The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1923, Image 1

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    1 -' .'
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JETebratkA &tte Et'rr.
ca! Society
NO. 53
From Monday's all. j
This morning Sheriff C. D. Quin- i
ton motored down into Otoe county!
and brought back with him a young'
man named V. C. Shriner. who was I
charged with having taken a pair of
side curtains from an automobile in
he village of Avoca on December
23, and which despite warning the
WELL KNOWN LADY ANSWERS young man had failed to return to
fritn Monday's Dally
the lawful owner. The young man
had a complaint filed against him
by County Attorney Cole on the
charge of pilfering the curtains and
which drew him the fine of 25 and
V crt i rr,ATin'rt(r (it C f Ir"lr
" ' Lj f V costs amounting to $59.30 and prov-
U deatSirVlril 1 KneT S th le CO"nt oun .
yt : rs a resident of this city and well
kr..)wn and highly esteemed in this
cm-munity, where she has so long
i:,:-iie her home.
The deceased lady was in her
ei-hty-first year and a greater part
of her long life was spent here in
I'inttsmouth, where she came in the
pioneer days before the state of Ne
braska was in being and was one of
t!.e fast passing territorial pioneers
fi the community.
In her life Mrs. Knee was quiet
and unassuming, her daily tasks be
;ng to serve as she could best do, the
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Buell Ob
serve Passing of Ealf Century
of Wedded Bliss Friday.
i From Tuesday's Daily.
The session of the city council last
evening was very snappy and did not
require much time for the dads to
transact their part of the city busi
ness and be on their way homeward,
altho they had several matters of im
portance to take up.
The city clerk read a telegram
from George F. West of the Platts
mouth Water company in which he
for his company accepted the pro
posed ordinance covering rates to be
charged in the city.
The former members of the special
police force presented a communica
tion in which they stated that their
claims had been twice turned down
by the city council altho they had
been hired for police duty and that
From Tuesday' fai;.
Misses Honor Se;:,ert and Martha;
Vallery of this cit are enjoying a
visit of indefinite length in the east
with relatives and rienus and view
ing the many poirts of interest in
that portion of the ..-ountry. Tue la- (
glewood. Illinois, by Miss Nellie May ivuss a.nenne woney, M.nMKr oi
j From Tuesday's Dairy.
I The line up of the committees of
, the legislature. Cass county has been j
RPAviMA t recognized and particularly in
TLCLv jr'lc Tr! 5 lhe natt' where Senator William B. !
9 LiiLO ! ml) 1ILa Banning, representing Cass. Otoe j
j and Sarpy counties, and minority,
leader, h;is been given assignments
many oi the leading committees.
State Beard of Control. Ad
dresses Ladies Last Nile
; Mr. r,a:;:iin.i is chairman of the op
i port ionmeut committee and member
jot' finance, ways and means; high
! ways, bridges and ferries: insurance
Cowles ard they sli pped for a short i
visit at Chicago v- h Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Richardson ,nd family, rela- J
tives of Miss Valler; . and from there ; FrrTa Tuesday s unv
Miss Seybert and ;s Vallery go to The members of the Plattsmouth ' and rules c ommittees
Dayton. Ohio, to vi-:, at tbe home of Woman's club were given a pleasant In the house of representatives,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Jr., the treat last evening at their meeting Troy L. Davis has been named as
latter being a sistf.of Miss Seybert. at the public library in having with chairman of the committee on banks
: ; them Miss Katherine Worley, mem- and lnnkii g and medical societies
' ber of the state board of control, and as well as a member of the eduea-
Gives Ole Anderson. Swede Heavy
weight, K. 0. in the Opening
Round of the Battle.
teachings of the Christian faith and Elmwood. Xeb., Jan. R. Mr. and
in her contact with those whom she Mrs. George E. Buell celebrated their! they would take legal steps to take
met she observed the kindliest feeling golden wedding today by entertain-j care of the payment of the claims if
and action and her good works were ing sixty of their oldest friends in j necessary. This matter was placed on
many to her friends and associates, the parlors of the Methodist church. ne bv the mayor for future refer
who in passing will recall her real Mr. and Mrs. Euell are pioneers ence "
noDiuty oi character ana ner unsei- or this section, both having come to
fish labors for her family and friends Nebraska in 18G9 Mr. Buell from
in the home community. i Fulton county. Xew York, and Mrs.
The husband preceded her In Buell from Tipton. Iowa, where she
death many years ago and her task had moved with her parents, Mr.
of rearing her family was carried out and Mrs. S. A. Woodward from Mid
as only a Christian mother could do, dletown. Conn. They were married
and her thoughts were-always for the in Ashland by the late Rev. Mr. Lake,
benefit and care of her loved ones, who was then serving his first charge
To mourn her death there are four and Mr. Buell took his bride to their cll or,jere(i paid'
t-ons and one daughter. Floyd, of new home, a homestead four miles j plattsmouth Watt
ir:iwju, .urs. cuanes iumuu oi norm or Limwooa, with a team ct
Omaha; Ora. of Lincoln; Allen of oxen.
Detroit, and Sherman of Idaho. j Mr. and Mrs. Buell made the
Of late years Mrs. Knee has made homestead their heme until a year
her home with her children, but ago. when they moved to town. Their
some three years ago entered the son, Charles, occupies the home place
Crowell home at Blair, where she now and the other two sons. Frank
has since resided. land Fred, and their families live on
During her lifetime, Mrs. Knee adjoining farms and the daughter.
Ou motion of Councilman Bestor
the matter of the claims of the po
lice was referred to the judiciary
committee for action and to report
at the meeting of the council at a
future date.
The finance committee of the coun
cil reported the following claims
, which were by the vote of the coun-
III I 5 MCFTi'f6 ! and followed
iUlU FfltUhTj sram which was in ch
who has the distinction of being the tion committee,
only lady occupying a position ofi
this kind in the United States.
The fore part of the evening was
giver, over to the routine business of
by the pro
s' rere of Mrs.
J. K. Joiios. The high school orches-
" " . tra under the direction of Miss Quinn
Farmers Mutual Eire and Livestock crave two verv nleasins: numbers, and
er Co.. hy
drant rental $1,583.22
B. 11. Dunham, referee Wa
ter Co. case
Lincoln Tel. Co., rents and
Neb. Ops & Elec. Co., meter
readings city hall
A. H. Duxbur'. stamps and
expense ,
was a devout member .ct the Metho- Mrs. Minnie Rosenkoetter, lives inl A ,7" ' . fZZ7i7J7C,7.
d! Cr:-clj -? in hr death caaie'firm Cfeewund.. . . j, , "art ford, coal tft city ?
and strong In the lelief of the Chris-1 Mr. and Mrs. Buell were remarried ?J'?' n '
tian teaching and the life that is today by Rev. F. E. Sala. They were
promised to the believer in the word presented with a gold headed cane
of the Mastrr.
and parasol, as well as other appro
priate gifts.
The following guests from out of
town were present: James Woodward
of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Insurance Company Hold Meet
ing at Taylor i'choolhouse.
The Farmers' X'utual Fire and
Livestock Insurance company of Cass
county held their j nnual meeting
list Saturday aftertoon and elected
tii ofaeers for the ensuing year as
President J. W . Tritsch.
Vice president i-'enry Horn.
Secretary J. P. ' Falter.
Treasurer Louis Frederich.
The directors for the year named
were: A. A. WeUnicran. Philip Hild.
J. W. Tritsch. Henry Horn, Andrew
Stohlmaii. Will Rum mo 11
Miss Mablr Lee Copenhaver also fa
vored the ladies with a most delight
ful vocal selection.
Miss Worl?y in li or remarks took
up a discussion of the seventeen
rtate institutions that are under the
supervision of the board of control
and her remarks should have been
heard by every taxpayer and citizen
i.-s she gave a thorough and complete
discussion of the state institutions.
Annual Meeting of St. Luke's Parish
SLows Church in Flourishing
Condition in All Ways.
from Tuesday's Daily.
The annual meeting of St. Luke's
parish of the Episcopal church was
held last evening at the church and
In the seventeen institutions there . . . ,
- i' ft n a ; t n n i c I a . ..,i
u.vv .x.t Uu h d , recent years and every orga-
" CS a"J THaSe thrnization of the church was represent
lUMne.s ana rs of each of them and , ed at the Ratherin.
to maintain them in the state makes j rp. ; . , .
r" .V,,. ,.v l-i.,. r i i. I r.uuif, iajn uy
August ! : li , " " , ' Father Leete opened the meeting and
Eiigelkemeier. J. P. Falter, H. A. ' . "V " V . , : Z .7 T
was followed by the election of the
t.uthman. Frank J. Spangler, John j ' of,0 tn " Q :J : " church oracers and the reports of the
Albert. Jr., and LoUs Frederich. LHv U , the aair.s tare various-church organizat ons.
The company haj passed through r. adtminisU'rc'1 andH the7in- For the vestry II. W. Clement was
a very successful year, having ;of the taxpayers guarded In this nam4d as senioJr war(Jen and Dr three losses amounting to U,- !'ss orley has been of a great s Lfvin,ston as junior warden.
3S0. The balance in the treasury of ,s1lafc!; aml as her, rem indi-! juf, Jp T Beglev, Henrv Iler-
t' i . r o j'atcd had made a close study and .u t,-... ,
he work of each of the in- j s vestrvmen. 1 dlien Were namPa
Ji i-rck of t
This company h?.'? been iu exist- ; " 11, j , A ...
r V The address occupied two
vfr ..lw.f! o h ;..,o ,,..v,i.t '1 wrs on of the most
th. rzi-r- nf t I lhat llie ladies have enjoy
j- wnicn a g-tar ite
From Tuesday' DalH-
Andy Sihmader. Cas county light-hc-ayweight.
lat nitiht at Oklahoma
City stopped Ole Anderson, one of
tlie leading boxers of the southwest,
in the opener of a ten round f.emi
uindup. Jack Lewis, manager of
Ar.dy. and wlio has been u strong
booster for the clean cut young
lighter, sent the message to the Jour
nal with the good news of the result.
Tlie friends here of Andy will be
delighted to hear of the result of th
bout as it verifies their boasts that
he has the goods and carries a knock
out wallop in his mits that any fight
er has good cause to fear.
With the showing made against
the clever Oklahoma scrapper tlie
fight fans in this locality are hope
ful of Manager Lewis securing a card
in Omaha in which the navy boxer
will be one of the main participants
and with Andy Schmader on the bill
the fans can depend on having a real
scrap all the way through and no
The friends here of the Cass coun
ty boxer are legion and they are more
than pleased that he has made the
showing he has in the fight with the
IfflTII rifclP (nillll Towie, Mrs. Jessie Woodward. Mrs. jv-. u , Jr'
WITH a FINF RUN Vearl Shreeve. Lincoln; Mr. and l(irfie do.- "
Villi! M I HtL. UU.S j Mrs. Georire Mills. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. U 7TS&' 1,"nt
Gustin. Mr. and Mrs. Rickman, Mr.
i. xrii, ,-. ' an(i Mrs. John Gustin. Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Kolbe Arrives on Burlington R Goethv Mrs G E Vanderburg-
iram no. xft ana nwaKens m Murdock
"rifcya-. v.--:r aT.j.n
mer.t of its affairs.
t uivf.ano i inc. annual tuuu-
interesting I1'51 of the dio of Nebraska at Om-
eTthU cVT aha next w?ek were named, being:
eu inissea-j, H. r, u r, Tt
son ana whirl! they felt was well i ' V.r V - .,:ry
mm m m m u mmm Mb
City Bastile This A. M.
From Monday's Daily.
Last evening while Chief cf Police
Alvin Jones was at the Burlington
station when No. 14. the night pas
senger from Omaha arrived, he no- to Elkhart,
neers water case
Commonwealth Ins. Co..
ins. for lir truck
Weyrich & Hadraba, sup
plies 3.9 5
Platts. Water Co., watr
for sfwer building 5 0.93
C. F.oetel. Jr.. burying
s tor elec
troliers 60
Xeb. Gas & El"c. Co., street
lights 251. SI
F. ;. Fricke Co.. supplies 1.15
City Clerk Duxbury reported that I
in the month of December he had '
ft f.n turned nvpr t t h. ne oi tne prooaDie iiaai in-i
j thing of how th
a the state are conducted
. ponelan.
I Pioneer of Cass County and Sister cl
S5i TS-Af? PatTcr.Ti stt-:oVaTi vrrViJia7
Visiting- In Oklahoma.
From Monday e L-aliy.
VestercJay afternoon Fred Patter-
Judge Weber Finds Evidence Insuf
ficient to Hold Eichard Wells
On Charge cf Burglary.
Each of the church organizations
showed a very pleasing result of the
work and both in the financial and
spiritual growth the condition of the
church was found to have made
great progress in the year just
. I which had
..irs. Aiwiicta ii. i.nee was uorn at ' .itl. ,otlTi ness of his sister. Mrs. Lucv Pocock
Akron. Ohio. January 24. 1S42. j city Treasurer Hartford reported ' at the home of her daughter in Okla
W hen a child her parents removed i.i,, . ,i, F T , i., i 7 .;.-..
. - YT , iiiai ai i .j (laic i'l wuuuai x nit Aiir.iia. a.ict ii a urtu siciu.iiw
ticed a stranger alight from the train rnarriedat the early age of 10 to Mr. treasury and regiSte'red warrants , u n Nebraska, r a grat
.for $125, OuO. nianv vears h:it since thp d-.-ith of her
Indiana. Here she
e early age of 19 tc
who seemed to be carrying a large John and four boys, Peter, Al
sir rsp s mi n 1.111 liii c niri. ..ri I'M ;fnu if h. r iirirui w . - .
supplv cf intoxicants inside of his at Elkhart. In the year 1SG9 the fam-' h
person and the chief approached the ily removed to this city where she ; for the month ; made her home a part-ot the time
stranger and requested him to come became actively identified with the i -, v,,v, ' with her children and was spending
with the officer to the cozy domicile early lif of this community. Here
of the city bastile.
Chairman Howe reported the claim
the winter in the south when taken
, ULlMlIf:e Ith of the Keystone Pipe Co. for the " sick.
Chief Jones and Constable Detlef Harriett, Rebecca and Floyd. The
the juil and he was soon wrapped of 24 and the daughter Elizabeth '
jii iiit' ii i ins in niuiuuei. iu i ancu wi,en a cniin. iieoecra, ine youngest
sum of $1,180 as correct and recom- ! The patient is suffering from a
it be allowed which very severe case of pneumonia and at
i her advanced age of more than
this morning sadder and very much daughter, died in 1905. In the year.
j Councilman Ptacek of the streets, ! eighty years her case is quite seri-
To Judge Weber this morning Mr.
Kolbe acknowledged bis shortcoming
and received the fine of $10 and
costs which amounted to $13.50 and
IS lift Mrs. Knee was bereft of her
husband and she became both father
and mother to the family left in her
Mrs. Knee resided in this city un-
alleys and bridges committee report- 'ous and death seems near at hnr.d.
on payment of this the gentleman til 1917 when she went to Omaha to
was released and sent on his way re- De with her son, Floyd. For the past
joicing. ', two years she has been a resident at
i Crowell Memorial home, Rlair, Ne
braska. As the Sabbath began to
dawn January 7 the spirit of this
good woman took its flight to the
eternal home toward which she had
been looking with glad and expect
ant face.
Mrs. Knee would have been 81
From Monday's Dallv
Mr. and Mrs. Car! Ohlschlager who
have been making their home at
Aberdeen, South Dakota, since their
marriage two years ago. are expect
ing to return in the next few days to
make their home here and have al-
ed that the committee had inspected
the Main street paving and found it
up to specifications and recommend
ed the payment of the balance to the
contractor which was so ordered.
Councilman Schulhof of the light
ing committee reported that a globe
on one of the electroliers on Third
street had been broken and the base
of the post cracked by a collision by
a runaway team and recommended
that this be repaired and six addi
tional globes be ordered for use.
A refund of $7.36 to Charles K.
Restor for sewer tax paid twice was
according to the message received
by Mr. Patterson.
Mrs. Pocock is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Patterson, one of
the earliest family of settlers in Cass
county and spent her girlhood in and
nfir the old town of Rock Bluffs and
will be wf-il remembered by the older
residents of this county.
From Monday's rai;v.
J. E. Kraeger of La port e. Colo
rado, who has been visiting here in
Cass county since the first of Jan
uary, departed yesterdav afternoon
'for his home in the west after a mot
delightful time spent here with the
members of his family and old
ciis;harged from custody Richard ; friends. Mr. Kraeger states that the
Wtlls in the preliminary hearing j general conditions of th- farmer ro
beid in his court, in which the de
iendant had been charged with burg
lary. The case followed the attempted
burglarizing of the Chilton store at
Murray Friday night and the defend
ant was charged with having com
mitted the crime but in the prelim
inary hearing was given his
better in the west than
through this locality.
New York, Jan. S. German
marks wer quoted in the local mar
ket today at a cent a hundred, the
free lowest price ever recorded. The dos
ing price :ast week was 1.19 cents a
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the hospitable
home of Mr3. George A. Dodge was
the sene of a very pleasant gather
ing ot the members of Fontcmlle
chapter of the Daughters of tin
American Revolution and which wan
well attended and very enjoyable
throughout for the members of this
patriotic order.
Mrs. William Baird led the lesson
of the afternoon and very interest
ing discussion was had of the various
historical Incidents that the Indie?
are following as a part of the winter
program of American history study.
This and the review of the D. A. R.
magazine served to take up the busi
ness of tlie society for the afternoon.
One of the most elaborate and en
joyable suppers that the chapter has
enjoyed was served at the close of
the afternoon and which was served
amid the most attractive of sur
roundings. The table Mas very hand
somely arranged with decorations of
cut flowers and the stately white
candles which added a pleasing touch
to the scene.
Mrs. Dodge was assisted In enter
taining by her daughter. Miss Violet
Dodge of Omaha, and the ladies
proved themselves royal entertainers
in every way.
Trio ctnio h, a A rlnnc t li n t prtnctctorl
hundred. Early last September thev
hnttnt, f.,nr.H jr. ti-.o -irwu- as high as 8 cents a hundred.
the store whi h was alleged was sim- The norrual- r P re-war price oT the . will take with him the bet wishen of . cio .o.o iruia tra cu
rem Tuesday's Daliv
This afternoon Raymond Larson
departed for Omaha where he will
spend a few days there at the Metho
dist hospital where he is to undergo
a slight operation and it is expected
that within the week he will be able
to return home and resume his du
ties at the postoffice. The 3'oung man
- J-vu-- "uuiu imic iie-eii o ' j ,j i . v, ; i
age the 24th of this Pres- An nriUn9nf.0 fiTi.
wuuaiv V 1 1 1( II I lilt,
contract with the Nebraska Gas &
ent month. She was a most devout I
and faithful Christian
F-otii Monday's Oallv
J. C. Sherrill. who states that he
has had an experience of twenty-five
years as cook in the largest hotels of
the state, having been for a great
a i ii
HirOUmi tt!! Tri,.tr,V. or,,r,o ... r ir. ml r.f iho
tne years oi ner long lire, Having new eiectroliers was read for the 1 braska and Lincoln hotel companies,
united with the Baptist denomina- .hir!, tjnia 9mi r,oi -.ft. et,n,. : n-m a rCc,nrt tn thi ritv
w u u g j .Jk.'V. llll.l Oil tlVlU v - ' . A m ill ttv vabw
out one section providing for the the coming week. The new restau-
iscontinuance of service if bills rant will be located in the Dovey
u.-n At y ( Y tt t Via 1 r Vi f hnilHir r rt r tt- n art Ttit Pro Tt lr T
Mrs. Ohls:chIaeer in the conduct of membership in the Methodist church month xhis ordinance rrovides for a Fanger&and for the purpose of the
the Hotel Perkins in this city and to nerf " remainen until tne nour iC.apacjty charge of 30c per month ' new restaurant is now being thor-
. . . . rl iV Ion i M ' ... .
make ttiis city tneir permanent 'per 100 kilowatt lamp or equivalent ouhgly overhauled and fitted up in
I. nm a i o v ciu c - i - auu iu ii i
The many friends will be pleased
ready shipped their household goods tion in her early teens She was a L
to this point. They expect to assist member of the Baptist church until d
Mr .i T. Tnhn forv nnrPTits of uisoanumeni wnen sue put ner -
to hear that this estimable family is
to return here to become a part of
the community life again.
,n rLniw !mniiftC!.Vhe Ei1 lus an energy charge of 5c per kilo- the best of shape. Mr. Sherrill has in
ta,n .!mlJfT "iI Vit!?Ae-T,l5 ?35d : watt hour as determined by meter on addition to his work serv ed at in-
of White Ribboners in its early days
' all night schedule.
From Monday's Dally.
Little Ida Allen, the infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Woodburn.
residing on Cut-off street in the Fifth
ward, tarried in our midst but three
days, when she went out to be with
the great Father of light and love,
p i -Mayor Johnson then presented the
liV.! of a number of officials for
e.uuuii diiu nit; luuuuK u iiaiiuuoi ;
prohibition. She exhibited continu
ally the traits of fortitude, courage
and faith that characterized the
early followers of Francis Willard in
the great temperance crusade.
Mrs. Knee was a woman of unusu
al keenness of Intellect; she was en
dowed with a remarkable memory
and despite her age and physical dis
abilities she retained a lively interest
The family laid her tenderly away ln all the affairs of the present day.
Saturday afternon after a very brief
rarewell service at the home with
Rev. F. E. Pfoutz. Our deep sympa
thy is extended to the loved ones in
the loss of their litle daughter.
Your ad will cany punch.' if yoa
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerationi.
; confirmation which were acted upon
Dr. O. Sandin was named as chief
of the fire department.
Alvin Jones, chief 'of police.
William Heinrichsen, assistant
J. N. Elliott, night man and mer
chants' police.
Nothing further appearing the
council made a hurried adjournment.
structor in cooking schools and feels
that he is competent to give the peo
ple of Plattsmouth a real restaurant.
She was- loving and sympathetic in
her nature endearing herself to all
who kne her. She is survived by five
oi her children, three of whom are
present today with their families; J We desire to thank th kind
the other two being prevented from friends and neighbors who were so
rnm ir tr Tiifiif nf TMt r!t i renerous In their nvrnnsthir nt tYim
One sister, Mrs. Orizaba Loxon, Tt. time of our bereavement and we also bee tbe bcst" n cculd do in recent
peka. Kansas, and one brother, BV wish to thank thos who presented wclts-
ram Osboro cf Elkhart. Indiana, a.1-1 tij butiiLJ3owrB. Mrs". Winianrj -
so survive the death of Mrs. Knee. iKuhn and Daughter. 'Blank Books at tie Journal UHica.
The state railway commission re
ceived a telegram Friday from Presi
dent Bush of the Missouri Pacificnn
response to its peremptory insistence
that more cars be furnished for the
grain shippers in that road's terri
tory. Mr. Bush wires that he has order
ed a heavy movement of grain cars
from the eastern to the western dis
trict and that a large number of cars
will be soon available.
The situation in Missouri Pacific
territory has been bad. An average
of one car a station per week has
ilar to those on the coat of the de
fendant and one of which was- miss
ing and alo a screwdriver that was
claimed to be the property of the de
fendant. Witnesses, however, at the
preliminary hearing failed to offer
sufficient evidence to warrant the
charges and the testimony of the de
fendant in regard to his actions on
the night of the alleged burglary led
to his acquittal.
Mr. Wells resides in the vicinity
of Murray where the store is located.
Lincoln, Jan. S. Gov. C. W. Bry
an believes that his plan for an ex
ecutive council of constitutional of
ficers, replacing the code, has been
misunderstood with respect to the
matter of appointive powers.
For this reason Mr. Bryan called
newspaper men into conference today
and went more fully into details of
his program. Mr. Bryan said that he
did not intend it to be understood
that the governor contemplates ap
pointments in those departments of
the code assigned to various state of
ficers for administration.
The only appointments coming
within the powers of the governor
are those chiefs and head of bureaus
and agencies remaining under the
general direction of the executive
council. Mr. Bryan said that staffs
in the various agencies under the di
rection of constitutional officers
would be appointed by the official
under whose supervision they fell.
Mr. Bryan also indicated for the
first time that part of the inspec
tional activities conducted by the de
partment of agriculture might be as
signed to the College of Agriculture
for administration.
his friends for a speedy return.
R. C. Rhode Island Red and White
Wyandotte ooclcrels, ?1.50 esx
Mrs. Reinke, South Bend. dfl-8w
Your Plans for 1923
Believing that 1923 will see a con
tinued improvement in the business sit
uation, business men of Plattsmouth and
vicinity are laying plans to go after more
How about your plans? If the of
ficers of this bank can be of any assist
ance to you in advising with you or help
ing to carry out your ideas, remember
that we're here for just that purpose.
Come in and talk it over!
Member Federal Reserve