The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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At the New Garage!
We are ready for work, in every particular, with
the exception of the electric circuit, which will be in
soon. We do acetylene welding, battery charging
and general automobile repair work No job to dif
ficult, none to small or to large for us bring them
along. We are both headquarters for sales and ser
vice, for Exide batteries and charge any kind of bat
tery. Best gasoline and greases. Also Fisk Tires.
Jess Landholm,
, Murdock,
bank was held Tuesday, January
16th. The following officers and
board of directors were elected for
the coming year: H. C. Backemeyer,
president; A. Strelch. vice president;
O. J. Potbast. cashier; Wm. Heier
and L. Neitzel, members.
Provides Payment to Ex-Service Men
at Bate of 50 Cents a Bay
for the Time Served.
Ten members of the house intro
duced a bonus bill Friday afternoon
which calls for an appropriation of,
$10,000,000 to be raised by direct!
Ki nuan Schewe, son of V. O.
Sclewe and wife, is having his
m; Uii ju?t now.
12. . Thirugan was looking after
so: business matters in Ashland on
V Thursday, driving over in his
entist Trenholm of Elmwood was
'last Thursday, doing some den
tal work for Mr. J. H. Buck and Miss
Viola Everett.
Misa Ella Gerbeling of Wabash
was a visitor at the Murdock schools
last Thursday, being a sister of one
of the teachers.
Fred Eushman. O. Gillespie and
A. H. Ward had their winter's meat
dressed last week at the farm of the
former west of town.
Mr. A. C. Depner has been guild
ing a porch on the home of H. V.
McDonald during the past week, and
which is adding much to the home.
Henry A. Guthman of the Bank of
Walter Thircgan and Martin Bor
nemeier of near Murdock were in at
tendance at the sale of Martin L.
Williams near Louisville last Wed-
! neaday.
Murdock, was a visitor .in Omaha
last Thursday, driving up in his
auto to look after some business
Richard Tool, as well as the others
of the state university students were
visiting at home for a few days dur
ing the week on account of a short
Alex Landholm, who has. been at
X' 1, Til A 1 1 J -W 1 1 1 A
With headquarters at L. Neitzel S: Saturday and is assisting in the work
store, we have a stock of guaranteed at the Landholm garage at the pres
tires and tubes, priced as follows: lent time.
Knows How to Catch Fish
Th warm rinva whinh Vioira honn
slyly insinuating themselves into theitax ine two years The act is subject
good graces of the summer loving to. referendum. It provides for ad-i
folks, have animated a desire iq ; ministration by a commission to con-1
some of the fishermen of Murdock i "j5 of the adjutant general and two;
and last week Jerry. Homer Lacey I ot h,er2 t0 b name b tb,e governor,
and J. A. Bauer went down to the!and fie ce.ts tday the;
fishing ground, or waters, and tried ! amount to be paid soldiers, sailors,
out tbe theory of wintPr fishing. The marines and nurses of Nebraska for
three former had to come home with-
time served in the world war.
out any fish, but Mr. Uauer had bet-
Of the eleven house members list-
a good sized fish and 7, r Is not Vald ; cludd. in the introductory roll. Con-
whether it was a mackerel, sardine
or bullhead. It is estimated that Mr.
Bauer slipped up behind the animal
and threw salt on its tal. However,
he brought home the i bacon) fish.
Many Attend Skating Party
Last Thursday a large number of
scientious objectors are eliminated
from the receiving line. The two ap-i
pointees on the commission shall re-!
ceive 10 a day each and expenses1
for time spent in connection with ad-!
ministration. The life of the com-;
mission ends on December 31, 1927.'
The electors of Nebraska, if the
bill passes the two legislative
Auto Tires!
Cornhusker, "0x3 V2 $7.50
Inter Ocean. 30x3 T.50
Cord tires. SOxGU S.OO
Tubes at J?l and 1.23
All Positively Gnaranteed to
Give Satisfaction.
Geo. &if,
Fred Tonack and E. W. Thimgan
were visiting and looking after some
business matters in Omaha last
week, driving over in Mr. Tonack's
new liuicK. 1
Mrs. H. W. Tool has been staying1
at the home of her mother. Mrs.
Jacob Goehry. assisting in her care 1
for some time past, during the ill
ness of her mother. Held Election of Officers
Herman R. Schmidt lias been re- The annua! myelins of the stock
pairing his windmill, the source of .holders of the Farmers & Merchants
his water supply, which furnishes
the home with their supply and
which has gotten out of order.
F. A. Rosenow and family and
Mrs. E. W. Thimgan and children
were visiting last Thursday evening
at Mr. Rosenow's mother near Elm
wood, driving over in the evening.
Miss Mary Williams, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams, was a
visitor last Thursday afternoon at
the home of her aunts, Mesdames
Frank Rosenow and E. W. Thimgan.
The children of J. E. McHugh
have been taking their mumps in
good spirit during the past week
and have been getting along nicely.
They are hoping soon to be out
Miss Rbena Towle, of Lincoln, has
been visiting at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. J. E. McHugh during the
past week and assisting in caring for
the children while having the
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Tool last Thursday the genial
host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Tool entertained at a house party,
at which all present enjoyed the oc
casion greatly.
Mrs. Jesse Hill of Denver, a sister
of Mrs. J. E. McKugh. and
Fred Towle of Wabash and Art!lJ l ureenwooa. wnere tney aw naa in 1224. The introducers are Rep
Towle of South Bend, has been visit-: a .Vtos.1 Plsafan,1 evening ram oiock, resentatives Keifer. Hughes, Elsass
ing with the relatives here and ot!u" 1113 SCIl"tJ"us; K "e, G. B. Collins. Whitehead. Dennis,
other towns for the past week. people over to the jollification. ; Densmore. Gallagher, Smiley and
When one sees people burning! .x x i Regan. Six are republicans and
stalks and rubbish he thinks of: White Wyandotte Roosters four are democrats. The minority
spring. Well, we are enjoying this have a number of very fine members listed as introducers are
weather, and if rougher weather White Wyandotte roosters for sale. Elsasser, G. B. Collins, Dennis and
comes later on we will have to take PAUL FLEMMIXG, ; Regan.
it like a good sport and smile on. tf-M. Murdock, Xebr. Reducing: Salaries
Frank Melvin, the carpenter and i The senate adjourned Friday fore
contractor has during the pleasant Win and Lose at Basket Ball ! noon until Monday, 2 p. m. It passed
weather of the past week been put- Last Wednesday the girls and boys by a vote cf 23 to 2, S. F. 1, by Reed,
ting a -new roof on the Rikli prop- of Murdock went to Louisville where reducing salaries of code secretaries
erty in Murdock, the house where J. they played basket ball with the re- from $5,000 a year to a graded scale
H. Buck, the blacksmith and family suit that the girls' team of Murdock ranging from ?2,500 to $4,000 a
live. were winners over the same team of year. S. F. 12, by Wiltse, reducing
Fred H. Gorder and wife were Louisville, while when it came to salaries of all state officers and
visiting in Murdock last Sunday be- game between the boys, the Murdock judges, the governor's salary of
inir riirt? at thp hnmp nf H W team were good losers to the boys of 7,300 a year excepted, was recom-
Tool and wire and on Monday de- the river town.
parted for Omaha, where they went
to attend the fnneral of Mrs. Wm. j Related to the Harrisons
Nichols, who was an aunt of Mrs. j Turner McKinon of near Alvo
Gorder. ' waj a visitor in Murdock for a short
Mrs. Barbara Goetz departed for time one day last week, and visited
Lincoln last Wednesday, where she with H. W. Tool and while here was
went to assist in the care of her speaking of the folks joining the Sons
sister, Mr3. Jacob Goehry, who is ' and Daughters of the American Rtvo-
verv ill at her home there. Mrs. H. lution and on investigating their an-
Credit Regulations!
Capital is required to do business with. When
business men make purchases they must consider the
time of payment. Credits are considered in every
business, and as the business man is cut short on time,
so must be require short time credit as well. Begin
ning with February 1st, 1923, the undersigned will
send statements of all accounts on the first of each
month. AH of which have been paid by the 10th of
same month will receive a discount of 2 per cent on
their bills. Bills running for sixty days or longer, 7
per cent interest will be charged.
Murdock Mercantile Company,
Baur & Kraft,
H. V. McDonald,
A. Tool,
L. Leitzel.
Murdock, Nebraska.
the young people of Murdock and branches, will decide as to adoption 1
also of. imi re"wm5uns pr- or rejection at the general
election 1
From Saturday's Datly.
This afternoon the high school bas-
Rcbal, Joe Koubek, Irussell Wasley,
John Krejci, Harold Mullis and
aha in company with Coach B. C.
Doolan and wife, and this evening
kctball squad, composed of Stuart ' the team will play the Benson high
Chase, 'Charles Egeuberger, Fred school team at that place.
W. Tool also L- in Lincoln assisting
In her care, Mrs. Tool being a daugh
ter and Mrs. Goetz :i sister of the
mended for third reading. Good's bill
! reducing the fee for inspection of
(potatoes in car lots from $4 to $3
was ordered to third reading.
The house adjourned to meet at 9
o'clock this morning, after approv
ing a bounty on crows, kiting a
measure proposing a compulsory
bounty on coyotes, discussing cur
tailment of bond issues at home and
cestrv to find if thv wpro .lireot rie- receiving the governors budget bills.
scendents of the Revolutionary Fath
ers, found that they were direct de
seendents of the nresident. Wm. H.
Harrison and were also related to naiice. wage
thp later nrpsidpnt. r.pnl.iinin tion, repairs
rison as well.
EVIurock Mercantile Company's
nuanf iiearaoce
and Money Raising Sale!
Ginghams - Fast colors, 32 inch, 29c yd.; 27 inch, 23c yd.
Percales Light, dark, grey, blue, all new patterns; regular
25c values, sale price 21c, 36 inch, fast colors.
Sheeting - 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, heavy, firm cloth; 70c val
ues, 58c.
Pillow Tubing - 42 inches wide. 39c yd.; regular 50c grade.
Blankets Wool and Cotton, large size, 25 off.
Comforts Home made, 20 off.
Laches' and Children's Underwear2o off.
Men's and Boys- Underwear 20 off.
Men's Sweater Coats, Duck Coats, Leather
VestS 25 discount.
100 Pairs Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Shoes at below manufacturer's cost- a real sacrifice.
Men's Heavyweight Blue Denim Overalls
$1.25 pair.
Reduced prices prevail throughout all lines.
Special prices will be paid for all produce.
Sells Two Good Autos
During the past lew days Edward
W. Thimgan has told two excellent
Buick autos, Mr. Fred Tonack, liv
ing northeast of town getting one, a
six and a beauty as well as being one edness bonds.
01 me uesi cars wihvu is ofius pui
out, and the other going to Connie
Wehrman, Jr.. this one being a four,'
but being surely a fine wagon.
one providing for salaries of consti
tutional state officers, deputies and
secretaries and the other for mainte-
of employes, construc
and general expenses
of all state departments and insti
tutions. pecker Mathers made his maiden
speech from the floor. It was dur
ing debate in committee of the whole
on the general proposition of mak
ing more difficult the voting and is
suance -of school and general indebt-
He was interrupted
a number of times by applause.
lie said that discussion has been
centered on tax reductions relative
I to state institutions when, as a mat-
f n. t ttt 'ter of fact tnis is a very small-thing
From Over the Water 'as compared with what may be ac
Miss Anna Blumberg, a sister of con:p!ished at home. He is strongly
, Mrs. Fred Klemme, arrived here last in favor of the Barmour-O'Gara
week and is visiting at the home of string of bills which propose among
her sister for a short time, and will other things, a two-thirds vote. on
expect to make her home here irl the municipal and school bond issues.
future. This is her first trip to j
America, and she thinks it a won
derful country, which it is.
Two More Numbers
j There will be one more regular
t number to the lecture coruse which
: the ladies of the R. N. A. have been
furnishing for the season. This will
be the lecture bv Charles Edwin
& Shanck on February 3rd. This will
be tollowed by a .home talent play,
which no doubt &i!l be the best of
all, for the ladies of the Ft. N. A.
are always able
good across.
to put something
On a Cash Basis Now
Nebraska City Takes up Matter that
Has Long: Been Discussed in
This City by People.
The matter of requiring electrical
workers to undergo an examination
before carrying on their work which
TT 1. .. t-l .1 T
e ud.e iu pay our i.eip tuu ha3 been discussed some in this city
use, and are now doing business on
a cash basis. This enables us to
keep the
prices charged at a low
Utanffible Eumors
bj' fire department members as a part
of the program of reducing the
causes of fires, has been adopted In
our neighboring town, Nebraska City
Tvhere the workers must answer cer
tain questions in regard to their
work bffore they are nermittpfl . trt
- . k
1 ro wiring or other electrical work. ,51
EiMseCi UoGfaiiiflBllo a
Rumors a plenty have been float-' in that city Julius Ottnatt. citv elec-
ing about regarding a change in the trioal inspector, has prepared a list !
business lineup of the village of of forty-two questions that are to !
Murdock. which tells of another man be rated at two points each and '
coming here to engage in business ; which the applicant must answer and !
ana also the changing or the line or an average of 60 per cent i3 neces
business of another firm, taking upjgai-y for the applicant to receive a
another kind of work. The inquir-! license to go ahead with his work as
ies at the head of information failed ;an electrician. The questions are all
to confirm the rumors, and while pub- practical and not in the least techni
cal and such that a qualified worker
lie opinion is that the change will
soon be consumated. there is noth
ing definite that they will.
Making Substantial Improvements
Henry Reickman is having borne
very substantial improvements made
at his place near Alvo, having the
upper portion of the house rebuilt,
and a number of rooms added. Mr.
Wm. . Westfall and family are occu
pying the home, and this will make
a number of added rooms and a more
convenient place to live.
I Improvements at Barber Shop
Emil Kuehn .of Lincoln was a
visitor in Murdock for a number of
days during last week, and while
here has been having the barber
shop renovated and repainted and a
nice floor covering of Congoleum
placed on the floor, all of which is
adding much to the attractiveness of
the place. Eddie Craig, the man in
charge, is pleased with the new con
ditions, for tbe. shop is so greatly
improved that it looks like a differ
ent place. Mr. Dusterhoff and - his
crew of excellent workmen have
been doing the work.
could easily answer.
In inspections made by both the
state inspectors and Chief O. Sandin
here there has been many cases of
electrical wiring that have failed to
comply with the requirements of
safety to the buildings and which
might have been contributory to fire
losses to the city. Electric wiring is
a trade in itself and a matter of the
greatest Importance to property
owners if they have their property
protected as it should be from fires
caused byvdefective wiring. This city
should have an ordinance to cover
this matter as our neighboring city
We appreciate your assistance in
ielping ns to publish all the news.l
Call phone No. 63 rings. J
Radio fans need not be surprised
some of these nights to hear wafted
through the air the voice of one of
our townsmen, for arrangements
have been made to broadcast from
station WAAW, the Omaha Crain ex
change ui several different occasions
announcement pf the forthcoming
Nebraska clothiers' convention," and
Mr. C. C. Wescott, one of those In
charge of arrangements will speak to
the unseen audience on at least one
of the occasions.
Boxed stationery, Journal office.
Our Gasoline is flof Just "Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
How is Your
We have installed a Tungsten Bectifier and are prepared to
charge and recharge your batteries. When the weather is cold
and your car stiff, you need your batteries in good condition, both
for the matter of starting and also for the best ignition as well as
good lights. Bring in your batteries and have them recharged.
The prices are very moderate. Our repair department is fully
equipped for the best of service.
The present delay on our large jobs
to f Hi the vacant time with
Your Painting Job
no matter how large or small!
P At a Remarkable
u Reduction Price!
The weather is just fine for
Bllew Decorative
We will be very busy next month!
Dusterhoff Shops
Murdock, Nebraska '