)Ml!ittWJ B OALh
ing of another -chance because - 7 ' "rtlnon l The State of Nebraska, Can coun
didn't have an opportunity to do all k-koii Ity. ss
of his stuff the other time. They sayl ia the last few years the attend-1 jirtue of an Order of Hulo
Jess has eight ways of hitting the ance at ,th. base ball games asnot
mitloft that mom. wen wmi 11, Buomu we auu an i- - T j," ,
. .mo . u theP haiJ ho a rfHnine. in. Drasna, auu w uie uirctieu, 1 win u
orable day in Toledo. terest in the welfare of the park that 5th day of March. 1923. at ten
It was the Fourth of July, it will should not be. This condition should 0 clock a. m. of said day, at the south
Opportunity getV by, quicker, than be recalled, and after they had re- be remedied as a city of thUalze CinMlU
reived instructions irom uiiiejrecora. firgt claaB'ball te'am a .park like t public auction to the highest bid-
Mr. Jjempsey SirucK air. liiaru tllo nna hpr ia a roal asapf tf theUer or cuou, iuo jwhubius ucraiiuuu
The February Red Books are now
on sale at the Journal stationery de
partment. Call and secure your copyj
at once before it u too late.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Caes, Nebraska.
Emmons J. Richey, Plaintiff, vs.
William B. Warbritton et al, De
fendants. .
To the defendants William B. War
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska. ,
State of Nebraska, County ox;
Cass, ss.'
To all persons interested In tne es
tate of Marquis LaFayette bcoiw--ceased,
both creditors and heirs:
You and each of you are bTf7
notified that Emma J. Scott filed her
petition in the County Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 9th day or
January, A. D. 1923. alleging that
Marquis LaFayette Scott, deceased,
departed this life In the town of
Pnniflft Junction. Mills county. State
iof Iowa, on the 20th day of JNOvem-
britton; Mrs. warbritton, real name,"' - . 'D 1917 leavinJ a last will
iinknnn lrran Tlorlrof Der, A. U. lUli, leaving
Dicker, real name
anything we know.
-Writers once lived in attics. Now! with a ball bat or a maul or some-I community and should be maintain-J real estate, "to-wit:
they live in cellars.
I thing and Ollie began counting the led
Next to a dime the hardest thing jpendence.
articles in the Declaration of Inde-
but it I
Even when debts are canceled,
somebody has to pay them.
Coueism is all right, but use the
snow shovel on the sidewalk.
Walk if you would live long. Also
keep both eyes on automobiles.
The greatest man in the world is
the one who could be if you would.
If you pin your faith 00 Coue and
die under it. you get deader and
Too many people interpret Ifberty
as the right to select the laws they
will obey.
Still, if we should lock up all the
feeble minded, who would write our
song hits.
If all gulf clubs were used properly
every rug In the world would be
beaten twice a month.
It is time now to look over the
situation as regards a baseball team
here for the next season and regard-
It will also be recalled that before Mess of what is done as to the per-
Mr. Willard retired in that round he Isonnell of the ball team, the preser
left a eall . with Ollie, who finally ISS"? At" hUld
. . , I acted, on at once,
awakened him, and then Mr. Willard I The fences are commencing to
A common remark: 'Did you ever wanted to know what he had been Jgive way, boards are missing and the
hit with and Mr. Dempsey showed I uvuei ue ctume uiu&cu
,, 1 ana aecayeu iu sucn aa exieui inai
mm. I . 1 A MA little kll. 4h mrnrA
luc aic ui iiviic uog( nunc tx aiiu
to keep is fifteen cents.
:o: ;
Time cures everything,
takes such a long time.
see such fine winter weather."
;o: 1
People who talk in their sleep
should tell the truth while awake.
The south half of the north
west quarter of the southwest
quarter and the southwest quar
ter of the southwest quarter
of Section thirty-two, (32) In
Township eleven (11) North, in
Range fourteen (14) east of the
6th P. M In Cass county, Ne
braska, Subject to a mortgage of
$4,000.00 in favor of John M.
Leyda, now on said premises
and interest
ROM; Hunan Ross: A.
real name unknown;
dor, rnftl name unknown; Lafayette
unknown. 'John nd testament; that said last will
unknown, Jotin . tnatnmnt v,oa x.oart hm v nroved
E. Alexander,,
nnd testament has been duly proved
and allowed as the last will and tes
tament of said Marquis LAifayen-e
nor, rnfti name unknown; Latayette - . . rnnntT 0f
Nuckolle; Mrs. Lafayette Nuckolls Sco", decease In the. County of
r-al nnme unknown; Thomas W.
Newman; Mrs. Thomas W. Newman,
roul name unknown; , Edward E.
Jones; Mrs. Edward E. Jones, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees,
Mills nnrt Rtatp ctt Iowa: that a COPy
of said will ani the probate thereof,
duly authenticated, Is herewith pro-
rlimed hv said Emma J. SCOtt, the
person interested In said will; that
the place of residence of said Mar-
legatees, personal representatives " 7i was
and all other persons interested in ?l8.LFayf"? S5ottT-'.f ff.6' Th
the eHtutes of William li. Warbrit
ton; Mrs. William J. Warbritton,
real name unknown; Rosan Decker;
Decker, real name unknown;
John Ross; Susan Ross; A. E. Alex
ander, real name unknown;
Alexander, real name unknown; La
fayette Nuckolls; Mrs. Lafayette
Nuckolls, real name unknown;
Thomas W. Newman; Mrs. Thomas
W. Newman, real name unknown;
Edward E. Jones; Mrs. Edward E.
Jones, real name unknown, each de
ceased, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in Lots seven, (7) eight (8)
and nine (9) and the west thirty
.feet of Lot ten, (10) and that part
It looked so dark for Mr. Willard (stand needs more or less overhaul- the same having been levied upon
then that little boys and girls in To- ing. A new roof was placed over a and taken as the property of Robert 'of Lot ten (10) described as follows
, s . . .. , . A. . a l. I nnrtlnn (if it tun vpam Afn whpn Wm I U- Bnraaer el ai, OeienaaniS, IO sal- n.mn1lln.;nv of a nnint rn th north
Z Z itZ if it w.rtw " of isfy a judgrment and decree of said f7aidLot 10, li feet west of
ers and fathers if it wasn t time to the ball teanif as we aa plaTers. court recovered by John M. Leyda, tbe northeast COrner thereof; thence
ngnt tne evening iireworKS, wnneidugoyts constructed along the first piainim agamst bam aenuuu, aim jWest on sald Jot iJne 3 feet, thence
Mr. Willard himself comatosely was land third base lines. to satisfy further Judgment and de-south 99 fect 4 lnches, thence east
im . 0 a . i s 1 1 r iAa r r ci in mil vr Trri0 roil ri v 1 1111 11 1 v m
. o u""u icascr iui u, entertalnlnc where he lav a couDlel 10 nx UP ine DaM ParK 11 uw W"M , , 7 , .i r i3 reet tnence norm yy ieet ana 1
spring will be trying to remember T JIi. " JTw? .i! i!f d! "e it for use of the games of the F Wolff, defendant against said de- ,nches to the place of beginning. all
whether the lawn mower has been
parked back of the woodshed all win
ter is your own or the one you bor-
"Start fires with care," reads a
warning. We always use kindling.
A good brain teaser for early
of dollars worth of the larger spark- aummer season and keep it in good fendants. and also to satisfy a fur-ibeing ,n plock thirty-six, (36)' In
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. January
lers, some Roman candles and a fewUhaDe while another season of ne- ther judgment recovered by Robert
spinning wheels. gleet will result in the park yielding "s""" ueieuuuui, rwu
t hA .rtiT,iat ,a't r.t to tne ravages 01 tne elements ana
rowed from the next door neighbor better fight tfaan Mr; Wilara did on neglect and becoming completely -
laou ccjJicuiuer. fht n,.tAiil Vn,t, r Tl w I 1. 1- 1 1- t I . f! n OTTT VTT) V
1 u.Ab,vuaA 4. vt, jl , uj iv lieu Liie oarK is kuuc il ibcuiuki - -
. . I rT:o: : . . I wouldn't h navin? thm inrnme tnx at (to be a lonsr. lonir time before thei Sheriff, Cass County,
An Illinois judge sent a man to jail . . - - - rtv ha another nn that will he theM29-5w Nebraska
m . . I L lit: aaiUH (4111 1 H WH HTH V I IILT II. Ill- I
ior six montns tor cursing central. 1 ,m . . " " " I equal of the one that the boosters
day. it mere had been a harbor han- fculld here and whjCh haa been theN0TICB OP SUIT T0 QUIET TITLE.
faint. The girls are harder, than that u' xir' mr woulu "ave ueen scene 01 some real nan games
No system of government will
work in a, land where everybody tries
to work the government. , "
So far as America is concerned,
the soviet government is already
recognized as a failure.
Keep your weather eye on the fu
ture conditions of the weather, there
will be plenty of squalls yet.
It now costs the German govern
ment two marks to print one. Can't
they speed up the machine a little?
Our own guess is that after con
quering the world. Alexander died of
rage whjle trying to collect the. indemnity.
After powdering their noses, the
first thing two girls do on meeting
by appointment Is set their wrist
n A ,H.i.f..i 1 ii.ti e
t i c t i 3 x . 6HIUK a must imiiiiui luuiawuu 01
cross word some of them would be e Boston tea party and Mr. Willard jlRBUGKLE WILL DIRECT
kept in a trance most of the time. "c" l"c
mis ngnt was for a belt and tnat
An old man died poor In the old Plr- Dempsey gave Mr. Willard sev-
home town recently. He died poor. eral of them. That was when belts Announces that He Haa Signed Con-
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska,
August W. Cloidt et al, Plaintiffs,
PftHCnV DIPTIIDCC vs. Alfred Thomson et al, Defend-
To the defendants Alfred Thom
son; Mrs. Alfred Thomson, real name
unknown; Alfred Thompson; Mrs.
Alfred Thompson, real name un
known; Ellen A. Steel; Steel,
real name unknown; Wm. L. Browne,
Los Anzeles.. Jan. 30. -Roscoe C. trustee; ' tne successors and assigns
Vnttv" ArhuckiP nnnnimcpd tnnlerhtlof , Wm. L. Browne, trustee, real
he had sitrned a contract to directinames unKnown; jonn wnnams;
tract to Direct Pictures For
a Film Corporation.
because, the wpmen folks say, he went out of .iashion with Mr. Wil-
tried to rear too many children and lard and he began wearing suspend-
sapport too many sons-in-law.-Our ers- 1 1 'J
opinion is that he died poor because Kow Mr- Willard thinks he can
he always took cream on his mashed come back, but what worries Tex
potatoes and butter on his pie. wcnara is wnetner me crowa win. . nlrtures for a tomedv film Mrs. John Williams, real name un
:o:- It would, of course, be a fight to a romoration and that he was "done known; Mary Ann Pronger; :
Sweet Geraldine Farrar justly and finish. It would be that because with acting." Pronger, real name unknown; James
heartily damned the newspaper men wherever It is held, it probably will "My greatest ambition Is to make -" . T heirs devisees
who wanted to ask about her divorce. niSh fighting. ?SPle '"ft 11 llT Zl SirnSSS
Vhat change time hath wrought! " Mr. Willard is willing to fight comedies." he said in a prepared and a" other persons interested in
She never cursed the nress when .he Mr. Dempsey again, Mr. Willard Is a statement. "This is my chance to ""l U1 "feu mvwvu, mr
,i J . hnota B-rtnA in ha ritrht -arav onr) In ftUJCU A 11, ICdl UU-
tne proiession tnat 1 Know ana love " " " " , ----
Ellen A. Steel; Steel, real
unknown; John Williams;
Mrs. John Williams, real name un
last visited Omaha- to take our money
from us. She was as amiable and ap-can Set the public to go and see it.
proachable as a chocolate eclaire. Is0 ia tne public.
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, real names unknown
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Emmons J. Richey,
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 20th day of October, 1922, again
st you and each of you, the object,
purpose and prayer of which is to
obtain a decree of court quieting the
title to Lots seven, (7) eight (8) and
nine, (9) and the west thirty feet
of Lot ten, (10) and that part of Lot
ten (10) described as follows: Com
mencing at a point on the north line
of said Lot ten (10) 11 feet west of
the northeast corner thereof, thence
west on said lot line 3 feet, thence
south 99 feet, 4 inches, thence east
3 feet, thence north 99 feet and 4
inches, to the place of beginning,
all being in Block thirty-six, (36). in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you and for such relief as
Countv of Mills and State of Iowa;
that said Marquis LaFayette Scott
died seized of the following described
real property in Cass county, Ne
braska: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 79, In the
northwest quarter of the south
east quarter (NW',i SE) of
Section twelve, (12) Township
twelve, (12) North, Range
thirteen, (13) east of the 6th
P. M., in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county, Nebraska; also
Lots 89 and 93 in the south
west quarter of the northeast
quarter of ss.ld Section twelve,
(12) Township twelve, (12)
North, Range thirteen. (13) east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, and containing In
all 32.95 acres
And said real estate in absolute title
was devised to Emma J. Scott; and
the following is a copy of the prayer
of the said petition:
Wherefore, 1 said petitioner .
prays tbat the said will be ad
mitted to probate in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and that the court
shall fix a time for hearing up
on -this petition according to
law; that notice of the time and
place of said hearing be given
to all persons interested in said
estate, both creditors and heirs,
for three weeks successively, ac
cording to law, to show cause,
if any there be, why said Instru
ment should not be proved, al
lowed and probated as the last
will and testament of said de
- ceased; and that said will may
be allowed and probated as the
last will and testament of said
Marquis LaFayette Scott, de
ceased, and that such other and
further orders and proceedings
may be had in the premises as
may be required by the statutes
1 in such cases made and pro
vided -
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested In the estate
of Marquis" LaFiiyette Scott, deceas-
and In a way that will meet the ap
nroval of all. I start work at once
t and from now on you will hear from I name
me only through- the medium of the
comedies that I direct.
known; Mary Ann Pronger;
Before we give out any weather
prognostications we would prefer to
wait and see how February Is going
to March.
Mrs. John B. Henderson has of
fered a one-half million dollar house
in Washington as the permanent I more kings, no more wars.
residence of the vice president. Now When in 1917 the United States in
Mr. Coolidge might like to have tervened to decide a war that should
somebody explain to him how to eQd all wars the majority of Ameri
maintain a one-half million dollar jeans firmly believed that kings and I root-Anderson rural credits measure! and all persons having or claiming
house on a salary of $1,000 a
A pretty specimen is McKelvie to la democratic world would be a peace-1 ... 1(27) in the City of Plattsmouth,
Pronger, real name unknown; James
Jordan? Mrs .Tnmps Jordan. rpal
LENEOOT CREDITS BILL name unknown: Samuel H. Moer;
ATTACKED BY N0EBECK f Homer Goodwin; Joel Solomon and
E. H. Eaton, real name unknown.
Washington, Jan. 29. The Len- each deceased, real names unknown.
month thrones were at the back of all the was criticized In the senate today by any interest In and to all of Lot ten
' h-U. .housht N.; nine. St S$SL
ClYie IOI" "."'""'"k a. Predft ' Mill; IU IU Vyll UI JT ittll&iuuuill,
cauti6n people of Nebraska' against ful world. The war finance corporation has. Caf county, Nebraska, real names
talking in a derisive manner against Perhaps had we taken mote time a fund of $500,000,000 available for' unownj. . , ' ,
.u - . .. . . ..!, oPTiriiiturni prrt!t" senator Nor- - You and each of you are hereby
lue luuuluon 01 anairs in tne state luiuk wo miguL nave aouoiea T"",d ..This bill provides for notified that August W Cloidt et al,
the man who has done more to whether the exiling of the Hohenzol- j on onef'jfth as much. The farmer Plaintiffs, filed a petition and corn
cause such rnnrtitirma wtiiio r. lerns or the killint? nf rur nr thp I ,n..i -At , menced an action in the District
nor than any man who ever sat in abolishment of the House of Haps- much as a chance to work out on his ur JP CalJS "i1 ?.?bfBka.'-n
1 1 . . 1 rnp 1 1 1 n nav it 1 .inn narv
the gubernatorial chair. Out upon I burg or the rise of the young demo- Pnt loans, way make it naruer Inat you a'nd each of '
cratlc party In Turkey was going to It s-UnfaIr to ,nsinUate that the HuEl1.!?0"8. n -P?L i J
o: usner in tne lone heralded TTtrmian I i v.0.iv , utalu a u'" y-wuii. quicuug
I . sr 1 iai ixi 1 1 10 01 ici viiaiuj uo iv-i.i iit. t a v i ai,
To decide a divorce question be- Peace era. quests that an adequate credit sys- ii nf rt nn qi iT
Califronian plans to plant corn tween a man and wife, and the cus- Looking back over the pages of tem be provided for him. He Is last ,n BIock, (27) in the
from an airplane. Now if he'll learn tody f tlle child, was a very easy! history we note that the Roman re
how to gather it by radio maybe hejmatter in a San Francisco court Fri- public fought more wars than the
may be just and equitable
You and each of you are' further
notified that you are required to an-w. itnr. Qi hoiro rr,0
swer said petition on or before Mon-L d appear 8t the county Court
day, the 12th day of February, 1923. tn ha ,n ani, ffk M nmiT,fv n
orthw aegations therein contained Lhe 5th day of February, 1923, at
u uwus u -iiu ten o'clock a. m., to show cause If
rendered in favor of plaintiff and v tWo y,0 wh tha nr.v nf fh4,
against you and each of you. accord- petitioaer should not be granted;
ing to the prayer of said petition. anf, that iintiro nf th nondenev of
Dte,dftii3 30th day of December said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
A. D. 1922.
Atty. for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
aay. ine mother love was displayed I Roman empire and fought them I that the Lenroot-Anderson measure
by a court room vote, and the child j more successfully. Democratic Athens would place funds "in districts that
Another good thing about diplo- was given to the mother by a unanl-Mn the B. C
can get his crop In.
City of Plattsmouth, Cass .county,
Senator Norbeck further asserted of yQU an'J for such relief as may be
just and equitable
You and each of you are further
matic conferences is that many situ
ations regulate themselves while the
diplomats are disagreeing.
0:0 '
Not only is it not safer to talk to
motormen, but many of them do not
like being interrupted, either when
they're talking or whistling.
:o; i
It would be interesting to know
how much of the pious feeling peo
ple have on Sunday morning is a re
sult of the Saturday night bath.
: n: .
Britain is reported to be taking a
calmer view of the Ruhr situation.
Well, unless she expects to fight
France, calmness seems to be the one
thing for Britain to have 'nothing
else but.
:o: ' . .
Our memory goes back to the time
when the republicans could prove his
prosperity to the farmer by giving
him some ' more statistics but he
seems to bo getting sort of unreason
able lately.
:o: . '
Another way to modify the" zeal of
the fellow who longs for the "good
old days" is to get him stuck on a
side road,' which is In the same con
dition that all the raads were 40 or
50 years, ago.
acres eot mixed in a I "" " . w . ..w. inotmed that you are required to an
w ' 1 t na tv oni nnrirniv . . .... .
uu i" " swer saia Detition on or neiore ivion-
mous vote. Why not decide the cus- greater number of . arm-d rrm flints I ..."' ' jT.;.ir. 7 swer saia peiiiion on or oeroreaic
m.- . . . . : i"1? 'uuuo. lur """""'"Iday. the 5th day of March. 1923. or
.uujr ui lue cnuaren in aivorce cases man imperial Persia and got out nf which there Is a great demand." Tne the allegations therein contained
in this manner in the future. them in better shape. When the Dlan to seel debentures for tbe pur- wIll be taken as true and a decree
:o; Dutch republic was the only republic poee. f 9ecurinS funds, he described rendered in favor of plaintiffs and
m. vumj wvvc oiuu l cctlia lih.ei" xui uxit; li aH ail 1&Q 6UrrOUDa'-
vUC .un, ..,311.5 uiaiier ior tnese cnar- ng monarcnies on the jump. ciaus Jess came down from Omaha I
acter ouiiders who tram subscribers o republc, ancient or modern, has I yesterday to spend a few hours Isit-
to look their employer steadily in the ever been so wedded to peace as theln& witn nis ol(1 time friends. Claus
eye and bv shepr intfiixtii9i nmoro lanriAnt uin,, m.i r. . Iwith his father and mother and
AnmnAi htm!..!. . .. . brother. John, have left the farm
" ,,w"'"c luvir Py- "caiucracy woKe up ana tnat 1 near Diller and have located in Om-
"nen iney 6it in a poker game withjeountry at once assumed a martial! aha.
a measly pair of treys and keep re- aspect. Israel under the judges dis-
peating to themselves: VI have a full played a whole lot more fighting than
house and K is getting fuHer and Israel under the kings. And our own
fuller every minute." Sometimes they republic has not done so badly as a
can get awaywith it. If. they do the wager of ' victorious wars.
method is a success. So with the Coue And so. resrardtn? th man f w.,-IC. 8barp. deceased
cures. When tiiv nra M.t mnA , . , . , . I To the creditors of said estate:
I ...w::" . lut' 7 V r "4U 01 ng- You are hereby notified, that I
.c - oua. wuen tne.yare not aonjs ana tne establishing of new will sit. at the. County Court room
against you and each of you, accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
Dated this 20th day of January,
A. " D. 1923.
W. A. Robertson,
Their Attorney. J22-4w
The State, of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, as.
In the County Court.
' In the matter of the estate of Lee
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. . .
In the County Court
. In the. matter. of the estate of Wil
liam M. Curyea, deceased.
To tne creditors or saia estate
in said estate, both creditors' and
heirs, by publishing a copy of this
J Atty. ior fiainiin. i fiPniiwepViv newsnaner nrinted in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
ss. ICourt. this 11th day of January. A.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is-ID. 1923.
sued out of the District Court of ALLEN J. BEESON,
Cass county, Nebraska, and in pur-f(Seal) jll-3w. County Judge.
suance or a decree ot saia court, in
an action therein, indexed at Ap
pearance Docket , Number Ex- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE
ecutlon Docket , Number . In the District Court of Cass coun-
wherein Merchants National Bank ty, Nebraska.
of Omaha, Nebraska, is plaintiff and I in the matter of
Pollock Parmele, Louise Parmele, his j Anna Hart, deceased.
wife, Charles C. Parmele, a widower. Now. on this 15th day of January.
win jean, juarie jean, nis wue, 1923, this cause came on for hear-
Bank of Nehawka, a corporation, ing upon the petition, under oath, of
Gustave Philip Raschke, a single A. G. Cole, administrator of the es-
man, are defendants. I will at ten tate of said Anna Hart, deceased.
nn it.. inu j... . ntv . ! . .... ...
u iiu.. a. in. un me xaiu uy ui r eu-1 praying ior license to sen tne roilow
ruary, 1923, at the south front door ing described real estate of the said
ot tne court House or Cass county, Anna Hart, deceased, to-wit:
xeDrasKa, in tne city 01 Plattsmouth, Beginning at the southwest
Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public corner of Lot ten. (10) Block
the estate of
You are hereby notified that I will
well, they simply are not that's all. democracies have not pacified , that j in Plattsmooth. in said county, on I alt at the , County Court room in
-:o: . ' I continent. Ponular naaslnn ,nnMn the 1st day 01 February, A. u. iZ3,ipiattsmouui in saia county, on me
to hv s,tmiM - .i. intf on the 1st day of May. A, D..I27th day of February, 1923. and tne
to be even more disturbing than roy-l lfl2. .10 Unlock a; ra of eachl8th day of Mav. 1923. at 10 o'clock
al caprice. Exchanerinc oM crowns Mav ts taaaIva and nxnminA alHn m Mrh ditv. to receive and ex-
v -
General Auctioneer
Live stock
Real Estate
. Personal Property
PHONE 31 "
Plutlfmowlh, Nebratkft
to receive
for new republics simply means trad-tclaima against- said estate with alamlne all claims against said estate,
imr old wars for now mhm view to tnetr.-adjusuneut ana i-jwitn a vrew to tneir aaiustmem ana
& lul oew ones. 1. m. - ' u :j t nit rn ,
x. . 1 - Jiuwaum. uts iiuiv iiiuivb mr unriaiiuwnuu:. . iu 1.111117 umii-n
' " - iuiiiiu!iuBui isentatlon or claims airalnat said ee-1 oresentatlon or claims against saia
in the half democratized Europe of hate is three months from the 1st J estate is three months from the 22nd
today over the autocratically conaay of ruary, 'A. D. 1923, and tnejday or January, a: v, 13Z3, ana tne
trolled Europe-of the last rentnrv time limited for payment of debt is time limited for payment of debt is
nuneu iuropo oi tne last century. I f iA Aa VnV. fp, 29n1 dav nf jn.
Perhaps a change of heart, not a Jruary, 18 25. ; luary. 1923:
vjchMge of form, la what this ed Witness my" band and the seal' of J -wi tnese my hand and the seal of
TN'orld needs, . , . . leald county Court this 29th day. oHeald Coynty Court, thle 2nd dy of
! ... . ijgnuary, 135. January, ia3.- -
'I-i-I fl'i". WV'I' 'I-I"!"!' 'I"H 1 Journal want ads pay. Try them, i (Seal). fl-4w . County Judge.: (Seal); j25-4w. County Judge.
Call at my Expense
auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit:
The west half of the south
east quarter W SEU) of
Section thirty-four (34) in
Township thirteen, (13) North
Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P. M.; the east half of the
southwest quarter (E SWi)
of, Section thirty-four, (34) in
Township thirteen. (13) North
Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P. M.; a strip of ground
eight (8) rods wide off the east
side of the northwest quarter
(NWU) of the southwest quar
ter (SWi) of Section thirty
four, (34) in Township thir
teen, (13) North Range 'twelve,
(12) east of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county. Nebraska
to satisfy the costs of the said ac
forty-nine, (49) in the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, running
thehce easterly on the South
line of said lot, one hundred five '
(105), feet, thence Northeaster
ly to a point In the North line
of said lot ten (10) feet west
of the Northeast, corner of said
lot, thence west one hundred
thirty (130) feet to the North
west corner of said lot. thence
Southeasterly to the point of be
ginning, being a part of Lot No.
10, Block 49, in the City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska
or a sufficient arimmt thunf
bring the sum of SI. 220.70. for th
payment of debts alio
said estate, and allowances and costs
of administration, for th ,.n
that there is not a sufficient amount v
of personal properly In the possee-
a D1U11 III Hil I 1 1 14 I Til A M A m
tion and increased and accruing ' hnn n- Af u,a,8irr.'
costs: to aatisfv the nlalntlfF-H flrsT Alhi. IT? T pay-sald
lien upon the said real estate in the
sum of Six - Thousand Eighty-nine
and Eighteen One-Hundredths Dol
lars (S 6,089. IS) with interest at ten
debts, allowances and costs.
it is tnererore ordered that all
persons interested In said estate ap-
r?fJ ieB,re. me at chamber. In the
CltV Of P aftemnni .
per cent (10) ner annum from'n, ti,. vZri?' " Baia county.
date; to satisfy thi plaintiff's second1 the Ho 10 o7'9'
Hen upon the said real estate in the show cause, if any there bf'
sum of Eleven Thousand, Seven Hun- license should not be grantnd t Lt
dred Nineteen and Ninety-nine One-a. G. Cole admin'ltrfVP !d to,fa!
Hundredths Dollars." ($11,719.99) fmuch &iSJSff
with interest at ten per cent (10) tate of said decedent a hn T
per annum from date, bringing the necessary to pay said debts and .
surplus, if any, into court to abide penses. eDts and ex-
further order of the court in thei it is further ord
premises all as provided by said I of this nlilT id!!ld lhat a
order and decree; the sajd real es- persons Interested in-lli . t11
tate being levied .upon and taken asking the "25S lL 'tf bjr
the property of the said defendants, once each wb tnr. fZ ""lia
weeks in the Platteraouth urJlH
newspaper printed and published u.
id couuty of C3B8, P a ,n
Judge of the Dist. Court.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
this 8th day of January. 1923.
Sheriff. Cass County,