THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923- PAGE F0X7X PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL r Cbc plattemoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT rLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at PostofTice. Plattsmouth, Neb., as secoud-cJaas mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PEICE $2.C0 PEH YEAR DJ ADVANCE ALAS, MY BROTHER And the prophet took up the car case of the man of God. and he laid his carcase in his own grave; and they mourned over him, saying, Alas my brother. I Kings xiii, 29 30. -:o:- This is the January thaw. - :o: A week from tomorrow is another sales day. :: When it comes to quail hunting and t lilusL iilcu aie liuc ai auuuiiii5 oai- rows. :o: The place to find everything is in the dictionary. :o: Time is money, that Ls why the golden moments fly. :o: Snow, more snow, and the small boy will use his sled. Well, yes. : o: The American dollar is the only j silver tongued orator that can talk in any language. o:o Seven queens visited London for Christmas, but we saw at least 700 queens here. 0:0 How to be happy though married Stay sober all the time and at home some of the time. :o: Cheap umbrellas last the longest. Carry one and no friend will take it by mistake for his. -:o: The trouble with bootlegging Many a small boy is kept in after, booze is you have to be drunk before school because his father worked his you can drink arithmetic wrong. :o: Air has always been free, but we couldn't appreciate it until auto tires were invented. :o: Californians are saving peach pits for fuel, but we shall continue to de pend on the coal pits. : :o: The soviet government has ac complished one aim; it has perfected the nationalization of poverty. :o: Uncle Sam seems to be the only one who can take a hand in Europe without putting his foot in it. the stuff. :o: -:o: Up to date the ISth amendment has subsidized a good many more ships than the subsidy bill has. :o: A toothpaste mine has been open ed in Nevada and they don't have to keep their mouths shut about it. to: The man who says he doesn't care what anybody thinks of him would cot be so emphatic if he didn't care. o : a Every once in a while you run across a man who feels as big as a dollar bill looks on a collection plate. All sorts of radicals and malcon tents seem to be planning to get in out of the wet by using the progres sive umbrella. :o: Dr. Emile Coue is here. His mana ger is probably hoping that every day, in every way, he will be getting richer and richer. :o: Let us at least cherish the fond hope for this New Year that none of our state officials will get themselves involved in scandals. :o: In one respect at least the new year very much resembles the old. The allied premiers are holding an other conference this week. : o : " The economist is the felloe who gave a check to his wife for a Christ mas present and asked her to tear it up after she had shown it to the neighbors. 1 -:ot- The maddest feeling the one you have when you have bought a Christ mag present for $5 and see the same thing marked down to $3.19 some where else. :o: The situation i5? about the same in the Lausanne conference. The na tions are falling over each other try ing to exchange what they got and do not want. It is difficult to say who is the harder worked or the more edified, the woman who keeps np with cur rent fiction or the man who tries to keep up with current divorce court news. :o: It is " objected now that Henry Ford's Muscle Shoals scheme vio lates the federal water power act. The very best way to discover a lot of law nowadays is to begin show ing enterprise. :o: It is customary on the first day of January to write a New Year edi torial one of those introspective and restrospective affairs the wise men are so fond of indulging in. Hut we simply haven't the heart to do it. So much that happened last year was not so, and so much we expect to happen this year may never materi alize, that there's really nothing to write about. Folder photos, $2.50. $3.50 and $5.00 per dozen. Olson Studio. Oppo. Journal office. j5-6td,2tw Reading the New York dispatches indicates her Great White Way is i realy her great fight way. :o- Yale students voluntarily decided to limit drinking, but some may think the sky is the limit. :o: It i3 hard to borrow money because the people who have it, have it be cause they will not lend it. :o: People who wear tight shoes may be glad to learn a fire destroyed shoe factory in Newton, N. J. :o: In Ludlow, Mo., bandits got ?3. 000 and overlooked" $30,000, show ing it doesn't pay to hurry'Soo much :o: Fifty thousand dollars has been paid for one strawberry plant. And yet the prune plods along fn its dem ocratic way. with charity for all and a rash for none. : o : As far as can be learned from his tory no one ever bounded to immor tality on the strength of his acquain tance with the "What Men Will Wear" department of the smart monthly magazine. :o: Twenty-two civilians, employes at th Brooklyn navy yard, have Keen indicted for the theft of goods val ued at a million dollars, the govern ment preferring to carry out its own disarmament program. :o: Walter Camp's All-Ajnerican se lections this year were made diffi cult by a wealth of good material An All-American eleven of states men would be twice as dificult for an entirely different reason. :o:. Thomas A. Edison says there are plenty of $10,000 jobs awaiting for young men. The trouble with some of the young men, however, is that they seem to think they will come right over and lift them up from the street corner. :0Z A western man has designed a single wheeled vehicle on the gyro scope principle, with which he ex pects to make 250 miles an hour. This will reduce the pedestrian's chance by about 100 per cent. :o: - The average American's taste in women is as elementary and limited as his taste in food. In the one case his choice is invariably steak and French-fried: in the other, a baby stare, a snub nose and a giggle! :o: It is suggested at Lausanne that the Armenians can have a national home if the American congress will appropriate 20 million dollars for it. Maybe housing conditions in this country should be improved with a like sum, too. 0:0 The state house workers, includ- YOUR MASK All criminals lie, but rare is the man who can stick to a lie, say3 Michaef Hughes, Chicago's detective chief. "We find a liar will tell a dif ferent version of the same story to almost everyone. So we lead a sus pect into telling lies, th,en we check him up. and finally in his mental confusion the truth come out." This bit of criminal psychology is based on the principle of multiple personality. In other words, that we present a separate and distinct and entireljt-different personality to each person we meet. Take your own case. In the pres ence of your mother you act a cer tain way, display a certain aptitude. This is your personality, as mother sees it. Naturally, no two people see us in exactly the same light. And, naturally, we often disagree and argue about the merits or de fects of mutual acquaintances. You may consider an acquaintance O. K. Your friend may consider him N. G. Neither of you can understand the other's attitude. We all know people who are clev is in public, but mighty sweet to mother, and that atones for a lot. Another familiar expression: Don't mind him. He's a good fellow A STORY AND A MORAL There was once a lad, so the story goes, who often at the sunset hour sat on the steps of his cottage home and gazed longingly toward the hill top where there was a great house with windows. Finally the lad start ed out to visit the mansion. As he neared tse summit of the hill he paused to look about him. He saw the sun, a tlaming ball, slowly sink ing in the western sky, and far down the road whence he had come he saw his own humble home, and behold! The windows were gleaming like gold. It is only from distance, some times, that we can gain the proper perspective. Truly Nebraska has its golden windows but they are not vis ible to all its people. While it is not necessary, p-rhaps, to journey afar to catch the reflection, bat- there should be a i-areful taking of stock that each individual might appre ciate more fully the true worth of his own city. There are towns whose achieve ments in some respect Plattsmouth might well emulate; there are faults here to be corrected; there are cer tain phases of activity to which we must give our attention, improve ments for which we must strive. But LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. App. Doc. 1, Page 209. Forest H. Brunson, Plaintiff, vs Richard Claiborne et al. Defendants To the Defendants, Richard Clai borne and wife Mrs. Richard Clai borne, real name unknown; R. Clai- born and wife, Mrs. R. Claiborn, real names unknown; R. Claiborne and wife, Mrs. R. Claiborne, real names unknown; G. Powers and wife, Mrs. G. Powers, real names unknown; Town Association of Louisville, Cass county, Nebraska Territory; Fred erick L. Crawley and wife, Mrs. Fred erick L. Crawley, real name un known; F. S. Crawley and wife, Mrs. F. S. Crawley, real nains unknown; Richard Claiborne, Jr. and wife, Mrs. Richard Claiborne, Jr., real name un known; R. B. Claiborne, Jr. and wife, Mrs. R. B. Claiborne, Jr., real names unknown; R. B. Clayburn, Jr. and wife, Mrs. R. B. Clayburn, Jr., real names unknown; Elizabeth A. Register and husband Register, real name unknown; Elizabeth A. Claiborn and husband, NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska. Emmons J. Richey. Plaintiff, -vs. William B. Warbritton et al, De fendants. To the defendants William B. War britton; Mrs. Warbritton, real name unknown; Rosan Decker; Decker, real name unknown; John Ross; Susan Ross; A. E. Alexander, real name unknown; Alexan der, real name unknown; Lafayette Nuckolls; Mrs. Lafayette Nuckolls, real name unknown; Thomas W. Newman; Mrs. Thomas W. Newman, real name unknown; Edward E. Jones; Mrs. Edward E. Jones, real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of William B. Warbrit ton; Mrs. William B. Warbritton, real name unknown; Rosan Decker; Decker, real name unknown; John Ross: Susan Ross: A. E. Alex ander, real name unknown; - Alexander, real name unknown; La- R. B. Clai-, fayette Nuckolls; Mrs. Lafayette born, Jr., real name unknown; Elvira Nuckolls, real name unknown; Monteith: Alvira Monteith: William I Thomas W. Newman; Mrs. Thomas Moore and wife, Mrs. William Moore, W. Newman, real name unknown; real name unknown; Vv'm. Moore and ! Edward E. Jones; Mrs. Edward E. wife, Mrs. Wm. Moore, real names (Jones, real name unknown, each de- unknown; C. B-E. Claiborn and wife, , ceased, real names unknown, and all Mrs. C. B. E. Claiborn, real names persons having or claiming any in- unknown; C. B. E. Claiborne and terest in Lots seven, (7) eight (8) wife, Mrs. C. B. E. Claiborne, real land nine (9) and the west thirty names unknown; Proprietors of the feet of Lot ten, (10) and that part Town of Louisville, Cass county, N. of Lot ten (10) described as follows: T. ; Jacob F. Hoover and wife, Mrs. ; Commencing at a point on the north Jacob F. Hoover, real name unknown ; line of said Lot 10, 11 feet west of after all Plattsmouth is a good place j Jacob F. Huber and wife. Mrs. Jacob the northeast corner thereof; thence when he's sober." Liquor brings out in which to live and we say this not ' iiu.'jer ;?al nam,e unknown: Jacob , west 011 sam lot line j leei. mence lciuen personalities. Dy reason ot sentiment but because k0-. Carry this analysis to its logical lof very evident facts. Nowhere are I Theodore Heim. real name unknown ;! inches, to the place of beginning, all conclusion and every one has a dis-lthe possibilities greater or the pros- Thetoe Heim and wife, Mrs. Thetoe being in Block thirty-six, (36) in Heim, real name unKnov.11; Aaron u. ,ine lhv 01 i lausraouui, Lass couii- B. Fox and J. V. Glover, and all per sons having or claiming any interest in Lot numbered One Hundred Nine ty (190) in the Village of Louisville, real names ing the code secretaries and consti tutional officers, Iiave presented for mer Governor and Mrs. McKelvie with a grandfather clock, of beauti ful mahogany. They could of afford ed to have given a clock of gold to repay him for the big salaries grant ed them at his instigation for the last four years. :o: Japan's population now is 57, 65S.000, reports census headquar ters at Tokio. This is nearly half as many people as live in the tremen dously large territory of continental United States. And Japan proper is smaller than California. The Japa nese population is increasing one person every 43 seconds. That is the real Yellow Peril. And it's decidedly more ' of a peril to Japan than to others. tlnct and different personality for ev-j pects brighter or the people better. ery person with whom he ever comes One of the proofs that our faith is contact. It is unhumanly impos- J rightly placed is that the strangers sibly to treat two people the same! who have come in such vast numbers way to exhibit the same personal-I are of the highest type and thev are ty to both. eager to reside here permanently. I Some philosopher said something! We do not speak boastingly, but Cass county, Nebraska, about us entering this world alone I unless we believe in nnr-splvps .P unknown and iMvinff i oin0 t Lar,f ; ,i , You and each of you are hereby " ""6 UC-P" " "" ""- notified that on the 22nd day of gree, we also go through life alone, hdenee of others, and 'only as we December, A. D. 1922, the plaintiff No matter how intimate we may dream of great things for our city in the foregoing entitled cause, filed become with friend, mother, father, will they come to pass. his Petition in the District Court of ...?f- - ,ol , ., . , m-4,u .1 - , , Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you wife or husband, there is always -With such rapid growth it has and each e'f you are ' made par'ties someining we Keep to ourselves. This Dten cumcuit tor Plattsmouth to keep defendant for the purpose of obtain hidden personality safely masked is up with itself. From a-medium sized nS a decree from said Court quiet- Fox and wife, Mrs. Aaron B. Fox, ; ty. Nebraska, real names unknown real name unknown; Fox & Glover, I You and each of you are hereby a co-partnership composed of Aaron . noiifitd that Emmons J. Richey, (And said real estate in absolute title LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of CaiS coun ty, Nebraska. . State of Nebraska, County ot CaTo all persons interested in the es tate of Marquis LaFayette Scott, de ceased, both creditors and Heirs . You and each of you are nr notified that Emma J. Scott filed her petition in the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on me : January, A. D. 1923, alleging that Marquis LaFayette Scott, deceased, departed this life in the town oe Pacific Junction, Mills county, btate of Iowa, on the 20th day of vem-ber.-A. D. 1917, leaving a last will and testament; that said last will and testament has been duly proved and allowed as the last will and tes tament of said Marquis LaFayette Scott, deceased, in the County ol Mills and State of Iowa; that a copy of said will and the-probate tnereui, duly authenticated, is herewith pro duced by said Emma J. Scott, the person interested in said will; that the place of residence of said Mar quis LaFayette Scott, deceased, was the town of Pacific Junction, in the County of Mills and State of Iowa; that said Marquis LaFayette Scott died seized of the following described real property in Cass county, Ne braska: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 79, in the northwest quarter of the south east quarter (NW'i SE'4 ) of Section twelve, (12) Township twelve, (12) North, Range thirteen. (13) east of the 6th P. M., in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska; also Lots 89 and 93 in the south west quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section twelve, (12) Township twelve, (12) North, Range thirteen. (13) east of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, and containing in all 32.95 acres the Real Self. And none of us ever fully under stands our real self. We think we do. Then comes a time when we think ! things over in a bewildered sort of town it has become, a busy, prosper ous city with all of a city's prob lems, and with the expansion there is need for adaption in order that the growth may be way and are unable to understand While we are proud of the size, mere certain of our actions. bigness is not sufficient. There must The greatest mystery, the most in- be development in many ways if' the teresting things in the universe is proportions are to be maintained, human personality. Our real selves. With the new year, it is well for under analysis are uncanny almost Ins to think upon all these things. It from all estate, right, title, claim or ing the record title in Plaintiff to the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot numbered One Hundred Ninety (190) in the Village of Louisville. Cass county, Ne braska, as shown by the origi nal plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cass county, Nebraska I as against you and ech of you and by such decree to, wholly exclude you and each of 'you and all of you to the point of being terrible. n A NEW STAR IS BORN The astronomical world is proper Iy startled by tidings of a "new star" reported by a Rumanian scientist. A new star" is a very serious matter. nothing less than a collossal confla gration in the depths of space. Some where a luminous sun has plunged headlong into an enormous insert mass of nebulosity with the result that a hurricane of fiery vapor is created, a mixture of hydrogen, hel lum .calcium, titanium and iron among other incandescent forms Emerges a new globe of glowing gas and a new star is born. The whole area in which this oc curs is hurled about at a terrific speed and such- solar systems' as the little one of which our world is a part would be engulfed in an in stant. The excitement then is caused by consideration of these hazards is well for us to reallv know our Mnterest therein or to any part there- ... ai.CU6lI1 ttUu ,l3 Kiif&Sr You re required to answer said us neeus, us resources. As Individ- netition on or before the 5th dav of i uals we should think seriously of February, A. D. 1923, or your de tim nnnnrfuniii Qni oc s,i rauit win De entered in said cause group qf people, with the same in terest at heart, we should work for the fulfillment of the ideal. Truly the windows are golden. Let us strive in the new year to make the gleam even brighter as it re-d25-4w. fleets the true worth within. :o: and a decree granted as prayed for in Plaintiff's petition. Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D. 1922. FOREST H. BRUNSON. By Plaintiff AUBREY II. DUXBURY, p.'air.un, i:ied a petition and com menced an action in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 20th day of October, 1922, again st you and eacji of you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to Lots seven, (7) eight (8) and nine, (9) and the west thirty feet of Lot ten. (10 and that part of Lot ten (10) described as follows: Com mencing at a point on tiie north line of said Lot ten (10) 11 feet west of the northeast corner thereof, thence west on EaM lot line 3 feet, thence south 9 feet, 4 inches, thence east 3 feet, thence north 93 feet and 4 inches, to the place of beginning, ai being in Block thirty-six. (30) in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass coun ty, Nebraska, as against you and each of you and for such relief as may be just and equitable. You ar.d each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 12th day of .February, 1923. or the- allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaintiff and against you and each of jrou, accord ing to the prayer of said petition. Dated thi3 30th day of December, A. D. 1922. EMMONS J. RICHEY, Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON. jl-? Atty. for Plaintiff. His Attorney. Chicago papers insist that the di- orced wife of Harold McCormick has a real romance with the Swiss landscape architect who is now a part of her staff. They are expecting a marriage every day, now that the time limit fixed by the McCormick divorce has expired. The husband could not wait so wedded his prima donna in Europe but the ex-wife ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of William M. Curyea, deceased: On reading the petition of G. W. Curyea praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 21st day SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued out of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and in pur suance of a decree of said court, in an action therein, indexed at Ap pearance Docket , Number , Ex ecution Docket , Number nf Nnvpmher. 1922 and niirnort.iner docs nothing indiscreet or question- to be the last will and testament of able. If her second marriage now oc-the said deceased, may be proved and curs there will ha nroof that th allowed, and recorded as the last which, in this case, are past trou- cwJaa ara ,i ,n it ,,, will and testament of William M. blin much about s nee it i rilr,, S Curyea, deceased; that said instru- f f . .J . 1 3 CU Rockefeller's favorite child and an- ment be admitted to probate, and the lated that the birth of the star may othPr mrriM hi .t naii.rii. administration nf said estate be ter, Swiss francs ought to go to a granted to Benjamin Landis as exe- cuiur , It is hereby ordered that you, and :o: ' all Dersons interested in said matter nave occurred many centuries ago and only Just become discernible by us. The last such discovery was that of the Nova in Aquila of 1918, and premium. Attempting to get an impartial ma v. and do. annear at the County mat nappened 900 years before this I history of the World war. the Car- Court to be held in and for said world learned of it. Previous to that, ne in 1901, the Nova in Perseus was discovered by scientists, some 300 years after its birth. nine iifiunus win snow ineiaii important countries. This is comparative safety of our world. The something unique, trying to get con sun, 93,000.000 miles away, sends its quered and conqueror to agree as to light to us in eight minutes. Light what really happened. They will not taking several centuries is an incred- agree, as the news will inform you ible distance away, more miles than later. the human mind can conceive. It is estimated the world we live in has Post card photos, $1.00 per dozen, said court this 23rd day of December existed a couple of thousand million Olson Studio. Oppo. Journal office. A ATTVV T nPF(;nv r iij ni . . , jj-umi,iw (Searf d2F-3v. County Judge. A. . il.. O t 3 .1 O T . . ie Foundation hires experts on , both sides. Six prominent Germans show cause; if anv there be , why"the are named on the writing commit-j prayer of the petitioner should not tee, to co-operate with groups from be granted, and that notice of the pendency ot said petition and mat the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand. and seal of -:o: years without being swept into one of these conflagrations, and millions of planets have similarly escaped. The chief interest of recurring phe nomenon is in the suggestion that f this world of ours ever does come o an end it will be in this manner. o: ASK FOR ROAD CHANGE Olson Electric Studio, open every day. Pictures taken day or night un til nine in the evening. j5-6td,2tw would eliminate one of the crossings on the Rock Island railroad and From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon G. P. Cook. R. M. Coatman, F. Daughty and Charles Ayers, all of the vicinity of Alvo, were in the city to take up with the board of county commis sioners the matter of a change in the highway near that place which f REX YOUNG - NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. S3. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John F. Clugey, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Ofou are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on !the 26th. day of January, A. D. 1923, and on the 27th day of April, A. D. wherein Merchants National Bank of Omaha, ebraska, isplaintiff and Pollock Parmele, Louise Parmele, his wife, Charles C. Parmele, a -widower, Will Jean. Marie Jean, his wife, Bank of Nehawka, a corporation, Gustave Thilip Raschke, a single man, are defendants, I will at ten o'clock a. m. on the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1923, at the south front door of the Court House of Cass county, Nebraska, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: The west half of the south east quarter (W SEi4),of Section thirty-four (34) in Township thirteen, (13) North Range twelve, (12) east of the Gth P. M.; the east half of the southwest quarter. SW ) of Section thirty-four, (34) in Township thirteen, (13) North ltange twelve, (12) east of the tith P. M.; a strip of ground eight (S) rods wide off the east side of the northwest quarter (NWU) of the southwest quar ter" (SWU) of Section thirty four, (34) in Township thir teen, (13) North Range twelve, (12) east of the Gth P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska to satisfy the costs of the said ac tion and increased and accruing costs; to satisfy the plaintiff's first lien upon the said real estate in the sun a la pe da lien upon the sa"d real estate in the sum of Eleven Thousand, Seven Hun dred Nineteen and Ninety-nine One Hundredths Dollars, ($11,719.99) with interest at ten per cent (10) per annum from date, bringing ihe surplus, if any, into court to abide further order of the court in the premises; all as provided bv said order and decree; the said real es- was devised to Emma J. Scott; and the following is a copy of the prayer of the said petition: Wherefore. said petitioner prays that the said will be ad mitted to probate in Cass coun ty. Nebraska, and that the court shall fix a time for hearing up on this petition according to law; that notice of the time and nlace of said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate, botli creditors and heirs, for three weeks successively, ac cording to law, to show cause, if any there be, why said instru ment should not be proved, al lowed and probated as the last will and testament of said de ceased; and that said will may . be allowed and probated as the last will and testament of said Marquis LaFayette Scott, de ceased, and that such other and further orders and proceedings may be had in the premises as may be required by the statutes in such cases made and pro It is hereby ordered that you, and all. persons interested in the estate of Marquis LaFayette Scott, deceas ed, both creditors and heirs, may, and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 5th day of February, 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said Court, this 11th day of January, A. D. 1923. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) jll-3w. . County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To the heirs and to all persons in terested in the estate of Lee C. Sham. deceased: On reading the petition of Hulda Sharp praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 6th dav of January, 1923, and purporting to be me last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and al lowed and recorded as the last will and testament of Lee C. Sharp, de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the adminis tration of said, estate be granted to Peters Trust Company, as executor; it is nerehy ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 29th day of January, a. u. iv z 3, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if anv the ho -ah the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said Detition nH that the hearing thereof be given to i of Six Thousand Eighty-nine . i:.,!, C"--Blt"u m sain matter nd Eighteen One-Hundredths Dol- 1 " 15 P7 or l.nU rder (56.0S9.1S) with interest at ten I " ' V" r' senV7 r cent (10) per annum from L,n;: 7,. 7 , IU sa,a te; to satisfy the plaintiff's second &"' f! three successive weeks f General Auctioneer Live Stock Real Estate Personal Property PHONE 314 Plattsmouth, Nebraska Call at my Expense --f I nil If tht mu il si Irtnp-ufrlo tho r i trh t n f S-J"i T . . . " ..? :i122 nt tpn nVlnrk in thp fnrpnnnn . 7 . way 01 me railroad and wnne not!" , , . . , . -.iHie oemy ieneu upon ana taicen as I . nf cqIi H -j tr ror-oira anil ovq m i n a . . . . . .... in any way causing annoyance to :. . . " . : r . ... prupeny m me sam uerenaams. a, ug V JL. 4 in any way causing annoyance to i, ea,cU. day' to. receive and examine the pr0perty of the said defendants the residents of the vicinity would a11 .clailns fP"lst ,?ai? estfte- wjt,h Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebrask c ut out one railroad crossing that ? view to Jelr dJu,s.tnni and al. this 8th day of January, 1923. 'H-I-! now exists. The matter-will be taken -"- nr. i,t- v,, th .w,r -ho presentation of claims against said up later by the county board. ute ,g tlire months frQm tfce 2(Jth , , . day of January, A. D. 1923. and the iarm loans now made at 5. time limited for payment of debts is Searl S. Davis, 201 Plattsmouth one year from said 26th day of Jan-! uary. A. D. 1923. Witness my hand and the seal of said December ALLEN J. BEESON, C. D. QUINTON, Sheriff. Cass County, , Nebraska. To feel strong, have good appe- prior to said day of hearinir Witness toy hand and seal of said Court, this 6th' day of January, A. XX 1923. ,o ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) jll-3w. County Judge. BIG COMMUNITY SALE State Bank Eldg. Stair p photos, 10 cts. per dozen. Olson Studio. Oppo. Journal ofSoe. j5-6td,2tw (Seal) d25-4w. jtite and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bit- County Court, this 16th day of'rs,-the system tonic. Price, mber. A. D. 1922. 'Sl.-o. County Judge, j - Journal want ads pay. Try them. The Bryan & Hall Community sale. Saturday, January 13. 1923, at Nebraska City. Fifty head of horses and mules, including well matched and well broke teams, also saddle horses. Seventy-five head of ttiQ fn.i,.,i 1 - " - " - 1U,AUU ng twenty head of chnina. oi-- heifers, good stork rattia tt- - -" win kii. uuu-uer cows. Household goods, farm implements and harness. Sale starts at 10:00 a. m. Every thing except livestock sold before noon. , BRYAN & HALL.