The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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- r - r V- V " "'"
Nehawka De
Prepared ia the Interests of
G ei t h e i3 e w& at HI ofh el
And as to that matter have the) the enjoy mnt of
hearing the best plays,' concerts and hearing the ser
mons, and lectures over the entire country, by Radio.
We are ready to place a receiving -set .Jn your honied
that will put you in touah with the whole of America.
See us for specifications. - ' -
v Boedeker & Lundberg,
. -. '.. i ... ,
Nehawka, ' Nebraska.
Mrs. John Knabe has some very
fine young chicks which are doing
Victor Sturm has been spending
some time in Omaha during last
week and a portion of this.
Master II. F. St. John, better
known as "Dud." has been on the
sick list with a touch of flu.
CV . Chriswisser shipped a car
of cattle from his feeding lots near
here to tHe South Omaha market."
I. - D. Adams was a passenger to
Lincoln last Monday where he went
to. look after some business for the
day. -"
Mrs. C. S-. Stone is visiting -with
the mother, Mrs. M. "B. Allison, who
is matron at - -the girls industrial
Fel'ool at Geneva.
- Uncle John Knabe was loohing-af-ter
some business matters in Nehru-ska
ityr where be was called ore ac
count of business.-' -
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ross, living
OHth of town, are reported as both
being rick with ths flu, but are
getting along all" right.
Warren Mtinn was a visitor at the
home of V. O. Troop and wife-north
of town last Sunday, "being a guest
of the family for the day.
Sterling Hodge, who -has beenout
of school far a-number of weeks, 'Waits
able to return to'take'up his studies
lastwe)k. -and r. "d 9 trig finely.-, p
.ittss'Rnthf Hinton hs" Wen pend
ing a portion' of the "week " at lier
home An Iiineeln here; shes, toes been
f itting a well ;eferned cafioa.
rThe girts'" and boys" basket ball
teams of the Nehawka schools will
plaa liKe . team, of. the Dunbar
schools jm Friday of YhlB-weelMIK'ri
Verner- Lundberg , took i-.WT L
Doughty and Earl Webb last Monday
morning, where they were " looking
after some business for the day.
.Mrs. Horace Griffin was' reported
as having the flu-last week, but at
thL writing is feeling somewhat im
proved, but far frorawell as yet.
.Lester Wuoderlich, who is making
his home at Villisca. Iowa, was a
vLsitor in Nehawka for over Sunday
and Monday, driving over in .his
car. , ';
Mayor VJ I Sheldon says that if
people would keep their mouths
shut and not talk for thirty days
this world would be a great deal
better. ,
Jame Blake and John Frans both
accepted a position with the Sheldon
Manufacturing company and went to
work at the factory last Monday
P. IT. McCartney of Union was
looking after some business matters
Kr -r r
on all blankets and automobile robes. -: This is. new':
sfrvrl- Ann a r nnb it an ovranfinnal "valna r ' - "
25 Piscourit
on all sweaters and scarfs excepting TOM WYE knit
jackets. )' !..: ; ' : v.
gPzTDo not pass up the opportunity to buy. at these
special prices. Theywill be given only ifpr a short time.
J a
- r- - - ' -' ' '
PHONE NO. 14.. ...v-i-. 1 '
the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
and ah'o visiting with friends , and
relatives in Nehawka for a short time
last Monday. , , ( 1 r
Mos of the force at the- plant? of
the Sheldon "Manufacturing company
have been ontheiSick 'list for the
pas.eek,: but ra just now" showing
soine'Teeuperatlon! -" ' "
Miss Florence Wright, one of the
faculty of t he.; Nehawka rschools, was
absent from tier vvork la,st 'Monday
on account of sickness', -she having a
tussle with" the grip. a -
James Stone, who is somewhat of
a mechanic, has been putting In a
few -hours 'each day building, a car.
purchasing the chassis of a Ford;ao
putting a touring body thereon.. :
K'. 3f. Chrlswisser and family have
been visiting -for. a-number or days
with friends and- relatives prepara-
toryv toi their departure for Canada
which will occur, ih the very near
future.", i .
MUncIe Tom"- Mason, who has been
one . ot the . illustrations of: .good,
sound .health, has been on. the' sick
list ? for. the past few days.;, -being
kept, in his home with an attack-of
the grippe.' .s , ; - . :
Roy Simpkins has moved., into te
James. Miller .proeerfy, .thus vacating
the property of iick Klaurans which
was immediately oocupied ;;by.- John
Krans--. who returneuV .from ; Omaha
some time, ago.. .,,vV u.'-. .;.--v i- -...
Edward Miller, a prosperous arm
er living near Wyoming,, wasrlook
Ing .after some business matters,, in
Nehawka. last Monday, coming, to the
Nehawka mill with a load of wheat, j
which he exchanged for.fiour. ..- .. c' ;
.;. Mrs., A. F. Sturm, who is-.vJ&)tiQg 1
!?. pmiia,,fc..rjept9rUd(".ast bein feel-
m. , very, pouuv ,wiiu ,iii,e g,fiK, (uue
Mr. Stufm.f.who is at home, is not
feeling the 1est, but' is able" to be
around . a portion of the -time.
John Hicks, who ' has been, pretty
sick, during the past few days" with
an attack of the flu, " with proper
Dleduf,wa,lttionfnd n'af,Sin bot,i
of which he is getting, he is expected
iu uu j. rv . agiiiu 111 a suuii lime.
Ralph Johnson,'., jid family, " who
have been living north -or town for
xuuu ia .pw- iuuua, bowelgt will lead to chronic Consti-
moyed to . Plattsmouth. where they a?iorf T)0an.'8 Regulets operate eas
will make their home in the future Uy; 30ck box at all stoies.
Ir. Johnson being an employe of
the Burlington shops at that place.
. Mr. and Mrs
visiting in Syracuse last Sunday
on their return last Monday stopped
at Otoe and Avoca to look after some
business matters connected with the
new paper, the. Nehawka Enterprise,
which Mr.' Rutledge Is soon to
HI lE liar JIJI1.
Will Give Play Friday
' The Senior cldss of the r Nehawka
high school Vill on 'Friday evening
of this 'week give' a play entitled
"Billy Disappeared," which is a Com
edy and -well ' worth' your going a
distance to: hear. Do. not miss this
play of an excellent cast from the
Nehawka high school.
"Will Hold Hog Sale Soon
' Harry Knabe, - one of the most
successful of hoff breeders and grow-
ers'will give a sale of bred gilts and 1
sows at his home two miles north
west' of Nehawka, where- he- will
show some of the finest porkers 01
the:'Hampshire variety. Dut a few
years ago-' Harry 'started''' as 'a mem
ber of the pig club and has develop
ed into One of the prominent breed
ers' and hog raisers not alone of the
state of 'Nebraska, sbut -of the entire
country' 'in which he has attained
recognition as a ' promising young
bfe'eder'.' The sale will be held on
Saturday,-'ebruary' 17th.- ' Better be
on hand and get your hog, for there
will be a great demand for this va
riety -of porkers. '
: . 'Nehawka School Notes , y
- There ia considerable sickness nowj
many children being out of school. :
-The basketball teams journeyed to
Otoe Friday; playing the- high s hoo!
teams-there. -...-.i -
' The class in Agriculture aro. now
studying poultry. It is ' -especially
important ;tliis time of the year.
Harold Rlinden,- who dias been go
ing 'to a military actrdemy, entered
school Monday, going into the Sixth
grado.u 1 t - - . :
soils meeting was held in the
school house on Thursday-afternoon,
which ;wus run by Mr, Snipes., and au
ex-tension specialist from the . tatc
college. . t .- - - j-.
..- The -.: Senior play; . entitled ,"And
Billy. Disappeared," wH.,be. give,n at
the-Nehawka auditorium, on .Febrti -ary
gn.d. The popular prices of 35c
and 20c will prevail, and reserved
seats.. : may;. be procured, . at StetTen::
stare. ... The class is working hard on
this production wliich. should be seen
b)'c alV ,who . enjoyj a good play. ; ..The
cat.t..irclndee . all - members of .the
Senior class who are,; here and . threo
Sophomores. Miss . Owen is doing
the-,coaching .. :.
xvtintt' tht Jph!iV'"rfvit.vWnn
team-playing' t-Aforgan ' here
FridaV the 'PlattSHlOUtb high! school
team is- to' play the Nebraska City
i,Kh 'scliool at that plate and the
usual hot contest is looked forward
to (n tlie" friendly rivalry of the two
high schoolsV The two teams are well
tehed alfho in the seriesr of games
With the Seward team last-week the
locals ghowed up better than the
boys from Otoe county.
Harsh pnics rctr? weaken- (hc
Hemstitching and
Picot Edging
N. 4th St., Plattsmouth
The undersigned will offer for sale
at ptiblic auction at his home on'the
Kennedy farm, one and three-quar
ters 'miles south and one mile east of
Plattsmouth, commencing- at 1:00
o'clock sharp," on- ;' ' '"
the following described property
s- Livestock
One sorrel horse, coming six years
oldi'welght' 1500; one bay mare, ten
years old, -weight 1450; one bay
mnrr, seven years old," weight 1050
' One cowl seven years old.' fresh in
March; One tow, five years old, fresh;
threq heifers, coming two yeans, old.
with calf; -yearling heifer,' yearling
EUll. - . " - - . .
Five' red "hogs, weight 'about . 200
pofiiids; -nineteen red shoats. ranging
rrom iwo to 150 pounds. Three dozen
chickens. ' ' '' . '" :- '
? ('. , tirra. . implements, '.' " .. .
14-Jach walking plow, one walkine
listcr;..bne . corn drill, one. 2-section
harrow,' one low wheel farm waeon.
one Jenny Lind cultivator, ona dou
ble get wprkharpe6sf'.li tug3; pne
set of single harnei?s, one old -set of
single harness, one ion biie-p-v. snmn
alfalfa li'avv'aH household eoods and
numerous other articles.
r- (rltrms - of iSale -
t All sfifns of 10- and unckr, cash;
on sums' -over- 9 10 a Credit ot six
months will "be 'given; purchaser giv
ing bAtTahebeariii- re1ghti pr
tWtiac tifTntvd&tre:7S0';pt?-ty
to be removed fruaLhe premises un
Ml.set.tlfd.ior. -r.'t: -v.'-F
PHONE 100-J '
After Every Meal
Top off eacli meal
With a bit ol
sweet In flic form
tlslies Hie
tooth and
'sure and
benefit combined.
Miivii! Mi-Mnsv nnNTEF
Given Under Direction of
Plattsmoutli City 'Schools.
a It sa
H sweet
: Mike Schmader of Louisville was
1 Humoresque, Dvorak 'among those going to Omaha this
2 Surprise Symphonyj Haydn morning and from that city expects
3 Toreador Song (Carmen) j to go to the east in a short time. ,
Bizet! p.irs . n,ter Butler of Sioux City,
4 AnltraS Dance GriCg ,Tlir, nini.n,Tili.r1 ; her mhthpr 1Ura
5 Hall of ,tlie Mountain King
C Hark. Hark, the Lark-Schubert
7 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
: Liszt
man) Il.Ofrch
.0 From the Land
Blue Water
of the Sky j
Cadman j
10 Narcissus Ethelbert Nevin 'been visiting at . isenawKa witn reia-
11 Indian Lament- Dvorak tives and friends, returned this morn-
12 Spring Song : Mendelssohn ' inST to his home at Villisca, Iowa
13 Tho Erlkouig i Schubert I where he is iterested in business.
14Moditation ( Massenetj County Commissioner C. F. Harris
IZThe Swan'--Saint-Saens and Mr. and Mrs. George Shrader. of
16 .Iiserere (II Trovatore) Verdi .near Union were here yesterday for
17 .Midsummer Night's Dream a few hours where they spent a short
Overture ; Mendelssohn
No. 16 This beautiful duet and
chorus occurs iri the fourth act of the;
opera. 11 Trovatore means The Trou
badour. - 1-;
. The scene is laid outside Aliaferia
Palace, .where Manrico. defeated by
Count di Luna's ' men, is confined in
Mho dungeons. Here Lenora comes to
be near her lover,-and she is terror
stricken at' ther isolemn tolling of a
doep-tonetl , beiljand the mournful
t horK -of-.-the priests chanting- for
the soul of the doomed, prisoner. ,
Priests .:.,. , . ....
Pray that peace - may attend a soul
departing, .
- Whither no care or thought of
. . .earth can: follow;
Heavenly mercy allays the pangs of
. Look P beyond this life's delu
sions hollow.
Then follows an impressive series
of chords in the orchestra leading to
a sobbing lament of Lenora.
Lenora -What
voices of terror, for whom are
they praylrtg?
With omen of fear unknown, they
darken the air.
New horrors assail me, my senses are
, straying,
"My vision is dim, is it death that
is near?,
In upon this there breaks the
beautiful air of the Troubadour, sung
wunin the prison, followed. by a joy-
ful cry of devotion from his beloved,
Manrico I
Ah; I have sighed to rest me; deep
in the quiet grave
, Sighed to rest me, but all in vain
I crave,
Oh fare thee well, my Lenora, fare
tnee well.
No. 17 Mendelssohn was inspired
to write this overture by reading the
bhakspearian comedy with his sis
ter Fanny. It was first arranged as
a piano duet. It opens with four pro
longed chords which some one has
called the boundary line between the
real and the ideal. The overture
closes with the same four mysteri
ous chords. Following these chords
comes the daintiest of fairy music
the dignified them of the Duke, the
romantic theme of the lovers and the
braying of the donkey (in allusion
to Mffe Hot torn).
This delightful .overture was writ
ten when Mendelssohn was only 17
years old. Seventeen years later he
completed the incidental music for
tiie rest of the play.
Six room cottage, four lots; elec
trie lights, good Improvements. FJvo
room cottage, two lots, electric
ights, city water in house. Five
room cottage, one, lot. electric lights
ana Darn. ' Any of tnese uronerties
can he -bought at reduced prices and
on easy terms. Money to loan on
Accidents will happen, but the
hest regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emer
gencies. Two sizes. 30c and 60c, at
an stores.. - -
Block wood for staler $2 per load.
One mile west of Mynard. Mynin
Wiles. . J29-eodlVr.4sw
f.5 years .
t Office ; ..
.' .Ooates Block
tr i t t tit
From llonflnv'a Daily
A. O. AUlt of Cedar Creek was hetB
today for a tew hours visit and look-'
ing aftQ rsome matters of business.
F. S. Welsheimer was a passesger
this morning for the metropolis to
attend to some matters of business in
that city. .
Dr. 0. Sindin was a professional
visitor in Pacific Junction today,
where he was called to look after a
number of sick cattle near that place.
Miss Haftie Royal of Glenwood,
who hes been here the past few days,
visiting with her uncle, B. C. Hyde
and-family, returned this morning to
her home.
W'illiam Splitt of near Imperial,
Nebraska, who has been attending a
tractor school at Omaha, is here for
a visit with his relatives and old
friends in Cass county. j
Mr. and Mrs. John DeLeski of Nor- '
folk, Nebr., returned this morning
to their home after a visit here at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John McNur- ,
lin, foster parents of Mrs. Deleski.
John McNurlin was among those
going to Omaha this morning where
he will have his eyes treated, by a!
specialist in that city. Mr, McNur
lin' in rapidly regaining the use of'
; fc is eyes and after a very serious op
iteration which has proven very sue
From Tuesday's Daily.
George W. Snyder was a visitor in
Omaha today where he was called to
look after some matters of business.
.WiiHam oilmour. back to this citv.
deiarted this afternoon for her home.
. Mrs. F. .L. Adams was a passen-
gcr this afternoon for Omaha accom -
p.iniea Dy ner iriena, Jirs. ii. aiueoer
' Yho ha3 been heer fof the past feW
LPSter F. Wunderlich, Who lias
' time attending to some matters of
i business. ...
John Gardner, who. was visiting
hfrP vtpnkv nt thp hnmo nf Mr
and Mrs. Ralph J. Haynie, departed
this morning for Omaha and from junior mnuner.oi me urra, ex
thpr ho will srn tn st i.nni in tflire i Prt In this line of work as is the
tm wnrl- in Washinrrfmv untppreitv
" Orovfcr ' Ttuffner. ' .who "returned
Sunday from the hospital in Omaha
where he has been since his acci
dent of several weeks ago that re-
suited 4ji the fracture of his right
arm, nas so iar recovered as 10 oe
able to return home and came down
Sunday to visit with the home folks.
This morning, Mr. Ruffner and wife
departed for Omaha where he will
have his injured arm dressed and
looked after by the attending sur
gcon. The arm is doing very nicely
now and it is hoped that the pres
cnt rate ot improvement will be "con
Magazines at JournaV office.
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction at his home nine and a
lialf milpu vf5T nf Pin 1 1 Bmn-.i til flvp
and a half miles east of Louisville,
three nnd a hnlf rnilp Rontli of CoiU
ar Creek, a half mile north of Heil
and Lohnes' school house, on
Tuesday, February 6
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., with
lunch served on the premises at
noon by S. J. Reames, the following
described property:
' Live Stock
One span of mules, weight 2200.;
one team, ten years old, weight
2S00; one black mare, ten years old,
weight 1500; one brown mule, four
years old, weight 1150; one black
mule, four years old, weight 1000
one black mare, four years old,
weight 1250; one yearling mule.
Four milk cows fresh in spring,
four heifers coming two years old,
two yearlings, one pure bred Here
ford bull.
Throe registered spotted Poland
brood sows.
Farm Machinery, Etc. '
One 7-toot Deering binder, one
John Deere lister, one Jenny Lind
cultivator, one 12-inch John Deere
ang plow, one 16-inch Case sulky
plow, one 16-inch walking pldw, one
John Deere' 2-row" machine, one 2-
row stalk cutter, one 10-foot Cham
pion press drill, one 5-hoIe ' wheat
drill, orie McCormick- hay rake, one
hay rack with trucks, one Newton
wagon, one single shovel plow, one
3-section harrotv one 16-iricli Janes-
ville dlslt, one John Deere corn plant
er, one hand corn sheller,' one 24-
foot Schroeder elevator-complete,
one spring wagon, one bob sled.'nne
top buggy good as new. one 5-foot
Standard mower; two sets 1 l-4"inch
harness, one' 6-barrel. galvanized wa
ter tank, one 55-gallo'n kerosene bar
rel, one Economy Kihg crea'ni separa
tor No. 18 good as new, and'raahy
Other "articles tod numerous to tnen-
ion. '-: -' ; t. ' . ' """'.";
" . ' Terms of Sale ; , . '" ;
All sums of $10 and under, cash;
on sums over $10 a credit, of eight
months win be riven, purchaser giv
ing bankable note .bearing; lght,jxe.r
cent interest from' date. '"No "prbperi-y,
to be refnoved frcrmrthe preniises jn
til settled fdr.
.iL'i'i.v.r, iv 'CltOwMI;
COL. W. R. YOrNG, Auct. , - j
RALPH R. LARSON, Clerk. " ""1
The great health science that removes the caiise of dis
ease. The CHIROPRACTIC idea is that the cause of
disease is in the person offli'cted and the adjustment is
correcting the wrong that is producing it. Any impinged
nerve by a subluxated vertebra causes to function pro
perly and the result is disease. The CHIROPRACTOR
knows how to find and properly adjust this verieba re
lieving the pressure and allowing nature to make , you
well. ' .
It will cost only a little of your time to investigate CHIR
OPRACTIC in our office and it may mean the return of
your health; - v 4 - , . !
No embarrassment in taking an adjustment as only the
spine is exposed to the CHIROPRACTOR. ' Private
dressing rooms are provided. : . ,
3 Year Palmej:. Graduates
Harris Apartments, Main 'Sr., 4 doors east of the - -".
; 6'
j ' - 1
. The firm ot Drs. t)obne'y & Dobheyj
chironrattors.- who. have located In
(he Harris anaftmplits nn lnv;'pr Main
'street are now busily., engaged in
j looking after the needs of their pa-
' tients and have .given the utmost sat-
isfactibn to -those Who have visited
' their dgices. The doctors are both
graduates . of the Palmer school .art
Davcnpoft and are experienced In
. their line of Vork and amply able
to carry, on' treatments in the
Well arranged ciftces. The fact, that
both .treatment of male and. female
. cases can De nanuiea manes n mucn
r conrenient as Mrs. Dobney, .the
. SCnlOrTnember Of the f imr.
! A play, xhs3?rllrnd''Jj&
be given Yvednesday evening, Feb
ruary 14th, by the pupils of tbeUpw,
iston school at the Lewiston church,
two, njilfifc scrtk '1-) two. niitefe"ioar
or Murray. A box supper will be held
a-nd a prize given fof the mostrrat.-
tractive box.
' 'Teacher
The T. J. SokOl society will give a
big mask ball at their hall on-Sat
urday evening, February 10. Full an
nouncement will be - made -later vol
this big event
A healthy -man, is a king in his
own right; ah unhealthy man an
unhappy, slave. .For. impure blood
and sluggish liver-use-Burdock- Blood
Bitters. On the . market 35 years.
$1.25 a bottle.
Good as new, Wz horse powers-
Fred Beverage, Murray. j22-4tw
Let me explain my long time land
bank loan. Also money at live per
cent. Searl S. Davis, Plattsmouth
State Bank Bldg. j25-Ssw.
50 Head of Poland-China Bred Sows, Fall
Gilts and
Wednesday, Efeb. 7th
On W-e(Jesay, Februaxj' 7.. 1923j4:CIooreV'wirivrter at?Kiblic
Auction 30 bred sows, 7 fatl bo'ais'auS 13 fall gilts, sale to be held
at Pacific Junction, la., under cover with, positively no postponement.
The sows consist of 10 tried sows, 4 fall yearlings and 13 spriner
gilts, the beet I ever raised.TJf e'd' to one 51 the best sons of Designer
and to Dig Bone Wonder 2d, a grandson of Peter Pan. These sows
are from .such breeding as Designer. Peter Pan, Orange jloitel r-i
terionj Profil'Maker Bi JbelM itid -3iant "Kelson? " V '
The fall, boars nd giltore 4y, "JTluj? rwHihet,'! .-e lof the beet
Giantess bred boars in the corn belt. If you want the "high un"
kind, ;with;thei best Uf feet, eveswtde open and 4.ia "rainbow"
back, come and buy this good seed,
TERMS OF SALE Cash or timegiyen on approved'notea
All . sos.a.guaranteed.-jtojrs
be safe with"pig oii the' date
given in catalog or satisfactory
settlement will be made. All
claims must be made within
thirty days. Not responeifel---for
J3MsMit.At ,SU. Saying. BanW'cliU'
Proro Tuesday's Eatiy. ,
f'L,ast nigftt local-laaioliJtfcrterr-in
were jp!east?di .to -hear -Ihel faiMiliar
fazz.. mnsic.,.Qf;. tM9 DeFord(.6n4! his
orchestra . whici , ws bejn'a broad
cast from''' p of "ttt4" tjinColn. sta
tions. ;'N. only 'were' the boysplfiy
ing but frequently theys saug as1s
their usual custom when playing for
a dance here. h And old Dvike him
self, ff!ie-5rVandJfn the
ramotrs- bafljo-.'- - 3 - r,T
,...LuU' er .gftiitlaman agcn4 wanid
,5iltfVta.ut&vo ,-tettf t?Wi!
Ptoducts.- Investigate tuis offer!
Partrcmiatfe- tntit ra rdabte " -gfimres
f ms-ii ew- treer.- wrtr-cnfiry--'fcr"TC
I T . 1.1 - . . . r a v f
tikiHS- Gompany. Eept. 84, Win
Itch, Itch, Itch!. Scratch, Scratch
Scratch! The more you scratch, the
wo s6 A her I tcli " Tf-; Doajj k$ i 0 1 e n tt
For eczema, any skin 'itching. 60f
i j rv
Fisld Scod Friesg
i .i
Price pef
V "T? Bushel
Alfalfa (PrimeH 8.40
Alfalfa (Choidef ' lO.SO
Alfalfa (Standard) .13.20
Alfalfa (Dakota) llll '14.40
Swet, C.layeriChoicq),.. . Jg.-O
Red .ClovexCChoice)-.--.--., 1G.SO
Red Clover (Fancy) 14.4 O
Alsike Clover- ( Standard) - 12. OO
Tfmothy (Xew Orop) 1 4.05
u. J. uape (Fancy) ! - 5.50
Ask for Free Nursery Book.
Yager Hursery and Seed, Co.,
- Fremont, Nebr. ?
vc4U hpgf have been vaccinat
e.f with doublo treathient and
should be immune.
' fmtes' will be furnished to
shippers at a distance only.